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Exhibitor List
4B Components, Ltd. Advance Tank and Construction Co.
Booth #
AGRA Industries, Inc. 1325 Air Resource Specialists, Inc. 1034 Airgas Specialty Products 1211 A-Lert Construction Services 526 Alliance Technical Group 334 Allied Powers, LLC 707 Amerapex Corporation 314 American Coalition for Ethanol 1202 American Water Chemicals 636 Anderson Chemical Company 2027 Angel Yeast Co., Ltd. 1233 Apache Industrial Services, Inc. 402 Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation 2017 Apex Industrial Solutions, Inc. 335 Apollo Water Services 1102 Applied Material Solutions, Inc. 533 Appruv 1800/1802 Arktos Environmental, LLC 2013 Ascensus Specialties 303 ASI Industrial 426 Aspen Aerogels, Inc. 1613 Badger Meter 1331 BASF Enzymes, LLC 715 Battelle 700 BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH 1812 BetaTec Hop Products, Inc. 721 BioFuels Automation 1223 Bion Companies 513 Biosan, LLC 1806 Bird Control Group 610 Bliss Industries, LLC 804 Boerger, LLC 400 BOSS Rail Car Movers 1819/1922 Brown Tank, LLC 1234 Bruks Siwertell 1003 Buckman 1013 Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 604 Burns & McDonnell 1319 Bushel 430 Butterworth, Inc. 1334 Campbell-Sevey 1328 Chase Nedrow Industries 436 ChemTreat, Inc. 1235 Chicago Valves & Controls 1229 Christianson PLLP 736 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 501
Exhibitors Booth #
Clariant 301 Clear Air Enviro-Services 432 ClearFlame Engine Technologies 635 Columbia Industries, LLC 331 Composite Cooling Solutions, L.P. 1809 CompuWeigh Corporation 601 Conveyor Eng. & Mfg. Co. 336 Cooling Technology Institute 1107 Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. 1208 CPM Roskamp Champion 315 Crown Americas - Crown Iron Works 315 CSE Bliss Manufacturing, LLC 1126 CTE Global, Inc. 1221 C-TEC AG 727 Cust-O-Fab 1615 CV Technology, Inc. 1716 Cytiva 330 D3MAX, LLC 1801/1803 Decker Electric 2037
Demo Plus, Inc. Direct Companies Dowco Valve Company DraCool-USA 1036 1203 1101 937
Draeger Safety Dürr Systems, Inc. DXP Enterprises EBRO Armaturen USA 1201 323 304/306 433
EcoEngineers Ecolab/Nalco Water
2028 1035/1037 Electric Pump, Inc. 434 Elite Refractory Services, LLC 1128 Emerson Impact Partners 2024/2025 Energy Integration, Inc., LLC 1103 Enertech Solutions, Inc. 1106 ENVEA, Inc. 409 Enviro-Dyne Industrial Services, Inc. 1237 ESC Spectrum 405 Ethanol Producer Magazine 1900 Eurofins Scientific, Inc. 1818 EvapTech, Inc. 1333 Evergreen Engineering, Inc. 1701 Fagen, Inc. 421 Ferm Solutions, Inc. 302 Fit Tight Covers 327 Flottweg Separation Technology, Inc. 833 Fluid Quip Technologies, LLC 1115 Foss & Company 1323
Exhibitors Booth #
Foundation Analytical Laboratory, Inc. 837
Franzenburg Centrifuge 1231 GEA North America 1436 General Repair Service 2012 Genesis III 1210 Gilbert Industries, Inc. 510 Global Refractory Installers & Suppliers 826 Good Land Industrial 532 GPM, Inc. 1719 Graver Technologies, LLC 637 Growth Energy 1021 GSI Group 737 H2O Innovation 1200 H2SZERO, LLC 1434 Hallco Industries, Inc. 1703 Hayward Tyler, Inc. 1804 Heartland Repair & Coatings 1207 Hengye, Inc. 1110 HK Solutions Group 1012 Hoffmann, Inc./Wolf Material Handling Systems 729 Howden 810 HSI (Heater Specialists, LLC) 1028 Hupp Electric Motors 437 Hurst Boiler & Welding Co., Inc. 1712 Hydrite Chemical Co. 704 Hydro-Thermal Corporation 1310 ICM, Inc. 821 IFF 921 Industrial Contractors, Inc. 1700 Industrial Equipment & Parts 623 Innospec Fuel Specialties 711 Innovative Plant Solutions, Inc. 2038 Innovative Technologies 1308 Integrated Power Services 1302 IntegroEnergy Group, Inc. 1209 Interpoll Laboratories, Inc. 1206 Interra Global Corporation 1005 Interstates, Inc. 1011 Iowa Central Fuel Testing Laboratory 1714 Iowa Economic Development Authority 308 J&D Construction, Inc. 605 Jacobs Corp. 1009 Jasper Engineering & Equipment Co. 1335 JC Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc. 530 KATZEN International, Inc. 910 KlCoe Isom LLP 427
Exhibitors Booth #
Keit Spectrometers Kemin Biofuels
