The Heights November 2, 2015

Page 1






BC Dining’s ‘test kitchen’ brings new entrees to campus, A4

The Acoustics made its own a cappella haunted house for its invitational showcase Friday night, B8

BC tops Denver behind Matty Gaudreau’s late goal Friday night, B1

The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College





Monday, November 2, 2015

Vol. XCVI, No. 39

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BC’s will is broken after another crushing defeat to conference opponent Virginia Tech on Saturday. See page B1.

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To Andrew Yang, it seemed that many college graduates pursued fields such as finance, consulting, medicine, law, or graduate school, yet lacked genuine passion for these areas. Rather, it appeared as though they were following an ambiguous ambition for status. As a solution to what he considers an unproductive culture, in 2011 he created an alternative path for young people: Venture for America (VFA). The two-year fellowship program, of which Yang serves as CEO, looks to revitalize American cities through entrepreneurship by fueling job growth and productivity. VFA recruits recent college graduates and enables them to learn and work with over 150 startups in 15 emerging U.S. cities. The program provides mentorship and networking resources and offers access to capital for those pursuing entrepreneurial initiatives post-fellowship. Attracting graduates from over 70 schools and currently operating at an 11 percent acceptance rate, the organization holds a five-week, intensive training camp at Brown University from the end of June through July before sending the fellows to their respective placements in August or early September. The startups themselves run the gamut in terms of their industry and

categorization—from software and technology companies to nonprofits, breweries, and accelerators—and fellows earn the same salary, regardless of chosen startup. “We’re sort of what we call industry agnostic,” said Leandra Elberger, communications and development manager at VFA. “What we care about when we partner with these startups is that there’s a growth opportunity for a person, that there’s good leadership and mentorship available at the startup … and that they’re financially viable.” In terms of the actual startup-matching process, accepted fellows make pitches to companies that interest them and have partnered with VFA. These fellows then go through a normal interview process before receiving an offer and either accepting or rejecting it, with each fellow guaranteed a placement. Community is central to VFA’s mission, with mentorship, networking, educational updates, and programming enabling fellows to stay in contact with not only the VFA headquarters, but other fellows—current and past—and professional mentors, as well. “A huge part of being in VFA is not just working at your startup, but being a part of the community that is constantly in touch,” Elberger said. The next application deadline for VFA is Monday, Nov. 30.

Eight Boston College alumni have become fellows since 2012, with their VFA fellowship experiences detailed on page A8.


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looking to make up for a significant negative shock in its fundraising totals. Sunday marks the sixth annual Chilly Half-Marathon in Newton. Although it is open to anyone who wants to run, the Chilly Half-Marathon relates especially to BC’s Campus School, serving as a fundraiser for its students, as many Campus School Volunteers decided to raise the money while simultaneously training for the half. Before participating in this event, the Campus School had originally formed a group of students that ran as bandit runners

in the Boston Marathon. After the Boston Marathon Bombing, however, the Boston Athletic Association cracked down on unofficial runners, making sure they would not run, removing an important fundraising effort for the Campus School. The Campus School is a publicly-funded private day school for children ages 3 to 21 with severe, multiple disabilities. “Our students come to us because the cities or towns that they’re from do not have the proper services for our students to have an appropriate education,” Sean Schofield, volunteer coordinator at the Campus School, said.

See Campus School, A5


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wellness program that pairs BC studentathletes with wounded soldiers. The program, which is set to launch in January, matches the pairs as exercise partners. Each warrior-athlete partnership would follow a routine specially designed for each soldier’s best pathway to recovery. In addition to weekly workouts, the wounded warriors would attend a wellness class on BC’s campus. This will follow a model developed by Col. Paul Lewis, a senior researcher at Fort Bragg, N.C. “Everybody who’s in the military is an excellent athlete,” Sheehy said. “Not necessarily in a sport, but they’re physically fit, they’re trained to perform at the top. And then they get injured and they lose that.” Maria Hutsick has recently joined the project, signing on as the head athletic director tasked with developing individualized workout regiments for each participant. Hutsick is the former

head athletic trainer and director of sports medicine at Boston University. She has worked with the U.S. national women’s hockey team, and currently serves as the athletic trainer for Medfield High School in Medfield, Mass. The wellness class will focus on Bragg’s “12 Components of Wellness,” tackling one element each week. The components, for example, could include nutrition, medication, financial planning, or familial affairs. “The warriors come with all different types of things.” Sheehy said, “They may not be visible wounds. Somebody might have a vision issue, or a hearing issue, somebody might be an amputee, somebody might have PTSD.” After the 12-week, twice-a-week program concludes, the wounded warriors will continue to meet with their peers for monthly gathering. The program is funded for one full year as a trial project by a grant from Wounded Warrior Project. “We would like to thank Wounded

Warrior Project for this grant which will provide us the support to expand our efforts with warriors locally through health and wellness programs while continuing to connect them with our BC community,” Associate Athletics Director for External Relations James Di Loreto said in an email. The Initiative will track progress through both physiological and psychosocial measurements, from body weight, tissue mass, and body fat percentage to anxiety scales and resiliency. “The idea is to have all of this data collected, and to apply for some more grants, so that we can actually expand it and roll it out across the country to any school that wants to do it,” Sheehy said. The only barrier preventing the program from starting in January is its BC institutional review board (IRB) approval, which, Sheehy said, could take months. Should the IRB approve the Initiative in time, Sheehy hopes to host a national conference at BC at some point during the year, allowing other schools the oppor-

tunity to learn about the program. After giving presentations about the idea over the past year, Sheehy said she has been met with nothing but enthusiasm. She has heard from eight schools in the U.S. and three universities in the United Kingdom that are ready to sign up. “People are really interested in doing this and giving back,” Sheehy said. “Not just having veterans as students, which a lot of schools are doing, but seeing what else can you do for those who aren’t going to school, or how we could welcome them to our community.” The student-athletes who will work with the wounded warriors have not yet been selected. When an application is released, Sheehy said they will be examined holistically in an attempt to best match them. She has, however, already heard students express interest in applying. “It’s a different mindset with an athlete—they have a very ‘get back in the game’ mindset,” she said. “And that’s what we’re looking for—getting back in the game.”





things to do on campus this week

The Lynch School is hosting a screening of ‘Doctors of the Dark Side’ on Monday at 7 p.m. in Devlin Hall 100. The film explores the scandal of psychologists and physicians covering up the torture of detainees in U.S. controlled military prisons.


Monday, November 02, 2015

The Caroll School of Management is bringing Linda Boff to campus on Monday as part of the Distinguished Marketing Lecture Series. Boff, the executive director of global brand marketing for General Electric, will speak in Fulton Hall 511 at 7 p.m.

Martin O’Malley, the former governor of Maryland, will be at BC Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 4 p.m. in McGuinn Hall 121. The Democratic presidential candidate, hosted by College Democrats of BC, is also the frontman in an Irish rock band.



NEWS =XZlckp \oXd`e\ iXZ`Xc [`jgXi`kp `e XZX[\d`X BRIEFS By Shannon Longworth For The Heights

Ale`fi kf af`e G_`c_Xidfe`Z Haesoo Yoon, MCAS ’17, will perform at Symphony Hall Monday night as a new member of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Yoon, a violist, will perform at 7:30 p.m.The BPYO has 112 members between the ages of 12 and 21, chosen via a selective audition process. “To be a member of the BPYO is to be a part of an extraordinary youth symphony under the one and only maestro, Benjamin Zander,” Yoon said to the Office of News & Public Affairs. “I am incredibly thrilled to play at Symphony Hall. I hope everyone can come to our free concert, because it will really be worth every second.” The orchestra will play Glinka’s “Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila,” Stravinsky’s “Violin Concerto,” Debussy’s “La mer,” and Tchakovsky’s “Symphony No. 5.” The orchestra most recently performed in Symphony Hall last April. “We have put together a program rich in contrasts, from the verve of “Ruslan and Ludmila” to the wit and surprising pathos of Stravinsky’s “Violin Concerto,” then the iridescent, infinite variety of “La mer,” and finally the rich, dramatic spiritual journey of the Tchaikovsky “Fifth,” from the depths of depression to a pinnacle of exaltation,” Zander said to the Office of News & Public Affairs.

Cfm\ Pfli 9f[p <o_`Y`k As part of Love Your Body Week, portraits of students will be on display in O’Neill Library’s Level One gallery beginning today. The exhibit will feature photos by Ben Flythe, CSOM ’16, and is sponsored by the Women’s Center and B oston College Libraries. Previous O’Neill exhibits have included photos from the Phillipines and student works from the art & digital technologies class. Last spring, the Arab Students Association and the Middle East and Islamic Societies Students Association worked with Boston College libraries to put on an exhibit celebrating cultural plurism. This gallery exhibits work in conjunction with other programs on campus. In addition to O’Neill, a new exhibit space in Carney exists to showcase student and faculty art. In an online description, Flythe said that the purpose of the gallery is to show that all people can work together to bear burdens. “These intimate portraits are an attempt to convey the idea that although we might differ from one another in certain ways, we are all connected through our lived experiences— which, for better or for worse, have shaped us into the people we are today,” Flythe said in the description for the gallery. “In the spirit of Love Your Body Week and the Women’s Center’s mission, it is my hope that these portraits enkindle a sense of self-acceptance and community in viewers and that they act as something of a mirror, permitting us all to reflect on our own inse curities —and how the y might be celebrated.”

Those who are not oppressed still need to discuss oppression, said Shawn McGuffey, associate professor of sociology and African & African diaspora studies, on Oct. 30. McGuffey spoke with his coteacher, Lynn Johnson, as part of the “Conversations on ‘Race’ and Racism” series held by the Center for Human Rights and International Justice (CHRIJ) at Boston College. About 50 people were in attendance. The CHRIJ holds a lecture series every year, but previous talks focused more on human rights issues outside the United States borders. The institute brings together researchers, teachers, and practitioners in the BC community who hope to shape a new generation of scholars who are more capable of effectively responding to human rights issues both nationally and internationally. Posters sponsoring this event, created by Eradicate Boston College Racism, were not approved to be posted around campus, according to members of Eradicate Boston College Racism. Johnson, an associate sociology professor, teaches a new course with McGuffey titled Understanding Race, Gender and Violence. The two spent the hour explaining their approach to teaching controversial topics. “White privilege is your history being taught as part of the core curriculum, while mine is being offered as an elective,’” McGuffey said. “This is a statement you have probably heard before.” McGuffey acknowledged this as a common belief that minority students on campus hold in relation to the composition of the core curriculum. His concern was that most of the courses—especially the history ones—offered by BC to satisfy the core were taught with a focus on white people. Thus, he saw a need in the community, and felt driven to change it by forming this class. He hoped it would provide students

who are not necessarily majoring in African & African diaspora studies to open their historical education up to different perspectives. McGuffey went on to describe the prevalent instances in which professors across the nation—particularly professors of color—needed to tailor their courses so as to not make white students uncomfortable. This was a subject that he found to be significant, as he struggles with this type of problem daily. He said that being a black teacher on a predominantly white campus creates a dynamic in which he must be very careful in the construction of his teaching methods. “Even before you pass out the syllabus, perceptions are part of what’s going on in the teaching classroom,” McGuffey said. He explained that the stereotype that only white students major in sociology and only black students major in African & African diaspora studies holds some truth. As a black professor teaching both areas of study, he acknowledged that his African & African studies students rate him higher than his sociology students do at the end of every semester. He thinks that this is most likely the result of the way each group perceives the color of his skin. With a laugh, however, he acknowledged that both groups do rate him fairly well. McGuffey used this point as an example of the kind of ingrained racial judgement that exists on BC’s campus and needs to be remedied through courses such as the one he is currently teaching with Johnson. When he finished speaking, McGuffey turned the attention to Johnson, who began to describe her own experience as a white, female professor teaching a course on race, racism, and violence in the U.S. “The intersectional approach we are taking to the class forces us to think in terms of these multiple overlapping identities to help us understand how people deal with

J. Christina Wang is the senior economist and policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. On Monday, she will be visiting Boston College, giving a talk geared toward bringing monetary policy and the economy beyond the textbook. The event is sponsored by BC’s Omicron Delta Epsilon chapter and will be held in Stokes 195S at 7 p.m. Wang earned her B.A. from Tsinghua University in China, her M.A. from the University of Western Ontario in Canada, and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. As a policy advisor,

Ms. Wang’s current research endeavors include refining a consistent measure of bank output, analyzing the impact of financial contracts on the business cycle, and understanding optimal banking regulations. “The purpose of this talk is to get a real live economist’s view on how the economy works and how economists work to better the economy,” said William Musserian, co-chair of B C ’s Omicron Delta Epsilon chapter and MCAS ’16. “I don’t think students normally get that perspective. It’s basically just what they have in the textbook.” The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, as a member of the nation’s central bank, is respon-

POLICE BLOTTER Wednesday, Oct. 28 9:03 p.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to a BC student who was transported to a medical facility from the Daly House. 3:42 p.m. - A report was filed regarding confiscated property from the Walsh Hall parking lot.

Thursday, Oct. 29 10:44 a.m. - A report was filed regarding a suspicious person. Non-BC affiliate David Collier,

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Shawn McGuffey emphasized the need to discuss race and privilege on campus. these different types of violence,” Johnson said. She explained the difficulties that lie in striking the right balance of information, and her own personal weaknesses in covering enough material about Latino and Asian studies. She also found it difficult to appropriately include LGBTQ issues in the historical discussion, as she still needs to do more work in exploring the subject. “The danger is that there is a lot to cover,” she said. After they discussed their specialized, collaborative approach to teaching, McGuffey and Johnson fielded questions from the audience. Responding to these further inquiries about the struggles they have encountered in their instruction, they recognized the problem of working with students who disagree with or close their minds off to the ideas being introduced in their classes. McGuffey replied simply that he has had such experiences, but that there are so many other enthusiastic students who are willing to learn that his energy is ultimately better spent on their education. Another issue that arose in one audience-member’s question was the problematic lack of oncampus support when it comes to students finding current events about race to trigger strong, emotional reactions. Several attendees voiced their frustration

with faculty members for failing to acknowledge the weight of such events, and the experiences of minority students in general. At that time, Dean of Students Thomas Mogan stood up to agree that this is a concern on campus, but that the Office of the Dean of Students is taking steps to address it. “If you ever need extra support—need an advocate—we want you to come in,” Mogan said. He briefly spoke about how his office breaks down its list of students into racial categories, and makes efforts to meet with them to discuss their individual experiences on campus. He then gave his card to the student who first expressed her desire for the faculty to be more active. The protest by the Eradicate Boston College Racism Movement a week ago at the Ta-Nehisi Coates talk came up later in the discussion. During the event, a group of students stood up with tape over their mouths. This demonstration was meant to represent the University’s attempt to silence the expressions of pain coming from students of color in the BC community, as well as in the greater sphere of society. “It was one of the most proud moments I have ever had as a professor at BC,” McGuffey said, expressing his approval of the protest.

=\[ I\j\im\ X[m`jfi kf [`jZljj \Zfefd`Z gfc`Zp By Heidi Dong For The Heights

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sible for the promotion of sound growth and financial stability across New England and the United States at large. Recently, the Fed has been reaching out to schools in the Boston area in an effort to teach more students about its role in the economy, discuss policy decisions implemented in recent years, and explain more about its daily operations and how they regularly affect citizens’ lives. During the event, Wang will provide a general overview of what the Fed does in terms of stabilizing the economy, maintaining maximum employment, and keeping inflation at a low, steady pace. She will also delve deeper into some of the aggres-

sive policies that the Federal Reserve has had to implement in response to the Great Recession and the 2008 financial crisis. “Feds handle monetary policy, and play a big role in what interest rates turn out to be,” said Robert Murphy, the director of undergraduate studies in the department of economics. “To the extent that students will be graduating from BC and maybe, at some point, purchasing an auto, interest rates on their auto loans will be tied to what the fed is doing. If the Feds succeed, their futures and lives will be better. Recessions won’t be as deep, or severe, or prolonged. It’s just better for everybody’s well being.”

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CORRECTIONS This correction is in reference to Vol. XCVI, No. 38. The subheadline of the article titled “Freshman Bracco exits BC hockey” incorrectly stated that the former Eagle forward signed with a Canadian profesional team. He signed with a major junior team.

10/28/15 - 10/30/15

from Randolph, Mass., was placed under arrest for Breaking and Entering Daytime with intent to commit a felony in the Modular apartments. 8:02 p.m. - A report was filed regarding minors in posession of alcohol at Campanella Way. 9:38 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a suspicious circumstance at an off-campus location.

—Source: The Boston College Police Department

What is your favorite Halloween candy? ÈGi\kkp dlZ_ Xepk_`e^ k_Xk nfeËk j\e[ d\ XeX$ g_pcXk`Z j_fZb%É Ç?XeeX_ DZCXl^_c`e# D:8J Ë(/ ÈI\\j\Ëj G`\Z\j% @ cfm\ g\Xelk Ylkk\i Xe[ `k ^f\j Xn\jfd\cp n`k_ Z_fZfcXk\%É ÇCXli\e Dlj_if# D:8J Ë(/

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Monday, November 2, 2015

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“A Supernatural Evening with Jeff Belanger” was prefaced by a slideshow that featured, a la Jack Nicholson in The Shining, Belanger’s face sticking through a hole in a door, fangs bared, eyes shot wide open, and a smile creepier than any hockey mask. In Robsham Theater this Friday night, Belanger told the attendees about ghost stories, the Celtic origins of Halloween, and his experiences working on the Travel Channel show Ghost Adventures. After putting aside his microphone and moving to the front of the stage, he began. “For a living, I get to chase legends,” he said. Belanger’s interest in ghosts and the supernatural began when he was a student at Hofstra University, where he started writing features articles for the local newspaper in the mid-1990s. He kept interviewing people who claimed they saw ghosts or heard voices in empty rooms. At first he was skeptical, assuming that they were tricks of the lighting or shadows of objects mistaken for people. One incident convinced him there might be some truth to their stories. Belanger found a newspaper clipping from 1880 advertising Shaker Medicinal Spring Water, which was said to make users live unnaturally long. He investigated further. “I started in a cemetery,” he said. “That’s kind of my thing. For me, the backstory is everything. You start at the end, and then you want to go back.” When he visited a Shaker gravesite in Harvard, Mass., he saw that there was an abnormal number of people who died when they were nearly 100 years old, in an era with a life expectancy of about 40. He concluded there might have been some truth to the Shakers’ claims. Since then, Belanger has written more than a dozen books, launched a



In one episode of Ghost Adventures, Jeff Belanger and Zak Begans investigated a clown motel. website, and given a TEDx Talk. He was nominated for an Emmy for his work on the PBS series New England Legends, and he hosts his own online talk show, 30 Odd Minutes. In 2008, he started working as a writer and researcher for Ghost Adventures, which features a group of friends visiting haunted locales and searching for ghosts using night-vision footage. Belanger started on the show at the behest of his friend, star and executive producer Zak Bagans. Travel Channel originally only picked them up for one season, but ordered more episodes when the show became a hit. “What was supposed to be eight episodes has become 139,” Belanger said. “That in itself is kind of paranormal.” He mentioned that sometimes he is stopped on the street and asked about the show. “Wow, we were just a bunch of schmucks making a TV show back in 2008,” he said. Belanger also told the audience about his visits to the catacombs of Paris, an ancient monument in New Hampshire known as “American’s Stonehenge,” and an abandoned tuberculosis sanatorium in Kentucky. It was in Paris, where an estimated six million skeletons make up the Catacombs, that he first saw a ghost. Walking down a narrow hallway several stories underground, the walls lined with thousands of skulls, Belanger saw the shadow of a man. He thought it might be his flashlight, or another person, but eventually he ran out of options.

