The Heights 9/26/13

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BC faces its biggest challenge yet versus No. 8 Florida State, A10

Longtime police chief Ed Davis resigns and the candidates are set in the race to replace Mayor Menino, B10

The Scene charts the transformation of Breaking Bad’s ’s main character, B1

The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College





Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vol. XCIV, No. 31

Fleming receives MacArthur Grant BY MARY ROSE FISSINGER Heights Editor In the middle of the day on Sept. 5, professor and chair of the history department Robin Fleming received a phone call. The voice on the other line began by asking, “Can you speak confidentially?” The speaker went on to inform Fleming that she had been selected as one of the 24 MacArthur Fellows for 2013 and would receive $625,000 over the next five years. “I spent the rest of the day worried that I had made it up,” Fleming said. An express letter she received the next day confirmed the phone call, however—she was the first Boston College professor ever to receive a MacArthur

“Genius” Grant. These grants are given each year to anywhere from 20 to 40 U.S. citizens or residents who demonstrate remarkable innovation, dedication, and creativity, whatever their field. Each recipient is nominated anonymously by a peer in his or her field. “It’s every academic’s dream, but nobody actually thinks they’re going to get it,” Fleming said. Fleming stressed that the credit was not all hers, and that it would have been impossible to do the work deserving of such a grant without the strong support of an incredible department behind her, or without the constant stimulation that comes with being in a vibrant intellectual atmosphere like the one at BC. She credited her colleagues, graduate stu-


dents, and undergraduates with making it easy for her to wake up every day excited about her work and the research she was doing. Although she herself has known for almost a month now that she was named as a Fellow, she was instructed not to tell anybody until yesterday. A few days after the phone call, the MacArthur Foundation sent a TV crew to BC to do an interview with Fleming and film her as she taught a graduate class. “I told all my graduate students it was for the History Channel,” she said. “But it was a big lie.” She was finally allowed to tell people at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25. “I told ALEX GAYNOR / HEIGHTS EDITOR

See Fleming, A3



Robin Fleming is the first faculty member in BC’s history to receive a MacArthur Grant.

PETA objects to BC’s use of live bald eagle at games BY ELEANOR HILDEBRANDT News Editor


BC has added 166 new student seats for men’s basketball games across the sideline opposite the team benches, while also pushing the baseline seats up to the edge of the court. Shaded areas indicate general admission seating for BC students. LINDSAY GROSSMAN / HEIGHTS EDITOR

NEW STUDENT SEATING UNVEILED Revised plan for men’s hoops announced, winter sports Gold Pass system finalized BY AUSTIN TEDESCO Heights Editor While the Boston College men’s basketball team begins work on closing a competition gap with the top ACC teams in the hopes of an NCAA Tournament bid this season, the BC athletic department has helped close another gap. The new seating plan in Conte Forum for men’s basketball games was approved by the conference yesterday afternoon, and will go into effect for the home opener against Toledo on Nov. 14. Director of Athletics Brad Bates told students last February that they would be put right on top of the court, and the plan delivers on that statement. There are 166 new seats, exclusively for students, spanning the sideline opposite the team benches, according to documents provided by the athletic department. The first 166 students in Conte for a game will receive wristbands

granting access to the six sidelines sections, which each have two rows, as well as the away hockey bench area. The seats will be directly behind one row of courtside seats available to the general public. Moving the media behind one of the baselines created space for these seats. Students who don’t arrive early enough to grab a sideline wristband are still getting a seat upgrade. The baseline seats behind the baskets remain general admission for students and have been pushed up, eliminating the wide gap between the court and the seats from previous seasons. There will be one row of courtside seats available to the general public behind the baseline as well, with students standing directly behind those seats. “Coach Donahue was a big proponent of this move and I think it will make a huge impact on our game atmosphere,” Bates said in a statement. The upcoming basketball and hockey

seasons also means that the full implications of the Gold Pass, a new student season-ticketing system which grants access to all BC sports on ID cards for $175, will go into effect. So far, 5,531 Gold Passes have been sold, and Conte Forum will hold 2,200 student seats for both major winter sports, meaning there is space for roughly 40 percent of Gold Pass holders. The 2,200 student seats make up 26 percent of the 8,606-person capacity for men’s basketball games and 28 percent of the 7,884-person capacity for men’s hockey games. This does not mean, though, that only 2,200 students will get into each game. The athletic department plans to monitor ticket sales and review data from previous years to approximate how many unsold tickets there will be from the pool for the general public. The first 2,200 students to arrive at a game will have their hands stamped, granting general admission access to the student sections, but any students who arrive after that 2,200 number reaches capacity will be handed paper tickets to specific seats unclaimed by the general public until those

See Basketball Seating, A3

This season, the Boston College football team has brought back a live bald eagle mascot for the first time since 1965, drawing ire from some animal rights groups. The athletic department is working in concert with Zoo New England and the World Bird Sanctuary to bring the eagle to home games. The new eagle, a nine-year-old male, has been present at the games against Villanova and Wake Forest. BC’s current contract with Zoo New England and the World Bird Sanctuary is for the duration of the 2013 football season, and will last through the remaining four home games. “Professional handlers from Zoo New England and the World Bird Sanctuary come to FanFest and do an educational presentation

on the eagle and the importance of protecting wildlife and endangered species,” said University Spokesman Jack Dunn. “It has proved popular with fans young and old, particularly young children, who have an opportunity to learn from the experts about the importance of wildlife conservation.” The eagle’s presence is not universally popular, however. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) denounced the use of a live mascot at the beginning of September. Lindsay Rajt, PETA’s associate director of campaigns, was quoted in a Sept. 4 Boston Magazine article expressing concern about the effect that the environment of a football game might have on the eagle. “No animal should be subjected to the strange environment, and birds can become

See PETA, A3

SA launches investigation of concert ‘disappointments’ BY ANDREW SKARAS Asst. News Editor Four days after the 2013 Fall Concert, Isaac Akers, senator, rules committee chairman, and A&S ’16, and Thomas Napoli, senator, institutional policy review vice-chairman, and A&S ’16, sponsored a resolution in the Student Assembly (SA) to establish a “2013 Fall Concert Fact-Finding Committee” (FCFFC) to investigate the Fall Concert. After being debated by the SA, the bill passed with 23 out of the 32 senators in attendance voting in favor. The resolution cites the low attendance at the concert as one of the ways that the concert “fell short of expectations.” Since the concert is not funded entirely out of the UGBC budget, but is also funded partially by ticket sales, the resolution also noted, “the low revenue for the

UGBC Fall Concert translates directly into a budget predicament for UGBC.” Due to these concerns, the committee has stated that it will “investigate the disappointments of the 2013 Fall Concert.” According to the resolution, the final goal of the hearings conducted by the FCFFC is to submit a report to the SA and the public containing a summary of what happened regarding the Fall Concert this year and recommendations to the Executive Council for planning concerts in the future. To this end, the resolution called for the subpoenaing of Matt Nacier, UGBC president and A&S ’14; Matt Alonsozana, UGBC executive vice president and A&S ’14; Braeden Lord, Executive Council aide-de-camp and A&S ’15; Denise Pyfrom, vice president of program-

See Fact-Finding Committee, A3

Healthapalooza features University’s health and safety offices BY KATHERINE MCCLURG Heights Senior Staff


Yesterday’s Healthapalooza was put on by the Office of Health Promotion outside of O’Neill.

Fo o d ta stings , chair ma ssages , meditation, and an obstacle course were just some of the activities available to the Boston College community on Wednesday, Sept. 25. The third annual “Healthapalooza” transformed O’Neill Plaza into a center for student health and safety. Sponsored by the Office of Health Promotion (OHP) in collaboration with over a dozen campus health partners, Healthapalooza serves to promote student wellness while raising awareness of the valuable health resources that exist across campus. “We want the community to know that BC values health and safety and hope this event is an opportunity to gather and connect with campus resources that will be helpful in day-

to-day life,” said Elise Tofias Phillips, director of OHP, in a statement. Organiz ations from all across campus, including Campus Recreation, BCPD, Dining Services, Campus Ministr y, Information Technology Services, The Women’s Resource Center, and many more, had booths and information at the event. The variety of participating departments exemplifies BC’s recognition of the many factors that contribute to good health and safety. Campus Ministry’s “What’s on Your Plate?” activity encouraged students to examine their metaphorical plate of physical, social, spiritual, and intellectual obligations. “Visually mapping out your life makes it easier to recognize if it’s balanced or if there are areas you need to work on,” said Campus Minister Ellen Modica. “The conversation that follows

is the most important aspect. When student s re cog ni ze imbalance we want to make sure they are aware of all the resources, in Campus Ministry and across campus, that are available to help them create a balanced life,” Modica said. He a l th ap a l o oz a a l s o l au n ch e d OHP’s new health campaign, “Nourish.” “Nourish is a healthy eating campaign intended to broaden students’ knowledge of nutrition while decreasing barriers to eating well and healthy lifestyles,” said Sarah Bender, student health coach and CSON ’14. In partnership with Dining Services, Nourish will encourage students to choose foods that will provide energy and boost productivity, in addition to fostering life-long healthy eat-

See Healthapalooza, A3





Thursday, September 26, 2013

things to do on campus this week

1 2 3 Digital Journalism

Role of Catholic Laity

Today Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Stokes S195

The Heights is hosting a panel on digital journalism as a part of its New Journalist Program. There will be speakers from The Boston Globe, The New York Times, and Maura Magazine. The panel includes ILA Journalism Fellow Maura Johnston.

Against Gay Marriage

Today Time: 7:15 p.m. Location: Robsham Theater

The School of Theology and Ministry is hosting a panel discussion about the role of the laity in Catholic teaching. The panel will include Simone Campbell, S.S.S., E.J. Dionne, Jr., Thomas H. Groome, Jane McAuliffe, and Thomas Shriver.

Today Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Cushing 001

Ryan Anderson, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, will speak at an event hosted by the Thomas More Society. Professor Pat Byrne and Ben Martin, BC ’13 and GSA&S ’14, will question him. This event’s topic has already begun to stirr controversy on campus.


Education reformer suggests steps for success BY MORGAN HEALEY For The Heights Geoffrey Canada spoke to students and faculty about education reform and the importance and imminence of change in our society, in a talk co-sponsored by Students for Education Reform, Americans for Informed Democracy, SOFC, The Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics, and the Lynch Foundation on Wednesday. Canada is president and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone in New York, which focuses on promoting youth in education, primarily through changing the foundation. “It starts at the base,” he said, which is at the academic level. This sparked his discussion about seeking change in the country’s educational system. For Canada, it all begins with educational reform. The Robsham Theater was packed as he argued his main idea, which is that change is what moves us forward as a society. According to Canada, without it, people would cease to be dynamic, successful, and ultimately happy. He focused his talk primarily on contemporary education in the U.S., but often referred to people of the past, such as Harriet Tubman, who have had an impact on this nation’s success. The focus: reform. Canada urged students and faculty to take initiative in not only their future, but also in the futures of young people, who he claimed are the lifeblood of the country. This notion was a key component of his delivery, along with personal anecdotes that included stories of stumbling blocks on the way to his individual success. “I came from the Bronx, and have experienced this firsthand.” His primary focus, though, was the


Geoffrey Canada stressed the importance of being well rounded in children’s success. importance of a college education in a young person’s life. He stressed how great an impact his undergraduate career at Bowdoin College had on his success, and that without the finetuning provided at the university level, society would be a lot less productive, passionate, and proactive, and less well rounded. “We’ve been taught to think,” Canada said, referring to the importance of his education. “But, we haven’t just been taught to pass a test. We must think critically, and see how this applies to the greater scope of our lives.” The event was well-attended, and filled with students, faculty, and staff. Many came to hear his profound yet comical manner as he discussed his life and work, both of which are dedicated to social justice and reform. This serious matter, though critical to success, was approached in a lighthearted and conversational way. “You have to be willing to fight the fight, to be prepared for the struggle,” Canada said.

“And, when things get hard … know that it’s just the beginning.” This statement captures the theme of his discussion, and carried into a brief, but indepth question-and-answer session where he responded to students. One question focused on the nature of academics and the arts during a young person’s life. To this, he replied with enthusiasm. Other questions touched upon the topics of standardized testing, and the way it’s perceived in relation to personal character and achievement. One question posed by a member of Generation Citizen, an organization whose mission is for democracy by “empowering young people to become engaged and effective citizens” was on point with Canada’s mission. “Why do standardized tests end up being so important? Are they really a good measure of future performance?” To this, Canada said that SAT testing, for example, is a poor indicator of one’s personal



Friday, September 20 9:33 p.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to a BC student who was transported to a medical facility from Conte Forum.

assistance provided to a BC student who was transported to a medical facility from Gonzaga Hall.

intoxicated BC student in Vanderslice Hall who was transported by cruiser to a medical facility.

