2021 Buckeye Boys State Hetuck-Monday June 14th

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Volume 81, Issue 1

A Leader Amongst Future Leaders

Isaac J ones Reporter

Today, Governor Mike DeWine visited the delegates of Buckeye Boys State at Miami University. Governor DeWine took the podium before an energized crowd of hundreds, introduced himself, and began a personal narrative on the keys to success. He spoke of his wife, Fran, and his children as well as the challenges inherent to governing a state during a global pandemic. A common motif throughout his oration was the importance of information, which to paraphrase, “you can never have too much of.” DeWine took many questions from the collection of delegates and answered each with precision and depth. One question raised: “As times get tough, what traits can assist a leader?” DeWine warned that leaders should always be prepared for a crisis as someone, especially in his position, will inevitably run into one. It’s about a balance, one between pleasing your constituency and doing right by yourself; a decision you can live with. The example he used was his affirmative vote for the war in Iraq that would come to define a decade. Another delegate asked the question “What traits are dominant in a good campaign?” DeWine's response consisted of seeing the individuals you will vote for and going out to make yourself known. It is also important to let the people understand what your platform is and how you plan on using the office.

Monday, June 14th, 2021

Governor DeWine then concluded the question and answer portion of his visit and the stadium began to empty, although a portion stayed behind to shake his hand or snap a picture. In the concurrent press meeting, a party of reporters asked further questions. DeWine was asked, “Why is a camp like Boys State so important in today’s political climate?” The governor took a brief pause and explained that the future of the country could be decided by leaders at Boys State and other such programs. Therefore, educational camps are a necessity to the future of the political climate and the country at large. The following question, “Why have you made it a priority to attend Boys State during your time as governor?” was also asked. DeWine replied that it was imperative for him to come, not only because of the excitement and spectacle of his arrival but, to instill leaders with a foundation for success. The brief interview concluded with a final question: “What do you hope for these delegates to take back to their homes and schools after their week at Boy State?” DeWine gave a very educated and deliberate reply; he stated that he wants the delegates to go home and spread the sense of passion for Photo credit: Gavin Kelly the government and the feeling that one Gavin Lake (right) can make a difference in and Blaine Bishop (left) interviewing their government. Governor Mike DeWine (middle).

2 The Hetuck

2021 Federalist Party Platform Voting Rights The Federalist Party in order to ensure and increase voting rights and participation support the State of Ohio making Election Day(s) a state holiday, increasing polling places in cities and towns and supporting increased funding for voting education. Agriculture The Federalist Party believes that agriculture is a very important part of life and the economy. Small farms are very important to the economy and in contrast to that, farm subsidies are not good for the economy and should be stopped. Regulations on agriculture are very important to the environment and the safe and humane production of agriculture. As Ohioans’ “agriculture grows it will hold true to the best traditions to its name.” - National FFA Creed Economics The Federalist Party supports a free market economy with limited government intervention. We support strengthening our infrastructure and expanding access to public transportation. Finally, we support reforming our current welfare system and lowering taxes across the board. Education Our party supports an improved education system that focuses on bringing people together as a state and country and is used to inform the people. To be better informed, the people need to be educated on their rights through political learning so that they can also be able to form their own opinion.It should also help people learn life skills and well being because so many people struggle in that field today. Worker’s Rights Taxes would be adjusted to help offset higher costs of living in urban areas. We look to make a pathway to allow small and medium sized businesses to unionize. Health Care Our party supports and allows the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Life begins at conception and our party opposes abortion on the fact of morality. Our party supports private healthcare for the majority of citizens and insurance assistance for those in poverty and the elderly.

