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BBH Mag Sport
News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: bbh.mag@gmail.com

CRICKET: Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club
As the sun shines brightly upon the village of Broadbridge Heath, the cricket season is in full swing, accompanied by scorching temperatures exceeding 20 degrees. The Cricket Club, with its first and second XI teams, has had some recent victories, filling the air with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the rest of the summer.
The weather has been a delightful companion to the cricket, with radiant sunshine and blue skies gracing the grounds. The first XI team has experienced a bumpy start, sitting at two wins and two losses. Their most recent game ended in a victory against Ram CC where they displayed skill, determination, and camaraderie on the field. The twos saw their first win against Hindu University CC, and are looking to take that momentum forwards.
As the summer progresses, both the first and second XI teams eagerly await the forthcoming matches. Come along to nets on Tuesday nights or search for Broadbridge Heath on playcricket.com for more information.

Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events

Vicar: Mark Lavender
You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk.org.uk www.stjohnsbbh.org.uk
St John’s Events – July and August 2023
Every Wednesday (except on 26 July) - Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for FairTrade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179
Wednesday 5 July & 2 August – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments.
Wednesday 19 July (No lunch in August) - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Savoury Tart followed by Ice Cream Wednesday. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday.
Monday 24 July & 21 August - Age UK Tea & Friendship Group 2 pm - Tea & Cake £1
Praying for our local streets
At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk
In July we are praying for everyone in: Sargeant Way, Kilhams Close, Nye Close, Thompson Road, Worsfield Road, Chantler Lane
In August: Wells Croft, Otterley Way, Harding Lane, Pelling Way, Harris Way, Buck Way, Lane Close
08.30 am Communion Service 10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups)
10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age 10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday)
Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender, Vicar, St John’s church, Broadbridge Heath

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature. So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female.
God blessed them:
“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”
(The Message version of the bible: Genesis 1:26-28)
As a response to this passage from the first book of the bible, St John’s church has decided to begin the journey towards becoming an Eco-church which will become the framework to our activities and attempts to improve our sustainability both in church and in the community. The Eco-church commitment is to five themes: Worship & Teaching; Buildings; Land; Community & Global; Lifestyle. Our first task is to complete an audit of these 5 areas and to then look for opportunities short and long-term to change the way we do things and to seek to make a difference.
You may have noticed that we took part in ‘No Mow May’, a national campaign to allow spring plants a chance to set seed before the first cutting of the year, making for healthier, more diverse lawns and to give wild plants a chance to get a foothold in May, and to bring a boost of nectar to feed bees, butterflies and other pollinators through summer.
We have also begun restoration of the church Memorial Garden (near the front door of the church) and re-planting of the planters around the church which will continue over the summer. In the near future we are hoping to introduce clearer and expanded recycling facilities at the church, to encourage hall users to recycle more and to offer a broader range of items to recycle including postage stamps and jewelry. Our Church Renewal project, which will include replacement of the church windows, a new entrance to the church and underfloor heating, will also provide a good opportunity to enhance the sustainability and future-proofing of our building.
We plan to have a stall at the village fete on 1st July, with children’s activities, information, refreshments and a prayer tent, so why not come along and talk to us about ideas that you may have and ways that we can work together as a community. Have a great Summer!