Barbara Bigosińska
diploma work
type design
web design
graphic design
2 Barbara Bigosińska | about
Designer. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice where as well she has been a student-assistant at the lettering and typography workshop during the 2010/2011 academic year.
Experience since June 2008 – freelance work for Sztuka Beskidzka: graphic design, product design. Czechowice-Dziedzice, Poland; March 2009 – freelance work for Vantage Point Studio, visual identities and graphic design, Katowice, Poland; since July 2010 – part-time work for Disenso (official distributor of Playboy products in Poland), junior brand manager, Bytom, Poland; August 2010 – work for Gazeta Wyborcza, typesetting the festival newspaper Na Horyzoncie [On Horizon] during Era New Horizons Festival, Wrocław, Poland; November 2010 – June 2011 – student-assistant at the lettering and typoghaphy workshop, Academy of Fine Arts Katowice, Poland; January 2011 – freelance work for Kologi Logistic Enterprise, graphic design: visual identity, claim, www. Katowice, Poland; August – November 2011 – full-time graphic designer, WASKO IT, Gliwice, Poland; since November 2011 – full-time graphic designer, Artis Media, Katowice, Poland; Achievements and activities 21 – 27. September 2008 – participant in international workshop Design na Kolesach, Stanica Zilina, Slovakia; 07. January – 03. February 2009 – painting exhibition, Uppersilesian Culture Centre, Katowice, Poland; 27. February – 30. April 2009 – painting exhibition, Basement City Museum, Siemianowice Śl., Poland
3 01. April 2009 – GOOD DESIGN competition finalist, by Institute of Industrial Design, Warsaw, Poland; 21– 25. October 2009 – participant in international workshop Rural poster in Bahon, Slovakia, efforts exhibited in Satelit Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia; August 2009 – Barbara carpet featured by the magazine Twój Styl, August 2009, nr 8 (229), p.125; April 2010 – participant in exhibition Book well designed, let’s starrt from chlderen, Roundabout of Art, Katowice, Poland; May 2010 – participant in exhibition EXPO 2010, Polish Pavilon, /Barbara carpet/, Shanghai, China; October 2010 – July 2011 – scholarship-holder from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage; April – December 2011 – participant in workshop Ala ma fonta focused on typedesign [Sambukka Regular is the result]; October 2011 – painting exhibition Zoom, see on the gallery web page, Roundabout of Art, Katowice, Poland; 17. November 2011 – painting exhibition Beremonty, Cooler Club, Katowice, Poland; 12. January 2012 – typeface Sambukka awarded in the x. International Students Graphic Design Biennal Agrafa in the category: typefaces, Katowice, Poland. After hours snowboard, bike, hiking, non-fiction literature.
mobile.: +48 602 864 917 skype: b.bigosinska
Diploma research
6 Diploma research | idea
The main goal of the work was to create a new model of handbook that would enable fast learning and upgraded communication. The prototype was based on the existing handbook: Historia 1, Od dziejów najdawniejszych do schyłku starożytności, zakres rozszerzony, część 1., lo | authors: Bogumiła Burda, Bohdan Halczyk, Roman Maciej Józefiak, Małgorzata Szymczak, Operon Publishing House, Gdynia 2003. To communicate: was the content of the handbook. Receivers: students in the particular class, teachers, some of the parents and students with special interest in the subject. Due to the mentioned facts, proposed model of the handbook was mostly thought to work as a content managing system, which organizes the data in modular way. Main design problem was the choice of proper medium and form that would effectively support the functions of the handbook. Chosen medium for the handbook enabled liberty of action and communication. Proposed prototype of the handbook exists in two versions: electronic [on screen] and prepared for print. Additionaly, settling the handbook in the web enabled: 1. innovative, flexible use of schoolbook, 2. using the handbook in different ways and under various circumstanecs, 3. personalization, grouping and collectiong data in preferable ways, adding external sources to the handbook; 4. redefining the role of the teacher who apparently becomes a moderator of collected by the students data.
doesn’t consider to use the Internet as a source of information. However the pupils use web constantly, the teachers: 1.
mostly don’t intruduce Internet into teaching,
use it just for personal purposes
they don’t teach how to browse the web to select valuable information for particular aims.
proposed model
My goal was to find a user’s friendly platform for both: the pupil and the teacher. Simultaneosely, the teacher becomes the moderator of information found by the pupil. The textbook is still a complete book but due to the use of new medium – Interet, it combines for the pupil three different sources of information: 1.
textbook itself,
the teacher,
Diploma research
current model of handbook
8 Diploma research | architecture
Settling the handbook in the web enabled correlation with blog. Thanks to blog different groups of interest can communicate freely and share the information.
recommendations, handbook
external sources
welcome page, logging in
9 Diploma research
maps illustation pages index of terms index of names index of illustrations
index of lessons prospects
The difference between the handbook for teacher and student is that version for students doesn’t contain lessons prospects.
