24 minute read
Associations & Organizations
AUVSI-Association for Uncrewed Vechicle Systems International
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 Michael Wilbur, Director of Engagement Phone (703-845-9671) engage@auvsi.org www.auvsi.org
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 Mike Greeson, Director of Business Development & Strategy Phone (703-845-9671) exhibits@auvsi.org www.xponential.org
105 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074 Gregory Bloom, President/CEO Phone (860-610-0700) Fax (860-610-0120) gregory.bloom@capewell.com www.capewell.com
DIS-Delta Digital Video
747 Dresher Road, Suite 125 Horsham, PA 19044 Amanda Capoferri, Critical Video Compression, Recording & Scan Conversion Phone (215-657-5270) sales@deltadigitalvideo.com www.deltadigitalvideo.com
Heath Consultants Incorporated
9030 Monroe Road Houston, TX 77061 Paul Wehnert, Executive Vice President Phone (713-844-1300) info@heathus.com heathus.com
Airborne Public Safety Association
50 Carroll Creek Way, Suite 260 Frederick, MD 21701
Benay Osborne
Phone (301-631-2406) Fax (301-631-2466) bosborne@publicsafetyaviation.org www.publicsafetyaviation.org
Blue Skies Drones
209 South Tower Avenue Centralia, WA 98531
Dale Hylton
Phone (844-474-8833) contact@blueskiesdronerental.com www.blueskiesdroneshop.com
La Droneman Drone Services
2159 Nursery Road #237 Clearwater, FL 33764 Albert Crozier, Drone Pilot/Owner Phone (727-641-3373) ladroneman@gmail.com www.ladroneman.com
Loki Research, LLC
119 Mowrey Lane Theodosia, MO 65761 Scott Kormeier, Owner/President Phone (573-216-8997) scott@lokiresearch.com www.lokiresearch.com
Business Services
Boomerang Carnets
217 Park Avenue Barrington, IL 60010 Curt EH Wilson, President & CEO Phone (800-282-2900) info@atacarnet.com atacarnet.com
1 Waterbrook Drive Washington, NJ 07882 Christopher Schaefer, Owner/UAS Pilot Phone (201-572-4265) chris@airvelations.com www.airvelations.com
Avaans Media PR
Remote Team-US Based Headquarters Los Angeles, CA
Tara Coomans
Phone (424-278-9199) progress@avaansmedia.com avaansmedia.com
NCDOT Aviation UAS
1050 Meridian Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 Riley Beaman, UAS Program Manager Phone (919-814-0572) jrbeaman@ncdot.gov www.ncdot.gov/divisions/aviation/ uas/Pages/default.aspx
8245 Ronson Road, Suite K San Diego, CA 92111 Daryn Huang, COO Phone (858-308-2199) daryn@newbeedrone.com www.newbeedrone.com
Dam Hamacbim 38 Dona 1 Building, 3rd Floor Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut 7178604 Israel Phone (972-86-383297) info@percepto.co percepto.co
SKYTRAC Systems, Ltd.
210-1631 Dickson Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 0B5 Canada Jeff Sherwood, Director of Business Development Phone (250-765-2393) sales@skytrac.ca www.skytrac.ca
Tioga Area Economic Development Corp.
PO Box 93 Tioga, ND 58784 Dennis Lindahl, Executive Director Phone (701-629-6839) dakotapublic@gmail.com www.tiogand.org
Unmanned Life
86-90 Paul Street, 3rd Floor London EC2A 4NE United Kingdom Nicholas Zylberglajt, CEO Phone (07-3428-52486) nicholas@unmanned.life www.unmanned.life
USI-Unmanned Safety Institute
3800 Garrison Avenue Port St. Joe, FL 32456 Josh Olds, President & CEO Phone (877-535-7233) info@unmannedsafetyinstitute.org www.unmannedsafetyinstitute.org
Wounded Eagle UAS
980 Heinberg Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Joseph Dorando
Phone (626-807-0428) joe.dorando@weuas.org www.weuas.org
Baldwin Safety & Compliance
11 Palmetto Parkway, Suite 104 Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 Don Baldwin, President Phone (843-342-5434) baldwin@baldwinaviation.com www.baldwinsms.com
Best Autonomous Insights
2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 390 Raleigh, NC 27607 Kyle Snyder, Principal Consultant Phone (984-220-8750) ktsnyder@michaelbestconsulting.com michaelbestconsulting.com/bestautonomous-insights
PO Box 662 Sauk City, WI 53583 Ty Tobey, AI Robotics Phone (608-795-2224) tytobey@cycogs.com cycogs.com
GCG Consulting Resources Group
4264 Middlesex Drive San Diego, CA 92116 George Guerra, President Phone (858-231-4395) gcguerra27@gmail.com gcgconsulting.me
Business Services continued
17720 White Marble Drive Monument, CO 80132 Christopher Yakabe, President Phone (303-946-6771) chris@innovets.net innovets.net
Oculus Deus, LLC
PO Box 684 Guntersville, AL 35976 Richard Lusk, Owner Phone (256-682-0800) rick@odllc.com www.odllc.com Flight Instruction
AUVSI Trusted Operator Program™ (TOP)
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 Vernon Shurtz, Program Manager Phone (703-845-9671) vshurtz@auvsi.org www.auvsi.org/topoperator
5297 Parkside Drive, Suite 435 Canandaigua, NY 14424 Brian Pitre, Nationwide Flight Training, STEM Drone Training & Corporate Programs Phone (585-230-0550) brian@skyop.com www.skyop.com
Tactical Drone Academy
CRI Counter Terrorism Training School Inc. 1721 Stocker Street North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Doron Benbenisty, CEO & Founder Phone (702-222-3489) cri@critraining.com tacticaldroneacademy.com
Greenwood Resort Mtwapa Mombasa, Coast Province 80109 Kenya
Training & Commercial Services
Phone (254-702-450-820) info@kendrone.co.ke www.kendrone.co.ke Legal Services
Innovation Law Office
6929 East Tenth Street #288 Indianapolis, IN 46219 Dennis Schell, Founding Partner Phone (317-912-1444) dennis@innovation.attorney www.innovation.attorney
RAMPF Composite Solutions Inc.
