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Practical case
What is non-formal education?
This project and handbook were developed with a focus on non-formal learning. From an international perspective, the values and needs of non-formal learning can be understood differently according to the various goals for the development of learning and education, which can be considered as bene ting individuals and/or organisations (Norqvist and Lef er, 2017)1 .
The non-formal education is the learning which takes place through planned activities, in terms of learning objectives and learning time. Where some form of learning support is present, but which is not part of the formal education and training system. The activities and courses are planned, but are seldomly structured by conventional rhythms or curriculum subjects. Non-formal learning is also connected to an institution (i.e. an organisation or association with a speci c interest such as culture or sports) within the non-formal education system (e.g. Sports or Youth-programmes within Erasmus?) (Norqvist et al., 2016)2 .
1 Norqvist, Lars, and Eva Leffler. “Learning in non-formal education: Is it “youthful” for youth in action?.” International Review of Education 63.2 (2017): 235-256.
2 Norqvist, L., Leffler, E., & Jahnke, I. (2016). Sweden and informal learning—Towards integrated views of learning in a digital media world: A pedagogical attitude? In M. Harring et al. (Eds.), Handbuch Informelles Lernen [Handbook of informal learning] (pp. 217–235). Weinheim: Juventa/Beltz- Verlag.