Surviving Nuge So this guy from MTV calls and asks if I’d be interested in doing a “Survival” type TV show, and I say’s, “Sure, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my hunting time.” I was aware of the genre and its TV saturating successes, however, I had not, and cannot bring myself to sit in front of the TV set to watch anybody do much of anything, much less grovel for simple survival. I am also acutely aware as to why this type of program would be so highly rated. You see, in the modern world of America’s lifestyle (death-style) of ever increasing dependency, gluttony and apathy, tossing average folk into inhospitable environments and situations would be very interesting if not downright entertaining. To find joy and pleasure in watching people scramble and stumble to fend for themselves, even endure pain and embarrassment, is symptomatic to the dumbing down of America. Boredom comes easy to lazy, fat, apathetic people of limited creativity, I believe. Witnessing others forced into compromised drama allows the more soulless amongst us to rationalize their own undisciplined and often wasted lives. (Don’t get your blubber in a twizzle, as only the guilty need feel guilty.) How could we, afterall, possibly get by, much less survive, without all those taken-forgranted conveniences in our daily lives? No more light-switches, thermostats, faucets, toilets, showers, shelter, towels, refrigerators, roomservice, washers, dryers, home pizza delivery or any of the gimme cush so many have come to completely rely upon for daily existence. Way too many Americans are so spoiled and take everything in our daily lives for granted, it is a wonder anyone survives power outages at all. If I hear another plucked, painted, coiffed, dyed, stinky wench squawk over a broken fingernail I think I’m gonna puke.
May 2004
As the last real man in the world of Rock-N-Roll, I see it on a constant basis where the minutest little inconvenience brings about cries of terror and whining. Only a spineless asshole would trash a dressing room. That being said, I also know how the primal scream of rugged individualism and courageous independence runs wild in the heart and soul of mankind in general. Like the ultimate City Kids in New York City on that traumatic 11th day of September, 2001, average citizens instinctively manned-up to the life and death cries of need by their fellow Americans and accomplished miraculous life saving feats when the chips were down. So goes the human spirit. So goes my SURVIVING NUGENT TV Show. We are in a cultural war for sure. There is an evil wave of liberalism that would gut our US Constitution, eliminate God and those pesky Ten Commandments from our society and from our societal pillars of literature and historical documents that clearly identify this glorious experiment in self-government as the moral and ethical imperative it is. I have been fighting for the right to keep and bear arms, to carry said arms on our persons, and the obvious God given right to hunt, fish, trap, and pragmatically utilize our gifts of life giving renewable resources in a responsible and intelligent manner. It’s not just creation, it’s science. I know that like those warriors in Manhattan on 9-11, most of us will do the right thing given the opportunity and provided honest information for such a decision. I have seen hardcore antigunners and antihunters come full circle in support of these truisms during many a radio talkshow dialog of truth and reason. It is this same force of public relations that will ultimately create a driving voting force for our 2nd Amendment rights and honorable hunting heritage rights that will turn the tide of politically correct tomfoolery around. PR is our ultimate weapon in this cultural war, and intelligent, heart and soul relations with the public, means simply maximizing visibility for the truth. Not my truth or your truth, simply truth. So immediately upon the MTV dude inquiring whether I’d be interested in such a TV show or not, I began to rant and rave about funny, outrageous, hysterical ideas and scenarios how a gaggle of citykids would grovel in the natural Nugent Ranch American Dream swamp, and entertain the masses by trying to do routine Nuge stuff. Shoveling kennels and horsebarns, fetching decoys from black muck, hauling grain and feed bags into the wilderness, saving wild geese from our swimming pool, slopping hogs, shooting guns and bows, building and using an outhouse, killing, gutting, skinning, butchering, BBQing and eating a wild boar, identifying animal spoor and feces, cutting, splitting and stacking wood, sleeping in the barn, baling hay, you know, everyday fun with Tribe Nuge. The guy went nuts. I was already there. I knew instinctively that the Nugent Tribe’s warm hospitality and goodwill would cut through the tension and drama of such an escapade, but most importantly, how our everyday lifestyle of hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting, conservation, animal husbandry and resource stewardship would shine through to the masses. Huge, positive, far reaching PR, counterpunching the numbnuts who are against such purity and perfection. And in the enemy’s own foxhole! How cool is that? Let’s git it on! I conduct more than 1000 media interviews per year, and have done so for more than 30 years. In the liberal world of entertainment media, I understand their desperate need
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