2013 eLearning Strategies Symposium Program

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eLearning Strategies Symposium December 5-7, 2013 • Costa Mesa, CA

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Online Program Guide & Session Evaluations

Symposium Schedule Thursday, December 5 12:00 - 5:00 p.m......................................... Registration 1:00 - 4:00 p.m............................................ Workshops

Friday, December 6 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.................................... Registration


eSS Planning Committee Chris Bell................. Saddleback Valley Unified School District Brian Bridges.................................................. CLRN Sandra Burdick................................................ CLRN Rob Darrow................................................... iNACOL Alice Keeler.............................................. CSU Fresno Machele Kilgore............... Orange County Dept. of Education Mike Lawrence.................................................. CUE Melody McGill.................................................. CLRN Greg Ottinger..................San Diego County Supt. of Schools Kelly Schwirzke............ Santa Cruz County Office of Education Deborah Stauss............................................... CLRN

8:30 - 9:30 a.m..................................... Opening Keynote 9:45 - 10:45 a.m............................................ Session 1 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m................................... Session 2 12:10 - 1:40 p.m........................ Lunch/Awards/Keynote 1:50 - 2:50 p.m.............................................. Session 3 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.............................................. Session 4 4:10 - 5:10 p.m.............................................. Session 5

Saturday, December 7 7:30 - 9:00 a.m........................................... Registration 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.............................................. Session 6

California Learning Resource Network The California Learning Resource Network is a statewide education technology service project funded by the California Department of Education and administered by the Stanislaus County Office of Education. CLRN’s resource reviews provide a one-stop source for Common Core State Standardsaligned online courses, electronic learning resources, and FREE web resources.

CUE, Inc. CUE, Inc. is a nonprofit educational corporation founded in 1978. CUE’s goal is to advance student achievement through technology in all disciplines from preschool through college. With an active current membership of thousands of educational professionals, CUE supports many regional affiliates and Special Interest Groups. CUE Conferences are California’s premier educational technology events. CUE is the largest organization of its type in the west and one of the largest in the United States.

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8:15 - 11:15 a.m................................... Paid Workshops 9:10 - 10:10 a.m............................................ Session 7 10:20 - 11:20 a.m.......................................... Session 8 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.............. Closing Keynote & Prizes

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eLearning Strategies Symposium

Thanks to our eSS Sponsors... Anchor Partner

Presenting Partners

Sponsoring Partners

Media/Non-Profit Partners

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Workshops • Thursday, December 5, 2013 Tablets in the Classroom (iPad or Android)

Using iBooks Author to Create Interactive Resources

3 hour workshop

3 hour workshop

Workshop focuses on strategies for instruction with a tablet. Bring your tablet to look at instructional practices, classroom management, SAMR model, blended learning classroom

iBooks author can be used by administrators, teachers and students to create dynamic and interactive resources for school or classroom management and for student learning. Participants must have a Mac device with iBooks author installed.

Kyle Brumbaugh (brumbaugh@gmail.com) Presentation High School

Burt Lo (blo@galt.k12.ca.us)

Galt Joint Union Elementary School District

Luke Hibbard (lhibbard@stancoe.org) Stanislaus County Office of Education

*must be pre-registered to attend these workshops Workshops • Saturday, December 7, 2013 Flipped Classroom - Hands on Getting Started

Teach the Common Core with Blended Instruction

3 hour workshop

3 hour workshop

There are many myths of what the flipped classroom is and isn’t. Bring your laptop to have a hands on approach to creating elements for designing an instructional environment in the flipped classroom style. This workshop is not compatible with tablets, a Mac or PC is required.

Are you overwhelmed by the idea of transitioning to a new set of standards? Don’t be! Learn how you can use Web 2.0 tools to effectively engage students and teach the Common Core State Standards. Teach technology and media literacy while providing students more opportunities to develop their reading, writing, communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills (and eliminate piles of paperwork!). More effectively prepare your students for life beyond high school!

Lisa Highfill (lisahighfill@gmail.com) Pleasanton Unified School District

Catlin Tucker (catlintucker@gmail.com) Windsor Unified School District

Google Forms: May the Forms be With You 3 hour workshop Learn how to create Google Forms to use for quizzes, surveys, rubrics, and assignment dropboxes. Create quizzes in Google Forms, then use Flubaroo to autograde and provide student feedback. Take control of student Docs sharing nightmares and tracking assignments. Create self-grading rubrics and much, much more. Google Forms can now be created with images come learn how. Will Kimbly (willkimbley@teachinteractive.org) Computech Middle School

iPhoneography 3 hour workshop Learn the art of taking pictures on your iPhone or other iOS device. Get tips and tricks for bettering your skills, learn how to use several apps to edit your photos, and find out how to use social media such as Instagram to improve teaching and learning. We’ll also cover cross-curricular lesson ideas on how to use this powerful device to promote creativity in any learning environment. Participants need to bring their own iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Mini, iPad). Nicole Dalesio (magrelacanela@gmail.com) Pleasanton Unified School District

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Opening Keynote • 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. • Friday, December 6 Pacific Ballroom 1, 2, 3

Professor Eric Mazur Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics Harvard University

Eric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University and Area Dean of Applied Physics. An internationally recognized scientist and researcher, he leads a vigorous research program in optical physics and supervises one of the largest research groups in the Physics Department at Harvard University. Dr. Mazur is also a renowned educational innovator. He believes that better science education for all -- not just science majors -- is vital for continued scientific progress. An early adopter of educational technology and e-learning, Professor Mazur is a founder of Learning Catalytics, a cloud-based technology that enables instructors to engage students with authentic formative assessments in real time, and rich data analytics to drive student interactions. In his keynote, Confessions of a Converted Lecturer, Dr. Mazur will share how his teaching approach evolved after he discovered that his students were just memorizing information rather than learning to understand the material.

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 1 • 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. • Friday, December 6 Technology in Project Based Learning

Best Practices Using Synchronous Communication Tools

Learn fun and simple ways to engage your students with the latest technologies. BYOD and experience the best available websites and free or low cost mobile apps that enhance Project Based Learning. This hands-on class will allow you to experiment with various software and apps, and walk away with lessons and ideas for use in your classroom. We will share tips, guidelines and rubrics that will help keep your students focused, engaged and on task.

Discover effective strategies to successfully lead a synchronous online session. Participants will learn more about their role as facilitator/leader/ moderator. Examples of specific exercises for a more participatory student experience will be covered. In addition, the session will address integrating many built-in features to provide the most beneficial experience possible.


National Online and Blended Teacher Certification is here! Discover Leading Edge Certification

JoAnn McKenna, Joy Ferrante..................................Laguna Beach 1

Beginner, Intermediate


Digital Feedback

Kristina Mattis............................................................Laguna Beach 2 If students submit digital work, why not provide digital feedback? This session demonstrates various ways to provide free written commentary, audio streaming, and video recordings on student work. Participants can learn to use Google Docs, Screencast-o-matic, Formemailer, Google Voice Comments, and Google Movenote, for instance, to provide efficient feedback as part of this session. Gear

Beginner, Intermediate


Blended Learning Beyond the Technology

Kami Thordarson, Alyssa Gallagher, ......................Laguna Beach 3 Karen Wilson, Ellen Kraska Blended Learning is a common buzzword but what should it really look like in the classroom? In Los Altos, we are working to define and expand the definition of blended learning. We have piloted Khan Academy in our math classrooms as well as their robotics projects with great success. We are now starting to further define what a good blended learning model looks like beyond just integrating technology. Developing our concept of good online content that includes project based learning and design thinking strategies are a part of our model as we enable our teachers to become designers of curriculum. Pedagogy Intermediate


Customized Learning: It’s Inevitable!

