Aroma Wisdom - The Canadian Aromatherapy Journal Summer 2019

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Aroma Wisdom The Canadian Aromatherapy Journal

Summer 2019 The Blooming Edition

education, innovation, growth, support

Essential Oils and PTSD: Jennine Stromkins Reviews More Case Studies

Ethics in Distilling

Ann Harman talks professionalism in the trade

10 Easy Ways to Promote Your Business Marieka Zimmerman shows you how

Jun-Aug 2019

Student Case Study Blend Review Ana Sullivan British Columbia Alliance Of Aromatherapy ISSN 2562-2218 $7.99 CND


British Columbia Alliance Of Aromatherapy





Natural doesn’t always mean safe. Learn why. Join us now and Become part of a growing community of trained professionals.

More than an association

Contents 4 Our Contributors 5 President’s Message 7 Meet Your New Board 8 Announcements 10 Featured Writer: Essential Oils and PTSD Part 2 of 2 - Jennine Stromkins discusses more PTSD case studies

18 Guest Writer: Ethics in Distilling International Speaker Ann Harman talks Professionalism in the Trade

25 Promoting Your Business Marieka Zimmerman Shows You 10 Easy Ways

27 Aroma Wisdom Subscription and Edition Order Form

30 Student Case Study

Ana Sullivan reviews anti-nociceptive properties for pain management



Aroma Wisdom

The Canadian Aromatherapy Journal

Celebrating our first year in print

BCAOA 3928 Michigan Rd, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 5Z6

Supporting aromatherapists everywhere The Summer Edition ~ June 2019 Cover Photo by from Shutterstock

Created and printed in the Greater Vancouver Area of BC 3.1 Trees Certified Savings 211 Sustainably printed on Sugar Sheet paper kgs CO2 ISSN 2562-220X (Print)

ISSN 2562-2218 (Online)

Lilliane Graie Editor & Design, Advertising

Social Media Melissa Housser

Secretary Kathleen Jaggassar

Continuing Education Events Betsy De Lucca

Treasurer Louise Dawson

Registrar Leah Ursic

President Colleen Thompson

Website Andrea Noye

Vice President: Drena Drenic

Directors at Large: Michelle Beukers, Leah Burns, Wendie MacQuarrie

Past President: Pat Antoniak

Aroma Wisdom is an educational resource published by the British Columbia Alliance Of Aromatherapy (BCAOA). It focuses on issues important to the alternative health care community with an emphasis on aromatherapy. Published in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, Aroma Wisdom is available digitally to our membership for free and to the global public for purchase as a single issue or subscription. To purchase, please see our web store at or a local bookstore. For our full submission guidelines, go to For other forms of material submission, or if you have questions, please contact the Editor before submitting. Inclusion of an advertisement does not indicate endorsement of the company, person(s), service(s) or product(s) by the BCAOA, its Directors, members, or Editor. The BCAOA, its Directors, members, and Editor are not responsible for the claims of advertisers appearing in these pages. Advertising guidelines are at, or e-mail the Editor for an Advertisers Agreement. Formats, size specifications, and deadlines for ad submissions are found within the Agreement.


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Contributors Thank you to all our wonderful contributors for sharing their knowledge, wisdom, experience and creativity with our community through this journal.

Ann Harman – Ann is an organic farmer, herbalist and distiller. She has been making herbal products for decades and distilling hydrosols for nearly 30 years. Ann is the author of Harvest to Hydrosol, a how to book about distilling for hydrosols. She is currently involved in research of the hydrosols; chemistry, microbiology, adulteration, heavy metals and comparison experiments through Circle H Institute. She loves sharing her knowledge of the world of distillation and hydrosols. She is an international speaker who lectures on her continual research on hydrosols and the Art of Distillation. Ann hosts intensive, hands on workshops featuring international teachers in Washington State, USA. She regularly contributes articles about distillation and hydrosols to industry journals.

Melissa Housser – Melissa first discovered the powerful, healing properties of essential oils while having her aura read at a festival. Since that time, she has earned a Certificate in Holistic Aromatherapy, created an essential oil-based skin care line, and started teaching workshops about simple and natural home remedies. More than ever, she believes that connecting the mind and body is essential in building a balanced lifestyle. Outside of Aromatherapy, she enjoys hiking, foraging, singing, guitar, and yoga. She wants to become a well-rounded source of information for others, and hopes to receive her horticulture certificate in the near future.

Ana Sullivan – Ana has hundreds of hours of formal education and more than 7 years of training in aromatic studies, 12 years as an educator and 15 years as a visual artist. She has studied under several renowned aromatherapists and professionals in the field including the West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy; the Tisserand Institute; Dr. E. Joy Bowles; Mark Webb; the Aromahead Institute; the School for Aromatic Studies; Shaktili Aromaterapia; Robin Schiller-Kessler CA; Dr. Tim Miller; the Franklin Institute of Wellness (Dr. Jessie Hawkins); and the New York Institute of Aromatic Studies. Ana can be reached at 1-(201) 566-6175 or at Her website is

Jennine Stromkins – Jennine received her Aromatherapy certifications in the spring of 1994. In June 1994, she established Scents of Comfort, offering training and organic essential oils. Jennine has continued attending courses including those from Dr. Pierre Francomme; several by John Steele; chemistry courses by Rhiannon and Bob Harris; and on neuromuscular therapy. She has spoken numerous times at the Scientific Conferences of Aromatherapy and published a number of articles.

Colleen Thompson RA®, EOT®, CAHP – Colleen has worked in the field of Aromatherapy since 1995. She completed her Provincial Instructor’s Diploma Program in 1997 and now teaches a 600-hour aromatherapy certification program through her school Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies. She was an Aromatherapy Instructor at West Coast College of Massage Therapy from 2006-2012 and Spa Program Coordinator at West Coast College of Massage Therapy for 3 years. Colleen has written aromatherapy articles for a number of publications and conducted talks, workshops and seminars for a variety of organizations. She was named one of the five top aromatherapists in BC in 2015 and 2016. Colleen is currently the President of the BCAOA Board of Directors, is a Director of the AIA Board of Directors, and sits on the Education Committee of the AIA. Her Titles include: Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Practitioner, Lymphatic Drainage Massage Instructor, Master Formulator, Diploma in Adult Education. Colleen can be reached at

Marieka Zimmerman RA®, RMT, HP – Marieka is a Registered Massage Therapist, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Registered Aromatherapist. She is the owner and operator of Aspire Massage & Holistic Therapies, in Smithers, BC, and has been in practice for 15 years. Marieka is passionate about supporting the health and wellness of her patients through the use of her diverse treatment modalities, as well as patient education, awareness and prevention. Her knowledge and love of learning has provided Marieka with a dynamic background of techniques, which enable each patient to receive a treatment plan designed specifically for his or her needs. EOT (Essential Oil Therapist) and RA (Registered Aromatherapist) are Trademarked Occupational Titles of the British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapy (BCAOA)


President’s Message Summer 2019

Dear Members, As I sit in my office on a very rainy May Day, I am looking forward to sunny days spent in the garden and maybe a distillation or two. Although summer solstice isn’t until June 21st, many of us consider the May long weekend to be the unofficial beginning of summer. I usually follow the rule of not planting before the Victoria Day weekend but jumped the gun a little this year – maybe I just needed to see a little colour in my yard to offset our grey skies. We had a wonderful CE Event this past April with Tim Miller – Tim lived up to expectations and did indeed make chemistry fun! The venue was amazing, and everything went smoothly thanks to Betsy and Michelle, as well as the many volunteers who helped out over the 2-day event. For those of you in attendance at the AGM, you will know that we pulled out all the stops in terms of venue, food and the speaker, while at the same time rewarding the loyalty of our long-term members. We knew that this weekend would incur a loss, but we wanted the first 2-day CE Weekend under the newly amalgamated BCAOA to be one that we wouldn’t soon forget. We also know that this probably raised expectations for future events. While the BCAOA inherited a healthy bank balance from the BCAPA, this cost/loss ratio isn’t sustainable going forward. We hope to find a middle road whereby we can meet your expectations while being financially prudent with the members’ money. One way we can do this is to increase our membership numbers. The cost for the meals comes directly off your registration – this year the meals and coffee/tea came to $98.85 per person. Added to that is the cost per person of printing the handouts; folders; certificates, etc. We’ve been fortunate, thanks to Michelle Beukers, that over the past few years the cost of printing has been significantly reduced, however going forward this will not be the case. Therefore, printing and other proceedings materials will cost approximately $50.00 per person. This brings the hard cost per person to approximately $150.00. If we were able to email the handouts ahead of time this could save money, however we are often prevented from doing this by the copyright requirements of the speaker. Additional costs include the speaker’s fee; and the speaker’s travel and accommodation expenses, and recording costs, if applicable. With the additional costs, the per person cost can only go down if the number of people who register goes up – this is how we hope to be able to keep registration rates affordable. If a speaker’s costs are $7500.00, for 55 people 5

the cost would be $136.36 per person but for 75 people, the cost would only be $100.00 per person (note that this is in addition to the meal costs). And yes, for those not aware of this, bringing in world-class speakers does cost in this range – sometimes a bit higher and sometimes a bit lower but this is a typical average. Ideally the association will make a small profit as a cushion but that is not our mandate as a non-profit association. Suffice to say though – we need to make ends meet. And with that in mind, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our newest members: *

Kelly Holland Azzaro


Carol Foy


Deanna Papineau


Adriane Elliott

I am very excited to work with our new Board this year. We have a nice blend of seasoned Board members and new Board members. While it is important to have the voice of experience and past knowledge of the Board decisions and plans, the Board can become stagnant without new members. This year we have four new members with various areas of expertise which will be help the BCAOA to be successful, i.e. social media, budgeting, assisting with committees and much more. I am also very grateful to the Education Committee members who have stepped forward to help. Not only do many hands make light work but many minds can synergistically create a well-(essential)oiled machine that will benefit our members over the next year and for many years to come. Wishing you all a sunny, safe and enjoyable summer. Warmly,

Colleen BCAOA President

It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside. ~ Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib 6

ANNOUNCING THE NEW BCAOA BOARD I am pleased to welcome the 2019 – 2020 Board of Directors. President Past President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Registrar Journal Editor CE Coordinator Website Coordinator Social Media Coordinator Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large

Colleen Thompson Pat Antoniak Drena Drenic Kathleen Jaggassar Louise Dawson Leah Ursic Lilliane Graie Betsy DeLucca Andrea Noye Melissa Housser Michelle Beukers Leah Burns Wendie MacQuarrie

2018 - 2020 ongoing 2019 - 2020 2018 - 2020 2018 - 2020 2018 - 2020 2019 – 2020 (reverts to a 2-year term in 2020) 2019 – 2020 (reverts to a 2-year term in 2020) 2019 - 2020 2019 - 2020 2019 - 2020 2019 - 2020 2019 - 2020

I also want to acknowledge the members of the Education Committee. This committee was struck in January of this year and has been working on the BCAOA Challenge Exam, a Code of Ethics for Schools and Teachers, Continuing Education Credits, and Course Recognition Renewal Requirements.