10 Diploma research | screen vs print
Print version was designed after the screen due to the fact that screen version recquired much more work and cooperation with other people [technical issues]. The main goal was to consequently follow the same design principles in the print as in the screen version. Print version is black ans white so that to encourage students to draw, underline and highlight informationes by themselves. The screen version is only enriched by the blue colour which is responsible for hyperlinks [navigation!], active elements and key elements. The basic navigation in the handbook was based on the structuralisation of the contents and its division into: chapters, subchapters, idicies, maps.
Diploma research
12 Diploma research | maps
There are four different maps designed for particular purposes. Student can find the map view for political info, for geological and physical view, for studying on printed map and for excercising [drawing on empty contour map].
print version
13 screen version
14 Diploma research | maps
After rolling over on the blue text in the legend, the appropriate layer highlights on the map.
Diploma research
* | Born in 12 . 04 . 1987
Sambukka is dancing!* She never hits the floor. She knows how to deal with the gravity. * | term dancing means to move and band the body to the rythm of the music. In some cases the music can be projected in the dancer’s mind.
20 Sambukka | type design
Sambukka is a contemporary serif typeface based on the doublepencil method. Most of all it is dedicated to the artistic books, poetry and short prosaic forms so as to enhance the meaning of each word. The general look of Sambukka was inspired by the Hebrew lettering from ‘20 and ‘30 and it could be used in latinhebrew short stories such as legends, parables and haggadàs. Based on tool lettershapes emphasize the certain roughness and strongness of the typefaces. Massive serifs underlines the x-hight and influence its stability. Due to the richness of treated with a great care details Sambukka perfoms excellent both in small and big sizes. Sambukka was thought to perform in four basic weights: regular, italic, bold and bold italic, featuring also small caps and special characters.. The italic deserves additional attention due to its calligraphic flavours which are highy contrasted with the regular. Sambukka is still under development. I am not eager to release it quickly. I would rather do it well.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ÀÁÂÃÄÅÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝ àáâãäåæèéêìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ ĄąĆćĉČčĎĘęĚěĞĩıijĹ弣łŃńŇňŐőŔŕ ŘřŚśŜŝŠšŤťŨũůŰűŲųŵŷŸźŹŻżŽžžȬ 1234567890;:!?<>«»{|}[\]=&* abc defghijk lmnopq r s t u v w x yz ABCDEFGH IJK LMNOP QR S T U V W X Y Z Á ÉÍ ÓÚá éíó ú Ąą ĆćĘę Ĺ壳ŃńŔ ŕ ŚśŠš źŹŻ ż Ž ž žȬ 1234567890; : !?{|}[ \ ]& *
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ÀÁÂÃÄÅÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝ àáâãäåæèéêìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ ĄąĆćĉČčĎĘęĚěĞĩıijĹ弣łŃńŇňŐőŔŕ ŘřŚśŜŝŠšŤťŨũůŰűŲųŵŷŸźŹŻżŽžžȬ 1234567890;:!?<>«»{|}[\]=&*
typeface | Sambukka
Sambukka Regular
funky details as this ear underline the individuality of the typeface but are not yet shouting
subtly curved lines are the natural consequence of handwritten basis of the typeface
irregular serifs works well with the heavy stroke and narrow proportion of letters
sharp connections and details derived from the tool enhance the character of letterforms and provides their unique personality
a y j,
squerish dot responds to the general look of the letters
sharp terminals and strong curves
different tails are depandant on the dynamic of writing particular letters
strong punctuation performs well in both big and small sizes
most of the details are the result of careful observation of handwritting and its firm interpretation
calligraphic echos
typeface | Sambukka
BMJ QSE optically adjusted thickness
controlled irregularity is yet a principle and it is totally dependant on the way of writting letters
the juxtaposition of softly curved details with sharp endings
Sambukka Regular and Heavy
typeface | Sambukka
Sambukka italic is currently under construction, this is a very sketch version
dynamic curves and fast connections
careful optical balance of the curves thickness
the juxtaposition of roundness and roughness results in unique but natural shape
a y j, optical adjustment of line thickness
unconstrained directions
typeface | Sambukka
Sambukka italic is currently under construction, this is a sketch version
typeface | Sambukka
Prosincový seminář pořádaný Unií grafického designu povede Lumír Kajnar, expert na vizuální branding, vytváření brand identity a veškeré propojení designu a komerční komunikace. Akce se koná v Hubu Praha 15. prosince 2011; po skončení přednášky následuje vánoční večírek ugd otevřený každému. Der bisherige Schatzmeister Patrick D�ring wird neuer Generalsekretär der Liberalen. Parteichef Philipp R�sler stellte den 38-j�hrigen Niedersachsen heute abend auf einer Pressekonferenz der �ffentlichkeit vor. D�ring gilt als enger Vertrauter von R�sler. Człowiekiem Roku 2011 magazynu Time został bezimienny protestujący — ogłosił dziś Rick Stengel, redaktor naczelny tygodnika. Na okładce, na której widnieje obraz protestującego z zamaskowaną twarzą, czytamy: “Od Arabskiej Wiosny, przez Ateny, ruch Okupuj Wall Street, po Moskwę”.