5295 John Lucas Drive, Unit 5 Burlington, ON L7L 6A8 Canada Colin Keddie, Composite Solutions Phone (236-668-4225) colin.keddie@rampf-group.com www.rampf-group.com/en-us/ composite-solutions
Data & Communication Services
Beyond Visual Line of Sight
Censys Technologies
1808 Concept Court, Suite 200 Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Kyle Miller
Phone (386-341-3532) info@censystech.com www.censystech.com
Bella Wings Aviation
Tumon Sands Plaza, Suite 326 Tumon, Guam 96913
Charlie Hermosa
Phone (671-988-5809) info@bellawingsaviation.com www.bellawingsaviation.com
3241 South University Drive Fargo, ND 58104 Matt Sather, General Manager Phone (701-412-2988) info@botlink.com botlink.com
Ground Control
3100 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Alastair MacLeod, Global Satellite Internet, Phone & IoT Connectivity Phone (805-783-4600) sales@groundcontrol.com www.groundcontrol.com/us
Iridium Communications Inc.
1750 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 1400 McLean, VA 22102 Jordan Hassin, Executive Director of Communications Phone (703-356-0484) jordan.hassin@iridium.com www.iridium.com
220 Valley Creek Boulevard Exton, PA 19341 Amanda Brewer, Head of Marketing Phone (833-966-3759) abrewer@oneskysystems.com onesky.xyz
Parker Hannifin
459 Hurricane Lane Williston, VT 05495 Joe Beckwith, MicroStrain Sensors Phone (802-862-6629) microstrainsales@parker.com www.microstrain.com
Sagetech Avionics
317 West Steuben Street Bingen, WA 98605
Pauline Bacot
Phone (720-417-3222) pauline.bacot@sagetech.com sagetech.com
1631 Dickson Avenue #210 Kelowna, BC V1Y 0B5 Canada
Reuben Mann
Phone (778-818-0180) rmann@skytrac.ca www.skytrac.ca
Sunhillo Corporation
444 Kelley Drive West Berlin, NJ 08091 Doug Walczak, Director of Marketing/ UAS Phone (856-767-7676) sales@sunhillo.com www.sunhillo.com
TruWeather Solutions
1303 Sawbridge Way Reston, VA 20194 Don Berchoff, CEO Phone (877-878-9847) info@truweathersolutions.com truweathersolutions.com
uAvionix Corporation
300 Pine Needle Lane Bigfork, MT 59911 Greta Silewski, Communications Director Phone (844-827-2372) greta.silewski@uavionix.com www.uavionix.com
Silvus Technologies
10990 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Jim Henderson, Vice President of Sales Phone (310-479-3333) info@silvustechnologies.com silvustechnologies.com
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
5381 Raley Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95838
David Flack
Phone (916-991-1990) david.flack@kratosdefense.com kratosdefense.com
GNSS & GNSS/INS Solutions 23848 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Mo Kapila, Sales Manager Phone (310-541-8139) sales.us@septentrio.com www.septentrio.com
Mapping & Imagery
Flying Turtle Drone Videography
722 Saint Marys Boulevard Charlotte, MI 48813 Frank Boston, Owner & Proprietor Phone (507-400-0094) flyingturtledrone@outlook.com www.facebook.com/ FlyingTurtleDrone
Frontier Precision
1713 Burlington Drive Bismarck, ND 58504 Dennis Kemmesat, President & CEO Phone (701-222-2030) Fax (701-258-5324) dennisk@frontierprecision.com www.frontierprecision.com/ unmanned
Phase One United States Inc.Security & Space
11755 Airport Way, Suite 216 Broomfield, CO 80021 Dana Brown, Director of Business Development Phone (631-662-6895) dbr@phaseone.com geospatial.phaseone.com/cameras/ ixm-gs120
Unmanned Solutions, Inc. (USI)
11827 Canon Boulevard, Suite 203 Newport News, VA 23606 Daniel Wolfe, President Phone (757-814-3241) daniel.g.wolfe@usi-inc.net www.usi-inc.net
Job Service of North Dakota
1501 28th Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Mary Houdek, Business Advisor Phone (701-795-3723) Fax (701-795-3750) mhoudek@nd.gov www.jobsnd.com
Drone Industries, Ltd.
PROTO-Centre for Emerging Technology Baltic Business Quarter Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE8 3DF United Kingdom Ben Mawhinney, DroneLab Phone (44-191-645-6150) info@dronelab.io www.dronelab.io
PO Box 1072 Claremore, OK 74018 Philip Hanley, Principal Phone (361-549-6699) info@ergis.us ergis.us
LKD Aerospace
8020 Bracken Place Southeast Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Len McNally, Vice President of Sales & Programs Phone (425-396-0829) sales@lkdaero.com lkdaerospace.com/imu
712 H Street Northeast, Suite 890 Washington, DC 20002
Chris Blair
Phone (215-550-1823) chris.blair@mapware.com www.mapware.com
Loudoun County Economic Development-Ashburn, VA
43777 Central Station Drive, Suite 300 Ashburn, VA 20147 Brandon Ferris, Business Development Manager of HSM, Logistics & Aviation Phone (703-771-5378) brandon.ferris@loudoun.gov biz.loudoun.gov/key-businesssectors/aviation-transportation/ unmanned-systems
Ohio UAS Center
4170 Allium Court Springfield, OH 45505 Fred Judson, UAS Director Phone (419-373-4497) fred.judson@dot.ohio.gov uas.ohio.gov
Phase One
11755 Airport Way Broomfield, CO 80021 Chris Schaefer, Inspection Technical Manager Phone (631-223-9659) csc@phaseone.com www.geospatial.phaseone.com
GNSS & GNSS/INS Solutions 23848 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Mo Kapila, Sales Manager Phone (310-541-8139) sales.us@septentrio.com www.septentrio.com
Spicer Group, Inc.
230 South Washington Avenue Saginaw, MI 48607 Jeremy Dancer, Assorted Geospatial Services Phone (989-754-4717) jeremyd@spicergroup.com www.spicergroup.com
Sunset Beach Films
37 Blueberry Commons Riverhead, NY 11901 Chris Francescani, Drone Video & Photography/3D Virtual Tours/ Professional Copy Writing Phone (917-881-7951) Fax (917-881-7951) chrisfrancescani@gmail.com www.chrisfrancescani.com Infrared Imaging Systems

Archer OpTx, Inc.