“You’re alone, and you’re feeling this human energy,” he said. “I ran out of every possible word but one—ghost.” The factor that most attracts Belanger to stories about the supernatural is this human energy, the connection he feels to the people who have been there before him. For Belanger, “history is a ghost story.” He told a story about visiting the former Pennhurst State School and Hospital, an asylum in Pennsylvania. The asylum was closed in 1987 after numerous complaints about the treatment of residents in the 1970s. It was featured on Ghost Adventures in 2012. “That’s 1970s, not 1870s, or 1770s,” Belanger pointed out. Before its closure, due to allegations of dangerous conditions in the asylum, Pennhurst State School and Hospital was the subject of a Supreme Court case about cruel and unusual punishment. Belanger mentioned that the episode was met with some controversy over its content. “We got to tell this story, and if that made people uncomfortable because such bad things happened, maybe, just maybe, it won’t happen again,” Bellanger said. “That I was proud of.” As he closed, he implored the audience to remember and cherish the past, particularly on Halloween. “We shouldn’t ignore the past. You should take these things with you, and tell the stories,” he said. “The big day is tomorrow, a time to dance with the devil in the moonlight, talk about ghosts, and let the spirits run amok.”

A group of students posted a batch of infographics across campus reading “BC SILENCES ANTIRACISM” Thursday afternoon following what they described as the University’s rejection of a promotional flier outlining a threepoint plan to “eradicate injustice and racism” at Boston College. The initial flier promoted an upcoming talk on race sponsored by African and African Diaspora studies, the “Psychology & the Other” steering committee, and the Lynch School of Education’s “Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology” department. The new posters include a timeline of the past few weeks’ events, from the planning of the upcoming lecture to the University’s alleged rejection of fliers advertising it. The poster read that the initial flier was turned down because it contained material from Eradicate Boston College Racism, a group of students, staff, and faculty whose stated goal is to engage BC in eliminating racism. Members of Eradicate Boston College Racism said these infographics are a response to the Provost’s office’s disapproval of the poster that was going to be displayed across campus to advertise the upcoming speech on anti-racism. Sriya Bhattacharyya, a member of Eradicate and GLSOE ’16, said that the Center for Human Rights and International Justice, who sponsored the event, wanted to use Eradicate Boston College Racism’s three point guide infographic as promotional material. She said that the Center believed it was a good conversation starter about racism on campus.

The two groups worked closely to create the poster, Bhattacharyya said, and that Eradicate’s only role in the event series was to support it—it was not sponsoring this event. Bhattacharyya said that the Provost’s office claimed that the poster seemed to be affiliated with Eradicate and revoked its approval. This decision came after hundreds of the fliers featuring the graphic had been printed. Chad Olle, another member of Eradicate and GLSOE ’17, said the group of students involved wants to be able to work with the administration, but they also want to inform students about the Provost’s decision not to allow the fliers to be passed out. Olle said the Provost’s office violated BC’s policies and procedures in order to protect its image and reputation. Bhattacharyya expressed similar frustration, saying that even when BC students and faculty try to follow BC policy, the institution can still evidently deny them the privilege to post the images. This conflict between the Provost’s office and Eradicate Boston College Racism comes one week after the group staged a silent protest following Ta-Nehisi Coates’ speech to raise awareness of racism on campus. Olle said that, since last semester, Eradicate has grown in size. The posters that appeared Thursday were mostly downloaded from Eradicate’s Facebook and Twitter pages and then printed and hung by students. “BC touts a Jesuit principle, ‘preferential treatment for the poor,’ but within its walls, it displays preferential treatment of the powerful,” Bhattacharyya said. The Provost’s office was contacted for comment Friday morning. University spokesperson Jack Dunn declined to comment at time of the story’s Nov. 1 print publication. He said the University plans to speak to the situation at a future date.



Monday, November 2, 2015

I\ki\Xk i\Õ\Zk`fej1 ]i\j_dXe [\jZi`Y\j +/ ?flij \og\i`\eZ\ KATE MIGNOSA Upon sharing that I would be spending the weekend at 48 Hours—a retreat that has been run by the Office of the First Year Experience for nearly three decades—many of my freshman peers replied that they had bravely outlasted the endless persuasion tactics to attend the trip that has been directed at our class from the day we selected Boston College. Perhaps they had a point: broadcasts of 48 Hours had come in pamphlets, emails, presentations, and of course from our ever-perky orientation leaders throughout the summer and fall. As a result, students like me dutifully added our names to a retreat session. While I had little understanding of what would be occurring on the trip, I assumed that this was one of many experiences that BC freshmen were “supposed” to have. On Friday, Oct. 13, approximately

120 freshmen boarded the buses that were to take us to Yarmouth, Mass., for some reflection on our first eight weeks of college. We were the first attendees from the class of 2019. As the bus pulled away from campus and the rapid bonding began, the unfamiliarity of this experience dawned on me. After 12 years of public school, I had little knowledge of the happenings at these so-called “retreats” of which BC students seemed so fond. At the very least, I expected to enjoy a weekend at the Cape and perhaps meet a few other freshmen. An annual tradition at the University for almost 30 years, 48 Hours began with a group of young campus ministers, including Rev. Tony Penna and Rev. Joe Marchese, who conceieved of and then inaugurated the retreat. While the program is no longer spiritually focused, its importance still stems from the act of students’ setting aside time to reflect on their experiences and process their meanings.

According to the Office of First Year Experience, the program has become incredibly popular over the past five years. It’s predicted that over half of the freshman class will attend one of these retreats this year. The timing and location of the retreat sessions are purposeful: They do not begin until freshmen have a few weeks under their belt, allowing for some material understanding of what college is like, and they occur at a quiet location off campus to allow students to distance themselves physically and mentally from their school lives. Each retreat session is headed by a different member of the staff, and Ali Bane, assistant director of program management within First Year Experience, led last weekend’s trip. Bane was up to the task of creating a weekend entertaining enough that we would come back and gush to our friends about it, while meaningful enough that we weren’t just on a resort vacation in the middle of October. This balance was maintained

perfectly, through structured talks and interjecting games and activities—and, of course, continuous snack breaks. In addition to Bane’s leadership, Jenna Sattar and Peter Kwiatek, both former Eagles working in the Office of Residential Life, as well as Stephen Chu, an Admissions Counselor with a wealth of knowledge to share about change, adjustment, and perseverance. Perhaps the most important members of the 48 Hours crew were the 10 senior leaders and the five sophomore “point-guards” who volunteered their weekends to share their incredible metamorphoses from terrified, confused first-year students into capable, and truly admirable, students and people. Personal and vulnerable stories about social pressures, self-confidence, building friendships and relationships, and finding success in academics were offered without shame or embarrassment. The trip allowed not only for small group communities to develop, but also for participants to meet almost

everyone else on the trip during meals or activities dispersed throughout the day. Forty-eight hours after departing on my first retreat, I finally understood why I had been urged by upperclassmen and faculty alike to take part in the mysterious and heavily lauded First Year Experience retreat offered to freshmen. In fact, I had been so convinced of its relevance that I became a new source of self-directed advertisement for the retreat. I immediately began reaching out to friends and peers insisting that they sign up for one of the three remaining weekends of the trip offered in November and February. My reasoning was simple: free food, beach-scene Instagrams, and an opportunity unlike any other to connect with others about the challenges and rewards of becoming a BC student.

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9: ;`e`e^Ëj e\n ÊK\jk B`kZ_\eË `e`k`Xk`m\ jk`ij lg fe$ZXdglj d\Xc fgk`fej By Kayla Fernando Heights Staff

With a skillet icon prominently displayed on a digital sign and a stack of survey forms placed on the serving counter, a new food station opens for business in McElroy Dining Hall as part of Boston College Dining’s new Test Kitchen initiative. With the launch of Test Kitchen, BC Dining continues in its mission to add more variety to the menu and encourage students to become more involved in the campus dining experience. Previously, the journey from taking one person’s idea for a new food item to putting it into regular rotation in the dining halls was a long, arduous process. Anyone could go up to a BC Dining manager and pitch his or her idea for a new item to add to the menu. BC Dining staff would then work to come up with a recipe and an efficient way to prepare and serve the item. Using FoodPro, a menu management system containing a database of all the recipes currently on the menu, BC Dining analyzes the recipe and determines the best way to prepare the item on a large scale, its nutritional information, and the approximate selling price. The entire process took a disproportionate amount of effort to create an item that might not even be well-received by students, which led BC Dining to come up with a better way to invest its time in preparing and offering popular, high-quality items. A group of BC Dining managers came up with the idea to have a Test Kitchen in dining halls as a vehicle for bringing in new ideas to the menu and encouraging open communication between BC Dining and students. Students will have a say in deciding whether a new item should become a new addition to the menu or be removed from rotation, letting BC Dining know if it is worth pursuing the original idea. All dining locations on campus will be participating in the Test Kitchen initia-

tive, with designated Test Kitchen stations asking students who try the new item to fill out a survey and provide feedback and suggestions on how to improve it. An item would cycle through several Test Kitchen phases, continuously undergoing modifications based on student feedback, until it becomes part of the menu. In this way, BC Dining hopes to ensure that it will only offer the best food options to its students. “We didn’t want to stifle creativity in the process, and it seems to have worked very well,” said Megan O’Neill, associate director of BC Dining, regarding Test Kitchen and its debut at McElroy. Test Kitchen is BC Dining’s newest addition to its repertoire of programs designed to accommodate students with special dietary needs and help them voice their concerns about current dining hall options. BC Dining currently holds focus groups, in which these students can suggest improvements to the menu to accommodate their needs. Managers and nutritionists from BC Dining and health coaches from the Office of Health Promotion also offer walk-throughs of the dining halls, giving tours to small groups of students and showing the options available to them. “[These programs] give the students a good understanding of what we do and [help us] learn what their frustrations are,” said Michael Forcier, general manager of dining services at McElroy. Many items currently on the menu have resulted from such programs, and BC Dining hopes that Test Kitchen will be just as successful in allowing more students to become involved in a substantial aspect of their BC experience. BC Dining is currently promoting Test Kitchen through Instagram and Twitter to increase its social media presence and recruiting the help of other campus groups such as Media Technology Services to spread the message to as many people as possible. An initiative like Test Kitchen underscores BC Dining’s dedication to making


“Test Kitchen,” a new, creative BC Dining initiative features dishes like those pictured above in each of BC’s on-campus dining halls. the campus dining experience a positive one. “Food is important, food is community,” O’Neill said. “You can’t work as many hours as we do without enjoying what we do. We want people to be happy and enjoy their

time with us. That’s what BC Dining is all about, and that’s why we’re continuously trying to raise our bar.” “Food is pretty much our life—that’s what we do, that’s how we live, and that’s what we believe in,” Forcier added. “We

work tirelessly here to feed the students. We spend so much time here, and we are so invested in what we do that we want to make it right. We’re all for what the BC mission is in giving back and doing the right thing.”

Nfd\eËj :\ek\i# FJ@ gi\gXi\ ]fi lgZfd`e^ jgi`e^ )'(- ÊFne @kË Jldd`k By Hope Tierney For The Heights

Save the date: April 9, 2016—Boston College’s second Women’s Summit: Own It event, and a day promoting the celebration, inspiration, and empowerment of women within the BC community. According to its website, Own It is a “series of game-changing summits, events, and opportunities to inspire young women.” The program, which began at Georgetown University in April of 2014, brings female leaders together with college-age women. Alexis Teixeira, CSOM ’17, Caela McCann, MCA&S ’15, and Lily Peng, MCA&S ’17, joined forces to bring Own It to BC as a continuation of the annual Boston College Women’s Summit, which was founded and initially run by the Undergraduate Government of Boston College in 2014. Last year, BC was the second university to host a Summit, replacing the

UGBC event. This year, there are 12 scheduled Summits to be held both domestically and internationally. Last year’s event sold out within a mere six hours. The turnout totaled approximately 300 attendees , including speakers , guests, alumni, faculty members, and students, and this year, the Own It team hopes to accommodate upwards of 400 people. Tickets last year were $5, and all proceeds were donated to the Global Good Fund, in honor of its co-founder and CEO, Carrie Rich—one of last year’s two keynote speakers. This year’s ticket prices will again be low, and all of the money raised will be given to a selected charity. The event will be held in Robsham, Conte, the Heights Room, and various other locations across campus. While this year’s applications for participation in the Own It team have recently closed, they will be available

again next fall, and sign up sheets will be posted in mid-spring for those wishing to volunteer at the event. “[The 2015 Summit] had the greatest collaboration on campus between 20 organizations, so all of them spread the word,” Teixeira said. “It was accessible, diverse, and exciting,” attributing the event’s success largely to these three aspects. The University decided to institutionalize the event after seeing its popularity in Washington, D.C. in 2014, and then in Chestnut Hill in 2015. Own It is now under the Women’s Center and the Office of Student Involvement, which Teixeira considers beneficial to the Summit’s overall organization, acclaim, and success. “[This] will definitely help us not only with our credibility, but also with reaching the most amount of students possible,” she said. According to Teixeira, this year’s Summit will closely mirror last years in that it will have the same tenants.

“Owning your successes, owning your opinions, and owning your differences,” said Teixeira. “We’re trying to tap into every student’s interest, whether you’re in nursing, or in the School of Education, or you’re interested in becoming a veterinarian. We’re trying to hit everything with the 40 speakers that are coming.” For its second ever Summit, however, the Own It team is working to make the event appeal to an even wider variety of people. This year’s speakers and panels will be less focused on industry, like the 2015 Summit, and more vocation-based. “Rather than having a business panel, we’ll have a strength panel, or an innovation panel,” Teixeira said. Although the 2016 schedule is still in the works, Teixeira said that it should be fairly similar to what students experienced last year. That event featured two keynote speakers, two breakout sessions, and panels, all with BC alumni and outside speakers.

The Own It team is currently in the process of inviting speakers for keynotes, panels, and several breakout sessions. “[We are] looking for diverse backgrounds, diverse experiences, and a representation of women who are owning their jobs and owning their positions,” Teixeira said. She also revealed the background information regarding one breakout session speaker at the 2016 Summit: a woman who is currently an executive leader at State Street, but had previously served in the military. Her breakout session is titled “From Military Boots to Corporate Suits.” “We want to bring out the best in these women and allow them to have intimate conversations with students and share things they’re passionate about,” Teixeira said. The women who speak do so for no pay. “If we can have one person in the audience leave with something they they want to do afterwards, that’s all we can really ask for,” Teixeira said.


Monday, November 2, 2015


:Xdglj JZ_ffc mfclek\\ij cffb kfnXi[ lgZfd`e^ Ê:_`ccp ?Xc]$DXiXk_feË Campus School, from A1 As volunteer coordinator, Schofield helps undergraduate and graduate students who are looking to volunteer at the school. “The Campus School volunteers have a threefold mission. One is direct service within the school walls. The second part is awareness. And the third and final part of what the volunteers try to do is raise funds for us.” Katie Beam, head of the Marathon Committee and LSOE ’17, organizes these volunteers, along with other students who want to run in the HalfMarathon, into teams which represent each student at the Campus School. The Campus School students serve as captains for each team of runners. “We all have students at the campus school that we have relationships with,” Beam said. “That is the only reason realistically I’d ever run—I hate running. For all the students that I worked with, they are peers—it is not really service.” In terms of fundraising, Beam believes in the new half marathon initiative. “We have 72 runners currently, and they all have to raise at least $225,” she said. Though the Campus School has received large support for this new initiative, fundraising has not yet reached previous levels from before the 2013 marathon bombing. “Our numbers continued to grow and grow over the years until after 2010, 2011, 2012 [when] we started having hundreds of runners,” Schofield said. “And then, of course, everything kind

of changed.” Campus School Marketing and Outreach Coordinator Kristen Morin said the school is struggling to meet its commitment of raising $60 to $70 thousand a year with a depleted base of students running for the school. Two years ago, approximately 250 runners were committed to running for the Campus School before it was announced that the BAA would no longer allow for “Bandit Runners” in the Boston Marathon. That number dropped to around 120 that year when it was announced that the Campus School would host an independent marathon the Sunday before. Last spring, that number sunk to 18, with only $13 thousand raised in what was once the Campus School’s central fundraising effort. “The money that they raise goes right to our program for all the excellent things that come over and above what the towns may pay for,” Morin said. “So when you look at what the bombing did—obviously, it was a far more physical and emotional impact—but even years later, there’s all these little trickledown effects and the Campus School is one of them.” The Chilly Half-Marathon has come to mean a lot for the volunteers at the Campus School. “Our kids run a marathon everyday,” Morin said. “It gives you some perspective when you can run a mile and one of our kids might take fifteen minutes to walk a hallway. It is every bit as remarkable that they are able to go to point A to point B, no matter how they get there.”


On Sunday, Nov. 8, many Campus School Volunteers will participate in the Newton Chilly Half-Marathon to increase fundraising efforts. Courtney, a volunteer in the buddy program and CSON ’19, talked about her experience with the her buddy. “The other day we were listening to

‘Thriller’ for Halloween, and I was just clapping along with it,” she said. “Then, my buddy John started clapping with me. That emotion that hits you in the

moment is very powerful. I think we watch our peers grow in the classroom, but in addition to that, we are growing beside them.”