Prosincový seminář pořádaný Unií grafického designu povede Lumír Kajnar, expert na vizuální branding, vytváření brand identity a veškeré propojení designu a komerční komunikace. Akce se koná v Hubu Praha 15. prosince 2011; po skončení přednášky následuje vánoční večírek ugd otevřený každému. Der bisherige Schatzmeister Patrick D�ring wird neuer Generalsekretär der Liberalen. Parteichef Philipp R�sler stellte den 38-j�hrigen Niedersachsen heute abend auf einer Pressekonferenz der �ffentlichkeit vor. D�ring gilt als enger Vertrauter von R�sler. Człowiekiem Roku 2011 magazynu Time został bezimienny protestujący — ogłosił dziś Rick Stengel, redaktor naczelny tygodnika. Na okładce, na której widnieje obraz protestującego z zamaskowaną twarzą, czytamy: “Od Arabskiej Wiosny, przez Ateny, ruch Okupuj Wall Street, po Moskwę”.
Prosincový seminář pořádaný Unií grafického designu povede Lumír Kajnar, expert na vizuální branding, vytváření brand identity a veškeré propojení designu a komerční komunikace. Akce se koná v Hubu Praha 15. prosince 2011; po skončení přednášky následuje vánoční večírek ugd otevřený každému. Der bisherige Schatzmeister Patrick D�ring wird neuer Generalsekretär der Liberalen.
Prosincový seminář pořádaný Unií grafického designu povede Lumír Kajnar, expert na vizuální branding, vytváření brand identity a veškeré propojení designu a komerční komunikace. Akce se koná v Hubu Praha 15. prosince 2011; po skončení přednášky následuje vánoční večírek ugd otevřený každému. Der bisherige Schatzmeister Patrick D�ring wird neuer Generalsekretär der Liberalen. Parteichef Philipp R�sler stellte den 38-j�hrigen Niedersachsen heute abend auf einer Pressekonferenz der �ffentlichkeit vor. D�ring gilt als enger Vertrauter von R�sler. Człowiekiem Roku 2011 magazynu Time został bezimienny protestujący — ogłosił dziś Rick Stengel, redaktor naczelny tygodnika. Na okładce, na której widnieje obraz protestującego z zamaskowaną twarzą, czytamy: “Od Arabskiej Wiosny, przez Ateny, ruch Okupuj Wall Street, po Moskwę”.
typeface | Sambukka
Parteichef Philipp R�sler stellte den 38-j�hrigen Niedersachsen heute abend auf einer Pressekonferenz der �ffentlichkeit vor. D�ring gilt als enger Vertrauter von R�sler. Człowiekiem Roku 2011 magazynu Time został bezimienny protestujący — ogłosił dziś Rick Stengel, redaktor naczelny tygodnika. Na okładce, na której widnieje obraz protestującego z zamaskowaną twarzą, czytamy: “Od Arabskiej Wiosny, przez Ateny, ruch Okupuj Wall Street, po Moskwę”.
sambukka is still under development. it took millions of years INNA METODA TO także nalanie likieru do koniafor vegetation to cover
kówki, wsypanie tam łyżeczki cukru i ziarenka kawy.
the sludge and toxic
Całość podpalamy i chwilę obracamy naczynie aż do
substances with a layer
momentu karmelizacji cukru. Następnie wlewamy
of humus, a layer of veg- trunek do pustej whiskaczówki i przykrywamy koniaetation and a layer of
kówką. Po zgaśnięciu płomienia koniakówkę kła-
oxygen, so that humans
dziemy na serwetkę z rurką. Zawartość whiskaczówki
can live on earth. And
wypijamy na raz następnie wdychamy przez rurkę
now ungrateful humans
opary z koniakówki. Na sam koniec można przelać
are bringing the sludge
to, co zostało na wierzchu koniakówki i mała rurecz-
and toxic substances.