Dr. Julie Mathiesen..........................................................Balboa Bay 1 Mass Customized Learning concretely describes a technologically empowered, learner focused alternative to our present industrial age, assembly line school structure. What if every day, every learner was met with customized learning experiences at his or her precise developmental and achievement level, was learning in his or her most effective learning styles with content of interest, was challenged, was successful and left school eager to return the next day? This is not only possible with today’s technologies it is Inevitable. Industry has figured out how to mass customize products and services, education is poised for this leap.

Scott Campbell.................................................................Balboa Bay 2


Beginner, Intermediate


Lainie Rowell, Mike Lawrence............................... Newport Beach 1 Teaching online uses different muscles than traditional classroom teaching. Leading Edge Certification was developed collaboratively by an alliance of non-profits, county offices and universities and is aligned with iNACOL’s National Standards for Quality Online Teaching. The awardwinning curriculum prepares innovative educators like you to be digital age leaders and learners. Capacity Building

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


InFocus Mondopad - One Device That Does It All For eLearning

Ole Dame, Jennifer Lynch...................................... Newport Beach 2 InFocus will review how both K12 and Higher Education institutions have implemented the Mondopad as a part of their eLearning solution. We will also touch on in its implementation in the classroom and as an administrator communication tool. Mondopad is a large all-in-one touch tablet for collaboration and video conferencing. It can run any of your current education software, work with document cameras, and support student response systems. Presented by eSS partner InFocus Gear

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Online Course Launchpad: How to Build a Great Online Learning Environment

Melanie Borrego...................................................... Newport Beach 3 Learn how to build a strong foundation for your first online course or courses! This session will help instructors who are new to the world of online learning build a foundation for their first online class or classes. We’ll begin with a discussion of basic instructional/universal design and best practices. Then we will demonstrate screencasting, video conferencing and discuss when and how to employ them for students. Finally, we will visit a few great websites from which instructors can pull resources. Content

Beginner, Intermediate


Presented by eSS partner K12, Inc. Big Picture

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 1 • 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. • Friday, December 6 (cont.) Clovis Online Charter School - Who, What and How

How to Design an Excellent Online Course

Plan, organize, implement, revise and maintain a successful online/ blended Dependent Charter School. Revise curriculum, work with a local school district and promote itself into a school of over 500 students. This session will have information on curriculum, staff and administrative methods used to develop a full time online place where students, parents and the community are proud to be a participant.

This session provides a fresh, new perspective on course design. Learn how to create dynamic and effective online courses that support meaningful learning by incorporating instructional design principles. Create an instructional strategy for your course that focuses on learning not teaching, and engages students in the process. By the end of this session, participants will leave with a model of course design, resources and tools to apply to online or blended course formats.

Mike Paustian, Gary Mort........................................... Emerald Bay 1

Big Picture

Beginner, Intermediate


Debbie Morrison ......................................................... Emerald Bay 3

Content Intermediate


Try Google’s 20% Time in the Classroom!

Kate Petty ...................................................................... Emerald Bay 2 The session will begin with an overview of what Google’s 20% Time is and how it can be utilized in the classroom to inspire creativity and innovation all while meeting key Common Core State Standards. The session will end with a 20% Time template series inspired by three Google Certified Teachers that will give a step-by-step guide for implementing 20% Time in the 7-12 classroom. K-6 strategies will also be addressed. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions - Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


You are invited to join colleagues and vendors for an Informal Networking Opportunity located in the Exhibitor & Sponsor area from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2013 No-Host beverage service will be available

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 2 • 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Friday, December 6 Redefining Online Learning to Meet the Needs of Digital Natives

Laura Bariel, Joe Wood..............................................Laguna Beach 1

Academic Integrity in a Virtual World

Courtney Calfee....................................................... Newport Beach 3

Developing your own online program? Learn how one school built a successful program focused on meeting individual student needs and building school community through the use of teacher-developed curriculum and a blended-learning model.

Academic Integrity in a Virtual World will equip educators, principals and program administrators alike to effectively ensure the academic integrity of their online program. At the end of the program, participants will feel confident in using online tools and effective teaching strategies to protect the integrity of their online program.

Content Intermediate



Powerful, Flexible, and Free! Rethinking 1:1 with Ubermix

Jim Klein......................................................................Laguna Beach 2 Looking for a 1:1 solution that’s as easy to use as iPads, as simple to manage as Chromebooks, but has all the power of a real laptop and won’t blow the budget? Low-cost laptops and the open-source Ubermix operating system combine to bring you a 1:1 program that’s practical, flexible, scalable, and most of all, powerful! Learn how this always ready, easy to use technology is bringing real 21st Century learning to schools all over the world with dozens of free education focused apps and the unlimited potential of the web. Easy to use and maintain for even the most technology challenged teacher, Ubermix provides a sustainable, cost effective learning platform for schools. Gear

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Considerations for Supporting Language Learning with Online Tools and Resources

Beginner, Intermediate


Creating Successful Blended Learning Experiences For Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten Students

Tom DiGiovanni, Dr. Melissa King...............................Balboa Bay 1 How would you spark a young child’s curiosity with technology that is transparent? What type of instructional design and blended learning strategies are appropriate when developing content for very young children? Presented by Tom DiGiovanni, Vice President of Product Development and Dr. Melissa King, Director of Early Learning, this cogent session will chronicle their R & D journey of creating embarK12, the award winning preschool and transitional kindergarten classroom and family solution. The developers will showcase online content and hands-on materials and share developmentally appropriate practices for teaching young children. You won’t want to miss this great session. Presented by eSS partner K12, Inc. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Stacey Larson-Everson, Tracey Gaglio, ..................Laguna Beach 3 Stephanie Rossen Niess, Omar Guillen

Getting Social - A Classroom without Borders

Language learning in the 21st Century can be enhanced through the integration of technology! In this session participants will learn about the variety of language learning resources and tools available online to engage students and support the development of language fluency. The presenters will share experiences in reviewing online language learning programs and potential connections and pitfalls to help participants consider how technology can effectively be integrated into the language learning classroom.

Social networking is now an essential part of our lives -- and our students’ lives. What is Quadblogging? Mystery Skyping? Social learning? Find out how world blogging, videoconferencing, Google’s collaborative apps, and learning management systems can engage, motivate, and challenge students to surpass their own expectations as learners. These tools and activities are great ways to cultivate communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking -- all of which are essential 21st century skills to have in an online world.


Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


The Art of Taking Pictures on Your iOS Device

Nicole Dalesio ......................................................... Newport Beach 1 Learn the art of taking pictures on your iPhone. We’ll teach you tips and tricks for bettering your skills + ways to use social media sites such as Instagram to share and learn from other iPhoneographers. Participants need to bring their own iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Mini, iPad). Gear

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


InFocus Mondopad: How Other Schools Have Implemented the Large Collaboration Tablet

Alice Chen........................................................................Balboa Bay 2


Beginner, Intermediate


Online Performance Tasks for the Common Core State Standards

Jenny Thomas................................................................ Emerald Bay 1 Performance tasks ask students to research and analyze information, weigh evidence, and solve problems relevant to the real world, allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in an authentic way. See how CTAP has collected a variety of SBAC released performance tasks that students can complete using Web 2.0 tools in an online environment. Content Beginner


Ole Dame.................................................................. Newport Beach 2

An InFocus representative will provide a short demonstration of the InFocus Mondopad and explain how other schools have implemented the all-in-one technology as an eLearning tool and as a classroom tool. There will be plenty of time for questions and even hands on use. There’s now a 70 inch version too! Presented by eSS partner InFocus Gear

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 2 • 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Friday, December 6 (cont.) Fast Forward: University of California’s A-G Online Course Policy & the Growth of Online Learning Monica Lin ................................................................... Emerald Bay 2

The University of California recognizes that new technologies and approaches to learning are growing rapidly and have the potential to revolutionize the way students gain knowledge and fulfill the requirements for access into postsecondary education. This session focuses on the University’s new policy for the review and approval of online courses fulfilling the “a-g” subject area requirements. Updates, challenges, and successes will be presented to inform the development of a statewide vision of how to implement effective online learning opportunities for California’s students. Big Picture

Beginner, Intermediate


Engaging Students with Special Needs Online

Lesley Farmer ............................................................... Emerald Bay 3

eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Online teachers need to be aware of students with special needs, and provide them with equitable, rich learning experiences that not only support their engagement but provide options for them to demonstrate their competence. This session discusses aspects of online teaching and resources that differentially support a variety of learning needs. Pedagogy

Intermediate, Advanced


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eLearning Strategies Symposium

eLearning Strategies Symposium thanks our Anchor Partner

for their sponsorship

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Lunch/Awards/Keynote • 12:10 - 1:40 p.m. • Friday, December 6 Pacific Ballroom 1, 2, 3

2013 Online Teacher of the Year

2013 eLearning Advocate

Elaine DeWolfe

Max Eissler

Natomas Charter School, Natomas Unified School District

Martinez Unified School District

Elaine DeWolfe was a fantastic educator before technology swept into classrooms. Elaine knows that sparking curiousity in students will lead to them digging deeper on their own. Last year, Elaine was part of a small team that launched a blended learning program. Natomas Charter School’s Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) is hybrid program that takes a more independent approach to site-based schooling, but still integrates “workshops” into the schedule: a time when students come for face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. The program uses “moodle”, an online learning management system, to both deliver and receive student assignments.

Max is an active member of the technology community - he is Chair of the CETPA East Bay Area Technology Group, as well as a member of the Consortium for School Networking (COSN). Superintendent Rami Muth explained, “Max Eissler is a visionary leader. Far before others in our district were ready to move forward, he helped to create a compelling vision of how technology could be used to greater enhance our instructional program. He has an extensive knowledge about technology and a deep an abiding respect for the impact this powerful resource has on 21st century teaching and learning. “

Lunch Keynote Governor Bob Wise President Alliance for Excellent Education

Former West Virginia Gov. Bob Wise is president of the Alliance for Excellent Education, a nonprofit organization that has become a national leader and a respected advocate for the Common Core State Standards, deeper learning, digital learning, adolescent literacy, and other key education policy issues. After serving a combined twenty-four years as governor, member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and state legislator, Gov. Wise has become a popular speaker and advisor on education issues as well as an advisor to the U.S. Department of Education, the White House, and key policymakers in the U.S. Congress. In 2011, Gov. Wise was named to the NonProfit Times’s “Power & Influence Top 50,” an annual listing of the fifty most influential executives in the nonprofit sector.

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 3 • 1:50 - 2:50 p.m. • Friday, December 6 Blended Learning and Screencasting

Conversation Café: Authentic Language Learning Online

Participants in this session will learn how to create screencasts as a means for students and teachers to create/preview content in blended instruction, provide tutorials, navigate websites, and assess student work. These screencasts can then be captioned and shared in Google Drive or YouTube. To participate fully in this workshop, participants will need a laptop and a headset.

Talk with nationally recognized language acquisition experts in Chinese, Arabic and Spanish. Discover how BYU Independent Study is changing online language learning and explore their new language course model. Attendees will visit the Conversation Café live and hear from students and TA’s involved with the new courses. Discover the unique learning resources and instructional tools that allow competency-based assessment and perhaps the most authentic language experience available today.

Timothy Downey........................................................Laguna Beach 1


Beginner, Intermediate


Engaging Students Using the Flipped Classroom Model in the Elementary Math Classroom

Jennifer Green.............................................................Laguna Beach 2 Hear one educator’s experience with the flipped classroom model in an elementary mathematics classroom. Learn how to compact and accelerate content for gifted and highly motivated students and differentiate instruction for students needing scaffolded support. This session will provide direct, usable strategies that you can take and implement in your classroom next week. Tools and applications used include: VoiceThread, Pearson SuccessNet online curriculum, iMovie, and more. Pedagogy Intermediate


Jennifer Quinlan, Steven Park .............................. Newport Beach 2

Presented by eSS partner BYU Independent Study Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Implementing Online Learning: Lessons Learned and a GoForward Approach Lori Krist..........................................................................Balboa Bay 1

CRPUSD implemented Aventa Learning by K12 to address the individual needs of students. The inaugural year uncovered the need for district policy and leadership. Lori Krist, Aventa Account Administrator, Instructor and Mentor, is here to highlight ideas for connecting parents, dealing with blended learning challenges, supporting mentors and engaging students. She will share CRPUSD’s success with online learning, the lessons they’ve learned and what they envision for their district’s future.

Transferring Effective Classroom Teacher Relationships into Learning Management Systems

Presented by eSS partner K12, Inc.

Effective classroom teaching strategies can foster meaningful relationships with classroom students that lead to increased levels of academic achievement, but how does a K-12 teacher effectively transfer these relationships into the online/blended environment? This session will analyze the courseware development and instructional strategies deployed by classroom teachers during controlled research experiments. Participants will review psychometric student engagement instrument (SEI) findings that measure student responses and activities from the online/blended classroom. This session provides a window into effective instructional multimedia development and the methodologies used to increase student/teacher online relationships and subsequent learning outcomes.