Lynne Edel

Norma Smith

Kim Gale-Gotowiec

Colleen Thompson

Announcements Welcome to our Announcements page for notices of upcoming events and general interest to the community. Members can send personal brags/achievements or special shout-outs to other members (congratulations, celebrations, births, milestones etc.), just be sure to have permission to share any personal information with the community! To send in your announcement request, email the information to the editor with “Announcement Page” in the subject line. Let’s celebrate!!

BCAOA Sponsored Events CE credits are granted for attendees of events The BCAOA is proud to host our CE Events and will have details and registration information on upcoming ones in the next issue. Location: TBD Dates: TBD Contact: Betsy De Lucca Web: TBD For non-BCAOA sponsored events: According to BCAOA Guidelines, every full day of attendance at a recognised seminar, workshop, or webinar is equivalent to 4 CE Credits. Please contact the registrar at if you are unsure of an event’s status. CEC Credits: Please refer to the CE Activity guidelines. Proof of attendance can be sent via hardcopy or electronic mail. Please make sure to include the title of the specific event along with your name and address.

The following are for information purposes only. Inclusion DOES NOT imply BCAOA recognition. Be sure any course/workshop/seminar etc., qualifies for credits before taking it. Sedona Aromatics - Sharon Falsetto: Offers various types of courses and workshops. Ongoing. Information and Registration: Sedona Aromatherapie

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for Herpes and Shingles - a downloadable short, easy introduction to the treatment of Herpes, Shingles and Genital Herpes with Essential Oils. 24-page pdf for printing and onscreen viewing. Information and Registration: Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy

Other links to explore for upcoming events: Alliance of International Aromatherapists The Canadian Herbalist Association of British Columbia


Essential Oils and PTSD Aromatherapy can help sufferers

In Part 2 of this article, featured writer Jennine Stromkins continues her discussion of PTSD with four case studies Once called “shell shock”, “war neurosis”, “cardiorespiratory neurosis” and “idiotism” among others, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was believed to be a condition caused by the horrors of the battlefield that solely affected soldiers and other military personnel. However, as our knowledge around mental health has increased, we have become able to recognise its symptoms in patients other than those with direct battlefield experience. We understand now that traumatised animals can experience PTSD and even the close relatives of someone involved in a traumatic event, who did not actually experience the event themselves, can suffer from PTSD over that event. No matter its name, PTSD knows no barriers or limitations in its devastation of those it affects. For those living with PTSD, the symptoms can range from life-limiting to life-destroying: depression; anxiety; nightmares/night terrors/sleep disturbances; panic attacks; irritability; angry outbursts; a deep sense of helplessness; difficulty with concentration/memory; difficulties at home/work; flashbacks; feelings of devastation/vulnerability; feeling of numbness; abnormal fear; fear of every-day activities; feeling overwhelmed by simple tasks; aversion to socialising; avoidance of situations that might trigger memories of the trauma; drug/alcohol addiction; chronic pain, hypertension or illness; overwhelming fear of death; compulsiveness; personality changes; self destructive incidents/self-injury; and thoughts of/attempted suicide. 10

Case Study #4

Two other blends for her were:

Jackie was 14 and living in a small community when

Blend # 1 - 10 drops of Rose (Rosa centifolia); 12 drops

she was raped by a family friend who had stage 4

of Lemon (Citrus limon); 10 drops of Benzoin (Styrax

AIDS. Both Jackie and her mother were traumatized

benzoin); and 10 drops of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

and didn’t want Jackie’s father or male relatives in the

in 120 ml lotion to be applied twice daily across her

house. I received the phone call about 2 hours after

liver area. This tonifies the liver and kidneys,

the trauma occurred and was asked if it was okay for

strengthening them against attack by the virus.

Jackie to have a shower. Since they hadn’t been to the police or seen a doctor yet, the answer was “no”.

Blend #2 - 12 drops of Benzoin; 15 drops of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis); 4 drops of Bitter Almond

The mother had rose and honeysuckle oils from me to

(Prunus armeniaca L.); 10 drops of Cocoa (Theobroma

wear as a fragrance, so I recommended that they rub

cacao L.); 6 drops of Tonka Bean (Dipteryx odorata Aubl.

the oils on each other’s’ necks. At this point post-

Willd.); 6 drops of Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans);

trauma, it is essential to reaccustom the victim to

and 2 drops of Peruvian (or High-altitude) Myrtle

another’s touch, as well as touch someone else, in a

(Myrtus communis) in 250 ml lotion. She carried a 15

safe way. The rose would give some power and

ml bottle of it with her for panic attacks or when

reassurance to both mother and daughter; the

someone at school teased her.

honeysuckle would help take the limbic brain out of its dark hiding place.

Jackie discovered the power of the oils on herself and how they could make people change. She also had a

These helped Jackie to be able to deal with the police

bottle of Rose for those times when she “needed to be

and the pelvic exam for DNA samples needed to

as strong as Cleopatra when the Romans were

identify the attacker. Her father drove to my place to

attacking.” (client quote) Now in her mid-twenties,

get some blends. While he was there, I applied some

Jackie is healthy and happy but she keeps using her

rose on him to counter his rage and managed to

blends since they “rescued” her. She has also

persuade him to let the police arrest the suspect. It

discovered how rose diffuses male aggression yet

turned out, the suspect was hiding in the bush near

empowers her. Jackie’s one complaint is that her

their house. He had felt he deserved to have a “cutie”

father won’t use his blends to get past his anger at her

since he was going to die; he did die from AIDS in the


holding cell before he could be prosecuted.

Case Study #5 One of the blends for Jackie was Body Fix, comprised


of 6 drops each of Yarrow (Achillea millefolium),

George is in his early 30's, a veteran of two tours in

Himalayan Cedar (Cedrus deodora), Poplar balsam

Afghanistan. He had been going to psychologists

(Populus balsamifera) and Melissa (Melissa officinalis) in

since returning to Canada with no progress, so he was

30 ml lotion. It was to be applied to the entire pelvic

referred to me. For the first couple of years after

floor to boost her immune system, balance her

returning and before getting treatment, George didn’t

hormones and get her used to the idea that that area

speak to his family – not even to ask for the salt or

of her body was not her enemy, which is a typical

ketchup to be passed to him – and wouldn’t go into

response of rape victims.

larger shopping areas. When asked how he was, he

would answer, “No injuries from the enemy. At least I

Case Study #6

came home alive and uninjured.” (client quote) Carol is in her mid-30s and volunteered as a relief I learned from another client who had also served

worker in Guatemala with some friends for 3 months.

abroad that the atrocities soldiers had witnessed

While there, she and her companions were stalked by

made them afraid to close their eyes at night since

guerillas who would randomly pop out of the bush

their mind would replay the scenes. This made

pointing assault rifles at them then disappear. When

treatment strictly blends to soothe and repair the

she returned, she took a leave of absence from work

emotional brain. The first blend I had George smell

and didn’t want to talk to her family, repeatedly

was one I call Hang In There, comprised of equal parts

saying, “Nothing happened down there.” (client quote)

Benzoin, Rosewood (Aniba parviflora), Rose, Cypress

She doesn’t understand why people won’t just leave

(Cupressus sempervirens) and Cassie (Acacia farnesiana).

her alone. Sleeping and eating are problematic now, where before she had a healthy appetite. She is a

This is not my normal protocol but he was having a

physiotherapist and used to get along with everyone.

panic attack when he arrived. Within seconds, George

Now she only feels comfortable with quiet, fragile,

went from panicking to calm, actually reached for the

older people.

bottle then started crying. Now his parents – who were driving him everywhere since he was unable to

It is recognized by PTSD associations worldwide that

– were panicking. Fortunately, his psychologist had

being stalked in this fashion has the equivalent

an appointment slot available so I sent George back to

psychological and emotional impact of rape only

him with an extra bottle to use in the treatment room.

without the physical trauma. The hormones, adrenals and other body systems that are impacted force the

My recommendations for George were to put 2-3

victim into adrenaline overload, therefore the

drops on his sternum to affect his heart/emotional

standard medical treatment is to place the person on

brain and another drop on the back of his neck. The

high doses of sedatives and antidepressants.

psychologist also put 5 drops in the treatment room and said, “I couldn’t smell it but there was a definite

Since Carol lives on the East coast, hands-on

impact.” I sent another blend over to be used in the

treatment was not an option. Her parents had phoned

treatment room as well that targets the inner child

me for help since she also wasn’t talking to them.

with comfort and reassurance.

