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Legal Notice While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contradictory information contained in this document. This document is not intended as legal, investment, or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader of this document assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Realeflow assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. Š 2009 Realeflow LLC
Table of Contents Chapter 1: The Perfect “Lay On The Beach And/Or Scuba Dive” Business Model......................... 4 Chapter 2: What You Think You know about Internet Marketing is Wrong................................... 10 Chapter 3: The Two Most Important Words in the New Internet Dictionary................................ 16 Chapter 4: Why I Can Just About Guarantee You’re Probably Working Way Too Hard.............. 22 Chapter 5: Why You’re Nuts If You’re Sending Traffic To A Normal Website................................... 29 Chapter 6: Why You’re a Bloody Genius For Sending Traffic To A Squeeze Page......................... 33 Chapter 7: The 5 Headed Monster That Can Increase Conversions by 800%............................... 36 Chapter 8: 2 Ways To Build A Squeeze Page............................................................................................. 43 Chapter 9: Do Work Once Get Paid Forever.............................................................................................. 49 Chapter 10: Internet Video Traffic................................................................................................................. 54 Chapter 11: Article Marketing........................................................................................................................ 59 Chapter 12: Using Social Media Networks................................................................................................ 62 Chapter 13: Pay Per Click Marketing............................................................................................................ 67 Chapter 14: Realeflow Labs............................................................................................................................ 70
Chapter 1 – The Perfect “Lay On The Beach And/Or Scuba Dive” Business Model I am 100% positive that I have a revolutionary system that is about to be conveyed to you in what you are now reading. I am also 100% positive that not everyone reading this sentence will even finish this book. WHY? Why do YOU think?
I think there could be many reasons:
You may not believe that I’m for real, you may think I’m just some guy who sells stuff and is trying to sell you something right now. You may never let your guard down.
You may be “thirsting” for success, dying to finally make a ton of money with something, and hoping that this may be the answer, ONLY to have your life interrupt you halfway through this book NEVER to pick it up again.
You may feel like you are “stupid” when it comes to technology or the internet, and therefore telling yourself that this stuff is too hard OR too complicated.
You may have a severe fear of failure. I know I did… A fear of failing so strong that this single mental roadblock is preventing you from doing ANYTHING substantial with your life.
You may just not want to mess up and feel perfectly comfortable with the status quo.
You may not have enough time because you still have a regular job. It may seem that you can never find the energy to put anything like this into ACTION.
You could believe that you don’t have enough money to put the ideas I’m about to give you into motion… and telling yourself that it “takes money to make money…”
You could be thinking right now “I wish this idiot would get on with it already…. Let me see what he’s got so I can be the judge” . By the way, quit thinking I’m an idiot…
These are all very good and very powerful excuses. Me personally, I’ve only used ONE of the above excuses on a consistent basis. But that one thing really made me one of the biggest slackers in the world for 21 years of my life. The one that kept grabbing a hold of me was the “fear of failure” thing.
It had a vicious grip and wouldn’t let go until a major “shift” in my life. I’m very blessed to have finally let go of that sucker, and now I feel like nothing can ever hold me back from doing whatever I want. Nothing.
To watch a video on how I “BEAT” failure click here The other ones – they never got their evil hold on me…
Luckily, I was never too skeptical about others. I’ve always known that people do sell stuff, but if the stuff was any good then it was worth way more than what I was paying.
I’ve ALWAYS “thirsted” for success big time. I can remember as a kid thinking big things, and
dreaming constantly about what the future would hold. I usually didn’t let little things “interrupt” me in anything I wanted to do (other than that little fear of failure thing - lol).
I’ve always known I was “stupid” at some things and smart at others. By the way, I’ve always thought of it as “mentally un-interested”, never stupid… I’ve never let that get in the way because I have always known that I couldn’t be a master at everything. As long as I knew where to go to for assistance I’d be alright.
I’ve always had a major problem with the status quo. I’ve always loved to shake things up.
I’ve always had a major
That time thing is the biggest crock in the world. Even with 3
problem with the status quo.
kids now I always make time for what’s important in my life.
I’ve always loved to shake
It’s just hard sometimes to choose what’s most important. I’ve
things up.
gotten pretty good at this though. I can help you here too…
I did NOT come from a rich family. I’m one of 7 kids and I know for certain that my Dad never made more than $50,000 a year of his life – and my Mom never worked. For some reason though I’ve always known instinctively that it does NOT take money to make money. I’ve since made a ton of money with “ideas” and “execution”, not by investing huge sums in projects and businesses.
And last but not least, I’ve never thought of myself as an idiot. I’ve done idiotic things at times, like when I was a senior in high school and ripped off at least 18 door knobs inside school property as a senior prank. I still don’t know why I did that… Maybe it was to be cool or to impress some girl with my super human strength.
The ONE thing I do know for certain is that I’ve been absolutely OBSESSED with business models
and more specifically “PASSIVE” income business models for at least two decades now. I’ve always loved the idea of making a ton of money AND doing it with little or no effort. It’s just a cool concept, isn’t it?
I now love what having a lot of money gives me and my family. I love the freedom and the privilege of helping those that we love, and helping those in need is a literal dream come true.
This healthy obsession has naturally led me to real estate (about 5 yrs ago) and recently, over the past two years, to internet marketing. There may be no more powerful marriage of business concepts in the world than what I am so excited to share with you.
What I’d like to do now is talk for just a minute about the end game. Talk a little bit about what the end result should look like if you do things my way. For those who think they may know “internet marketing”, then I’m bound to ruffle your feathers. For those who know NOTHING, then get ready because that’s about to change in a big way – fast.
I’d really like you to join me in this new world. This is a world
I now love what having a
where properly applied effort can have exponential results.
lot of money gives me and
I’m talking results so powerful that you may not really truly
my family. I love the the
believe it UNTIL the money and leads start pouring in. I’m fine
freedom and the privilege of
with a little healthy skepticism AS LONG AS it doesn’t interfere
helping those that we love and helping those in need is
with YOU taking action.
a literal dream come true.
Let me paint this picture for you with a simple little graphic:
l Socia rks o w t e N
rds Cla
ss Ad ified s
ss Ad ified s
Seller Squeeze Page (Landing page)
Your Business (Realeflow)
Seller Squeeze Page (Page 2 additional info)
Buyer Squeeze Page (Page 3 financial info)
Core Website (Professional brochure site)
rds Cla
Buyer Squeeze Page (Landing page)
Buyer Squeeze Page (Page 2 additional info)
(same website)
Core Website (Professional brochure site)
So basically what’s happening here in very simple terms is you are:
1. Driving traffic to your squeeze page (landing page) using multiple sources 2. Your squeeze page is converting a high % of those visitors to solid leads 3. New seller leads are emailed to you AND dropped into your Realeflow database 4. New Buyer leads are also emailed and dropped into Realeflow BUT the cool thing here is you can ALSO have a mortgage broker notified of the new “potential” buyer so they can pre-qualify them before you lift a finger 5. ALL of your sellers and buyers are then directed to your Professional “Business” website to further sell you and your services 8
l Socia rks o w t e N
6. You process these leads and deposit small, medium, and large checks into your bank account 7. Rinse and Repeat – I mean take the money out of your pocket before it goes through the washer
What you’re about to learn is a system that took years to develop and is considered by many people who I’ve shown it to – to be the most powerful online lead generation strategy ever developed for real estate investors.