1208 Sigma Court Rockwall, TX 75087 Colby Freeman, Sales Manager-North America Phone (972-722-1064) colbycfreeman@archeroptx.com www.archeroptx.com
Leonardo DRS-Sensors
1300 South Sherman Street Richardson, TX 75081
Doug VanDover
Phone (214-996-1118) eois.marketing@drs.com www.leonardodrs.com/commercialinfrared
Ofil Ltd.
16 Einstein Street Ness Ziona, Center 74036250 Israel Hannah Barzilay, Corona Inspection Specialist Phone (052-601-0144) Fax (88-895-05557) hannah.barzilay@ofilsystems.com ofilsystems.com
Raytheon ELCAN
450 Leitz Road Midland, ON L4R 5B8 Canada Penny Switzer, Capture Manager Phone (705-209-4256) penny.switzer@raytheon.com www.rtx.com/ELCAN
Mapping & Imagery continued
LiDAR Sensors & Scanners
Frontier Precision
1713 Burlington Drive Bismarck, ND 58504 Dennis Kemmesat, President & CEO Phone (701-222-2030) Fax (701-258-5324) dennisk@frontierprecision.com www.frontierprecision.com/unmanned
Podcast Website
UAS Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.uasmagazine.com
UAS Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.uasmagazine.com
UAS Magazine

308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.uasmagazine.com Pilot

Azure Trails
3731 South Garibaldi Way Saratoga Springs, UT 84045 Eric Golpe, Managing Director Phone (801-416-3309) support@azuretrails.com azuretrails.com
Dynamic Systems, LLC
2525 Justin Lane Wilmington, DE 19810
Lee Burstein
Phone (302-477-0180) lee@dynamicsys.com www.dynamicsys.com
HC Aerial Adjusting & Drone Inspections, LLC
304 South Jones Boulevard Suite 5065 Las Vegas, NV 89107 Craig Colson, Remote Pilot in Command Phone (661-587-7702) Fax (661-587-7703) craig@hcadjusting.com www.hcadjusting.com
James Wyble Drone Pilot
244 Hyland Drive Gheens, LA 70355 James Wyble, FAA Certified Drone Pilot Phone (985-209-6266) bayoulite@yahoo.com

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The SkyButler
714 West Sunny Point Drive Washington, UT 84780 Ken Bouvier, Founder Phone (425-761-6853) info@theskybutler.com www.theskybutler.com
Platform Manufacturer
2180 Emerson Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 Robert Dahlstrom, CEO Phone (904-647-4511) info@apellix.com www.apellix.com
Axiom Electronics, LLC
9845 Northeast Eckert Drive Suite 200 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Andrew Kemper, Executive Director of Sales & Program Management Phone (503-350-4932) andrew.kemper@axiomsmt.com www.axiomelectronics.com
Carolina Unmanned Vehicles Inc.
4105 Graham Newton Road Raleigh, NC 27606 Mike Rogers, Project Manager Phone (919-851-9898) merogers@carolinaunmanned.com www.carolinaunmanned.com
Censys Technologies
1808 Concept Court, Suite 200 Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Kyle Miller
Phone (386-341-3532) info@censystech.com www.censystech.com
23 Rainin Road Woburn, MA 01801 Fred Bedard, Director of Sales, Marketing & Flight Ops Phone (781-491-0812) fred.bedard@commaris.com commaris.com
CopterPix, Ltd.
1 Postal Compound Kibbutz Karmia 7913500 Israel Igal Yarmolinsky, Vice President of Sales Phone (972-54-464-6758) igal.y@copterpix.pro www.copterpix.pro
HSE-UAV Homeland Surveillance & Electronics LLC
122 Live Oaks Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707 Joye Deone Sanders, Director Phone (309-361-7656) jsanders@hse-uav.com www.hse-uav.com
Nanomotion Inc.
1 Comac Loop, Suite 14B2 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Alan Feinstein, President Phone (631-585-3000) Fax (631-585-1947) nano@nanomotion.com www.nanomotion.com
Research & Development
Uncrewed Systems & Robotics
Database (USRD)
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 David Klein, Research Analyst Phone (703-845-9671) dklein@auvsi.org www.auvsi.org/usrd
Alva Industries
Fossegrenda 1 Trondheim, Trondelag 7038 Norway Anton Franzen, Chief Product Officer Phone (47-969-43-427) sales@alvaindustries.com www.alvaindustries.com
InterMet Systems
4767 Broadmoor Avenue Southeast Suite 7 Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Alana Dachtler, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (616-971-1005) info@intermetsystems.com www.intermetsystems.com
Parallax Advanced Research
4035 Colonel Glenn Hwy Beavercreek, OH 45431 Bob Tanner, Parallax Advanced Research & Director of Aerospace Phone (937-705-1000) parallax@parallaxresearch.org parallaxresearch.org
TransLumen Technologies, LLC
175 East Delaware Place, Suite 6808 Chicago, IL 60611 Carol Sherman, President Phone (312-337-8099) carol.sherman@translumen.net www.translumen.net
Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation
65 West Street Road, Building C Warminster, PA 18974 Kirk Zucal, Marketing Phone (215-676-4900) kirk.zucal@nasc.com www.nasc.com
Pratt & Whitney
400 Main Street East Hartford, CT 06118 Ray McFall, Integrated Customer Solutions Phone (860-970-1705) ray.mcfall@prattwhitney.com prattwhitney.com
GNSS & GNSS/INS Solutions 23848 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Mo Kapila, Sales Manager Phone (310-541-8139) sales.us@septentrio.com www.septentrio.com
Silvertone UAV
1/21 Nagle Street Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650 Australia Ken Taylor, Managing Director Phone (61-2-6931-8252) contact@silvertone.com.au silvertone.com.au
Skycharge GmbH
Kopenhagener Str. 76 Berlin Germany
Andrea Puiatti
Phone (49-152-5288-7085) info@skycharge.de www.skycharge.de
Super Pro Aerial
16009 Arminta Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 Daniel Fetterly, President Phone (818-780-1886) Fax (818-780-1978) dan@usasmog.com www.superproaerial.com
UXV Technologies ApS
Brogrenen 7 Ishoej, Copenhagen 2635 Denmark Steven Friberg, CEO Phone (45-20631198) sf@uavcomp.com uxvtechnologies.com
Zephyr Systems
1835 Noon Road Jackson, MI 49201 Michael Furmanski, CEO Phone (833-493-7497) sales@zephyrsys.com zephyrsys.com
Testing Facilities
Ideal Aerosmith
3001 South Washington Street Grand Forks, ND 58201 Jim Richtsmeier, UAS Simulation & Mission Planning Phone (701-757-3400) jrich@idealaerosmith.com www.ideal-aerosmith.com
Innovative Imaging & Research (I2R)
Stennis Space Center Building 1103, Suite 140C Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 Richard Brown, Sr. Scientist Phone (228-688-2570) rbrown@i2rcorp.com www.i2rcorp.com
Abaris Training Resources, Inc.
