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Sail · BROKERS · Power
6400 E. Marina Drive Long Beach, CA 90803 www.fl yingcloudyachts.net info@fl yingcloudyachts.net Phone (562) 594-9716 Fax (562) 594-0710
50' VALIANT CUTTER, ’02 $419,000 49’ JEANNEAU, ’04 $210,000 46' CAL-36, ’77 $85,000
45' COLUMBIA, ’72 $45,000
43' NAUTOR SWAN, ’77 $119,000 42' HYLAS SLOOP, ’86 $75,000 42' PEARSON, ’82 $69,000

40' CALIBER LRC, ’05 $269,000
40' ISLANDER PETERSON ’83 $42,000 40’ PEARSON P-41, ’81 $69,000 38’ CATALINA, ’82 $35,000
37' TAYANA, ’77 $48,900 APPROX. 100 LISTINGS ON OUR WEB SITE: www.flyingcloudyachts.net
Marina de La Paz ....122 Marina El Cid ..........122 Marina Village ............6 Mariners General Insurance ..................77 Maritime Institute ........39 Marotta Yachts .........138 Master Mariners Benevolent Assn. ........97 McDermott Costa Insurance ................125 Modern Sailing School & Club School & Club ...........46 Monterey City Marina ...............53 Napa Valley Marina ....28 New Era Yachts .......137 Newport Beach Marina Park Marina Park ..............43 Norpac Yachts .........139 North Beach Marine Canvas ........134 North Sails ................29 Northrop and Johnson and Johnson ............137 Outboard Motor Shop ........................51 Owl Harbor Marina ...83 Oyster Cove Marina ...49 Pantaenius America, Inc. .............43 Passage Nautical .........5 Pineapple Sails ............3 Puerto Lucia .............123 Quantum Pacifi c ........78 Raiatea Carenage Services ..................120 Richardson Bay Marina .....................57 Ronstan Marine, Inc. ..24 Rubicon Yachts ......7,8,9 Sail California ...........13 Sail Warehouse, The....41 Sal’s Infl atable Services ....................40 San Francisco Boat Works ...............49 San Juan Sailing ......113 Satellite Phone Store ....27 Schaefer Marine ........83 Schoonmaker Point Marina .............42 Sea Raven ...............113 Sean Alexander Marine .....................51 Seashine .................122 Seatech ....................52 Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors/ Marine Surveyors/ SAMS .......................97 South Beach Harbor ...38 South Beach Riggers ...56 Spaulding Marine Center ..............96, 101 Spectra Watermakers ...........124 Spinnaker Sailing of R.C. ......................55 Starbuck Canvas ........50 Sterling Associates ...101 Stockton Sailing Club ............109 Summer Sailstice ......134
Sure Marine ..............58 Svendsen’s Marine .....22 TMM Yacht Charters ..................112 Tohatsu Outboard ......31 Treasure Island Sailing Center............54 Trident Funding ............4 Twin Rivers Marine Insurance ..................44 Vallejo Marina ...........90 Ventura Harbor Boatyard ...................97 West Coast Multihulls ................112 West Marine .............79 Westwind Precision Details .........58 Whale Point Marine Supply ........... ...........36 Whiting & Wedlock Marine Surveyors .....134 Wichard Sparcraft, Inc. ............30 Yachtfi nders/ Windseakers .............39

1150 Brickyard Cove Rd., B9, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 (510) 232-7200 • FAX (510) 232-7202 email: info@norpacyachts.com
46' CAL 2-46 Ketch Great Bill Lapworth center cockpit design. Comfortable/roomy blue water cruiser/liveaboard, 80hp dsl, full galley, aft stateroom, shower, 6'5" headroom, watermaker, wheel, dodger, davits, cutaway full-keel, AP, radar, roller furling, self-tailing winches and MORE! Asking $39,950
50' FORCE 50 P/H Ketch 80hp dsl, robust fi berglass const, Alum Spars, wheel on pedestal, VHF, A/P, depth, 2 heads, shower, huge salon, full galley, good sails, nav station & MORE! She's operational & shows great potential as an affordable blue-water cruiser. Asking $39,950
120' ADVENTURE YACHT/ RESEARCH VESSEL w/ 12-Passenger Charter Authorization. Classic STEEL Beauty equipped for pleasure cruising or research vessel charter service. Authorized for 12 paying passengers + crew. Low-hours V-12 CAT Diesel. Diesel aux Generators, H2O-Maker, seaworthiness, comfort, crane, helipad & MORE! Well-found. $299,950 Ask