Chapter 2: What You Think You know about Internet Marketing is Wrong… I’m hoping to “demystify” internet marketing with this report AND, in turn, allow you to easily set up powerful traffic funnels to your site(s). I need you to focus and spend an hour of your life reading and highlighting the ideas presented. It will mean a world of difference for you and your business.
Over the last two years I’ve created and perfected a system that lets me generate high volumes of high quality leads for all my businesses (9 in all).
The best part is I have it set on complete autopilot and it’s all done through using simple little internet systems.
So really what I want to do is show you exactly how I do it. It’s
Over the last two years I’ve
a proven method for attracting motivated sellers and hungry
created and perfected a
home buyers like a magnet, all with a few clicks of the mouse.
system that lets me generate
It’s a simple system I’ve used for the past two years to make a
high volumes of high quality
killing in today’s market.
leads for all my businesses.
Yes I did say simple. (It’s easy too.) But just by leveraging a few small points in my business, I enjoy QUANTUM growth year after year. One of the really cool things about internet marketing is that many of the ideas I’m going to share will gain “momentum” as time goes by. So as the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months the amount of leads that will come in from each little “internet robot” will grow larger and larger. That’s exactly the opposite of most marketing
methods, where if you stop the method, then the leads stop cold turkey.
I’ve NEVER laid it out like I’m about to (for you). At some point in time while you read what I’m about to share, you are going to sit back and shake your head and JUST PLAIN KNOW that your business and your life will now never be the same.
In this book I reveal my secrets. I must warn you: What I’m about to share with you goes against everything you may have heard when it comes to business on the Internet, especially when it comes to your real estate business. But if you’re willing to take a step out of your comfort zone and stretch your perceptions, it’ll pay off. A lot of what you thought you knew is WRONG. Very wrong.
This concept requires you to see things very differently when looking at your real estate business and how to use the Internet as a marketing tool.
Once you understand these concepts and apply them to your business, you will create a completely new and powerful profit machine.
Before I go any further, I want to share with you a story I came across not too long ago. It’ll help me better explain the objectives of this book and give you a better understanding of the underlying concepts I share. Just roll with me here for a minute…
The Pipeline Builder and the Laborer Once upon a time, far, far away, was a quaint little village.
Along this village ran a spring providing the village with fresh water. Everyone was happy.
That was until one day the spring ran dry. The villagers were devastated.
Suddenly the only way to get fresh water was to cross the valley, climb the mountain to fill up buckets from the mouth of the river, and carry them back to the village.
Fortunately two friends, Sam and Max, both big dreamers, saw an opportunity to help the village and make a better life for themselves. They approached the village chief, and he agreed to pay them for every bucket of water they brought to the town.
So the pair borrowed buckets and ventured up and down the mountain from morning to night delivering water to ecstatic village people.
Everyone was happy again and the two friends were making a better life for themselves.
Now the first friend, Sam (who was big and strong), was satisfied with his new mission and the money he earned and the fact that, soon, he could achieve his dreams.
He thought the more and the harder he worked, the more he would earn. By getting bigger buckets, he could increase his earning and soon afford everything he always wanted.
Now the other friend, Max (who was small and weak), wasn’t as content. His back and hands were aching from the daily treks. He was sick and tired of his daily grind back and forth, and knew he couldn’t sustain his current level of effort for much longer. He wanted to find a way to make A LOT more and do much less.
Right then, an idea struck him. He imagined a pipeline that could deliver water from the mountain to the village. With this pipeline he could make much more money without carrying buckets back and forth. Excited with his new idea, he got to planning.
He also eagerly shared his idea with his friend and asked him join in on this new endeavor.
Sam wasn’t as excited; in fact, he thought the idea was crazy. He was more concerned with doing what he knew would work and what his money could get him today.
Disappointed by Sam’s reaction, Max ventured to create the pipeline on his own.
So Sam worked on - day in and day out, getting bigger buckets and making more trips to the mountain and then back to the village. Sure he was making more money, but he was working much harder.
Max, on the other hand, knew that he had
a long road ahead and got busy. He carried water from the mountain to the village just like before, but on nights and weekends he started digging and building his pipeline. He knew it could take what seemed like forever to finish and he wouldn’t have much to show right away.
Sam and many of the villagers even laughed at him, but he didn’t care. He was sure it would pay off big in the long run.
While Max worked to build his pipeline, Sam’s income doubled. He bought his dream house and started spending more time at the tavern celebrating with his wages after a long hard day’s work.
What Sam didn’t realize was that as the months passed it got more difficult for him to make the daily voyage with the same intensity as before. He was worn out and tired and started carrying less and less water until one day he had to give up entirely.
At the same time Max’s pipeline was finally complete and his work paid off. Instead of carrying heavy buckets, he could now throw the lever and deliver water in massive quantities to the village and surrounding area.
He was making more money than ever before, even while he
Instead of carrying heavy buckets, he could now throw
wasn’t working. While Max was eating, sleeping and playing he still made money and the village had fresh water.
the lever and deliver water in massive quantities to the
And the more water the village had, the more prosperous it
village and surrounding area.
became; the farms ran better and more people were attracted to live, trade and work there.
All because of Max’s single idea and his determination to accomplish it.
It’s a great story right? But now I have another question for you.
Are you a pipeline builder or a laborer? In these pages you’re about to discover exactly how to create your own pipeline. It may seem strange, different, or even difficult at first, but I assure you what I’m about to share with you is simple to apply, and will mean massive growth to your business and your income. The BEST part about it is that it WON’T require a tremendous amount of work like Max’s pipeline cost him.
Chapter 3: The Two Most Important Words in the New Internet Dictionary Let’s rewind about 3 years back. I didn’t know a thing about doing business on the web. Yes I knew what the Internet was - I regularly used email and surfed the web, but that was about it.
But while I knew people were making money using the Internet the whole “how to” part of it was completely foreign.
Now let’s fast forward back to today. In just about 36 months time I’ve been able to leap frog over all of my competition to become the premier Internet Marketing Company in the real estate investing industry.
No it wasn’t some weird voodoo. And I didn’t get lucky…
In just about 36 months time I’ve been able to leap frog
It’s two amazingly simple words, but knowing them and
over all of my competition to
putting them to proper use can put you among the top in
become the premier Internet Marketing Company in the
the internet marketing field.
real estate investing industry.
Before if go any further I’d like to ask you a few questions to see if your head’s in the right place... oYes oNo Do you know how to set up a blog or have you ever “blogged” in the past? oYes oNo Are you an expert at Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Friend Feed or any
other Social Media websites?
oYes oNo Do you know what Web 2.0 or Social Media is? oYes oNo Do you know how to aggregate web video? oYes oNo Can you FTP PHP to your ISP? (I threw that one in just to mess with you!)
If you failed to answer any (or all) of these questions, join the club. I couldn’t tell you the answers either.
Yep, that’s right. I hope that’s not a shocker. Those tools are a big part of my business. I just didn’t have the slightest clue about how to use them. So today I’ve set up systems and use resources that do it all for me. Pretty sweet, huh?
Wouldn’t you like to do the same?
HERE’S MY SECRET: I really don’t care whether or not I personally know how to use a lot of these web tools. I ONLY care that I can tell someone what I want done so they can create the tools for me to achieve my end result…
When I first got started on the Internet I thought I had a huge mountain to climb. I was overrun by “geek-speak” and didn’t have the first clue how to translate.
