2 minute read
Fr Francis Jordan, Founder of the Salvatorians beatified
By Melissa Loughlin
On 15 May, Fr Francis Jordan, Founder of the Salvatorians was beatified in Rome by the Cardinal Vicar of Rome Angelo De Donatis.
“The charismatic intuition of Blessed Francis has guided many women and men of different nations and languages to following the Gospel and thanks to the work of the Salvatorian family, has contributed to the spread of the message of salvation in more than 50 countries,” Cardinal Angelo said during the Mass.
With overseas travel restrictions in place, Salvatorians across Australia were not able to travel to Rome for the event, but our Salvatorian parishes in Broken Bay (Gosford, Pymble and Pittwater) held special celebrations to honour this important event, including celebrating Mass and watching the live stream from Rome.
loved by all people, everywhere, he founded the Society of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorians) in 1881 and the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorian Sisters) in 1888. He also organised groups of lay people to take part in the Church’s mission of evangelisation using all ways and means. He died on 8 September 1918 in Tafers, Switzerland.
To achieve the title of Blessed, a miracle must be proven. A young couple expecting a baby in 2014 in Jundiai Brazil, was informed by several medical doctors and specialists that their unborn child was suffering an incurable bone disease (skeletal dysplasia). Being members of a group of Lay Salvatorians, the parents began to pray through the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr Francis Jordan, inviting other members of the Salvatorian Family to join them. The child was born in a complete healthy condition on 8 September 2014, the anniversary of Fr Francis Jordan’s death. After the required canonical procedures had been successfully completed, the Holy Father, Pope Francis declared that this miraculous healing was worked by God through the intercession of Fr Francis Jordan.
The Salvatorians’ history in Australia began with an invitation from the Archbishop of Perth, Redmond Prendiville to the head of the Society in Rome, Fr Bonaventura Schweizer. In response to this invitation, Fr Schweizer sent the first Salvatorian Father, Fr Paul Keyte to Australia in 1961. Fr Paul was appointed to take pastoral care of the newly established parish of Bellevue and then, Greenmount, in the Archdiocese of Perth.
Since then, thanks to the growth and wonderful personal support of the Polish Province of the Salvatorians, the Society has been able to extend, undertaking pastoral care in several parishes in the Perth region, as well as some regional areas of Western Australia. After the turn of the century, the Salvatorian Fathers have also been involved in the ministry of three parishes in Broken Bay and in some Sydney and Melbourne parishes.

Fr Greg Skulski SDS prays in front of the image of Blessed Francis
A NSW celebration of the Thanksgiving Mass for the Beautification, 60th anniversary of the Salvatorians in Australia and 140th anniversary of the order, will take place at 6.00pm Friday 18 June, at Sacred Heart, Mona Vale in the Pittwater Parish, with Bishop Anthony Randazzo as the main celebrant.