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Latitude 38 September 2010
…and the jacuzzi, the 80-ft long pool, the surf, the Punta Mita anchorage, and the 4-mile distant Tres Marietas Islands
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Alpenglow Lights, LLC, P. O. Box 415, Eureka, MT 59917 alpenglowlights@gmail.com · www.alpenglowlights.com
Page 180 • Latitude 38 • September, 2010
Latitude 38’s Mexico-Only Crew List & Baja Ha-Ha Party

6:00 to 9:00 pm
(Please, no early birds!)
ENCINAL YACHT CLUB Pacific Marina, Alameda
FREE for 2010 Baja Ha-Ha Skippers and First Mates only
$7 at the door for everyone else (Exact change very helpful.)
Munchies • No-Host Bar • Door Prizes Demonstrations • Guest Experts
For directions and more info, see our Web page at www.latitude38.com/crewlist/Crew.html or call us at (415) 383-8200
AB Marine .......................... 62
Adventure Cat Charters ..... 149Almar Marinas ................... 57Alpenglow Marine Lights ... 180Alpha Marine Systems ....... 119Aqua Marine .................... 149Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies ........................... 75
Baja Ha-Ha Beach Party .... 121
Baja Ha-Ha Sponsors .............................. 123-125
Bay Area Boat Works ........ 141
Bay Island Yachts .................. 8Bay Marine Boatworks ......... 35Bay Marine Diesel ............. 176Bayside Canvas ................ 129Bellhaven Yacht Sales & Charters ......................... 148
Berkeley Marina .................. 65
Berkeley Marine Center ....... 27Beta Marine Engines .......... 144Blue Pelican ..................... 178Blue Water Yacht Insurance .. 40Bluerush Boardsports ........... 73
Bluewater Network ............ 178Boat US Insurance ............. 128Boat Yard at Grand Marina, The ........... 19
Boatswain's Locker .............. 29
Boomkicker ....................... 176Bottom Siders .................... 174Brion Toss Yacht Riggers ....... 67Brisbane Marina ............... 102BVI Yacht Charters ............. 145Call of the Sea .................. 147City Yachts .......................... 11Clipper Yacht Harbor ......... 179Coast Marine .................... 146Corinthian Yacht Club .......... 68Costa Baja Resort & Marina ....................................... 63
Cover Craft ....................... 162
Coyote Point Marina............ 37Cruising Yachts ..................... 9CYOA Yacht Charters ........ 144Defender Industries .............. 68Del Rey Yacht Club/ Puerto Vallarta Race ........ 140
Department of Boating & Waterways ....................... 45
DeWitt Studio ................... 167
Diesel Fuel Filtering ........... 174Dinghy Doctor, The ............ 103Downwind Marine............... 64Doyle Sails ......................... 21eMarine Systems ............... 182Easom Rigging .................. 115Emery Cove Yacht Harbor .... 71Emeryville Marina ............. 129Equipment Parts Sales ........ 170
Essex Credit Corp. ............... 36Euro Marine Trading ........... 22Farallone Yacht Sales ......... 6, 7Flying Cloud Yachts ........... 184Forespar ............................. 69Fortman Marina .................. 32Frank Howard Allen Realtors/ Golda Boeck................... 179
Garhauer Marine ................ 49
Gentry’s Kona Marina ....... 180
Gianola Canvas Products ... 166Golden State Diesel Marine ........................... 178
Grand Marina ...................... 2
Hansen Rigging .................. 69Harbor Island West Marina ..................................... 111
Harken ............................... 50
Helms Yacht & Ship Brokers ..................................... 183
Helmut’s Marine Service ..... 180
Heritage Marine Insurance ..................................... 164
Hogin Sails ......................... 38
Hood Sails .......................... 41Hotel Coral & Marina ........ 163Hotwire Enterprises............ 172Hydrovane ........................ 110Interlux Yacht Finishes .......... 31Island Yacht Club................. 54Katadyn ........................... 109Kissinger Canvas ................. 71KKMI - Brokerage.............. 185
KKMI - Engine ..................... 42KKMI - Full Service Boatyard ..................................... 188
KKMI - Rigging ................... 30
KKMI - Systems/Electronics .. 66Landing School, The ......... 164Lee Sails ........................... 176Leukemia Cup ................... 139List Marine Enterprises ....... 148Loch Lomond Marina ......... 103Lowrie Yacht Harbor .......... 149Makela Boatworks ............. 172Marina Bay Yacht Harbor .... 59Marina de La Paz .............. 120Marina El Cid ................... 167Marina Puesta del Sol ........ 165Marina Riviera Nayarit ........ 56Marina Village .................... 47Marine Engine Co. ............ 174Marine Lube ..................... 180Marine Outboard Co. .......... 34continued on next page
September, 2010 • Latitude 38 • Page 181