The Ancient World
Lesson Guide
Lesson: Ancient China Component: Complete Lesson Guide
Unit Overview Estimated Time: 10 mins Overview: In this unit, learn about ancient China's people, cultures, and ideas. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Geography Challenge Estimated Time: 30 mins Overview: Learn about the geography of China and complete a Geography Challenge activity. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Additional Materials You will need your English/Spanish interactive student notebook, notebook answer key, and student textbook. Handout: KWL Chart Interactive Student Notebook: Geography Challenge Notebook Answer Key: Geography Challenge Spanish: Interactive Student Notebook: Geography Challenge
SLIDE 1 Ancient China How did the environment influence the development of civilization in China? What factors helped China unify into a single state under the Han dynasty? What social customs and government policies made the centralized state so powerful? How did the philosophical system of Confucianism support individuals, rulers, and societies? How did the establishment of the Silk Road increase trade, the spread of Buddhism, and the connections between China and other regions of Afroeurasia?
SLIDE 2 In this unit, you will learn about the early civilizations of ancient China, including where people settled in ancient China. the rise and fall of dynasties including the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties. the influence of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism in ancient China. the many technological advances that occurred in ancient China. the development of trade with western cultures along the Silk Road.
If you wish to pre-teach the vocabulary in this unit, have students use the Vocabulary Cards in the Student Subscription.
SLIDE 3 Think about these guiding questions: How did the environment influence the development of civilization in China? What factors helped China unify into a single state under the Han dynasty? What social customs and government policies made the centralized state so powerful? How did the philosophical system of Confucianism support individuals, rulers, and societies? How did the establishment of the Silk Road increase trade, the spread of Buddhism, and the connections between China and other regions of Afroeurasia?
Have students create individual KWL charts, or create a KWL chart for the class. Use student responses to gauge how much additional background information they will need as you progress through the unit. Have students return to the KWL chart at the end of the unit and add the key information they learned.
SLIDE 4 Fill out the first column of this chart. List everything you know about early civilizations in China. Now list other questions that you have. We’ll explore these questions throughout the unit!
Have students create individual KWL charts, or create a KWL chart for the class. Use student responses to gauge how much additional background information they will need as you progress through the unit. Have students return to the KWL chart at the end of the unit and add the key information they learned.
Read “Setting the Stage” in the Student Text for this unit.
Notes: Essential Geographic Understandings: Location of ancient China Key physical features including the Huang He (Yellow River), Chang Jiang (Yangtze River), Himalayas, Kunlun Mountains, Taklimakan Desert, Gobi Desert, and Plateau of Tibet Location of the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties Impact of physical geography on the settlement of ancient China
SLIDE 6 Geography Challenge Go to the Geography Challenge in the notebook. Follow the directions to complete the map and answer the questions. Let’s check your answers to the Geography Skills and Critical Thinking questions. Discuss: What was the impact of physical geography on the settlement of ancient China?
You may wish to have students play the Lesson Game for this lesson to assess what they learned during the Geography Challenge.
SLIDE 7 Geography Challenge Can you find these six key locations without referring to your map? Drag each label to the correct location on the map. Good luck! Huang He (Yellow River) Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) East China Sea Gobi Desert Taklimakan Desert Plateau of Tibet
In the online Student Subscription, the Geography Challenge is found in the Setting the Stage section. Have students drag the labels as accurately as possible onto the map. Click the small Answer Key thumbnail to check their work.
Lesson: The Shang Dynasty Component: Complete Lesson Guide
Standards Covered
Common Core ELA Standards Reading
Speaking and Listening
Key Ideas and Details CC.K-12.R.R.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. CC.K-12.R.R.2 Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CC.K-12.R.R.3 Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
Comprehension and Collaboration CC.K-12.SL.R.3 Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.