Minecraft: Transforming Education One Block At a Time

Jeffrey Smith ...............................................................Laguna Beach 3

Content Intermediate


A Dynamic School Improvement Model: The WASC Accreditation Process

Dr. Lee Duncan ....................................................... Newport Beach 1 The journey of educational improvement for virtual and blended schools is often a long and drawn-out process. Many reform ideas are theoretical and not easily adapted into the virtual classroom. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges has an accreditation process for virtual and blended school settings that focuses on personal learning growth for each student. The accreditation process can be used as a dynamic change management process that gives structure to school improvement activities. This session will explore how the WASC process can assist your school in its improvement journey. Big Picture

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Intermediate, Advanced


Big Picture

Beginner, Intermediate


John Miller, Chris Scott, Joe Donohue.........................Balboa Bay 2 Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world. Learn how to leverage the education version to design and develop a unique, and customizable world where students take collaboration and problem solving to another level. MinecraftEdu makes setting up and running your own classroom server a snap while providing powerful and simple to use teacher tools such as inworld assignments, mods, and customizable non-player characters. Witness how Common Core and STEM lessons can be embedded within any world you or your students create. Pedagogy

Intermediate, Advanced


Tools for Administrators to Support Blended Learning Teacher

Rob Darrow................................................................... Emerald Bay 1 Observations and walkthroughs in traditional face-to-face classrooms are tools used by many administrators to encourage effective instruction. Online school administrators have developed different strategies for observing an online classroom. This session will provide some beginning observation and walk-through tools developed as part iNACOL’s work with blended learning schools in New York City. Also shared will be the blended learning rubric that can be a system wide guide for implementing blended learning. Join other school leaders in discussing the current tools and how they can be refined as schools and classrooms shift to blended learning. Big Picture

Beginner, Intermediate



eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 3 • 1:50 - 2:50 p.m. • Friday, December 6 (cont.) Flipping the English Class

Kate Petty ...................................................................... Emerald Bay 2 There is a lot of talk about how the flipped classroom concept is transforming the education system. Inquiry-based models are becoming more popular as educators realize the potential of teaching students to find answers rather than giving the students the answers. This class will describe the popular methods, share examples from each method, and discuss the successes and challenges of them. This class will also introduce and video-making software. The blogs and Twitter handles of popular and helpful flipping English teachers will be made available to participants. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Project Based Learning in a Blended Learning Model

Catlin Tucker ................................................................ Emerald Bay 3 Do you wish you had more time to facilitate student driven projects? Using Web 2.0 technology, asynchronous online discussions and Google tools, you can connect students both inside and outside of the classroom to build more project based learning into your curriculum. Learn how to create more opportunities for students to work together, explore, problem solve, think critically and create! This presentation will present multidisciplinary project structures that can be easily facilitated in a blended learning model- combining work in the physical classroom with work done online - to increase student engagement and get students college and career ready. Content

Beginner, Intermediate

eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions - Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



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Page 13

eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 4 • 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. • Friday, December 6 iHigh Virtual Academy: San Diego Unified’s Online High School

The “New Look“ of CaliQity, California’s No Cost e-Learning Platform

Is your school making plans to offer online courses? Will the courses be mainly for credit recovery, or will they be UC a-g approved? Will courses be classroom-based or independent study? Is it possible to offer online science, VAPA and P.E. classes? This session will share helpful suggestions and lessons learned in operating a virtual high school.

Schools and districts are increasingly looking for solutions to integrate e-learning technologies into the traditional classroom, enable effective distance learning, or create powerful blended or flipped learning environments. CaliQity gives schools across the state access to a comprehensive e-Learning platform allowing educators to search for both free learning objects and affordable online courses. CaliQity was recently updated to a Responsive Web Design for optimal use across various devices (i.e. tablets) and increased browser support. Come take a look at the updated interface of CaliQity and see what’s new!

Patricia MacIntyre, Maureen Cottrell......................Laguna Beach 1

Big Plcture

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


The Modern Learner - Engagement and the Digital Native

Vincent Solimine........................................................Laguna Beach 2 In today’s modern classroom, engaging students is even more vital than ever before. The modern learner as Digital Native is an important concept to understand as it will inform and change your approach to student engagement. Join the discussion as we look at individual and group engagement, workshop ideas and techniques, explore the two fundamental engagement strategies, discuss causes of disengagement, and learn to apply Active Learning techniques. Gain insight into your classroom style as you learn about a new “Prime Directive” for educators. Develop a more complete and applicable understanding of the concept of an active learner and explore the two most powerful teaching/learning techniques in education. Learn the five foundational methodologies of the“Dynamic” classroom model and incorporate everything with an Engagement Checklist. Presented by eSS partner Odysseyware Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Tammy Airheart, Kathi Felder .................................Laguna Beach 3 Common Core Math has two sets of standards: Content Standards and Mathematical Practices. Students need more than just exposure to technology in order to be college and/or career ready. With blended learning, math content standards and mathematical practices are taught while engaging students and teachers in a collaborative environment where real world problem solving comes to life! Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Establishing and Maintaining an Engaging and Relevant Discussion Environment

Mary Kraus............................................................... Newport Beach 2 Building an online community of learners is often challenging and time consuming. This session will focus on strategies, tips and tools to establish and maintain a vibrant, engaging and relevant online discussion environment. We’ll attempt to answer the questions: How can you truly engage the students who show up only when it’s required? How do you teach students discussion board etiquette? How do you create a nonlinear discussion prompt when you have a linear brain? All this and tips to keep it engaging, fun and relevant! Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced




Leticia Morales, Dr. Lisa Bliss, Shannon Alves............Balboa Bay 1 Today, students can access high-quality, standards-aligned online coursework on a range of devices at any time, from any place, and at any pace. Learn how Chaffey Joint Union High School District provides one-on-one, personalized, distraction-free instruction, with consistent support and mentoring from synchronous teachers. Specifically, Valley View High School will share their independent, alternative study model aimed at transforming the futures of students. If your school could benefit from interacting with educators who have already made the paradigm shift to a non-traditional blended program and have learned a lot along the way, then this presentation is for you. Presented by eSS partner Edgenuity Beginner, Intermediate


MOOCs in the K-12 Environ

Emil Ahangarzadeh, Dr. Greg Ottinger........................Balboa Bay 2 Learn about how TechSETS and the San Diego County Office of Education developed and deployed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as a free source of professional development for K-12 educators. We will discuss the benefits of and challenges we faced in providing a MOOC, the rise of the MOOC as an instrument for learning, what critics have to say about it, the differences between the more conventional asynchronous curriculum and one developed for massive consumption, and a practical guide for developing your own MOOC experiences for staff or students. Content

Intermediate, Advanced


The Key Elements for Blended Learning Planning and Implementation for School Leaders

Rob Darrow................................................................... Emerald Bay 1 Is your district or school beginning to plan or implement a blended learning program? This session is designed for school leaders that are tasked with planning or implementing blended learning at the school or district level. The latest information will be shared about the six key elements of blended learning implementation from iNACOL as well as other implementation models that will guide any program. Leave this session knowing what blended learning implementation looks like, the type of timeline needed for planning, promising practices, success indicators, and how to get the right people in place. Big Picture

Page 14

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Blended Learning: Transforming Students’ Educational Experience


Common Core Math Meets Blended Learning


Edward Avelar, Thomas Crawford........................ Newport Beach 3

Beginner, Intermediate



eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 4 • 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. • Friday, December 6 (cont.) Getting Started Thinking About Blended Learning For the Classroom Teacher

Alice Keeler, Catlin Tucker ......................................... Emerald Bay 2 You have heard of blended learning, you know it is coming to your classroom...how do you get started? In this session we will define blended learning and help you get started on a few things to get you going down the path. Gear Beginner K-12

College and Career Readiness in the 21st Century

Renee Citlau.................................................................. Emerald Bay 3 With the focus on college and career readiness and the large number of students that are English learners, online courses must develop literacy skills. In this session, participants will learn and discuss strategies and tools to increase student literacy, 21st Century Skills, and Habits of Mind such as perseverance, time management, and metacognition.

eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Renee is the recipient of the National Online Teacher of the Year award. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


You’ll approve. A-G approved Odysseyware is dedicated to California high school students, teachers, the UC network and you.

