1 minute read
What about the disciples who had remained in Jerusalem (Luke 24: 36 – 49) They had locked themselves in the upper room, fearing for their lives The city was still crowded with pilgrims who had travelled for the Passover Festival and the Roman soldiers were still on the lookout for anyone who was out to disturb the peace It was a dangerous place for those who were known associates of Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus suddenly appeared in the room with them. They thought they were seeing a ghost but Jesus wished them peace and asked them for something to eat, as ghosts do not eat He showed them the wounds in his hands and feet
He reassured them that He was real He calmed them by wishing them peace All this time, the forty days after the resurrection, Jesus was preparing the disciples for His departure Jesus’ return to the Father was the next step of the salvation process
The disciples were now convinced that Jesus was alive, and that He had risen from the dead But before Jesus ascended into heaven, He told His friends to return to Jerusalem and wait To wait for the Holy Spirit
Pentecost is the completion of the Easter event

The promise of the Holy Spirit is fulfilled and the disciples, now known as apostles, are sent out on mission to continue the work of Jesus in bringing about the Kingdom of God
So where are we on this journey from Easter to Pentecost?
Are we sitting in the upper room during these fifty days, fearing for our lives and waiting for the Holy Spirit so we will be brave enough to go out face the world?
Or like the disciples, are we going about our lives, praying and meditating on the events of Easter and the significance of these events for our lives?
Are we eagerly awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit who will enable us to continue the work that Jesus has given us as we continue to teach the children in our SRE classes?
Michael Tebbutt