According to the psychologist, it would have been easier on her to have actually been raped since then

This blend was comprised of equal parts undiluted

there would have been a single episode that could be

Sweet Orange, Rosewood, Benzoin and Osmanthus,

identified. Our emotional brain is really good at all

since 5 drops were to be dripped onto the carpet

the “what ifs” and guilt trips. I gave her:

before the patient entered the room. Between the two blends, and an open-minded psychologist, George is

Blend #1: 6 drops of Benzoin, 4 drops of Cypress, 1

back to responding in a normal fashion and can even

drop of Patchouli (Pogostemon Cablin), 2 drops of Rose

cope with the crowds in malls. It only took about 10

and 2 drops of Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) in 60

sessions before the scars had healed in the emotional

ml lotion, to be applied 3-4 times daily on face, throat

brain, enabling George to live his life again.

and hands. Cypress calms fears of the unknown; Rose


empowers the feminine being and takes back the

parents and go to a conference of 5,000 people

power stolen by others; Patchouli “takes the

without any problems. As of now, she is studying

fragmented mind to a peaceful, quiet place” (The

how to help others who have gone through a similar

Blossoming Heart, Robbi Zeck); Benzoin is comforting


and reassuring; and Honeysuckle hits the emotional brain with sunshine and happiness.

Case Study #7

At the same time, Carol was to use Body Fix on her

Jack is a recently retired fireman in his mid-60s. He

pelvic floor as I had Client #4 do. It was to be applied

has back and shoulder pain but “nothing to complain

to the bladder opening and rectal tissue to ward off

about since I’m still alive and some of my buddies

yeast, fungal and bacterial infections, and irritations

aren’t.” (client quote) His wife sent him for a treatment

as well as balance her hormones. It also appears to

to relax. As part of his job, he had to perform

eliminate ovarian and breast cysts, fibroids and

resuscitation on people even when he couldn’t find a


pulse and knew they were already dead from smoke inhalation. He never knew when he went into a

It took Carol about 4 weeks to use up Blend #1 by

burning building if he’d come out alive.

which time I had sent another blend to take her another step towards healing. We also had long

Most people would be somewhat traumatized to have

phone calls where I served as a therapist or sounding

to carry a dead body let alone actually perform chest


compressions and mouth-to-mouth on it, but that is one of the duties of our first responders. Fifty-three

Blend #2, also a lotion, contained High-altitude

percent of fire fighters do not actually die in a fire but

Myrtle, Rosewood, Benzoin, Tuberose (Polianthes

rather from stress and overexertion with 48% having

tuberosa), Mimosa (Acacia decurrens), White

heart attacks1.

Champaca (Michelia alba) and White Rose (Rosa alba). This was to be applied to the face, hands and throat.

So, how to make someone like Jack find joy in being alive and be able to interact with his partner, children

A third blend I call Brain Be Calm was to be used as

and grandchildren? Interestingly, he can do a simple

her ‘perfume’, applied between the breasts and on the

massage on orphans in a distant country and feel joy

back of the neck. This blend calms and reassures the

in their recovery due to the lack of emotional

limbic or emotional brain and includes undiluted

interaction on a deeper level.

White Rose, High-altitude Myrtle, Cypress, Benzoin, Honeysuckle, Frangipani (Plumeria obtusa), Amber

The first step in helping a first responder to recover is

(Pinus Succinifera), Bitter Almond and Motia

to create an emotionally reassuring blend with a faint

(Cymbopogon martini var motia). Any time Carol started

“touch of happiness”. My blend for Jack was 60 ml

to feel the need to hide, she was to reapply it.

lotion with 10 drops of Neroli (Citrus aurantium), 10 drops of Benzoin, 15 drops of Sweet Orange and 5

These last two blends lasted her for six months. By

drops of Frangipani. Neroli is calming and energizing

month two, Carol was able to fly home to visit her

to the emotional brain but also good for the liver and 14

kidneys which are deeply affected by the constant

parasympathetic stimulant), Jasmine (a sympathetic

adrenaline overload cause by being in “survival

stimulant) and Lavender (a balanced oil according to

mode” so often.

France), the needle bounced all over the place.

The Neroli also lowers the level of serum cortisol,

The “touch of happiness” I like to add is Frangipani.

which we do need, but only at lower levels when our

It’s very subtle but causes the emotional brain to shift

lives are not in danger. Sweet Orange is a comfort-

into a mellow, laid back mode, like lying in a

giver to kids and adults alike, as well as having

hammock in the tropics. One client called this her

similar actions to both Neroli and Benzoin.

“teddy bear” blend since it made her feel safe and surrounded by love. This was massaged onto Jack at

According to, Benzoin and other

one session when he arrived panicking as his doctor

heavier oils as well as parasympathetic stimulants

had recommended he start taking several different

such as Nutmeg and Linden Blossom will lower the

anti- depressants. He took this home, too, using it up

millivolts generated by the brain in response to excess

over 3-4 weeks. When Jack left my clinic, he went to

pain and/or stress. This will reduce the long-term

see his son and found he could actually receive a hug

impact of pain, stress and anxiety, all of which are

from his son and grandchild.

experienced by first responders. Subsequent treatments usually included Cypress to Normally these millivolts shouldn't register on an

counter fears and Rose to stabilize male hormones.

ohmmeter (an electrician's tool used for checking

The other oils used depended upon what the

power levels in circuits), and the presence of such

presenting problem was: back pain, lack of sleep,

high electro-chemical levels can have a very negative

feeling like he was coming down with a virus, knee

impact on the body. Those with fibromyalgia or in

pain or headaches. Those were complaints that others

acute pain can have problems with their computers

would accept as to why he wasn’t his usual self (my

and other electronic devices as the brain is generating

explanation, not his).

so much power. Ohmmeters are now starting to be used to confirm genuine acute pain as well as

Memories plagued him of the dead he had brought

fibromyalgia in patients.

out of burning buildings but had still had to perform resuscitation techniques on, hoping he could bring

Years ago, I was challenged by a student – who had

them back to life. Normally, a person of 65 would

been an astrophysicist – to see if essential oils would

have happy memories of his grandchildren at the

actually register on my ohmmeter. Her belief was that

forefront of his mind not the inability to save another

an adrenal stimulant or sympathetic oil would

person. Which is why we also recommended him to a

register high millivolts; a parasympathetic oil would

psychologist who specialises in PTSD.

register low millivolts and high potential energy or


amps; a balanced oil would be mid-line; and an

Jack is making progress and using a lot of Brain Be

adaptogen would go with whatever the dominant oils

Calm as it makes him feel that he’s actually worth

were. We were able to test and prove exactly that! For

something to his family and others. He was able to

the last experiment, we blended Benzoin (a

take his children and grandchildren to Disneyland

and hug everyone without feeling like they only

regularly, especially since my mother grew her own.

returned the hug because they were obligated to. His

After I became an Aromatherapist, I tried an allergy

therapist also uses essential oils in the room when

blend with Melissa, Frankincense (Boswellia carterii)

treating all of his PTSD patients due to their positive

and Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) several

healing power.

times a day to see if I could change my allergy. The answer was “yes”. Those oils are antihistamine as

I would like to finish with two examples of something

well as emotionally reassuring and calming.

to look for when treating clients: food allergies. Ask

According to Dr. Francomme, such oils can

when they started? Was there a trigger? In my case, I

reprogram an abnormal immune response, which is

became severely allergic to strawberries the June I

the allergy.

was 4 years old. My allergy was so bad that one strawberry would make me break out in hives all over

The second example is of a sweet friend who

my body. When I asked my mother about it, she

experienced attempted gang rape when she was just

became rather upset.

sixteen and at home with only her older brother as their parents were out of town. Her brother and his

Mothers always feel guilty if something happens to

friends got high on marijuana as well as drunk. When

their children and my mom felt it was her fault that I

she phoned me at 2 in the morning, I could hear them

had developed the allergy. My youngest brother was

banging on the door that she had barricaded.

3 months old at the time and had severe colic. According to my mom, I wanted to help them both so

She didn’t want me to phone the police since it would

I would take him out of his crib and rock him in a

upset her parents. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get over

chair, singing whatever a 4-year old sings to get him

there until the next morning as I live on the mainland

to stop crying. Did I have the power to make that

and she was on the Island. Up to then, this young

happen? No, of course not.

woman was never sick with absolutely no allergies. Afterwards, she was allergic to wheat, dairy, orange

Nowadays, doctors tell mothers with colicky children

juice and eggs as well as not being able to digest red

to just suffer through it for three months since around

meat well.

6 months of age the digestive system improves for these poor kids and the colic passes. But, quoting a

There are cultures where you are expected to be stoic

psychologist, "For some children, having the sound of

and just move on; the background of the family is

their sibling crying constantly creates an extreme

Eastern European. So for her parents, since the rape

emotional stress that will impact them the rest of their

didn’t happen there was nothing to complain about

lives and will evidence itself by, most often, an allergy

and she should have no problem hugging her brother.

to a food that is predominant at that time. Other

According to the psychologist, this is one of the main

children will not have the same emotional reaction

problems we have to deal with: if the person is raised

and won't suffer as a result. It depends upon each

where emotional or physical injury is to be ignored,

one's emotional brain."

the PTSD worsens. If they are allowed to cry when hurt or talk about it, recovery is much smoother

June is strawberry season so I was exposed to them

without the physiological damage. 16

Unfortunately, in this young woman’s case, she no

Aromatherapy, worked with the BC Cancer Agency and the BC

longer lives where I can treat her but she does have a

Transplant Clinic at Vancouver General, and has published a

sweet and understanding hubby. At my suggestion

number of articles.

she told him about the incident and he does his best to protect her from contact with what her emotional

*Editor’s Note:

brain classifies as “The Terrorist”.