1133 709 Knobelsdorff Electric 504 Koch Engineered Solutions 2018/2019 Kubco Services, LLC 834 Kurita America, Inc. 901 L&M Ethanol 2034 Laidig Systems, Inc. 2014 Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits 813/815/1401 Leaf by Lesaffre 1215/1314 Lotus Mixers, Inc./LOTUS Process Group, LLC 1329 Louisville Dryer Company 933 LYS Enterprises 503 Maas Companies, Inc. 1330 Malloy Electric 506 Mapcon Technologies, Inc. 511 Mason Manufacturing, LLC 1032 McC, Inc. 1111 Mcgyan Biodiesel, LLC 1718 Mechanical Systems Incorporated 337 Merjent, Inc. 830 Metrohm USA 2035 Midland Scientifi c 1430 Mid-South Engineering Co. 1816 Mid-States Millwright & Builders 1706 Midwest Cooling Tower Services 1814 Midwest Cooling Towers, Inc. 1326 Miller Mechanical Specialties 929 Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories 1027 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Inc. 824 MoistTech Corp. 808 Mole Master Services Corporation 600/602 Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. 1236 Murphy Company, Inc. 332 NABP 321 Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company 1035 National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center 1213/1312 Nelson Baker Biotech 1007 Nightstick 631 NLB Corp. 629 Novaspect, Inc. 2026 Novozymes 1121 O'Connor Kiln & Dryer 1227 Orbij et/Tank Cleaning Technologies, Inc. 832 P&E Solutions, LLC 2016
Exhibitors Booth #
P1 Group, Inc. 1205 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 1428 Paget Equipment Company 731/733 Painters USA, Inc. 1306 Paso Robles Tank, Inc. 735 Pentair Haffmans Hiogas 1605 PerkinElmer, Inc. 931 Phibro Ethanol Performance Group 615 Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. 732 Pioneer Industrial Corporation 505/507 Pivot Clean Energy Co. 608 PK Safety 934 Plasma Blue 1607/1609 Praj Industries, Ltd. 415 Precision Pulley & Idler (PPI) 1601 Premium Plant Services, Inc. 1015 ProFlow Pumping Solutions 411 ProQuip, Inc. 828 PROtect, LLC 935 Qi2 Elements 312 Quality Liquid Feeds 1432 Rapid Fire Protection, Inc. 2036 Rasmussen Mechanical Services 1130 Refractory Service, Inc. 1029 Renewable Fuels Association 801 Renewal Service, Inc. (RSI) 929/1028 Richard Industrial Group 1619 RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. 1204 S.T. Cotter Turbine Services, Inc. 734 SafeRack, LLC 537 Salco Products, Inc. 1708 Saola Energy, LLC 811 Scales Scales & Service, LLC 329 Schimberg Company 726/728 Schroeder Environmental Cleaning 310 Scott Equipment Company 528 SCS Global Services 428 Seneca Companies 1030 Separator Technology Solutions 407 SEPCO Sealing Equipment Products Co,. Inc. 404 Ship & Shore Environmental 429 Shuttlewagon Railcar Movers 2009/2011 Siemens Industry, Inc. 320 Simoneau Sterling Midwest 305 Solar Turbines Incorporated 523 Solutions 4 Manufacturing 536 SOS Leak Repair 413 Southern Heat Exchanger/ Worldwide Air Coolers 508
Exhibitors Booth #
Specshell ApS 606 SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. 300 ST Equipment & Technology 725 StoneAge Tools 2039 SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions 521 Sukup Manufacturing Co. 705 Sutton International 1232 Syngenta/Enogen 701 Sys-Kool Cooling Towers 403 Teikoku USA, Inc. 326 The Lubrizol Corp. 324 The Walling Company 1337 The Weitz Company 412 Thermal Kinetics, a division of RCM Technologies, Inc. 621 TorcSill Foundations, LLC 435 Total Meter Services, Inc. 1301 Trace Environmental Systems, Inc. 2015 Tranter, Inc. 1315 Trident Automation, Inc. 316 Trihydro Corporation 1332 Trislot USA, Inc. 322 Trucent 515 Unison Energy, LLC 1717 USA DeBusk 1709 Uzelac Industries, Inc. 1305 VAA Engineering 401 Vahterus Oy 633 Vanguard Fire & Security, Inc. 534 Vaughan Company, Inc. 1707 Veolia Water Technologies 1336 Vertical Software, Inc. 1104 Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co. 1031 Vogelbusch USA, Inc. 1105 W.R. Grace & Co. 1617 Warrior Mfg., LLC 431 Water Tech, Inc. 806 WCR Incorporated 500/502 Weishaupt America Inc. Midwest 313 Westmor Industries, LLC 603 Whitefox Technologies Limited 915 Williams Refractory Services, Inc. 1603 WINBCO 1108 WS Industrial Services 1307 Xylogenics, Inc. 1303 Xylome Corporation 702 Zachry Group 1300 Zenviro Tech US, Inc. 836 Zeochem, LLC 627