Honestly I was intimidated.
I went through as many programs as I could and attended as
When I first got started on
many seminars as Kelly (my wife) would allow me. Hey, there
the Internet I thought I had
was traveling involved…
a huge mountain to climb. I was overrun by “geek-speak”
At events I would listen in on conversations and hear success
and didn’t have the first clue
stories of how the Internet was transforming people’s
how to translate.
businesses. Then the conversations would turn to techie stuff and I would zone out.
I felt lost— and, at times, completely hopeless.
“Why can’t I make sense of this stuff?” - A common question I kept asking myself.
I was at the end of my rope. I just knew in my gut the Internet was where the future of marketing AND business was, I just didn’t know how to get there.
The simple truth was if I never wanted my family to go hungry I had to be online. It was a MUST— no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
There was just so much information flying at me from every angle—and I had to master it all. (At least I thought).
Again I asked, “Why isn’t this stuff working for my business?”
But with a spark of inspiration (or utter despair…one of the two) I realized I was asking myself the wrong question.
So I sat back in my chair, closed my eyes and wiped my mind clear. I decided that I had to FORGET EVERYTHING I was told about Internet marketing, and instead focus on ONE SINGLE question. I knew I had to take an approach that was so simple a fifth grader could get it (and use it) in minutes.
So instead of asking myself the same (negative) questions, I asked…
“What Do I Want The Internet To Do For Me?”
The answer was obvious, and I’m sure it’s very similar to what your answer would be. Make more money, right? Right…
Ok that was easy, but here’s the million-dollar question. (Literally, it’s made me millions.)
“How is the Internet Going to Make Me a LOT More Money?”
Two things struck me immediately.
1. Get a WAY for more people to find me, my websites, and my offers. 2. Get those people to take action. I needed to “convert” them from prospects
to customers.
It’s the magic formula. If you take everything I’ve learned from the tens of thousands I’ve spent, and months invested in seminars, books, and courses, it all comes down to…
…Traffic and
…the two most powerful words in the new Internet marketing dictionary.
If you can get your arms around that then you’re golden. That’s all you have to know! Keep these two words in your mind as you go through the book. It’ll change your life as it has mine.
It’s pretty simple…
How can I get more traffic to my websites and offers? How can I get that traffic to convert – to do what I want them to do? There you have it. Now, in the following chapters I’m going to explain exactly how to generate a tremendous amount of traffic to your sites (even if you don’t have one yet) and THEN how to get those visitors to do what you want them to do.
Chapter 4: Why I Can Just About Guarantee You’re Probably Working Way Too Hard Ok, the big 800 pound gorilla in the room when it comes to real estate investing is…… drum roll please ……today’s CRAPPY market.
Yes I’ll say it - it’s REALLY tough for (most) real estate investors right now.
It’s a buyers market, but no one’s lending. The government is passing all these crazy rules and regulations that hinder creative real estate, the economy is in the crapper. Yada, yada, yada—I could go on and on but I’m sure you’ve heard it all by now.
Honestly, today’s market presents investors with a perfect opportunity to make a LOT of money right now and very easily. That is, if you have the right systems in place.
The sad thing is most real estate investors don’t have the right operational (marketing) set up to take advantage of today’s
Honestly, today’s market presents investors a perfect
market. (Remember building your pipeline?)
opportunity to make a LOT I’m not talking about new investors who’ve only done a
of money right now and very
handful of deals either. Even big time players used to doing
easily. That is, if you have
5 to 10 deals or more a month are feeling a major pinch in
the right systems in place.
today’s market.
I see it every day from investors all across the country.
As you may know I created Realeflow a few years ago — the leading business management software for real estate investors. Over the past two years we’ve grown to over 7,000 investors.
Also, through Strategic Real Estate Coach, we’ve grown to over 5,000 coaching students – active real estate investors.
So here’s the reason I’m telling you all this.
I’m in a unique position to understand the trials and tribulations that real estate investors face all across the country.
I hear about it every day through sessions with our coaching students or through support calls with Realeflow users and my team.
I know what’s going on in the market and I can tell you for sure that there’s money to be made and money to be lost. It all depends on your approach.
However there is one factor that seems to be the difference between winning and losing in today’s market…
Lead Generation This one single area of business is the make it or break it factor. Unfortunately most investors lack
in this area in some way or another, and that’s if they even do it at all.
If your lead pipeline is full, your business will succeed. End of story.
And yes I know, easier said than done, right? But think of the pipeline builder. (And you know what—I’m going to make this much easier for you.)
If your lead pipeline is full, your business will succeed. End of story.
Let’s look at it this way, if you’re not finding sellers, you can’t do deals. If you’re not finding A LOT of motivated sellers, you can’t get the best deals. And if you’re not bringing in buyers (you guessed it!), you can’t really make any money.
It’s all a numbers game.
When I started out in real estate investing just about five years ago, I was working full time in financial planning. I learned something very important from that experience.
The idea was a simple one, but very profound. If you can get your head around this one extremely important concept, you’ll see that it’s very simple but very powerful.
This one idea could translate to huge paydays and have a huge impact in your business.
The idea was that every single person we spoke with had some revenue number attached to it. Or, to put it another way, every lead that came into my business was worth something… even the no’s led to a yes.
Like I said… a numbers game. This one concept is going to have a huge impact on your business.
Now check this out…
The company I worked for was a real stickler for numbers, so we literally had to keep track of how many phone calls we made every day, how many people we reached, and how many appointments we set up.
This one concept is going to have a huge impact on your business.
We kept track of how many cases we opened, how many cases we closed, and how many referrals we got. We kept track of literally dozens of sets of numbers but it all boiled down to one metric - how many times we picked up the phone.
In a sales position, the only way to sell your product is by getting in front of a prospect. Obviously to get in front of a prospect you’ve got to pick up the phone and make a call. What I quickly realized was that every time I picked up the phone, it was worth something.
When I was a first year agent, I calculated that each call was worth about $17. $17 every single time I picked up the phone! It was much easier for me to sit in front of the phone for an hour and just pick it up and open myself up to rejection once I knew that regardless of whether this
person said yes or no, every time I picked up the phone to make a call, it was $17 in the bank.
Now how does this transfer to real estate? It’s all about how many leads you have. The number one metric that comes into your business, the one that you want to try to control and improve, is how many leads are coming through your pipeline.
I’m Going To Tell You Something I Learned Early On In The Real Estate Business… We learned that we basically had to bring in about 13 leads before we got one deal out of it. We had a lot of sellers who wanted full asking price and lot of people who we couldn’t help. But for every 13 sellers we talked to, we’d be able to get one good deal out of it.
We quickly realized that we had to kiss 13 frogs before we got one prince, but that prince was worth about $18,000 to our business (our average profit per deal our first year in the business).
So, why is this important? Well, because this means that every single lead, every time we got the phone to ring through our marketing, that seller was worth $1,384.61. If every time we got our phone to ring we made $1,300, almost $1,400, we could live with that. So out of 13 frogs, one was a prince, and the prince equaled $18,000. We had to go through those twelve dead deals to get the one “true” deal, but the cool thing is that the 12 no’s were each worth $1,400 a piece.
Now, when we got better in our business, we actually converted much better -- if we generated 13 leads after our second year in the business, we were converting at a 3.5 clip, so for every 13 leads we brought into the system, we would be able to convert 3.5 of them to a deal that we could make money on.
