Norrisen County 2011-12

Page 88



Good Neighbours Fencing SALES AND INSTALLATIONS • Custom Wood Fencing and Decks • Industrial, Residential, and Commercial Chainlink • Cedar Split Rails • Dog Runs and Kennels • Custom Welded Gates • Arbours and Railings • Farm Fence

Cell 250-589-2613 Free Estimates


* Locally Owned & Operated *

Double D Fencing Ltd. FREE ESTIMATES



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Got a change? Cha ta


new phone number? moved? NEW to Sooke? we'd like to know!

Look for the change cards inserted (by the map) in your phone book

C EW ber _ ease my N num ____ this ADD ____ LIST ____ ouse ease ____ Sp NOT ____ DO _ ____ ease ng ____ ____ ■ Pl Listi ____ ____ t __ __ n __ t e ____ Firs ____ Curr ____ ____

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■ Pl

Dallas / Jim Email:

Phone: 250-883-6391

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Changes for directory will be accepted until September 30. Cards received after that point may not be made until following year. ■

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