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How often do we see a sailboat on the back of a truck? A large-looking catamaran at that. Imagine being in the small white car beneath the port-side hull — though fortunately it looks unoccupied. We can only guess at the skill, patience and forethought that would have gone into maneuvering and securing ‘M’ AlyséOci onto her trailer. And let’s not forget the skill of the truck driver. Several readers were wondering if he had taken a wrong turn. "Why did I take this short cut?" — William Parsons. "I don’t think we are in Venice!" — Thomas Burke. Of course some readers took a laid-back approach. "Relax, I got this." — Phil Kinnison. However, as usual, there can be only one overall winner, which you will find immediately below the photo, followed by our next favorite top 10.
The next top ten: "But, darling, you said catamarans don’t lean!" — Rich Brazil "We’re gonna need a bigger street." — Sean Casey "Oy! I said rent a CARAVAN for the trip to Brighton Beach!" — Ron Harben "Ah, what’s up, Dock? I knew I should have taken a left turn at Albuquerque!" — Ericandkerry Meiier "The ad said ‘easily trailerable.’" — Greg Torok "In 2021, Vinny creates an entirely new trend in real estate for penthouse apartments." — Kelvin D. Meeks "Before deciding to build a boat in your backyard be sure to check development plans in your neighborhood!" — Brad Kerstetter "Measured twice. Don’t worry, it’ll fit!" — Peter Schoen "Ernesto was having trouble finding moorage for his new catamaran." — Don Cavers "Says here we have to tack at the next light … George!" — Jeff Collier
And judging by the angle of the catamaran in the photo above, our quote this month might be quite appropriate ...
"Any damn fool can navigate the world sober. It takes a really good sailor to do it drunk." — Sir Francis Chichester