June 27th is recognised as National PTSD Awareness Day in the US and a bill was tabled in January to do the same here in Canada, following in the footsteps of bill C-211. Please support your local Mental Health agencies; call your

1. Firefighter deaths by cause and nature of injury. June 2018. Jennine Stromkins received her Aromatherapy certifications

local MP and tell them to support the bill; wear a teal ribbon to show your support; volunteer your time or donate where you can. If you or a loved might be suffering from PTSD, you can find information here

in the spring of 1994. In June 1994, she established Scents of

Comfort, offering training and organic essential oils. Jennine has

continued attending courses including those from Dr. Pierre

or seek the assistance of a licensed professional. Don’t wait,

Francomme; several by John Steele; chemistry courses by

it doesn’t get better without help. Please don’t suffer in

Rhiannon and Bob Harris; and on neuromuscular therapy. She has spoken numerous times at the Scientific Conferences of

silence. You are not alone and not forgotten.

Ethics in Distilling Professionalism in the Trade

Photo courtesy geralt -

Guest writer and seasoned distiller Ann Harman discusses the ethical considerations when distilling.

The distillation of plants is becoming a very popular hobby for many while for some it is a new way to add value-added products to their farm income. With the growing number of distillers, I think it might be time to speak of the ethics and responsibilities of becoming a distiller. If you want to distill responsibly, there are four points that I teach my students to pay attention to: know your equipment; know your botanicals; know yourself; and know your products. In this article I’m going to delve a little deeper into what I mean about each of those points.

Know Your Equipment Distillation equipment comes in a variety of materials and quality. “Caveat emptor” is always good advice when purchasing equipment that is going to be used for making therapeutic medicines such as essential oils and hydrosols. Buying the least expensive still is not a good business decision and it is wise to do your homework before you purchase your first one. The more you research before your purchase, the more you will save in the long term. 18

Once you’ve decided on the size, style and type of

ketone umbelliferone, which can cause headaches

still – be it glass, copper, stainless or hybrid –it’s

among other things. Should you distill this plant

time to get to know it. After you’ve received your

thinking you were distilling Laurus nobilis, you

still, it is wise to test to your equipment for the type

would be making a grave mistake for yourself and

of solder and fittings (if applicable) used in

anyone with whom you shared your products.

manufacturing and the quality of the metal or glass. The solder and fittings can be tested at home for the

Another example of a look-alike is Anthemis cotula.

presence of lead with an inexpensive lead testing

To the average person it looks very similar to


Matricaria chamomilla however the essential oil of Anthemis cotula contains the lactone anthecotulide, a

I use a product called “Lead Checker” made by 3M,

potent allergen. If you did not do your due diligence

an easy test you can perform at home. If the

you could cause harm to yourself or unsuspecting

directions are followed it will tell you whether the


presence of lead is above a certain threshold, usually 0.2%. If either the solder or fittings test positive, then it is wise to do further analysis. Be aware there is no such thing as 0% lead when it comes to copper and solder. In the United States, “lead free” solder means that the percent of lead is below 0.2% (US EPA 2015)1. This is considered safe for soldering drinking water pipes.

Know your Botanicals As a distiller you are responsible for everything that goes into your still. This seems simple enough but it is such an important consideration

Figure 1

Figure 2

that many folks overlook. It is not enough to “think” you know what plant you have. This is one of the

I urge my students to learn all they can about the

reasons a distiller must know the correct Latin

plant they want to distill BEFORE they distill it. As a

binomial of every plant they distill, since common

distiller, you should research the plant to know

names can be very confusing.

whether there are any toxicity concerns of which you need to be aware. Is harvesting the plant

I often use “Laurel” as an example. In California,

sustainable? Or is it threatened in any way?

Bay (Umbellularia californica) grows wild. It is often harvested and substituted for Mediterranean Bay

If you are growing what you distill, are you growing

(Laurus nobilis) for cooking. These two trees are not

without pesticides and herbicides? Contrary to

the same plant, nor are they from the same botanical

popular belief, these volatile organic components

family. The California Bay essential oil contains the

can and do come across in a distillation.


If you decide you want to wildcraft plants, it is

notes on their aromas and if their color changes.

imperative that you learn basic botany so you do not mistakenly harvest poison Hemlock (Conium

There are several excellent distillation forums on

maculatum) because it looks a lot like Queen Anne’s

social media that can be very helpful to the novice

Lace (Daucus carota)!

distiller; there are hundreds, if not thousands, of collective years of experience willing and able to

Let me repeat, as a distiller you and only you are

share with you. As a distiller know your strengths

responsible for everything that goes in your still.

and limitations. There are as many ways to distill as

You need to positively identify and educate yourself

there are distillers. Find your way and enjoy the

about every plant you distill.


Know Yourself Distillation of plants for essential oils and hydrosols can be a profound journey. After nearly 30 years of distilling, I am still learning so much it never ceases to amaze me. I encourage my students to distill often, experimenting with different techniques. Keep excellent notes so that you will know how different harvest times and distillation parameters can influence your hydrosols and essential oils. I remember very clearly, after a whopping six or so distillations, being sure that I had this “distillation stuff figured out, it’s a piece of cake”! Any of you

Know Your Products

that know what the Dunning Kruger2 (DK) effect is, will recognize where I was on the DK scale at that

I think it imperative that as a distiller you get to

time nearly thirty years ago. The DK effect can be

know your products; this takes time. The more you

described as having a false sense of knowledge of a

distill, the more you will know about each plant you

subject before you have gained experience.

work with, and each essential oil and hydrosol you produce.

I see a lot of new distillers that have the same “epiphany” very early on in their distillation

In the beginning of my distilling days, I practiced

journey. It takes time to learn the art of distillation;

with many plants and many techniques. I used my

after decades of distilling, I feel I am just now

hydrosols with my family and friends. I gave away

beginning to rise from the bottom of the scale. By all

gallons of hydrosols as gifts and to get feedback

means enjoy your homemade products: use them,

from different people. I did not start selling

share them with friends and family. Experience

hydrosols for five years. That might be a bit extreme

them fresh and over time as they age. Keep great

but I would certainly urge any new distiller to 20

refrain from selling products for at least two years.

six months then again at one year. This gave me an

Hydrosols by nature are perishable products. Good

idea if my protocols were working. It is not possible

manufacturing protocols are vital to producing a

to tell if a hydrosol is contaminated by sight or smell

contaminate-free product. It will take you time and

alone. If you do see a fungal bloom, the hydrosol is

experience to know if your protocols are effective. It

no longer safe for using therapeutically.

is not ethical to sell your products before you have gained experience in both distillation and bottling.

For the past several years, I have been researching heavy metals in the distillate waters. I consider it

What do I mean about manufacturing protocols? I

prudent to test your hydrosol for the presence of

begin with distilling in a clean environment. This

heavy metals, whether you distill in glass, stainless

means sterilizing my distillation equipment with

or copper. An acidic environment and the presence

either 70% alcohol or steam, including the inside of

of heat, both of which we have during a distillation,

the condensing coils and the collection vessels, and

can cause the leaching of metals from the distillation

keeping the airborne microbes to a minimum by

equipment into the distillate water.

limiting your hydrosols exposure to airborne spores. When distilling for profit, I use a sterilized cloth to

Most environmental laboratories familiar with

cover the outlet of the condenser.

testing to drinking water standards will be able to perform the analysis for a relatively inexpensive amount. In the United States, the acceptable Maximum Contaminant levels (MCL) of inorganics are set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)3, so we use the EPA 200.8 standard for drinking water method. It is very important to use the correct method or you might receive a false negative, giving one an incorrect sense of security. For example, the EPA 200.8 method had a reporting limit of 0.002 mg/l


which is below the 0.015 action level for lead in

When filtering, mixing and rebottling, I sterilize the

drinking water. I do not recommend using at-home

bottles, lids and all equipment with which the

tests advertised for testing drinking water. I once

hydrosol can potentially come in contact. Once I

purchased a box of strips to try at home: the

have bottled a batch of hydrosols, I keep a minimum

reporting limits were far higher than the MCL – in

of 120 ml for future testing.

the case of lead it was 3000 times higher – so the strips gave a false negative every time!

In the years before I started selling my distillation products, I had my hydrosol batches tested on a

In conclusion, practice responsible distillation. The

regular basis. The most frequent type of testing I did

distillation journey is full of transformation; the

was microbiological. I started testing each batch at

transformation of plants into ethereal oils and


distillate water. The journey might also transform the distiller. You will gain a greater respect for the plants, water and labor that goes into each bottle of

Updated March 13, 2019. (accessed May 21, 2019). Figure 3 - Dunning-Kruger Effect Graph

precious essential oil and hydrosol. Practice the art

3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

of distilling and gain the experience to make a true

Regulations - Healthy Water - Drinking - Public Water Systems.

artisanally crafted product worthy of the plants, water and your time. Enjoy the journey!