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In the church chapel of Thornfield manor, the wedding ceremony of the engaged Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester is interrupted by a voice crying out that Rochester is already married. What follows is a twisted narrative of a woman gone mad and a manor consumed by fire. The “bigamy plot” that exists in this particular novel, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, and in countless other works of Victorian literature, is the complex subject of Maia McAleavey’s new book, The Bigamy Plot: Sensation and Convention in the Victorian Novel. McAleavey, an assistant professor within Boston College’s English department, released her new book this past May through Cambridge University Press. The book explores the prominence of the bigamy plot in 19th century British literature, examining the rise and fall of this literary trend through a historical and formalist approach. Essentially, the bigamy plot is the recurring narrative of a husband or wife remarrying because he or she either pretends or genuinely believes that the first spouse is deceased. What usually follows is a set of exciting, scandalous events. For example, in Jane Eyre, Thornfield manor is destroyed and Mr. Rochester is left blind. The idea for the book began with McAleavey’s graduate dissertation at Harvard University. After obtaining a position as assistant professor at BC, McAleavey continued to revise her

work, turning the dissertation into a book by finalizing her research and polishing the prose. “One of the things I try to do in my book is think about how there could be historical causes for a certain story to be told at a certain time,” McAleavey explained. “The research I was trying to do was combing those two things—trying to think about how forms themselves have their own history and how those two ideas interrelate … how history colors what we think of as form.” McAleavey explained the process of conducting this research, saying, “Part of my research required reading pretty obscure 19th-century novels, and some of those were hard to find,” she said. “Some of the ones I read weren’t yet digitalized, so I had a couple of research trips to the British library. “In one case, there was a novel in the British library that was the only novel I could locate,” she said. “I went to go read it, and it actually had never been read before. You could tell, because in the 19th-century you had to cut the pages open before you could read it, and the pages of this book were still sealed.” Other exciting moments of McAleavey’s research involved finding great writers and novels she did not know previously. “I definitely discovered a lot of writers and novels whose work I thought other people would like to know about, so that was probably one of the more fun aspects of doing the research and bringing it to other people,” she said. The culmination of all of this research has led McAleavey to her next project: “Eventful Plotlessness and the

Boredom of Realism.” “It is related in some ways to my research, but it’s almost the opposite at the same time, because the bigamy plot is obviously about a plot and a specific exciting story—the story of a spouse thought dead that returns. They usually involve things like bribery and murder, and that’s very exciting,” McAleavey explained. “So I became interested in a really different kind of a novel—which is a novel that is essentially plotless.” This type of novel is usually associated with 20th-century writing of the avant-garde style. According to McAleavey, “It’s literature where not a lot happens, but that’s the point of it—it’s about the daily instances of life.” Her mission in this new project is to figure out how these novels are structured if they are not structured by plot. While continuing to work on this new project, McAleavey will be teaching an elective class in the spring entitled 19th-Century British Fiction. BC students interested in the subject of her new book as well as Victorian literature in general can also take McAleavey’s other course, Victorian Marriage / Victorian Sex. “I’ve taught that class a number of times, and that’s been a lot of fun—that’s probably the class that’s been the closest to the research of my book,” she said. BC students can find The Bigamy Plot: Sensation and Convention in the Victorian Novel in the library and learn more about McAleavey’s interpretation of the bigamy plot’s history and form.


BC English professor Maia McAleavey explores the Victorian bigamy plot in new book.

8 ZXcc ]fi `eZi\Xj\[ n\\b\e[ jkl[p _flij Xe[ cfZXk`fej Xk 9: MAGDALEN SULLIVAN

At a certain hour of the night, the lights in Stokes are not motion-detective. No amount of jumping around the room or waving at the fluorescents will stop the lights from flickering. “Time to go,” the maintenance crew barks. “The building is closed.” I feel the same way about not having a place to study on a Saturday night as I do about using the Oxford comma—the subject makes for a lame debate, but the dork-factor doesn’t outweigh my passion enough to prevent me from picking a fight about it. On weekends, Bapst closes at 6 p.m., O’Neill and academic buildings are shut down by 10 p.m., and Walsh Hall, the place I proudly call home, is not an environment conducive to

learning on a weekend night. This past Halloween weekend was not the first time I’ve been lamely upset about having to stop working—and it sure as hell won’t be the last. Instead of spending Saturday night in the library writing a paper due on Monday—an attempt to proactively ease my Sunday-morning stress level—I ended up in my common room the entire night, hanging out with friends. Yes, good company is healthy. No, I do not regret having fun on Halloween—nor do I regret having had fun on other nights that I had fallen short of achieving similar ambitious goals. A decision was made at the beginning of the night, however, to do work, which is the type of decision the University should support, not suppress. Right now, the library hours represent a surrender of the University to

the social life on campus—an acceptance of bad student habits as opposed to striving to fix it. It’s not about active campaigning against drinking on the weekend—it’s about simply giving students the opportunity to opt-out. The entire scenario is comically backwards—students want to study, and the University prevents them from doing so. Libraries don’t open for 24 hours a day until finals week, which is good and fun, but midterms week is every week. The tests and papers throughout the semester that arguably affect overall academic performance even more than finals are given less attention and less time. During finals, campus shuts down. Extracurricular clubs stop meeting, classes cease, and the expiration

date of each course nears with one assignment left in sight. Midterms season—which I would argue is less of a defined “season” as it is a perpetual state of being—requires juggling all the prongs of student life. Expect us to keep a rockin’ GPA, be involved in five clubs, and tend to personal health? It’s going to require studying on a few weekends. If the students understand that fact, why doesn’t the University? My frustrations aside—I understand the University’s rule. I am well aware that I am not in the majority when it comes to favoring productive Saturday nights over fun ones. I also don’t have a solution to my problem, having not studied operational costs or logistical factors that are involved in having a building open 24 hours that, realistically, not many people will use. I simply think the fact that an actual

University policy is a huge contributor to the social temptation to party on the weekend is a sad testament to the reality of BC’s drinking culture. Let’s compromise, BC. You promise to keep a building open until midnight on weekend nights, and I promise to keep my lame factor at a steady studying-on-nights-of-hockey-games level. Boston College is a work-hard, play-hard school. That’s a fact. I’m not even saying that it’s a bad thing. All I want is the option to do one or the other. All I want is the chance to feel proud about choosing to have a productive Saturday night. All I want is for the lights in Stokes to stop flickering.

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In a week, many Boston College students will run the sixth annual Chilly Half-Marathon in Newton to benefit the Campus School. Prior to the bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon, students would run as bandit runners in the Boston Marathon to benefit the Campus School. Since the attack, bandit runners have not been allowed to run, and the Campus School has lost a major fundraising opportunity. Originally raising over $60,000 per year, the Campus School now receives a meager $13,000 in comparison. The half-marathon is an opportunity to try to reclaim some of that lost capital—about 300 people participated in running the Boston Marathon for the Campus School, and that number has drastically declined, with 18 people participating in the last informal marathon. When the Boston Athletic Association originally began cracking down on the bandit runners, the Campus School Volunteers organized an informal marathon the week before the official Boston Marathon for runners to participate in. That marathon, however, was not as popular as the original opportunity to run in the Boston Marathon. Volunteers hope that this will make it possible to make up for much of the lost funding from the decline in participants. The Campus School needs this funding. Backing its effort with an established half-marathon is a smart move—it adds credibility and makes it easier to organize. In time, it could become as established a

fundraising tradition as the Boston Marathon bandit run was. Campus School volunteers devote time to creating a well-managed program that tangibly helps so many lives. To do this, they need more money, in addition to more volunteers. Running the halfmarathon to benefit the School is another way to support the efforts

K_\ :Xdglj JZ_ffc e\\[j k_`j ]le[iX`j`e^% 9XZb`e^ k_\`i \]]fik n`k_ Xe \jkXYc`j_\[ _Xc]$ dXiXk_fe `j X jdXik dfm\Ç`k X[[j Zi\[`Y`c`kp Xe[ dXb\j `k \Xj`\i kf fi^Xe`q\% @e k`d\# `k Zflc[ Y\Zfd\ Xe \jkXYc`j_\[ ]le[iX`j`e^ kiX[`k`fe% of these undergraduates, aside from physically volunteering in the classroom. Students do not need to actively volunteer in the classroom to play a role in the success of the school, but they can help by fundraising to help the school reach its goal of about $60,000 per year. This new initiative should help the Campus School achieve fundraising goals, but it will take the support of the student body for the program to reach the level of success that the Boston Marathon bandit runners had.

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Designed to tentatively launch in January 2016, the Collegiate Warrior Athlete Initiative would connect Boston College studentathletes with wounded soldiers in a partnership capacity. They would participate jointly in workouts and wellness education. The twice-weekly program would meet for a total of 12 weeks, followed by monthly meetings between the pairs for the foreseeable future. As of now, the program is funded for one full year, and other goals include holding a national conference that would educate other universities on the goals of The Collegiate Warrior Athlete Initiative. The student-athletes would act as a point of contact for the wounded soldiers as they readjust to life after duty, allowing the soldiers to pair up with individuals who have also reached top physical form in their own way. Consequently, the student-athletes would be able to provide encouragement and motivation to the soldiers, understanding the physical tolls of daily training. Similarly, student-athletes would be put in touch with a mentor that would be capable of giving advice and pointers that the student-athlete might not receive from captains, teammates, coaches, or professors. The unique concurrent mentoring role would strengthen both communities as a result. The BC Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the final barrier preventing the implementation of the program. If caught up in this process, the program would have to restructure its 12-week timeline, or

be moved to the next fall semester. Luckily, both BC Athletics and the communications department have taken great strides in reaching out to potential volunteers, and bringing enthusiasm to the program overall. With eight other schools in the United States stating interest in

The views expressed in the above editorials represent the official position of The Heights, as discussed and written by the

Editorial Board. A list of the members of the Editorial Board can be found at bcheights. com/opinions.

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The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College <jkXYc`j_\[ (0(0 AF?E N@C<P# <[`kfi$`e$:_`\] :?I@J JK8;KC<I# >\e\iXc DXeX^\i D8>>@< GFN<IJ# DXeX^`e^ <[`kfi

Monday, November 2, 2015

“Alright, I’ll tell you what to do. Go that way. Really fast. Something gets in your way, turn.” -Charles De Mar, Better Off Dead (1985)

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A letter from Eradicate #BostonCollegeRacism Eradicate #BostonCollegeRacism is an antiracist organization and movement, created and sustained by people of Color and white people from across Boston College. Like others, we were profoundly disappointed by BC administrators’ silence about high-visibility police murders of Black youth and adults, including Mike Brown and Eric Garner, as well as judicial failures to hold accountable the officers responsible. We could not accept threats of punishment brought against students and faculty who chose to express their own grief and indignation by staging a die-in at St. Mary’s Hall. Their action brought respectful recognition of systemic violence against people of Color to BC and clarified the operation of institutional racism within the university. Our group is dedicated to furthering this analysis and bringing about change in the policies and practices that constitute and sustain institutional racism at BC. While the University provides many resources on racial diversity, diversity programming and other forms of dialogue do little to right material inequities caused by institutional racism. These inequities continue to be expressed and enforced through Eurocentric biases in BC’s curricula, policies that silence students of Color and their allies, and recruitment and retention practices that prevent people of Color from joining and advancing in the faculty, administration, and board of trustees—realities that leave other diversity initiatives inadequate. To put this observation more concretely, people of Color represent only 14 percent of tenured and tenure-track faculty (as of 2010), 12 percent of senior academic administrators, 9 percent of senior non-academic administrators, and 4 percent of deans and vice presidents. A campus operating under these conditions will never be a genuinely inclusive or equitable place for people of Color or an environment where white people can readily learn how to contribute to the elimination of racism from society. Until BC becomes a place where administrators publicly discuss and commit to timelines to change such conditions, its commitment to racial justice will remain suspect and require continuing critique. Eradicate has brought such critiques to light through infographics (both displayed and not displayed), protest and direct action (including a silent protest inspired by the work of Ta-Nehisi Coates and a plane flyover at graduation), social media, and community-building through retreats and monthly potlucks. The group has been met with backlash from the university—with members of the Boston College Police Department ripping flyers out of students of Color’s hands at Modstock and saying to a female student of Color, “This is private property. I’ll touch you as much as I want to.” Students’ statuses have been threatened, a department has blocked and censored content on a student-faculty listserv, and most recently, the Provost’s Office has denied a group of faculty permission to post flyers with content made by Eradicate, a blatant violation of academic freedom. These attempts to silence our work have further illustrated institutional racism at BC and served to strengthen our cause. They suggest that BC’s leaders have decided that it is better to silence critical analysis than to hold themselves accountable

for the University’s ongoing role in perpetuating racial injustice. Eradicate is fundamentally a call to the potential of BC and its Jesuit mission of social justice. As the facts stand, the mission of the University is out of step with its actions. Faculty and students have observed for decades the forms of institutional racism cited by our group, and yet these realities stand with little indication of dissatisfaction or stated plans for change from University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., or other leaders. The action of these figures is essential to achieving anti-racist change, and they hold final responsibility when such change fails to be realized. We have been told by administrators that there are ways of doing things at BC—institutional channels through which to pursue reform. In effect, we have been told that BC leaders will make changes when they are ready and not because members of the BC community are calling for them. Allowing people who benefit most from the status quo to decide how and at what pace to institute change is the definition of injustice. Students, alumni, faculty, and staff have the collective power to hold these figures accountable by calling attention to institutional racism at BC and expressing disagreement with decisions that obscure this serious problem. We believe all members of the BC community—of all backgrounds, political orientations, and institutional positions—are capable of making the choice to help end institutional racism. Some already have, taking action in ways that are worthy of recognition and respect. We are grateful to and inspired by these groups: among them, The Heights Editorial Board, the Center for Human Rights and International Justice, Climate Justice Boston College, FACES, the Undergraduate AHANA Leadership Council, the African and African Diaspora Studies Program, the Black Law Students Association, the Graduate Students of Color Association, and the Black Student Forum. Others clearly feel this call and seem to be searching for guidance. If we support one another, we can bring material change to BC. Our work through Eradicate has already taught us the transformative power of working together to eradicate institutional racism. We hope you will support not only initiatives that recognize diverse identities, but also efforts like ours that address inequalities for marginalized groups. If you are interested in working with us, we encourage you to come to our weekly planning meetings on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. and our first Friday monthly potlucks. For more information and to keep up with our latest news and events, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, or email us at to be added to our listserv. Our connections to one another as we pursue this work are important to sustaining possibility. However, such relationships are not a substitute for addressing historical and contemporary inequity on campus. Until that change comes, we hope few will choose to remain silent. #WalktheTalkBC.

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THE HEIGHTS Email for more information.

The Heights welcomes Letters to the Editor not exceeding 400 words and column submissions that do not exceed 700 words for its op/ed pages. The Heights reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, and to prevent libel. The Heights also reserves the right to write headlines and choose illustrations to accompany pieces submitted

to the newspaper. Submissions must be signed and should include the author’s connection to Boston College, address, and phone number. Letters and columns can be submitted online at, by email to, in person, or by mail to Editor, The Heights, 113 McElroy Commons, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467.

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Monday, November 2, 2015


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HAPPY NO SHAVE NOVEMBER - For all those who’ve been given the gift of good facial hair, now is your time to shine.

RUNNING INTO YOUR PROFESSOR IN THE BATHROOM - Back in elementary, middle, and even high school, running into our teachers outside of the classroom was one strange encounter. In elementary school, it was all about the fact that our teachers were actual people who did real things. In high school, we had to figure out whether we should engage in awkward, quick small talk in the middle of the supermarket, just trying to get away as soon as we could. But now in college, we have the horribly awkward possibility of running into our professors in the bathroom, which is far stranger than anything we had to face before. It’s you and your teacher in the bathroom, next to each other at the urinals or in the stalls: Is there anything more uncomfortable? Do you still talk to them as you both go to wash your hands? There is no etiquette for these kinds of things. REALIZING YOUR BACK FLAP IS OPEN - You’re not crazy, right? But picture how you must look to someone walking by you early in the morning, as you clutch a cup of coffee and have a backpack with a flap left open. There’s nothing that could make you look more lost and confused. You get to the library and put your stuff down, just to see such a clear indication that you’ve lost control of your life to the point that you can’t even remember to pull a zipper a couple of inches. OUTLETS IN BAPST - First floor Bapst is littered with confining desks that allow you to zone in and focus on what you need to study—but how are you supposed to study when you can’t even keep your computer charged? The Bapst outlets don’t work, and it feels as if they’ve gotten even worse during our time here. It’s one thing if the light doesn’t turn on. It’s another when we’re dragging our stuff desk to desk, trying to see if any one of the outlets is going to give our laptop a charge, and to find that it won’t. How long is fixing this going to take, Boston College? Honestly, we’d take a fix of this over more flat screens being added to Eagles. We don’t mind picking what we’re going to eat for lunch on a tinnier or less high definition screen—we do mind not being able to use the chargers in a place where we’re trying to learn. NOT GETTING INVITED PLACES WHERE YOUR FRIENDS ARE - It’s 2 a.m. You and your friends are lying bed thinking about ordering pizza, and then you look at Snapchat and realize that the other half of your squad—the half that didn’t respond to your group chat—is all together at one squadmates apartment. So you send a few texts. They say, “Come over, where are you?” You say, “Where?” And that’s when you realize you weren’t invited. And everyone is hanging out without you. Not even your cheesy bread can save you from the emptiness inside.

