Hetuck Friday 2022

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Volume 83, Issue 5

Friday, June 17th, 2022

It Takes Two to Make a We Reporters: Carter Kohli and Brandon Allen segments he would like to add. Hildebrecht The Constitution of the United States takes on smoothing out the speech into a cobegins with the word “We.” As Ohio State hesive document; tying all of Governor House of Representatives member Haraz Hovance’s parts together, adding an introducGhanbari said in his speech in Millett Arena, tion, conclusion, and any filler needed. This “It takes at least two to make a we.” Nowhere process helped to form multiple speeches that does this go more unnoticed than with the would lead to standing ovations from an enerGovernor’s speeches. He has a full time gized audience. speechwriter helping him write, practice, and Even though there is more than one finalize his statements. For Governor voice in the Governor’s speeches, that does Hovance, this position is filled by Logan Hilnot mean his own is excluded. Any listener to debrecht. his debate speech would have heard a story What you may see on the surface of about a young Hovance and his telescope. The the Governor is a one-man army, but what Governor did admit to “beautifying” the story, you may not be able to recognize are all the but it is completely based in truth. He did redifferent voices that can be heard in Governor Hovance’s entrancing voice. He first met his current speechwriter Hildebrecht while preparing for the debate, where they worked together to clarify Hovance’s ideas and give him the confidence he needed to dominate the debate. According to many delegates interviewed by The Hetuck, Governor Hovance’s spectacular debate performance is what won him the landslide governor election. Without Hildebrecht’s input the election may have swung another way. The Hetuck interviewed the Governor and his speechwriter, where they were asked ceive a telescope, his father did show him the about their creative process. stars, and this did create a love for space. He “At first it was chaotic, but going forplaces the source of his creativity and imagiward we are confident in our abilities,” nation on his young love of space. Hovance said. Speechwriting can be a daunting and Both Hildebrecht and Governor tedious task that often ends in misspellings Hovance write different parts of the same speech. The Governor focuses on personal Continues on pg. 2 stories he wants to include and any specific

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and uninterested audiences. This was the world Hildebrecht was thrust into when he accepted Governor Hovance’s request to be the Governor’s speechwriter. Hildebrecht manages to master what most consider impossible. A political debate in front of over 600 boys can be difficult to make interesting. But many in the audience seemed to believe that Hildebrecht got the

delegates to drink the Hovance kool-aid. It’s not just getting people to listen, it's about getting people to feel. Not only was Hildebrecht able to touch the hearts of the audience, but the orator as well. The thunderous applause from the speech made Hovance, “legit about to cry.” Just remember, the next time you hear a speech, there’s more than just the speaker's

Hovance Cabinet Off and Running By Michael McKenzie

When campaigning, those running for office have to have a plan. They have to have a statement and plan of action for their supporters to get behind. They need to find a way to appeal to voters, get their attention, and earn their vote. This is done by spreading the word about what actions these candidates would take if they are to get selected into office. Whether these are related to the environment, the redrawing of the state district map, or even implementing a new space program within the state, there needs to be a purpose behind a campaign, and action backing up the campaign talk. After having some time to settle into office, the state elected officials and appointed cabinet members have begun to get together to put some new legislature through to make their thoughts a reality. And after the first cabinet meeting, Governor Hovance was pleased with the direction his cabinet is taking. “Honestly, better than I expected,” Hovance stated when asked about the early direction of his cabinet. “Everyone is doing really well working together. There are several agencies that are working together on major projects that I’m excited about and I look forward to getting the bills and legislation written for those and proposed to the legislature.” There were several departments that are in the process of writing bills and legislation that are very noteworthy. The department of disabled services is working on a bill to adapt workplaces in order to encourage disabled people to join the workforce, and the department of vetHovance and the elected officials after being sworn in. Picture credited to Kody Barhrst eran services has created legislation for the creation of a Vietnam memorial fund. There was also talk from the cabinet about the possible creation of a Buckeye Boys State Holiday honoring and recognizing the legion heirs who help make this great program possible. Another topic that was talked about was healthcare and how the state government can help combat the growing issue of mental health and drug addiction. The department of health has begun building the framework for a bill that will help establish clinics at school to allow all minors easier access to healthcare. The department of budget management is even getting in on helping combat mental health and drug issues, as they are proposing separating mental health and drug addicContinues on pg. 3

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tion into two separate departments and budgets to allow for Ohioans to receive more specialized care for their mental health issues, with the possibility of using Welsh County as a rehab center for mental health and drug addiction. One final interesting note from the cabinet meeting was the potential of an aerospace school being established in Ohio by the department of higher education. And although this would seem to help with the creation of NOSA, governor Hovance says the aerospace school is not a top priority for his cabinet. “The aerospace school is not our top priority right now. I’m not opposed to that, but right now, the direction NOSA is taking is trying to get boots on the ground here right now. We are trying to establish the department the best we can. We are working on that mainly. It’s going to be small steps of progress. Obviously we aren’t putting a man on the moon today, we aren’t putting a man on Mars tomorrow, but getting the department established and set up is our top priority.”

