Hetuck Monday, 2019

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Volume 81, Issue 1

First Impressions of Buckeye Boys State By Jack Treinish III The first day of American Legion Buckeye Boys State (ALBBS) is often confusing and very intimidating for attendees. The fast-paced activities build relationships among delegates and determine their roles for the coming days. Charles Cindric of Avon Lake began Sunday morning with a long drive to Miami University, the three-year home of ALBBS. Upon arrival, he said he received a “friendly welcoming” from other attendees and hopped right into the Boys State community. Each attendee checked in at Millet Hall, Miami’s basketball arena, then made their way to the residence halls, met their roommate and unpacked. The American Legion organizes housing so the roommates are opposite political parties. This not only strengthens the relationship between roommates, but also forces individuals to make friends within their party. The “Boys Staters” then went to the first of many city meetings. Attendees were then able to specialize and join activities such as playing in the ALBBS band or beginning the campaign process. The boys then partook in the first official city caucus and selected their City Party Chairman. Under his leadership, they then elected their Secretary, Delegates and alternates. Next on the itinerary

was dinner. Each meal is divided into “feeds,” which is how the staff of Miami is able to feed around 1000 young men in about an hour.

Monday, June 10th, 2019

As a part of third feed, Joshua Waters was able to admire the university and said it’s a “beautiful campus” and he can’t complain about his housing arrangement in the newly built dormitory, Withrow Hall. At dinner, he especially enjoyed the pizza, which was served alongside noodles, General Tso's chicken, rice and spring rolls. The night ended with an evening program where the band played a number of songs just three hours after auditions. American Legion members, or Legionnaires, spoke at the assembly and set ground rules for the week in addition to introducing members of their staff. Among the speakers that night were an Ohio Senator, a retired Army Ranger and the mayor of Oxford. All spoke of the leadership and pride of the young men who come to American Legion Buckeye Boys State. The attitude of the program was seen in totality — from the attendees, to the counselors and legionnaires, the first day made it clear that Boys State’s motto, “A week to shape a lifetime,” was not exaggerated.

Delegates return from Millet Hall after an assembly. Photo by A ndrew Fogt.

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Federalist Party Platform 1. Armed Services, Veterans Affairs & Homeland Security Support Veteran integration into the civilian life Increase funding for the Veterans Medical Facilities with attention to mental health Creation of a state wide veteran work program to help veterans find employment. Need to address sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. Increase state funding for the Ohio Coast Guard and Lake Erie Increased internet security for government facilities. Continuation of standards on training for the National Guard. 2. Armed Services, Veteran Affairs and Homeland Security Committee Expand access to welfare/ financial support Stress education to assist foster care children Increase funding for state parks Increase authority for child protective services Lower the age of social security Increase government funding for mental health issues Increase prominence of free & reduced medical care 3. Economic Development, Commerce, Labor and Business Lower Income tax rates Support the decrease of economic development regulations Lower government subsidies and increase tax credits (especially for farmers) Implementation of inheritance tax Support of rural education development Elimination of forced union dues 4. Energy and Natural Resources/Stem Promote clean, sustainable, and renewable energy Support the policy of limited government interference in fossil fuels Increase public awareness and education Create “lead-by-example” government programs Improve water management & treatment Increase sponsored research of more efficient energy technology. 5. Government Accountability and Oversight Support greater transparency for donors and super PACs Increase restrictions on lobbying organizations Support the regulation of government mandates Support the creation of a watch-dog agency to ensure government appropriations are implemented properly Support the ideal that the state legislature must confirm all gubernatorial appointments Support the mandate that all government elected and appointed officials must complete a background/criminal check. 6. Health/safety Set legal age for medical/recreational marijuana at age 18 Support the prevention of opioid and nicotine usage Price ceilings for prescription prices Rehabilitation for possession, jail time for repeat offenders. Limit doctors on overprescribing medication for profit Decriminalize- Shrooms, LSD, DMT, Psychedelics for medical use Improving road safety Begin after-school programs set to reduce the spread of gang violence in schools Vaccines are mandatory unless it threatens the child's life 7. Education and Workforce Development Education Begin teaching optional foreign languages early on in education Government tuition cap for all public colleges and universities Support less funding for charter schools Support change of the education funding model to focus less on property tax Support more protection/security in k-12 public schools Implement a meal system that is higher is nutritional value Work Force Support Human-based prospect in jobs (opposing to AI) Increase the number of days for maternity and paternity leave 8. Infrastructure The implementation of a autobahn sidewalk system for buckeye boys state Increase funding and support for infrastructure associated with Ohio’s lakes and rivers