Call us today to learn more. 877-795-8904 | odysseyware.Com

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Page 15

eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 5 • 4:10 - 5:10 p.m. • Friday, December 6 Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Online/ Blended Learning PD Program

Randy Kolset...............................................................Laguna Beach 1 The Orange County Department of Education will showcase the development of their Online and Blended Learning Professional Development program. At the core of the curriculum is the Leading Edge Certification for Online and Blended Teacher which has now gone “beyond the edge”. Expansion modules include and introduction to online learning, webinars to increase skill sets, and courses on developing online courses. Participants will be taken through the development process and how they can build sustainability in their own program. Capacity Building

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Daniel Fisher, Raul Kohl......................................... Newport Beach 3 Online teaching is different from teaching in the bricks and mortar classroom, but many best practices are interchangeable. Interaction and efficient planning are key to successful teaching, in either format. Come learn as a panel of experienced online educators share their instructional, technical, and planning tips for your smooth transition to online teaching or use in a traditional classroom. Content

Intermediate, Advanced


Garbage In. Garbage Out. Quality Online Learning Begins with Great Courses

Brian Bridges....................................................................Balboa Bay 1

Flipping PD

Eva Brown...................................................................Laguna Beach 2 Pre-service teachers in the Business/Technology major at Red River College in Winnipeg, Canada, are delivering professional development technology training virtually to teachers in remote northern First Nations Aboriginal schools in Manitoba. This reverse order of who is providing the instruction--or flipping PD--provides practicing teachers with 21st century skills to infuse technology into their curriculum and simultaneously provides the pre-service teachers with teaching experience as well as sustainability for PD and PLN growth for everyone in the project. The project aligns with ISTE Nets S and T as well as C, Advancing Digital Age Coaching. This session presents the process, strategies, and tools to deliver this PD project. Capacity Building

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Selecting the Right Tool

Chris Long ..................................................................Laguna Beach 3 Let’s face it, eLearning requires some hi-tech tools to make it all happen and there’s certainly no shortage of those around in this day and age. So how do you sift out the pearls from the sand and get the best tools you can? In this session you will learn some key principles that will help you evaluate potential technology tools and we will take a look at some of the pros and cons of some the more common Learning Management Systems out there. Gear

Transitioning Online - Productivity Tips

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


The Impact of the Online Virtual Program on College Readiness

Preston Carr............................................................. Newport Beach 2 This session will provide and examine the impact of the online virtual school programs in relation to college-ready students and/or students in need of meeting the graduation requirements. Districts and schools need to provide the virtual programs as a multiple pathway for students in need of a different approach to education. This presentation will take a look at the “Global 21st Century” educational awareness, flexible schedules, and instructional environment by embracing the technology and students can go beyond their ultimate learning styles. It will address the A-G requirements in reference to virtual course offerings. Most of all, has there been a significant increase in the number of students graduating from high school and meeting the A-G college requirements since the establishment of the virtual schools? This presentation will answer questions pertaining to best practices, curriculum/common core, and blended learning models.

Inputs matter. How can you tell if an online course is any good, whether it engages students in active learning, or challenges them with authentic, higher-level work? We’ll detail the California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) course review process, from publisher entry to publication, outlining criteria, including iNACOL’s course standards, for receiving our certification as part of our University of California partnership. We’ll also share data from the California eLearning Census. Content

Beginner, Intermediate


Teaching Common Core Through Integrated History and Language Arts

David Dillon, Courtney Hanes......................................Balboa Bay 2 Participants will explore two award winning History websites that are used in Riverside Virtual School courses to integrate Common Core Standards in History and English. These websites and online activities engage students in historical inquiry, opposing viewpoints, meta-cognition, and activities where students challenge the textbook with primary source documents in an online and blended classroom environment. A variety of lessons and online activities allow students to become independent learners by engaging in online historical investigations and argumentative essay writing. Pedagogy Advanced


Blended Learning Strategies for Successful Students

Christine Kasitz............................................................ Emerald Bay 1 In this engaging session, participants will learn multiple strategies to engage students in both a virtual and blended learning setting to increase student success and completion rates. Strategies are based on research of best practices and the implementation of those practices with at-risk students. A small change in the questions you ask your online students can potentially have a huge impact on the student’s success. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate


Presented by eSS partner Pearson Content Intermediate

Page 16



eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 5 • 4:10 - 5:10 p.m. • Friday, December 6 (cont.) Blended Learning: It’s Time for a Mobile Makeover

Catlin Tucker ................................................................ Emerald Bay 2 Are you frustrated by the lack of technology in your classroom? Harness the power of mobile devices to engage your students and amplify their curiosity. Teach your students how to leverage their mobile devices to research, problem solve, communicate, collaborate and create! Only a fraction of your students actually need a mobile device for you to successfully create a high-tech classroom. Explore free education apps, learn how to use QR codes in the classroom and walk away with tons of ideas for how you can use mobile devices to create a student-centered classroom. Content

Beginner, Intermediate


The Importance of Community in an Online Environment

Alice Keeler, Joe Wood ............................................... Emerald Bay 3

eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


While the majority of focus in developing an online class is on the curriculum an equal or greater focus on relationships and community is needed. Explore ideas for how to create community in an online course. Content Beginner

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Page 17

eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 6 • 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. • Saturday, December 7 Blended CCSS Solution and Getting a Multi-grade View of Every Student

Cynthia Austen...........................................................Laguna Beach 2 Using an adaptive diagnostic to get a multi-grade view of every student is a necessity in the world of Common Core. Rigor has increased to the point that high stakes assessment results (SBAC) are expected to drop as shown in front runner common core states like New York. Using an adaptive diagnostic created for Common Core that also tightly links to individual and classroom-based Common Core instruction is a perfect transition plan. Learn how technology and print can work together to build for success with Common Core. Presented by eSS partner Curriculum Associates, Inc. Pedagogy Intermediate


Engaging Students with Special Needs Online

Lesley Farmer........................................................... Newport Beach 2 Online teachers need to be aware of students with special needs, and provide them with equitable, rich learning experiences that not only support their engagement but provide options for them to demonstrate their competence. This session discusses aspects of online teaching and resources that differentially support a variety of learning needs. Pedagogy

Intermediate, Advanced


Counselors: How To Integrate Technology and Reach ALL Students

Agustina Sanchez............................................................Balboa Bay 1 Are you a counselor, career technician, class advisor, or other administrator and your school is new to the technology surge? Don’t know where to begin? Start here! Agustina (Auggie) Sanchez, a high school counselor who speaks “tech,” will guide you through ways to start using technology school-wide to communicate with students about all your counseling related needs. Imagine using Google Forms to get kids to sign up for college reps or sending mass text messages reminding seniors that the SAT registration deadline is tomorrow- all FREE! From social media, texting, and Google- we will cover how to communicate to ALL kids in their own language- technology! Big Picture