Knowledge of Language CC.K-12.L.R.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
Craft and Structure CC.K-12.R.R.4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas CC.K-12.R.R.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CC.K-12.R.R.10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use CC.K-12.L.R.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate. CC.K-12.L.R.6 Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Preview Estimated Time: 45 mins Overview: Take on the role of future archaeologists and attempt to interpret contemporary objects. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Activity Estimated Time: 100 mins Overview: Become an “archaeologist” who has just discovered a Shang tomb, which you will “excavate” to learn about this civilization. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Vocabulary Estimated Time: 5 mins Overview: Review vocabulary terms from this lesson. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Processing Estimated Time: 15 mins Overview: Design a museum exhibit about one of the characteristics of Shang civilization. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Additional Materials You will need your English/Spanish interactive student notebook, notebook answer key, and student textbook. Knife, utility Sharp Edges Hazard Scissors Sharp Edges Hazard Handout A: Decoders Handout B: Answer Bar for Decoders Handout C: Shang Artifact Log Placards A-H Spanish: Handouts Safety Information Sharp Edges Hazard: Be careful to avoid cuts or punctures when using sharp objects.
SLIDE 1 The Shang Dynasty
What do Shang artifacts reveal about this civilization?
Use this Lesson Guide to plan and teach the lesson! The Overview slide summarizes the parts of the lesson and gives estimated times. In the Teacher Note, you’ll find Social Studies and Language Arts objectives. The Materials and Preparation slides tell you what to gather and prep before class. When you’re ready to teach the lesson, start with thePreview slides. The Activity slides walk students through every step of the interactive lesson. Students are instructed when to read each section in the Student Text and when to complete their print or online Interactive Student Notebooks. Use the Vocabulary slide to review key Social Studies terms. Finally, students complete the Processing assignment in their notebooks. Use it to assess what students have learned.
SLIDE 2 The next slides provide teacher planning information for this lesson. Overview - summarizes the activities and gives estimated pacing times. In the Notes, you’ll find Social Studies and Language Arts objectives. Materials - lists materials you need to print or gather before class. Preparation - describes actions you need to take to prep before class. Further support is found on the Lesson Guide page in the Planning area, including information on Differentiating Instruction and Enhancing Learning with outside resources. When you're ready to start teaching, use the remaining slides to guide students through the Preview, Activity, Vocabulary, and Processing activities.
SLIDE 3 Essential Question
What do Shang artifacts reveal about this civilization? Preview Students take on the role of future archaeologists and attempt to interpret contemporary objects. [15 min + 30 min for vocabulary] Activity In a Social Studies Skill Builder , students become “archaeologists” who have just discovered a Shang tomb, which they will “excavate” to learn about this civilization. Students then brainstorm ways they can avoid misinterpretation as they analyze artifacts from a Shang tomb. [100 min] Processing Students design a museum exhibit about one of the characteristics of Shang civilization. [15 min]
Objectives In the course of reading this lesson and participating in the classroom activity, students will
Social Studies describe the government, social structure, religion, writing, art, and technology of the Shang dynasty. analyze artifacts to draw conclusions about the Shang dynasty. Language Arts justify an argument with relevant evidence.
SLIDE 4 Materials to Print Interactive Student Notebook (1 per student) Placards A–H: Shang Tomb Artifacts (2 sets per class) Handout A: Decoders (2 copies) Handout B: Answer Bar for Decoders (2 copies) Handout C: Shang Artifact Log (1 per student) Teacher Supplied Materials Razor blade or utility knife (1 per class) Scissors (1 pair per class)
SLIDE 5 Before class: 1. Consider how you will teach the activity over the course of a few days. The suggested time for the Social Studies Skill Builder is 100 minutes. 2. Create a “Shang tomb” by placing eight desks near the front of the room. 3. Place Placards A–H underneath the desks and the decoders and answer bars made from Handout A: Decoders and Handout B: Answer Bar for Decoders on a desk in the center of the room. 4. Move the remaining desks along the walls. 5. Students work in pairs during this activity. Preparation: 1 of 2
SLIDE 6 Before class: 6. Print Handouts A and B on card stock. 7. Cut Handouts A and B in half along the line across the middle of the each page. Pair each set of answers with the proper decoder. 8. Use a razor blade or utility knife to cut the nine dashed lines on the three decoder bars on Decoder A. Then cut out the three strips on the Answers for Decoder A sheet and insert them through the slits on the Decoder A bars. Make sure the slips slide up and down with ease. 9. Repeat these steps for Decoders B–H. Preparation: 2 of 2
SLIDE 7 The Shang Dynasty
What do Shang artifacts reveal about this civilization?
