BBS-Management Consulting

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Executive MBA in Management Consulting

We are the right choice for you. “Both MBAs will dare our students by providing a good combination of active teaching and work in business. The programmes are team work experience.� Martina Ferk Vice dean for development and international cooperation

Executive MBA in management consuting Solving compex problems while trying to manage overwhelming workloads presents a continuing challenge for professionals in the workplace today.

make you a more valued asset to your organization. The skills required of a consultant mirror those required of high-level organizational leaders. Building on a the foundation in the functional areas of business, our consulting focus advances these critical abilities: a strategic perspective on all of an organization's functional areas and the interplay among them; an understanding of how an organization interacts within its competitive environment; the creation and clear communication of logical arguments, and the combination of analysis and synthesis that brings order to unstructured environments. Our consulting faculty include individuals with corporations. The Management Consulting program prepares students to manage people and processes within both large and small organizations or to consult with organizations on those management issues. A particular emphasis is placed on managing within organizations that face the challenges of rapid change and increased competition. The career paths by preparing students to think systematically about the processes through which organizations achieve excellence.


While studying at our MBA program you will have the chance to build on your professional business sectors.


Learning Objectives After graduation you will have a wide, professional set of skills to be able to follow your path of choice.

Collaboration Professional and interpersonal communication and collaborative skills. Students will collaboratively in teams, task forces and committees.

Respond to uncertainy and Ambiguty Ability to identify and respond to change. Students will recognize and respond to the impact of economic, social, and ecological change on people, organizations, technology and the environment within both domestic and global contexts.

Business communication Professional and interpersonal communication and collaborative skills. Students will collaboratively in teams, task forces and committees.

Mastery of fundamentals Expertise within an academic major. Students will command the concepts, analytical tools, and technical skills that are essential to decision making within a concentration.

Global / International Ability to identify and respond to change. Students will recognize and respond to the impact of economic, social, and ecological change on people, organizations, technology and the environment within both domestic and global contexts.

Techonology management Expertise within an academic major. Students will command the concepts, analytical tools, and technical skills that are essential to decision making within a concentration.


Strategic thinking Familiarity with strategy theories and an ability to evaluate and formulate business strategies.

Problem solving Competence to analyze and evaluate business problems. Students will recognize business problems, gather and measure relevant evidence and reach and articulate informed solutions.

Ethics Ability to integrate ethics into decision making. Students will apply ethical frameworks to business problems.

Implementation Competence to analyze and evaluate business problems. Students will manage projects from concept to successful outcomes.

Appreciation of the multi-functional nature of business and the corresponding need for inter-disciplinary study. Students will integrate, from multiple disciplines, the key

“These learning objectives will give you the necessery expertise and tools to follow your goals and career.�


How will you study? We place great emphasis on group learning, co-production of ideas and knowledge sharing. Studying alongside other experienced professionals and with academic and industry experts from diverse backgrounds enriches the learning experience that

Our teaching methods include a diverse range of stimulating learning experience, with emphasis placed on real-world learning challenges. Modules include a mix of: • Case studies • Participative workshops and simulations • Interactive lectures • Online collaborative work • Sessions hosted by industry speakers You will also undertake a practical and relevant action project. This project gives you the chance to apply the knowledge and skills you have learnt to a specific business issue in your chosen organisation. Through this practical exercise, you can create real value for the organisation, while enhancing your own learning and development. Applicants are expected to have a significant working knowledge of business functions, such as basic accounting, economics, law, and statistics. This knowledge and understanding can come from prior course work and/or substantial work experience in a functional business area. Students who do not meet this expectation can satisfy their foundation requirements by taking foundation course work online or on campus while taking their core courses.


The MBA curriculum The MBA curriculum is designed for middle and senior management needs. Half of the curriculum is designed to cover a wide range of functional areas in order to improve the general managerial skills. The remaining 50 percent of the curriculum is designed to enhance the ability of strategic thinking, leadership, and interpersonal skills of each participant with


Modules The MBA program is structured upon the following models.

