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Specific examples of BCDCOG services range from current planning for small towns to implementation of the future Lowcountry Rapid Transit (LCRT) line. LCRT is designed as a 21.3-mile modern bus rapid transit system that will connect communities in our region like never before. Operating mostly in dedicated lanes, LCRT will provide safe, reliable and low-cost connections between Ladson, North Charleston and Downtown Charleston.

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Steering Committee

The BCDCOG provides various services to the Region, these include:

• Regional Planning

• Transportation Planning

• Workforce Development

• Economic Development

• Community Development

• Comprehensive Planning

• Regional Water Quality Management

The BCD CEDS Steering Committee was made up of representatives from the economic development departments of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties, Goose Greek, Summerville, City of Charleston, North Charleston and Mount Pleasant. These professionals served on the committee to ensure that our regional approach to economic development planning effectively addresses challenges, builds resiliency and takes advantages of opportunities across the region.

Supplementary and Supporting Documents

There are several resources and plans which aim to guide the region from not only an economic standpoint, but also from a resilience and social equity perspective.

• One Region Roadmap (BCDCOG, CRDA, Charleston Metro Chamber)

• Economic Cluster & Innovation Strategy (CRDA)

• 2022 Talent Demand Study (Charleston Metro Chamber, CRDA)

• Comprehensive Plans for Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties

• Economic Development Strategic Plans for Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties

• TWDB Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Regional Plan

* – Throughout the CEDS the term “region” encompasses all of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties.

1 - Source: CRDA. 2022. “Population and Demographics.” www.crda.org/local-data/population-demographics

2 - Source: Economic Development Agency. 2022. “CEDS Content Guidelines: Overview.” www.eda.gov/ceds

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