52' DYNA YACHT CPMY High-quality Coastal Cruiser,two double staterooms with full heads, elegant andcomfortable open layout Enclosed Flybridge with lots ofseating, A/C and heat, genset, twin very low hours dsls, new upholstery, paint, radar, full galley, much more. Asking $79,950 28.5' HUNTER Sloop, "JUBILEE" offers a lot of sailing & general boating pleasure at a very affordable price. Easy-handling Roller furling, YANMAR diesel, galley, enclosed head, two staterooms,wheel steering, transom ladder, full linelines & pulpits & MORE! ... Asking $12,950
24' DANA BY PACIFIC SEACRAFT Classic Bill Crealock design. Well-balanced, high quality, go anywhere gem. Widely respected as the ultimate pocket cruiser. DSL, beautiful tropical hardwood interior, seakindly & exquisitely crafted; this is a wonderful vessel & she is in excellent condition. Asking $49,950
36' ISLANDER Sloop. Great Alan Gurney design, seaworthiness, speed & comfort in a very popular blue-water cruiser. Sleeps 6, galley, enclosed head & shower, wheel steering, diesel, roller furling, lines led aft for short-handed sailing & MORE! ... Asking $24,950 40' LOA/30' LOD TAHITI KETCH, by John Hanna, "BRIAR ROSE" is a Master Mariner's Regatta Champion & an absolutely classic, classy, salty beauty. Major improvements & refi t just completed & ready for cruising & fun. as nice as they come, traditional, gps/plot, vhf, depth, stereo, great sail inventory & MORE! Asking $23,950
33' C&C Sloop Famous for performance & quality, C&C built great yachts. Plotter, GPS, AP, SSB, VHF, inboard gas, good rigging & sails, Ballenger mast, chainplates, mast partners, rod rigging by Easom, all windows replaced, MORE! Really nice boat. Asking Only $12,950 43' GULFSTAR TRAWLER, Flybridge & Pilothouse Helms. Twin 135 hp Diesels, 7.5 KW Diesel ONAN. Refi t well-started; but, needs to be fi nished, fully operational & could be lived aboard as is. Much highquality work already done. This is a great opportunity to own a big trawler at a bargain price ... Asking $28,950
piece by Olin Stephens, NA. A magnificent sloop in beautiful condition. New Yanmar diesel, full galley, full boat cover, copper fastened. Impeccable provenance. Valiant is a rare treasure and MUST BE SEEN! Asking $89,500
40' C&C SLOOP, new integrated full RADAR & electronics, roller furling, wheel on pedestal, Dbl lifelines w/ bow & stern pulpits, Dsl, Self-Tailing winches, vang, lines led aft, full galley, high-performance blue water cruiser & MUCH MORE! Asking $44,950
30' RAWSON Ctr. Vastly upgraded & cruise ready. Low hrs dsl, hard dodger, jib & Stays'l furling, 2 mains, wind-solar-alt charging, SSB, radar, plotter, AP & vane steering, lines led aft & MORE! A great Garden design & well set up for serious cruising. Asking $27,500
46' PEARSON-ETCHELLS Performance Cruising Sloop 55 hp YANMAR Dsl, Roller Furling, Self-Tailing Winches, big fin w/skegprotected rudder, full galley w/refrig, enclosed head/ shower, Dedicated Nav. Station, VHF, depth, Autopilot, great sail inventory & MORE! $27,900 Ask
30' ISLANDER BAHAMA Sloop, exceptionally nice & wellequipped to cruise, Roller furl, StackPack/lazy jacks, dsl, wheel, solar, Galley w/ refrig & range, head & shower, VHF, depth, AIS, Autopilot, RADAR, Chartplotter, new batteries, infl atable, fl at TV & MORE! Very shipshape, lots new. Asking $17,950
35' CHEOY LEE Robb design. Under 300 hrs on Diesel, Glass hull, beautiful teak appointments, dodger, good sail inv. incl spinn, monitor steering vane, galley, sleeps 5, auto pilot, self-tailing winches, partially restored, fully operational & ready to sail. Great boat with great potential & MORE! Asking $15,950 30' NEWPORT MKIII sloop in outstanding condition. Diesel, Dodger & awning, roller furl, Lrg Sail Inv, lazy jacks, self-tailing winches, dbl-spreader rig, Cruise-equipped, H&C h2o, enclosed head, galley, RADAR/Plotter, A/P, speed/depth/wind, 2x lifelines w/bow/stern pulpits & More! Asking $23,500
34' CHB Aft Cabin Trawler Diesel, Flybridge & Pilothouse Helms, Heads & Showers in Fwd & Aft Staterooms, dingy on swim platform, kayak, full galley w/4-burner range, microwave, refrig/freezer, bimini, salon, convertible ship's table/settee & MORE! ... $34,950 Ask
43' TRAWLER by Kha Shing
Flybridge, aft double stateroom, dual helms. Beautiful cruiser/ liveaboard. A fisherman's dream! Twin Lehman diesels, 20KW genset, autopilot, GPS/chart, teak appointments, full galley, 2 heads with showers, hot/cold pressure water, swimstep and MORE! Asking $62,950
28' BAYLINER CIERA 2855 Express Cruiser. Flybridge, very clean, full enclosure/canvas, full galley w/refrigeration & range, enclosed head/shower, 310 hp Mercruiser 7.4 L V-8 I/O, settee/ship's table, sleep 6 in 3 areas, GPS w/ depth, comfortable & fast. Loads of fun in the Bay and Delta & MORE! ... $25,000 Ask 30' PEARSON 303 Dsl, Roller Furl, Wheel Steering, BBQ, VHF & Autopilot, galley w/press water, enclosed head, dble lifelines, bow & stern pulpits, convert settee/ship's table, vee-berth fwd, 1/4 berth, dripless stuffing box & MORE! Asking $17,950
32' UNIFLITE SPORTSMAN Ex-Harvey's Casino custombuilt Tahoe boat. Many upgrades & in great condition. Twin V-8's, Fresh Water boat. Flybridge & pilot house helms, New full Delta canvas, swim platform, aft canopy, galley, head, 2 dbl berths, bimini, & MORE! VERY NICE! ... $17,995 Ask
and/or www.yachtworld.com/norpacyachts
CALL (510) 232-7200 OR TOLL FREE (877) 444-5087