The Hetuck 3

2021 Nationalist Party Platform Government oversight and Election Reform  Establish a 5-member non-partisan commission to redraw state legislative districts - No state municipality should be divided into more than one district  Establish a system of ranked-choice voting  Increase transparency with campaign donations  Implement policies that regulate the donations from PACs and superPACs Veteran Affairs  Support policies to increase benefits for military veterans  Support supplementary monetary benefits to military veterans Union & Labor  Increase historic tax credits to trade schools, cooperatives, and the retooling of outdated/blighted factories  Support a state-organized labor relations board Infrastructure  Support the increase in funding to improve road infrastructure in Ohio  Support increase in technological innovation with regards to infrastructure Agriculture, Sustainable Energy, and Conservation  Promote benefits towards farmers who utilized more sustainable agricultural techniques  Support legislation to prohibit predatory corporations from taking advantage of protected state lands Criminal Justice Reform  Legalize the recreational usage of marijuana with a tax - Utilize dispensaries for safe implementation - Support a steep syntax  Support legislation to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 for light beers Economic Development  Support an increased minimum wage $9.50 an hour  Support a more rigid process of applying for Unemployment Benefits Civil Liberties  Support the rights and protection of all individuals so long as they don’t cause harm to other individuals Education  Support the abolishment of the Common Core standard and replace it with a more effective system

4 The Hetuck

Highway Patrol Saijayshuk Pandrangi, Reporter

Governor Hopeful Throws Race Isaac Jones, Reporter

On the eve of the primary elections, partisan rallies were held to encourage party support behind a single candidate. Through persuasion and charisma, candidates would attempt to win over the crowd, with the key item being the gubernatorial speeches. A pair of Federalist candidates walked to the balcony above a silent crowd, clearly nervous and shifting in their suits. Benjamin Spears and Nathan Scholle presented themselves before the crowd to tell the crowd that they were not the best candidates, in fact, two others, also housed in Symmes, were. Cael Saxton and Benjamin Lerner, a pair that had spoken only moments before. In a private interview, Spears and Scholle conceded that the fiasco was planned. In order to secure an appointment, they would sacrifice their candidacy. According to Spears, the fear of unemployment and lack of employbetter understanding of the program as a whole. ment options after elections were weighing on him. His plan is to be appointed to the DepartWhen asked why they would apply for the job of ment of Budget and Finance, a position that Highway Patrolman, the applicants repeatedly would fit his skill set. Scholle is generally undesaid that the job provides a sense of freedom and cided but the deal afforded him a position in their reward that no other job can give. The rewarding cabinet. However, their efforts may have been in factor lies in the depth of how the service that vain as many voters in the crowd were turned patrolmen and women do allows people to have away by the endeavor. After being informed of their lives protected from major accidents and this, Scholle urged people not to make any brash incidents. decisions. Their reasoning, other than the cabinet positions, was stated to be the superiority of the The impact of the Highway Patrolmen can be candidates. “They ran a better and more orgaperceived in two ways, short term and long term. nized campaign,” Spears said, exposing further In a sense of short term impact, saving drunk the true nature of his and his running mate’s camdrivers who may cause a hazard on the road and paign. All in all, it was a shocking twist of events preventing those drivers from hurting themselves with ramifications or others. Moreover, in the long term, patrolmen we will likely not can prevent small issues such as a car going see until after the slightly above the speed limit from turning into a voting results are potentially dangerous situation that may involve Cael Saxton (left) and more than just one person should speeding beBenjamin Lerner (right) deliver their come a habit over time. According to the Highway Patrolmen, the Highway Patrol of Ohio is a divisional body of the Ohio Department of Public Safety that operates and oversees the traffic systems here in Ohio and is really the heart of highway safety and management. The Highway Patrol Exams kick off with a variety of participants from all four of the counties that make up Buckeye Boys State applying for it. Members of DeWeese, Wagonseller, Welsh, and White county take the exam to see if they can join the Highway Patrol. With a very low selection percentage of only 20 candidates out of an approximate 70 participants, it stands out as one of the most competitive employment processes in Boys State. Therefore, the Hetuck reporting staff made its way down to the Farmer School of Business after the Highway Patrol Exams in order to get a


Photo credit: Gavin Kelly

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