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Our Parish Priest Fr. Bogdan has been visiting the classes in our 5 state schools in term 2. Fr. Bogdan made a great impression on the children by bringing his vestments and putting them on and explaining about the vestments to the children. Fr. also spoke about himself, where he came from (Poland) and how he grew up and what his life is like being a priest. The children all listened to him with much interest and had an opportunity to ask questions. Some questions were: “ Do you live in the church? What is your favourite food? Favourite colour? How old are you? What is it like to be a priest? Are you married or have a girlfriend and why not?’ Fr. answered all the questions to the satisfaction of the children, and sometimes the answer drew further questions from them. The following week at scripture the teachers asked what the children had thought of Fr. Bogdan’s visit and were told he was ‘a superstar, knowledgeable, looked like Jesus’ and also asked when he could come back to visit.’ All including the young ones remembered that he had come from Poland and the older ones remembered the answer he gave to why he wasn’t married’ One class wanted him to come back every week. Fr. Bogdan intends to visit the classes again in Term 3 to the delight of the children.
Parish Catechist Co-ordinator
Holy Spirit Church Kincumber