Figure 1 & 2 - Courtesy Peter H. Raven Library/Missouri Botanical Garden Lead Photo - By JurateBuiviene from Shutterstock

Last reviewed April 10, 2009. html (accessed October 10, 2018)

Ann Harman is an organic farmer, herbalist and distiller. She has been making herbal products for decades and distilling hydrosols for nearly 30 years. Ann is the author of Harvest to


Hydrosol, a how-to book about distilling for hydrosols. She is

1. US EPA, OW. 2015. “Use of Lead Free Pipes, Fittings, Fixtures, Solder and Flux for Drinking Water.” Overviews and Factsheets. US EPA. Updated July 11, 2017. (accessed August 3, 2015)

currently involved in research of the hydrosols; chemistry, microbiology, adulteration, heavy metals and comparison experiments through Circle H Institute. She loves sharing her knowledge of the world of distillation and hydrosols. She is an international speaker who lectures on her continual research on hydrosols and the Art of Distillation. Ann hosts intensive, hands on workshops featuring international teachers in Washington

2. Cherry, Kendra. 2019 and n.d. “Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why

State, USA. She regularly contributes articles about distillation

Incompetent People Think They Are Superior.” Verywell Mind.

and hydrosols to industry journals.




on O

Too Busy to Attend a CE Event?

n Th e Go

Well, we’ve got you covered.


We now offer recorded events for purchase at our online store

Explore our new educational products then buy and download to watch or listen at your own pace. Presenter: Patricia Antoniak Date: September 10, 2017 Length: 4 hours, 44 minutes (In 2 parts) Description: The Dynamics of Addiction This 2-part webinar discusses the use of aromatherapy with addiction, addictive personalities, and some of the causes and expressions of this difficult and damaging disease.

Presenter: Peter Holmes L.Ac., M.H. Date: April 2018 Length: 9 hours, 53 minutes (In 8 parts) Description: Day 1 Topics - Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Medicine: Exploring the psychological and physiological functions of essential oils. Fragrance Qualities and Pharmacology: The psychosensory approach to using essential oils as remedies Day 2 Topics - Essential Oils as Bioactive Remedies: Evaluating the integrity of essential oil production and identity. Symptom Versus Terrain: Differentiating treatment priorities with the six diagnostic conditions 23

Coming Soon! Presenter: Dr. Timothy Miller ND. MAc, LAc, RA Date: April 2019 Length: 9 hours, 53 minutes (In 7 parts) Description: Day 1 - AromaChemistry: Get ready to see chemistry in a whole new light! Dr. Tim is going to show you how fascinating AromaChemistry is and how you can use it in a profound and impactful way. Some of the basics of chemistry is revisited, as well as explore functional groups and their generalized therapeutic indications. This will help enhance and deepen your understanding of chemistry and AromaChemistry. Day 2 - Pharmacokinetics: Pharmacokinetics is how the body interacts with essential oil components and how these compounds are metabolized and excreted from the body. A vital aspect of aromatherapy and can enable practitioners to maximize the effects of their treatments, and can guide the oil(s) and interface(s) which they might use.

Presenting The BCAPA Proceedings Manuals 2001-2014 Between the years 2000 and 2014, the BCAPA published the presenters’ notes from Continuing Education Events and meeting notes of Chapter Group forums in a bound format as their annual Proceedings Manual. The hard copies of the Proceeding Manuals were discontinued in 2015 but the they contain such a wealth of information that, now that the BCAPA and BCAOA have amalgamated, we are able to sell them at a very affordable price online in digital format. These wonderfully informative manuals are available singly or buy the whole collection for an amazingly discounted deal! Journal Update: We don’t have any more print copies of our Winter issue, and only a few of our Spring issue are left, but both are available online at Issuu. Thank you all for your support! Essential Oil Safety Booklets: These lovely and profitable publications are always available in print to order or online at Issuu. 24

Promoting Your Business Starting off right By Marieka Zimmerman RMT, HP

Owning your own business is a goal for many

modalities? Expand your practice by offering a wider

people but with it comes some trepidation and doubt;

range of treatment options: Swedish Relaxation

“Will I be busy?”, “Can I make enough money to

Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Custom-made

support myself?”, “Will my business become

Blends, and so on. Perhaps take a course in another


holistic modality such as Reiki, Reflexology, etc. This will allow a broader range of individuals to seek you

These are just a few of the questions and concerns

out, as each person has different needs and/or

that can haunt those hoping to become new business

treatment expectations.

owners. We mustn’t forget however, the benefits of being self-employed: a flexible schedule, the freedom

A website might seem like a daunting or even an

to design your business to fit your desires and vision,

expensive endeavor to some but, in my personal

and just the sheer pride of having your tenacity and gumption see your goals come to fruition! So, here you are now, just starting up a business, or having had one for quite a few years, and feeling like you need a little boost to get a bit further on your way. What can you do to promote yourself and business?

opinion, it is totally worth every penny! I hired someone to create my website (webpage design and website technical components), as tech savvy I am not. Whether you choose to do it yourself, or prefer to hire someone, here is some information that is important to know. According to Alex Conway, a freelance digital project manager based in London, “Search engine

Here are a few suggestions:

optimization (SEO), the process of maximizing the

First, what does your business offer in the way of

number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring


that the site appears high on the list of results

from your clients as possible”.

returned by a search engine, is something that should be considered right from the initial build.

This might seem like a lot of detailed information but in order for potential clientele to find you, it is

Consider the keywords that users might use to find

important to have created your website in the best

you, such as, “Aromatherapy massage near me",

way possible. In today’s age of

“Aromatherapy Smithers”,

information literally at your

“Holistic Therapy Canada”,

fingertips, you are just a short

“Registered Aromatherapists

search engine away!

Smithers”, etc. Then ensure you reference those keywords

Facebook is a free way of

EVERYWHERE. Ie: 'alt text' in

increasing your business’

images (the text behind an

visibility. If you keep it an

image), and in your page

‘open page’ with no privacy

previews, etc.

settings, anyone will be able to search your name and find your business

You should choose a website builder that is good for

information. Posting frequently (health related

SEO from the very start (For example: Wix). Make

posts, quotes, photos, etc.), will boost your visibility

sure your domain name ( is

and keep you more present on people’s daily feeds.

relevant and easy to remember/share. If you have a larger budget, you could buy a few different

According to, “Twitter is easy to use as

domains, such as, etc, that all

either broadcaster or receiver. You join with a free

forward to your main webpage.

account and Twitter name. Then you send broadcasts (tweets) daily, hourly, or as frequently as

Signup and register your site with the following

you like. Go to the ‘What's Happening’ box, type

forums, in order to increase the viability of your

280 or fewer characters, and click Tweet. People


who follow you, and potentially others who don't, will see your tweet.

Google Analytics See how users use your site and make adjustments

Thousands of people advertise their recruiting


services, consulting businesses, and retail stores by using Twitter, and it works. The modern internet-

Google Search Console

savvy user has grown tired of television

See how users Search for your site and make

advertisements. People prefer advertising that is

adjustments accordingly

fast, less intrusive, and can be turned on or off at will. Twitter is exactly that. When you learn how the

Google Business & Places

nuances of tweeting work, you can get good

Build up your public profile, provide opening hour

advertising results by using Twitter”. Encourage

information, and ask for as many google reviews

people you know to follow you and receive your


Aroma Wisdom The Canadian Aromatherapy Journal is now available in printed format as single, multiple, or subscription orders

This fabulous journal can now be used as a value-added product for your business as a single issue or gift subscription such as: Giving a gift subscription to clients, family and friends($38 incl s/h!) Including it with your teaching modules for your students Adding it to aromatherapy gift baskets Using it as a bonus with treatment for clients Reselling it for the cover price to add to your sales

Non-Member Prices $10.00 each $9.50 each $9.00 each $8.50 each $8.00 each

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editor with the number of journals you wish to order and your full address.

tweets in their Twitter feeds. Let your friends know

Aromatherapy Workshop).

you are on Twitter to slowly build up a following.

Some communities put on a ‘brown bag lunch talk’ where one day per month over the lunch hour, they

If you are opening up a new business, consider

have different speakers/presenters discuss various

hosting an Open house as a ‘meet & greet’


opportunity. You can invite neighbours, other health

You could talk about the benefits of aromatherapy

practitioners, and maybe post an invite in your local paper (and on your facebook page!). An open house is also a great forum for showcasing any of your own aromatherapy products to sell. If you do make blends for purchase, how can you present them more professionally? Custom labels might help give it that more professional look, instead of handwritten, plus having your business name on the label will also help with a promotional boost!

which helps educate the public, but also promotes the unique modality you provide.

Another place to sell products can be at your local

If your town does not have an event like this,

farmers market. You can help curb costs by sharing

perhaps you can be the instigator in creating one. Or

a booth with another practitioner offering a

create an alternative health group in your

different modality. Do you have an aromatherapy

community. This could be with the intention of

salve that is for a particular niche, e.g. babies? Then

educating the public, boosting your personal

book a talk at your local pregnancy outreach

business, or with the focus of just learning what

program about your natural products for babies.

each practitioner offers, and opening up a referral system. A visible way of promotion is to have a design company come up with a professional logo for your business and have it placed on your vehicle. Make sure that your business name and phone number are easy to read for the passerby. It is a great way to be visible in your community and hopefully the person parked next to you at the grocery store, or behind you in traffic, will be drawn to your logo

Or you can host a group of women for an evening to

and seek you out!

talk about your products, and maybe even put on a workshop where they can also create a simple blend

Whether renting an office space or creating a clinic

(see Spring edition article How to Organize an

in your own home, keep your space clean, 28

welcoming, and professional. Though clientele

recommendations and treatment suggestions if you

come to us for the unique modalities we offer, they

showcase your knowledge in a respectful, positive

will also recognize how they feel in your space as

and objective way, always putting their health and

part of their therapeutic impression. It will be a big

wellbeing first.

reason whether they become a return client or not. Good luck with your business goals and aspirations! Do you need to de-clutter, put up a fresh coat of paint, or buy some newer furniture? The more comfortable people are in your space, the more

Photo credits - Pixabay

comfortable they will be with you, and the more

Marieka Zimmerman is a Registered Massage Therapist,

they will be able to have a beneficial treatment

Holistic Health Practitioner, and Registered Aromatherapist.