5401 Longley Lane, Suite 49 Reno, NV 89511 Louis Dorworth, Direct Services Division Manager Phone (971-261-2053) lou@abaris.com www.abaris.com
LeTourneau University
2100 South Mobberly Avenue Longview, TX 75602 Ruedi Schubarth, Assistant Professor of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Phone (903-233-4210) ruedischubarth@letu.edu www.letu.edu/academics/aviation/ unmanned-aircraft-bs.html
Northwest Kansas Technical College
PO Box 668 1209 Harrison Avenue Goodland, KS 67735 Mark Dickey, Director of IT & Aviation Director Phone (800-316-4127) mark.dickey@nwktc.edu www.nwktc.edu
Service Provider
Construction & Engineering
Aeroworks Productions, LLC
5100 18th Street Kenosha, WI 53144 Adam Andrews, Professional Specialty Imaging Services Phone (262-455-5135) adam@aeroworksproductions.com www.aeroworksproductions.com
Commercial Drone Group
9391 Hamilton Drive Mentor, OH 44060 Dan Chan, Commercial Construction Mapping & Inspection Phone (440-363-6200) hello@commercialdronegroup.com www.commercialdronegroup.com
DroneLogix, LLC
1811 Meadowcove Drive Richardson, TX 75081 David Ebaugh, CEO Phone (214-728-9780) debaugh@dronelogix.com www.dronelogix.com
Fidelis Aerial Imaging
22576 Osborne Road Lakeville, IN 46536 Rob Greathouse, Owner Phone (574-850-4628) r.greathouse@fidelis.us fidelis.us
Flyover.io Flyover Data, LLC
7034 Sugar Lane Land O'Lakes, WI 54540 Mac McKinnon, CEO Phone (608-571-7992) mac@flyover.io flyover.io
ICS, Inc. (Industrial Contract Services)
2500 Mill Road Grand Forks, ND 58201 Suzzanne Danielson, Project Development Coordinator Phone (701-775-8480) suzzanne.danielson@icsgf.us www.icsgf.com
Iler Aerial Imaging
5061 North Abbe Road, Suite 3 Sheffield Village, OH 44035 Kent Iler, President & CEO Phone (440-462-4537) Fax (440-458-5207) info@ilerimaging.com www.ilerimaging.com
3400 Peachtree Road Northeast Suite 1620 Atlanta, GA 30326 Maury Margol, Head of Business Development Phone (770-289-1769) maury.margol@pointivo.com www.pointivo.com
SEKISUI Aerospace
705 Southwest Seventh Street Renton, WA 98057 Jon Evans, Sr. Vice President of Business Development & Strategy Phone (425-235-2750) info@sekisuiaerospace.com www.sekisuiaerospace.com
GNSS & GNSS/INS Solutions 23848 Hawthorne Boulevard Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Mo Kapila, Sales Manager Phone (310-541-8139) sales.us@septentrio.com www.septentrio.com
Counter Drone
1000 Sanger Avenue, Suite 18 Oceanport, NJ 07757 Lexi Rinaudo, Marketing Manager Phone (225-270-1347) lexi.rinaudo@aerodefense.tech aerodefense.tech
D-Fend Solutions Inc.
1640 Boro Place, 4th Floor McLean, VA 22102 Jeffrey Starr, CMO Phone (855-217-7205) Fax (571-365-0399) info@d-fendsolutions.com d-fendsolutions.com
Jugapro India Private Limited
Sector 49, Sohna Road, 1043 Tower A, Spaze I Tech Gurgaon, Middle East 122018 India Pawan Kakkar, CEO Phone (91-919-8100137) pk@jugapro.com www.jugapro.com
Vigilant Drone Defense Inc.
1055 West Seventh Street, 33rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017
Steve Davis
Phone (424-275-8282) Fax (424-275-8484) admin@vigilantdronedefense.com vigilantdronedefense.com Data Processing
AlarisPro, Inc.
1703 South Clinton Street Baltimore, MD 21224 Anthony Pucciarella, UAS Fleet Management Phone (410-881-0800) sales@alarispro.com alarispro.com
Carlson Software
33 East Second Street Maysville, KY 41056 Steve Cummings, Drone Images to CAD Phone (606-564-5028) slcummings@carlsonsw.com www.carlsonsw.com
Disaster Response
DroneDek Corporation
7601 East 88th Place, Building 8 Indianapolis, IN 46256 Dan O'Toole, Chairman & CEO Phone (317-694-7520) dan@dronedek.com dronedek.com
Drone Delivery

GNSS & GNSS/INS Solutions 23848 Hawthorne Boulevard Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Mo Kapila, Sales Manager Phone (310-541-8139) sales.us@septentrio.com www.septentrio.com
Future Delivery
Julius-Ludowieg-Str. 46 Hamburg 21073 Denmark
Leo Schuhmacher
Phone (49-04-0334653730) schuhmacher@future-delivery.de www.future-delivery.com
MightyFly Inc.
14460 Doolittle Drive San Leandro, CA 94577 Fernanda Sausen, Senior Director of Business Development Phone (510-676-4956) fernanda@mightyfly.com www.mightyfly.com
170 Kennington Lane London SE11 5DP United Kingdom Michael Merritt, Strategy & Operations Phone (0750-095-8096) michael.merritt@skyports.net skyportsdroneservices.com
355 Eisenhower Lane South Lombard, IL 60148 Ryan Walsh, CEO Phone (630-886-4749) ryan.walsh@valqari.com valqari.com
Energy & Utilities
American Aerospace Technologies, Inc.