Blending in the Open

Brian Bridges....................................................................Balboa Bay 2 Are you looking for great Common Core or standards-aligned resources for your blended or flipped lessons? As online and blended learning have grown in popularity, more teachers are experimenting with blended and flipped lessons. We’ll demonstrate a variety of fabulous and free open content and Web 2.0 tools from CLRN’s open educational resource (OER) reviews to create blended and flipped classroom lessons. Content

Page 18

Beginner, Intermediate

How to Design an Excellent Online Course

Debbie Morrison.......................................................... Emerald Bay 1 This session provides a fresh, new perspective on course design. Learn how to create dynamic and effective online courses that support meaningful learning by incorporating instructional design principles. Create an instructional strategy for your course that focuses on learning not teaching, and engages students in the process. By the end of this session participants will leave with a model of course design, resources and tools to apply to online or blended course formats. Content Intermediate


The Back Channel

Alice Keeler................................................................... Emerald Bay 2 Alice Keeler, the Back Channel Maven, will lead the group in a discussion about using Google Hangout, Today’s Meet, Twitter and other tools to actively engage student discussions outside of the F2F classroom.. Gear Intermediate 9-12

Try Google’s 20% Time in the Classroom!

Kate Petty....................................................................... Emerald Bay 3 The session will begin with an overview of what Google’s 20% Time is and how it can be utilized in the classroom to inspire creativity and innovation, all while meeting key Common Core State Standards. The session will end with a 20% Time template series inspired by three Google Certified Teachers that will give a step-by-step guide for implementing 20% Time in the 7-12 classroom. K-6 strategies will also be addressed. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced




eLearning Strategies Symposium

California Learning Resource Network “Your source for Common Core and California standards-aligned electronic learning resource reviews.” Common Core-aligned... • Online courses • Apps, open source software & web 2.0 tools • FREE web resources • Supplementary electronic learning resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) CLRN’s 6100 Open Educational Resources include free supplementary activities, Web 2.0 tools, apps, open source software, primary source, secondary source, and reference sites. Browse by subject and content standard search for specific resources by grade, keyword, subject, or media.

Online Course Reviews (OCR) CLRN’s course reviews include alignment to the Common Core or California’s original content standards. CLRN also reports the presence of 52 national standards for online courses and provides both student and educator feedback.

CLRN-Certified courses are eligible for University of California approval for their A-G requirements

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Page 19

eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 7 • 9:10 - 10:10 a.m. • Saturday, December 7 Blended Learning Strategies for Successful Students

Christine Kasitz..........................................................Laguna Beach 2 In this engaging session, participants will learn multiple strategies to engage students in both a virtual and blended learning setting to increase student success and completion rates. Strategies are based on research of best practices and the implementation of those practices with at-risk students. A small change in the questions you ask your online students can potentially have a huge impact on the student’s success. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate


Measuring the Impact of Online and Blended Professional Development

Mary Kraus, Greg Ottinger, Bill Robinson........... Newport Beach 2 This session will report on the efforts and initial results of the San Diego County of Education’s (SDCOE) Online and Blended Learning Team’s efforts to systematically measure, respond and follow up on the impact of their professional development courses offered in online and blended learning formats. During this session members of the Online and Blended Learning Team will share their implementation plan, procedures, measuring tools and initial data for reporting on SDCOE course impact Big Picture

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Using Google Forms to Make Teaching and Administrating Easier

Deeper Learning Through Online Communication & Collaboration

Sandy Somera, Eileen Walters.................................... Emerald Bay 3 How can students develop deeper learning and critical thinking through online discussions? This presentation highlights Web 2.0 tools for the blended classroom that help promote online communication and collaboration. Many of the Common Core State Standards require the use of digital tools to communicate and collaborate. The CCSS require students to show evidence of deeper learning and require students to think critically. Online discussions, when carefully crafted and facilitated, provide students with opportunities to show evidence of deeper learning and critical thinking. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate


Redefine Your Lessons with iPad Authoring Tools

Rae Fearing.......................................................................Balboa Bay 2 Participants will learn about the SAMR model for effective technology integration and explore useful iPad tools that can be applied to blended, online and flipped instruction in K-12 classrooms. Discussions will consider how teachers can incorporate technology to modify and redefine lessons with authoring tools for creating content and setting up virtual learning spaces where learners can work, interact, practice, and share. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Steve Miller.......................................................................Balboa Bay 1 Participants will learn how to utilize Google Forms both in and out of the classroom to assist in teaching and administration. This session will teach you the basics of creating and sharing a Google Form. Google Forms can be used as a teaching aid, as classroom management tool, and as an administrator’s best friend. Gear

Beginner, Intermediate


Screencasting for Administrators (and Teachers Too)!

Mathew Barnett ........................................................... Emerald Bay 1 When you have a limited amount of time, it’s important to have the maximum effect with your staff. Get important information out and do impactful trainings via screencasting! Over the years I have wanted to be able to dispense with staff meetings for announcements and do more professional development and have more PLC time. Screencasting allows you to announce and teach concrete subjects online at the learners’ own rate while allowing you to schedule other important trainings during collaboration time. Gear Intermediate

eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



24/7: Applying Research to Your Online/Blended Professional Development

Dennis Large ................................................................ Emerald Bay 2 The demands for relevant professional development at your school or district keep rising; yet the resources to provide high quality PD keep dwindling. Online and blended PD can be part of the solution. There are many decisions to make, but first you need to know what the research really says about providing effective online professional development. Big Picture

Page 20

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



eLearning Strategies Symposium Session 8 • 10:20 - 11:20 a.m. • Saturday, December 7 Moving Towards Mastery: Exploring the Rigorous School Day of the Flipped Classroom

Joseph Kemery, Tina Schipke...................................Laguna Beach 2 Flipped learning is the new buzz word in education. With all the focus being on the resources available online, those hours with students are overlooked. How do we maximize the use of videos and challenge our students in ways that will help them obtain knowledge? Through student examples, interviews and resource pooling, we will be exploring the school day of a flipped classroom. While analyzing some ways to incorporate student choice and voice, Web 2.0 tools, Project-Based Learning, differentiation and ongoing assessments, our discussion will explore how to expand learning, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation to continue throughout the student’s entire day. Content

Beginner, Intermediate


Using Web 2.0 Tools to Demonstrate Higher-Order Thinking Eileen Walters, Sandy Somera .............................. Newport Beach 2

In this session we will take a critical look at higher order thinking skills through Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and how it relates to the new Common Core State Standards. We will showcase Web 2.0 tools and apps that students can use to demonstrate higher-order thinking. Participants will evaluate student’s digital products. We will examine the level of complexity to determine where it lies along Bloom’s digital taxonomy and explore ways to move students’ toward the higher order thinking and challenged-based learning. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate

iPad or Bust! Your iPad and Language Development

Ymasumac Maranon Davis ........................................ Emerald Bay 2 Bring your own iPad or iPod Touch and explore the innovative ways free/low-cost applications can support language development in all your students, including English Language Learners. The new English Language Development standards will be highlighted along with the latest research on language development and its impact on student learning! Differentiate instruction using your iPad to support higher levels of engagement, thinking and expression in all students! Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Online Students Speak