At that time, our average profit per house didn’t go up much, but it went up from $18,000 to $22,000. You do the math - $22,000 was our average profit per deal and we were generating 3.5 solid deals on every 13 leads, making every single lead coming in to the system worth $5,922, almost $6,000!
I hope you’re beginning to understand why lead generation is so important.
If you can funnel all these awesome solid leads into your system, even if they’re not leads that you can work on, they’re still worth something.
If your website is doing a poor job of converting traffic to visitors, then you’re losing anywhere between $1,000 and $6,000 for every lost pair of eyeballs. Think of it that way and you’ll quickly begin to see how important it is to set your business up the right way. It is unbelievably important
system to help you run an efficient, organized,
money making machine of a business, starting with bringing leads in the door and finishing by closing huge deals.
Then, you can retire in paradise in a few years just like the pipeline builder in our story. Who wouldn’t like that?
The problem is most investors don’t see it that way, they don’t take the time to build their lead systems, and if they do start, they don’t follow through. So instead of letting the power of lead generation compound, they start from scratch each and every month. This is a totally inefficient way to do it – but normal for many.
Way too much effort.
Then, you can retire in
The NEW internet business model I’m going to show you allows you to do the work once and cash in over and over again.
paradise in a few years just like the pipeline builder in our story. Who wouldn’t like that?
There are plenty of investors out there using proven systems to attract hot prospects and creating $250K, $500k, even $1,000,000 and up incomes for themselves with very little effort. I know these super successful investors are out there because they’re friends of mine.
Want similar results? You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, just copy what we do and use it in your own business. Congratulations, you’re about to learn how to join the club.
Chapter 5: Why You’re Nuts If You’re Sending Traffic To A Normal Website “You need a website to be successful in your business. Nothing beats the credibility and professional image a website gives you. If you’re not online you’re missing out on this huge opportunity.”
I’m sure you’ve heard something like this somewhere. We all have.
So if you’re like many real estate investors you went out, found a company that sells websites, or even built one yourself.
Now you’re cool – you have a website. Now you’re a professional.
At least that’s what I thought when I got my first real estate website up and running. I soon found out (from my own trial & error and money invested) my new real estate website wasn’t quite the goose that laid the golden egg like they claimed it to be.
In fact, I discovered that my website was terrible for lead generation. And when I thought about it, I realized things just didn’t add up.
Yes, a website will add professionalism, but you need more than that. You need leads. Let me explain…
Recently at a live event with close to 300 investors I asked the question, “How many of you have a website?”
Over 80% of the room raised their hands.
I then asked a second question. “Does that website generate even ONE good lead a month?”
Only 5 people raised their hands.
I then asked a second
Why? It’s simple really…
question. “Does that website generate even ONE good lead
Websites Are Not Effective!
a month?” The truth is everything you’ve heard or everything you know about Internet marketing is about to be flipped on
Only 5 people raised their hands.
its head.
Honestly, what I’m about to reveal to you will make a few of people in the industry who sell websites a little upset. And that’s fine by me.
The cold hard truth is websites suck as a tool to attract people who may want to do business with you.
To understand what I’m getting at, let’s look at the anatomy of a website.
Common elements are: •
The home page
The about us page
The contact us page
For a real estate website you may even see a “property listings” page and a “we buy houses” page.
Again, yes it’s cool to have a website but let me ask you, what part of this thing actually makes the prospect take action?
Most websites are created by people who have little to no clue about marketing. Especially internet based marketing… Consequently the web pages on these sites end up as fluff and filler.
In fact, a recent study by Forrester Research places average conversion rates around 2% - 3%. And that’s among major online retailers who spend thousands, if not millions, on improving performance.
Our own research indicates that real estate investor websites average only about a 1% conversion rate.
What that breaks down to is for every 100 people you send to your real estate website, MAYBE one of those people will take action to do business with you. Sucks doesn’t it? Can you believe that?
Fortunately, in the next chapter I’m going to show you a way to tilt the odds in your favor: a way to increase your conversion by 20-40 times what you’re getting right now.
That’s right, you heard me right… I can show you how to get up to 50 times more results out of your “website”; if you send 100 people there, then you’ll have 20, 30, even 40 or more leads to work with.
What that breaks down to is for every 100 people you send to your real estate website MAYBE one of those people will take action to do
business with you. Sucks doesn’t it?
So basically to summarize: 1. websites usually un focus the prospect 2. the copy usually stinks 3. too many things to do 4. terrible design 5. no benefit to the prospect for taking action 6. etc… (I could keep going on and on)
Chapter 6: Why You’re a Bloody Genius For Sending Traffic To A Squeeze Page OK, so it should be pretty clear why websites suck. That’s half of the promise I stated so eloquently in the title of this book. Now before I explain why squeeze pages rule, let me explain what a squeeze page is in the first place.
A squeeze page (also commonly referred to as a landing page) is a web page designed to compel the visitor to take one specific action upon the moment of landing on the page.
If fact, its sole purpose is that single action. The conversion. With a squeeze page the visitor is not lost having to make a decision on their own. Rather than having
If fact, it’s sole purpose
to pick between the home, about us, contact us, or
is that single action. The
property listing pages, the visitor is given a clear
path resulting in a way to tell you they’d like to do business.
Take a look at what I mean…
Squeeze Page
On this page the only action we’re asking visitors to make is to enter their email address and zip code. (You can ask for as much or as little as you want.) After visitors enter this information you can continue to communicate with them and further build the relationship. This equals more business.
And speaking of more business, check this out. The conversion rates of squeeze pages are significantly greater than websites in general.
Remember what the percentage was for the average real estate website? About 1%.
Here’s the shocker. Through our research, testing, and development we’ve seen conversion rates around 15% - 20% and up to 40% or more. Some have seen results in the 60% range.
You do the math.
How would you like to tap into the power of squeeze pages and get more than 50 times the results of a standard website?
With results like these, I’m sure you’ll agree that squeeze pages are pretty effective. Now why?
The squeeze page only has one purpose, there’s no thinking involved, and it’s almost instinctual to act on. In fact, it’s the simplicity that makes it so effective.
Visitor lands on a squeeze page. The squeeze page turns the visitor into a lead.
The great part is if you’re already spending money on marketing, then your website squeeze pages let you maximize every dollar you spend. Think about it, if with your current website you get one lead, now you can get 20.
The squeeze page only has one purpose, there’s no thinking involved and it’s almost instinctual to act on. In fact, it’s the simplicity that
In the next chapter I show you how to increase those results even more.
makes it so effective.
Chapter 7: The 5 Headed Monster That Can Increase Conversions by 800% Our team at Realeflow and Realeflow Labs works tirelessly to find and implement the most effective marketing tools for our users. We kill it here!
We’ve spent thousands of man-hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars in research and development of new web technologies ALL for the express purpose of making YOU more money. We’ve got the finest marketing minds in our industry dedicating their professional lives to constantly improving our systems and results.
So when we’re talking about internet marketing – well, we’ve found THE working formula and common points of leverage for maximizing squeeze page conversions.
In this chapter I’m going to share with you the five most powerful conversion secrets. These secrets are: The headline, bullets, opt-in form, free report and what I like to call “performance lifts.”
Below I go into detail of what they are and how they help. The Headline: The headline is the most important piece of a squeeze page (or any advertisement for that matter). It establishes the immediate benefit that the visitor should expect from submitting their
information (often called opting-in).