14 Union Hill Road, Suite 100 Conshohocken, PA 19428 David Yoel, Founder & CEO Phone (610-225-2604) david@americanaerospace.com americanaerospace.com
ISight Drone Services
5515 University Avenue Grand Forks, ND 58203 Joey Schmit, President Phone (701-367-2905) info@isightdrones.com www.isightdrones.com
Anemoment LLC
353 Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 Elizabeth Osborn, CEO Phone (720-771-3595) liz@anemoment.com anemoment.com
Fleet Management
AlarisPro, Inc.
1703 South Clinton Street Baltimore, MD 21224 Anthony Pucciarella, UAS Fleet Management Phone (410-881-0800) sales@alarispro.com alarispro.com
Precision Agriculture
Homeland Environmental Solutions
122 Live Oaks Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707
Bryan Sanders
Phone (309-361-7656) sales@homeland-enviro.com homeland-enviro.com
Abaris Training Resources, Inc.
5401 Longley Lane, Suite 49 Reno, NV 89511 Louis Dorworth, Direct Services Division Manager Phone (971-261-2053) lou@abaris.com www.abaris.com
1000 Sanger Avenue, Suite 18 Oceanport, NJ 07757 Lexi Rinaudo, Marketing Manager Phone (225-270-1347) lexi.rinaudo@aerodefense.tech aerodefense.tech
Aeroworks Productions, LLC
5100 18th Street Kenosha, WI 53144 Adam Andrews, Professional Specialty Imaging Services Phone (262-455-5135) adam@aeroworksproductions.com www.aeroworksproductions.com
Airborne Public Safety Association
50 Carroll Creek Way, Suite 260 Frederick, MD 21701
Benay Osborne
Phone (301-631-2406) | Fax (301-631-2466) bosborne@publicsafetyaviation.org www.publicsafetyaviation.org
1 Waterbrook Drive Washington, NJ 07882 Christopher Schaefer, Owner/UAS Pilot Phone (201-572-4265) chris@airvelations.com www.airvelations.com
AlarisPro, Inc.
1703 South Clinton Street Baltimore, MD 21224 Anthony Pucciarella, UAS Fleet Management Phone (410-881-0800) sales@alarispro.com alarispro.com
Alva Industries
Fossegrenda 1 Trondheim, Trondelag 7038 Norway Anton Franzen, Chief Product Officer Phone (47-969-43-427) sales@alvaindustries.com www.alvaindustries.com
American Aerospace Technologies, Inc.
14 Union Hill Road, Suite 100 Conshohocken, PA 19428 David Yoel, Founder & CEO Phone (610-225-2604) david@americanaerospace.com americanaerospace.com
Anemoment LLC
353 Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 Elizabeth Osborn, CEO Phone (720-771-3595) liz@anemoment.com anemoment.com
2180 Emerson Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 Robert Dahlstrom, CEO Phone (904-647-4511) info@apellix.com www.apellix.com
Archer OpTx, Inc.
1208 Sigma Court Rockwall, TX 75087 Colby Freeman, Sales Manager-North America Phone (972-722-1064) colbycfreeman@archeroptx.com www.archeroptx.com
AUVSI Trusted Operator Program™ (TOP)
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 Vernon Shurtz, Program Manager Phone (703-845-9671) vshurtz@auvsi.org www.auvsi.org/topoperator
AUVSI-Association for Uncrewed Vechicle Systems International
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 Michael Wilbur, Director of Engagement Phone (703-845-9671) engage@auvsi.org www.auvsi.org
Avaans Media PR
Remote Team-US Based Headquarters Los Angeles, CA
Tara Coomans
Phone (424-278-9199) progress@avaansmedia.com avaansmedia.com
Axiom Electronics, LLC
9845 Northeast Eckert Drive, Suite 200 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Andrew Kemper, Executive Director of Sales & Program Management Phone (503-350-4932) andrew.kemper@axiomsmt.com www.axiomelectronics.com
Azure Trails
3731 South Garibaldi Way Saratoga Springs, UT 84045 Eric Golpe, Managing Director Phone (801-416-3309) support@azuretrails.com azuretrails.com
Baldwin Safety & Compliance
11 Palmetto Parkway, Suite 104 Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 Don Baldwin, President Phone (843-342-5434) baldwin@baldwinaviation.com www.baldwinsms.com
Bella Wings Aviation
Tumon Sands Plaza, Suite 326 Tumon, Guam 96913
Charlie Hermosa
Phone (671-988-5809) info@bellawingsaviation.com www.bellawingsaviation.com
Best Autonomous Insights
2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 390 Raleigh, NC 27607 Kyle Snyder, Principal Consultant Phone (984-220-8750) ktsnyder@michaelbestconsulting.com michaelbestconsulting.com/bestautonomous-insights
Blue Skies Drones
209 South Tower Avenue Centralia, WA 98531
Dale Hylton
Phone (844-474-8833) contact@blueskiesdronerental.com www.blueskiesdroneshop.com
Boomerang Carnets
217 Park Avenue Barrington, IL 60010 Curt EH Wilson, President & CEO Phone (800-282-2900) info@atacarnet.com atacarnet.com
3241 South University Drive Fargo, ND 58104 Matt Sather, General Manager Phone (701-412-2988) info@botlink.com botlink.com
105 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074 Gregory Bloom, President/CEO Phone (860-610-0700) Fax (860-610-0120) gregory.bloom@capewell.com www.capewell.com
Carlson Software
33 East Second Street Maysville, KY 41056 Steve Cummings, Drone Images to CAD Phone (606-564-5028) slcummings@carlsonsw.com www.carlsonsw.com
Carolina Unmanned Vehicles Inc.
4105 Graham Newton Road Raleigh, NC 27606 Mike Rogers, Project Manager Phone (919-851-9898) merogers@carolinaunmanned.com www.carolinaunmanned.com
Censys Technologies
1808 Concept Court, Suite 200 Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Kyle Miller
Phone (386-341-3532) info@censystech.com www.censystech.com
23 Rainin Road Woburn, MA 01801 Fred Bedard, Director of Sales, Marketing & Flight Ops Phone (781-491-0812) fred.bedard@commaris.com commaris.com
Commercial Drone Group
9391 Hamilton Drive Mentor, OH 44060 Dan Chan, Commercial Construction Mapping & Inspection Phone (440-363-6200) hello@commercialdronegroup.com www.commercialdronegroup.com
CopterPix, Ltd.
