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Income and Poverty
As major employment centers are developed closer to the Town, there will be increased opportunities to recruit new employers to locations within or adjacent to Town that can employ its existing and future labor force. Attracting employers requires collaboration to market available site and facilities while developing and retaining a labor force with relevant training and skills. As such the Town has adopted the following goals, policies and strategies:
Economics Goal: There will be adequate employment opportunities within the Town and a labor force that meets the needs of those industries.
Economics Policy 1: The Town will collaborate with its partners, including the Berkeley County’s Economic
Development department and Berkeley Chamber, to identify and recruit new industries to existing industrial facilities that will increase employment opportunities within the Town limits.
E1.1 Identify and make available resources to support local entrepreneurs seeking to start or expand businesses. (Incubators, accelerators, capital investment support) E1.2 Retain a business-friendly environment to support potential entrepreneurs and businesses through licensing and permitting processes (information, application processes, etc.) E1.3 Identify industries that will complement larger regional industries (e.g. Volvo, Boeing, Daimler) for recruitment to available sites within or adjacent to the Town
E1.4 Identify land for annexation (e.g. Gates Rubber) adjacent to or within close proximity to attract potential employers (industrial, etc.) within the Town and approach owners about annexation Town Administration Town Council
Town Administration Town Council
Town Administration Town Council
Town Administration Planning Commission Town Council Ongoing
E1.5 Encourage the redevelopment of vacant and/or underutilized land and structures within established commercial corridors and the downtown to maintain and/or foster stability of these areas Town Administration Planning Commission Town Council Ongoing
Economics Policy 2: The Town will support and participate in development of workforce development initiatives to ensure its labor force is prepared for employment in growing industrial sectors within or near the Town through educational or training programs.
E2.1 Collaborate with the Berkeley County School District to offer curriculums that prepare High School graduates to enter the labor force Town Council Ongoing
E2.2 Collaborate with Trident Technical College to identify potential labor force demands in the Town and upper Berkeley County and provide programs for required certifications or coursework to increase utilization of the existing campus
E2.3 Coordinate with TriCounty Link to develop and provide transportation options to ensure access to training programs and future employers. Planning Commission Town Council Ongoing
Planning Commission Town Council Short-term
Economics Policy 3: The Town will re-establish its downtown area as a community focal point providing a mix of retail, service, and residential uses in a pedestrian friendly environment
E3.1 Implementation strategies recommended in the final report of the Corner Renaissance report will be supported by the Town in collaboration with the downtown merchants association Town Administration Planning Commission Town Council Short-term/ Ongoing