4:12 a.m. - A report was filed regarding an actual fire in Ignacio Hall.

2:04 a.m. - A report was filed regarding the arrest of a resident of Princeton Junction, New Jersey for assault and battery on Lower Campus.

10:54 p.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to an underage intoxicated BC student who was transported by ambulance to a medical facility from Fenwick Hall.

10:36 p.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to an underage intoxicated BC student who was transported by ambulance from McElroy Commons.

Saturday, September 21

11:37 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a subject being placed into protective custody in the Cushing Hall clinic.

12:47 a.m. - A report was filed regarding an underage intoxicated BC student who was tranported from the Mods to a medical facility by ambulance. 12:53 a.m. - A report was filed regarding medical

Sunday, September 22

An administrator at the University of Florida has recently sued the university for racial discrimination when his office was merged with another and he was not given the position in charge of the new entity. According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, Dana H. Peterson, a white man who has spent 13 years helping the economically disadvantaged students at the University of Florida, argues in his lawsuit that he was not promoted in favor of “a substantially less-qualified black woman.” Additionally, he claims that the university demoted him and refused to renew his contract in retaliation for his complaint of discrimination. In a press statement, the university spokeswoman said that the university would not comment on the lawsuit. In a brief submitted to the court, the university claims that Peterson was a weaker candidate and

3:56 p.m. - A report was filed regarding the unauthorized use of an Eagle ID in Stayer Hall.

—Source: The Boston College Police Department

1:35 a.m. - A report was filed regarding an underage


ability and aptitude, and that one’s past must not get in the way of one’s future. “It really comes down to two things,” Canada said. “Grit and perseverance. These are what really allow someone to succeed.” “The question is, what are we basing this off of?” He asked why some kids persevere at the middle and high school levels, when others just give up. This resonated with many. The idea of who perseveres, Canada said, has to do with character development, and the notion of believing in one’s personal aptitude and ability for success, first and foremost. He related these comments to his colleague Paul Tough’s work, How Children Succeed. Tough will be visiting BC Oct. 9. Canada stated that children, according to Tough, are more likely to do well based on two key ingredients in their character: grit and perseverance. “Every kid should go to college,” Canada said. “This is the one thing I believe above all, is that every young person should have the benefit of a full, wellrounded, and dynamic education.” This notion of being well rounded was integral in his argument toward better academics in grade school, especially at the inner-city level. “The arts are there not only to help kids improve in other areas of their academic work, but to promote their happiness and fulfillment as individuals,” Canada said. Promise Neighborhoods, the campaign initiative started by President Obama was created based off of inspiration from Canada’s work. Canada left BC with the notion that with heart and perseverance, just about anything is possible. “Change takes time, and more importantly, stamina and perseverance.” 

that he did not have a vision for the new “Office of Academic Support.” This office combines the office for minority students with that for firstgeneration students. Peterson established the office for first-generation students in 1997 and has overseen it since then. Peterson’s lawsuit claims that the associate provost for undergraduate affairs told him that the black-alumni association had to be consulted on the hiring decision. The lawsuit also asserts that a member of the search committee for the position told Peterson “he would be perfect for the job if only he were black.” The university denied these claims. While Peterson argues that the black woman hired was less qualified, Angeleah Browdy, the woman hired, disputed this and claims that she was very qualified to be selected for the directorship. In its legal briefs, the university claims that Peterson was not rated as highly as Browdy by the search committee. 

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CORRECTIONS This correction is in reference to the issue dated Sept. 23, 2013, Vol. XCIV, No. 30. The editorial titled “Timing, price of concert resulted in low ticket sales” incorrectly attributed the idea for dedicating a concert to a social cause solely to Tim Koch, A&S ’14. In fact, both teams mentioned the idea during the campaign season.

VOICES FROM THE DUSTBOWL “What is your favorite song to sing in the shower?”

“‘Maybe’ by Janis Joplin.” —Haley Sullivan, A&S ’15

“‘Your Body is a Wonderland’ by John Mayer.” —Guy Guenthner, A&S ’17

“I don’t sing in the shower.” —Lauren Condon, CSOM ’17

“‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz.” —Ryan McNulty, A&S ’17

The Heights

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Students, profs weigh privacy versus security By Kevin Cannon For The Heights On Tuesday, Sept. 24, the Boston College Eagle Political Society met in Gasson Hall to discuss a litany of issues along the axis of privacy and national security. Among the key topics were generational expectations for privacy as well as the potential needs for this information vis-a-vis the consequences for society as a whole. Fewer than 20 people a year are killed in terrorist attacks domestically; however, it became clear from conversation participants that the current generation of BC students remain very open and permitting of government to look through our communications with the wider world. The question then posed by BC professor Peter Krause was aimed at framing the debate: “Is there a positive tradeoff in giving up varying degrees of privacy in the name of security when these concessions increasingly become rights we never get back?” BC professor Jennifer Erickson also wanted the students to understand that, especially with regard to the recent NSA spying scandal, Eric Snowden, and WikiLeaks, “intelligence gathering can be political in how it’s used and how dots are connected. In that regard, globalization has blurred the geopolitical lines, and do we really know what we’re getting in return from information monitoring?” Much of the debate among students pivoted around the Constitutional framework inasmuch as it guarantees “the right of the

people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” In the context of the 21st century and the myriad electronic forms of communication, notably email and Facebook, how then do we apply a modern interpretation to the words “papers” and “effects?” Students repeatedly voiced confidence in the current guidelines set by Congress requiring a warrant from a federal judge to further investigate potential threats derived from data mining and suspicious patterns in electronic communications. Yet many also echoed sentiments pertaining to how cyber lives of today might affect and serve to inhibit future selves. The defining realization proved that citizens could no longer have an expectation of privacy on social media, as students understood these applications are part and parcel public forums that have been increasingly populated by private information. As the discussion neared its conclusion, the crux of the argument boiled down to how we end up defining this “existential threat.” Krause urged students to contemplate the end-state of the U.S. and its people. “We know there will always be a situation in which an attack or threat exists,” he said. “But keep your eye on what you want this society to be … These people are dictating agenda and shaping a reactionary public policy. We’ve essentially become a tactical and reactive society, and in that regard we should not be pushed around by what other people are doing.” n

SA subpoenas concert plans Fact-Finding Committee, from A1

Diana Ansbacher / for the heights

Students were encouraged to test out fire extinguishers at yesterday’s Healthapalooza.

Fair promotes student health Healthapalooza, from A1 ing habits. The campaign is based on six key nutritional messages and will help students implement these changes through various programs and events. “Health coaches will lead dining hall tours to provide students with specific examples of healthy choices available in the dining halls,” Bender said. “The first lecture for Nourish is on Oct. 10, with the nutritionist for the Red Sox speaking. It’s very exciting because there will be a lot of really great events and activities related to this campaign.” One of the most notable additions to this year’s event was the “Eagle Apocalypse” disaster obstacle course at the Emergency Preparedness booth. With a $50 gift card to the Bookstore on the line, participants raced through the course consisting of simulated power outages, earthquakes, fires, and other challenges requiring skills taught at the

various booths at Healthapalooza. “September is National Preparedness Month and following the Marathon bombings last spring, we recognized the vitality of ensuring that the BC community is prepared for any emergency,” said John Tommaney, Director of the Office of Emergency Management and Preparedness. “By getting students making the obstacle course competitive and fun, but also realistic, we’ve had very active engagement. This experience is something that will stay with participants. By creating a teachable moment out of it, we are able to successfully prepare them for actual emergencies.” The importance of community in promoting health and safety at BC was prominent throughout Healthapalooza. “Improving health and safety is imperative to both individual wellbeing and strengthening the community—it can change or save a life,” Tommaney said. n

graham beck / heights editor

The bald eagle is present before home games as part of presentations on conservation.

PETA swoops in over eagle PETA, from A1 disoriented in situations like that and it can be very scary for them,” Rajt said. “PETA is reaching out to the school as we do with all colleges and professional sports teams who consider using live animals as their mascots.” The animal rights organization ramped up its efforts to stop BC from bringing the eagle to its home games this past Monday. Delcianna Winders, Director of Captive Animal Law Enforcement at PETA, sent a letter to Neil Mendelsohn—the Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Office of Law Enforcement for the Northeast Region in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service—requesting that he further investigate BC’s authorization to have a bald eagle at football games. “Parading around an eagle at games violates the letter and spirit of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA),” Winders wrote. “The Eagle Act and the MBTA prohibit possessing, transporting, and disturbing eagles. Parading a bald eagle around a football stadium filled with a screaming crowd, a marching band, and amplified sound would clearly disturb these sensitive birds.” Dunn responded to these claims, stating that the bird was under the care of an experienced handler at all times. “The eagle does not fly in the stadium and is not exposed to the risk of becoming disoriented,” he said. “The safety and wellbeing of the eagle remains the priority of all groups involved.” In her letter, Winders further alleged that the University was not legally permitted to have a bald eagle at the games. “Boston College Athletics cannot qualify for a permit to

exhibit eagles,” she said. “Instead, the program has teamed up with Zoo New England, which may possess a permit under the Eagle Act.” Winders said that under the Eagle Act, BC would not be eligible to “free-ride” under Zoo New England’s permit. “At best, Boston College Athletics is assisting Zoo New England in the exhibition of eagles, yet it is in no way under the direct control of or employed by the zoo,” Winders said. “Any contract allowing the college to molest the eagle for the purpose of promoting a sports team would therefore amount to an illegal ‘assignment or transfer’ of the permit.” Dunn countered those statements, as well. “Boston College entered into an agreement with Zoo New England and the World Bird Sanctuary to host an eagle during home football games this year, during which experienced handlers from Zoo New England and the World Bird Sanctuary have made presentations to our fans regarding the importance of wildlife conservation,” he said. “The World Bird Sanctuary has assured us that it has been issued all necessary federal and state permits to have the eagle in its possession and to display the eagle in this manner.” BC last had a live mascot from 1961-65. Named Margo—an amalgamation of “maroon” and “gold”—the previous eagle was housed at Franklin Park Zoo, a subsidiary of Zoo New England. A naming contest for the eagle is underway—members of the BC community have been encouraged to vote online. The naming options are Aquila, BosCo, Ignatius (or Iggy), Margo II, and Welles, and the winning name will be announced during the Homecoming game on Oct. 5. n

Diana Ansbacher / for the heights

BC students had the opportunity to get a professional massage in O’Neill Plaza yesterday.

ming and A&S ’14; Tim Koch, co-coordinator of concerts and A&S ’14; Melanie MacLellan, manager of on-campus programming and A&S ’14; and Michael Warren, co-coordinator of concerts and CSOM ’16. They will be required to provide written testimony regarding their “involvement in and knowledge of the planning and execution of the 2013 Fall Concert.” After the testimony is submitted this Saturday, a closed hearing will be held the following week. Both of the resolution’s sponsors, Akers and Napoli, emphasized to the SA before debate began that there needed to be an analysis of what happened, an admission of mistakes, and recommendations for the future. After debate opened on the floor, several senators questioned the sponsors, as well as Nacier and Pyfrom. Nate Schlein, senator and A&S ’14, asked about the necessity and the formality of the hearing process. Shalin Mehta, senator and CSOM ’16, questioned the qualifications of the committee members to give a formal recommendation and also questioned the necessity of the hearing. Alex Sarabia, senator, co-sponsor of the resolution, and A&S ’14, expressed that he was originally hesitant, but decided that the hearing would be beneficial. MacLellan recognized that it was important to review events after they concluded and expressed her willingness to meet with anyone who had questions, but didn’t believe that a hearing was necessary. In response to MacLellan’s comments, Ryan Polischuk, senator, co-sponsor of the resolution, and A&S ’14, stressed that the external review played an important role in understanding an event after the fact. “We can have two different kinds of reviews, which are internal and external … these are not mutually exclusive,” Polischuk said. “A robust internal review is very good—that is not to say that the Student Assembly should not have its own external review process from a different perspective. We want this to be a matter for the public record and for institutional history.” Nacier and Pyfrom also commented on the resolution. “I hope that this is done very respectfully,” Pyfrom said. “My team put in a lot of effort. Other than the number of tickets sold, this event was a success.” “It is good that we bring this up for discussion,” Nacier said. “The UGBC of yesteryear would never have done this. We are at the point where we are taking ourselves more seriously. I commend you for holding us all accountable. The success of an event is not necessarily dependent on the number of people who show up. The question of the event is not necessarily the event itself, but rather what are the budgetary effects.” Nacier also criticized some of the language in the resolution, specifically the description of the FCFFC’s duties to investigate the “disappointments of the Fall Concert.” He suggested that instead the FCFFC should look into both the successes and the failures of the Fall Concert. n

Fleming honored with ‘genius’ award Fleming, from A1 everybody I could,” she said. “I just put it on Facebook. It’s a good way to get it out.” MacArthur Grants famously come with no strings attached, meaning recipients can spend the money in any way they choose, but Fleming already has plans on how to use the money to advance the research she has been doing for some time now. A medieval historian, Fleming is particularly interested in reshaping the way that people study that time period. She hopes to deconstruct the traditional ways of viewing that era in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture of the world at the time. In order to accomplish this, she has reached out to other disciplines, particularly archaeology, because she believes adding another dimension of research to be invaluable when it comes to truly understanding the medieval times, or any subject matter.