1 Postal Compound Kibbutz Karmia 7913500 Israel Igal Yarmolinsky, Vice President of Sales Phone (972-54-464-6758) igal.y@copterpix.pro www.copterpix.pro
PO Box 662 Sauk City, WI 53583 Ty Tobey, AI Robotics Phone (608-795-2224) tytobey@cycogs.com cycogs.com
D-Fend Solutions Inc.
1640 Boro Place, 4th Floor McLean, VA 22102 Jeffrey Starr, CMO Phone (855-217-7205) Fax (571-365-0399) info@d-fendsolutions.com d-fendsolutions.com
DIS-Delta Digital Video
747 Dresher Road, Suite 125 Horsham, PA 19044 Amanda Capoferri, Critical Video Compression, Recording & Scan Conversion Phone (215-657-5270) sales@deltadigitalvideo.com www.deltadigitalvideo.com
Drone Industries, Ltd.
PROTO-Centre for Emerging Technology Baltic Business Quarter Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE8 3DF United Kingdom Ben Mawhinney, DroneLab Phone (44-191-645-6150) info@dronelab.io www.dronelab.io
DroneDek Corporation
7601 East 88th Place, Building 8 Indianapolis, IN 46256 Dan O'Toole, Chairman & CEO Phone (317-694-7520) dan@dronedek.com dronedek.com
DroneLogix, LLC
1811 Meadowcove Drive Richardson, TX 75081 David Ebaugh, CEO Phone (214-728-9780) debaugh@dronelogix.com www.dronelogix.com
Dynamic Systems, LLC
2525 Justin Lane Wilmington, DE 19810
Lee Burstein
Phone (302-477-0180) lee@dynamicsys.com www.dynamicsys.com
PO Box 1072 Claremore, OK 74018 Philip Hanley, Principal Phone (361-549-6699) info@ergis.us ergis.us
Fidelis Aerial Imaging
22576 Osborne Road Lakeville, IN 46536 Rob Greathouse, Owner Phone (574-850-4628) r.greathouse@fidelis.us fidelis.us
Flying Turtle Drone Videography
722 Saint Marys Boulevard Charlotte, MI 48813 Frank Boston, Owner & Proprietor Phone (507-400-0094) flyingturtledrone@outlook.com www.facebook.com/FlyingTurtleDrone
Flyover.io Flyover Data, LLC
7034 Sugar Lane Land O'Lakes, WI 54540 Mac McKinnon, CEO Phone (608-571-7992) mac@flyover.io flyover.io
Frontier Precision
1713 Burlington Drive Bismarck, ND 58504 Dennis Kemmesat, President & CEO Phone (701-222-2030) | Fax (701-258-5324) dennisk@frontierprecision.com www.frontierprecision.com/unmanned
Future Delivery
Julius-Ludowieg-Str. 46 Hamburg 21073 Germany
Leo Schuhmacher
Phone (49-00-040334653730) schuhmacher@future-delivery.de www.future-delivery.com
GCG Consulting Resources Group
4264 Middlesex Drive San Diego, CA 92116 George Guerra, President Phone (858-231-4395) gcguerra27@gmail.com gcgconsulting.me
Ground Control
3100 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Alastair MacLeod, Global Satellite Internet, Phone & IoT Connectivity Phone (805-783-4600) sales@groundcontrol.com www.groundcontrol.com/us
HC Aerial Adjusting & Drone Inspections, LLC
304 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 5065 Las Vegas, NV 89107 Craig Colson, Remote Pilot in Command Phone (661-587-7702) | Fax (661-587-7703) craig@hcadjusting.com www.hcadjusting.com
Heath Consultants Incorporated
9030 Monroe Road Houston, TX 77061 Paul Wehnert, Executive Vice President Phone (713-844-1300) info@heathus.com heathus.com
Homeland Environmental Solutions
122 Live Oaks Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707
Bryan Sanders
Phone (309-361-7656) sales@homeland-enviro.com homeland-enviro.com
HSE-UAV Homeland Surveillance & Electronics LLC
122 Live Oaks Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707 Joye Deone Sanders, Director Phone (309-361-7656) jsanders@hse-uav.com www.hse-uav.com
ICS, Inc. (Industrial Contract Services)
2500 Mill Road Grand Forks, ND 58201 Suzzanne Danielson, Project Development Coordinator Phone (701-775-8480) suzzanne.danielson@icsgf.us www.icsgf.com
Ideal Aerosmith
3001 South Washington Street Grand Forks, ND 58201 Jim Richtsmeier, UAS Simulation & Mission Planning Phone (701-757-3400) jrich@idealaerosmith.com www.ideal-aerosmith.com
Iler Aerial Imaging
5061 North Abbe Road, Suite 3 Sheffield Village, OH 44035 Kent Iler, President & CEO Phone (440-462-4537) | Fax (440-458-5207) info@ilerimaging.com www.ilerimaging.com
Innovation Law Office
6929 East Tenth Street #288 Indianapolis, IN 46219 Dennis Schell, Founding Partner Phone (317-912-1444) dennis@innovation.attorney www.innovation.attorney
Innovative Imaging & Research (I2R)
Stennis Space Center Building 1103, Suite 140C Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 Richard Brown, Sr. Scientist Phone (228-688-2570) rbrown@i2rcorp.com www.i2rcorp.com
17720 White Marble Drive Monument, CO 80132 Christopher Yakabe, President Phone (303-946-6771) chris@innovets.net innovets.net
InterMet Systems
4767 Broadmoor Avenue Southeast, Suite 7 Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Alana Dachtler, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (616-971-1005) info@intermetsystems.com www.intermetsystems.com
Iridium Communications Inc.