She is the owner and operator of Aspire Massage & Holistic Therapies, in Smithers, BC, and has been in practice for 15

Overall, no matter how you decide to put yourself

wellness of her patients through the use of her diverse

and your business out in your community, just

treatment modalities, as well as patient education, awareness

remember YOU are the biggest promoter out there!

and prevention. Her knowledge and love of learning has

Be confident and assured in your training and

provided Marieka with a dynamic background of techniques,

capabilities. People will respond to your


years. Marieka is passionate about supporting the health and

which enable each patient to receive a treatment plan designed specifically for his or her needs.

Aromatherapy Student: Ana Sullivan Goals Pain Management Through Antinociceptive Properties of Essential Oils West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy Student Ana Sullivan discusses the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties of her blend for longterm management of osteoarthritic and sciatic nerve pain. The following article will explain the efficacy of the essential oil blend “Pain at Bay Op. 29â€? in managing inflammation, and therefore chronic instances of pain, and its ability to keep flare ups of acute pain at bay in soft muscle tissue. I will elaborate on the reasons for choosing the essential oils with antinociceptive and antiinflammatory properties in such a blend. There have been several studies in the search for alternative pain relief without the side effects that conventional drugs carry, and many of these studies have focused their attention on monoterpenes and their derivatives. These studies have placed particular interest in using the peripheral mechanism approach to treat pain by blocking nociceptive impulses. This is known as the antinociceptive effect; there are several studies indicating how many of the chemical constituents in essential oils have antinociceptive effects. When using the antinociceptive approach with essential oils, it is important to keep in mind the production of a few enzymes that can cause inflammation, such as COX enzymes, and the production of prostaglandin which in turn causes chronic and acute pain. My personal approach of combining essential oils known for their anti-inflammatory benefits with essential oils that have antinociceptive chemical constituents is based on the premise that these constituents have shown significant potential in blocking the function of such enzymes and has seemed to work the best in a few individuals. These are some of the main chemical constituents considered when making this blend: •

l-linalool (Monoterpenol) It is thought to produce antinociception action against glutamate-induced pain in mice. It has shown analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic activity. 30

Linalyl acetate (Ester) Although its anti-inflammatory activity has not been shown to be as strong as llinalool, it does show antinociceptive activity.

B-myrcene (Monoterpene) It has antinociceptive properties as well as anti-inflammatory actions and is not skin-sensitizing.

para-cymene (Monoterpene) It contains analgesic action and also great antinociceptive potential in cases of neurogenic and anti-inflammatory action.

Limonene (Monoterpene)The d-limonene form of this constituent is commonly found in high amounts in most citrus oils. This form has shown significant antinociceptive action and valuable penetrating molecules.

a-Terpineol (Monoterpeneol) This component has demonstrated significant analgesic activity.

Sabinene (Monoterpene) It has shown strong anti-inflammatory activity.

Terpinen-4-ol (Monotepeneol) It has shown to be able to inhibit the production of anti-inflammatory mediators.

The “Pain at Bay Op. 29” aromatic blend was created with the intention of managing chronic pain in a 68-yearold female with osteoarthritis and sciatic nerve pain. The client was looking for an alternative to manage chronic pain in between painkiller doses. The intention was to bridge the gap between one dose of Tramadol and the next. She takes Tramadol every morning and the effect wears off after 6-8 hours. As soon as the effect starts wearing out, the client applies the diluted blend of 3% over the upper part of her right leg and gluteus area. This application in the late afternoon warms up the area and significantly reduces inflammation and pain allowing her to function for the rest of the day and sleep overnight thereby bridging the gap between doses, as she does not want to take more than one dose of her prescribed medication. The ointment has been dispensed as a salve (also 3%) in a deodorant container to facilitate the application of the blend and help to avoid spillage when the client is outside her house and needs to carry it in her purse. The following essential oils were chosen keeping in mind their chemical components which can aid with these conditions. This will allow the blend to be used often in addition to, and/or alternating with, other pain relief blends, if necessary. Below is a breakdown in percentages of a stock blend that contains many of the chemical components already described above: •

Plai (Zingiber cassumunar) 35%

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) 25%

Marjoram, sweet (Origanum majorana) 25%

St. John Wort (Hypericum perforatum) 10%

Lemon, yellow (Citrus limon) 5%

Plai - among its many other properties Plai is considered an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory because it contains several anti-inflammatory constituents including Terpinen-4-ol, Sabinene and Trans-1 (3,4dimethoxyphenyl) butadiene, abbreviated to DMPBD.


Clary Sage - contains linalyl acetate (60-75%), l-linalool (10– 16%), germacrene D (2%), and β-caryophyllene (1-2%). Due to those components, it is considered an analgesic, antinociceptive and antiinflammatory among other therapeutic properties. When an oil contains high amounts of lynalyl acetate, the antinociceptive activity is assumed to be larger and therefore greater in synergy with other constituents even if no analgesic properties are demonstrated. Marjoram, sweet - has a place in this blend because of its ability to be analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It is used for muscle relaxation with great success. It contains terpinen-4-ol (15– 32%), transsabinene hydrate, and linalyl acetate (up to 10%) with others including α-terpineol, γ-terpinene, sabinene, llinalool, and para-cymene. It varies depending on the source of the oils. St. John Wort - contains monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and alkanes. This plant offers a well known extract and oil maceration with outstanding anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oil also contains chemical constituents that make it helpful to treat nerve pain and inflammation. Some of its components are 2-methyl octane (37%), a-pinene (31%), B-pinene (10%), Sabinene (2%) among others. Lemon - contains d-limonene (up to 76%), β-pinene (15%), γ-terpinene (12-13%), and α-terpineol (8%), with geranial, α-pinene, para-cymene, sabinene, β-myrcene, and others; traces of non-volatile phototoxic constituents such as oxypeucedanin, bergamottin and bergapten. When used with other essential oils, it can show significant antinociceptive action in addition to the skin penetrating qualities of d-limonene due to its molecule size. This adds to the synergy by aiding in the penetration of other compounds in the blend. The purpose of this blend was to help manage inflammation and keep pain at bay as much as possible on a more long-term basis. Therefore, the selection of oils for this blend with notable and significant antiinflammatory and antinociceptive properties was a priority, allowing it to be used often at a lower dilution and pose less risk of sensitization while using it or combining it with other blends. Used in two formats, a 3% dilution in carrier oil and 3% in a salve with the same carrier oil, I am very pleased that this blend has significantly improved the client’s joint inflammation. Frankincense resin (Boswellia serrata), arnica and resina calendula herbs were macerated in the carrier oil. References Rhind, Jennifer Peace. Aromatherapeutic Blending: Essential Oils in Synergy. (2016) Singing Dragon, imprint of Jessica Kingsley Pubs. Bowles, E.Joy. The Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils. 3rd Edition. (2003) Allen & Unwin Tisserand R, Young R. Essential Oil Safety. 2nd Edition (2014) Churchill Livingstone-Elsevier Herbal Medicine Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd Edition. (2011) Benzie I F.F., Wachter-Galol S, editors CRC Press. Component Database from the Aromahead Institute. (2018) Black & Butje.

Ana Sullivan has hundreds of hours of formal education and more than 7 years of training in aromatic studies, 12 years as an educator and 15 years as a visual artist. She has studied under several renowned aromatherapists and professionals in the field including the West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy (Aromatherapy 101); the Tisserand Institute; Dr. E. Joy Bowles; Mark Webb; the Aromahead Institute; the School for Aromatic Studies; Shaktili Aromaterapia; Robin Schiller-Kessler CA; Dr. Tim Miller; the Franklin Institute of Wellness (Dr. Jessie Hawkins); and the New York Institute of Aromatic Studies. Ana can be reached at 1-(201) 566-6175 (USA) or by email at Her website is


The 2019 BCAOA Essential Oil Safety Brochure: Precautions & Contraindications is now available for order in printed format These beautiful booklets can now be used in many ways as a value-added product for your business such as: Including it with your teaching modules for your students Adding it to aromatherapy gift baskets Using it as a bonus with treatment for clients Reselling it for the cover price to add to your sales Non-Member Prices $10.00 each $9.50 each $9.00 each $8.50 each $8.00 each

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Spring Event Review

Aromachemistry and AromaPharmacokinetics with Dr. Tim This past April, the weekend of the 13th and 14th to

knowledgeable and informative on the subject matter,

be exact, our members gathered in Nanaimo at the

ready to answer any and every question thrown at

Vancouver Island Conference Centre for an expansive

him, and doing so with passion and patience. He was

and informative weekend with Dr. Timothy Miller to

communicative, enthusiastic and so very engaging.

refresh our AromaChemistry knowledge and learn

Teaching is clearly his forte and I am grateful to have

about AromaPharmacokinetics.

been able to witness such a friendly and courteous instructor in their element.

On top of being a Registered Aromatherapist, Dr. Tim is also a Licensed Acupuncturist and Naturopathic

Vancouver Island Conference Centre

physician. He is a graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine in Oregon, and earned his

The venue was spacious with plenty of elbow room at

Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Science from Daemen

the tables for all who attended. There was even a

College, where he also minored in Biology and

dedicated sound technician to operate speakers and


microphones so everything was clearly audible, with no snags or technical malfunctions during the

Personally, I found Dr. Tim to be highly



The staff were super friendly and helpful; even when

Day One

my colleague and I first arrived, a security officer actually chose to escort us to the conference room just

So, onto the main event!

so we could have a chat about what our event was all about.