“There’s a really big line between history and archaeology,” Fleming said. “I want to move that line, and the only way I think to do that isn’t to read archaeology or for archaeologists to read historians, but for us to actually write stuff together. Fight it out, figure out what we’re doing before we get it on the page, and I think that might help move the conversation in different ways.” She remarked that a move toward interdisciplinary study was a trend not just in her work, but in research in general and also in the curriculum at BC, noting that the proposed revisions of the core placed a much greater focus on classes that cross disciplines. “A lot of the lines between disciplines were drawn in the 18th or 19th century,” she said. “They were great lines for then, but they’re not such great lines for us, and you can just feel it if you’re an active researcher. The chemists feel it, the biologists feel it,

we feel it.” She believes that incorporating this philosophy into the undergraduate courses is essential because it distinguishes a college education from a high school education by making it not just more in-depth but also more sophisticated and cutting-edge, introducing students at a young age to the ways that the innovative thinkers of our time are approaching issues. Fleming also believes strongly that to find success like she has, the key is to focus on those things about which one is passionate. “It doesn’t matter what you study—if you’re engaged in it, you’re going to do better,” she said. “So don’t major in ‘X’ just because you think it’s going to get you a job. You’re much better off doing something that you love. And think outside the box. Say, you know I’m interested in biology and I’m interested in history, and go do something about it.” n

Athletics reveals new plan for seating, Gold Pass numbers for the fall Basketball Seating, from A1 run out. Once those pre-determined, reserved seats for students have all been taken, any remaining students trying to get into the game will be turned away at the gate. This 2,200 number will not apply to women’s basketball or women’s hockey, but instead the operations and ticket offices will determine on a game-by-game basis if a cutoff is needed. “Our students are our top priority,” Bates said. “In order for us to create the best competitive environment in the ACC and Hockey East, we must have their support. These initiatives were the result of input from student focus groups this past summer and hours of discussion and planning by our staff based on our students’ suggestions. We will continue to seek input from our students as we implement more changes in the future. We’re always open

to suggestions.” With men’s basketball and men’s hockey also comes the new process for high-demand games. A week or two prior to one of the highdemand games, the athletic department will determine the reward point total needed by a student to gain access to Conte. Athletics will then send an email to a first round of students who qualify for the game because of their point total. These students will be able to pick up a paper ticket to the game, which is irreplaceable if lost, within a certain time frame. Students can earn reward points by attending designated games for both revenue and Olympic sports and by arriving 30 minutes early to certain games. Points will also be awarded to students for attending the Homecoming pep rally next Friday night. Point totals and standings can be tracked at

There has been a significant increase in attendance at Olympic sports so far this semester with the implementation of the Gold Pass, according to the athletic department. The crowd for the BC men’s soccer game against No. 2 Notre Dame last Saturday reached Newton Campus Field’s 2,000-person capacity. A second round of ticketing will follow for high-demand games if students with the initial point requirement don’t claim all of the 2,200 paper tickets. The required reward point number for entrance will be lessened, and athletics will send an email to students with the smaller total letting them know that tickets to the game are available on a first-come first-served basis. If there are still tickets available after this second round, an email will go out to the rest of the students with Gold Passes saying they can claim the remaining tickets.

Men’s hockey against Wisconsin on Oct. 18 and against BU on Jan. 17, as well as men’s basketball against Syracuse on Jan. 13, against Duke on Feb. 8, and against Notre Dame on Feb. 14, are currently scheduled as the five high-demand games, but more may be added to the list as each team’s season goes on, depending on perceived demand. There will be Gold Pass points available for all women’s basketball games, just like football, men’s basketball, and men’s hockey, but women’s hockey will have select games with Gold Pass point availability like the fall Olympic sports. Students will not need a Gold Pass to attend these games. Student tickets for the 2014 Beanpot will also be distributed using the high-demand game process. BC student-athletes do not have Gold Passes and will not need to accumulate reward points to gain access to high-demand games.

A similar ratio of Gold Passes to the total student body has been set to match tickets available to the total number of studentathletes. Athletes can claim these tickets, for regular or high-demand games, on a firstcome, first-served basis. They will wait in the same lines as the rest of the student body with similar access to wristbands for the 166 sideline basketball seats. Although studentathletes have access to the student section, the space saved for them is not counted in 2,200 total. The 2,200 general admission seat total is only for members of the student body with Gold Passes. In previous seasons, student season ticket packages have not included games over the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring breaks. That has changed in 2013-14, as the Gold Pass will work for the three men’s hockey and two men’s basketball games during these breaks. n

The Heights


Monday, September 26, 2013

BC students take a dive into education

German Engineering

By Caroline Kirkwood For The Heights

Daniel Lee Let’s take a break. I’m going to write about coffee after those more serious political topics these past few weeks. I’ve always believed that my presence and the purpose of my student visa to the U.S. is to provide international perspectives to American students. So I’ll probably pick another international or political topic next week… although I was told my writings were irrelevant to Boston College or too political. Don’t get me wrong, though. As the world trades coffee beans the most after crude oil, I take coffee very seriously, enough to dislike Starbucks. (Well, I do like their white chocolate mocha, but I have to say their espresso is not the best you can drink). Before I learned how to make my own espresso, I was in love with the Chocolate Bar—I lived there on the third floor of McElroy. I liked the Peet’s coffee as much as the workspace the Chocolate Bar provided. Getting a soy hazelnut latte at 7:40 p.m. before the Chocolate Bar closed was an important part of my daily schedule. When I missed it, I suffered from sleepiness at Bapst. When I made it, I suffered from the shakiness of caffeine overdose during finals. I surely didn’t know how to drink coffee, and didn’t think about coffee as more than a caffeine pill. Everything changed on Sunday, June 12, 2011 in Tempelhof, Berlin. (Yes, I kept the date—it was a big deal.) In the morning, I got to try my first espresso that my German host made with his espresso machine. Knowing I hadn’t drunk coffee much, he only said, “try,” when I looked into the tiny little white espresso cup. And, the brownblack coffee was amazing—it was surprising, I couldn’t find any bitterness without sugar. Instead, the espresso was full of inexplicable flavors in the absence of bitterness. When he saw my eyes wide open, he said, “American coffee, you drink it when you are thirsty. But, European coffee is different. It changes your mind.” The flavors were quite unforgettable. I was almost anxious I wouldn’t be able to have the taste back in the States, so I talked to a couple of Germans to learn more about espresso so that I could make my own coffee at BC. Other than getting a good espresso machine and grinder at reasonable prices, all of my German coffee masters repeatedly reminded me to focus when I’m making a cup of espresso. To Europeans, a cup of espresso wasn’t just a drink to wake up in the morning. It was more like engineering than art—perhaps because I learned from Germans. Here are the steps I must pay close attention to: choosing quality beans, coffee bean management, fineness of grinding, pre-heating the machine, the cup, the portafilter, tamping, the temperature of the water, pressure of the machine, and the color of espresso from the beginning to crema. I saw my host dumping his espresso into the sink when he sort of “screwed up” the process. He added: “There are around 800 flavors in a cup of espresso. It’s the flavor, not caffeine, that keeps you awake. (In fact, espresso contains less caffeine than the coffee brewed longer than 30 seconds.) So you have to focus when you make an espresso.” From my second time abroad in Germany last semester, I learned about cappuccino from Italians, the inventors of my two favorite coffees: espresso macchiato and cappuccino. For Italians, coffee is more of a creative art than engineering in their daily lives. Their daily coffees represent the time of the day: espresso macchiato for morning, cappuccino for lunch, and espresso or wine for dinner. I was honored to learn this original culture of European coffees from the “inventors.” All this may sound fancy for us, who are only used to the corporate coffees, but homemade or cafe coffee is only a part of daily life for Europeans, and espresso became a part of my day. Each cup of my Illy coffee (Arabica) costs less than a dollar, after a large investment in the machines my sophomore year. The marginal cost of not buying school coffees easily met the fixed cost of the machines before the year ended. Everything depends on how you find it enjoyable at reasonable price.

Daniel Lee is a senior staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at

Sultana suban-sumner / Heights staff

Jere Doyle, entrepreneur and BC ’87, spoke this Tuesday at The Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics series.

Alum offers global perspective By Brandon Stone For The Heights This Tuesday, the Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics: Lunch with a Leader series featured Jere Doyle, a Boston College alumnus from the class of 1987 and vice president of the Boston College Alumni Association. Doyle has spent his career as a successful entrepreneur, building two companies, Global Marketing and Prospective, from the start-up phase into highly profitable businesses. Currently, Doyle leads Doyle Enterprises, an advisory and consulting firm. The lunch took place at noon in the Fulton Honors Library. There, Doyle spoke to the attendees about his own career, from his time as an undergraduate to today, as well as enumerating and discussing his “Five P’s,” a set of guiding principles he has applied to both his business and personal life. Before discussing the beginnings of his own career, Doyle noted one of the major changes to the business world since he was an undergraduate. “Twenty-five years ago, nobody knew what an entrepreneur was,” he said. Unlike many of his classmates, Doyle was not enamored with a career at a larger firm, despite the security it might offer, and began his career with a summer job in Spain at Global Perspectives, a start-up that marketed hotels and condominiums to tourists in the Canary Islands. Despite a rocky start

to his time in Spain, Doyle came to develop a passion for the work and the company, and returned to Spain, as the firm’s marketing chief, after graduating BC. After coming back to the U.S. to earn his M.B.A from Harvard Business School, Doyle returned to Spain once more, this time as Global Perspective’s top corporate officer. Finally, in 1997, Doyle brought Global Marketing to a successful sale. One year later, Doyle launched Prospectiv, a firm that worked to connect companies with customers online. Despite starting the firm on the eve of the Dot Com Bubble burst, Doyle managed to once again build a financially successful firm, and headed Prospectiv until he sold it in 2012 to Affinion Group. After relaying the highs and lows of his career, Doyle took the opportunity to describe his set of core principles: the Five P’s (a play on The Marketing Mix, a well known marketing model also known as “The Four P’s). The five P’s are passion, persistence, patience, principals, and pride. In discussing passion, Doyle posed, and then answered his own question: “How do you figure out what you’re passionate about?” Doyle began by noting that it was surprising how many people there are who never figure out what they are passionate about. Moreover, he continued, if you find that you are not passionate about your job, you should find something else. To first

discover what you are passionate about, however, “think about who you admire. Think about who you like to hang out with. Then think about what those people do. You’ll find that pretty often, you’re going to be passionate about similar things.” Turning next to persistence, Doyle likened most people’s careers to pushing a big ball up a hill—it is going to be a difficult and long journey. In fact, said Doyle, “I believe that persistence is the most important quality in determining that a career will be successful.” On the other hand, Doyle continued, patience is also important. Careers are going to be long journeys, so you should try and enjoy them. Accept that it will take a long time, and make the most of it that you can. Doyle described each person’s set of principles as his or her inner brand. Everyone needs to ask themselves what principles they stand for. Doyle described his own as including giving forward, staying true to self and remaining accountable, particularly when he has made an error. Lastly, Doyle touched on pride, asking everyone in attendance what they wanted to be proud of. “You need to ask yourselves what you want people to think about you. I want people to think I’m a great entrepreneur. I’m most proud to have built two great companies.” n

