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Conclusion & Celebration
To wrap up the AIM Buddy Project, schedule one or two final buddy sessions. Each session can range from 30–45 minutes in length. You may choose to do a whole-group culminating activity in two sessions or a culminating activity and a celebration. Talk with your teacher partner to decide whether one of you will lead or you will co-lead the session.
The culminating session allows the buddies to come together to do hands-on activities that reinforce and build on what they have learned during the AIM Buddy Project. You can choose one of the ideas below or use an idea of your own.
Option 1: Create a “Good Buddy” Poster
Materials: Chart or poster paper; Writing and drawing supplies Have buddy pairs discuss with each other what they have learned about being empathetic, honest, forgiving, generous, and open-minded. Ask them to summarize their ideas as guidelines. You might say: You have all done a lot of talking and thinking about how to treat other people, how to apologize and forgive, how teasing can hurt someone’s feelings, how to be generous, how to be open-minded, and how to show respect for people. How can we remember some rules or guidelines about using what we have learned in order to be good buddies, to each other and respectful, caring members of our school community?
Have each buddy pair share one or more rules or guidelines that they discussed. Encourage the Little Buddy to be the “reporter” for the pair so that they have a chance to speak up. Help students express their thoughts as statements, such as: • Think about how your actions might affect others.
• Don’t tease people (about what they wear, how they look, and so on).
• When someone asks you to stop teasing, just STOP!
• Be generous and share with your friends.
• If someone hurts your friend’s feelings, stand up for him or her.
• Be honest, even when it’s hard to tell the truth.
• If you apologize to someone, mean it.
• You can forgive someone whether or not that person apologizes.