Headlines should be direct and succinct. Very Benefit driven. They can raise a question you intend to answer, arouse curiosity, or direct the reader to take action.
The headline’s role is to also move the reader from the headline to the body copy and rest of the page.
Here are examples of highly effective and proven headlines: •
How To Win Friends And Influence People
Discover the 5 fastest Ways to STOP Foreclosure in under 48 hrs or less
They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano…But When I Started To Play!
How To Achieve Total Financial Freedom: “Millionaires Are Not 50 Times Smarter Than You, They Just Know The Wealth Formula”
Released At Last – 137 Perfectly Legal Ways To Get A Check Out Of Uncle Sam!
So there’s some really cool powerful headlines to give you a really solid idea on how to come up with some yourself.
Bullets: Bullets are used in copy to support the headline and reinforce the benefits to the reader. They add to the reasons of why someone would want to submit their information in exchange for what you offer.
Each bullet is designed to further move the reader toward taking the desired action—in this case, completing the opt-in form.
Bullets have proven to be very effective if you layer them properly. What I mean with that statement is to vary the length and tone of the bullet from point to point.
Opt-in Box: The opt-in box captures the visitor’s data and enters it into your database or auto-responder (more on that in a second) in exchange for your offer.
To download this book, chances are you entered your name and email to get access.
Our successful opt-in boxes stop the reader and draws their attention. These are simple, but powerful, forms that are easy to understand and quick to fill out. Often they ask for first name and email address, but you can request as much or as little information from the visitor as you wish. Keep in mind the more you ask the lower the conversion, usually… unless you do it in layers like we do. Layers allow you to ask for information a little at a time.
The fewer fields you have in your opt-in box, the more likely someone will complete it. (Our unique system uses a 2 and 3 step process proven to increase conversion rates as well as ensure you get all the information you need from your prospect.)
Through testing we’ve found the most effective opt-in boxes work when placed to the right of the page “above the fold” so the
visitor does not have to scroll down to fill out the form. Check out the picture below if you don’t know what I mean by “above the fold.”
The “Fold”
As for collecting information, I mentioned the term auto-responder above. This is an important part of your business and building any type of list. Buyers, sellers, centers of influence, whatever…
Auto-responders are simply email programs that let you collect information for a list of people and send messages to them, either preset or triggered or as a onetime broadcast. They are a VERY powerful way to “connect” with your list on an automatic basis. Basically you “set it and forget it.”
Free Reports or Videos: The free report is the “ethical bribe” that your visitors are exchanging information for. With
that said, your free report must be a compelling valuable offer that the visitor feels is worth sharing their information for. While, technically, the “Free Report” is indeed free, actually the visitor is paying for the information in exchange for the opt-in. The NAME of your report is of ultra importance and the content has to be second to none. It should deliver the benefits you promised on your squeeze page tenfold.
“Performance Lifters”: Below are three specific things that you may add to your squeeze page to greatly increase (or lift) your conversion rates. We’ve tested combinations of one, two, and three together and have had exceptional results across the board.
The first lift is graphics. Having a strong professionally designed image adds additional credibility to your page and can help catch the visitor and direct their eyes to exactly where you’d like them to focus. Usually you place this right around the “opt-in” box to draw their attention.
Your graphics could include a strong top banner to help support the benefits of your headline. This could be positive images of people enjoying the results of what you have to offer. For example, happy homeowners in front of a home sold sign. You can also use bold graphics such as arrows, buttons and call outs to draw attention.
The next lift is audio. You can use audio to play a personal message for the visitor as soon as he or she lands on your page. The audio could also be testimonials or instructions on what to do next.
Video is the last, and most effective, lift and is really where the Internet is moving to. Think YouTube and the impact it’s made on the web. Video gives you an incredible opportunity to immediately connect “face-to-face” with the visitor.
While the thought of using video may seem overwhelming, it’s actually quite simple. Most digital cameras, and even some cell phones, have video recording options that allow you to easily send video to your computer. I use a Flip (available at which plugs right into the computer and is already formatted for Youtube.
Video is the last and most effective lift and is really where the Internet is moving to.
Beyond simple videos, you can also use screen shots and record your voice over a power point, or walking through a program or website. Services like have made this incredibly simple.
If you don’t like to be on video, you can even use a service like which offers professional actors reading scripts you provide. Or even one more option for people who may be ‘camera shy’ is to create a “cartoon” version of yourself quickly and easily to read your script using This is a killer site and we’ve used it to increase conversions on a bunch of sites.
When using the five elements in this chapter correctly you’re almost guaranteed a powerful lead generating machine. The next chapter will show you how to put all the pieces together (I’ll also show you how to have it ALL completely done for you).
Super HUGE and IMPORTANT tidbit of info: Squeeze pages are designed for CONVERSION. They will usually NOT generate Traffic by themselves. Before I tell you exactly how to build one or buy one, it’s imperative that you know once you have them up that YOU have to drive traffic to them to generate leads. With that said, don’t worry, because I’ll show you numerous FREE ways to drive traffic to your squeeze pages to ensure massive success!
Remember it’s TRAFFIC and CONVERSION that ensures an effective online marketing strategy.
Chapter 8: 2 Ways To Build A Squeeze Page There are two ways to go about this depending on how you want to approach it. My job is to make you an EXPERT no matter how you end up getting your pages up. Simply put, you can do it yourself or have it done for you.
I’ve always liked the done for you model myself. Why worry about the small details? It’s less expensive, less effort, and less frustrating to just use an already proven system. Plus the results are usually WAY higher because the “experts” are taking care of all the important stuff.
Look at it this way, you can change your own oil and brakes in your car, replace your own furnace, fix your own pipes, do your own rewiring when fixing up the house, and try to be your own handyman OR you can hire a professional to do it for you quickly and easily - without any frustration…
In this chapter we’re going to go into great detail on how you can do everything yourself. It’s cool to know the basics even if you will never do one yourself.
I will also tell you about an offer on how you can get access to
performing page
systems 43
created by my guys, the top internet marketers in the real estate investing industry for your own use.
One of the biggest differences in the two approaches is while it may take at least two weeks (often even longer) to have your own squeeze page created yourself, we can have multiple pages up within a day. Plus, they are proven and tested to ensure you get maximum bang for your buck.
DISCLAIMER: In no way shape or form do I want to force you to use our “stuff.” I do recognize that a majority of the real estate investors that we work with would rather cut to the chase and get massive results quickly if the cost is the same. If the cost is less (which it is) AND you get to results quicker, then an even higher % often want to use our “stuff.”
Now most people don’t consider themselves super tech savvy. And that’s fine because I don’t consider myself a techie either. In fact, I’ve never set up a page, hosting account, or autoresponder myself and don’t ever plan to. Yet I still have all this technology working for me 24 hours a day.
Here’s your step by step blueprint on how you can set up your own squeeze page.
Step 1: Register a domain name. The domain name is your unique web site address and how people will find you on the Internet. They are fairly inexpensive and take only minutes to set up. You can do this through sites like has a simple search tool that tells you if your domain name is available. If it is you
can register it for only $9.95 a year.
When selecting your domain name, consider using variations of keywords you’d like to be found as well as your local area. Examples are: •
Step 2: Hosting a website Your hosting account is where a website lives. This is a remotely located computer and its entire purpose is to make sure your website appears when your domain is entered into the address bar.
