3 minute read
from BBH Mag June 2023
by BBH Mag
Christ’s Hospital School
Performing Arts Events

Wednesday 14 June at 8.00pm
Grecians’ Valedictory Concert
Thursday 22, Friday 23, Saturday 24 June at 7.30pm Summer Production - HONK!
Sunday 25 June at 4.00pm A Concert of Chamber Music
Wednesday 28 June at 7.30pm Big Band Concert
For tickets, pricing, or further information, please visit our website or call the Box Office: Email: boxoffice@christshospital.org.uk
Website: www.christs-hospital.org.uk Tel: 01403 247434

Vicar: Mark Lavender
You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk.org.uk www.stjohnsbbh.org.uk
St John’s Events – June 2023
Every Wednesday - Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179
Wednesday 7 June & 5 July – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments.
Wednesday - 21 June - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Gammon and Parsley Sauce followed by Mini Pavlova. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday.
Monday 26 June - Age UK Tea & Friendship Group 2 pm - Tea & Cake - £1
Praying for our local streets
At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk
In June we are praying for everyone in:
Edwards Close, Heydon Way. Palmer Avenue, Langridge Lane, Farley Close, Ellis Road, Low Weald Lane, Slingsby Close
08.30 am Communion Service 10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups) 10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age 10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday)
Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender, Vicar, St John’s church, Broadbridge Heath

I wonder what you thought of the recent coronation of our new king? For me, the most dramatic and potentially significant part was the moment in the service that we were not allowed to see. It was the moment where King Charles was anointed with oil. And the pouring of oil over a king’s head goes back to the bible where kings were anointed with oil by a priest.
There are 2 types of anointing mentioned in the bible: Material anointing - done by people, usually a priest and it involves pouring oil over someone; and Spiritual anointing - done by God, where God pours his Holy Spirit on people.
The first was done as a ceremony (just like King Charles had) to recognise important people in the Jewish nation (prophets, priests and kings). And they were anointed or declared sacred, set apart for God, because their job was to speak for God (prophet), pray to God for the people (priest) or rule and govern on behalf of God (kings).
This first (material) anointing was seen as an outward symbol or sign of the second type which was what God was doing on the inside of a person – filling them with his Holy Spirit, and the good news is this is not reserved for ‘special people’ anymore. Anyone can be filled or anointed with God’s Spirit and when we are filled with God’s Spirit we receive his presence, protection, promises, healing, joy, salvation, and deliverance. So, the pouring of oil is actually nothing special but what it represents, is. And we have lots of things like this in church which we call sacramental acts.
In Baptism – we pour water over somebody – but we’re not doing it to make them clean on the outside, but it is an outward sign of an inner truth – that God is washing away our sin, making us clean by his holy spirit. In Communion – we eat bread and drink wine which are symbols of Jesus’ body and blood to remember that inside the Holy Spirit has set us free from death and given us eternal life like Jesus. Even in Marriage, we wear rings as a symbol to represent the agreement, the covenant that we make to one another.
But Oil, water, rings, even communion bread and wine – none of them can change us. There is nothing magical/mystical about oil or water – it’s a symbol of what God is doing inside. It’s not the symbol that is important but what God is doing on the inside of us - the anointing by God.
So, anointing by God is when God’s spirit gives you wisdom, insight, ability, stamina, provision, authority or protection that you don’t normally have without God in order to do a job which he has called you to do. I would encourage you to seek God’s anointing on your life today because He will resource you for whatever you are called to do.
Have a great month!