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“Attention, this train is disabled and being taken out of service. There’s service right behind us.” These disturbingly common words came over the PA system on one of my daily trips down Commonwealth Ave. this week. What was uncommon, however, was the fatigue with which the conductor stomped out of his seat and motioned at the passengers to pull the headphones from their ears, “Get off the train. It’s broken!” I have sadly observed the mounting frustration and desperation with which MBTA workers have attempted to continue doing their jobs despite an ever-looming collapse. Political posturing and grand schemes of expansion aside, it is a point of pride for these people to march on with their entrusted mission of helping fellow Bostonians get to and from where they need to be every day. It is hard not to be disheartened by the look of shame and disappointment in their eyes as you dismount yet another broken train, the conductor left holding the responsibility for systemic failure. Grumbling, we evacuated the defective train only to very surprisingly find service actually “right behind us” for once. As the rest of the passengers boarded the waiting replacement, I paused to snap a picture of the aging car I had just dismounted. Rot was devouring the faded metal and rust bubbled up through the kelly green stripe of the line’s once-proud livery. It seemed to me a perfect metaphor for the MBTA itself, the crumbling chips of paint on that carriage no less fragile than the institution it belongs to. Bearing the bright pretenses of its former possibilities, but beset by cancerous rot, decaying from the inside out. I settled into the worn matching green

seat of the replacement train and reopened my book as the new conductor notified us that we’d be standing by as the MBTA figured out just what to do with the broken train. Some of the passengers groaned, but fortunately I was on my way home and so simply settled into the distraction of those eggshell pages. Sometime later the conductor came back on and notified us that the train was getting rerouted back to BC. We would have to dismount yet again and wait for service that was assured to be “right behind us.” He sounded past disappointment or embarrassment—he was in disbelief. We trundled off the train and, much more predictably this time, found the supposed service nowhere to be found. As the second train slinked away, I considered whether there was any chance to save the T with another harsh winter headed right at us. I rode the T to JFK/UMass all through middle school and high school, first the cushy Commuter Rail with its broad purple stripe, and later the Braintree Red Line with its wacky cloth seats. Service was never this bad. Over the past decade of commuting to school in Boston I have watched the MBTA deteriorate like an aging pet or that elderly aunt you only see on holidays, slowly losing function and faculties. It seems like a day doesn’t go by now where the T is free of inconvenience. Whether it’s the frustrating delays, breakdowns, and gaps in service, or the puzzling decision to go express at some random point between BU and BC, leaving all but the few students and myself left to take the non-stop remainder of the trip to school. Local government and the MBTA are trying to fix the problems that ail the aging infrastructure.—they certainly have to if anyone is to get anywhere this winter. But it isn’t enough to just begrudgingly tackle this massive problem by scribbling it down on our to-do list like some common chore. We can’t just prop it up or jury-rig it with household tools from Lowes. Necessity shouldn’t motivate us to fix and maintain the T, optimism should. We shouldn’t focus

on fixing the T because we have to, but because we owe it to ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to not arrive at Park Street after a long day at work or school and see that the train has been delayed by a half-million hours due to an electrical fire somewhere, leaving us to just haggardly stew on the packed platform with the rest of the Bruins jersey-wearing sardines. Boston had the first subway in the United States. This city is full of innovators and pioneers, always has been, but somewhere along the way we got lost. We should be leading the country in our infrastructure and showing our peers what sensible transportation looks like in the 21st century, not suffocating under rapidly piling mountains of debt and faulty facilities. If I had a nickel for the worried look on every visiting parent’s face when the Green Line comes to an emergency stop bucking and braying with their precious prospective student flying into walls I’d have enough to fix the T. The MBTA as it stands isn’t indicative or representative of our city or who we are. It doesn’t reflect well on us, our schools, or our quality of life. Public transportation isn’t a luxury; it’s the fulcrum by which all other daily essential needs are achieved. The T carries us to work and leisure, our homes and our stores. And whether you have a personal vehicle or not, it’s indisputably the most sensible option for getting into Boston to all but the luckiest of commuters. Even if you live outside the greater Boston area, the next time you want to catch a game at Fenway or the Garden chances are you’ll do it by way of the T. Public transportation builds our economy. It builds our community. And it’s high time we stop looking at fixing it as an inconvenience and start viewing it as a convenience we want, need, and deserve. If we fail, surely the best days of public transportation in Massachusetts will be “right behind us.”

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KATHERINE BELSITO We all came to Boston College for a reason. Our trajectory to get here was more or less universal, give or take a few elements: we went to class, we engaged our teachers, we raised our hand, became a presence. We volunteered, we joined the team, became captain of the team, joined the choir, joined the band, ran for student council, won. We took prep courses, we pulled all-nighters, we memorized conjugations, derivatives, formulas, SAT strategies, ACT strategies, dates of wars, numbers of victims, names from the French Revolution. Why? For acceptance to BC, where we will spend four years repeating the same rush to the finish line, complete our education, and voila: have our golden ticket into the world of mobility, financial security, and success. Because that’s what this is all about, right? Thus is the age of neoliberal education. We are customers, here to complete a transaction. If we are savvy customers, we will analyze the cost-benefit: how can I maximize the monetary value of my time here? Lo and behold, it is painfully apparent: the universities, the curricula, the students, have all fallen victim to the market. My worth as a student has been reduced to the potential market activity I will yield post-graduation. Neoliberal education’s purpose is to mold students into commercial producers. The emphasis on the actual “learning” part of attending a university falls to the wayside as the practical takes the reigns—no longer do we learn for the sake of learning, but rather we learn to secure our future place in the market. Perhaps you are thinking that this model of education is all well and good. With the astronomical cost of tuition, book fees, dining expenses, and so on, why shouldn’t students weigh the benefits of their education in a monetary context? Okay, fine. But what is really at stake here? If we choose to accept this neoliberal framework, we are being forced to view our time at school as a stepping-stone, a way to ensure future prosperity. We consider what types of majors will lead to the most lucrative jobs.

Maybe I am really passionate about poetry, but no, no, that won’t do, there’s no money in becoming a poet, so I better major in biology, or engineering, or business instead. That makes more sense in the long run: the pragmatic means to an ideal end. But there are many complicating factors in this logic. There is behavioral science research from Slavoj Zizek in The Year of Dreaming Dangerously that suggests that “external incentives [monetary rewards] can be counterproductive: optimal performance comes when people find intrinsic meaning in their work.” It’s true that monetary rewards are a good incentive to get people to accomplish mundane tasks, but this reward system doesn’t work when people are asked to complete more intellectually demanding endeavors. So even though I may think that majoring in biology will allow me to reap the most lucrative benefits, if I don’t have an actual interest in the subject, I’m not going to be operating at my highest potential. This will cause me to, inevitably, be less successful than someone in that field who actually wants to pursue the subject out of inherent interest for it. That is just one of the problems that neoliberalism poses for education. Perhaps more poignantly, neoliberalism is placing critical thought and practice at risk. Even at a liberal arts university, we rarely see examples of students going to office hours to engage in an open dialogue about an interesting topic. Rather, we go to office hours to find out how we can get a better grade, because a better grade is a necessary facet of getting a better job later on. We aren’t pursuing knowledge as an end in itself. Intellectual discourse, curiosity for ideas, a passion to understand and mold arguments—things that were once understood as cornerstones of higher education—are no longer purposes that hold value for their own sakes. We are always viewing our learning as a path that leads to our future, and this places an enormous amount of scrutiny on the classic liberal arts. I will be graduating with degrees in English and philosophy, and adults often ask me, “Oh, well, what are you going to do with that?” This question illuminates the problem. It’s a question that people seem to find necessary to ask when these majors are named, because it’s not clear as to how the soon-to-be graduate will fit into the market structure. If you’re majoring in, say,

economics (which is BC’s most popular major), most people will just acceptingly nod, since the career path is implicitly clearer with this type of degree. The status quo, which maintains the idea that professionally oriented learning is the ideal choice, isn’t challenged, and so society feels comfortable—no questions needed. I do not mean to sound coarse or self indulgent, but enough of this already. What do you mean, what am I going to do with that? Anything! Upon graduating, I’ve learned how to close read, I’ve learned how to dissect and create arguments, I’ve learned the power of actual thought, my thought—isn’t that why my parents sent me here, to learn how to think? Thanks to neoliberalism, we have stripped away the intrinsic value of learning and scholarship. Neoliberal education creates employees, not scholars. It is a model that excludes the potential for change, that replaces creativity with innovation, pressures students to approach their education as a means, and breeds students whose efforts are aimed at internships and resume building, which inevitably pushes knowledge, for its own sake, lower on the list of priorities. Universities are no longer molding citizens. Citizenship has been usurped by “leadership,” a claim prolifically articulated in William Deresiewicz’s essay on “The Neoliberal Arts: How college sold its soul to the market.” We no longer have a sense of the collective good—we have allowed the market to impose on us the need for private-sector solutions, designed for the individual, not for the collective. Leadership, Deresiewicz argues, does not pursue any fundamental change, but rather change that is controlled by a body of the elite within a market structure. This has powerful implications. The greatest problems facing society today (Deresiewicz notes climate change and employment in the context of increasing automation) call for foundational change in the organization of our society. So as long as universities continue to fall victim to neoliberalism, it seems that our future leaders will not be equipped with the ability to imagine a new world, though this is exactly what we need.

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jdXcc kXcb CATHERINE DUFFY Now, I’m not one to brag, but I have to say—I’m pretty good at small talk. Coming from the good ol‘ state of Texas, I’ve been able to perfect the art of chatting to anyone about anything. It’s not the easiest (or most enjoyable) thing in the world, but it’s a skill I’ve been refining more and more since coming to college. But you see, that’s all it is—it’s just “small” talk. This petite discourse is fine and dandy in a modicum amount, but the issue arises when there is a stunt in its growth—when those words never breach the surface. Abroad in Italy as part of a Boston College program with 28 other students, there was a lot of small talk, especially in the beginning. That’s natural enough, though—necessary to discover similar interests, backgrounds, etc. With a number of people, however, I’ve struggled to expand this talk. I’ve caught myself a number of times being too comfortable with shallow discourse concerning last night’s adventures, tomorrow’s plans, etc. Although the talk is small, it can still wear you out. I believe it to be human nature to seek connection, to seek true friendship, and this is not possible when the subject matter constantly circles around how much a person drank last night, which individuals are “hot”—you get my point.

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I’ve already had a lot of time to reflect on my study abroad experience. I’m not sure if it’s the language barrier or simply the different cultures, but small talk doesn’t seem to exist among the Italian people. Living in a homestay, I have been able to experience the “authentic” Italian life, with an amazing mom and dad, two sisters, and two dogs. One of the most striking things about the Ferrari family was their warmth. I believe this goes for a lot of Italian people, but their passion and genuineness is truly inspiring. Quick kisses on each cheek were the introductory procedure. Not even liking hugs, I was surprised to discover how much I’ve grown to love this simple yet genuine greeting. I wish this were acceptable in the states. I’m not saying that I want to go around kissing strangers, but I wish it were the norm to just put it all out in America. Riding my bike down the streets of Parma each day, it is simply the norm to see a couple making out on the side of the road. Although everyone’s prudish and conservative side might incline them to turn away from the blatant Public Displays of Affection, I’ve learned that you have to say “kudos to y’all.” Life’s far too short to not show these feelings. Our environment at BC and most places in the states says to hide the affection for privacy, to preserve a layer of fakeness when first meeting people—to stick to the small talk— but I say it’s about time to move on from this. A Forbes article titled “11 Secrets of Irresistible People” lists “ditching the small talk” as the third most important quality. “Irresistible people create connection and find depth even in short, everyday conversations.” This is a quality that I strive to have, but it’s definitely not an easy one. It’s hard to strike that balance between being able to be friendly and warm, while still being real. I think the Italians have it down. When they’re upset, happy, in love, they let it be known. They show it. When we find ourselves too comfortable in surface talk—small talk—our brains switch into autopilot. Stagnation. If people talk a bit deeper, they’ll be amazed by what they find. I will strive to be more open and vulnerable in my conversations and actions when I return to BC, in the hopes that the person I’m talking with will be encouraged to do the same. Hopefully, if he or she adopts the same mentality, openness and ingenuity will spread across our campus. And, just a fair warning to all my friends back at BC: you might be getting a few kisses each time I see you.

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Having run his own company in Rhode Island throughout his college summers, Dan Klemmer was not fully engaged in the internship hunt until senior year, when VFA caught his eye at the career fair due to its balance between the influential business world and socially minded focus. “I felt that VFA had really struck that balance for me, so I checked them out at the career fair and really, really dug the vibe,” he said. Currently in the second year of his fellowship with the nation’s fastest growing brewery, Rhinegeist, Klemmer is part of the marketing team, focusing primarily on outward-facing events, copywriting, and acting as a sales-to-marketing liaison for the company. Klemmer lauds VFA for the supportive and dy-

Average BC English and International Studies majors likely seldom find themselves spending the bulk of their time on Excel and writing SQL queries on a data science team just months removed from graduation. For Caroline Kirkwood, VFA has played an instrumental role in her transition from interning at public relations and communications firms while in college, to working as a Client Success Manager at LeadiD after beginning her fellowship, to now being a data analyst at the startup. “After hearing about some friends doing structured post-grad programs like SJVC or TFA, I had found myself on the VFA site and thought that this fellowship would give me the opportunity to explore many facets of the business world that I didn’t have time to dive into during my time as an undergrad,” Kirkwood said. Her experience at the rapidly growing LeadiD, a 50person data and analytics marketing company based in the suburbs of Philadelphia, has included many new friendships, professional growth, and insight into the ups and downs of the startup world. “So far I have loved every bit of the VFA experience,” she said. “From moving to a new city with a bunch of other VFA Fellows from colleges and universities from across the country, to seeing really what makes a startup click and learning the steps and struggles a company must go through to be successful. While there might be some late nights and working from home, it has been incredible to know that the work that I do is directly affecting the company and our clients.” Moving forward, Kirkwood feels LeadiD is primed for a period of substantive growth, and looks forward to continuing her dynamic learning process. “The new skills and experiences that I have learned in just over two months are opportunities that I do not think would have been presented to me so early on in my post-grad career if it were not for VFA,” she said.

namic community it fosters post-graduation. “I feel really energized by like-minded individuals who are looking to build, and create, and learn, and also kind of enjoy the exploration aspect of doing something off the beaten path of growing,” he said. “And they are truly some of the smartest people that I’ve ever been around, and incredibly impressive, and their skill sets are wonderful,” he said. “It’s a total no brainer—I am a huge, huge diehard fan of VFA, almost as much as I am of Boston College.” Hoping to vagabond in the wake of his VFA fellowship, ultimately Klemmer looks to work for an NGO or grassroots organization in Latin America.

Dan Klemmer, BC ’14 Rhinegeist Brewery | Cincinnati

Caroline Kirkwood, BC ’15 LeadiD | Philadelphia

Monday, November 2, 2015

Although initially skeptical of VFA—an organization he considered replete with business buzzwords after having seen its table at last year’s October job fair—Muhan Zhang found that a lot of its character formation virtues and core tenets were similar to his own, having parents who both immigrated to the U.S. “What ended up really being the turning point for me in terms of applying was that I had read the book of the founder, Andrew Yang, Smart People Should Build Things … and he sounded like he was a real person, someone with a lot of values that resonated with me,” Zhang said. Now a VFA fellow stationed with Miami-

Muhan Zhang, BC ’15 Kairos | Miami

Cathryn Woodruff, BC ’15 Banza | Detroit

base d, human analy tics software company Kairos, Zhang aids in designing and developing software for human emotive and facial recognition. “I really enjoy my company now … there’s lots to learn, lots of fun things to do—I get paid for playing at a computer all day, so I really can’t complain,” he said. Following his fellowship with Kairos, Zhang wants to pursue the entrepreneurial path: “I’m definitely interested in the [entrepreneurship] route,” he said. “And you don’t have to be a founder of a company to help a new idea sail … that’s something I’d be very happy to do at the end of two years.”

For Cathryn Woodruff, food startup Banza provides a perfect mix of creativity and autonomy in the workplace. A member of BC’s most recent graduating class and a former Heights editor, Woodruff sought to get away from the rigidity she experienced during internships in more corporate settings. Although she formed an interest in working for a startup early on in her senior year, she was unsure exactly how to get involved. “I had played around with the idea of working for a startup a bit,” Woodruff said. “The problem, though, was that I didn’t feel competent. My perception of what a startup is was formed by stereotypes of tech companies in Silicon Valley, such as Facebook. As an English major with absolutely no hard skills, I felt there was no way I’d fit into that environment.” VFA, however, helped Woodruff facilitate her interest by providing a large network of entrepreneurs as well as an organization whose values aligned with her own. Joining the program after graduation, Woodruff now works in marketing and business development for the seven-person Banza in Detroit. Founded in 2014, the company focuses on reinventing staple foods in more nutritious ways. For instance, the first product is a type of pasta made through chickpeas that boasts twice the protein, four times the fiber, and half the net carbs as traditional pastas. In just over a year, the company’s product has spread to 1700 stores nationwide. Woodruff plans to continue working for Banza as part of her involvement within VFA as the company seeks to maintain and build upon its rapid growth. “Working at Banza has been such a unique and rewarding experience,” she said. “I’m a 21-year-old who just graduated from college in May, and I’m trusted to make company decisions, and move the brand forward in ways I feel are beneficial. The amount of responsibility I am encouraged to take on has been the most rewarding learning experience for me.”

9: 8CLDJ# M<EKLI@E> KFN8I; GIF;L:K@M@KP :FI@EE< ;L==P s =<8KLI<J <;@KFI DLAK898 JP<; s 8JJK% =<8KLI<J <;@KFI Following what she considered a soul-sucking internship in Midtown Manhattan prior to her senior year, Devon Sanford decided to reevaluate post-grad options. “I was really miserable, and it was kind of a reality check for me,” she said. “If I don’t want this to be my life, what do I want?” VFA provided the answer: knowing that she wanted to do impactful, socially conscious work, Sanford spoke to Dan Klemmer, current VFA fellow and BC ’14, her senior year and realized that many of the organization’s values and goals correlated with her own. Sanford, a former Heights editor, currently works for GoodCompany Ventures, a non-profit startup accelerator based in Philadelphia that provides educational services to early-stage socially- and politicallyminded entrepreneurs, and her job involves a myriad of tasks—from running communications and marketing, to organizing and networking with the alumni community and aiding in partnerships and planning. The journey here hasn’t been free of obstacles, however, as the first offer Sanford received and accepted fell through due to that company’s departure from VFA partnership and left her scrambling to reconsider her fellowship options. “That was definitely trying, but the training camp, which happened this past summer, was just extraordinary,” she said. “I was surrounded by a group of intelligent, charismatic, empathetic recent grads who were all just amazing people. [And] I feel like I’m having an impact on my company, and the work that I’m doing, I think, is really important for the Philadelphia community, as well as on a global scale.” At the conclusion of the two years, Sanford can see herself either potentially continuing in the social entrepreneurship vein or pursuing additional schooling. “Most importantly, I think that I really want to continue learning and figuring out where my needs and my skills are most valuable, and where I feel like I can have a really strong impact on the community,” she said.