On Saturday, Nov. 17, Boston College will be overtaken by BC Splash when high school students arrive on campus to take academic classes with a creative twist taught by our own undergraduate student population. BC Splash offers undergraduate students the opportunity to organize and teach a class to local high school students in whatever area they are passionate about. Classes in past years included “How to Sing Along to the Radio…with Style” and “The Dating Game: The Mathematics of Love.” In the seventh BC Splash, the program is taking on a new goal of ensuring that classes are intellectual stimulating along with being creative. “We have a new part of our mission,” said Annie Meyer, a Spla sh Dire ctor and A&S ‘14. “We encourage people to teach whatever they want. This time though, we are balancing academics with creativity with each class.” Splash has always prided itself in the diversity of the over-100 classes it offers. However, Splash is aiming to create a more well-rounded catalog of classes this year, teaching academic subjects like history, math, sociology, and science with a creative twist. “We want to break the dichotomy of really academic classes and really creative classes,” said Tom Kelly, a Splash Director and A&S ’14. Registration for students thinking about become a Splash teacher is open from now until Oct.14, and students are encouraged to combine their academic passions with their creativity when thinking about a possible class idea. “BC students tend to be very passionate about what they are doing here,” Meyer said. Most kids like their major and like what they are doing here. I want

our teachers to base their classes off of those experiences.” The other new mission of Splash this fall is figuring out how to get a wider pool of high school students involved with BC Splash. Meyer said that in the past, “The way that we reach out to high schools is emailing guidance counselors and administrators.” This has not always proved the most ef fe ctive mo de of communication. “ The difficulty is getting our email to the right person at the right time,” Kelly said. “It is often lost in the shuffle.” “ Th e r e i s s o mu c h h i g h school student potential that is lacking,” Meyer said. “Because we are only getting five to 10 students from each school the word is not getting to the right people to spread the word about BC Splash.” This year, Splash is beginning to look into which high schools particularly close to BC have come to Splash in the past, but have had low student attendance. Splash directors are hoping to go into these schools and meet with guidance counselors and teachers face-to-face to build relationships and awareness about BC Splash. It is this untapped potential in student attendance that Splash wants to capture this year. Splash often has more classes and teachers than high school students attending the program, as cclassrooms are often under-filled. “The high school student bodies in this area are huge and there are so many students around the are a who could be at BC Splash but are not,” Kelly said. The directors are hoping to make BC Splash a presence in the local community. They want high school students to be aware of this unique experience, as BC students are excited about teaching their passions to students eager to learn. n

James Wood talks life, death, and the fictional genre By Soo Jong Rhee For The Heights “When his friend read his book, she was so enraged that she threw the book out the windowpane and broke the window,” the presenter said. “So it’s obviously dangerous to read James’ books because he leaves you full of questions, passions, and thoughts.” The remarks of the opening speaker evoked laughter from the audience who gathered at Gasson Hall Wednesday evening to attend a lecture by James Wood titled “Why? Fiction and the biggest question.” A current book critic at The New Yorker and Practice of Literary Criticism professor at Harvard, Wood started his speech with a story about attending the memorial service of a man he didn’t know. Struck with the realization that people lack the ability to see the whole of life, he later wrestled with the uncomfortable questions of “Why do people die? And since they die, why do they live?” Wood introduced a quote from Virginia Woolf ’s novel To the Lighthouse in which Mrs. Ramsay dies, and the question “Why was it so short, why was it so inexplicable?” is raised. Then, he switched to his own autobiographical story, stating how much of a religious household he was raised in and how his anguish about death was keen as he was taught about God’s incomprehensible ways. “Literature is an analogical version within which lies were being used to protect meaningful truth,” Wood said. “It is an utterly free space where anything might be thought.” He mentioned how blasphemous and erotic some literary materials can be, and compared a fictional world to an experiment with untestable data where both proximity and distance from the religious text coexist. “Fiction

has freedom not to believe,” he said. “Fiction moves between secular and religious modes.” “Fiction is a secular version of liturgical hospitality,” Wood said. According to him, it provides a formal insight into life from beginning to end by juxtaposing growth and death, scope and brevity. The characters of the fictional work live or die under the watchful eyes of the novelists and readers who inter vene or withdraw from the story. To f u r t h e r a d d r e s s t h e “Why?” question, Wood introduced a novel The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald, explaining the character Fritz and his lover Sophie and the plot of the story. He repeated the final passage of the book in which Fitzgerald indifferently describes how the abrupt end of each character who seemed to be enjoying an ongoing life comes about on specific dates and years. “It almost sounds like a family game of musical chairs,” Wood said. He pointed out that the novel demonstrated one quality of fiction by rescuing private moments that history cannot and will not recall. Similar to how there are no accidental deaths in the Bible, there are no unintended deaths in fiction because characters are made to die by the novelist’s will. Wood concluded his one-hour lecture by coming full circle to his anecdote of the memorial service where death eventually becomes an event of the past. Questions were asked afterwards, and students as well as the public were given an opportunity to ask Wood about his opinions. When asked for advice for those who wish to pursue writing as a career, he emphasized creative impulse along with tireless reading and studying . “Read ever ything , study it, pull it apart, recite it, and try to write it,” he said.

He also suggested not writing too much about fiction. As an answer to the second question ab out dif ference s b e twe en a writer and a journalist, he pointed out his logic behind reading both weak and strong book s . The y both give him something to consider–If it worked, then why? If it didn’t, why not? Questions about the relationship between novels and poetry and the current trend of contemporary novels spurred him to refer back to his lecture. He explained that writers are interested in getting us to think about our own lives as closure, and fiction constantly reminds us of this uneasy privilege by

expanding instances and running life scenes longer than they actually are. He ended the session by jokingly presenting his dilemma of reading other fictional works and comparing them with his current novel in-progress. With insightful observations about fiction and the big question of why and how fiction work s , Wo o d made a clear connection between fiction and reality. Fiction provides a free arena where life, death and other human phenomena are examined, but it also mirrors how people live and suggests how they should spend every moment of their lives before facing death. n

Juseub Yoon / for the heights

Wood speaks with Boston College students after the lecture.

CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

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Directions: The Sudoku is played over a 9x9 grid. In each row there are 9 slots, some of which are empty and need to be filled. Each row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 to 9. You must follow these rules: · Number can appear only once in each row · Number can appear only once in each column · Number can appear only once in each 3x3 box · The number should appear only once on row, column or area.

The Heights The Heights

A5 A5

The Heights


Fleming’s ‘genius’ reflects BC’s growing success The first BC professor to be a MacArthur Fellow, Fleming garners attention for BC as a research institution This month, professor and chair of the history department Robin Fleming became the first Boston College professor in the history of the University to be named a MacArthur Fellow—one of the premier academic awards in existence. The title comes with an unrestricted $625,000 grant and immense prestige, not only for Fleming but the history department and the entire University, as well. Fleming is one of only 24 recipients this year, and her selection serves as a reminder of the important, cutting-edge research that is being done every day on the BC campus in disciplines that often fly under the radar. The grant money will allow Fleming to grow her innovation and the scope of her research, and in doing so expose the undergraduates with whom she works closely every day to some of the most original research being done today.

Fleming has made a point to stress that the vibrant intellectual environment provided by BC was integral to her success. Her colleagues and her students, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels, continually help her see her research in new light and keep her curious and enthusiastic about her work. Her sentiments speak to the fact that BC is, in many ways, a single integrated academic machine, and the success of one of its members is a reflection of the community of which they are a part. The interdisciplinary nature of her work is also a testament to this unity, and the innovative ways in which she has combined history and archaeology can serve as an example of the many possible combinations of fields as BC continues the process of reorganizing the core into a more interdisciplinary experience.

Athletics continues to improve fan experience The reconfigured student section in Conte, along with the Gold Pass, promotes a broader fan culture Boston College Director of Athletics Brad Bates has delivered on another promise with the finalization of the new seating plan for men’s basketball at Conte Forum for the upcoming season. The move to push students closer to the court and add student seats on the sideline is a welcome one, and it comes at the right time. The team is coming off of a promising 2012-13 season and returns all of its core players as the Eagles push for their first NCAA Tournament bid since 2009. This new seating arrangement should help boost student attendance at basketball games, which has been exceptionally low for the past few years. The early success of the Gold Pass also makes this an auspicious decision by the athletic department. More than 5,500 students have purchased Gold Passes so far, several hundred more than the number of football season tickets sold last season, according to BC Athletics. Along with two packed home football games to open the year, BC’s Olympic fall sports like soccer and field hockey have also seen a welcome increase in attendance, as students try to accrue reward points for high-demand men’s hockey and basketball games. Although some students may complain that the $175 Gold Pass doesn’t guarantee admission to even the games

that aren’t deemed high-demand, these concerns don’t outweigh the significant positives of the new ticketing system. The students that arrive earliest or earn the most reward points will make it into Conte, and if some students are turned away they should understand that this just means they need to show up earlier or find a way to earn more points. Filling out the student section to capacity is never a bad thing, and Athletics’ plan to provide unsold non-student tickets to students with Gold Passes should help with that cause. BC Athletics has found a way to create more demand for its events, beginning to foster a culture of widespread BC sports fandom rather than a narrow hockey or football-centric culture. The athletic department has also made it easier and more appealing to attend games, especially with the removal of print-at-home ticketing. The 5,500 students with the Gold Pass should take advantage of the new system by maximizing as many of the opportunities provided as possible, while understanding that there may be hiccups during the program’s first year. Athletics has done an admirable job of communicating the expectations and Gold Pass policies for games this season, and has also set up a system where the most deserving and dedicated fans are rewarded for their support.

Canada serves as symbol of social justice mission Harlem Children’s Zone founder Geoffrey Canada is a role model for those interested in education reform Yesterday, the Boston College community welcomed educational reformer Geoffrey Canada to campus to speak at the event “Everyone is a Stakeholder in Education,” sponsored by Americans for Informed Democracy, Students for Educational Reform, SOFC, The Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics, and The Lynch Foundation. The wide range of student organizations that participated in organizing and planning this event speaks to the impact it made upon students in attendance and the BC community. Creator of the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ) Project, Canada is a prominent figure in the realm of education reform. A strong supporter of the right to an education, Canada exemplifies the social justice mission of BC. His goal in creating HCZ was to nurture underprivileged children and empower them through support with educational resources, providing them with the tools that they need to get into college and advance their futures. His life’s mission of empowerment through education speaks to many

issues that BC students have encountered in volunteer placements such as PULSE and 4Boston, as well as teaching practicums across the Boston area. In Canada, many students can see a true leader of the educational reform movement dedicated to issues often discussed and addressed at BC. His dedication to inner-city education and his plans for improving it could also make him a positive role model for many students who might be considering a career in teaching or post-graduate programs like Teach for America. BC students have the privilege of access to a premier educational experience, and hearing about the projects and missions of reformers like Canada is a constant reminder of the opportunity that students possess by virtue of attending a school like BC. An education truly becomes valuable when one can give away the lessons one has gained to others. By internalizing the life mission of educational reformers like Canada, BC students can gain a deeper understanding of the true meaning of social justice for all.



The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919 David Cote, Editor-in-Chief Jamie Ciocon, General Manager Joseph Castlen, Managing Editor


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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letters to the Editor The following letter is in response to “CSOM hinders finance-inclined” by Stephen Sikora, originally published on 9/23/13:

CSOM supports and promotes liberal arts, but can do more

I am grateful to Stephen Sikora for opening up an important discussion of the academic preparation needed for a career in finance. In these pages on Sept. 22, Sikora related the view that courses in finance are hardly the only way to prepare for such a career, and that other disciplines—in the arts and sciences—are especially valuable in this pursuit. I agree. A student who seeks to enter any area of management or the professions does need to somehow carve out a specialty in the chosen field. That’s a given, in my view. But students today are realizing that they must also gain a far wider grasp of the world. They should develop the capabilities needed to engage that world—which include knowing how to think broadly and creatively, analyze deeply, and communicate well. These are qualities enhanced with exposure to the liberal arts. It seems the main thrust of Sikora’s column (“CSOM Hinders Finance-Inclined”) is that the Carroll School presents roadblocks to students trying to shape their education in this way. Actually, the school has been clearing these obstacles while making sure students are able to achieve the management expertise they need. In fall 2012, we launched a revised core curriculum of the Carroll School—one of the most extensive restructuring of that curriculum in more than three decades. We did so out of the belief that undergraduate business education is best understood as a blend of management education and liberal arts learning. And we made it easier for students to delve deeply into fields of study in A&S. In his article, Sikora pointed to the importance of academic areas such as economics, statistics, and math, in paving the way for a finance career. He questioned whether it should be necessary for him to take a class in Organiza-

tional Behavior, which is part of the Carroll core. And he suggested that he would find greater benefit in psychology, English, political science, and similar disciplines. Those are all fair points, but I don’t think the Carroll School curriculum poses an obstacle to students who feel this way. For example, our students are able to opt out of one or two of our core requirements if they declare a minor or major in A&S. So, a finance student with a math major can leave aside Organizational Behavior and Operations Management; those minoring in an A&S discipline can pass up one Carroll core requirement. Regardless of major or minor, our students are not simply invited but required to take 12 credits in A&S, under our revised core. And every freshman must also take Portico, a three-credit course in the Carroll School that focuses largely on ethical concerns. All that adds up to what I see as a significant engagement with the liberal arts. But I do agree that more needs to be done along these lines. At the Carroll School, we’re looking for more ways of allowing and encouraging our students to explore their passions in studies at A&S. Likewise, I and our undergraduate dean, Richard Keeley, together with A&S Dean David Quigley, are discussing how we could further open up Carroll School courses to A&S students. I believe strongly that the liberal arts form the heart of Boston College’s undergraduate experience—across schools and majors—and I believe just as strongly in a core curriculum for all undergraduates. I see the Carroll School as playing an important though essentially supportive role in the liberal arts mission of this University. Andy Boynton Dean of the Carroll School of Management

