Hetuck 2017 Wednesday Edition

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Volume 79, Issue 3


What gives victors victory? Dylan Hoover Reporter As many delegates discovered this week, campaigning is not nearly as easy as one might assume. However for some, setting themselves apart from their peers is far easier. This calls to mind the question of what specific characteristics set a person apart from others and allows them to win? This analysis must be discussed at two levels; at the smaller more concentrated level, and at the expansive state level. Delegates who are naturally extroverted and charismatic find themselves winning over voters with ease; those less comfortable in social situations, however, are often times glanced over. Personal charisma, popularity within the group, and the natural ability to adapt to different social situations seems to influence who can win within the city level. However, due to the large amount delegates, this more personable approach will not lead to statewide respect. Although charisma can leave a lasting impression, this is not everything. So outside of their own cities, why do people vote the way they do? Reporter Tyler Hapney and myself surveyed numerous delegates to


further understand how they voted and why. The survey simply asked, “Why did you vote the way you voted?” Choices were “based on belief, party, personal relationship or based on another reason, such as poise, presentation, or qualifications.” Reports found that overwhelmingly, people voted because of personal belief, the candidate's qualifications and how well candidates presented themselves and pleaded their case. Furthermore, although relationship is important at the local level, at the state level it is more difficult and less important to be likable. Something fascinating to be noted however, is the fact that hardly anyone voted based purely on their assigned political

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

party. Party lines have become blurred here at Boys State. Even if someone were of the Federalist Party they still might have voted for the Nationalist candidate because of belief or qualifications. This is quite a fascinating social scenario because the delegates of Buckeye boys state are among the brightest and most politically involved young men across the entire state of Ohio; they are more politically knowledgeable and informed than the majority of adult citizens. Boys state is not teaching about government; it is giving intelligent young men the chance to live in a bubble society where they can live and achieve what they desire the most.

Poll listing 45 delegates’ reasons for voting. Photo courtesy of Dylan Hoover

2 The Hetuck

Planning to stop all substance abuse won’t work Davyn Williams Reporter During the elections, delmany studies have shown the Luckily other countries egates running for state offices kept D.A.R.E act had no effect on the have shown there may be other stressing a specific subject that has amount of people who were using ways to address the drug abuse been brought up time and time illegal substances. If one of the that may be effective. Portugal has again by hundreds of different polimost famous and expensive prodecriminalized the possession of ticians: the topic of drug abuse. It grams to stop drug abuse didn’t illegal drugs and has been proven seems politicians cannot get even faze the amount of people to have a positive effect, meaning enough of talkyoung peoing about the ple have problems that shown a drugs create decrease in for people. A drug abuse common and a fall in theme among HIV among many politithe populacians on how to tion. Other solve the probcountries lem of drug have also abuse is to get adopted rid of all drugs drug abuse entirely. Of centers course politiwhere peocians only say ple are they will get rid being of all drugs, helped for however it drug abuse never seems to and if they work and thoudo need to sands of people use the are sent to jail drug, it is Thanh Pham speaks during debate. Photo courtesy of Cameron Salapack in a safe each year for substance abuse. using drugs, what can and conMost people are familiar someone do to stop drug abuse? trolled environment. with the once famous D.A.R.E act The truth is people will Drug abuse may never be stopped, that most attribute to the start of abuse drugs no matter how many but ridiculing and arresting these the whole war on drugs in America. plans are made or how much monpeople who need help for their To those who do not know what the ey and teaching goes into keeping addictions will only make the D.A.R.E act was, it was police officpeople from taking drugs. Curiosiproblem worse. People who abuse ers who talked to kids about not ty will always kill the cat and in this drugs need to be cared for and taking drugs and also raising selfcase if people do not get help for helped if drug abuse is ever going confidence. Although the D.A.R.E their problem in a way that is to stop. act was popular among many pareffective, they might end up going ents and students during it’s time, too far one day.