ką wciągnąć do nosa.*
in this way, through the mis-
us – we import food from far
it to complicated and expensive
deeds of the irresponsible human
away, from africa, america,
purification plants, or more
species, the end of the world is
china and new zealand. we don’t
rarely to centralized compost-
becoming the beginning of all
keep our shit. our rubbish, our
ing facilities. in other cases,
time. we are committing suicide.
waste is flushed far away. we
our waste is destroyed. the shit
our cities are carcinomas.
are poisoning rivers, lakes and
never returns to our fields, and
we don’t eat what grows near
oceans with it, or we transport
neither does it return to where
Two ilalics and gi� recognizabl�. karmazynowy dom dobre wyniki, odrobina szczęścia i determinacja warunkiem dostania się na wymarzone studia. niekoniecznie prawda ma znaczenie. Justice system makes somehow good music, however i do prefer ghostpoet electro flow or classical music.
Allright, she was there. Nie powiedział ani słowa. Oszalałam,
just comes naturally. Auswurf war
pomyślała. Czuła, że wiaruje.
einbisschen gelbisch. Higati beaviron
Arbuzy pachną wyjątkowo ładnie,
lelud. Beseder ma slom istexa. Slixa
szczególnie, gdy są różowe. Miała
ani musrax liks. Toda raba somi tov.
ładne duże oczy. Idioto ganzes Nacht,
svi bevakasa. Gvirti, ani roca limsor et
a nie patrz. Madagaskar i wakacje
habgadim lenikuy. Masar beged nika.
brzmialy wyjatkowo atrakcyjnie.
Beseder. xatixot yes nire kama. ze
Irresponsibility is somewhat natural
raayon mecuyan. kar haymonken.
in some cases. It is our baby, love
Ze mar’e nexmad.
Question how much would you risk
Religious coercion | A shy eight-year-old schoolgirl has unwittingly found herself on the front line of Israel’s latest religious war. Naama Margolese is a ponytailed, bespectacled second-grader afraid of walking to her religious Jewish girls’ school for fear of ultra-Orthodox men who have spat on her and called her a whore for dressing immodestly& bitchy.
of luck? After significant media attention to the young girl’s plight, thousands came out to protest on Tuesday evening against gender segregation and violence against women at a rally in Beit Shemesh, 30 km to the west of Jerusalem. Mickey Rosenfeld, a police spokesperson, told Al Jazeera a large number of security forces would be deployed for the march, following attacks on media and police on Sunday and Monday by members of the ultra-Orthodox community. Protesters held signs at Tuesday’s protest saying, Free Israel from religious coercion and Stop Israel from becoming Iran, but members of the ultraOrthodox community& (. . .)
The demonstration today is a test for the people and not just the police Deutsch Zeitungen für Informationen über lokale Fragen, Politik, Veranstaltungen, Feiern, Menschen und Unternehmen. Suchen für Übernachtung, Shopping, Schnäppchen und Wetter, dann ist dies die Ort zu starten. Informationen über Urlaub, Ferien, Resorts, real Grundstücks-und Immobilien zusammen mit Finanzen, Börse und Investitionen Berichte, auch
36 Czech: 24/28 pt
Praha — Na výplatu důchodů na konci listopadu chybělo 39,1 miliardy korun. To je o 4,9 miliardy korun více než předchozí měsíc. Jde o nejvyšší deficit od roku 2009, předtím byl stav důchodového účtu v plusu. Czech: 14/18 pt
Praha — Na výplatu důchodů na konci listopadu chybělo 39,1 miliardy korun. To je o 4,9 miliardy korun více než předchozí měsíc. Jde o nejvyšší deficit od roku 2009, předtím byl stav důchodového účtu v plusu. Vyplývá to z údajů
flis& m Polish: 136/167 pt
37 Polish: 24/28 pt
SUNG RYE HIM była pierwszą z licznej grupy kobiet, które przewinęły się przez 69-letnie życie Kim Dzong Ila. Zmarły 17 grudnia na atak serca dyktator, jak na prawdziwego komunistycznego władcę przystało — miłośnik dobrych cygar i drogich koniaków, był też znanym kobieciarzem. Jego namiętność do młodych kobiet nasiliła się po przejęciu władzy po zmarłym ojcu w 1994 r.
typeface | Sambukka | research and sketches
Web design
42 Artismedia | website design
The website / portfolio of advertising agency Artismedia. Design is strictly based on flexible and super-responsive grid which fits well with various screens. / 2012 /
44 MgO | website design
The website for the comapny selling construction elements of houses. Again the website is based on the flexible grid which allows easily to adjust the site for various displays.