Legislature v. The People By Carter Kohli

An explosive new story has been uncovered by The Hetuck through a brave whistleblower. The legislative branch is attempting to abuse their power to financially enrich themselves at the expense of the common citizen. In Justice Sharon Kennedy’s speech to the American Legion Buckeye Boys State she said, “We must hold elected leaders accountable for their actions.” A whistleblower in the upper levels of state government seems to have been inspired by this line. Said anonymous whistleblower came to The Hetuck with a leaked draft of a bill proposed and under consideration in the legislative branch. The bill was crafted by members of the House of Representatives, with the whistleblower submitting a document showing Ali J.

Ali and Aidan Fay as its sponsors.   

The BBS Bank will be nationalized by the government and seized with the bank now becoming a state bank. Mortgage payments will be cut in half. This must be hidden with complicated language and weird less known words, but the stocks of the bank are being divided up equally between LSC, House, and Senate members, as well as the legal advisor to the House.

Much of this wording can seem confusing, as part three encourages. The Hetuck’s legal experts have delved into the wording of the bill and have produced the following explanation: The BBS Bank would become property of the state government. Payments for mortgage would be halved, but this is merely meant to distract from the last section. Section three aims to secretly divide the shares of the now state owned bank among the members and workers of the legislature. They could sell these shares, or use them to influence the actions of the bank. It would essentially consolidate all financial power into the hands of the legislative branch. This scary reality is more than some far off threat. The whistleblower said, “ The room was a majority vote, some people might have not agreed to this, but they all have to be held accountable.” To The Hetuck’s current knowledge, a report has been filed to the Inspector General, but that status of the report is unknown at this time. More reports may be flooding in, as the whistleblower claims, “The Governor is being targeted by these bills.” It will be hard to find time to sift through them all, since as the whistleblower themselves said, “This will be Buckeye Boys State's largest trial.”

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Monsoon at Miami! By Zachery Simpkins

During the afternoon of June 13th a pitter patter of rain drops could be heard throughout the campus. Soon after the melodious soft drops, a thundering symphony of large raindrops started to rush down on top of the delegates. Soon after heavy drops of rain came the booming sound of thunder. The rain quickened, as did the wind. The delegates rushed inside and were told to stay in place to weather the storm. With so many delegates bored and with little to do, creative activities to pass the time spurred. Flower dormitory, which harbers Munson county, has three cities; Estepp, Dieringer, and Zulch. These cities each had a unique way to pass the time during the deluge. The city of Estepp had a subtle way to pass the time. They all sat around a Storm at BBS. Picture credited to Christopher Paterson. stereo, “vibing” to music. Most of the delegates were on their phone, but they were being respectable and not being too rowdy. Eventually, the delegates of Estepp started to play a creative type of ping pong. Instead of having paddles and a ping pong ball, they improvised with a tennis ball, and their hands. Dieringer City had a more rowdy approach to battle boredom. The card game Mau was being played energetically. Mau, when watching from the side lines, had little to no rules, but seemed fun. After the game of Mau, hallway races were in session. The best times recorded for Derringer track and field day were as follows; 6.89 seconds - Cyler, 7.01 - Carter, 7.02 - Brady. Zulch City delegates were practicing democracy in a game of Mafia. In this game, there are two parties of sorts, the Citizens and the Mafia. It’s the Mafia’s job to eliminate the Citizens during the night. The Citizens job is to lynch the mafia members in a unanimous vote during the day time. A doctor, of the Citizens, can save a member at night from any oncoming attacks. The same citizen ws saved by said Doctor twice in a row. This game has more and more rules and roles, but too many to describe. The game continued for the entirety of the stay-in-place protocol. Being rained in brought the delegates closer. Cities saw their togetherness grow. Friendships sprung from the need to solve the desire for entertainment.

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