1750 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 1400 McLean, VA 22102 Jordan Hassin, Executive Director of Communications Phone (703-356-0484) jordan.hassin@iridium.com www.iridium.com
ISight Drone Services
5515 University Avenue Grand Forks, ND 58203 Joey Schmit, President Phone (701-367-2905) info@isightdrones.com www.isightdrones.com
James Wyble Drone Pilot
244 Hyland Drive Gheens, LA 70355 James Wyble, FAA Certified Drone Pilot Phone (985-209-6266) bayoulite@yahoo.com
Job Service of North Dakota
1501 28th Avenue South Grand Forks, ND 58201 Mary Houdek, Business Advisor Phone (701-795-3723) Fax (701-795-3750) mhoudek@nd.gov www.jobsnd.com
Jugapro India Private Limited
Sector 49, Sohna Road, 1043 Tower A, Spaze I Tech Gurgaon, Middle East 122018 India Pawan Kakkar, CEO Phone (91-919-8100137) pk@jugapro.com www.jugapro.com
Greenwood Resort Mtwapa Mombasa, Coast Province 80109 Kenya
Training & Commercial Services
Phone (254-702-450-820) info@kendrone.co.ke www.kendrone.co.ke
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
5381 Raley Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95838
David Flack
Phone (916-991-1990) david.flack@kratosdefense.com kratosdefense.com
La Droneman Drone Services
2159 Nursery Road #237 Clearwater, FL 33764 Albert Crozier, Drone Pilot/Owner Phone (727-641-3373) ladroneman@gmail.com www.ladroneman.com
Leonardo DRS-Sensors
1300 South Sherman Street Richardson, TX 75081
Doug VanDover
Phone (214-996-1118) eois.marketing@drs.com www.leonardodrs.com/commercial-infrared
LeTourneau University
2100 South Mobberly Avenue Longview, TX 75602 Ruedi Schubarth, Assistant Professor of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Phone (903-233-4210) ruedischubarth@letu.edu www.letu.edu/academics/aviation/ unmanned-aircraft-bs.html
LKD Aerospace
8020 Bracken Place Southeast Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Len McNally, Vice President of Sales & Programs Phone (425-396-0829) sales@lkdaero.com lkdaerospace.com/imu
Loki Research, LLC
119 Mowrey Lane Theodosia, MO 65761 Scott Kormeier, Owner/President Phone (573-216-8997) scott@lokiresearch.com www.lokiresearch.com
Loudoun County Economic Development-Ashburn, VA
43777 Central Station Drive, Suite 300 Ashburn, VA 20147 Brandon Ferris, Business Development Manager of HSM, Logistics & Aviation Phone (703-771-5378) brandon.ferris@loudoun.gov biz.loudoun.gov/key-business-sectors/ aviation-transportation/unmanned-systems
712 H Street Northeast, Suite 890 Washington, DC 20002
Chris Blair
Phone (215-550-1823) chris.blair@mapware.com www.mapware.com
MightyFly Inc.
14460 Doolittle Drive San Leandro, CA 94577 Fernanda Sausen, Senior Director of Business Development Phone (510-676-4956) fernanda@mightyfly.com www.mightyfly.com
Nanomotion Inc.
1 Comac Loop, Suite 14B2 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Alan Feinstein, President Phone (631-585-3000) Fax (631-585-1947) nano@nanomotion.com www.nanomotion.com
Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation
65 West Street Road, Building C Warminster, PA 18974 Kirk Zucal, Marketing Phone (215-676-4900) kirk.zucal@nasc.com www.nasc.com
NCDOT Aviation UAS
1050 Meridian Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 Riley Beaman, UAS Program Manager Phone (919-814-0572) jrbeaman@ncdot.gov www.ncdot.gov/divisions/aviation/uas/ Pages/default.aspx
8245 Ronson Road, Suite K San Diego, CA 92111 Daryn Huang, COO Phone (858-308-2199) daryn@newbeedrone.com www.newbeedrone.com
Northwest Kansas Technical College
PO Box 668 1209 Harrison Avenue Goodland, KS 67735 Mark Dickey, Director of IT & Aviation Director Phone (800-316-4127) mark.dickey@nwktc.edu www.nwktc.edu
Oculus Deus, LLC
PO Box 684 Guntersville, AL 35976 Richard Lusk, Owner Phone (256-682-0800) rick@odllc.com www.odllc.com 34
Ofil Ltd.
16 Einstein Street Ness Ziona, Center 74036250 Israel Hannah Barzilay, Corona Inspection Specialist Phone (052-601-0144) | Fax (88-895-05557) hannah.barzilay@ofilsystems.com ofilsystems.com
Ohio UAS Center
4170 Allium Court Springfield, OH 45505 Fred Judson, UAS Director Phone (419-373-4497) fred.judson@dot.ohio.gov uas.ohio.gov
220 Valley Creek Boulevard Exton, PA 19341 Amanda Brewer, Head of Marketing Phone (833-966-3759) abrewer@oneskysystems.com onesky.xyz
Parallax Advanced Research
4035 Colonel Glenn Hwy Beavercreek, OH 45431 Bob Tanner, Parallax Advanced Research & Director of Aerospace Phone (937-705-1000) parallax@parallaxresearch.org parallaxresearch.org
Parker Hannifin
459 Hurricane Lane Williston, VT 05495 Joe Beckwith, MicroStrain Sensors Phone (802-862-6629) microstrainsales@parker.com www.microstrain.com
Dam Hamacbim 38 Dona 1 Building, 3rd Floor Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut 7178604 Israel Phone (972-86-383297) info@percepto.co percepto.co
Phase One
11755 Airport Way Broomfield, CO 80021 Chris Schaefer, Inspection Technical Manager Phone (631-223-9659) csc@phaseone.com www.geospatial.phaseone.com
Phase One United States Inc.-Security & Space
11755 Airport Way, Suite 216 Broomfield, CO 80021 Dana Brown, Director of Business Development Phone (631-662-6895) dbr@phaseone.com geospatial.phaseone.com/cameras/ ixm-gs120
3400 Peachtree Road Northeast, Suite 1620 Atlanta, GA 30326 Maury Margol, Head of Business Development Phone (770-289-1769) maury.margol@pointivo.com www.pointivo.com
Pratt & Whitney
400 Main Street East Hartford, CT 06118 Ray McFall, Integrated Customer Solutions Phone (860-970-1705) ray.mcfall@prattwhitney.com prattwhitney.com
RAMPF Composite Solutions Inc.