When selecting a website hosting provider it’s important to know the reliability of the company. There are a lot of issues that need to be addressed when selecting a hosting provider including how they handle website downtime.
We recommend using as they have a long standing reputation for quality service.
A hosting account will run you in the $29-$99 per month range (depending on the traffic) to get started on what’s called a shared plan. This is where your website is stored on the same computer as many others.
Because of the volume we do with our squeeze pages, we host on a dedicated server which
gives us breakthrough speed and reliability.
Step 3: Auto-responders As I mentioned in the last chapter, by using an auto-responder you can trigger an unlimited series of emails to be sent to the prospect once they submit their email address. You do this to continue the conversation past your website and build a relationship with the reader.
There are many auto-responder services available that range from $20 per month all the way up to $2000 per month or more.
Here are a few auto-responder services we recommend: • – a basic auto-responder package is about $29 - $49 per month
• – high powered marketing tools for your business ranging in the $2000 and up range per month.
• – Infusionsoft is a customer relationship platform that features an autoresponder. There is a start up fee around $5000 and a $297 per month subscription.
Step 4: Free report You can choose to write the report yourself or have someone do it for you. If creating a free report seems daunting, surprisingly most of the work can be outsourced for a relatively small cost and completed in a short time frame of as little as a couple weeks.
Here’s how.
First create the initial outline for your free report,
being as detailed as possible.
Then you search for what’s called a ghost writer using a site like or workaholics4hire. com. This ghostwriter can take your ideas and make them into a book or special report for as little as $400-$500 for 20-30 pages.
Next take the ghostwriter’s work (you now have total rights as your own) and have a graphic designer (you can also use to find one) and have it formatted into an attractive professionally designed format.
Disclaimer: Remember, while we’re expanding on the DIY (Do It Yourself) model, it’s not the route I recommend. I’ve created tools for you where you can set up your squeeze page entirely at a fraction of the cost of doing it all yourself. However, if you still prefer to do this yourself you can take this information and use it right away.)
Step 5: Design and development: Sure, you have the pieces, but now you need someone to put it together. You can outsource this to a graphic designer and programmer. However, the average cost for a programmer (you can also find one on is around $65 - $100 an hour. With that said, you need to be as specific with your requests as possible and be sure to include all of the elements we discuss in the last chapter. I hear horror stories from people who outsource this critical part of their project only to end up disappointed with the results (or having the outsourcer disappear completely leaving the project unfinished).
So with that said, the Do it Yourself Model will cost you in
initial setup at least somewhere in the $1000-$2000 range and around $100 per month. That’s not accounting for the time spent learning the systems and working with outsourced vendors to get the job done.
Now, if you’d like to go the smart route visit on August 12, 2009 where we can get you set up for a small fraction of the cost using proven and tested – market ready squeeze pages you can use immediately.
OK, so now that you have a squeeze page how do you get leads? Traffic!
In the next chapter I show you my traffic strategies to have an army of virtual sales people working for you 24 hours 7 days a week.
Chapter 9: Do Work Once Get Paid Forever Do you remember the formula we discussed earlier in this book?
Traffic + Conversion In our discussion of squeeze pages we’ve reallllllly covered the second part of that equation— conversion. The better performing your squeeze page, the greater the percentages of someone taking action and submitting their information.
But let me ask you…. What good is a high performing squeeze page if no one sees it?
In this chapter and throughout the next few chapters of the book we’re going to tackle the all important subject of Traffic. Getting eye balls on your squeeze pages.
But let me ask you…. What good is a high performing squeeze page
Master traffic and you can transform your life and business. Don’t
if no one sees it?
take the statement lightly. Traffic is a game changer and here’s why.
Even with a website that just plain sucks if you have a flood of qualified traffic pouring in you will convert SOME of those to deals. It’s a volume game. The more comes in, the more goes out. Get enough traffic and anything will work.
Look at it this way. If you have a website converting at 1% but get 20 visitors a day, that’s still 1 lead every 5 days (not the best but you get the idea). Over a month’s time that’s 6 potential new deals. 49
But here’s the kicker. Once you pair your-soon-to-be-master-level traffic generation skills I’m about to share with you with the high-powered, high-converting squeeze pages you now know how to develop (or use my already proven squeeze pages), you’ll be unstoppable.
Take that same 20 visitors a day at a 20% conversion rate (very reasonable for a squeeze page.)
You’ll get 4 leads EACH AND EVERY day. Over a month’s time that’s 120 new leads working their way through your funnel.
But here’s the kicker. Once you pair your-soon-
Since we already know real estate is a numbers game, which
to-be-master-level traffic generation skills I’m
scenario would you rather have?
about to share with you with the high-powered,
It’s a no brainer, huh?
high-converting squeeze So now that you know the value of generating traffic, how’d you
pages you now know how to develop (or
like to know how to get it?
use my already proven Below I’ll share with you my very own system I’ve perfected over
squeeze pages) you’ll be
the last two years to generate floods of traffic quickly and easily
and that compounds over time to create exponential results.
And here’s the cherry on top—once you set up many of these systems, you can set it and forget it and continue to reap the benefits.
I’ve built my traffic pipeline—done once, get paid forever.
Now it’s your turn to do the same.
It’s very simple really.
I’m sure by now you’ve noticed the “simple” theme throughout the book. Essentially I don’t like to work so I try to systemize everything I do. The result is a package the can easily be duplicated. Let’s take a look at my lead generation strategy. It’s two steps.
1. Identify my squeeze page profile. Here I create a squeeze page for exactly the person I want to attract. I have multiple squeeze pages floating around the web working for me attracting different types of prospects in my target market. 2. Each page is razor focused to the person searching, whether I’m after wholesalers, rehabbers, first time buyers, lease options—I have a squeeze page set up for each of them. (Use on August 12, 2009 to get access to several premade and proven squeeze pages for many niches such as these.)
(And this is my favorite part) Release my Traffic Generating Robot!
I know what you’re thinking. What the heck is a Traffic
I have multiple squeeze
Generating Robot?
pages floating around Let me introduce you… Here’s my good buddy ROBBY the
the web working for me
attracting different types of prospects in my target
The robot is my little analogy for your business and how you can use the internet to have little virtual sales people working for you day in and day out.
Let’s take a look at the guy. YOUR BUSINESS
His head represents your business. That’s you and the systems you use to run your operation. It’s what connects your online marketing to the rest of what
pieces of your online marketing strategy together
His body is your squeeze page. This connects the
you do day in and day out.
and is the core of your Internet efforts.
Now you’ll see his arms and legs. Each represents one of four online advertising channels I use to flood my
Social Media
Pay Per Click Marketing
4 actually…
squeeze pages with traffic. There are tons more than
Put together, you create a traffic machine. Spend just a few minutes a day on any of the areas and, over time, your business will resemble an avalanche.
Remember, traffic is a game changer. Continue on to the next chapter and I’ll go through each traffic channel in detail and how you can put them to use for yourself.
THIS IS ANOTHER IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Since there are many more than 4 ways to generate traffic I also have another report coming out closer to August 12, 2009 that will list MANY different ways to get traffic. One of my favorite though is to use “direct marketing” methods like postcards and classified ads to drive traffic right to my pages. Yes, this costs money but the results are instant and so darn huge. You’d be wise to do the same but only if it’s affordable for your business.
Chapter 10: Internet Video Traffic Video is the future of the web. No exaggeration needed.