Business Economics and Quantitative methods in Management

Management consulting & Business ethics

Strategic Management

Change Management

Managerial Accounting

Consulting process

Production & Operations Management

Organizational Performance & Business Reengineering

Information system & Enterprise

Knowledge Management & Organizational learning

Human Resource Management

Consulting tools & techniques

Action Planning And Decision Making

Organizational Development &

Business Management & Leadership

Project Work

Project Management


Modules - content “MBA programme builds on previous cognitive skills in order to develop more complex levels of understanding. The adoption of business knowledge and application skills reaches the appropriate synthetic way of thinking.� Zdravko Tkalec Dean of University college Nikola Subic Zrinski


Modules - content Business Economics and Quantitative Methods is to develop knowledge on the basic principles of micro and macroeconomics and their importance in making decisions. Lecture includes numerous theories and practical approaches for participants to realize the importance of the impact of economic forces on the functional and strategic managerial decisions in contemporary organizations. The second half of the module aims to enable students understand the basic techniques of quantitative and statistical analysis and their application in practical business situations. The content includes local and international economic environment, economic markets, market structure, business objecbehavioral models, prices in both theory and practice, competitiveness and productivity, market failure.

Strategic Management

Special emphasis is placed on the implementation of strategic change, and the module demonstrates models and studies that involve change. The content includes strategy, internal / external analysis, competition, competitive advantage, generic business strategy, core competencies, sustainable advantage, the company's vision, building a learning organization, change management, implementation strategies.

Human Resource Management Develop an awareness of the importance of in order to achieve organizational goals. Human resource management, line management, HR specialist, the selection process, the training cycle, training and implementation of knowledge, management development, assessment of the participants, processes, policies and procedures in employee relations, reward strategies, trends in rewarding employees.

The objective of this module is to develop knowledge and analytical skills necessary corporate strategies. Module focuses on the integration of entrepreneurial vision and values into a sustainable competitive advantage by using strategic thinking and management processes.


Production & Operational management Objective of this module is to develop and enhance understanding of key principles and concepts that accompany the challenges faced by managers when designing, managing and improving responses to these same challenges. The systems and processes are considered key support business strategies and participants gain an understanding of how systems work together with their intrinsic complexity. The content includes operational strategy, supply chain design, design and process analysis, system management, capacity management, resource planning, control, project management, progress management.

Managerial accounting & Finance management The objective of this module is to provide participants an overview of the basic ing that will be processed through the Finance module. The module is focused on cost and management accounting, and shows how the concepts can be used in the decision making process. The content includes time value of money, net present value analysys, the analysis of

risk and return, the impact of leverage, the capital structure policy, estimates the cost of a simple concept and value creation.

scale, CVP analysis, pricing, cost allocation and ABC analysis.

Informationsystem & enterprise The module is based on the strategic management of information technologies and explores how the use of information tive advantage. The focus of the module is on a deep understanding of the theories, practices and challenges faced by the company during the deployment and management of information technology in the enterprise. The module includes lectures, workshops, case studies, interactive teamwork, debate and analysis in group and individual group work.


Business management & Leadership

Management consulting & Business ethics

The objective is to provide an understand-

The objective of this module is to develop the basic knowledge and analytical skills necessary to solve complex management problems and situations. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive intro- duction to consulting from the perspective of the external consultant, internal consultant, and the client.

impact of context and situations on leadership style, attitude and team leaders. Most importantly, the module will examine how of improving the company's overall operations and show how to develop personal leadership skills. Leadership in the 21st Century: the global context, the challenges of global business, corporate pathology, understanding organizational dynamics and culture, corporate and individual responsibility, business ethics, management and leadership, complexity, organizational change and transition, new approaches to leadership, inspirational leadership, service leadership, situational leadership etc. Motivation: Motivating yourself and others, narcissism, volatility and arrogance, cocky leader, developing self-awareness, psychology, interpersonal relationships, empathy, motivation, organizational culture and results, building and managing high performance teams, building and managing leader as coach and mentor, guiding creativity, innovation and risk management, managing customers, managing and maintaining growth.

The objective of this module is to develop the basic knowledge and analytical skills necessary to solve complex management problems and situations. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive intro- duction to consulting from the perspective of the external consultant, internal consultant, and the client.

Project management The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts and processes of project management, in order to create a common conceptual model necessary for the construction of a systematic, standardized approach to projects and project organization. Participants will be taken through all phases of project management (initiation, planning, execution, control and completion), with special emphasis on the planning and monitoring of construction, according to the methodology of the Project Management Institute, and the de facto world standard of project management.


Consulting process Setting up the project: basic concepts and management organization and criteria for Project structure: phases of the project, modeling project, required resources / capacity. The project management team: team of the project objectives to the analysis of the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the project. The usual risks and failures of management projects: the most common mistakes when preparing and delivered projects.

Change management The course provides an introduction to the basics of change management. Is especially crucial for businesses that operate in a very changing environment or face the entrepreneurial spirit in large organizational systems. In both cases, the solutions that are used to work perfectly are now which they produced before. The main goal of change management is to ensure positive human reaction to change in terms of their implementation in accordance with the set objectives. New role models are explored and new teaching skills are taught with personal constructs and behaviors as the content.