5295 John Lucas Drive, Unit 5 Burlington, ON L7L 6A8 Canada Colin Keddie, Composite Solutions Phone (236-668-4225) colin.keddie@rampf-group.com www.rampf-group.com/en-us/compositesolutions
Raytheon ELCAN
450 Leitz Road Midland, ON L4R 5B8 Canada Penny Switzer, Capture Manager Phone (705-209-4256) penny.switzer@raytheon.com www.rtx.com/ELCAN
Sagetech Avionics
317 West Steuben Street Bingen, WA 98605
Pauline Bacot
Phone (720-417-3222) pauline.bacot@sagetech.com sagetech.com
SEKISUI Aerospace
705 Southwest Seventh Street Renton, WA 98057 Jon Evans, Sr. Vice President of Business Development & Strategy Phone (425-235-2750) info@sekisuiaerospace.com www.sekisuiaerospace.com
GNSS & GNSS/INS Solutions 23848 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Mo Kapila, Sales Manager Phone (310-541-8139) sales.us@septentrio.com www.septentrio.com
Silvertone UAV
1/21 Nagle Street Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650 Australia Ken Taylor, Managing Director Phone (6-12-6931-8252) contact@silvertone.com.au silvertone.com.au
Silvus Technologies
10990 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Jim Henderson, Vice President of Sales Phone (310-479-3333) info@silvustechnologies.com silvustechnologies.com
Skycharge GmbH
Kopenhagener Str. 76 Berlin Germany
Andrea Puiatti
Phone (49-152-5288-7085) info@skycharge.de www.skycharge.de
5297 Parkside Drive, Suite 435 Canandaigua, NY 14424 Brian Pitre, Nationwide Flight Training, STEM Drone Training & Corporate Programs Phone (585-230-0550) brian@skyop.com www.skyop.com
170 Kennington Lane London SE11 5DP United Kingdom Michael Merritt, Strategy & Operations Phone (0750-09-58096) michael.merritt@skyports.net skyportsdroneservices.com
1631 Dickson Avenue #210 Kelowna, BC V1Y 0B5 Canada
Reuben Mann
Phone (778-818-0180) rmann@skytrac.ca www.skytrac.ca
SKYTRAC Systems, Ltd.
210-1631 Dickson Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 0B5 Canada Jeff Sherwood, Director of Business Development Phone (250-765-2393) sales@skytrac.ca www.skytrac.ca
Spicer Group, Inc.
230 South Washington Avenue Saginaw, MI 48607 Jeremy Dancer, Assorted Geospatial Services Phone (989-754-4717) jeremyd@spicergroup.com www.spicergroup.com
Sunhillo Corporation
444 Kelley Drive West Berlin, NJ 08091 Doug Walczak, Director of Marketing/UAS Phone (856-767-7676) sales@sunhillo.com www.sunhillo.com
Sunset Beach Films
37 Blueberry Commons Riverhead, NY 11901 Chris Francescani, Drone Video & Photography/3D Virtual Tours/Professional Copywriting Phone (917-881-7951) | Fax (917-881-7951) chrisfrancescani@gmail.com www.chrisfrancescani.com
Super Pro Aerial
16009 Arminta Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 Daniel Fetterly, President Phone (818-780-1886) | Fax (818-780-1978) dan@usasmog.com www.superproaerial.com
Tactical Drone Academy
CRI Counter Terrorism Training School Inc. 1721 Stocker Street North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Doron Benbenisty, CEO & Founder Phone (702-222-3489) cri@critraining.com tacticaldroneacademy.com
The SkyButler
714 West Sunny Point Drive Washington, UT 84780 Ken Bouvier, Founder Phone (425-761-6853) info@theskybutler.com www.theskybutler.com
Tioga Area Economic Development Corp.
PO Box 93 Tioga, ND 58784 Dennis Lindahl, Executive Director Phone (701-629-6839) dakotapublic@gmail.com www.tiogand.org
TransLumen Technologies, LLC
175 East Delaware Place, Suite 6808 Chicago, IL 60611 Carol Sherman, President Phone (312-337-8099) carol.sherman@translumen.net www.translumen.net
TruWeather Solutions
1303 Sawbridge Way Reston, VA 20194 Don Berchoff, CEO Phone (877-878-9847) info@truweathersolutions.com truweathersolutions.com
UAS Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.uasmagazine.com
uAvionix Corporation
300 Pine Needle Lane Bigfork, MT 59911 Greta Silewski, Communications Director Phone (844-827-2372) greta.silewski@uavionix.com www.uavionix.com
Uncrewed Systems & Robotics Database (USRD)
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 David Klein, Research Analyst Phone (703-845-9671) dklein@auvsi.org www.auvsi.org/usrd
Unmanned Life
86-90 Paul Street, 3rd Floor London EC2A 4NE United Kingdom Nicholas Zylberglajt, CEO Phone (07-3428-52486) nicholas@unmanned.life www.unmanned.life
Unmanned Solutions, Inc. (USI)
11827 Canon Boulevard, Suite 203 Newport News, VA 23606 Daniel Wolfe, President Phone (757-814-3241) daniel.g.wolfe@usi-inc.net www.usi-inc.net
USI-Unmanned Safety Institute
3800 Garrison Avenue Port St. Joe, FL 32456 Josh Olds, President & CEO Phone (877-535-7233) info@unmannedsafetyinstitute.org www.unmannedsafetyinstitute.org
UXV Technologies ApS
Brogrenen 7 Ishoej, Copenhagen 2635 Denmark Steven Friberg, CEO Phone (45-20631198) sf@uavcomp.com uxvtechnologies.com
355 Eisenhower Lane South Lombard, IL 60148 Ryan Walsh, CEO Phone (630-886-4749) ryan.walsh@valqari.com valqari.com
Vigilant Drone Defense Inc.
1055 West Seventh Street, 33rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017
Steve Davis
Phone (424-275-8282) | Fax (424-275-8484) admin@vigilantdronedefense.com vigilantdronedefense.com
Wounded Eagle UAS
980 Heinberg Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Joseph Dorando
Phone (626-807-0428) joe.dorando@weuas.org www.weuas.org
3100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22201 Mike Greeson, Director of Business Development & Strategy Phone (703-845-9671) exhibits@auvsi.org www.xponential.org
Zephyr Systems
1835 Noon Road Jackson, MI 49201 Michael Furmanski, CEO Phone (833-493-7497) sales@zephyrsys.com zephyrsys.com