PREVIEW SLIDE 8 Preview Suppose that you are an archaeologist in the future and you unearth six artifacts from the civilization of the United States that fall into these categories: Government Social Structure Religion Writing Art Technology Go to the Preview assignment in your print or online Interactive Student Notebook. Name an artifact and explain what it reveals about the civilization. Tell about the artifacts you “found” and what they reveal about our civilization.
If you are using the Interactive Student Notebook, you can access it three ways: Online: Go to the “Student View,” and navigate to the Notebook. Online: Go to the “Materials” tab, and print out the PDF notebook pages. Print: Use the print Interactive Student Notebooks in your classroom. In the Student Subscription, you can find the Preview assignment in the Introduction section.
SLIDE 9 Future archaeologists will interpret the objects we leave behind. In the same way, today’s archaeologists draw conclusions from artifacts left by ancient civilizations. In this lesson, you will study artifacts to learn about China’s first complex civilization, the Shang dynasty.
SLIDE 10 Vocabulary Development Locate the Social Studies Vocabulary for this lesson in your notebook. Anyang Shang dynasty clan bronze ancestor worship oracle bone These important terms will help you understand the main ideas of the lesson.
SLIDE 11 Read the Introduction in the Student Text. Use information from the text and from this image to propose some possible answers to the Essential Question:
What do Shang artifacts reveal about this civilization?
SLIDE 12 Social Studies Skill Builder Social Studies Skill Builder What do you see? Whose burial do you think this is? What items might people bring to the tomb? Why might they place these objects there?
SLIDE 13 Social Studies Skill Builder Welcome to the “Shang tomb.” In this activity, you will become an “archaeologist” who has just discovered a Shang tomb. You will be working with a partner at the “archaeologist workstations.” You will “excavate” the tomb to learn about this civilization. Don’t forget the roles that chance, oversight, and error play in interpreting ancient history. In what ways can you avoid misinterpretation as you analyze artifacts from the Shang tomb?
SLIDE 14 Social Studies Skill Builder Here are the steps you will follow. Step 1: Take turns with your partner to be the “excavator.” “Excavate” an artifact from the tomb. Then find the matching decoder.
SLIDE 15 Social Studies Skill Builder Step 2: Try to predict the correct answer to each placard question. Use the decoder to check your answer choices. Move the answer strip to show your answer to each question. If your answers are correct, the decoder will display a secret word. If a word does not appear, revise your answers until a word is revealed.
Model how to use a decoder.
SLIDE 16 Social Studies Skill Builder Step 3: Write the correct answers in the chart on your handout. Then record the secret word and section number using the letters and numbers revealed on the decoder.
SLIDE 17 Social Studies Skill Builder Step 4: Use the number revealed in the decoder to find the section in your text. Read the section and complete the Reading Notes in your notebook.
SLIDE 18 Social Studies Skill Builder Step 5: In the chart, check all the characteristics of the Shang civilization that the artifact reveals. Be prepared to justify your choices. Remember that artifacts can tell us about more than one characteristic of a civilization. For example, if an archaeologist finds a gold crown, it might indicate that a king ruled the country. It also reveals that the culture likely had artisans who worked with gold.
SLIDE 19 Social Studies Skill Builder When you have completed all the required information for an artifact, return the placard and the decoder, and then excavate a new artifact. Follow the steps on your handout for each artifact.
SLIDE 20 Social Studies Skill Builder Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by each artifact? Place the appropriate characteristics next to each Shang artifact.
SLIDE 21 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact A? VESSEL Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 6.
SLIDE 22 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact B? CEREMONY Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 1.