This course introduces students to the consulting process and helps them identify successful consultation. This course addresses personal skills and self-knowledge that are threshold priorities for success in consulting and management. Consultants must undergo a process of self-discovery by using tools such as the Meyers-Briggs Testing Instrument (MBTI), counseling, peer evaluations, as well as other exploratory means to gain better insight into their own limitations, biases, and strengths. The course will aim to help the students recognize their own personal 'priority zones' in terms of self-improvement, as well as those areas of strength upon which they can build their future. Approximately half of the course will focus on the cognitive processes involved in framing and designing the engagement: hypothesis generating and testing using a set of cases that track the work of actual consulting teams as they move through the processes of initiating and completing client projects. The other half will addresses a more tactical set of issues around engageinterviewing, and communicating with clients. Course content will include the use project presentation.


Organizational Performance & Business reengineering The Organizational Performance course provides a comprehensive view for measuring and improving organizational performance. It will explore traditional and outside-the-box measurement methods and answer the question "How can we determine the right metrics for an organization?" Content outline are key Performance Indicators (KPIs) immediately using a balanced scorecard / dashboard approach. Addressing the known challenges in an organization, and learn how to measure human factors that are often viewed as intangible but are essential to organizational performance.

The course will demonstrate a critical understanding of knowledge management policies and strategies in organisations that apply a range of transferable skills including literature search, analytical skills, application of theory to real-life situations, teamwork, motivation and interpersonal skills.

“These programmes give you the chance to live the life you've imagined."

Knowledge Management & Organizational learning This course will develop your knowledge and understanding of contemporary theories and practices of knowledge management (KM) by examining the relationship between a theoretical understanding of knowledge management and ent dimensions of knowledge management arising from human resource management, information systems and strategic management. The course will explain the concept of `intellectual capital’ and how it is managed and exploited in organisations.


Consulting tools & techniques The course aims to provide students with techniques used by successful consultants in the competitive management consulting industry. They wuill gain a thorough understanding of the global consulting industry; how it functions, the dominant players, the major sectors driving the consulting industry, and the key success factors for a sustainable and responsible consulting practice. Module content outline : •Diagnostic Tools •Tools for converting data to insight •Questionnaires and analysis, •Using technology tools for managing customer relationship

Organizational development & Group Dynamics This course orients students to the expectations of the OD program and provides an overview of the main theories and thought opment. This course establishes the foundations of organization development; the fundamental principles, values, and course introduces concepts and theories theory. Adopting an open systems perspective, organization theory explains the relations among organization environments, strategy, organization design, groups, technology, and culture and

The part of the course dealing with group dynamics combines theoretical framework with experiential learning to help participants understand group dynamics and develop strategies for successful group work within the workplace. The concepts and methods of applied research and action research are covered in this course. The focus is on the philosophy of research, ethical issues in applied and action research, problem formulation, research design, sampling theory, data collection methods, data analysis, the interpretation of both quantitative and qualitative data, the organization and report writing. The focus of this course is on the systemic, normative, and diagnostic considerations associated with designing an organization's strategic orientation. Building on the open systems perspective introduced earlier, this course extends the understanding of the relationships among organization environments, strategy, organization design, groups, technology, and culture and Recognizing that organizations exist in social, political, and economic environments that change rapidly and unpredictably, this course deals with planned change in an organization’s strategy, organization design, and other large-scale and multiorganizational systems.


Project work Understanding that unpredictable and impact on organizations this course places emphasis on the use of Complexity and Chaos theory as a means of navigating change in such environments. Assessment models, intervention theories, intervention design, survey and other data collection and analysis methods, planning of complex change, and political processes in complex systems are examined. Additionally, managing strategic reorientations, mergers and acquisitions, and technological change are considered. Finally large-scale interventions are explored including employee involvement, work design, organizational learning, trans-organizational develop-

This intensive interactive module is focused on the process of creating and presenting business plans. Participants apply newly acquired knowledge and skills to develop new ventures. During the process of developing an authentic business plan is used to solve the problem. Upon completion, students should develop a realistic and comprehensive business plan that will present Zrinski committee composed of alumni, potential investors and employees of the school.

dialogue methodologies. Students will learn fundamental core theories about group selection, structure, process, and problem solving. Students will be exposed to a variety of group approaches with an emphasis on the delivery of interventions in the context of evidence based practice.


tural surrounding that enables you to create a good international network. We will challenge you with real business world cases.� Vitomir Tafra President of the Board of Education Group Zrinski


Lecturers Our lecturers within our MBA of project projec management.