3 The Hetuck

Delegates form an impressive marching band Jordan Greynolds Reporter

A well orchestrated band can take weeks or even months of practice to be ready for a performance. However, on rare occasions all it takes is one night of practice That is exactly how much time the Buckeye Boys’ State band had before their first performance. Not only did the band members not know each other, but they also did not know the songs they would be playing before rehearsal. Trumpet player Davyn Williams said, “We weren’t given the songs we would be performing until our one and only rehearsal before the first assembly.” Some may think that playing well as a band just comes down to how the individuals play, but this is not the case. Being able to play off of each other is crucial for a good overall sound. Trumpet player Nolan Andrasik explained this by say-

ing, “Chemistry is very important in terms of listening to each other to make sure that we are all in tune.” In the same way that delegates did not know the other members, the band also did not know their peers in the audience. This could have been tough because they are not yet comfortable around the other delegates and this was, in a way, their first impression. Apparently their experienced back-

Photo courtesy of Zach Potkanowicz

Photo courtesy of Zach Potkanowicz

grounds did not allow this to be a cause for intimidation. “The crowd wasn’t intimidating because being in band for so many years you just get used to being in front of a lot of people,” said tenor player Nathan Sturgin. After pulling off the feat of a successful performance with almost no practice, band members did not have time to celebrate. “We began learning new songs the day after our first performance,” Davyn Williams said. Their work continued as did their successful performances, but now with effortless chemistry. Here at Buckeye Boys’ State, delegates are believed to be the best and brightest that Ohio has to offer and the ability to pull off things like this holds this belief to be true.

4 The Hetuck

The Temple of Garrity merges politics, belief Alexander Ellison Reporter As the Boys son County to Garrity State Citizens follow County, in honor of their along with their daily beliefs. duties, a social moveAusmus statment that has originated in the interview, “We ed within one city has would like to be able to expanded to its entire rename our county to county within a matter Garrity County. If this of hours. Shane Auswas not possible, a secmus, a Federalist who ondary goal would be resides within Garrity for us to establish GarriCity, Munson County, ty City as its own counalong with Daniel Reynty, with the first floor olds and Joseph Cooke, staying as the remainhave founded what der of Munson County, they call to be, “a third with the city in it as party political affiliation The official religious symbol of Garrity City, the Flying Garrity well.” with religious themes,” Photo courtesy of Zach Potkanowicz With adamant protecthough many have referred to this tion of the 1st Amendment, followmation with Hetuck.” as a religion. ers of The Temple of Garrity hope A temple has been esThe said political party, to succeed in the endeavors they tablished within Garrity City, as known as “The Temple of Garriplan to achieve. Only time will tell well as one other within the floor ty” grows with great influence as its whether this issue will be recogbelow it. Currently, sessions of followers spread the word and benized with praise or criticism. worship have yet to be establiefs of Legionnaire Garrity’s views lished, though the three coupon the qualities of respect and founders do hope to set a time and determination. Their religion is one date for those soon. Currently of monotheistic construct, with there are 26 citizens who follow Legionnaire Garrity, or rather, his The Temple of Garrity. messages and statements, set as Shane Ausmus explained their holy being. The Temple of to Hetuck the reason why he and Garrity has even assigned other the other co-founders founded this constructs reminiscent of other “social and cultural movement.” religions found worldwide. He said, “We’d like to give back to The delegates created a Mr. Garrity and messages he has form of induction, a holy symbol, given us. We see this as a sign of and even levels of rankings within respect.” Ausmus also plans to their establishment. Part of the implement The Temple of Garriinduction comes with a personal ty’s beliefs into the political agenoath. Daniel Reynolds, a member of das of Garrity City. As a “political this group said “This oath is sort of a ideology,” the group’s members church secret. Unfortunately, we also plan on the renaming of Munaren’t able to disclose this infor-

“We’d like to

give back to Mr. Garrity and the messages he has given us. We see this as a sign of respect.”

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