UGBC is of and for the BC student body Contrary to popular belief, members of UGBC aren’t an elitist clique. We are the students that sit behind you in class, hold the door for you when you’re 20 feet away, eat mozzarella sticks with you at Late Night, cram for finals with you in Bapst, cheer with you at Alumni Stadium, and celebrate with you in the Mods. In other words, we’re part of the same BC community as you. The opening line of the UGBC Constitution outlines our mission: “To serve the Undergraduate Student Government at Boston College (UGBC) as an advocate, a unified voice for students’ interests and a representative body to the larger Boston College community.” Although it may sometimes appear that we are separate from the “larger Boston College community,” we are not. I am concerned with the efforts of individuals within our community to create a divide between UGBC and the larger BC community. I am here to remind you that we are not an isolated entity; we are all part of that same community. We are your peers. Effective student governments are ones that have the backing of the student body. I therefore ask that you give us this year to prove to you that we are one BC community; that we are listening to your concerns; and that we are trying our best to better your BC experience. This is a huge undertaking, but it can and will be done. We restructured the government to better advocate for the student body. There have been some hiccups along the way, but that shouldn’t overshadow the progress we’ve

made. The Student Assembly recently passed resolutions that allow any student to inquire how his or her money is being spent; Programming’s Annual Boat Cruise received stellar reviews and it is responsible for the return of Homecoming; Student Organizations recently streamlined the process to become a registered student organization; Diversity and Inclusion recently established the GLBTQ Undergraduate Society; Finance recently released the most transparent budget in UGBC’s history; and Student Initiatives recently agreed to undertake projects that range from online initiatives to updating Transloc to gender empowerment. Notice my deliberate use of the word “recent” in the previous paragraph: UGBC accomplished all of that (and much, much more) between Sept. 1 and today. Sure, it is easy to focus on the controversy regarding the Fall Concert and the stipends UGBC’s executives receive; however, that is not a reason to create a divide. We know we have to work for your trust, but I ask that you support us as we try to better both the larger BC community and ourselves. We aren’t perfect and we make mistakes, but we will learn from those mistakes. I’ll end by repeating my plea: let’s remember that we are part of the same community and let’s be united in our efforts to live by BC’s creed “Ever to Excel.” Chris Marchese President Pro Tempore, Student Assembly A&S ’15

Allies must show Anderson that gay marriage is inevitable Tonight, the Saint Thomas More Society of Boston College is hosting a presentation by Ryan T. Anderson entitled “The Case Against Gay Marriage.” It has generated a lot of buzz, both because of its controversial viewpoint, and because there will be no one speaking in opposition. Professor Pat Byrne and student Ben Martin will both question him afterward, and then it will be opened up to audience Q&A. I have no issue with BC allowing the talk to take place, as I strongly believe that the Saint Thomas More Society should be able to bring in a speaker on a controversial issue without having their freedom of speech restricted. In fact, I would hope that BC would extend this same tolerance for opinion if a group ever brings in a speaker arguing for the legality of gay marriage. However, I do wish that the organizers of the event had invited a speaker who would offer opposition to Mr. Anderson’s arguments. I am writing this letter to express why I find the event so disappointing, and to explain how the students of BC can offer respectful opposition. Like many LGBTQ youth, my home was never much of a home for me. I grew up listening to all those who told me I was less than; that my feelings were dirty. When I came to BC it helped me come into my own and love myself for who I am. BC is far from perfect, but it’s where I feel the safest and most like myself. It has, in many ways, become my surrogate home. So my first reaction upon reading the announcement for this presentation was immense disheartenment. I hate to think that enough of my fellow classmates at BC, my home, are so strongly against gay marriage that they organized an event to argue why I should be prevented from marrying someone I love. Recently, I had begun to hope that I was done pretending anti-gay arguments had enough validity to deserve a reply. But once a prestigious university like BC puts its seal of approval on an event, it gains a level of legitimacy, and thus requires a response. I am so tired of having to defend something about

myself that I can’t change. Exhausted with trying to explain that who I love has zero effect on someone else’s relationships. Done with feeling like my love is secondclass. For the most part, people my age no longer take seriously claims that gay marriage will tear apart the fabric of society or destroy the institution of marriage. I will listen politely to people who make those arguments and make an effort to dissuade them, but it is of little consequence to me whether or not I change their minds because the majority of the public doesn’t view them as legitimate anymore. Unlike a few years ago, I don’t have to pretend that their arguments are valid or worth my time, because gay marriage opponents are no longer the majority and therefore cannot easily prevent me from gaining equal rights. It is for this reason that this letter is not a defense of gay marriage. If Mr. Anderson and the organizers of the event don’t want to hear arguments for gay marriage, I won’t waste my breath defending what I know to be right, because I don’t have to. I will not nod politely and wait for my turn to speak when I hear fear mongering about how my love is an affront to straight love. Instead, I will show up to this event decked out in my Support Love t-shirt and stay for the Q&A session knowing that I almost definitely won’t change the organizer or speaker’s minds, but I will demonstrate that I have nothing to be ashamed of. It would mean the world to me if all the allies at BC, the family I’ve found at my new home, would come as well to show their solidarity. Even if there isn’t a speaker in opposition, the student body will demonstrate to Mr. Anderson and like-minded individuals that they have lost. Gay marriage is no longer a debate; it is an inevitability, regardless of whether or not an ever-decreasing minority chooses to get on board with it. Prove me right, show up and let him know that the students of BC don’t agree with him or his antiquated arguments. I’ll see you at 7:30 tonight in Cushing 001.

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Scott Chamberlain A&S ’15

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The Heights

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo

Eleanor Sciannella Parents’ Weekend - Here it is, the one weekend a year where your college life and your home life collide: Parents’ weekend. Or, for those of you who are juniors and seniors, and your parents are sick of making the trip out here (when they just saw you a month ago, for Christ’s sake, can they really miss you that much?) so they opt to stay at home, you almost win in this situation. You have the luxury of silently evaluating the families of all your friends so you can subtly make sure they invite you out to dinner in Boston on Friday night. But for those of us whose parents are making the schlep, it’s a whole different kind of weekend. Sure, there are the cons, especially for freshmen. You hope your parents don’t tell stories of your weird middle school days and shatter the totally awesome college persona you’ve created for yourself, and there’s the trouble of walking around campus trying to instantly categorize everyone you run into as an “introduce-to-my-parents” kind of person or a ‘just-wave-and-smile” type person. But you’re still so happy to see them and eat somewhere other than the dining hall and not have to pay for it. And it just gets better as the years roll, and soon enough you realize that your parents actually know your friends and you can all hang out non-awkwardly together in this beautiful coming-together of your real family and your BC family.

Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo) are a human rights group dedicated to finding los Ninos Desaparecidos (disappeared children) taken during the military dictatorship in Argentina in the ’70s and ’80s. They came to speak at BC last week and gave a very powerful talk about their experience. My reflections here are going to start with the end of their session with us. Las Abuelas wrapped up by recognizing that we, as children born and raised in the U.S., have not experienced the kind of suffering in this country that the children of Latin America have, and it got me thinking about how true that is. Not in the sense that North American children do not suffer as much, but in that they (and especially certain populations) suffer in much different ways. In South America, there was a very obvious injustice—people against the regime were being taken hostage, and their children were taken and given to government officials to raise as their own. Las Abuelas therefore have a very clear mission: to find their lost grandchildren and establish a legal system for holding the perpetrators of those crimes accountable. But what about systematic oppression in the U.S. that is not so clearcut? A lot of widespread injustice occurs everywhere, perpetuated by our current society, which goes unnoticed by the majority of the population for the duration of their lives. Let us look at the Trayvon Martin case. Something that Las Abuelas said that is very applicable to both the injustice that occurred in the Dirty War and in the Trayvon Martin case is that justice is achieved not when the criminals admit their crimes, but when the victims tell their stories. The difference between

the experience in South America and the experience in the U.S. in these cases is that the South American victims have had their stories told and recognized as an injustice. When it came to the Trayvon case, many people of color told their stories, but they were written off as “thinking too much into it,” “being too sensitive,” or “playing the race card.” Just like many of the officials of the dictatorship in Argentina, the perpetuators of racism in the U.S. did not admit that they did (and continue to do) something wrong. But if people are crying for justice, more often than not it is for good reason. It was hard to believe that at first, Las Abuelas sat by and watched as the officers of the regime took students off the streets in cars without license plates, then took the children born in prison and gave them to the officials of the regime to try to further silence their opposition. Their initial reaction was to keep their heads down, keep out of trouble, and keep their families safe. They pleaded with their children to stay home from school. These same women, however, soon stood for it no longer. They saw that something in their world was wrong, and did what they could about it. The president of Las Abuelas spoke to an officer in private, trying to figure out where her daughter was, risking her life (he had a shotgun present), and proceeding without much bargaining leverage to get what she needed. Our response to the kind of injustice that Trayvon suffered is to tell black children to keep their heads down, don’t look suspicious, don’t wear hoods or baggy pants, or walk alone late at night. Like Las Abuelas did, black mothers give this sort of advice to their children about how to survive in an oppressive world (this obviously does not come from my personal experience, but I have black friends who feel the need to ‘overcompensate’ for being black by acting or speaking extra politely or properly when they are in certain situations). But what if we had an association of Abuelas for Trayvon? What if instead of just trying to get by with the present

regime, we started demanding retribution for the criminalization of black men? Incarceration rates are disproportionately higher for blacks than whites. What if we demanded that our criminal justice system give our black men back? One thing that Las Abuelas emphasized was that this is our world. Anything that happens in any part of the world happens in our world, to us, and is everyone’s problem. This notion of solidarity surpasses borders, languages, and generations. So it does not matter that slavery happened centuries ago, or that we individually have never been directly racist (at least as far as we know—injustice is defined by the victims as we know). Racism is everyone’s problem—especially when it gets young men like Trayvon Martin killed. Las Abuelas reminded us, however, that they were not out for revenge—their concern was righting the wrongs and bringing justice. They want to find their children. The only thing they want for the people responsible for their crimes is recognition that what they did was wrong, and then the appropriate legal punishment. There were so many people that rejected the notion that race had anything to do with the Trayvon case. People argued over every little detail of the situation, trying to determine where the racial injustice occurred. The fact that people of color felt outrage at the outcomes of the case is all we need to know when determining whether injustice occurred. The difficulty now is how to achieve justice. Because when it comes to racism, pointing fingers gets us nowhere. Even if each of us individually took a vow of anti-racism it would not alleviate the problem. There are ingrained societal systems that make our world the way it is and the task at hand is how to undo some of the oppressive structures. It is time to take their spirit and do something about the injustice that we see in the world.

Eleanor Sciannella is a staff columnist for The Heights. She can be reached at

The Egypt crisis The Labor Of Laundry - So now we’ve been back at school long enough that most of you have probably done laundry at least once, or, if you haven’t, that’s gross. Or you must devote an entire drawer of your dresser to underwear. The point is, we have all once again realized the difficulties of washing your clothes at school. On the one hand, there is a disturbing phenomenon that makes the process of doing laundry incredibly difficult, and that is this: the times that you actually have enough time to do your laundry all at once (meaning removing it from the machines in a timely manner) happen to correspond EXACTLY with the times that every other BC student is doing his or her laundry. So you have to resort to one of two options: continually walking down several flights of stairs to your building’s laundry room, which always smells weird and is perpetually and uniformly damp, to check to see if the machines that Laundry View says have opened up have managed to stay open in the 3 minutes it took you to get down there. Or, you can pull the classic put-your-laundry-in-beforeclass/meeting/other obligation move, which seems like a good idea because it at first strikes you as the perfect way to use your time efficiently, but then you inevitably get back to the laundry room 10 minutes after your washing machine finished—which is just far too long—and you see your clothes in a wet pile on the wet floor and you realize that you just can’t bring yourself to rewash them, so you plop them in the dryer as is, and feel slightly disgusted every time you wear one of those clothing items for the rest of the month, until you do wash again, this time determined to beat the system and end up with clothes that are actually clean. Good luck. A Final Comment - Sorry we were so wordy with our Thumbs Up and Thumbs Downs this time. So Thumbs Down to us for not being able to shut up and Thumbs Up to you, whoever you are, for reading the entirety of our borderline nonsensical ramblings.