It’s a very powerful tool and I’ve used it as a pillar to build
Video is the future of the
my business and that’s why it’s an integral part of our traffic
web. No exaggeration needed.
generation robot.
Video is such an awesome traffic and conversion tool and you can quickly, simply, and easily implement it into your business right away.
As I mentioned in the earlier chapters, video can help you greatly increase the conversion rates on your squeeze pages and let you reach through the screen and connect with your visitor. Do this the right way and instantly increase your squeeze page results dramatically.
But the focus of this chapter isn’t conversion—it’s traffic.
In previous chapters I touched on how you can easily create video. Now you’re about discover my secret to creating a video traffic generation machine.
When it comes to Internet video the first thing you might think of is YouTube. I know I did. But even with its size and power if you’ve ever posted a video to YouTube, especially for the first time, you may notice that just because your video is out there for the world to see you’re probably not getting too many “views”. If you are getting video views you’re among the lucky 54
And even if people are watching your video, it probably isn’t coming up too high in search engines or video searches.
Over the past two years I’ve become recognized as an expert in simple online video marketing. I’ve got millions of views on my videos – more than any other major real estate “Gurus”, even the big ones. A lot of my success has been because of a very specific video strategy that I’m about to share with you.
Video syndication.
Video syndication is simply uploading the SAME video to multiple video sharing websites.
There are magical things that happen when you syndicate video properly. Your video views skyrocket, you get amazing results in search engines (the search engines love video), and traffic finds its way to your squeeze page.
In addition to YouTube, there are hundreds of websites out there that allow you to post your video. And because search engines love video so much you can literally dominate the first page of listings for a keyword search in your local market even within the hour.
Here’s the proof taken from a test in my local market that I just finished:
A search in Google revealed among 387,000 results... my videos are 5 of the top 10 viewed . This is killer... and it’s still going strong 4 months later!
Here are a number of other video websites that you can use right now:
MedicineFilms Motionbox
ShowMeHowto SmartVideoChannel
Yourdailymedia YourOpenMedia Zango
Now I know that’s a lot of websites. I suggest you stick with the ones that provide the most views and those that are the most popular, like YouTube, MetaCafe, and Viddler.
But don’t feel overwhelmed, I have an even better shortcut to save you hours of effort. You won’t have to visit each of these sites individually and post your video one by one.
The tool I use is and it’s completely free!
With TubeMogul you can distribute your video to multiple video sites with a few clicks of the mouse and start benefiting from the awesome traffic building power of video right away.
TubeMogul uploads your video to the top video sites on the web and even provides powerful statistics on where your video is being shown.
So there you have it. I consider video one of my most powerful traffic builders in my arsenal. Now it’s your turn to go out and use these strategies for yourself.
In the next chapter I show you how to leverage articles for even more traffic.
Chapter 11: Article Marketing Our second traffic strategy is article marketing.
Writing and distributing articles not only helps you create instant credibility and a professional image, it’s an awesome traffic driver and an important part of our robot.
On the web, content is king and the more valuable content you provide, the more search engines pay attention to you, and the more website visitors see you as a credible resource for information. When you put those pieces together traffic starts to flow.
When writing an article you’re going to want to create a
On the web, content
powerful piece of information around 300 – 500 words. This
is king and the more
article should contain the words you’d like to be found in the
valuable content you provide, the more search
search engines.
engines pay attention Because you’re writing for your real estate business I highly
to you and the more
recommend the articles you write focus on a subject relevant to
website visitors see you
local keywords. Search engines, especially Google, love articles
as a credible resource for
related to local areas and may be listed in the index and found
easier than articles of a more general topic.
At the end of your articles include a small author bio. In this bio you can include your information and experience, and also one or two links to your squeeze page.
When a reader finds your article and thinks it’s interesting or valuable, they may click on your link and follow it to your page. 59
Now this only works if someone finds your article so like video we distribute content across key sites, many of which are free or very inexpensive.
Here are a few places I recommend you submit articles. •
As I mentioned above, as a real estate investor, you’re going to want to focus on the local areas you work in.
Here’s an example of why this works.
Let’s say you focus on attracting sellers in preforeclosure situations. Of course your squeeze page will be focused on “How To Stop Foreclosures.”
The keyword searches around “How To Stop Foreclosures” is extremely competitive.
By simply writing articles around that topic and focusing on your specific local area, you can circumvent your competition and have people looking for this information.
For example, if you live in Brunswick, OH your articles will focus on “How To Stop Foreclosures Brunswick, OH”.
Not only will this position you as a local expert dealing with foreclosures, the search engines will see your listings as relevant to your local area giving you preference when someone searches that key phrase in your area.
Because the links to your squeeze page are at the bottom of your article in your author bio box (and even in the article itself ), interested visitors will follow through to your squeeze page converting them to a lead. The best part is these visitors are pre-qualified because they have already read an article you wrote on the subject.
Now this strategy only works if you continue to build it
Now this strategy only
over time. One article alone won’t cut it. To get maximum
works if you continue to
effectiveness you must constantly produce more articles
build it over time. One
and submit them to the distribution sites to keep fresh and
article alone won’t cut it.
relevant content circulating to stay fresh.
In the next chapter I’m going to show you how to take your articles and leverage them even further using the awesome power of Social Media.
Chapter 12: Using Social Media Networks Remember that BIG Facebook idea I told you about? Here it is‌ This is a $1,000,000 idea leveraging one of the fastest growing social networking websites on the planet.
But before we go any further, let me tell you what this whole Social Networking thing is about.
The concept is to build communities of likeminded people who share similar interests, activities, or are just looking to connect with others.
Over the last few years these sites have been popping up everywhere and many of them are getting a lot of attention. You’re probably familiar with many of them through mainstream media. Myspace, Twitter, and Facebook are just a handful of the most popular.
While there are hundreds of social networking sites on the web, I suggest you only spend your time with a select few.
In fact, as a real estate investor, if I had to choose just one to grow my own community with it would be Facebook.
Why Facebook? The simple answer is it is one of the fastest growing social networks. As of late 2008, Facebook was adding over 600,000 new users per day.
If you think about that for a second, imagine how many new prospective buyers, sellers, private money lenders, and fellow real estate investors are coming online each and every day.
Up until recently there was no real way to directly monetize social networks. It was a complete puzzle many marketers
Why Facebook? The
hoped to solve. For the longest time there was a lot of buzz
simple answer is it is one
about social networking potential—the big opportunity it
of the fastest growing
presented, the money that could be made… blah, blah, blah.
social networks.
Honestly, it was all just talk.
So yes, sites like Facebook were a great way to build relationships and add transparency, but up until now, there was no way to make money. What I found was that there was no steak behind the sizzle.
But then I stumbled upon a new feature Facebook recently added that could easily be one of the most powerful tools the Internet has ever seen.
It’s called Facebook Friend Search. This amazing tool lets you find people around the city you live in who fit different search key words.
So check this out. I recently did a search for my city, Brunswick, OH, and the term real estate. I
had 122 results.
That’s 122 people interested in real estate in my area. Chances are this list includes realtors, brokers, private money lenders, and even other real estate investors. It’s almost like an immediate buyers list, sellers list, and power network all rolled up into one.
I hope you see where I’m going with this.
If applied the right way you can literally make a million dollars or more by growing your network and expanding these relationships.
