Betty Bye Butterfly

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(playf ul chimin


(soft music) ♪ High above

the forest ♪

♪ In the night sky ♪

♪ The stars are shinin

g bright ly ♪

♪ Time for beddybye ♪

♪ Star flew down

to Owl ♪ ♪ Who hooted

and said ♪ ♪ Let's say

goodni ght to all our

friend s ♪ ♪ And put

them all to bed ♪

♪ Beddybye,

butter fly ♪ ♪ Tuck into

your flower ♪

♪ Dream butter fly dreams

til the mornin

g hour ♪ ♪


bye, baby bear ♪

♪ Lay down in

your den ♪ ♪ Until the

sun rises and it's

mornin g again ♪

Beddybye, bunny

rabbit ♪ ♪ Close your

eyes and dream ♪

♪ Of all the games

tomorr ow we will play

by the stream

Beddybye, little

squirr el ♪ ♪ Curl up in

your nest ♪ ♪ You gather

ed acorns all day

long and now it's

time to rest ♪

Beddybye, slithe

ry snake ♪ ♪ Curl up

nice and tight ♪

♪ We'll meet again tomorr

ow in the early mornin

g light ♪ ♪


bye, tiny turtle ♪

♪ Rest inside your shell ♪

♪ Slowly you will

fall asleep ♪

♪ We hope that you

sleep well ♪ ♪


bye, friend ly frog ♪

♪ Let's not make a sound ♪

♪ In the mornin g you

will ribbit

♪ And hop all

around ♪ ♪


bye, little bird ♪

♪ Though the night

seems long ♪ ♪ Soon it

will be mornin g and

we'll wake to

your song ♪ ♪ Now we've

said goodni ght ♪

♪ To our friend s near

and far ♪ ♪


bye to you, Owl ♪

♪ Beddybye to

you, Star ♪ (soft music

contin ues)

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