Leslie Dombek ............................................................. Emerald Bay 3 A panel of students from California Connections Academy schools (and maybe other virtual schools) who are involved in blended and online learning programs will be the speakers for this session. Currently, there are close to two million students taking online courses annually in the U.S. Additionally, thousands of students are involved in blended learning programs. Come listen to the students discuss how they are learning, what they are learning and how learning is different for them online or blended as compared to traditional learning. There will be time for attendees to also ask questions of the students. Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate



Common Core Math Meets Blended Learning

Tammy Airheart, Kathi Felder.......................................Balboa Bay 1 Common Core Math has two sets of standards: Content Standards and Mathematical Practices. Students need more than just exposure to technology in order to be college and/or career ready. With blended learning, math content standards and mathematical practices are taught while engaging students and teachers in a collaborative environment where real world problem solving comes to life! Pedagogy

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Essential Tech For Blended & Online Learning

Michael Magboo, Andrew Schwab...............................Balboa Bay 2 Blended and Online Learning is cool but without the right infrastructure on the back end to support it, it can be a real mess. Learn about bandwidth, hosted services and teacher access that are critical to having a successful blended or online learning experience. Learn about the real world implementations that are working at the district and school level. Big Picture

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

eSS Extra in the Vendor Area Ed Tech Help Desk: One-on-One Question and Answer Sessions Tina Silverstein

Drop-By the Help Desk table in the sponsor area for a ten minute oneon-one session on anything eLearning (i.e., about LMS, online course/ instructional design, social media, PLNs, social media for learning and building PLN, tools, technologies, pedagogy, online community building, etc.). Look for the table and sign up for a 10 minute one-onone session. Content

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



The Best Audience is Not You: Why Student Blogging Works David Theriault............................................................ Emerald Bay 1

For the past fifteen years I’ve held the belief that I am the WORST audience for my students. My students always write better when they write for their peers or anyone else but me. Student blogging takes that to a new level by putting student writing out there for anyone to read. What’s even better is that they are getting feedback from adults other than you. I will show you how to make this work for you and your students. Content Intermediate

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eLearning Strategies Symposium Closing Keynote • 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Saturday, December 7 Pacific Ballroom 1, 2, 3

Jon Bergmann Flipped Class Pioneer

Jon Bergmann is considered one of the pioneers in the Flipped Class Movement. He co-wrote the book, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. Jon believes educators should ask one guiding question: “What is best for my students in my classroom?” To the best of his abilities he has done this in his twenty-four years as a high school science teacher. He received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching in 2002 and was named Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010. He is a co-founder of the Flipped Learning Network, a nonprofit organization that provides teachers the resources needed to implement flipped learning (http://flippedlearning.org). He serves on the advisory board of TED Education.

The digital transformation of education is shaping how, when, and where we learn. To reach today’s learners we need to expand beyond the traditional classroom and provide flipped, blended, and virtual learning environments that meet students’ diverse needs while impacting achievement. Pearson partners with educators to deliver real results that break through the challenges in education today with new personalized ways of learning through effective practices, scalable assessments and instructional tools, enabled by technology and supported by services.


Page 22

Visit our exhibit to learn more about Pearson’s products and solutions.


eLearning Strategies Symposium eSS Presenters Emil Ahangarzadeh

Preston Carr



TechSETS Session 4

Chino Valley Unified School District Session 5

Tammy Airheart

Alice Chen



Kings County Office of Education Sessions 4, 8

Cynthia Austen

Curriculum Associates, Inc. CAusten@cainc.com

Session 6

Edward Avelar

K12HSN / Imperial County Office of Education eavelar@icoe.org

Session 4

Laura Bariel

Westlake Charter School bariel06@gmail.com

Session 2

Mathew Barnett

Nicolas Jr. High School


Session 7

Melanie Borrego

Brandman University


Session 1

Brian Bridges

California Learning Resource Network bbridges@clrn.org

Session 2


Connections Academy Session 5

Renee Citlau


Jennifer Green

Session 4


citlau_r@auhsd.us Nicole Dalesio

Christine Kasitz

Opportunities for Learning Public Charter Schools

Sessions 1, 2


Rob Darrow

Sessions 5, 7



Alice Keeler

Sessions 3, 4 K12, Inc.



Capistrano Connections Academy Session 8

Session 5

Kyle Brumbaugh


Thurs. Workshop

Courtney Calfee

Florida Virtual School ccalfee@flvs.net

Session 2

Scott Campbell

National University scampbell@nu.edu

Session 1

Session 3

Lesley Farmer



Sessions 2, 6

Galt Joint Union Elementary School District blo@galt.k12.ca.us

Thurs. Workshop Chris Long

Huntington Beach UHSD clong@hbuhsd.edu

Session 5

iHigh Virtual Academy Session 4

Michael Magboo

Le Grand Union High School District mmagboo@lghs.k12.ca.us

Session 8

Ymasumac Maranon-Davis

Jim Klein


Sat. Workshop

Las Virgenes Unified School District Session 2

Randy Kolset rkolset@ocde.us

Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Burt Lo



Session 3


Will Kimbly


Tustin Unified School District

Lee Duncan

Session 8

Teach Interactive

Session 5

Session 2



Riverside Unified School District

UC Office of the President

Sessions 4, 5, 6

PRIDE Academy

David Dillon

Session 2

Patricia MacIntyre

Joseph Kemery

Session 2


CSU Fresno


Tom DiGiovanni

Timothy Downey

Pleasanton Unified School District Sat. Workshop


Orange County Department of Education




Stacey Larson-Everson

Session 3

Session 2, Sat. Workshop Ole Dame

Session 7

Monica Lin

Lisa Highfill


Riverside County Office of Education

The Pegasus School

Pleasanton Unified School District




Daniel Fisher

Eva Brown

Presentation High School



Leslie Dombek


Dennis Large

Del Norte County Unified School District Session 7

Sessions 5, 6

Red River College

Rae Fearing

Session 5

Mary Kraus

San Diego County Office of Education mkraus@sdcoe.net

San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Session 8

Dr. Julie Mathiesen

Technology & Innovation in Education jmathiesen@tie.net

Session 1

Kristina Mattis

Independent/NDSJ kmattis@gmail.com

Session 1

Sessions 4, 7

JoAnn McKenna

Lori Krist


Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified Lori_Krist@crpusd.org

Session 3


Session 1

John Miller

Chalone Peaks Middle School jwmiller@mac.com

Session 3

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Page 23

eLearning Strategies Symposium eSS Presenters Steve Miller

LAUSD/Cesar Chavez Learning Academies mistermilleronline@gmail.com

Session 7

Jennifer Quinlan

Jeffrey Smith

Jenny Thomas




BYU Independent Study Session 3




Session 1

Session 1

Catlin Tucker





Session 6

Odysseyware Session 7

Tina Silverstein

David Theriault



Mike Paustian

Alameda County Office of Education


eSS Extra in the Vendor Area

Session 1

Session 7

Los Altos School District

Vincent Solimine

Dinuba High School

Clovis Adult Education


Agustina Sanchez

Debbie Morrison

Sessions 1, 6

Session 2

Kami Thordarson


Online Learning Insights

Session 3

Sandy Somera

Leading Edge Certification (LEC)