You gotta feel me here – the more sellers you can help and the more buyers you can pool together means the more money that you are going to make. It’s that easy. The internet has NEVER had a tool so simple and powerful for building groups. This is absolutely ridiculous…
This technique is so stupid simple you can start right now (after you read the rest of this report of course!)
Just to go and sign up for an account if you don’t have one already. It’s free and only takes a few minutes.
Once you sign up you can search by name, location, and keyword.
Be sure to add a note to each friend you invite letting them know you’re in their area and interested in real estate. Remember, you’re building relationships not spamming people.
Warning: you can friend everyone but I suggest you do it slowly. I say add 10 – 20 people a day. If you go out of control and try to add 100’s of friends a day, they’ll give you one warning before shutting down your account. Don’t get mad at me if you abuse this technique and your account gets frozen.
Do it little by little (or have an assistant do it) and build real relationships with fellow real estate investors and professionals in your area.
As you continue to grow your network, at the same time, add value to your followers. You can do this easily by taking the articles and videos you created and link to them or post them through your Facebook profile.
Remember to include links to your squeeze pages with that content and soon you’ll have a
natural flow of traffic from Facebook (and other social networks) to your squeeze pages.
If any of this sounds complicated, believe me, it’s not. You just need to get into Facebook and look around a bit. It’s all really simple to use.
Oh Yeah! Invite me to be a friend too! I’d be happy to add you to my network. My Facebook name is Greg Clement and network is Cleveland, OH.
Chapter 13: Pay Per Click Marketing If you want to start driving traffic to any website or squeeze page within the next five minutes, pay per click marketing may be your answer.
Pay per click advertising is a form of search engine marketing that allows you to advertise on search engines, blogs, and other trafficked websites and pay only when someone clicks on your ad.
Currently Google is the most popular search engine offering pay per click (or PPC) platform.
If you’re a regular web surfer, pay per click advertising is easy to spot.
There are many courses on PPC available so I won’t go into great detail in this chapter. Instead I will go over the basics of setting up a campaign and refer you to where you can get more information on the subject.
Getting started in PPC is easy. Go to adwords. to sign up for your account. After that the process can be broken down into 3 easy steps.
1. Select the keywords you wish your ad to appear under when someone does a search. You want these keywords to be as relevant to your squeeze page offer as possible. Because you’re paying for each click, you want to be sure every visitor is qualified and willing 67
to complete the opt-in box on your squeeze page. Google even offers a free keyword research tool to find what people are searching for and the amount of searches done. You can find this at 2. Write your ads. Again, you’re paying for clicks, so your ads need to be relevant to the offer to make sure you get qualified clicks. You have a limited amount of space when writing ads so they need to be clear and concise, offering the web surfer a direct benefit as to why they would click. The best way to get ideas on what to write in your ads is simply to do a Google Search. See what your competitors are doing and adapt it to your business. (Please notice I said adapt and not copy!) 3. Finally, set your budget. PPC engines allow you to select how much you want to spend per day and per click. This has a direct affect on where your ad appears.
BIG WARNING: You want to make sure you set a budget. I’ve heard many horror stories of first time campaigns being run without a budget, only for the owner to find out their campaign has run up thousands of dollars in fees. Don’t let this happen to you - set a budget of the maximum amount per day you’re willing to spend.
These are the basic steps to setting up a PPC campaign, but there are many nuances you need to understand before starting. With that said, I’d like to point you to a resource to learn everything you need to know about PPC and how to get the most out of your dollar. Best of all, this training course is free.
One of the very best training courses I’ve found is offered by Google itself. You can find it at
Now once again, because you’re spending per click you MUST send this traffic to a squeeze page. If you do PPC now and you’re not directing traffic to a squeeze page, point blank you’re losing money.
In the real estate market, clicks can be quite costly. On Google, the keyword “Stop Foreclosure” can cost as high as $9.70 per click. Pretty crazy, huh?
Imagine if you were only converting .5% of visitors that you pay $9.70 for. You’re going to burn a lot of money quickly. A squeeze page converting at 20% makes a bit more sense.
Now, there’s a way around this high per click cost—go local.
Search engines allow you do to this several ways. For example, you can use your city name in the keyword or you can use what’s called geotargeting where the search engine will only display ads for the area from the person searching. (For more
Now, there’s a way around this high per click cost—go local.
about geotargeting go to Google’s learning center at the link I gave you above.)
By going local with your pay per click marketing you can cut your per click cost to a small fraction of what you would pay by being “generic”. In fact, you may be able to bid on the keyword “Stop Foreclosure Cleveland” for as little as ten cents a click. Now that’s cheap…
Now that you’re familiar with the arms and legs of the traffic robot, in the next chapter I’ll tell you how we put it all together in Realeflow Labs.
Chapter 14: Realeflow Labs Realeflow labs is the research and development arm of Realeflow. It’s a marketing laboratory and the home to some crazy mad scientists who are uber passionate about finding what works best in the real estate industry. Then they take what’s working best and make it even better. A tireless pursuit of perfection.
Staffed with the best and brightest designers, copywriters, programmers, and marketing minds in real estate, our secret underground brain trust is solely focused on increasing conversions, driving traffic, and creating systems that make oodles of cash for our users.
This is where we test new technology, develop the latest techniques, and explore new terrains of Internet Marketing and business automation.
From squeeze pages, and lead generation tools to complete hands-off business models.
If you’re a Realeflow or Leadflow user, you’re already reaping the benefits. Consider yourself our partner.
Everyone on the Realeflow Labs staff including myself is committed to the success of our users. We’re constantly improving our current systems and technologies and delivering them to subscribers as soon as we prove their effectiveness.
With that said, we’ve made some MAJOR advancements 70
and discoveries over the past few months that NO ONE (not even our current users) know about.
“SIMS - Smart Internet Marketing Solution.” SIMS is the most aggressive online lead generation system ever developed for real estate investors. We’ve had a few hundred peopleusing the system over the past 4 months, and we’re excited to show you their results.
We’re now finally set to release it, and the best part is that our plan MAY include you. Here’s the deal: This project and system is really two-fold. 1st For it to work properly, the user (YOU) has to learn a thing or two about internet marketing. Don’t worry, this new system has got you covered there… The 2nd part is comprised of tools and systems that operate without your input or effort. Also, don’t worry because we’ve got all the automated systems, robots, etc… working flawlessly right now.
WE DO HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM: I am only allowing a very limited number of SIMS Systems to be made available to the market. We want to help every single new member build their online presence at a rapid pace. We can ONLY do this by keeping the numbers down, especially at the beginning.
Now I have some Realeflow users who have used the internet to generate leads but NOTHING like this new system will generate. Therein lies the problem, and also the solution…
You are now cordially invited to be in our “PROGRAM” to absorb everything I know about Internet Marketing and use ALL of my NEW cutting edge tools to drastically change your real estate
investing business!
There’s a guy you’re about to meet, his name’s Jeff Walker, and he will change your life. Jeff is the TOP #1 online marketer in the world. Jeff’s my partner on this project. I’m going to stop here but please let me leave you with one last comment. On August 12, 2009 Jeff and I are going to be releasing a very limited number of SIMS systems to some very luck individuals. Please be ready on August 12, 2009 at twelve noon est to be a part of this new group, it’s truly an opportunity of a lifetime.
Thanks and many Happy Days Ahead,
P.S. We plan on rolling this out nationwide in August of 2009, so the opportunity you will have in just a few days will give you a huge strategic advantage over your competition. And at a fraction of the cost… Good Luck!