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ABMA Emerging Leaders Set Goals
ABMA Emerging Leaders Program:
By Harrell Kerkhoff | Broom, Brush & Mop Editor

The inaugural ABMA Emerging Leaders program took place we can come together to create service opportunities to better our own virtually March 17, in association with the 104th ABMAAnnual communities, while also bringing participants closer together within this Convention. organization.”
As part of ABMA’s “2020 Vision For The Future” initiative,Emerging n Leadership Webinars: White noted that webinars could become an Leaders is a peer networking and leadership group. Its aim is to connect extension of existing ABMA virtual presentations. He added that such young industry professionals to further develop their interests, expertise and programs could educate participants about best practices found at different leadership within the industry. The group is open to anyone 45-years-old and companies, touching on various subjects including sales, marketing and younger who is actively engaged in the broom, brush, roller, mop and/or paint engineering. Webinars could also help participants learn how to better work in industry, and whose organization is an ABMA member. One objective of teams within their respective organizations, allowing growth in leadership Emerging Leaders is to offer such activities as professional development while becoming better employees. workshops, seminars, webinars and networking events. n Leadership Summit: One idea within a
The Emerging Leaders’ board of directors is: President leadership summit format is for Emerging Leaders’ Kevin White, of Industrial Brush Co., Fairfield, NJ; Vice participants to come together and form an imaginary President Miguel Medrano, of Borghi USA, Aberdeen, company for a day, perhaps during a future ABMA MD; and Secretary/Treasurer Thomas Cottam, of Annual Convention. Senior members of ABMA could Industrial Brush Corp., St. George, UT. help and share advice during the team-building project.
Through a virtual format, the three men met with n College Portals: Leveraging the size of ABMA as people interested in the group during an hour-long an association, which involves many companies, could introductory meeting. help participants in the Emerging Leaders program
“This is the first formal Emerging Leaders event in take part in various classes, certifications and/or connection with the ABMA Annual Convention. It’s specific lessons in association with participating unfortunate that it has to happen (virtually), but one benefit is that we can meet more people who might not Kevin White colleges/universities. n Monthly Zoom Happy Hours: According to otherwise be able to travel to a traditional Medrano, it’s important to receive constant feedback convention,” White said. “We welcome young about future programs and projects, while also having people involved in our association, no matter fun in the process. One idea is to have Monthly Zoom what role they play at their respective Happy Hours. He noted that ABMA conducted virtual companies. We want to help people grow meetings with members in a similar format during the personally and as leaders. We are also excited early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it proved about getting a younger generation of people to be a good way to share important and timely involved in ABMA.” information. Events such as in-person meetings and
According to White, one goal of the introductory golf outings could also prove meaningful, once the meeting was to allow participants to become familiar pandemic subsides. with each other. Another goal was to discuss programs n Workplace Navigation Discussions: One benefit of the Emerging Leaders group could participate in moving forward. Miguel Medrano networking is the ability to learn from each other and ask questions.
After introductions, participants met in small groups to “One goal of this group is to grow as leaders and discuss future plans and goals for the Emerging Leaders employees. In the process, we can ask such questions as: program. The entire group then reconvened and discussed How is the best way to work with a difficult co-worker? such plans and goals. They included: How can I talk to my boss about different issues? How can n Community Projects: Speaking on the I ask for more responsibility?” White said. “The Emerging importance of ABMA, and community projects in Leaders program can serve as a lifeline and help share general, was Cottam. His father, John L. Cottam, also information, as we all have had different experiences of Industrial Brush Corp., served as ABMA president throughout college and in our workplace environment.” from 2001-2003. n Toastmasters Club: Participation in Toast-
“I grew up around ABMA, with my parents being a masterswas another possibility discussed during the part of the association all of my life. Some of their best inaugural Emerging Leaders program. White said friendships have developed through ABMA, meeting people at conventions and doing things together Thomas Cottam Toastmasters teaches people how to become better employees and leaders through public speaking. throughout the year. It’s been great to watch, and something I look forward to “After such a great start, the ABMA board has begun the task of experiencing, as a new ABMA member, particularly through the Emerging planning a series of upcoming events to feature many of the strategic Leaders group,” Thomas Cottam said. “With that in mind, and looking at initiatives discussed at the inaugural Emerging Leaders program. where we, as an (Emerging Leaders) organization, can potentially go, I see Additional information will be released as it becomes available,” participation in community projects and service as a great start. I have been ABMA Executive Director David Parr said. involved with several projects, and they have been a positive part of my life.
“Even though many of us live in different areas, there are definitely ways Visit www.abma.org/abmaemergingleaders for more information.