Session 4

CTAP Region 10

Lainie Rowell

Leticia Morales

Valley View High School


Fountain Valley High School Session 8

Windsor Unified School District Sessions 3, 5, Sat. Workshop Eileen Walters

Contra Costa County Office of Education ewalters@cccoe.k12.ca.us

Session 8

Kate Petty



Sessions 1, 3, 6


iNACOL is the premier association for the blended and online learning field with a diverse membership of over 4,000 members that include K-12 educators, teachers, charter schools, school districts, state education agencies, nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, research institutions, and content and technology providers. Become part of the movement to transform education to provide quality blended and online learning and student access to a world-class education that will prepare learners for a lifetime of success. Member Benefits for Educators, Individuals, Associates and Institutions: Contributing voice in the blended and online learning field across the U.S. and the world. Involvement in all iNACOL networking and membership activities. Advanced notice and access to research, conference, and development activities.

Members-only access to website content, online discussions, online forum, and job postings. Exclusive iNACOL discounts for webinars, books, symposium, and exhibiting.

Save the Date — iNACOL Symposium, November 4 – 7, 2014, Palm Springs, Ca

Page 24


eLearning Strategies Symposium

Exhibitors and Sponsors Apex Learning

Curriculum Associates


Aaron Roberts (206) 381-5663 alissa.vaughn@apexlearning.com aaron.roberts@apexlearning.com

Kathy Walsh (978) 313-1272 kwalsh@curriculumassociates.com www.curriculumassociates.com

Rob Darrow (559)351-5928 rdarrow@inacol.org www.inacol.org

Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation’s schools. Our digital curriculum engages all students in rigorous coursework to prepare them for college and work.

Curriculum Associates is proud to i-Ready Diagnostic & Instruction – a powerful online assessment and instruction program that prepares students for the increased rigor and complexity of the Common Core.

With over 4,000 members, our mission is to ensure all students have access to worldclass education and quality online learning opportunities that prepare them for a lifetime of success.

BYU Independent Study

Cyber High


Katie Jogoda (801) 422-4787 isconferences@byu.edu http://elearn.byu.edu

Rob Cords (559) 265-4067 rcords@fcoe.org www.cyberhigh.org

Ole Dame (503) 384-0259 ole.dame@infocus.com www.infocus.com

BYU Independent Study offers over 400 high school, middle school, and university online courses that help students make up credit, graduate on time, enhance their curriculum, or earn university credit.

Cyber High is an online high school curriculum aligned to the Common Core State Standards. UC a-g core and elective courses are offered. Cyber High is affordable, quality online learning!

InFocus is the industry pioneer and a global leader in the visual communication market. Our digital displays make bright ideas brilliant everywhere people gather to communicate including classrooms.

California Learning Resource Network


K12, Inc.

Lisa Bliss (213) 268.8626 lbliss@edgenuity.com www.edgenuity.com

Karen Oldenkamp (503) 575-6773 koldenkamp@k12.com www.k12.com/educators

Edgenuity provides engaging and flexible online and blended learning solutions that propel success for every student and empower teachers to deliver effective instruction.

K12 is the nation’s largest provider of proprietary curricula and online education programs for grades K-12, partnering with over 2,000 school districts to deliver individualized online learning solutions.

Brian Bridges (209) 238-1420 info@clrn.org www.clrn.org CLRN’s resource reviews provide a one-stop source for Common Core State Standardsaligned online courses, electronic learning resources and FREE web resources.

CUE, Inc. Mike Lawrence (925) 478-3460 cueinc@cue.org www.cue.org CUE, Inc. is a nonprofit educational corporation founded in 1978. CUE’s goal is to advance student achievement through technology in all disciplines from preschool through college.

@ elearns

FLVS Global Courtney Calfee (850) 313-2740 ccalfee@flvs.net http://www.flvs.net Florida Virtual School’s Global division (FLVS Global) develops student-centered solutions for California schools including Global School, Course Licensing, Learning Recovery, Virtual Leadership Training, and Custom Course Development.

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The Learning Springs Mike McLellan (800) 324-3390 mmclellan@learningsprings.com www.learningsprings.com The Learning Springs is proud to offer the Aurora Learning online curriculum program for grades 5 - 12. Aurora is a complete LMS that allows you to manage any number of students easily. Students can start anytime, proceed at any pace and complete whatever work you assign. Teachers can write their own tests, add content to our courses and grade students individually, making Aurora one of the most flexible online systems available.

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eLearning Strategies Symposium

Exhibitors and Sponsors New Media Consortium/ NMC

Orange Department of Education

Holly Ludgate (512) 445-4200 holly@nmc.org http://nmc.org

Randy Kolset (714) 966-4337 rkolset@ocde.us http://www.ocde.us

The NMC is an international community of experts in educational technology. Best known for the Horizon Report, the NMC brings trends, challenges, and technologies to the forefront of education.

OCDE’s OC Innovate supports innovative leaders, teachers, and students in Orange County as they use technology to transform their communities.

ODYSSEYWARE Kelli Hoogers (712) 472-6824 khoogers@glynlyon.com www.odysseyware.com ODYSSEYWARE delivers a technologyrich learning management system, core and elective courses, and an effective academic solution to 2,500+ school districts across the United States.

Pearson Evan Pinto (949) 697-6262 epinto@connectionseducation.com www.connectionslearning.com Connections Learning, a division of Pearson Education, offers a range of solutions that can be customized to fit your students’ needs and your school’s resources.

TechSETS Emil Ahangarzadeh (858) 292-3502 info@techsets.org http://techsets.org Supporting I.T. professionals for 13 years through research, training, and technical resources.

Thesys Dave Sundstrom (714) 234-2753 dsundstrom@thesysintl.com http://thesysintl.com We partner with schools to provide a turnkey blended solution designed by educators. We integrate technology, provide customizable digital curriculum, and train teachers on technology best practices for learning.

My eSS Notes:

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eLearning Strategies Symposium

Educate yourself at the largest educational innovation event in the West.

Annual CUE CONFERENCE 2014 3DOP 6SULQJV ‡ March 20-22

Kickoff Keynote Dan Meyer Teacher, blogger

Spotlight Speakers Karen Cator CEO, Digital Promise

Innovate learning for your

students, teachers and administrators

Gwyneth Jones theDaringLibrarian.com Mark Coppin Director of Assistive Technology, Anne Carlson Center Hall Davidson Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives, Discovery Education

@ elearns

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Explore over 150 exhibits, close to 300 sessions, and dozens of hands-on WORKSHOPS!


Symposium Map

Huntington Beach 2 1

Banquet Level I

Newport Beach 3 2 1

Escalators Elevators

Laguna Beach 3 2 1


Parking Garage

Banquet Level II Restrooms

Parking Garage



Emerald Bay 2 3




Pacific Ballroom 2 3

Balboa Bay 1 2 4

Online Program Guide & Session Evaluations


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