Like Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down? Follow us @BCTUTD

Matthew Beckwith Each month there seems to be a new center of overseas violence—it was Syria last month, now it seems to be Kenya, and before both of those, the violence was centered in Egypt. Egypt’s violence, as is common in the Middle East since Arab Spring, is the result of attempts to establish democratic reform. The rest of the world watched the violence that occurred in Egypt with not just concern, but impatience. The 2011 Egyptian Revolution was inspired by the neighboring democratic protests of Arab Spring, and it was a reaction to the poor living conditions and perpetually restricted civil rights under the Mubarak regime. Since the beginning of Hosni Mubarak’s rule in 1981, wages were stagnant, unemployment rising, and civil unrest growing. It was technically a semi-presidential republic, but it had been under Mubarak’s authoritarian rule for 30 years. It was made possible in large part by the perpetual state of emergency he had declared in Egypt. Under the law, police powers were extended, constitutional rights were suspended, censorship was legalized, and the government could imprison individuals indefinitely and without reason. The law sharply limited basic civil freedoms. Finally in January of 2011, the Egyptian people began a nationwide series of protests and even engaged in violent clashes with Mubarak police forces. After less than a month, Mubarak announced he would resign. One month later, a constitutional referendum passed limiting the future powers of the president, and set up guidelines for the judiciary to prevent election law violations. It seemed that Egypt was on the way to becoming the iconic democracy in the region. But when Mohammad Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was elected president

Lecture Hall

on May 24, 2012, the international community grew uneasy. The Muslim Brotherhood is not a group synonymous with liberty and prosperous democracy, and is reputed to have worked to install Hamas influence into governments in the Middle East. It did not take long for their fears to become a reality. Morsi tried to restore some of the president’s former power and prohibited political protest in major public areas. Claims of police brutality began to circulate and suspicions that Morsi was trying to become an Islamic version of Mubarak were aroused. By April of 2013 there were calls for his removal from office. In June 2013 the largest protests and demonstrations in Egyptian history broke out. Clashes between pro-Morsi groups that hoped to see their democratically- elected president remain lawfully in office, and anti-Morsi groups, who wished for a more liberal government, broke out. These clashes only intensified after the military stepped in on behalf of the Egyptians asking for relief from Morsi’s reign. On July 3, 2013 the military removed Morsi from the office of presidency and appointed Adly Mansour the interim president. The military then set to work putting down the pro-Morsi demonstrations and riots that were ongoing across Egypt, using deadly force to do so. And the entire world was left watching the carnage, wondering: what happened? My response is: we don’t know yet. We have not given Egypt nearly enough time to figure out democracy. Instantaneous international news media has let us watch the crisis in Egypt in real time, but we have not let them discover how to be democratic. When viewed in historical terms, it would be unrealistic for Egypt to go from an authoritarian rule to a flawless liberal democracy in just a year. Not even the U.S., widely accepted as the most prodemocracy nation in the world, could get democracy right initially. After the Revolutionary War, many forget that the U.S. operated under the Articles of Confederation from 1781-89, when the Constitution was finally ratified and implemented. The Articles were an earnest attempt to create

a functioning democracy, written by men who had read Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. The reason the Articles failed is not that the Founders didn’t understand the concept of democracy, but because they could not visualize what an American democracy would look like. The time with the Articles let them experience failure in government. America under the Articles suffered from disunity, disorganization, a suffering economy, and an inability to defend itself from threats, either domestic or foreign. The government under the Articles struggled in 1786 to put down Shay’s rebellion in Massachusetts. And once America did have the Constitution, it had clauses allowing for human rights violations (slavery) and had very limited suffrage. America, not having the intense factionalism present in Egypt, took 80 years to achieve the kind of democracy we expect Egypt to achieve in only 18 months. Wanting immediate democracy in Egypt is a laudable desire. We want people to experience the kind of liberal freedoms that Americans hold so dear to their own hearts. But not America, the EU, or any constitutional scholar can prescribe what a good government for Egypt will be. Egypt must deal with geographic tensions, inherently illiberal democratic parties, and a long history of totalitarianism dating back to the times of the Pharaohs, all the way up to Mubarak. And I am confident they can. It may take 10 years, but I have faith. It is not that they will invent Egyptian democracy— they will discover it. They will invent their own political fingerprint so to speak, and are in the midst of writing a new Constitution. Egypt itself must learn to be patient and have faith that democracy is a better way of governing than bi-annual coup d’etats. Arab Spring has come and gone and it is time to proclaim it over. Spring marks the time to begin the work of planting the seeds of prosperity. Egypt is now tilling the fields of freedom. All we need to do is be patient, and wait for the blooming.

Matthew Beckwith is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at


The opinions and commentaries of the staff columnists and cartoonists appearing on this page represent the views of the author or artist of that particular piece, and not necessarily the views of The Heights. Any of the columnists and artists for the Opinions section of The Heights can be reached at

The value in manual labor Tessa Mediano T-minus seven months and counting until it happens: I am kicked out of the Boston College bubble for good. I could easily argue I voluntarily exiled myself from this safe haven in Chestnut Hill a year or two ago—my junior year was spent abroad and this year I am commuting from the Davis Square area. I, unlike many in my year, am looking forward to graduating and entering the “real world,” yet, at the same time, I cannot help but notice how badly the idealistic strain emphasized at BC clashes with my perception of the job market. For the last four years, and arguably before I even came to BC, I have been inundated with iterations of “set the world aflame” or “follow your dreams,” etc. The cynic that is moi, of course, rolls my eyes every time one of these cheesy mantras leaves someone’s lips, because they contain a hidden subtext. The fact is, there are certain dreams BC wants you to follow, and certain dreams that would best be haunting someone else’s sleep. This is where my personal experience comes into play. Since the beginning of September, I’ve been working a part-time gig at a local floral company. Basically, my job entails traipsing through smelly service entrances to set up floral arrangements for some corporate event, or worse, a wedding (bridezillas, anyone?). I have to say, I quite enjoy this job. For me, the manual labor it demands is a bit of a relief. It’s straightforward and it’s practical—there’s not a lot of abstract thought required to accomplish a task. It’s problem solving at its core, and I relish it. This may seem strange coming from someone who a) is a girl … ahem, young lady and b) is pretty enamored with the intellectual world. I enjoy writing research papers, I love to read, and I’m taking a seminar on psychoanalysis, for crying out loud. It doesn’t get more intellectual than that. Still, I find myself drawn more to the physical aspect of the floral job than to the abstract nature of the content writing internship I’m also participating in this fall. What does BC, and more importantly, the external world, have to say about that? If you look at the employers who registered for the BC Career Fair earlier this month, the vast majority of them were in the finance industry, whether they were consulting firms, accounting firms, etc. There were no employers (that I know of, at least) that represented automobile factories, or construction companies. The implication is obvious: kids with college degrees don’t assemble cars, they don’t mix concrete—they fill positions in white-collar jobs. The ultimate goal for most college students is to get internships in the corporate world—you don’t hear of many undergrad seniors working at Pino’s Pizza, for instance. Even if you read articles about struggling college grads, journalists describe with horror how a history major from a $50,000 a year university had to take up a job waitressing to pay off her student loans. Um … sorry, why is that anything abnormal? Practically every adult I know has been a waiter/waitress or worked in the service industry at some point, and yet, there seems to be an almighty aversion to it among our generation. It’s as if just because we have a college degree, we expect an $80k-a-year job to fall into our laps. My high school teacher used to regale us with tales of how he dressed up as a genie and went to kids’ birthday parties to help pay off student debts. Working embarrassing and menial jobs is a fact of life, people, and as they say, no job is too small. While I certainly don’t endorse making a career out of bussing tables, I ask if we should condemn jobs heavy on manual labor and light on abstract thought. Somehow I get the impression that any given university would rather I run the floral arrangement company, or at least arrange the bouquets, than merely place vases on tables. It all comes down to (big surprise) money. You see, as the cost of education gets bigger, universities tell us to dream bigger, so we can earn bigger, and then donate bigger. More and more jobs that used to be acceptable for college graduates are being dismissed as “beneath them,” because evidently the only reason why anyone would spend nearly $250,000 on an undergraduate degree is to become the next CEO of some Fortune 500 company. BC is known for espousing the value of a liberal arts education, claiming it teaches one how to think, not what to think. This philosophy implies that education is, to a large extent, an end in and of itself. The culture at BC implies just the opposite, however: that education is a means to an end, an end that preferably sees you working in a white-collar environment, changing the world using your mind, not your hands. Maybe it’s time for BC and its students to consider that BC has duped us into thinking an intellectually stimulating job and manual labor are mutually exclusive options.

Tessa Mediano is a staff columnist for The Heights. She can be reached at



Thursday, September 26, 2013

FSU vs. Boston College BC looks to bounce back Football, from A10

KEYS TO THE GAME BOSTON COLLEGE CONTAIN WINSTON If the BC defense is able to reach FSU’s star quarterback and keep him off balance, they can limit big plays down the field. EXECUTE ON OFFENSE Chase Rettig must utilize his weapons on offense and convert red zone opportunities into touchdowns if BC wishes to keep pace with FSU.

FLORIDA STATE EXPLOIT MISTAKES As agressive as BC’s attack defense is, Winston will look to take advantage of instances of blown coverage and missed assignments. IMMOBILIZE THE RUN GAME If FSU’s defense can halt Andre Williams and the BC backfield, it will halt one of the Eagles’ most consistent weapons so far in 2013.





OUTCOMES BOSTON COLLEGE WILL WIN IF... The Eagles can force turnovers deep in Florida State territory, winning the field position battle, and find a way to get Andre Williams and Alex Amidon more involved.

FLORIDA STATE WILL WIN IF... The Seminoles can force pressure on BC quarterback Chase Rettig and take advantage of the Eagles blitzing on defense.




Total yards

Rushing yards

491 3

Passing yards Turnovers


1,642 799 Total yards

Rushing yards

843 4

Passing yards Turnovers

“I know that if I’m not on my game or if I’m not making the plays that I need to make, No. 25 is going to be there instead of No. 24,” Pierre-Louis said, “so he’s doing a great job.” Nevertheless, the optimism that BC exuded on the practice field is countered by the No. 8 national ranking that will accompany the Seminoles as they travel north to Chestnut Hill. Even for a unit anchored by seasoned veterans, the prospect of squaring off against an elite program on a national stage can induce jitters. With each big challenge comes a chance for glory. “Every team wants that opportunity,”

said senior linebacker Steele Divitto, “and we’re looking forward to the challenge.” Yet an upset victor y cannot be earned by a squad paralyzed with awe for their opponent. Regardless of national rankings, standout quarterbacks, and defensive schemes, confidence can be a great equalizer out on the playing field. “We understand they’re a good team, but they’re very beatable,” Pierre-Louis said. “They’re guys just like us. They’re practicing like we do, they’re working just like us. They’re regular guys out there. They’re not some powerhouse that no one can touch. “We’re definitely going to bring it to them on Saturday.” 


Despite a blowout loss to USC two weeks ago, BC is confident heading into Saturday.

Eagles hope to get Williams, Amidon more involved BY AUSTIN TEDESCO Sports Editor

What do you do when your Mr. Reliable, or rather your Mr. Reliables, are taken away? For the Boston College offense against USC two weeks ago, the answer was not much, and the Eagles will have to get more out of their two primary offensive weapons against a talented Florida State defense this week to avoid a similar, ugly fate. The Trojans limited BC senior running back Andre Williams and wide receiver Alex Amidon to a combined 61 yards and zero points. That yardage amount accumulated for just 11 percent of the duo’s total through the first two games of 2013, and USC pulled off the stifling performance by simply outmatching the BC attack. The front seven wouldn’t budge, hardly allowing any running lanes through which Williams could break into the open. On top of that, the Trojans used their highly-skilled secondary to keep the ball out of the hands of Amidon outside of two catches, one of which came with the game out of reach. “We tried,” BC head coach Steve Addazio said after the game about getting Amidon open. “We talked about it at halftime, ‘How do we get him the ball?’ They’re playing tight man coverage on us. They’ve got really good tight man coverage players. It’s not easy.” Touting All-ACC corner Lamarcus Joyner, the Seminoles have the ability to contain Amidon the same way the Trojans did. If another week passes without a second receiver stepping up and breaking free for senior quarterback Chase Rettig, it could be a repeat of BC’s 83-