Working at the newest U.S. affiliate of 43 domestic and international branches, Kate Murray is one of three individuals launching Endeavor Detroit—a nonprofit startup that aids high-impact entrepreneurs build, “scale-up,” and showcase their businesses. Initially drawn to VFA after having interned at Detroit Venture Partners following her junior year alongside two, then-current VFA fellows who encouraged that she apply, Murray was with Bedrock Real Estate Services for the first year of her fellowship before leaving for Endeavor, a company she individually brought into partnership with VFA through networking. Despite quitting her first job within her fellowship due to her desires to have a more meaningful role within a company, Murray’s VFA experience has been a good one.

Devon Sanford, BC ’15 GoodCompany Ventures | Philadelphia

Kate Murray, BC ’14 Endeavor | Detroit “Venture for America was super supportive in the process of trying to find a company, and then when Bedrock didn’t work out, helping me to find a new one that would be better,” she said. At the conclusion of her fellowship, Murray intends to work for a company focusing on international business or helping U.S. companies expand internationally. “I’m getting a lot of great experience in that from working with an international nonprofit right now, and also just by working with entrepreneurs, seeing what it takes to start a business and to scale a business,” she said. “It’s really exciting to work for a three-person company, you get to do so much more. You know, as a 23-year-old, I’m part running a company. You get a lot more hands-on experience.”

Maxwell Walters, BC ’13 Revelry | New Orleans

Sean Lane, BC ’12 Swipely | Providence As the first BC graduate to become a VFA fellow, Sean Lane played a role in the campus outreach that helped others, including Maxwell Walters, get involved with the program. Joining the organization in its second year of existence, Walters never left the first firm he worked for. Lane works for Swipely, a company founded in 2009 on the idea of improving businesses’ customer retention that has grown into a full software suite helping merchants with payment, analytics, and marketing tools. Swipely has raised a total of $40.5 million in venture capital funding, and includes industry-renowned investors such as Lowercase Capital’s Chris Sacca, Greylock’s

For Maxwell Walters, VFA’s focus on helping revitalize communities in the U.S. led to three separate assignments at startups in New Orleans, as well as continued employment in the area after his fellowship ended. A member of VFA’s third class, Walters notes that the program had less structure and organization when he went through it, which led to numerous interesting work experiences. His first role was the COO of a small business consultancy that aided entrepreneurs in developing strategic roadmaps for products. He then became the General Manager of a company seeking to raise awareness about the harmful environmental effects of plastic beads used during annual Mardi Gras festivities. His third and final stop as a VFA fellow was at a marketing startup, where he focused on telling the stories of local businesses to increase brand loyalty and drive sales. As a result of the varied experiences, Walters indicates that the fellowship seldom if ever left him in a dull moment. “The experience was an amazing roller coaster filled with every high and low you could imagine. I would absolutely do it again,” he said. “The best part for me was the safe environment that VFA built to support recent graduates taking an untraditional path. The community of fellows, the connections and the resources that VFA provides create an amazing toolkit with which to build the foundation of your career.” Having made a home out of New Orleans, Walters now works for a web development firm called Revelry that focuses on client specific applications and staff augmentation. He credits VFA with helping him learn about himself and build the foundation of his career. “VFA is about surrounding yourself with a community of people who want to build things and learning to be comfortable with risk,” he said. “The positive impact on society comes through creating opportunities by working on or leading a team trying to solve a problem.”

Reid Hoffman, and prominent angel investor Ron Conway. For most of his time as a VFA fellow, Lane worked as a Success Manager for the startup. He later transitioned to roles as a Senior Onboarding Specialist and Onboarding Manager before landing in his current position as the Manager of Onboarding and Support. Lane remains actively involved in VFA through sitting on its Alumni Board. Most recently, he relayed leadership and professional lessons he has learned though VFA in a post entitled “Managing Up,” targeted at the newest VFA fellow class of 2015.




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MICHAEL SULLIVAN I get it, Boston College football fans. This is not the situation we all thought the Eagles would be in at this point in the season. Sure, there was bound to be some sort of regression. BC had lost a lot of its misfit toys from the Frank Spaziani-era that Steve Addazio had mangled together just enough to manage two consecutive 7-6 seasons. And of course, the Eagles were helped by two of the most special players in program history: Andre Williams and Tyler Murphy. Now, the Eagles would rely on Addazio’s youthful and inexperienced recruits. Still, no one expected BC to sit at the very bottom of the ACC—I predicted another 7-5 regular season, with a worst-case scenario being 5-7. Injuries have played a huge part in the team’s slow descent to ineptitude, and you can argue that a healthy Jonathan Hilliman or even Darius Wade would’ve helped the Eagles win their games against Wake Forest, Duke, and possibly even Louisville. But at this point, the what-ifs won’t help anyone. From here on out, as Addazio admitted willfully in his press conference on Saturday, the Eagles are playing for pride. For a team that has been as beleaguered as BC has been this season, that’s not nothing. So what should we—the media, fans, coaches, and Brad Bates alike—look forward to throughout the rest of the season? Surprisingly, there’s plenty. It doesn’t mean you should necessarily spend your money on it by heading out to Alumni Stadium—I won’t say don’t do that, but I won’t trick you into doing it either—but if you want to observe from your couch by watching on the highly-esteemed ACC Digital Network, I promise you’ll be entertained … or at least intrigued. Who will step up in the secondary?: A big reason the Eagles lost against Virginia Tech is that they were down their two best cornerbacks: sophomores Kamrin Moore and Isaac Yiadom. Moore is gone for the rest of the season with a lower leg injury that required surgery, while Yiadom left midway through the game holding his right shoulder. Though both will certainly be significant pieces to BC over the next two seasons, and certainly don’t look to lose their starting positions next season based on others’ performance, the Eagles will lose safety Justin Simmons next season. Thus, it’s up to Gabriel McClary, William Harris, and Taj-Amir Torres, among BC’s other underclassman defensive backs, to prove to the coaching staff that they deserve consideration on the starting unit. Enjoy Steven Daniels while he lasts: BC’s most exciting defensive player is the biggest loss for the team among this senior class. Although defensive coordinator Don Brown’s crew will likely do just fine in replacing him, Daniels still brings a dynamism to this defense as both a pass rusher and run stopper that cannot be ignored. He’s a game changer, as he proved in his domination of Louisville’s offensive line. Soak him in, because he’ll be off for the greener pastures of the NFL (or the doldrums of regular personhood if no team can see how talented he is) in a mere three weeks. Just how good can Matt Milano be?: At early season practices, you would never find Brown spending time screaming at the defensive line or the secondary. Nope, Brown just kept shouting at the top of his mustache—er, lungs—at that linebacking corps. Well, there’s no chance he yells at them anymore, and that’s largely thanks to Milano, the team’s biggest surprise. The junior out of Orlando, Fla. has broken through the proverbial brick wall like the Kool Aid Man (or Andy Reid) announcing his presence to a group of unsuspecting and thoroughly frightened third-graders, notching a team-leading 6.5 sacks and 12.5 tackles for loss. Will Michael Walker break one of those tackles?: One of the silent benefits

See Column, B3


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The show must go on, and quite a show it was. Boston College capped off its wild week with a last minute 4-3 victory over Denver in a game unfitting for late October. Matty Gaudreau pounced on a loose puck in front of Denver’s net and buried it with 36.6 seconds left to give his team the win that could have gone to either side. But after Jeremy Bracco took his talents to Kitchener, Ontario last Wednesday, BC needed it like few other

early-season games in head coach Jerry York’s tenure. “[Colin White] got it and brought it to the front of the net and everyone went to one side,” Gaudreau explained. “I saw a lane and [the puck] was bouncing, I just came and whacked it in.” “Big goal, huge goal,” York said. “We got a bounce at the end of the game, it’s not much difference between these two teams. But we feel very excited.” After BC (5-1-0) barely fended off

See Men’s Hockey, B3


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After the game, Ed Kelly could only chuckle and say he was exhausted. A lot had happened in the game, but most importantly, the longtime head coach had just recorded his 300th career victory, as Boston College (9-6-1, 4-4 ACC) beat No. 12 Syracuse (10-52, 3-4-1 ACC) 2-1. Kelly is in his 31st season at the helm, 28 of those years at BC, and he becomes the 19th active head coach and third in the ACC to accomplish the feat.

The Eagles came out in a new look formation against the Orange. Opting out of the usual 4-1-4-1, Ed Kelly lined up his team in a fluid 3-5-2. “It was a big decision for me to make the change before the last game of the season,” Kelly said. “I said the hell with it, I think it’s right, I’m gonna do it.” To start the game, Len Zuegner controlled the middle of the backline, with Toby Ampadu and Mohammed Moro on either side. Dylan Pritchard,

See Men’s Soccer, B3



10 26


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defense bailed out its offensive and special teams miscues. Strong safety John Johnson perfectly read Michael Brewer’s first down overthrown pass to Bucky Hodges, tracking it in the end zone for a pick and the touchback. But as it has done so often this season, BC’s offense didn’t return the favor. Two plays after Johnson’s momentum-swinging interception, true freshman running back Jordan Gowins—the same player whose fumble led to Wake Forest’s only field goal in the 3-0 debacle—couldn’t hold onto the ball again. This time, it led to a scoop-and-score by linebacker Andrew Moutapuaka, and a 17-0 lead for Virginia Tech (4-5, 2-3 ACC). Just like that, a game that was still in reach for the best defense that BC (3-6, 0-6 ACC) has had in recent

Women’s hockey: Sweeping success UConn’s Elaine Chuli gave BC a fight, but she couldn’t hold back the nation’s No. 2 team..B4

memory quickly became a disastrous blowout for possibly the worst offense that the program has ever had. And with their sixth loss, the Eagles have been virtually eliminated from postseason play and can no longer control their own destiny. Their only chance of making it relies on an insufficient amount of ACC teams qualifying for a bowl, along with BC winning all three of its remaining games. Offensively, the Eagles struggled on their first two drives under soon-to-be ex-starting quarterback Troy Flutie. His only two drives—BC’s first two of the day—led solely to frustration: run, run, sack, punt on the first one; run, run, incompletion, punt on the second. At that point, head coach Steve Addazio pulled Flutie

See BC vs. Virginia Tech, B3

Women’s soccer:TyinginTallahassee The Eagles held strong in a matchup against No. 3 Florida State, forcing a 2-2 tie...B4

TU/TD...................................B2 Football...............................B2 Volleyball...............................B2



THUMBS UP FANS TAKING A STAND  The exits at Alumni Stadium were unusually crowded around halftime on Saturday following an abysmal performance by BC against Virginia Tech. While it may have had a lot more to do with the fact that Saturday was Halloween, BC Athletics got the message loud and clear: fans will not stay to watch a terrible on-field product alongside, as ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit once said, the worst college football gameday atmosphere in the country. JOHNNY WHO?  After last Friday night, Matty Gaudreau is (for now) the new top dog in his hockey-playing family. The junior netted his first goal of the season in the final minute against Denver University to seal a clutch victory for the Eagles.

THUMBS DOWN HOKIE POKIED- Once again, BC football was thoroughly dominated by a superior opponent. The Eagles’ fifth consecutive loss was their sixth loss in the ACC. BC would have to win against NC State or Syracuse to avoid going winless in conference. RIP GRANTLAND - The site was on life support ever since founder Bill Simmons was unceremoniously fired in May, but ESPN officially pulled the plug last week. Grantland was the home to a number of the most talented writers alive, and while they shouldn’t be out of work for too long, we’ll miss seeing their work each day. SEE YA - The move itself wasn’t entirely unexpected, but the timing threw everybody off. Just five games into the season, freshman Jeremy Bracco abandoned the Eagles and bolted for major juniors in Canada. As BC showed in a huge victory over Denver, the team won’t miss a player who likely never wanted to be there in the first place.


Like Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down? Follow us @HeightsSports

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Boston College field hockey honored its seniors with a Senior Day victory against Harvard on Sunday. The Ea0 Harvard gles conBoston College 5 trolled play throughout the game, opening the scoring in the fifth minute and adding goals in the 41st, 43rd, 48th, and 58th minutes to secure a 5-0 win against the Crimson in the last game of the regular season. From the beginning of the game, the Eagles maintained control over play. Their first short corner occurred in the second minute, but Crimson goalkeeper Issy Davies saved the ensuing shot. BC’s second short corner

occurred in the fourth minute, but the shot went wide left. The third time proved to be the charm for the Eagles, however, as they put one away on their third short corner of the game. Romee Stiekema assisted AshLeigh Sebia’s goal to give BC a 1-0 lead. It was Sebia’s fifth goal of the season, but it held important significance to her. “Romee’s actually my roommate, so we have a really special connection both on and off the field,” Sebia said. “So [scoring on Senior Day] was really special, and for her to have the assist was great as well.” The rest of the first half was scoreless. The Eagles still dominated, recording eight shots to the Crimson’s five. BC’s record-setting goalkeeper, senior Leah Settipane, faced her

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only real test of the half in the final minute, when she handled a shot off a short corner with ease. Harvard’s goalkeeper Davies recorded five saves in the half. BC opened the second half with energy and still dominated the game. A short corner in the 41st minute led to Sebia assisting freshman Frederique Haverhals to brace the Eagles’ lead. Two minutes later senior Kelcie Hromsin scored an unassisted goal, bringing the score to 3-0 in BC’s favor. In the 48th minute Lucy Lytle assisted Emily McCoy’s ninth goal of the season off of another short corner. 10 minutes later, senior Jacqueline Kelleher assisted Brittany Sheenan for the fifth and final goal

of the game. The Eagles outplayed the Crimson from the beginning, and in every way. They finished the game with 29 shots to Harvard’s 2. They also finished with 13 short corners to Harvard’s 2. Settipane was barely tested by the Crimson, while Davies finished with nine saves and five goals allowed. The 5-0 rout of Harvard was a total team effort with contributions from everyone, including the seniors. To Sebia, the team’s accomplishments meant more than her own. “It was even more special to have four of the seniors have a point, and Leah with the shutout,” she said. “I think that really defines us as a class, everyone contributing in their own way.”

Head coach Kelly Doton was proud of her seniors in their last home game. “Four years of the effort, energy, blood, tears and sweat they put into this program,” she said. “They got rewarded tonight. They’ll always remember their last home game.” Doton also emphasized that the Eagles will look to carry the positive momentum from the Senior Day victory into postseason play, which opens on Thursday. Doton will look to her seniors to set the example in the upcoming ACC and NCAA Tournaments. “I hope they score in the ACC and NCAA [Tournaments] as well,” she said. “We’ve been working hard in practice, fixing some things that we needed to, and come Thursday we’ll be ready for Wake Forest.”

:fe]\i\eZ\ ]f\j jgc`k X^X`ejk <X^c\j `e Gfn\i >pd 9P A@D ?@CC ?\`^_kj JkX]] Coming into Sunday’s match against Georgia Tech volleyball, Boston College hoped to register its third conference win of the season. But the Eagles, outplayed by the visiting Yellow Jackets, lost the game, dropping three of four sets. The first of these sets proved to be competitive, setting the tone for the rest of the contest. The Eagles held early leads over the Yellow Jackets, gaining 3-1 and 5-3 advantages, but the Tech team eventually edged ahead of its host. As the result of an intense scoring spree, in which the visitors wore down the Eagles with powerful spikes and crafty ball placement, the Yellow Jackets were able to score seven points to the home team’s one—giving them a 10-6 lead. However, the BC squad regrouped and whittled down the Tech team’s advantage, tying the score at 15-15. For the remainder of the

set, the two teams battled for supremacy, repeatedly exchanging the lead. Senior outside hitter Katty Workman and junior defensive specialist Madisen Lydon kept the Eagles in contention until the set’s conclusion, with the former delivering some strong volleys and the latter deftly keeping the ball in play. But, ultimately, the Yellow Jackets prevailed—winning the first set, 28-26. Though the BC squad lost the first set, the home team’s players entered the second set with a great deal of energy. On the back of Workman’s solid work, the Eagles gained an advantage over the Yellow Jackets from the outset. At one point, the team even held a four-point advantage over its opponent, 15-11. But, just as in the first set, the Tech squad stymied the BC group’s offense and keep them defensively beleaguered—bringing the set to a tie, 16-16. After the score’s leveling, and until the set’s finish, the

two squads vied for the lead. Tech’s middle blocker Sydney Wilson performed particularly well during this passage of play, causing problems for BC along the net—and tallying three consecutive kills. With her aid, the Yellow Jackets seized the second set from the Eagles’ grasp—foiling a last-ditch attempt by Workman and her teammates to win the set, 25-23. Cognizant of the Yellow Jackets’ 2-0 lead and facing defeat, the Eagles redoubled their efforts in the third set. Errors on the part of Tech, combined with strong blocking upfront and Workman’s vicious attacks, allowed BC to veer ahead of the visiting team. The home squad even secured six-point advantages during the set, once ahead by a score of 1610 and later leading by a score of 21-15. But, despite the fact that the Eagles steadily maintained the lead, the Yellow Jackets challenged them once again.

Sophomore outside hitter Ashley Askin led the Tech players in a rally against the BC squad, as the Yellow Jackets clambered to within two points of the Eagles, 24-22. However, the excellent defensive play from freshman libero Devon Michaelis—who served as Lydon’s substitute at the position—and Workman’s continued successes prevented the rally from becoming a full-on rout. The Eagles ultimately won the third set, 25-23. Though the home s quad was able to win one set against its conference opponent, the Eagles were bested in the fourth set—and the contest—by the Yellow Jackets. The final set, much like the first three, was a contentious bout. But the play of Wilson and junior outside hitter Teegan Van Gunst, who menaced BC along the net, pushed the visiting team past its host. Stif ling Workman, whose attacking had been phenomenal through the match, the Yel-

low Jackets won the set by five points, 25-20. While the result was not ideal for the BC team and its fans, certain elements of the match were positive. First and foremost, Workman continued to exhibit her offensive prowess. On the season, the senior hitter has 327 kills—having struck 24 of them on Sunday. Additionally, sophomore outside hitter Sol Calvete had a good showing. She registered 16.5 points, with 14 kills. It is also noteworthy that the Eagles did come away with one win this pa st we ekend: On Friday, at the Power Gym, the BC squad swept Clemson’s team, 3-0. Over the course of the match, the Eagles collected 41 kills and 39 assists—topping the Tigers’ numbers in these categories, 27 and 26, by respectable margins. In that game, Workman and Calvete tallied 11 kills apiece, and freshman setter Camille Oemcke notched 18 assists in the winning effort.