Our first day was spent on AromaChemistry, refreshing our existing chemistry knowledge and

Everything was within a short walking distance from

diving into it a little deeper. To cover everything we

the conference centre and both arranged hotels so we

went over and learned would turn this review into a

were able to sleep in a bit longer, take short walks to

novel, so I will try to be concise.

nearby stores on our coffee breaks, and have a nice meal without traveling far after a long day of

Starting off the day, our main focus was on


identifying chemical families, functional groups, and the differences between them. One of my favourite

My favourite cafe we discovered was a small French

examples given in regards to functional groups was

bakery/cafe called ‘Mon Petit Choux’ (a French term

about blue-coloured essential oils and chamazulene;

of endearment that literally translates to ‘my little

specifically how chamazulene does not naturally

cabbage’). As a French Canadian myself, it was a

occur in the plant itself. What does occur in the plant

wonderful treat to start my day speaking my first

is another sesquiterpenoid, matricin. During steam

language and indulging in some vegan treats.

distillation, matricin is converted into chamazulene! Maybe that’s common knowledge to

The food served at the event was

others but it was completely new to

another treat in itself. I happen to

me and I just think it’s so neat.

have several food allergies, the biggest issues being meat and dairy,

We also learned how to identify and

so it’s always a relief to know I don’t

compare the differences between

have to stress over what I’ll be

isoprene units and benzene rings;


between terpenes and terpenoids; and between alpha and beta — as found in

Traveling can be difficult for this

α- and β-stemmed constituents. Alpha

reason, but this weekend I was

and beta, we learned, are also known

given a plethora of options that were

as isomers.

both unique and delicious yet catered to my dietary needs. There

Dr. Tim defined isomerism as “two or

was even vegan lasagna! I can’t remember the last

more compounds with the same formula but a

time I had lasagna because it’s so rarely made without

different arrangement of atoms in the molecule and


different properties”, and occurs frequently in essential oils as either structural isomers or


All in all, I think it’s safe to say we were all well-fed

stereoisomers. We see this in the names of chemical

and satiated.

constituents that start in +/-, l/d, cis/trans, etc. This

was one of the topics we spent a significant amount of

irritants and I was fascinated to learn why. It comes

time on and, at least for me, was a major step towards

down to conjugation, which means a molecule has

deepening my chemistry knowledge.

alternating double and single bonds, as seen in the benzene ring. A conjugated aldehyde, like citral, is

In the afternoon, the focus changed to the differences

highly reactive whereas a non-conjugated aldehyde,

between CO2 extracts and essential oils, and why

like citronellal, is not.

their chemical makeups can be so varied despite having come from the same plant. Because CO2 acts

Knowing this now, it seems so logical, but prior to

as both a liquid and a gas, it is a highly effective

this lecture I could not have told you why some

solvent for organic material. This allows for heavier

aldehydes are of greater risk, while others are not.

molecules to transfer over as they are not required to

Likewise, prior to day 1 of our lecture I could have

be volatilized out of the plant as happens in steam

given you examples of antibacterial and anti-

distillation. The result is a more dynamic array of

oxidizing essential oils, or told you that

components in the extract that creates a scent and

monoterpenes are great quenchers of potential skin

flavour profile more closely resembling that of the

irritants, but learning about isometrics and chirality

whole plant.

has given me a deeper understanding of the building blocks of essential oils so that I might better identify

One of the chemistry comparisons Dr. Tim used was

the best oil for myself or my clients.

that of ginger with the CO2 extract containing 14.78% zingerone, a heavier constituent that is not even

Of all the topics covered on our first day, the one I

present in the steam distilled essential oil due to its

was most grateful for Dr. Tim discussing — and let’s

weight. Zingerone is a potent anti-emetic and anti-

be honest, there are MANY other valid subjects

diarrheic which means the CO2 extract might be a

within the realm of chemistry that he could have

superior choice over the essential oil for nausea and

focused on — was that of wintergreen; its relationship

digestive ailments.

with aspirin; toxicity; pro-drug effect; and excretion.

We then moved on to skin sensitization. Specifically,

When I first took my aromatherapy training, we were

we looked at why certain essential oils have a greater

taught that wintergreen was an oil rarely used in

likelihood of causing sensitization than others and

aromatherapy due to the toxic effect it has on the

how exactly this occurs. While I knew that certain

body. At last year’s CE event however, Peter Holmes

essential oils contained constituents that were more

mentioned that wintergreen was actually quite safe

easily oxidized, I never knew — but Dr. Tim brought

when used topically and that it was largely the

to light — that oxidization can occur even while the

internal use that had prompted all the

essential oil is passing through the skin!

contraindications we have seen attached to wintergreen in the past. I’d remained reluctant to use

As you might have guessed, while discussing skin

wintergreen in my practice, though; I simply didn’t

sensitization we took a deeper look at the more

understand enough of the chemistry behind it all to

commonly known functional group that can cause

feel confident that I could effectively use this oil

skin reactions: aldehydes. Not all aldehydes are skin

without possibly doing any harm. 36

Dr. Tim explained that the main constituent found in

Because essential oils follow the same pathways as

wintergreen, methyl salicylate, has increased toxicity

allopathic medications, we included them under the

as well as increased biological activity due to it being

umbrella of ‘drugs’ during this lecture, which is

a phenylpropanoid. This makes it ‘pro-drug’,

logical — to me at least — considering that this is

meaning it is inactive until metabolized, at which

exactly how they’re treated in other parts of the world

point the effects of this constituent become active.

where aromatic medicine is practiced.

Aspirin is also pro-drug, and while the primary

First, we looked at absorption and the different routes

component of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, both

of administration. The focus here was on the general

wintergreen and aspirin metabolize into salicylic acid

dosing and clinical applications of internal, external,

giving both drugs the exact same toxicity,

olfaction, and inhalation methods. When discussing

precautions, and therapeutic effectiveness. Dr. Tim

dosing, Dr. Tim explained that the bioavailability of a

stated that 1 drop of wintergreen is the equivalent of

drug is affected by the first-pass effect which, simply

81mg of baby aspirin and since they bear the same

put, means that the amount of drug that enters the

intermediate (salisylic acid), this gives us a dosing

bloodstream can be lessened when metabolism occurs

strategy when blending that can ensure a low enough

by the liver before the drug reaches systemic

dilution without risk of overdosing through


applications. In general, the first-pass effect is something we want We were meant to learn a bit about gallstones as our

to avoid because then lower doses can be used while

final topic for day one, covering the different types,

still having a strong effect. Fortunately however, as

risk factors, symptoms, and medications. However,

aromatherapists, our main methods of application

we had been thrown slightly off schedule by the

(dermal and inhalation) skip first-pass metabolism,

wonderful influx of engagements and questions

meaning we’re already engaging in highly effective

thrown at Dr. Tim from eager students, and so ran out

routes of administration. Dr. Tim brought to light that

of time. I’m thankful we were given booklets

vaginal pessaries and, to a degree, rectal suppositories

complete with a print out of all the slides for the

are also highly effective methods of skipping the first-

weekend so I can study this more on my own time.

pass effect.

Day Two

Not surprisingly, oral administration does not skip first-pass, which for me was yet another example of

Day 2 brought to us an entirely new set of fun facts

why it’s best to avoid the ingestion of essential oils

and knowledge. The entire day was spent learning

(much to the chagrin of some companies, I’m sure).

about AromaPharmacokinetics and

That being said, everything has a time and a place, so


we did spend some time discussing oral use, its advantages and disadvantages, and the differences


Pharmacokinetics is defined as the movement of

between enteric-coated and non-enteric coated

drugs through the body, whereas pharmacodynamics

capsules. Enteric-coated capsules are the best option

is defined as the effect that drugs have on the body.

for bypassing the liver.

THE FALL EDITION WILL BE READY BEFORE YOU CAN DO YOUR THE-KIDSARE-BACK-IN-SCHOOL HAPPY DANCE. As the air cools and leaves begin to turn, business starts picking up after those long summer days. Make sure people know your name with an ad in Aroma Wisdom - The Canadian Aromatherapy Journal. Submit your ad by August 15th to ensure your business gets seen around the world, whether you’re buying school supplies or mentally shimmying down a beach at sunset. Be A Part Of The Discussion! We are looking for WRITERS for our Fall & Winter editions. The Featured Writer section is for those who submit 2-4 topic-related pieces for sequential editions. For instance, write 2 pieces for summer-fall; 3 pieces for spring-summer-fall or summer-fall-winter etc. The Guest Writer section is for single-piece submissions but can be a 2-part piece if it is too long for a one edition. Send in your Reviews for classes, workshops, seminars, events, books, webinars and products. In to Research? Strut your stuff in the science of all things aromatic and send us your work! Student Case Studies approved by your teacher are welcome! Writers, submit by August 20th! And you can gain CE credits if you’re a member or get a discount on applying for an initial membership with your submission! For our Author’s Agreement, or our Advertiser’s Agreement if you’re looking to place an ad, just go to or send questions to 38

While covering vaginal and rectal suppositories, Dr.

already know, is the area of application.

Tim gave us some wonderful guidelines for making and dosing suppositories; even going so deeply into

This was a topic that Dr. Tim addressed, giving us

detail as to give us recipes for multiple sizes and base

several graphs in our notes comparing the corneocyte

ingredients to use.

maturity and transepidermal water loss of various areas of the body.

From there we went on to discuss olfaction and intranasal applications. A fact Dr. Tim mentioned that

Next we moved on to studying the distribution of

I found most interesting was how nasal drug

drugs through the body, looking at correlations

administration is considered by some to be the most

between lipophilicity and drug potency, and how this

feasible alternative to parenteral injections. This is

affects the transportation of essential oils through the

because nasal delivery bypasses both the blood-brain

blood. This is important because essential oils are

barrier and first-pass metabolism, making its way

stored in fatty tissue due to lipophilicity and

directly into systemic circulation, yet remains an easy

understanding this helps us choose the best oil(s) for

administration method with a rapid onset of effect.

our clients based on what their constituents will target, thus making the treatment more effective.