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Nationalist Party Platform 1. TAXATION: In favor of lowering sales tax In favor of lowering corporate taxes In favor of re-appropriating property taxes away from school funding In favor of introducing moderately progressive income tax to fund schools 2. HEALTHCARE: In favor of Medicare expansion In favor of more accessible affordable healthcare for veterans and the impoverished In favor of heavier restrictions on prices of prescription drugs 3. EDUCATION: In favor of mandated medical training for teachers In favor of expanding funding for first aid resources in schools In favor of capital improvements to schools, such as air conditioned classrooms In favor of increased funding for school resource officers and teachers In favor of public curriculum expansion to include more trade skills and life skills, such as personal finance management and home economics 4. ECONOMY & WELFARE REFORM: In favor of Laissez-faire economic policies to include private industry and middle class growth In favor of policies to decrease number of welfare recipients through programs that assist with self-sufficiency 5. SOCIAL JUSTICE: In favor of abolishing for-profit prisons In favor of a focus on prisoner rehabilitation instead of punishment In favor of universal right to vote for of-age citizens In favor of all citizens’ civil rights 6. GUN CONTROL: In favor of increasing educational programs for gun owners, potential gun owners, and members of the community on topics of gun safety and responsible handling In favor of upholding 2nd Amendment liberties In favor of universal background checks for all firearms purchases 7. VOTING REFORM: In favor of mandated leave for employees for purposes of voting In favor of same day voter registration with current ID laws In favor of requiring paper ballot backups of all voting machines In favor of increasing funding for boards of elections at every level across the state 8. DRUG REFORM: In favor of legalization and regulation of marijuana In favor of further restrictions on access to prescription opioids In favor of mandatory Narcan training for all public servants In favor of transition of opioid addicts from prison to rehabilitation centers, and increased prison sentences for opioid dealers 9. ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES: In favor of increasing restrictions on dumping of waste materials In favor of stricter regulations of emissions of greenhouse gasses In favor of incentivizing companies to use clean energy sources In favor of increased conservation efforts 10. ABORTION: In favor of protection of right to life of all fertilized eggs from conception, except when abortion is desired by the mother in the event of potential maternal mortality, rape, and/or incest In favor of providing financial and emotional support to the mother of any non-consensual pregnancy

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Forming relationships to last a lifetime Reporter: Dustin Kirtley American Legion Buckeye Boys State is packed full of campaigns and elections at various levels of Ohio government. City and county caucuses were held and nominees have been selected for elected positions. During these processes, several clear leaders had the opportunity to separate themselves from the other candidates in attendance. It has often been said at Buckeye Boys State that after all of the memories of jobs and responsibilities fade, the relationships are what’s remembered for years to come. This has been especially evident in Warner County, located in Presidents Hall. Jay Aaron, the Chairman for Warner County, has been able to share advice about the keys to his election that delegates still searching for jobs may find valuable. When asked about his qualifications and why he feels he’s a good fit for County Chairman, Jay identified his interpersonal skills as a major cause for his success. “As with most things in life, being personable is one of the best things you can do for yourself and others,” he said. “Being approachable, being kind and being easy-going will ultimately create opportunities for success.” Within the first 24 hours of the program, several cities and counties have already begun to show very close bonds. This includes Merritt City, which nearly managed to re-elect their City Chairman and City Secretary to both County positions. City Chairman Jay Aaron was re-elected as County Chairman, and City Secretary Shlokansh Shah came up just short in the voting for County Secretary. The personal relationships, as well as the cooperation and chemistry between co-workers, has become extremely evident in Merritt City and others throughout a very short time.

Behind the County Caucus Reporter: Logan Davis From the very start of Boys State, the main concept has been based on modeling the state government of Ohio. The county caucuses provided both informal and formal meetings to elect numerous positions, such as the Party Chairman, Party Secretary and more. Stephen Woyek was elected as the Chairman of the Federalist Party. After the caucuses, we asked a few questions concerning his thoughts on the caucuses and whether his expecations were met. “I was expecting a lot more people to run for judge, but only two people wanted to be nominated for the common pleas court,” he said. “I was very surprised by the lack of judges, but I was very proud of the way our city represented itself by taking various jobs.” Afterward, we asked him which positions he felt were most important for his party to secure during elections. “Definitely the judges, since if we can control the judges we can control the county. The same is with the commissioners if we have a majority we can get almost anything we want to be passed.” Finally, we asked him how he felt that he would represent both the Federalist party and the White county as a whole, to which he proudly responded, “everyone who was there saw how effectively it was run, and it was done quicker than the Nationalists. We were finished with the caucus 20 minutes earlier than our counterparts.” Woyek’s interview provided interesting insight into how the caucuses function in Buckeye Boys State’s (BBS) cities and counties, as well as a leader’s perspective as chairman for one of these meetings. He highlighted experiences nearly all delegates have, describing how BBS operates.

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