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Page 18 • Latitude 38 • February, 2006



YRA offers you a choice for racing both on the Bay and local ocean: Entry Form next page!

Handicap Racing: (HDA) Handicap Divisions Association

Bay racing on various courses for boats with PHRF handicap ratings

HDA DIVISIONS are invited to race in the OYRA Crewed Lightship I race on March 25, 2006, for an additional $5.00 per racer. Entrants are required to note on their season application to the YRA offi ce that you are intending to race in this race and must provide the SIGNED MINIMUM OYRA

EQUIPMENT FORM at the time of registration. HDA Fleets registering at least fi ve racers PRIOR TO JANUARY 31, 2006, may request to be scored separately. This is not counted toward your HDA Season scoring and you cannot qualify for the OYRA Season Championship. However, you must register for the Lightship I at the time you register for the season. An entrant registering after the HDA season entry form has been received by the YRA offi ce

will be charged the $50.00/$75.00 individual racing fee.

Divisions are determined by grouping similarly rated boats.

Division assignments are determined from all entries available, approximately two weeks before the Vallejo Race. Early entry is strongly encouraged.

A current NCPHRF certifi cate is required.

One Design Class Racing: (ODCA) One Design Class Association

Bay racing for 11 qualifying one design classes

Class membership is required.

The Vallejo Race and the Second-Half Opener are included in the ODCA Season Racing if the individual class has so specifi ed on their race schedule.

If your class is not racing, individual entrants must register separately and pay the $75.00 individual racing fee.

Occasionally an OYRA or HDA race is included at no additional charge if specifi ed by a class.

Offshore Racing: (OYRA) Offshore Yacht Racing Association

Approx 12 ocean races ranging from 15 to 51 miles in length

PHRO – crewed boats 35 feet and over

MORA – crewed boats under 35 feet

SHS – singlehanded and doublehanded boats

One Design fl eets who include ocean courses

A current NCPHRF certifi cate is required. ALL entries MUST INCLUDE a signed copy of OYRA MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS. (See www.yra.org/OYRA for forms or call YRA offi ce.)

OYRA DIVISIONS are invited to race in the Vallejo Opener for an additional $5.00 per racer. Entrants are required to note on their season application to the YRA offi ce that you are intending to race in this race. This is not counted toward your OYRA Season scoring and you cannot qualify for the HDA Season Championship. However, you must register for the Vallejo Race at the time you register for the season.

An entrant registering after the OYRA season entry form has been received by the YRA offi ce will be charged the $75.00 individual racing fee.

Wooden Boats: (WBRA) Wooden Boat Racing Association

Bay racing for Bird Boats, Folkboats, IODs and Knarrs

Class membership required.

The WBRA is a Golden Anchor member in US Sailing and has included US Sailing membership dues in its entry fee.


THE DEADLINE FOR LIGHTSHIP I RACE ENTRIES WITHOUT LATE FEES is 5:00 PM, Monday, March 13, 2006. Between March 14 and March 20, 2006, a $35 late fee must be included with your entry. From March 21 to March 22, 2006, a $75 late fee is required. After 5:00 PM March 22, 2006, NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.

THE DEADLINE FOR VALLEJO RACE ENTRIES and HDA SEASON RACERS WITHOUT LATE FEES is 5:00 PM, Monday, April 24, 2006. Between April 25 and May 1, 2006, a $35.00 late fee must be included with your entry. From May 2 to May 3, 2006, a $75 late fee is required. After 5:00 PM May 3, 2006, NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Note: The deadline for all other race registrations is 5:00 PM, the Monday prior to the race. This means that all entries, fees, and appropriate rating certifi cates must be at the YRA offi ce, not in the mail. No entries will be accepted after 5:00 PM on Wednesday. A $35.00 late fee must accompany any application received between 5:00 PM on Monday and 5:00 PM on Wednesday. A valid NCPHRF (Northern California Performance Handicap Racing Fleet) certifi cate is required for HDA and OYRA entries. NCPHRF certifi cates must be on fi le at the YRA offi ce by 5 PM the Monday prior to the race. The rating fee is $40 for a new certifi cate (any certifi cate not having a previous rating or a certifi cate that has not been renewed within the last year) and $30 for a renewal (boats renewing year 2005 certifi cates).

YRA SSIs, Entry Forms, and NCPHRF Certifi cate rating applications are available from the YRA offi ce and on the YRA Web site at www.yra.org. Race Instructions for the 2006 racing season will be posted on the YRA Web site approximately two weeks before the fi rst race for each Charter Association. Those individuals needing MAILED copies of the Race Instructions must so indicate by fi lling out the appropriate forms included in the entry package during registration. If all or parts of the SSIs and Race Instruction packet are lost, duplicates are available from the YRA offi ce for $5.00. There are no refunds.

YRA sailing membership and membership in a YRA member yacht club are required to register a boat for any YRA qualifying race. There is a two-month grace period for yacht club membership.

Please fi ll out your entry form completely. Sign, date and return it to the YRA offi ce along with your check payable to the YRA. A single check is acceptable for both your PHRF FORM and your ENTRY FORM.

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