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Latitude 38 - October 2018-2019
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ish, all in all, the entire marina (and the new Andy's Market) is an incredibly pleasant and well-used facility, both on land and in the water. But a recent conversation with some San Rafael locals revealed that there was once a low-key, do-it-yourself kind of boatyard at Loch Lomond where there are now condos. Even though we didn't directly witness the change, that is a shame indeed.
Second thing: No, no one else has given us a hard time about reversing photos, which is something we do from time to time for layout purposes; we do occasionally wonder who might notice the subtleties. You may, reader, have noticed something in the wrong place, like the ramp for Hwy. 101 along Crissy Field and leading up to the Golden Gate going the wrong way.
Well spotted, Hobart. Thanks for being such a dedicated reader.
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I'm reading today's [August 7] San Francisco Chronicle, which quotes Jonathan Cox, battalion chief for Cal Fire. He says, "Over half of the most deadly and destructive and large fires in California have occurred over the past 10 years. We're looking at long-term trends . . ." The same issue reports that there are unprecedented wildfires in Sweden. This is happening all around the world, and it's due to long-term drought, as well as warmer weather.
That's why it is so shocking to me that people can still deny that there is a serious problem with climate disruption/global warming. No, there is no scientific controversy. I once researched the background of the "scientists" who were denying human-caused global warming. Every single one of them was either paid by the oil industry or was tied to a political ideology that demands that the government not regulate anything. The followers of these scientists have a political position and then they fit the "facts" to their ideology. Instead, what we should be doing is looking at the facts and then figuring out our ideas based on those facts.
Among real scientists, there is as much controversy over human-caused global warming as there is controversy among real historians over the Holocaust. My father was German and had to flee that country when Hitler rose to power. In the 1960s, many young people rose up and turned on their parents to ask them, "What were you doing at that time? What did you do to stop it?" The coming younger generation will be entitled to ask the same question of their parents. How will the denialists be able to look this younger generation in the face?
John Reimann Y-Knot?, Catalina 36

Page 42 • Latitude 38 • October, 2018

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