Advocate June 2021

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HOW YOU CAN INCORPORATE THE CONFLICT RESOLUTION CENTER OF BALTIMORE COUNTY’S SERVICES INTO YOUR PRACTICE The Conflict Resolution Center of Baltimore County (CRCBC) is a non-profit that supports the resolution of interpersonal and community conflict through Community Mediation, Community Conferencing, Conflict Coaching, Facilitation and Dialogue services, Individualized Education Plan facilitation, and training/education. Their services are free and available to all persons and organizations in Baltimore County, at convenient times; and, currently offered virtually.

Their Conflict Coaching service provides the one-onone support of a neutral party to help an individual think through the context of their conflict and how they want to move through it productively. Referrals suitable for conflict coaching range from personal conflicts to workplace issues, to client/provider issues.

Their trainings on how to be comfortable with conflict; emotions at work; conflict management; how to emotionally prepare your client for mediation; and, Community Mediation and Community Conferencing client autonomy and mediation, among others, have work by providing a space and structure for people in enabled participants to reap the benefits of practicing conflict to have a productive conversation with each conflict resolution skills in their daily lives. other. Their staff serve as impartial facilitators of confidential, problem-solving processes that help Finally, they have a limited number of volunteer participants communicate clearly and develop mediator opportunities (required to be trained in agreeable solutions for everyone involved. Cases are mediation by CRCBC) for attorneys that may fulfill typically handled on a two-week turnaround the court’s emphasis on all lawyers providing pro (assuming client availability). All communications bono services to their community. Donating to with their staff and volunteers, as well as the case CRCBC, as a nonprofit the supports the improvement sessions themselves, are confidential, neutral, and of the administration of justice, may also fulfill Rule voluntary. This applies to the entire process, from the 19-306.1’s pro bono requirements. first call to the center, through the end of a case. CRCBC has successfully served Baltimore County Recent examples of Community Mediation cases for the past twelve years; up to 95% of their handled include co-parents successfully developing co- cases reach an agreement. They are proud to help the parenting plans; adult children gaining access to visit community de-escalate and resolve conflicts at their and urge you contact them: with their elderly parent previously barred by other source family members; home contractors settling disputes; 443-297with clients; and, landlords and tenants settling past; 7897; due rent and security deposit issues, among others. Recent examples of Community Conferencing cases include teen theft of a package on a front stoop. The conference resulted in restitution for the package owner and agreement to drop the charges against the youth. In another case, neighbors were referred after seeking a Peace Order against each other due to continued harassment and verbal threats made by one couple’s children. The conference allowed each person to say how they had been affected by the other person’s actions. The participants reached a successful agreement, which included deeming a Peace Order unnecessary.


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May 2021

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