As one might expect, our conversation about olfaction and inhalation led to a brief look at nebulizers. I

We can apply this to any other drug as well, which

found it particularly interesting that the size of the

means we can compare the pathways taken by an

aerosol particles determines the speed at which they

essential oil and any medications or supplements a

are moved through by inhaled air and, therefore, the

client might be taking then, based on our findings, be

depth of penetration into the respiratory tract. We

able to determine if there is the possibility of an

looked at the different types available; their features;

interaction between the two. Dr. Tim even went so far

particle sizes; and drug reaches. As with the

as to give us several links to website databases where

suppositories, Dr. Tim gave us recipes for effective

we can find and compare this information.

nebulizer solutions using a vitamin E base. Grapefruit and St. John’s Wort are two major


We then “went back to basics� as Dr. Tim put it, and

examples in the aromatherapy world of components

took a look at skin and dermal application. We

that are contraindicated against specific medications

reviewed factors that affect dermal absorption; the

due to potential interactions. Dr. Tim highlighted

different layers of the skin; routes of administration

both of these, going into detail about exactly which

through the stratum corneum; and the differences

enzymes are affected and why the potential

between water and oil-based carriers.

interactions exist.

In regards to carriers, we compared the differences in

However, in the case of grapefruit, he mentioned that

polarity between oil and water/hydrogels, looking at

the constituent responsible for the interaction was

exactly why essential oils repel from water bases and

only found in the juice and not the essential oil,

how that affects the rate of absorption. Another thing

meaning the risk of drug interaction is extremely

that can affect the rate of absorption, as you might


Finally, we looked at metabolism and excretion. We

come into effect; and what the building blocks of their

learned that metabolism occurs because of the body’s

chemical makeup look like.

natural desire to eliminate substances that have entered it, which the body does through special

This means I can read the mass spectrometry and gas

enzymes found in the liver that eliminate toxins and

chromatography charts of essential oils in a way that

waste. These enzymes can only detoxify the body at a

will help me choose a superior quality oil; and create

specific rate for any given substance. When said

treatment plans for my clients that will be highly

substance is entering the body at a higher rate than

tuned to their needs, highly efficacious, and as risk-

the body can eliminate it, toxification occurs.

free as possible.

The range of drug concentrations in which a drug is

In the words of Dr. Tim, “Understanding

effective without causing side effects is known as the

pharmacokinetics and essential oils enables us, as

therapeutic window and the higher the therapeutic

practitioners, to use the safest and most effective

window, the safer the drug. Using this, we can

applications possible”. All in all, it was a highly

compare the margin of safety between various

informative weekend that left me feeling empowered

substances and choose the one that is safest.

and saturated with new knowledge and refreshed information.

For this reason it is important to know the rate of elimination of essential oils (or other drugs) from the body so the appropriate dosing schedule can be

Melissa Housser first discovered the powerful, healing

decided upon. This rate is known as the half-life of a

properties of essential oils while having her aura read at a festival.

drug which Dr. Tim defines as “the amount of time it

She was given a blend that resonated with her so strongly she felt

takes for the body to eliminate 50% of the drug”.


compelled to learn more about them. Since that time, she has earned a Certificate in Holistic Aromatherapy, created an essential oil-based skin care line, and started teaching workshops about simple and natural home remedies. More than ever she believes that connecting the mind and body is essential in building a

The biggest takeaway for me was understanding the

balanced lifestyle. Outside of Aromatherapy, she enjoys hiking, foraging, singing, guitar, and yoga. She wants to become a well-

relationship between essential oils and other drugs

rounded source of information for others, and hopes to receive

and medications. Having the resources to research the

her horticulture certificate in the near future.

pathways and possible interactions means I can be better informed and therefore choose the best essential oils for my clients. I also feel much more comfortable educating and communicating with others about the chemistry of essential oils because now my comprehension goes much deeper than just what I’d memorized during my aromatherapy training. I feel like I’ve gained a truer understanding of why essential oils can be as effective as allopathic medicine with less of the risks

Thank you to (l to r) Dr. Tim Miller, Director At Large Michelle Beukers and CE Coordinator Betsy De Lucca for another stellar CE Event.

or side effects; how they move through the body and 40

A huge thank you to all our Donors! Amanda Lumley BCAOA Board of Directors Amethyst Creations – Yvonne and Brian Cooper Dael Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies — Colleen Thompson Fireweed Essentials Support Centre — Margo Fletcher Flying Colors Natural Perfumes — Anita Kalnay

Dr. Tim Miller accepts a gift from DaL Michelle Beukers and CE Coordinator Betsy De Lucca

Gaia Garden Herbal Dispensary — Angela and Team Green Valley Aromatherapy Ltd. — Barb Greenwood and Team helle rge Mic dinator r at La r o o t o c e C Dir CE rs and Beuke a c c De Lu Betsy

Iris Healing Arts — Heather Michet Jennifer Roberts Florist — Jennifer Roberts Lora Cantele Natura Trading — Nigel Strike Norma Smith Rae Dunphy Aromatics – Debbie and Team Relaxus Products Ltd. – Jay and Team Soulful Sister Aromatherapy – Joanne Arnold and Team Voyageur Soap and Candle Ltd. - Tammy and Team West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy — Beverley Hawkins Wild Woman Medicine Show – Barb 41

Dr. T

im a

nd B


Congratulations to our CE Event prizewinners! Beate G. Twila L. Lisa P.

e A. Joann

Donna W.

Yuliya M.

Beverley H.

Christine G.

Michelle B.

Anita K.

Heather G.

Tammy P.

Beverly C.


e Lynn


Birgit S.

Pat A.



Tracey L.

Jan S


Taneal C.

Visinia S.



Louise D.

Anne DL.P.


Heather M., Leesa P., Anita K., Leslie A., Lisa P.

In Memoriam

HOOITES MEURSING, Marie-Louise July 16, 1949 - March 23, 2019

July 16, 1949 - March 23, 2019 Marie-Louise Hooites Meursing passed away peacefully on March 23, 2019 at Vancouver Hospice Society in Vancouver, BC, after braving a journey with kidney disease. Marie- Louise was born July 16, 1949 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her loving children will miss her deeply: Laura (Scott), Danica (Nick) and Jeffrey (Tessa), along with five grandchildren. Marie-Louise is also survived by the children's father, William Hooites Meursing (Jeanette) and she will be missed by many friends and relatives both in Canada and abroad. Known for her compassionate, caring and calming nature, Marie-Louise touched everyone in her path. She was an active member of Unity Spiritual Centre and thrived in her calling to be of service to others. Upon immigration to Canada in 1972, she began working in the customer service industry, where she had a full career with Richmond Savings Credit Union. Her passion for healing and need to be of greater service to others later created a new avenue for her as an aromatherapist and massage therapist. Marie-Louise loved spending time with her family, lunching with her girlfriends, walking in nature, blending oils, and practising her spiritual philosophies. Her passion for healing and presence in this world touched more lives than she will ever know, and she will forever be loved and remembered for her kind spirit and truth seeking. She was an inspiration to many by facing life head-on with courage and grace. Donations may be made to the Vancouver Hospice Society. From CE Coordinator & Vancouver Chapter contact Betsy De Lucca: Marie-Louise is greatly missed by all who knew her. She was a remarkable woman who, with her smile, tilt of her head and genuine interest in what was being said, made you feel immediately welcome, comfortable and safe. She was so easy to talk with; there was always a twinkle in her eyes and her enthusiasm was infectious. Marie-Lou saw the good in others and was always curious and involved in life, living a passionate and spiritual life herself. Her home reflected her personality; there was a lovely and peaceful flow of energy along with a new aromatic blend she had made for you to experience. There was a calmness about her and she was always attentive to others. Marie-Lou would listen to what you had to say and, after reflection, would voice her thoughts or ask questions to draw out your own insights and answers, or simply hold space if you needed it. Marie-Lou had been a member of the BCAPA and BCAOA for over fifteen years and an active participant in both the Vancouver CE Chapter Meetings and the Continuing Education Events. She was so well-liked, respected and loved; we are blessed and honoured to have known this gracious woman, and are fortunate that her love remains with us forever.

The Classifieds Welcome to our Classifieds Section. To submit a classified, email your information to the editor with “Classified” in the subject line.

SELLING: Gorgeous wooden cabinet geared for aromatherapy field. Includes bowls. Asking $125 Parchment brochures witten by Ceryl Grossman and designed by Julie Nasmith - $0.50 each. For more information or to buy, please contact Cheryl Grossman at

SELLING: Jeff Meursing, Marie-Louise Meursing’s son would like to sell her massage table and massage chair below. He would like $400.00 for the massage table and $250.00 for the massage chair. If you are interested, please contact Jeff directly at

VOLUNTEERS WANTED: We are now accepting applications for Volunteers for our upcoming Committees. Join us in making our association stronger! Committees require less time than a Board position and you earn benefits. Fill out an application today at

CHAPTER MEETING CHAIRS WANTED: There are several openings for in-person Chapter Meeting Chairs, as well as one online. Spread the joy of aromatherapy! Information on Chapter meetings can be found at 45

Want to Learn more about Aromatherapy?

Our recognized schools and teachers offer professional level courses that give you the solid education to allow you to build a business, or just feel secure knowing you are using essential oils safely. The advantages of attending a recognized course and studying under a recognized teacher might include rapid membership processing; no cost for membership application review; and it ensures students have access to teachers with a specific level of knowledge and practical experience who have agreed to teach to the BCAOA’s core curriculums. To see a list of our recognized schools, courses, and teachers, please go to: If you would like to apply to have your school or course recognized, please contact us at to request an application and the appropriate core curriculum.

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