USC held Andre Williams and Alex Amidon to just 63 combined yards and no points. yard performance against USC through the air this Saturday against FSU. That means success for the Eagles will need to start on the ground and build, which has been the plan all season. The Seminoles so far have shown a very good run defense, but one that is not quite as dominant as the Trojans. Having faced Pittsburgh, Nevada, and Bethune-Cookman, FSU is allowing 3.36 yards per rush and 135 rushing yards per game, good for 29th and 46th nationally, respectively. It won’t be easy for the Eagles to run against this defense, but it also shouldn’t seem as impossible as it did against the Trojans. “Obviously we’re not looking to speed this game up,’’ Addazio said. “We’re looking to slow this game down.’’ “I felt like we needed to get a lot of our work done earlier so that we could prepare for a real physical game,’’ Addazio

said. “We’ve got to make it a real physical game, because that’s what we can do, so we need to do that.’’ Addazio said after the loss to USC that he didn’t think the Eagles offensive line got beaten up by the Trojans, but they also didn’t create advantageous gaps for Williams’ running. That offensive line will be facing a slightly different problem with this Seminole front seven. “They’re a little bit bigger and a little bit stouter than USC,” said senior captain and right tackle Ian White. “They play different. USC was kind of quick-twitch, get-off-the-ball quick. These guys really want to stuff you in the hole then shed late, so it’s a little bit different style. Our mind-set is that we can run our offense against anyone.’’ “On their defense they’ve got some big, stout guys inside obviously led by

[junior defensive tackle] Timmy Jernigan, also some great linebacker players with great speed,” Addazio said. “They can rush the quarterback, sack you, and accelerate to the ball on defense. So we’ve got our work cut out for us.” It’s a great challenge, but Addazio thinks that a challenge two weeks ago has helped his team feel more prepared heading into this matchup. “We’ve been working really hard to develop our team, to improve our team,” Addazio said. “I think the fact that we had to fly out to California in week three and play USC, which is one of the top ranked defenses in the country, can help you from that standpoint getting used to speed. So here we are getting ready to play this game and looking forward to it.” The Eagles faced an average third down distance of more than seven yards against the Trojans. BC will have to find a way to be more successful on first and second down, especially with power running, to create more drives down the field against the Seminoles. “I think obviously we need to have improvement in execution,” Addazio said. “What we’ve got to do is not play in the long field. That’s not going to help you. So we’ve got to not do that. We’ve got to be able to convert first downs when we have an opportunity to and get the ball in the end zone. That’s what we’re working on. We need to play physically and play with a high level of execution.” Schematically, it doesn’t look like the Eagles will be doing much differently as they get ready to face another extremely talented opponent this week. For BC, it will just come down to execution again. 

‘Be A Dude’ campaign enforces critical values Column, from A10 sip Girl, and I know all of the words to more than my fair share of Taylor Swift songs. I like wearing pastels and watching Downton Abbey, but you would also be hard pressed to find a bigger Boise State football fan (or Nevada hater) with a dirtier mouth in the greater Boston area. My bookmark gets more use than any other, and I know more about hockey than my boss. As practice ended and the shaving conversation died down, we all turned to face the field, waiting for our individual interviewees to exit. When I saw Spiffy Evans running towards me, my heart gave a jolt and my cheeks flushed a little bit, but in less than a second, those feelings were gone and I was just another handbag carrying, sandal wearing, long haired reporter standing on the sidelines hoping to catch an interview. On Monday, a staff columnist for this paper published a column that explored the possible negative implications behind the football team’s “Be A Dude” slogan. In the column, the writer expresses a view that has concerned many and has sparked controversy on BC’s campus. In his opinion, the campaign alienates female fans and uses sexist terminology when encouraging players and fans to be “dudes.” As a woman, assistant sports editor for The Heights, and a sports fan who would also characterize herself as having a very solidly established, if not exaggerated feminine side with no desire to hide or belittle that, no matter the situation, there is no part of me that objects to the use of the “Be A Dude” marketing campaign. Being a dude is not limited to, as the column suggested, being a “big, tough football player.” In fact, in the quote that the author uses, Addazio, after offering what I admit is a dodgy definition of what being a “dude” means with his first couple of statements about being a “baller,” clarifies with a statement that is


Some have been quick to call the “Be A Dude” slogan sexist, but a closer look reveals the true intentions of the campaign. not only more understandable, but also something that nobody in their right mind could object to. “Be great at what you are. Just don’t be average.” That means that Addazio and the rest of the shapers of the #BeADude campaign would be fine with young boys pulling on their ballet tights, as the column offered as a contrary example, as long as they were committed to doing the best that they could in their chosen field. Sure, the “dudes” that Addazio talks about play football, but his definition of a dude stretches beyond tackles and receptions. To me, any objection to this statement exemplifies a narrow-minded view of athletes. The BC football roster is full of dudes, and many of them do possess qualities that someone eager for a fight over sexism would jump on. They’re big. They’re strong. But that’s not all. If I have learned one thing from interacting with players, both in an offi-

cial context as a reporter and on a more personal level as a classmate, it’s that there is more to these dudes than their prowess on the field, and that is what Addazio is talking about when he urges them to exhibit dude-like qualities. He wants them to be team players. He wants them to be on time to class. He wants them to have academic and personal integrity. He wants them to #BeAnExample, as the column was titled. These definitions are implied in Addazio’s and the team’s words and actions. As Evans approached me after that first practice, I cradled my notebook, still a bit nervously, not knowing how he would take to being interrogated by a woman. As he began to speak, however, it became clear that Evans had barely noticed my gender. He smiled at me. He chuckled at himself over the intricacies of his personality that he was willing to admit. He stressed over and over again the importance of his family and the

bond that he felt with his teammates. He told me about his love for writing poetry. Evans is a dude, and if we didn’t live in a world where so many people are hyper-sensitive of sexism, the “be a dude” campaign would be welcomed with open arms as encouragement to young boys everywhere—just as Addazio intended it—to “be great at what you are.” So yes, I am a woman, and I understand and have indeed been put in situations, just like at that first practice, when I have been made uncomfortable because of my sex, but there is no part of me that feels belittled or targeted by #beadude. In fact, there is no part of me that feels, regardless of my gender, that I can’t #beadude as well.

Marly Morgus is the Asst. Sports Editor for The Heights. She can be reached at



Thursday, September 26, 2013 The Week Ahead


Women’s soccer takes on No. 2 Wake Forest in an ACC matchup on Thursday. Field hockey hosts another high profile opponant as Maryland comes to town on Friday. Men’s soccer also has an ACC opponent as they travel to NC State. BC hosts Jameis Winston and FSU on Saturday. The Sprint Cup series continues this weekend.

Chris Grimaldi


Marly Morgus


Austin Tedesco


Heights Staff



Recap from Last Week

Game of the Week

Field hockey pulled off a 6-3 upset over Syracuse. Men’s soccer tied Notre Dame in double overtime. Women’s soccer was overcome by Virginia Tech in a 1-0 loss. Volleyball won the first set but dropped three straight to lose to Harvard. The Patriots dominated the Buccaneers in a 23-3 rout.

Field Hockey

Guest Editor: Julie Orenstein


Editorial Assistant

“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting it is.”

Marly Morgus Asst. Sports Editor

Julie Orenstein Editorial Assistant

Austin Tedesco Sports Editor

Chris Grimaldi Assoc. Sports Editor

Women’s Soccer: BC vs. No. 2 Wake Forest

Wake Forest


Wake Forest

Wake Forest

Field Hockey: No. 6 BC vs. No. 2 Maryland






NC State



Football: BC vs. No. 8 Florida State

Florida State


Florida State

Florida State

Sprint Cup Series: Who will win the AAA 400?

Tony Stewart

Matt Kenseth

Jimmie Johnson

Kasey Kahne

This Week’s Games

Men’s Soccer: BC at NC State



On Friday night, the newly sixth ranked Eagles will take on their second top ten ranked team in three games. The No. 2 Maryland Terrapins will descend upon the Newton campus for a highly ranked face off. Maryland is undefeated on the season with only win with a margin of two or fewer goals. The Eagles have also had a strong start with only one loss in the eight games played so far. Last Friday, BC pulled off an upset win over Syracuse when six out of six of their shots on goal made it past the Syracuse goalie. Both teams will be hoping to hold on to strong early season performances.

Friday, at 7:00 p.m.


Eagles fall despite Oleksak’s effort BY MARLY MORGUS Asst. Sports Editor

Last weekend, the Boston College men’s golf team was in Nashville, Tenn. competing in the Collegiate Challenge Cup, which pitted five teams from the ACC against five teams in the SEC. BC played against Mississippi State, but was defeated in a 3-2 loss. Freshman Patrick Oleksak was the top finisher for the

Eagles, scoring a total of 227 over three rounds of play to come out +14 on the par-71 course. Nicholas Pandelena came in second for the Eagles with a score of 231, and John Jackopsic, Andy Mai, and Max Christiana followed, shooting 234, 234, and 236, respectively. The SEC took the overall win with Tennessee defeating Wake Forest, Vanderbilt topped Duke, and the University of Georgia beat Clemson with a final score

of 5-0. Virginia was the only school that posted a win for the ACC, beating Texas A&M 3-2. The University of Georgia came in first with a score of 832, and BC finished at the back of the pack in 10th place with a combined score of 914, falling short of its SEC opponent. The Eagles are off until Oct. 4, after which they head to Macon, Georgia to compete in the Brickyard Collegiate. 


Zeiko Lewis had his first collegiate goal on Tuesday night in BC’s 3-0 domination the University of Rhode Island.

BC notches win over Providence Men’s Soccer, from A10 solid performance out of Rhode Island keeper Spenser Thomas, a redshirt sophomore who managed six saves over the course of the game, compared to BC goalie Keady Segel’s one. Although BC missed a close opportunity in the 24th minute when a URI defender stopped the ball on the goal line and the responding BC shot went wide, the Eagles did not have to wait long after to put their second tally on the scoreboard. Goal number two came about 17 minutes after the first when a URI foul gave Giuliano Frano an opportunity

for a penalty kick with which he beat Thomas. URI managed to hold the Eagles scoreless for the rest of the half, but none of its offensive efforts could break through the BC barriers. The second half saw an improvement for URI in the shot count—the team improved on the first half by two shots taking a total of six, and there was not nearly the same imbalance in the two teams’ totals as the Eagles only sent off seven. Despite the shot count, however, most of the second half remained scoreless. The scoring drought continued until the 87th minute of play when Derrick Boateng capitalized

off of another Medina-Mendez assist to seal the deal for BC as the clock wound down, giving BC a 3-0 lead. It was his first goal of the season. Though Lewis, Medina-Mendez, Frano, and Boateng were the only ones to tally points on the board directly, eight different Eagles took shots in their dominant offensive performance, the highest shot count coming from Cole DeNormandie who posted seven. In stark contrast, only three Rhodys managed to fire off shots, giving Segel only one chance to make a save in an easy shutout. With the win, the Eagles improved to 3-2-2 overall. 


Derrick Boateng was one of three scorers for BC against Rhode Island. It was his first goal of the season. VolleyBall



Chestnut Hill, MA 9/20

1 3

M. soccer


Newton, ma 9/21

1 1


Workman 11 Kills BC Bredahl 17 Asts Harv

1 3

m. soccer

Normesinu 1 G BC Shipp 1 G URI

newton, ma 9/20

chestnut hill, ma 9/22 field hockey

Barnum 37 Asts BC Wallace 15 Kills Syr

6 3

Settipane 10 Saves Russell 2 G

Kingston, RI 9/24 w. Soccer

3 0

Boateng 1 G BC Thomas 6 Saves UVA

Newton, ma 9/19

1 2

Newton,MaMA11/11 9/22 Boston,

Field Hockey

BC Prov

McCoy 1 G Clymer 10 Saves

2 0

Newton, MAma 11/09 newton, 9/22

W. Soccer

McCaffrey 1 G bc Stearns 6 Saves VT

0 1

Johnson 2 Saves Yansen 1 G




Thursday, September 26, 2013


There’s more to a ‘dude’ than football

MARLY MORGUS During my first week back at Boston College this fall, I found myself standing on the sidelines at Alumni Stadium waiting for the football team to complete its practice so I could track down a player for an upcoming feature. As I stood in a circle with reporters from various other Boston news outlets, I found myself in the middle of a conversation about the preferred shaving habits of the men around me. Just a week before, I had watched, upon the recommendation of a family member, the 30 for 30 special that told stories of female journalists encountering sexual harassment and resistance when trying to interview athletes within locker rooms. As a reporter for The Heights, I don’t come anywhere close to the locker room, but as I stood on the sidelines, even with people that I knew and trusted on either side of me, I felt for the first time that my gender was painfully conspicuous. I looked down at my nails, played with my hair, shifted back and forth on the balls of my feet, and dreaded the moment when the practice would end and I would have to look a Division I football player in the eye. Sports editors before me have decorated our corner of the Heights office with, alongside a few snippets of our coverage that we are most proud of, a paper plate that details and commemorates a beard-growing competition and a Cosmopolitan cover that features Kate Upton and Kate Upton’s cleavage. There are times when I seem to be the antithesis of the traditional assistant sports editor. I wear bright pink nail polish, and at one point handed out a bottle to every other female in the Heights office. Never have I ever shied away from any conversation involving online shopping or Gos-

See Column, A9

Eagles top URI in a shutout


tall order

BC faces its toughest challenge yet on Saturday in a matchup with No. 8 Florida State BY: CHRIS GRIMALDI ASSOC. SPORTS EDITOR FOR MORE, SEE A8 Scoring At Will

The Seminoles boast one of the most potent offenses in the country Baylor Oregon

Points/G 69.7 61.3

TDs 29 25




Ohio State



Florida State



Although FSU has put up its monster numbers against Pitt, Nevada, and Bethune-Cookman, the dominating production still stands out.