Notes: Addressing Misconceptions: Students may not associate the idea of human sacrifice with ancient China and find the overall concept extremely distasteful or even distressing. Ask students to try and separate the act from the reasons that the act was done. Encourage them to have historical empathy as they consider the specific time and place of the situation and the relationship that existed between the death of a king and the reason that the Shang believed that human sacrifices needed to occur. Have students think about how people 100 years from now may judge our actions and beliefs today.
SLIDE 23 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact C? HELMET Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 7.
SLIDE 24 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact D? SHELLS Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 8.
SLIDE 25 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact E? CHARIOT Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 2.
SLIDE 26 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact F? JADE Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 3.
SLIDE 27 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact G? BONE Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 5.
The script on the oracle bones is a predecessor of modern Chinese characters. Chinese uses a logographic script in which each symbol represents a word or phrase. (In contrast, in an alphabetic system, each symbol represents a sound.)
SLIDE 28 Social Studies Skill Builder What was the secret word for Artifact H? VICTIM Which characteristics of Shang civilization are revealed by this artifact? Let’s review the notebook answers for Section 4.
Drag each term to its correct definition. Anyang Shang Dynasty clan bronze ancestor worship oracle bone 1. honoring of ancestors through rituals, such as offering food to the spirits of the dead 2. one of the first Chinese dynasties, ruled from 1750 to 1040 B.C.E. 3. a strong metal alloy made from copper 4. a large group of family members and friends 5. location where ruins were found from the Shang dynasty, China’s first civilization 6. a piece of bone or shell heated and cracked by holy men to seek advice from a king’s ancestors
PROCESSING SLIDE 30 Processing Let's assess what you have learned. Go to the Processing assignment in your notebook. Design a museum exhibit about the Shang dynasty. Your exhibit should focus on one characteristic of Shang civilization: government, social structure, religion, writing, art, or technology.
In the Student Subscription, you can find the Processing assignment in the Summary section.
Lesson: Timeline: Ancient China Component: Complete Lesson Guide
Timeline Challenge Estimated Time: 30 mins Overview: Build and analyze a timeline summarizing key events from the unit. Conduct research about an additional event and share your findings. Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
World History Themes Estimated Time: 20 mins Overview: Connect what you've learned to six themes. Choose one theme and write an answer to the question: How is this theme relevant today? Teacher Prep: N/A Materials: None
Additional Materials You will need your English/Spanish interactive student notebook, notebook answer key, and student textbook. Interactive Student Notebook: Timeline Challenge Notebook Answer Key: Timeline Challenge Spanish: Interactive Student Notebook: Timeline Challenge Spanish: Timeline Challenge Cards Timeline Challenge Cards
TIMELINE CHALLENGE SLIDE 1 Look at the Ancient China Timeline in the Student Text.
SLIDE 2 Complete the Timeline Challenge questions in your notebook. Let’s check our work.
SLIDE 3 Now let’s create a class timeline on the wall. Mark off time intervals using masking tape or colored paper. Each pair will get a timeline card. Tape your card to the correct location along the class timeline.
Drag each event to its appropriate location on the timeline.
SLIDE 5 Which three events did you suggest should be added to the timeline? Choose one of your three events and conduct Internet research. Then create an additional Timeline Challenge Card using word processing or presentation software. Include the following: a title and date for your event an appropriate image to represent your event a written timeline entry below the image
WORLD HISTORY THEMES SLIDE 6 Finally, let’s think about this unit thematically. In your notebook online, list at least one thing you learned in this unit that connects to each of these six themes: Human-Environment Interaction Rise of Civilizations Growth and Changes in Societies Development of Political Institutions and Ideas Belief Systems Interconnectedness of Societies
SLIDE 7 Choose one theme you want to learn more about. Now, write an answer to this question:
How is this theme relevant today? Be sure to include everything from the bulleted list. Publish your work online, then send it to a peer and an adult to review. Rework and revise your work according to their suggestions.
Notes: Follow district guidelines regarding students publishing their writing online. Encourage students to create multimedia presentations of their work.
The Ancient World
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