All of our lecturers have a wide range of studies, experience and knowledge both in the business sector and the university sector. They have had own companies, publi-


Calvert Markham Calvert Markham has worked as an management consultant, initially specializing in HR consultancy and currently he is concentrating on the performance development of consultants and practices. Calvert’s main business is in consultant development and training; he runs Elevation Learning which specializes in this area. Since its formation it has trained thousands of consultants from hundreds of organizations around the world. He also provides consultancy for knowledge-based organizations through its sister company, GreySpace Consulting.

Dr. Artahses Gazaryan Dr. Artahses Gazaryan * is an expert and trainer in Organizational Development, Strategic Management, Quality Management and other managerial issues at the School of Democracy and Administration in Klaipeda, Lithuania since 1994, he is also a Professor at the High School of Finance and Management in Moscow, Russia where he is teaching Problem Diagnosis, Informational Processes, and Strategic Planning since 2003. He holds degrees as Engineer-Economist from the Gomel University, Candidate of Sciences in Economics from the Moscow Institute of Statistics and Doctor of Social Sciences in Economics from the National Scientific Council of Lithuania. Since 1987 he has been teaching as a part time lecturer in different academies and universities, but never left aside from the practical occupation as a manager in different organizations, also being a founder of some of them.

Dr. Illse Ennsfellner Dr. Ilse Ennsfellner has a background in Commercial Sciences at the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, Austria. She has a wide experience from self-employed management consulting (Ennsfellner Consulting) which operated ment and Project Management., she also has trainings and lectures at universities and universities of applied sciences on the managements mentioned above and she is a speaker at Congresses both on an national and on an international level.

Dr. Hubert Lobnig Hubert Lobnig has a background in Clinical psychology, and has many years of experience as a researcher and business manager at the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for Medical and Health Sociology in the management of international expert projects and European networks. He has been a University lecturer since 1988 and in 1991 he also started consulting organizations. In 2001 he became managing partner of Lemon Consulting. His areas of professional conenctration is consulting change processes, strategy development and implementation, organization design, training for managers and executives, consulting the development and steering of network organizations and cooperation between organizations. He has also had several publications within his area of specialty.

Dagmar Untermarzoner Project manager and researcher at the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (Department of Organization Development and Health Promotion of the University of Klagenfurt); Internal management trainer for Creditanstalt (banking group); Management trainer, organization consultant and product manager at the Hernstein Institute for Management and Leadership. In 1995 she began conulsting organization and since 2001 she has been a managing partner of Lemon Consulting. Her professional areas are consulting change process, organization design, talent management and potential development, training for manangers and executives, coaching and dealing with leadership, ethics and responsibility. She also has several publications within her areas of specialities.

Dr. Ricardo Pinto Ricardo is the Managing Director at Pinto Consulting GmbH. He has a BSc in Geography (First class with Honours) and a PhD in Faculty of Economics. He´s had experience as an research officer at the Centre for Economic Performance (LSE), Principal Research Officer at London Borough of Hackney, Consultant at Newchurch & Company Ltd. and Regeneris Europe. He was also the Int. Team leader at GEWOS GmbH and CEE Manager at Gilmore Hankey Kirke (GHK) Int. His research includes Project Management, Enterprise development, Regional and local economic development and Regulatory reform. He´s got over 20 years of experience working with EC, UN, International donors, government departments, regional/local governments, private sector firms and NGOs/CSOs.

Admissions criteria Candidate's competences will greatly depend on his skills and motivation. Therefore, we prefer the individual approach to each candidate.

Application process The following documents are a necessity to be able to enroll for our MBA program.

Basic requirements to apply for MBA programmes:

Basic requirements to apply for MBA programmes:

• Minimum 2 years of working experience • University Degree • Fluent in English

• Minimum 2 years of working experience • University Degree • Fluent in English

Application process

Bennett Business School

We recommend that you start the application process as soon as you are sure of your decision. If you feel you have all the information needed and wish to apply directly please download the application form here. send it to the following e-mail address: Candidates will be asked to come to school for an interview after we review completed application. The admissions committee will

Their Vision is to become a worldleading global business school. In achieving this goal we are committed to create an environment where all can work and realise their full potential.

to consolidate and improve the structure of student’s knowledge, skills and ability to address challenges of contemporary organisation and market as well as individual needs. It will provide individuals with tools and approaches for an intelligent strategic action at every level of their engagement.

decision afterwards. Applications are received all year around, but at least 2 weeks before programme starts.


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