<X^c\j iXccp `e j\Zfe[ _Xc] kf ]fiZ\ k`\ n`k_ ËEfc\j 9P I@C<P FM<I<E; ?\`^_kj JkX]] Sometimes, the numbers do lie. Trailing 1-0 at halftime on the road against No. 3 Florida State (132-3, 6-1Boston College 2 3 ACC), Florida State 2 Boston College women’s soccer faced an uphill struggle with its two superstars nowhere to be found. McKenzie Meehan and Hayley Dowd, the Eagles’ one-two punch and soon-to-be recipients of All-ACC accolades, were muffled in the first 45 minutes by a vicious Seminole defense. Throughout the season, Florida State had only allowed two goals in the second half or overtime to opponents—both proving to be insignificant in blowout victories. The first half didn’t even produce a single shot on goal for BC (11-6-2, 5-3-2 ACC).

That’s why, when a Seminole defender coughed up the ball and allowed Dowd to beat the keeper and tie the game less than three minutes into the second half, even the Eagles looked surprised. Dowd’s 12th goal of the year shifted the momentum and the game plan for BC in its last game of the regular season. The Eagles, more than happy to draw against the nation’s leading team in RPI, dropped nearly all their players back to protect the goal and preserve the tie. Thus began the cycle of FSU scoring opportunities: shot, save, repeat. BC goalie Alexis Bryant notched eight saves during the match, and none of them were easy. When the Eagles backline held strong and managed to clear the ball, there was always a Seminole defender patiently waiting for the rebound, uncontested because of BC’s defensive-minded approach. By the end of the match, FSU had

ACC Men’s Soccer Standings 8kcXek`Z

Monday, November 2, 2015



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amounted 15 shots, 10 of them on goal, and several more deflected off the post. On the other hand, the Eagles mustered only eight total shots and one corner kick. The main reason the Eagles were so worried about another FSU goal was that, well, it would take a miracle for BC to score again. The Eagles’ worst nightmare came true when, with less than five minutes remaining in regulation, freshman midfielder Megan Connolly hit a beautiful strike to the upper left corner from just inside the box to give the ‘Noles a 2-1 lead on their Senior Night. It’s a shame that reigning ACC Player of the Week McKenzie Meehan had to spoil it. Upon resuming play after the goal, the Eagles booted the ball up field in a last-ditch effort to send the game into overtime. FSU hadn’t seen action near its goal since Dowd’s first equalizer,

Numbers to Know


and acted accordingly. The Seminole defense looked at the ball like a foreign object, hesitating on a clearance and allowing a through ball to bounce into its own 18-yard box. Dowd briefly battled for possession with two FSU defenders before going down in a heap, grabbing at her leg in extreme pain. All eyes darted toward the head referee as he jogged over to assess the scene of the crime. The whistle blew. Guilty. It wasn’t Halloween anymore, but FSU head coach Mark Krikorian looked like he had just seen a ghost. After Dowd’s teammates carried her off the field, the spotlight turned to Meehan, whose game-winner last week in overtime lifted BC over Miami in a back-and-forth shootout. Meehan showed no signs of rust, striking the penalty kick into the top right corner to tie the game at 2-2. The textbook finish was redshirt junior’s ACC-leading 16th goal of the

season and her 13th point in the last four games. The Eagles held off a seemingly never-ending Seminoles attack for two overtime periods, surviving the onslaught with help from defender Madison Meehan. While it would have been poetic for BC to end its season on a win, a double overtime draw against a powerhouse program like Florida State is by all means a victory for BC, which finishes the regular season slotted sixth in the ACC. It would be all too easy to declare the Eagles primed to deliver upsets during a potential postseason run—but let’s not forget that Meehan and Co. have yet to tally a win against a ranked opponent this year. But as much as the stats wanted to bury BC in a grave on Sunday afternoon against the defending national champions, the Eagles wanted to write their own ending. Do not count them out.

Quote of the Week

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Monday, November 2, 2015


<X^c\jË Xe\d`Z f]]\ej\ jk`cc Zi\Xk\[ nf\j `e cfjj kf M`i^`e`X K\Z_ From BC vs. Virginia Tech, B1 for John Fadule, a freshman walk-on who, as recently as last week, was on the scout team. Addazio noted that his staff planned to use both Fadule and Flutie for equal amounts of drives early in the game before going on feel for the remainder of the way. Like earlier in the season, when he switched between Flutie and Jeff Smith (who was out Saturday with a concussion), Addazio called this system a “performance-based deal.” Immediately, Fadule cashed in on that deal. He ran for 25 yards on his first collegiate play, finishing the day as the Eagles’ leading rusher with 53 net yards. “I think the energy rippled through the team a little bit,” Addazio said of Fadule’s performance. Yet that energy couldn’t translate into points. BC’s young offensive line, which now largely relies on three young starters who weren’t projected to see considerable time this season— Chris Lindstrom, Aaron Monteiro, and James Hendren—had trouble

stopping the Hokies’ pass rush. The O-Line also couldn’t open any holes for the running backs, who didn’t do themselves any favors. Myles Willis, Tyler Rouse, Sherman Alston, Richard Wilson, Bobby Wolford, and Jordan Gowins combined for 28 yards on 18 carries. Of course, a large part of that comes from BC’s predictable offense—these smart ACC defenses, many of which rank in the top 30 in the country, load up eight or nine in the box on every BC offensive set. Willis doesn’t believe that’s an excuse. “If they want to load nine in the box, that’s the same thing that [former BC running back Andre Williams] faced, and he managed to make plays,” Willis said. “I just got to figure out what I can do to get more production.” At times, you could see Addazio actually adjust and stray from his painfully conservative and predictable game plan. He went for it on fourth down, even when the game seemed out of reach—some of the conversions were successful, too. He pulled out the unbelievable from

his playbook—long passing plays!— which Fadule perfectly executed on BC’s lone touchdown drive. Nevertheless, the same excruciating play-calling appeared at times. Down 23-0 in the third quarter, deep in Virginia Tech territory with little to lose, Addazio opted for Mike Knoll to kick a field goal. Perhaps it could’ve been a confidence booster for his beleaguered kicker, who had missed one earlier in the game. But the move still elicited deafening boos from the crowd, the first time this season they were loud enough to be heard from the press box. That’s not to say the defense played a perfect game. Aside from the fumble recovery, the Hokies still scored 17 points. Travon McMillian gained 105 yards on the ground, the first 100-yard rusher the Eagles have allowed this season. Brewer picked apart a secondary down its two best men—Kamrin Moore (lower leg, out for the year) and Isaac Yiadom (right shoulder, out for the game)—for 180 yards on 15-of-21 passing. Their biggest play was also for naught,

as a forced fumble returned for a touchdown was ruled down and unreviewable on account of forward progress. In spite of that, and in spite of the fact that it often had to work with a short field and got little rest, the defense still played excellently. Matt Milano and Steven Daniels each bolstered their push for a Butkus Award nomination, rattling brains with hard hits and a sack apiece. The secondary stayed disciplined without its starters, something that can’t be said about the Hokies, who committed five pass interference penalties. And overall, as it has all season, the defense gave the offense a chance to win the game. But the offense just couldn’t match. And whether you want to blame injuries, or youth, or time management, or inexperience, the Eagles couldn’t win an ACC game—as they haven’t all season. And now, with a bowl game virtually out of the picture, their consistent shortcomings will force them to play for pride the rest of the way.


Even BC’s success in the passing game couldn’t trick Virginia Tech.

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The Eagles bailed out Thatcher Demko by scoring four goals, highlighted by Matty Gaudreau’s thrilling game winner.

a Pioneer (3-2-0, 1-1-0 NCHC) flurry in the game’s waning seconds, York’s team poured off the bench and mobbed goalie Thatcher Demko in a celebration more fitting for an April victory. Kelley Rink’s crowd was full and raucous. But nothing was more telling than York himself. York never speaks fully extemporaneously, and he wanted to say something about Bracco’s departure following the game. “We have certain non-negotiable items for our hockey team,” York said. “It’s not for everybody. There are certain standards that we’re not going to waver from. Having said that, our players took everything like I said. It’s non-negotiable, we moved on, and played very well. But again, this is a tough sport, played at a very high level, and we demand an awful lot from our players. If you’re not ready for that, then it’s not a good environment for you. “But I thought that our team, this

was our best game of the year. We’ve had four of five wins already, so things are looking very promising for us. But that was the best game we’ve played, against the best opponent, and that’s important.” He delivered his message like a stately diplomat per usual. This time it was like a diplomat in a time of crisis, and there isn’t usually much crisis for York’s Eagles. This week was as close as it gets to that, and BC responded with a win in their only game of the weekend. York’s captain, Teddy Doherty, never breaks off the company line either. The company line was different this week, and so Friday night was more than a non-conference game on Halloween weekend. “[At a captain’s meeting after Bracco left] we said, if you don’t want to be here, then you don’t wanna be here,” Doherty said. “I thought our best two practices of the year were Wednesday and Thursday, we really focused on what Denver did and his we were gonna approach this game

tonight, and I thought our team did such a great job blocking out all the distractions.” “There are pivotal parts of of your season, like coming off back to back losses or some crazy situation, and you need good leadership,” York said. In this pivotal part of BC’s season, Doherty provided that leadership and a power play goal early in the second period, giving the Eagles their first lead of the game. Denver tied it up at two later in the second on Danton Heinen’s power play snipe. The goal was Heinen’s second of the game, and he again showed that he wasn’t interested in being folly for the Bracco Revenge Tour’s opening act in the third period when he stripped Scott Savage of the puck in the corner, brought it back out and fed Will Butcher to tie the score at three with under four minutes left. Henien’s effort fell short. BC may have needed a bounce on Friday, but they definitely didn’t need Jeremy Bracco to pick up their biggest win of the year.

<[ B\ccp \Xie\[ _`j *''k_ ZXi\\i n`e fe 9:Ëj J\e`fi ;Xp From Men’s Soccer, B1 one of three seniors on the team, got the start as one of the two wing-backs in the midfield. In the formation, he and Abe Bibas on the other wing function as extra defenders when BC is without the ball. Raphael Salama and Henry Balf played in the middle behind Zeiko Lewis, with Simon Enstrom and Trevor Davock up top, side by side. Aside from the new numbers in the back, the addition of an extra striker up top was the key to the game, as Enstrom and Davock linked up with each other all game. Kelly’s decision was the right one, as the formation paid off both offensively and defensively for the Eagles in the first half. When the Orange were on the attack, they couldn’t unlock the resolute BC defense, which at times had as many as five men in the backline. Pritchard or Bibas could drop back to make five at the back, or one could drop with the other pres-

suring on the other side. On the other end, Pritchard was the catalyst for the first goal, as he played a ball into Simon Enstrom from a wide position in the 23rd minute. At the top of the box, Enstrom executed a brilliant turn, took a couple touches past defenders, and played Davock in on goal after a smart run. Davock scored with a clinical finish past the keep for his fifth goal of the year. Aside from the new numbers in the back, the addition of an extra striker up top was the key to the game, as Enstrom and Davock linked up with each other all game. Eleven minutes later, the Eagles extended the lead after a giveaway by Syracuse goalie Hendrik Hilpert. After Zeiko turned and played a through ball in the direction of Davock. Hilpert came out 25 yards to win the ball, but then dribbled towards the sideline, kicking the ball right at Enstrom. Displaying composure

and technical skill, the Swede neatly tucked a ball into the side netting from 30 out—no easy task—making it 2-0 for the Eagles. The second half was all Orange, as BC dropped back a bit and looked to spring Lewis, Enstrom, or Davock on the counterattack. The pressure built as Syracuse put in cross after cross. The visitors did manage to pull one back with less than ten minutes to play, but BC’s defense stood to the task, defending and blocking shots. Most of the credit for the win goes to goalie Alex Kapp, who fittingly put in a man of the match performance on his senior night. Standing on his head down the stretch, Kapp kept the Eagles in the lead with aggressive play, athletic saves and big clearances. Kapp had been aggressive all night, and with just three at the back, received back passes a little more than usual, but he looked in rare form, doing everything but keeping

a clean sheet. The BC keeper excelled most in the air, as Syracuse’s main line of attack came from crosses. He commanded the box well, doing well to get out and above the bigger strikers to make a number of big clearances with punches. With one minute left, Kapp provided the moment of the match. After a few blocked shots, the ball fell to a Syracuse player at the corner of the six. Kapp made a tremendous diving effort, stretching out to his left to not only make the save but keep the ball in play so one of his defenders to clear the ball. After the game, the senior handed the game ball to his coach to honor the occasion. The milestone came at the perfect time for Kelly, as it happened at home, against a tough and ranked ACC opponent, and on senior night—the final game of the regular season. “I love this place, and I’m glad it happened here,” Kelly said.


Trevor Davock and Simon Enstrom each notched goals in BC’s win over Cuse.

@] pfl cffb i\Xccp _Xi[# k_\i\ Xi\ jk`cc i\Xjfej kf nXkZ_ 9: ]ffkYXcc From Column, B1 of having Myles Willis succumb to a brief injury was discovering Walker as a prime option for returning kicks. He has added an air of explosiveness to a team ranked dead last in Explosive Drive Rate (OEx), which is measured as the number of drives that average 10 yards a play. If Walker can break a couple of tackles and bring one to the house, that’ll not only be a boost to the Eagles, who desperately need the best possible field position, but maybe he can convince Addazio to put him on punt returns, too. Can a (backup) quarterback

distinguish himself?: Trust me, I want to watch these quarterbacks even less than you do. The trio of Jeff Smith, Troy Flutie, and John Fadule has performed, by actual ACC standards, terribly. (And yes, for those of us lauding Fadule’s performance against Virginia Tech, it’s just in relation to what Smith and Flutie have done.) Now, they must perform well enough to ensure that Addazio will have a reliable enough option as a backup in the event that Wade succumbs to injury again. My only fear is that, in Addazio’s mind, they’ll do too well and will displace the soon-to-be redshirted quarterback to start the season.

BC could upset Notre Dame (theoretically): Listen, you want pride? I’ll show you pride, Steve. Go out there and upset the only ranked team left on the schedule in a ballpark that the Fighting Irish don’t deserve to win in. Fenway Park is BC’s house (by proxy). And a win against Notre Dame may hold over the anger juuuust enough to have Addazio come into next season with a clean and happy slate. Lord, show me a wide receiver!: Granted, this is largely not the fault of the wide receivers themselves as much as the play-calling. Nevertheless, it’s been hard to see which wideouts on the roster

will come in as Wade’s primary options next season. Dave Dudeck and Bobby Swigert are graduating, so it might do Addazio best to allow his younger guys get into games. Thadd Smith, Elijah Robinson, Charlie Callinan, and Drew Barksdale should all be tested as much as possible for Addazio to see what he’ll have to work with next year. If BC’s couple of quick passing-heavy drives with Fadule is any prediction of the future, they’ll have the opportunities to do it. Let’s get some practice in for the big men: As much as I love Harris Williams and his animated parents, it’s time to see what the

Eagles have in store at right guard. Addazio has already taken a step ahead by starting James Hendren, Chris Lindstrom, and Aaron Monteiro, it would do him well to see what else the offensive line has in store for next season. Prepare yourself for the malaise of rebuilding processes: Brace yourself, because it’ll get worse before it gets better. Watching a team clearly struggle will also prepare you for the men’s basketball season, as Jim Christian attempts to see what his seven freshmen can do in real game action. Though, in fairness, the way A.J. Turner, Jerome Robinson, & Co. have looked thus far in practice,

this team may be farther ahead of the rebuilding train than we had originally pegged them. Bargain your happiness now for excitement later: The more you watch losses, the more you’ll be excited for the wins. I’ve learned that through my years cheering on that baseball team from Queens. And it comes down to this: if you watch football lose enough, and are angry enough about its losses, well doggone it, you’re gonna love hockey season.

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Monday, November 2, 2015


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Home-and-home series offer an unusual opportunity for two teams to get a feel for each other, playing 120 minutes 0 Connecticut over the Boston College 4 course of two days. Boston College women’s hockey had that opportunity this weekend against the University of Connecticut. After decisively handling the Huskies (3-3-2, 0-3-0 HEA) in Chestnut Hill on Friday night, the Eagles (10-0-0, 30) once again took care of business in Storrs, Conn., on Saturday afternoon

by a score of 4-0. Saturday’s game was similar to Friday’s, offering a good glimpse into just how dominant the Eagles can be. Saturday’s game was a good road test for the Eagles against a league opponent, but the Huskies proved to be no match for BC. The first period was quiet for both teams, resulting in no goals from the Huskies or the Eagles. When the second period began, the action and the scoring really got going for the Eagles. Megan Keller was first on the board for the Eagles, recording her first of three points in the game. This goal for Keller came at the 4:42 mark off a feed from Kali Flanagan, who

had received the puck from Kenzie Kent. As the second period neared the end, the Eagles cashed in on an opportunity again, scoring their second goal of the day. This time the goal came off a power play for the Eagles at the 19:47 mark. Haley Skarupa got herself on the scoresheet, redirecting a shot off the stick of Keller. The goal put the Eagles up 2-0, giving them a comfortable lead heading into the third period. At the start of the third, the Eagles added another tally. This time the goal came off the stick of sophomore Kenzie Kent, who was set up for the goal by Alex Carpenter. Scoring once again on the power play, Kent—while

screening the UConn goalie Elaine Chuli—redirected a shot from Carpenter and put the puck right past Chuli. Keller also recorded her third point of the game on the goal by Kent. This goal allowed Eagles to grab control over the game and solidify a decisive advantage over the Huskies. Despite the commanding 3-0 lead, the scoring was not yet over for the Eagles. The Eagles’ fourth goal came off the stick of Flanagan at the 10:37 mark of the third period. Flanagan received the feed from Skarupa at the point and fired a shot past the UConn goalie. Flanagan’s goal was her third point

of the game, the second three-point effort of the sophomore’s career. “I thought our team did a nice job of staying focused through the whole game,” head coach Katie Crowley said. “Connecticut is a very physical team and we played well through that. It was a nice weekend for us, coming out with four league points as we head into two tough games against Boston University next.” A basic review of the stat sheet shows BC’s dominance. The most glaring difference for the two teams was the shot advantage that the Eagles had over the Huskies—BC outshot UConn 45 to 11. BC also dominated the faceoff circle, winning 40 out of

54 faceoffs, good for 74 percent of the game’s total. Even when it came to penalties, the Eagles were in the box one fewer time than the Huskies. Saturday afternoon’s game was an extension of several streaks for the Eagles. They continued their unbeaten season at the same time as recording their third straight shutout. In addition, Saturday marked the eighth straight time that the Eagles have defeated the Huskies. Looking forward, the effort on display from the Eagles on Saturday afternoon will need to continue and perhaps increase, even, if the Eagles really plan to achieve their ultimate goal of a national championship.

