5 minute read

Room For 2




Rooomy - Where has your love of interiors come from?

Sam - From day one, my influence started with my Mum as she was always painting her walls (while listening to Tina Turner) and having a major cushion addiction, my fate was sealed. From an earlier age I was always changing my bedroom about and styling my shelves with my teddies. But the main trigger was when I was working in London in the Art Department on a production called ‘Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels’ and had to go to a pub (someone’s home) where I was invited to take pictures for research to replicate for a set. I was swept off my feet with the interior, a parrot in a victorian cage to a stuffed crocodile wearing a crown...I could go on as it was ALL mind blowing. That’s where my love started and it soon accelerated when i got my first home, well, it’s all downhill...Interior addict here I come.

Rooomy - You’ve written a book about the interiors of Instagram “The Big I”. What was this like to work on?

Sam - It was like being on a rollercoaster ride, scary, fun and exciting. The best was being creative and working with Keeley, the other half of 2rebelbellas. We laughed, we cried but most importantly we chased our dream and made it a reality.

39Rooomy - On a scale of 1-10 how important do you think a child’s interior is and why?

Sam - This is hard as I think the importance of aesthetics is more for the parent than the child at the early stages but I do think your surroundings influence you, unconsciously or consciously. So I would rate it 8 as who wouldn’t want a cool bedroom to grow up in?

Rooomy - What made you decide to put the boys in together?

Sam - Funnily enough the boys decided they wanted to be together as they were originally in separate rooms. I was happy that they wanted to be together...the one thing I was not happy about was that they wanted bunk beds as am not a fan. So the challenge was set to find a bunk bed that I loved and that’s how I ended up doing an IKEA hack and building one.

Rooomy - Why monochrome?

Sam - Monochrome was chosen because it’s a cool vibe, neutral aesthetics and works with any colour splash you want to add. Grows with you rather than against you.

41Rooomy - When you redecorate is there a process/plan that you follow, or do you make it up as you go along?

Sam - I do have impulsive moments, where you know it’s right. But I mainly produce a mood board including the items I have and want and most importantly I lock down a budget.

Rooomy - Were the boys involved in the decision-making process?

Sam - I would love to answer here YES but it’s a no, as one boy would have had Chelsea football team colours and branding everywhere and the other would have gone for bright red. I just took it as Mummy knows best:)

Rooomy - If they could have anything in their room what would it be?

Sam - Hands down it would be a TV, a big one.

Rooomy - If Money was no object, on the market now, what have you seen out there that you would love to put in their room?

Sam - I think I would have to say... the flooring ‘which is quite boring I know’ but I would have a real wood floor that resembled floorboards and a gorgeous huge rug from West Elm.

Rooomy - Which three brands are your favourite when looking at interiors?

Sam - H&M Home, Vitra, IKEA

Rooomy - What are your three favourite items in their room and why?

Sam - The bunk bed (has to be, my Dad made it), made.com bed covers (boys’ bedding is so hard to find so I was soooo chuffed when I found these) and the little light pegs with the photos on the bottom bunk wall (personal touch with the pictures and Jake uses the lights every night). Not an item but I also love the 80’s inspired mural that I painted on the wall

Rooomy - What do you enjoy most about being their mum?

Sam - I enjoy making memories with them...they sometimes think that I am crazy, especially when i get them involved in my Instagram photos...but I know they will look back and smile.

Rooomy - The room is spacious, fresh and fun, it looks perfect, but is there anything you’d do differently?

Sam - No I don’t think I would:) The flooring is inherited from the previous owner so I would have definitely done that differently but when budgets are tight am thankful it wasn’t a horrid carpet.

Rooomy - You would like your next book to be titled?

Sam - We would love to do another book, vol 2, a sequel…. ‘The Big I Strikes Back’, maybe:)

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