he ingenious mind of modern man has created many wondrous things. Among them, towering glass-walled skyscrapers, rocket ships that carry men to the moon and artfully designed bridges that cross mile-wide seaways with a single span. To our way of thinking, though, no man-made creation is more majestic and awe-inspiring than a square-rigged sailing ship bounding along with great clouds of billowing sails straining against a fresh breeze. If you were cut from the same cloth as
The mere sight of a 'tall ship' will make your heart beat a little faster. . .
rganizing such events has always been a monumental challenge Page 126 •
Latitude 38
• July, 2008
we were, the mere sight of a 'tall ship' will make your heart beat a little faster and your face form into a broad smile, while your imagination is transported back to a bygone era when sailing ships ruled the seas as the unchallenged masters of international commerce, exploration and human migration. This month, you'll have a rare opportunity to get your fill of square-riggers, schooners and a variety of other traditionally rigged sailing vessels as San Francisco hosts the Festival of Sail, July 23-28. The star of this year's fleet will be the U.S. Coast Guard's flagship, Eagle, a 295-ft barque that carries more than 21,000 square feet of sail. We plan to be out on the Bay cheering her on, Wednesday, July 23, as she leads an eye-popping procession of sailing craft along the Cityfront during the Parade of Sail, the inaugural activity of this five-day celebration. We suggest you mark your calendar and join the welcoming party. The Eagle and the rest of the fleet will be available for public tours at dockside Thursday through Sunday, in addition to public sails, mock sea battles and a wide variety of maritime exhibitions. Many participating vessels are actively involved in sail training for youth and/or adults.
which requires untold hours of preparation and planning, plus a small army of volunteers. The good news this year is that the nonprofit San Francisco Maritime National Park Association has taken the reins of leadership, and has enlisted substantial support from a broad coalition of corporate sponsors, establishing a foundation that will hopefully be built upon for future events. With the help of ASTA (the American Sail Training Association), tall ship fests are staged along the Left Coast every three years. This year's ship tours and other festivities will be staged at three waterside 'vil-
America's tall ship, 'Eagle'.
lages', each with a specific theme. The Marine Educational Village at Aquatic Park and the Hyde Street Pier will feature a wide range of hands-on learning activities for the whole family including sailboat rides, boatbuilding competitions and historical exhibits. The International Village will be staged at Justin Herman Plaza and the Ferry Building, showcasing San Francisco's diverse cultural heritage through a variety of international exhibitions. As the name implies, the Green Village will focus on environmental education, through 200 eco-friendly exhibits and demonstrations. Adding to the festive mood, each venue will also have live music and other entertainment, plus food and drink concessions. And yes, there will be plenty of onsite restroom facilities. With that brief introduction, let's have a look at this year's fleet.