E\nb`ib Zfek`el\j _fk jki\Xb n`k_ ^fXc X^X`ejk :fee\Zk`Zlk 9P J?8EEFE B<CCP ?\`^_kj JkX]] Everyone knows Alex Carpenter, the star of Boston College women’s hockey. She scores almost every 0 Connecticut game, Boston College 4 hustling for the puck with every play. After winning the Patty Kazmaier Award last season, Carpenter has continued her dominating play. Through eight games, she has 14 goals and 22 points—both totals are second only to Northeastern’s Kendall Coyne. But as a senior, she’ll no longer suit up in the maroon and gold next season, opting instead for the red, white, and blue of the New York Riveters. Before you worry if that’ll put the Eagles in a bind, look over at Makenna Newkirk. In her first nine games for BC, the freshman has notched six goals and six assists. And her most recent goal set the ball rolling for a win against the University of Connecticut, 4-0. The game picked up quickly, with a power play that the Eagles

(9-0-0, 3-0-0 Hockey East) took advantage of within the first five minutes. After a pass from Toni Ann Miano, Andie Anastos directed the puck to Newkirk, who shot high and nailed the back of the net. The early lead benefited the Eagles, but the period did not live up to BC’s usual quick-start standards. BC has scored multiple goals in six of its first eight opening periods. The Huskies (3-2-2, 0-2-0 HEA) found new energy when Megan Keller skated to the penalty box, giving UConn a power play. They attacked Katie Burt in goal, but only took two shots and could not connect on either of them. The Eagles widened their lead during the second period, with a goal each from Haley Skarupa and Kristyn Capizzano. With the help of Dana Trivigno and Miano, Skarupa evaded the Huskies’ defenders and landed a shot in the net. Skarupa returned the favor for Capizzano soon after, shooting the puck over to Anastos. The junior center attempted the shot, but it was deflected by goalie

Elaine Chuli. Capizzano, however, slapped the rebound in between the left pipe and the goalie’s leg to put the Eagles up 3-0. BC slowed down offensively in the beginning of the third period, taking a few minutes to find a shot against UConn. Carpenter attempted to break her brief drought with a slap shot, but it missed the goal. A few minutes later, the Eagles hounded the goal, mercilessly setting up shot after shot. Eventually, Meghan Grieves short-passed the puck to Lexi Bender, who slipped the puck in. The goal came under review, but was awarded to BC. Coach Katie Crowley admired her team’s persistence leading up to the goal. “You have to attack with grit,” she said. The win against UConn marks Burt’s fourth shutout of the season. Huskies goalie Chuli saved 34 shots in the first two periods, three times the action that Burt saw on her end. Burt’s lack of saving practice during the games could potentially prove to be a weak spot for the Eagles, especially against

goal for us to start everything off,” Crowley said. Crowley will have a lot to work with in Newkirk. She has adjusted well to college play, which she credits to her teammates rather than her own talent. “Playing with Carp and Kenz, you can’t really ask for better linemates,” Newkirk said. “Getting to play with these players every day in

practice is really helping me out.” The Eagles have a long season ahead of them. They have only faced one Hockey East team ranked in the top five. But with consistently good players like Carpenter and dazzling fresh faces like Newkirk, the high level of performance that the Eagles showed against UConn is expected.

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Boston University, which is 4-0 in conference play. BC has shot almost twice as much as its opponents this season, with 379 shots to the opposition’s 193. A s for Ne wkirk , Crowle y praised the freshman for her work. “It was good that Makenna could put home a power-play

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?\`^_kj JkX]] In August, there was Darius Wade. The sophomore quarterback was supposed to be a key part of the Boston College football team’s season. Then, one bone-crunching play on a Friday night in mid-September left him with a broken left ankle and sidelined him for the rest of the season. Next, there was the combination of Jeff Smith and Troy Flutie. Both quarterbacks received opportunities to clinch the starting position. Then Smith went down with a concussion in the loss against Louisville. It seemed Flutie was the answer to the quarterback question—at least, until Smith was cleared to play again. But against Virginia Tech, there was another answer. His name is John Fadule, and he’s a freshman walk-on. Flutie playe d two dr ive s against Virginia Tech. In those two drives, he went 0-1 throwing and was sacked. For BC’s third offensive drive, Flutie stayed on the sidelines. Instead, an unfamiliar figure wearing number 14 trotted out with the offense. On his first play of the game—and of his season, and of his career—Fadule ran for 25 yards. He proved to be a legitimate threat for the rest of the game. At first, head coach Steve Addazio focused on exploiting Fadule’s rushing threat. At halftime, Fadule had one completion for 33 yards on just four attempts. By contrast, he had rushed seven times for 51 yards. The score at halftime was 20-0, Virginia Tech. In the second half, Addazio, while still calling for plenty of rushes, allowed Fadule to throw the ball more. He had seven second-half completions for 110 yards. In the fourth quarter,

Fadule threw three key passes to Elijah Robinson, Tyler Rouse, and Charlie Callinan to move the Eagles downfield. That drive ended a few plays later with a three-yard rushing touchdown from Richard Wilson. Although the Eagles lost to the Hokies 26-10, Fadule’s performance was a bright spot in the game. Just a year ago he was a senior in high school who didn’t receive any offers to play college football. Just a few months ago, he was fighting to make the team as a freshman walk-on. Just two weeks ago he was still the scout team quarterback, playing against BC’s tough defense. Saturday, he went up against an ACC foe and made big plays on the ground and in the air. To the fans, it may seem like this surprisingly good performance came out of nowhere. To his coach and teammates, however, it was no surprise. “I saw what you saw,” Addazio said. “That’s why we took him off the scout team two weeks ago. I saw him making plays against our defense.” He also revealed that Fadule got reps “little by little” even before Smith’s injury against Louisville. “[Today] he had toughness, he had confidence, he ran people over, he threw the ball, he ran the ball, he said. “It was nice to see.” Fadule’s teammates weren’t shocked by his performance, either. “He’s a guy who comes every day to practice, and you can tell it means a lot to him,” running back Myles Willis said. “I’m impressed, but I’m not surprised.” John Johnson, who logged an interception in the game, said that Fadule’s play helped energize the team on both sides of the ball. “Oh, yeah, definitely [he energized the defense],” Johnson said. “Just seeing a guy that, you know, probably thought he never had a chance to play… seeing him

out there will energize you.” Addazio also thought that the energy Fadule brought to the offense spread to the defense as well. “I think the energy rippled through the team, both sides of the ball,” he said. For Fadule, playing for BC at Alumni Stadium was a dream. An Eagles fan ever since he moved to Massachusetts, he remembers attending games when he was as young as 7 years old with his father. “If you wanted to go see a big college football game when I was younger, you’d go to BC,” he said. “I remember my dad taking me to games here. In the back of my mind, it was like, I always wanted to play at the highest possible level, and BC’s the big hometown team.” Today, after playing more than three quarters of a Division I ACC college football game, Fadule accomplished that childhood goal. The significance of this wasn’t lost on his teammates. “He really cares about this team and this University,” Willis said. At the end of the day, however, no matter how special it was or how well Fadule played, the Eagles still lost. Addazio, when asked about next week’s starting quarterback, insisted that it would be a thoughtful decision made after close review of the game tape. Fadule isn’t guaranteed to play next week by any means. But Addazio, who repeatedly emphasized the team’s youth as a possible reason for their poor performance this season, did praise his young quarterback for rising to the occasion against Virginia Tech today. “We’ve got a good group of young guys right here,” Addazio said. “You saw one of them today step up. I think these young guys are developing right now, and I saw evidence of that on the field today.”


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Monday, November 2, 2015



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Monday, September 28, 2015

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Drake and Future’s What a Time To Be Alive feels like a pipe dream for many hip-hop fans, as it unites two of the hip-hop genre’s most prolific artists in a consolidated effort while both still sit at the pinnacle of their respective careers. It feels like a new Watch the Throne. The self-acWHAT A TIME TO BE claimed ALIVE “Future Drake and Future Hendrix” of our generation and supreme master of what he calls “astronaut music,” the mixtape maestro Future has put his mark on the industry with a quick succession of trap album jabs followed by the bombastic uppercut that was his third album, DS2. Drake has not only recently weathered the barrage of insults hurled his way by Meek Mill splendidly, effectively asserting his place as musical royalty regardless of what old-school

fanatics might say. During this time he also released one of the most successful albums of the year: If You’re Reading This, It’s Too Late. He represents the quintessential rags to riches story, at least in the terms of musical success. The new collaboration serves as a victory lap for both artists and represents an outlet for their contagious energy. The effort emerged as the product of a heavily-condensed nine-day studio schedule where the two actually recorded the tracks in the presence of each other, unlike other partnerships where both artists came together only after heavy editing. Future brings back his trusted producer/ associate Metro Boomin, and, unsurprisingly, the work contains many of his distinct sounds including the evolving trap rhythms he is famous for. His autotuned rap voice is also heavily present and works, no matter what T-Pain says. Drake’s striking content, when combined with a spoken-word-like delivery, generates an entrancing experience. What a Time to Be Alive features the pair’s distinct qualities and characteristics, jelled together with a refreshing level of chemistry between the two. Both engage in what seems to be soliloquies of anguish and desperation

emanating from the difficulties of their respective lifestyles, of which they have fewer control than would be expected. Filled with exposition about their drug use, alcohol consumption, and intimate, although superficial, relations with women, it puts “the life” into perspective. The work almost feels like a split effort. Drake and Future never engage the same content wavelength until “Plastic Bag,” where they both level about the emptiness they feel when engaging with groupies, whom the artists think keep their feelings inside of the same plastic bag they keep their dope in. The trap rhythm coupled with the catchy-like-gumstuck-to-your-shoe hook sees the two at their finest. It is the double-edged type of song that both quenches the thirst of fans but leaves the throat dry, clamoring for more where more may not truly exist. “Jumpman” is the most energetic song of the bunch. It heavily relies on Drake’s fast but emotion packing delivery to catalyze and enthrall all of the senses. It is the type of song that makes you jump to your feet without knowing why, but it is not as if you care, as you are too caught up in the vibe to actually


‘What A Time To Be Alive’ exhibits the two hip-hop artists’ expertise in the genre. stop to think. The mixtape ends with two solo efforts: “Jersey” and “30 for 30 Freestyle” by Future and Drake, respectively. The former feels like a continuation of DS2, while the latter reeks of Drake but Future’s spaced-out influence still manages to seep to the surface. The album’s existence is an achievement in and of itself—its rapid production points to the undeniable work ethic of both parties. It

manages to capture with alacrity the essence of both superstars as they continue to transcend the accepted boundaries of the genre—Drake with his “emotion as art” and Future with his trap infused search for gratification to cover his inner demons. The collaboration does not reach the heights of their previous works but it does something neither had done before: it exposes to the industry one undeniable fact—they are winning.

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‘Synth Lords’ Iain Cook and Martin Doherty and vocalist Lauren Mayberry return for their second studio album, ‘Every Eye Open.’




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=fi K_\ ?\`^_kj If there has ever been a time to get into “synthpop” or “inditronica,” it’s now. Released this past Friday, CHVRCHES’ new album, Every Open Eye, brings the Scottish electro-pop band to a whole new level. Without abandoning its signature synthesizer, the band has found a way to enhance EVERY OPEN EYE Lauren CHVRCHES Mayberry’s dulcet vocals and has elevated the band’s sound to soaring heights. “Leave a Trace”—a single that was released a few days before the album—sets the tone for an unapologetic, unforgiving, and unforgettable album. With lyrics like “You think I’ll apologize for things I left behind / But you got it wrong / and I’m as sane as I ever was / You talk far too much / For someone so unkind,” the song gives the album an edge. The brilliant synth created by Mayberry, Iain Cook, and Martin Doherty gives the songs a beat and rhythm you’ll want to groove to, but Mayberry’s melodic voice and emotional lyrics often call for more than just dance. Mayberry is dropping pearls of reflection through the entire album.

In CHVRCHES’ debut studio album, The Bones of What You Believe, it focused on (and succeeded in) showcasing its talents with intriguing lyrics and a display of synth mastery. It’s clear CHVRCHES has come a long way since working together in a small basement studio in Glasgow, Ireland, both musically and personally. While the first album was for the public, it’s clear Every Open Eye— though still for the audience’s enjoyment—come s f rom a much more personal place, almost as if the band needed to get the words and music out for its own benefit. The band’s second studio album is all about emotional release and healing, about reaching a better place, and about letting go of toxic personalities. Much of the inspiration for the tracks on this album comes from Mayberry’s personal relationships and experiences, using the music as an outlet for all the things she regrets saying and the things she couldn’t say. But the album also showcases Martin Doherty’s raspy pipes in a surprise takeover of lead vocals in “Follow You,” contrasting nicely with Mayberry’s lilting harmonies. The album presents harsh emotions like anger, sorrow, and grudges in a sweet and appealing way that will lure and confuse and please the listener all at the same time. But don’t be fooled, CHVRCHES does not lose its optimism

either—with upbeat gems like “Make Them Gold” and “Clearest Blue” (another single released a few days before the album), it’s clear that the album is all about renewal, and having let all the negative emotions go, it can focus on a brighter future. The band manages to keep the poetic lyricism many other synth bands let fall away when they lend all their focus to the sound and forget about the meaning behind the words. With thought-provoking lyrics full of paradoxes, metaphors and allusions, CHVRCHES at times touches pure lyrical genius. And the perfect balance between the synth and the vocals is not just intriguing, but striking to listen to. The duality it displays is echoed in the descriptions of the band, as it has been known to give a modern aspect to songs described as reminiscent of ’80s synth pop. Drawing its influences from acts like Madonna, Depeche Mode, Prince, Eurythmics, Throbbing Gristle, and more, it’s no surprise that this band’s sound is so unique when they draw from such an eclectic mix. The band manages to weave a story of heartbreak , break-ups, breaking down, and getting back up in 11 songs. It’s a cathartic, relatable experience. It’s a breakthrough creatively for the Scottish band, and one that will probably result in a commercial one as well.





6. THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN Paula Hawkins 7. FATES AND FURIES Lauren Groof 8. X Sue Grafton 9. THE END GAME Catherine Coulter 10. THE SCAM Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg SOURCE: New York Times

K_\ Z`e\dXk`Z \]]\Zk f] Ô cd`e^ Ê[fne Yp k_\ YXebj f] k_\ I`m\i :_Xic\jË CALEB GRIEGO When watching films, we are most convinced of setting, not by a name slapped on screen, but by every subtle reference that crafts a space that lives and breaths like we do. By the stamp of a heel drifting faintly through an empty hallway, by the light of a cigarette engulfed in smoke or the jeers of a crowd spilling over the sidewalk, we are handed a piece of a place. While some places would struggle to uniquely represent themselves in a film, Boston finds no such difficulty. From the opening credits, viewers are hit with an unmistakable accent, greeted with iconic landscapes and impressed with that mental toughness only found in New England. Rich in culture and history, it takes little time for viewers to realize where they are—Boston. Bostonians exude a kind of toughness that is almost always highlighted on screen. For the most part, the most interesting people in films set in Boston

are the courageous ones: the ones who do not take no for an answer and make sure you know it, too. The most obvious representation of this Bostonian resilience found on the streets is from both the cops and the criminals. Determined in their respective pursuits, films like The Departed and The Town showcase struggles with corruption and poverty, while each group responds to their hardships with proportional hardness and determination. That kind of toughness leads to some remarkable characters who exude the kind of brash and willful personality that could have only been fostered on the streets of Southie and Charlestown. In pursuit through the narrow streets of Boston (which make for some of the tightest and suspenseful action scenes), the cacophony of cops and crooks ring harmoniously around their shared condition. The town. “You grew up here! Same rules that I did.” In contrast to the adeptness of Bostonians on the street, many films highlight the lethality of their wit as well. One can-

not speak of Boston without mentioning the universities that call her home. For this reason, intelligence, excellence, and wit have also been set as a staples of the city in film. Good Will Hunting and 21 by their very nature distinguish themselves as smart movies. The geniuses in these films, however are their most clever not in the classroom but outside, interacting with a more organic world. Blurring the lines between book smart and street smart, characters exhibit a more true-to-life person, who in their complexity becomes more believable and relatable. As a result, numerous offhand comments to friends, coupled with the caliber of their intelligence make for some of the most memorable quotes in films. Delivered with an accent or at least in the company of the city, represented by a skyline or park, characters share the air with those ideas. “Do you like apples?” One may wonder why films focus on Boston or if it is even noteworthy. Certainly Los Angeles and New York have been covered even more extensively.

While this is true, Boston is so great for film because it retains a good portion of its personality from day to day. In metropolises like LA and New York, the world has become, by way of numbers, more homogenized. In a more modestsized city like Boston, distinct cultural identity shows through more strongly. This makes the ideals demonstrated in Boston films all the more telling, as there is simply less to draw from. This is certainly appealing from a film makers standpoint. The narrow cultural breadth makes setting the scene easier. The way people talk and carry themselves, the occasional “wicked” comment or even neglected “r” make for markers, screaming to people that they are not far from the city on the Charles. This suggests that there is something unique about Boston. Films set in Boston seek to represent something present in the place and bring it to screen. The people we see on screen, however colorful and interesting, are often just mere representations or slivers of real people who made an impact. In fact, fiction,

comedy or drama, Boston shows that its ideas are poignant ones. In Black Mass, Whitey Bulger’s brutal rampage speaks volumes about his place in time as he maintained his home, at a bloody cost to those who stood against him. Mystic River capitalizes on the landscapes and the city, representing trials of youth on the streets and following men into their adulthood. The Fighter strikes hard with family and tradition, reeling in the future and forgetting the past. In some cases, these films could have been set in other areas, but the effect of their message would surely have been lessened. While other cities cling to remnants of what they once were, Boston stands strong, changing but never forgetting itself along the way. In films, from The Heat to Gone Baby Gone, Boston finds ways to shine forth. Boston is a great place for a walk. A movie. A day.