/ 2012 /
Graphic design
48 Visual key and identity for Kologi
The design is focused on logotype and set of the pictograms that can be used both as a element of visual identity and as avatars on the web page. The system of avatars reflects the main claim: each mail is special. / 2010 /
50 Visual identity for Sztuka Beskidzka
Design reflects the idea of Sztuka Beskidzka as a company with deep roots in tradition who as a manufacturer values natural materials. At the same time Sztuka Beskidzka is well known for its high quality and exclusive textiles. / 2007 /
52 Visual key for Gentleman
This project is focused on the logo and its application to required materials. Gentleman, fresh company of legal experts and lawyers, is meant to be elegant but not too exaggerated with the authority. It was meant to be trustfull and friendly. / 2006 /
54 Other
various / 2006â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2011 /
Stary Ratusz galeria
Sara Rainford garden
55 identity
Stary Ratusz galeria
Sara Rainford garden
56 Set of pictograms for Hedon Skate
Set of pictograms designed for Hedon Skate that are applicable on different media and surfaces, such as: t-shirts, shoes, bags, wallets and skateboards. All of the sybmols reffers to the shapes taken from the Hedon Skate logotype [green one below]. / 2010 /
58 Feminostrada | event identification
Posters and leaflets for Feministrada, a fesival of movies devoted for women: their portraits, problems, lifestyles. / 2008 /
60 Revolutions 1968 | book design
Different types of narrations and different types of illustrations mixed alltogether in one book. The design solution of the book lays in finding a subtle but visible enough typographic way to distinguish non-ficiton documentary materials from artistic ones and to build the logical structure of the content. At the same time, some of typographic solutions reflecting the idea of revolution were applied. Due to the high complexity level [both in language and variety of materials] the main focus is put on transparent typography with high readability as there is no space for personal expression. / 2010 /
61 book design
book design
64 The Essencces | book design
This book is a collection of elementary typographic texts [kind of â&#x20AC;&#x153;must knowâ&#x20AC;? set]. The design reflects and confronts somehow the most important conclusions from the texts. The reader can read the book in three ways: 1. entire text from the beginning to the end, 2. just follow selected main ideas, 3. or look at the illustartions choosen for each text. / 2009 /
68 Dada East? | book design, bilingual catalogue
/ 2009 /
The bilingual catalogue featuring with care illustrations. Polish version is set in brown and english in dark blue so that to enhance the equal importance of both versions [black colour is used only for texts that are not translatable].
70 Bembo | brochures design
Brochures for typeface Bembo. Work covered the resarch, redaction of texts, making and finding proper illustration materials and finally â&#x20AC;&#x201D; designing the brochure. / 2009 /
book design
72 Clearview Hwy | brochures design
Brochures for typeface Clearview Hwy. Work covered the resarch, redaction of texts, making and finding proper illustration materials and finally â&#x20AC;&#x201D; designing the brochure. / 2009 /
76 Roundabout of Art| building plan
The design of building plan for Roundabout of Art in Katowice used in leaflts [A6]. The imitation of the design was small size [A6] and just possibility of use one colour and black. / 2009 /
78 Silesian tram map
/ 2010 /
82 The Renowable energy sourcess
The design of infographic showing what is the use of renowable energy sourcces in chosen UE countries and particulary in Poland [years 2001â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2008]. The design is based on real data. As a result we have two posters 100 Ă&#x2014; 30 cm and 10-minute animation. / 2010 /
86 Production of car windows | infographic
Redesign of existing infographic.
/ 2010 /
90 Woollen Carpet Barbara
Designed for Sztuka Beskidzka. Awarded in GOOD DESIGN 2009 competition in category home. Featured in Polish pavilion during the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, China. Available for sale.
/ 2009 /
92 Woollen carpet Bobby Pets
Designed for Sztuka Beskidzka. Available for sale. / 2009 /
94 Woollen carpet Puzzle Pets
Designed for Sztuka Beskidzka. The client can choose colours and figures they want. Available for sale. / 2009 /
Illustration and painting
98 sketchbook and patience
Everytime I can do something manually I get really excited. This time I was asked to design a collection of t-shirts with beetroots and some abstract organic patterns. / always ever /
102 #002 | oil on canvas
120 × 100 cm / 2009 /
next spread #003 | oil on canvas
160 × 120 cm / 2008 /