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Monday, November 2, 2015



Directed by Nick Robinson, MCAS ’16, ‘Bug’ follows the ever growing delirium of Agnes and Peter as they slide deeper and deeper into the world of imagined government conspiracies and general depression.

N\_e\i Xe[ D\\b ZXiip \dfk`feXc _\]k k_ifl^_ FbcX_fdX _fiifi j_fn From Bug, B8 broken woman in minimal contact with the bitter world that surrounds her hazy motel room. Wehner is most effective in the most emotionally charged scenes. Her skillful portrayal of Agnes’s saddening desperation and loneliness is best exemplified in the scene in which she accuses Peter of not trusting her and begs him to let her in. The pivotal moment

is artfully acted and compelling. Wehner falters slightly in scenes that are less emotionally complex and more mundane. The more casual dialogue seems too contrived at times and doesn’t quite capture the intended impact of the mundane. The audience fails to grasp the disturbing extent of Agnes’s depression and desperation in her more mundane depiction at the beginning of the show. Hence, there is somewhat of a void as she is pulled deeper and quite

easily into Peter’s delirium. The chemistry between the show’s two leads is another great aspect of the production that deserves recognition. Wehner and Meek bring out the best in each while their characters are simultaneously bringing out the worst, dragging themselves down into the depths of madness. Meek does an excellent job with the constantly creepy demeanor of Peter. His twitchy gestures, minced dialogue, and

his transition from a shy madman to a raging one are enthralling to watch. Peter seems to have all the disturbing answers to pacify Agnes’s desperate questions, and Meek does the same for the audience. His shifty portrayal of Peter constantly leaves us guessing and craving more. Meek artfully molds Peter into a creepy yet ambiguous character while also highlighting his distinctions. Although Bug may seem like a distant horror show from Oklahoma,

9fjkfe`Xej ZfdgXep Êi`j\ lgË `e Zfjkld\ From Bostonians, B8 member of the chorus succeeded in imitating a shockingly low bass line to great effect, and the audience burst into laughter and cheers as the accordingly-dressed lead singer crooned, “But I still need love ‘cause I’m just a moose.” Acappellics Anonymous ended with a mashup of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September” and “Boogie Wonderland,” ending the set on a groovy alternative to their previous, slower selections. The B.E.A.T.S., an R&B and soul group (a good portion of whom were dressed as emojis), started out by snapping out a percussion lead-in to Jazmine Sullivan’s “Fear,” a song with a deceptively relaxed-sounding but powerful sound that the group captured well. The group proceeded to perform the iconic ’80s hit “She’s a Bad Mama Jama” by Carl Carlton. To finish their set, the two performers with the most character out of the whole performance thus far came out of the woodwork to sing Usher’s “She Came to Give It to You,” one of

the night’s most entertaining songs, including a spirit-filled Nicki Minaj verse that the singer clearly loved delivering. The Bostonians finished the performance with three final songs. The first, technically a medley, combined Neil Diamond songs “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon,” “Desiree,” and crowd-pleaser “Sweet Caroline,” fronted by Paul Wagenseller, MCAS ’16, and met with enthusiastic chorus chanting from the student audience. The final song of the show featured four recent hits, R. City and Adam Levine’s “Locked Away,” Demi Lovato’s “Cool for the Summer,” OMI’s “Cheerleader,” and The Weeknd’s “Can’t Feel My Face,” respectively featuring Page, Chloe Mansour, LSOE ’17, Wagenseller, and Sam Park, MCAS ’16. But the most impressive performance of the night, and the most anticipated judging by the screams of admiration that preceded and followed for several minutes, came from Meghan McCarthy, MCAS ’17, presenting “Rise Up,” originally performed by

they start rapping. Though the video is a project by Travis Scott, Kanye’s rapping is two-thirds of it. For the bulk of that time, he repeats the song’s title—“piss on your grave.” As he spits out the words, you see liquid rolling down a dusty hill. We get it. Most heavy-handed metaphor of all time. Travis’ verses are a little more sophisticated. He raps about slavery and the modern-day, drawing parallels between how young

black people are treated now and how they were treated then. It’s substantive, but still nothing like songs that the production and beats remind you of. Its surfacelevel Black Skinhead-esque but only touches upon the issues that that are really deconstructed in Yeezus. It ends with a bird’s-eye view of Travis and Kanye staring into a giant, rectangular hole in the ground. It looks like a mass grave. The video is obviously violent, and aggressive. Given the timing of the production, it could be a symbolic

incomprehensible way. Thus, at its foundation, Bug is about individual stress and strife. It is a terrifying depiction of how even the smallest of ideas or negative experiences can infect the mind to no end, causing one to spiral out of a control that the society around us dictates that we maintain. While pulling us into the crazy world of Agnes and Peter, Robinson’s Bug also, almost surprisingly, pulls us deeper into ourselves as well.

K_\ 8Zfljk`Z Ê8m\e^\ijË From Aca, B8


The Bostonians were joined by B.E.A.T.S. and Acappellics Anonymous. Andra Day. McCarthy handled low notes, soprano notes, and incredibly high pitched notes with apparent ease. The already uplifting song, combined with her excellent

delivery, was inspiring. The sheer amount of talent and fun on display was astounding and the night ended with thunderous applause.

BXep\ N\jk dfm\j ]ifd jlYjkXeZ\ kf X\jk_\k`Zj From Kanye, B8

it is actually, at its core, a relatable storyline. The dialogue in the play, although it may seem simple and blue-collar, is meticulous. With each word we dive deeper into the profound, abused minds of the characters and eventually, we find ourselves diving into our own as well. Again, Robinson pulls the audience into his show, this time mentally. We are left connecting to these more disturbing thoughts in an

grave for the many high-profile, controversial deaths of young black men. You don’t know. Kanye started off producing beats (for Jay-Z), then moved into rapping. Though Kanye is not the only producer on the video, the quality and aesthetics of the video give off Yeezus vibes. In an interview with Paper Mag in April, he said he spends 70 percent of his energy on fashion. The majority of the focus of the video are the matching outfits and matching colors. Visuals are a huge part, more so than the weak verses

being spun by Kanye and Travis. “Piss On Your Grave” is three minutes long—31 minutes shorter than Kanye’s full-length film for “Runaway”, from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. It’s different, obviously, in other ways too. More raw, less gorgeous. Kanye is moving in a radically different direction now, and #SWISH is supposed to be “lit,” as Travis said, but right now I miss old Kanye.

Ariel shining as the prettiest princess of them all. The sophomores, dressed as the “Avengers”–Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, and Iron Man–followed them. Next, came the juniors, who very accurately represented the Flintstones with Fred, Wilma, Pebbles, Barney, and Betty. Lastly, the two seniors brought it back to current times with the phenomenon “Netflix and Chill.” The Acoustics started off strong with Christina Aguilera’s “Ain’t No Other Man.” Dominique Alba’s (CSOM ’17) strong pipes got the crowd pumped and clapping along, bringing the energy up just a notch higher. So much so that people who didn’t know each other were shouting across rows commenting on the power of her voice and jammin’ together. Then Ben Seo, LSOE ’16, dressed as “Netflix,” put his own vocal abilities to good use on Tank’s “Hope This Makes You Love Me” and, hitting some ridiculously high notes, earned a standing ovation from the entire lecture hall when he was done. Then, it was the Boston University Treblemakers’ turn, which opened up with some Beyonce and Jessie J and amazing choreography, but didn’t get to it until after being interrupted by someone dressed as the guy from Mean Girls who shouted at them “THEY DON’T EVEN GO HERE!” (which is objectively accurate, since they do go to BU after all). At one point, someone from BU (dressed as Piglet) dared question Boston College’s ability to snap, when it is well known that BC’s better than

BU at pretty much everything (snapping included), so that was not appreciated. However, her rendition of “Blame it on the Boogie” was appreciated and the Treblemakers’ dancing behind her with perfectly synced, choreographed moves made up for the assault on the rhythmic talents of BC. After the two visiting groups had finished, the show was brought back home with BC’s Dynamics, who started of with a mash-up of Destiny’s Child songs like “Soldier” and “Lose my Breath” with Sarah Zhukovin, MCAS ’18, Remy Fischer CSOM ’18, Alexa Kilroy, LSOE ’18. Then the group showcased Rhys Jamieson, MCAS ’19, with his first lead song of “Closing Time,” which was followed by “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” from Luisa Lange, MCAS ’16, which ended with a collective Judd Nelson punch in the air by almost everyone in that lecture hall. Seeing as how that classic scene from The Breakfast Club signals the end of the movie, it seems some people thought that it signaled the end of the show, and people trickled out while those “inthe-know” waited for the Acoustics to take the stage one more time. This time, the Acoustics slowed it down a little with a p owerf ul “ Taking Chances ,” and then Fred Flintstone sped it back up and killed it with a rendition of “Baba O’Riley” and some “Pinball Wizard” from The Who. While there was some disappointment over a lack of “Monster Mash,” all in all, the night was full of energy with a fun and friendly atmosphere on

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Peace Corps Visits Boston College Information Session & Application Workshop

Thursday, November 5, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Gasson 306. Choose where you want to go. Apply in one hour. Make a difference overseas as a Peace Corps Volunteer. - 855.855.1961 GRAND HUSTLE RECORDS



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When Viola Davis ascended the stage last month to accept the Emmy for her role in How to Get Away With Murder, she accepted the award not only as the first black actress to win for best actress in a drama series, but on behalf of the women of color who were limited by the large diversity gap in Hollywood. “You cannot win an Emmy for roles that are simply not there,” Davis said, before going on to thank other prominent black actresses in the entertainment industry. “So here’s to the Taraji P. Henson’s, the Kerry Washington’s, the Halle Berry’s, the Nicole Beharie’s, the Meagan Good’s, to Gabrielle Union: Thank you for taking us over that line.” Ever since the show’s inception last fall, Davis has courted both critical praise and numerous accolades for her lead role as Annalise Keating, a criminal law professor at a prestigious Philadelphia university, who helps four of her students cover up a complicated murder plot. The show itself has challenged white, heteronormative depictions of race, gender, and sexuality on prime time television. While Keating is a ruthless defense attorney who runs her law firm with an iron fist, one episode features an emotional Keating removing her wig and makeup after a draining scene, revealing her natural hair. Davis has been dismantling Eurocentric standards of beauty and exposing the marginalization of black women in the media to “mammy” roles throughout her time in the spotlight. In her acceptance speech at the People’s Choice Awards, Davis called out a New York Times article that labeled her “older, darker, and less classically beautiful” than fellow actresses Kerry Washington and Halle Berry and characterized her as an “angry black woman.” The show boasts a diverse cast with four people of color as its main leads. Alfred Enoch plays Wes Gibbons, a student who was recently admitted to the school off the waitlist. Michaela Pratt (Aja Naomi King) is a highly-ambitious lawyer who emulates Keating and dreams of one day rising above her socioeconomic status. Laurel Castillo (Karla Souza) is a shy but determined Latina student who begins an affair with Frank, one of Annalise’s defense attorneys. What the show gets right is ,rather than merely stopping at representation, HTGAWM seeks to normalize race and sexuality through authentic depictions of human experiences. In one episode, we watch as Connor Walsh (Jack Falahee) sleeps with a client’s male secretary in order to win a case. The show never shies away from realistic portrayals of gay sex—something that has normally only been attributed to heterosexual sex scenes on prime time. Rather than creating characters who embrace their own stereotypes, showrunner Shonda Rhimes and writer Peter Norwalk normalize Walsh’s sexuality. Much like Keating who operates with a shaky moral compass, Walsh is both narcissistic and manipulative, yet still possesses redeemable qualities. In the same way that Keating gives representation to marginalized racial groups, Walsh is written as a fully-developed, flawed character instead of relying purely on stereotypes. Rhimes claims that she isn’t “diversifying” television but “normalizing” it. “I really hate the word ‘diversity,’ it suggests something other. As if it is something special. Or rare,” Rhimes said in her acceptance speech at the Human Rights Campaign Gala. “As if there is something unusual about telling stories involving women and people of color and LGBTQ characters on TV.” Programming such as NBC’s Black-ish, the CW’s Jane the Virgin, and ABC’s HTGAWM are paving the way for progressive portrayals of women, LGBTQ characters, and people of color on prime time television. In the same way that producer Ryan Murphy missed the mark with Glee and Scream Queens. HTGAWM is unraveling traditional standards of beauty and giving nuance to its marginalized characters by portraying them as real people instead of relegating them to caricaturist stereotypes.

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Ê9l^Ë `j Zi\\gp Xe[ ]leep n`k_ b`e^$j`q\[ Y`k\ 9P ;<E@Q ;<D@I:@ =fi K_\ ?\`^_kj Crawling with terror, laughs, and gasps, Bug was the perfect play for Halloween weekend. Written by the great contemporary American playwright Tracy Letts, Bug predominantly takes place in the seedy motel room of Agnes White (Danielle Wehner, MCAS ’16) who numbs her misery with drugs while hiding from her violent ex-con ex-husband Jerry Goss (Ned Allen, MCAS ’16). One fateful night, Agnes’ lesbian friend RC

(Mary McCartney, MCAS ’19) introduces her to the twitchy and shy Peter Evans (played by Andrew Meek, MCAS ’18), who Agnes finds hard to resist. As Peter’s delusional obsession with government conspiracies unfolds, Agnes is eventually drawn into his incessant paranoia, and both are left slowly drifting into madness. Director Nick Robinson, MCAS ’16, effectively balances the comedic aspect of the dialogue with the play’s creepy aura. Robinson also does a superb job of reeling the audience into the paranoid atmosphere on stage, which manages

to make us itch all over. The cast is entertainingly terrifying to watch, and the actors portray their respective characters with great enthusiasm and visible craft. The supporting characters RC, Jerry, and Dr. Sweet played by McCartney, Allen, and Michael Pisaturo, LSOE ’17, respectively, are all delightful to watch and their unfortunately short presences on stage leave the audience craving more. The show’s lead Wehner conveys Agnes as a

See Bug, B7

9fjkfe`Xej# 9%<%8%KJ% `e :lj_`e^ ''( 9P 9<:BP I<@CCP =fi K_\ ?\`^_kj A dramatically-lit stage set with orange string-lights and pumpkins. Twelve phenomenal performances from three a cappella teams. A student dressed as a smiling-poop-emoji rapping Nicki Minaj. These are a few scenes from the Bostonians Halloween Invitational, in partnership with the Relay for Life Club, which occurred in Cushing 001 last Friday. The Boston College B.E.A.T.S. (Black Experience in America Through Song) and the Emerson College Acappellics Anonymous joined in for the fun as well. The costume-

clad crowd took in the the show riotously, applauding and calling out friends’ names between each set item. The Bostonians, the University’s original a capella group, kicked off the event with a three-song set. Nick Page, MCAS ’18, began with a rendition of Gavin DeGraw’s “Make a Move,” which established the group’s smiling, dancing chemistry and cohesion. Hannah Crowley, MCAS ’18, followed Page with Nikki Yanofski’s power ballad “Necessary Evil.” The group ended with the upbeat “Loving You Easy” by the Zac Brown Band, with the backtrack excellently mimicked by the Bostonian chorus members behind lead Guy Guenthner, MCAS ’17. Acappellics Anonymous took the stage next, surprisingly powerful with only nine members. Taking a different approach than the largely upbeat and excitable Bostonians, the group started with the slow, harmonious “These Words” by Natasha Bedingfield, followed by Sam Smith’s longtime chart-topper “Stay With Me.” One

See Bostonians, B7


McGuinn 121 was the spooky setting for a night of costumed a cappella on the eve of Halloween.

8Zfljk`Zj _fjk X ZXgg\ccX dXj_ 9P 8E;I<8 F:8J@F =fi K_\ ?\`^_kj For some of those who didn’t go to the hockey game, the Friday of “Halloweekend” kicked off with the Acoustics a cappella invitational. The show started a little late, but the anticipation just increased the crowd’s excitement. Seeing the other a cappella groups trickle in and sit down got the folks talking and whispering, commenting on everyone’s costumes. McGuinn 121 had been transformed from a boring lecture hall with no windows to a dark and spooky hub for musicloving monsters to bond over a shared love of

powerful voices, impressive beatboxing, and creative costumes. After 20 minutes, it was time for Acoustics to come on. The crew trotted in by class, each year dressed with a particular theme. The freshman class looked classy as Disney princesses, with a freshman boy dressed as

See Aca, B7

ÊG`jj Fe Pfli >iXm\Ë Xe[ I%@%G% kf k_\ fc[$BXep\ N\jk CAROLYN FREEMAN The weird thing about all the forest scenes in movies is how far apart the trees always are. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are lost in the Forbidden Forest and when the Twilight vampires play baseball, there always seems to be more grass than anything else. It’s like a child’s version of what a forest should be—clear ground, scattered trees, few other


plants. The forest in the new Kanye West/Travis Scott collaboration music video looks like that. The two roam around in expensive-looking khakis with so much space between them and the trees that there is no danger of unwanted dirt. It’s the constructed idea of the unknown wild. Maybe that’s the point—the video, “Piss On Your Grave,” has a Yeezusesque veneer without any of the substance. Like a fake toy forest, it seems real enough—killer production quality

and huge names—but then you see the gaps between the trees and the lack of meaning in the verses. Like any other recent Kanye production, “Piss On Your Grave” is beautifully and aggressively filmed. The video starts with Travis Scott, head down, moving mournfully in the woods. The camera pans to birds flying overhead, into the sun—get it? It’s a metaphor for moving on, or freedom, or the lack thereof, or something. Kanye shows up in a suede

Beach Slang

The Neighbourhood

The Philadelphia punk rock band unleashes an album of earnest and loud nostalgia, B6

With ‘Wiped Out,’ the group mixes genre but often lacks an honest authenticity, B6

hoodie, fully zipped to his chin. It’s a sick jacket. He and Travis, in matching tan outfits, look like fraternal twins. Mos Def hovers in the background wearing denim and a stocking over his face. It’s a cool set-up—smoke rises from their bodies and chains glitter on Travis’ neck—and the muted color scheme contrasts the violence in their words and body movements. So on the surface, all seems well. And then

See Kanye, B7

Weekend Box Office Report.........................B6 Hardcover Bestsellers....................................B6 ‘Blacklist’...........................................................B6

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