BY MARLY MORGUS Asst. Sports Editor

After its high intensity overtime thriller that ended in a tie with Notre Dame on Saturday night, the Boston College men’s soccer team hoped to build on that experience as it headed down to Kingston to take on the University of Rhode Island. The Rhodys’ season so far had been characterized by offensive struggles. In their first five games, they scored only four goals—three of them coming in their only win over Bryant University. Overall, they had been outscored 114. The game against the Eagles was no exception and this time, it was BC that handled Rhode Island and came out on top in a 3-0 rout of the regional foe. The match was a team effort with scoring contributions from three different BC players, two of whom made their first goals of the season. From the start of the game, the Eagles got right down to business putting up early offensive pressure. The first score came just under eight minutes into the game when freshman Zeiko Lewis took a pass from Diego Medina-Mendez to score the first goal of his young collegiate career. The pressure from the Eagles did not relent after just one goal, and over the course of the first half BC outshot URI 12-4. So many shots coaxed a

See Men’s Soccer, A9

OCT. 22. 2011 Virginia Tech 30, BC 14

SEPT. 29. 2012 Clemson 45, BC 31

OCT. 13. 2012 Florida State 51, BC 7

NOV. 10. 2012 Notre Dame 21, BC 6


LEAPS AND BOUNDS Florida State wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin had five receptions for 68 yards against the Eagles last season.

Last time the Boston College football team dueled with Wake Forest, as a balanced BC attack disrupted the Demon Florida State, it found itself on the wrong side of a 44-point Deacons’ option game and immobilized veteran duel-threat deficit at game’s end. quarterback Tanner Price. The 51-7 onslaught in Tallahassee last October sent a With the potential to send any defender flying in to attack listless BC squad adrift with a 1-5 record and a third straight the ball and cut off a developing play, BC has managed to rattle defeat to the Seminoles—a loss that saw the Eagle defense opposing offenses with an aura of uncertainty. Brandishing surrender 649 yards of total offense. nine sacks and 62 yards over three weeks, the Eagles’ do-or-die Nearly a year later, BC’s defense is preparing for a chance style of play is worth the risk. at redemption in this weekend’s matchup with No. 8 FSU. “We just have to understand that if everyone does their With a new head coach, a rejuvenated defensive attack, and job—if everyone’s locked in for that one play—we should be a revitalized attitude, there is no room in the Eagles’ locker able to get [Winston],” said senior linebacker Kevin Pierreroom for long-expired embarrassment. Louis. “We don’t think about last year anymore,” said defensive In truth, Winston presents a challenge greater than the likes end and senior captain Kasim Edebali. “We’re a new outfit. of Price and most other dual-threat quarterbacks in college We’re ready to go and set a statement.” football. Regardless of how FSU’s signal-caller has played with Over the 2013 season’s first two weeks, BC’s defense stayed the poise of a veteran, however, he is still just a redshirt freshtrue to its promise. Defensive coordinator Don man, untested by the free-wheeling defense Brown’s unit forced a combined eight turnhe’ll experience on Saturday. overs while only surrendering 24 points. The Even Winston can be thrown off-balEagles’ demons from 2012—costly miscues ance. and poor execution—appeared to be excised. “Especially with a young quarterback, you And then the team’s momentum sputtered try to make him feel uncomfortable,” Edebali in Southern California, as big plays battered said. “We’re going to really try to get after him BC for over 500 yards and rendered Brown’s so he makes mistakes.” SEPT. 28. 2013 defensive scheme vulnerable. As evidenced by the emphasis of “we” BC vs. FSU “We didn’t play as well as we were capable throughout their Wednesday morning prac3 p.m. ET ABC/ESPN2 of,” said junior linebacker Josh Keyes. “This tice, the Eagle defenders are prepared to conweek is a really good week for us to prove to our team and to front FSU as a unified front. Yet Pierre-Louis spoke highly of all of our fans that we can play with the best in the country.” an individual on BC’s defense that can emerge as a surprising While the nightmares E.J. Manuel inflicted upon the Eagles difference-maker—his teammate Keyes. left with him for the NFL, FSU brandishes a rearmed offensive “He’s grown a lot,” the senior linebacker said. “He’s come arsenal build around redshirt-freshman signal-caller Jameis a long way, honestly.” Winston. Pierre-Louis remembered calling Keyes the Tasmanian The duel-threat quarterback’s eight touchdowns have Devil when he arrived at BC. The junior exhibited the natural pushed him into early Heisman Trophy discussions and the speed and contagious energy of a playmaker, yet always seemed center of BC’s attention heading into game day. to be out of position. “He’s strong and powerful,” said head coach Steve Addazio Recognizing unfulfilled potential, Pierre-Louis gave a piece in yesterday’s ACC teleconference. “You can’t arm tackle of ironic advice in the fast-paced atmosphere of Division I this guy. He’s got a strong arm. He’s a competitive guy and a college football—slow down. strong runner.” “I’m not going to lie, it was weird at first,” Pierre-Louis said Yet the BC defense still exhibits a confidence uncharac- of his unorthodox critique of Keyes, “but sometimes you’ve teristic of a unit that has allowed FSU to score 89 points over just got to be honest.” their last two meetings. With a forced fumble on his stat line and the respect of While their assertive style of defense is vulnerable to his veteran teammates at the forefront of his mind, Keyes can blown coverage and exploitable holes, the Eagles’ revitalized serve as the extra boost BC will need on Saturday. approach has the potential to wreak havoc. The scheme’s potency was on display in week two against See Football, A8

Attempting to get more involved

Alex Amidon and Andre Williams will need to have big days for the Eagles...............A8

Game Of The Week: BC vs. MD

Field hockey engages in a top ten showdown and another test from a tough opponent....A9

Editors’ Picks........................A9 BC Notes...............................A9


wiley’s follies

barstool Blues

The sports blog grapples with history’s uncommon men, page B4 album review

‘mechanical bull’

the new kings of leon album is a comeback story, page B5

The Heights

Thursday, January 17, 2013

album review

‘nothing was the same’ drake ascends to the top with a new hip hop masterpiece, B5

he hemistry of alter hite

See Heisenberg Reaction, b3

By Se an eeley K Arts & Review Editor MAGGIE BURDGE / Heights PHoto illustration




Exploring the multitudes of ‘Breaking Bad’

Thursday, September 26, 2013



SEAN KEELEY “Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself, / (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” Those famous verses come from Walt Whitman’s poem “Song of Myself,” but they might as well be talking about another W.W.—Walter White, the chemistry teacher turned meth kingpin played by Bryan Cranston on AMC’s Breaking Bad. As anyone with a Twitter account, Facebook, or even the slightest connection to pop culture knows, Breaking Bad is completing its run this Sunday, rounding off a final eight episodes that have proved unusually relentless and grueling, even by Breaking Bad standards. Breaking Bad has been discussed, analyzed, and blogged about nearly to death over the course of its five-season run. So what is left to say about it—especially by a latecomer like me, who binge-watched the first four and a half seasons this summer? Well, Whitman isn’t a bad place to begin, and not just because the writers were clever enough to make a copy of Leaves of Grass a pivotal plot point this season. Breaking Bad is a show that has always aspired to literary grandeur, peppered with references to Kafka and Shelley and unspooling as a sort of slow-motion Greek tragedy. It’s that Whitman quote, though, that gets to the heart of Breaking Bad, a show founded on a character who contradicts himself and large enough to contain multitudes of meanings. In one sense, the path charted by Breaking Bad couldn’t be more direct. From day one, creator Vince Gilligan pitched the show as a linear transformation: the story of how Mr. Chips could become Scarface. Over five seasons, Breaking Bad fulfilled that promise, showing how the impending doom of a cancer diagnosis and a series of bad decisions could make a straight-laced teacher into a drug lord. It’s a singularly focused concept, with a clear starting and ending point. But Breaking Bad has never suffered from tunnel vision. Instead, the writers took full advantage of the possibilities afforded by serial storytelling to gradually expand the show’s universe. Characters that served minor functions or seemed cliches at first glance—Saul, Gus, Mike, Todd—blossomed into major players with significant backstories. One decision could set off a chain of reactions with repercussions extending to Mexico and Germany before looping back to Albuquerque. Breaking Bad is a five-year illustration of the idea that actions always have consequences beyond our control. As the show has unspooled, its scope has expanded from the intimate domestic drama of the White family to global—and even cosmic—proportions. The most dramatic example of Breaking Bad’s expansiveness happened at the end of season two. Several episodes opened with cryptic images of a scorched teddy bear in Walt’s pool, bodies being hauled away from his house, and other ominous symbols. By season’s end, the source of these flash-forwards was revealed to be not a drug shootout but a deadly plane crash—one caused indirectly by a death for which Walt was responsible. The season culminated with an unforgettable point-of-view shot, as the plane’s wreckage crashed into Walt’s own backyard, bringing home his guilt in cruel and dramatic fashion. When I first saw that episode, I thought it was a bit much. The chain of events that connected Walt with those crash victims was so tenuous and coincidental that it stretched the show’s believability. But I soon came to realize that Breaking Bad never aspired to be believable. It’s not a grounded drama but a twisted, cruel morality tale played out on a massive canvas. Its logic is more cosmic than realistic—evil begets evil, and, again, actions always have unforeseen consequences. Somehow, the show’s creators have managed to trace this overarching tale without overpowering the show’s unique individual parts. Take any random episode of Breaking Bad and you’ll find a mini-film that might look like a Western, or a police procedural, or a family drama. But seen in full, the show stands as a coherently unified vision. On Sunday, that vision will be complete. Can Vince Gilligan stick the landing? I have no doubts. But I also know that this story cannot end well for anyone. So it will be with a combination of fear and excitement that I sit down to watch the finale. As The New Yorker’s Emily Nussbaum writes, Breaking Bad is “a show that you dread and crave at the same time.” Now there’s another contradiction—but Breaking Bad has never had trouble dealing with those. It is large, and it contains multitudes.

Sean Keeley is the Arts & Review Editor for The Heights. He can be reached at

1. HOT OFF THE PRESS In what was often a somber awards ceremony, Emmy voters tended to stray from the proverbial box. One such surprise was Jeff Daniels (The Newsroom) winning Best Actor in a Drama over heavyweights Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Jon Hamm (Mad Men), and Kevin Spacey (House of Cards). The loss was bittersweet for Breaking Bad fans, as it went on to win its first-ever Emmy for Best Drama. And clinging to the box for one more year was Modern Family, as it won its fourth straight award for Best Comedy.


This past summer Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, known for such fare as Superbad and Pineapple Express, tackled the end of the world with This Is the End. In just two years they’ll have another party for all their dedicated disciples—a “sausage party.” Their next project, gloriously titled Sausage Party, will be an animated feature and according to Sony will be “about one sausage’s quest to discover the truth about his existence.” It will be rated R, obviously.

4. TWERKING ON A DREAM Miley Cyrus has finally been given a chance to tell her side of the story and tell us what this twerking thing is really all about. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Miley explains with regard to her VMA performance that “we could have gone farther.” She is of course referring to herself and performance partner Robin Thicke. She also talks about a brief mentorship with Kanye West, which will surely endear her to all her critics.

3. BREAKING UP WITH BRUCK Jerry Bruckheimer, the super-producer who seemingly produces everything, and Disney, the megacorporation that seemingly owns everything, have parted ways after a fairly prosperous 20 years together. Bruckheimer has produced movies such as Armageddon, Pirates of the Caribbean, and National Treasure, among many others. How prosperous has the Bruckheimer-Disney relationship been over the last 20 years? According to Wikipedia, Bruckheimer movies have grossed a combined $13 billion.


CBS has decided that in the wake of Breaking Bad’s sure-to-be historic finale, what television really needs right now is another NCIS spinoff. NCIS: New Orleans will be introduced in a two-part NCIS episode this spring. The first spinoff, NCIS: Los Angeles (above), starring LL Cool J and Chris O’Donnell, BC ’92, is now entering its fifth season but has not reached the heights of its now 11-year running populist juggernaut of a program.





PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOGLE IMAGES’s exaggerated focus on the trivial pronouncements of stars like Kanye West exemplifies the worst of celebrity culture. the worst of modern media MATT MAZZARI Each week when column-time comes around, I rub my little paws together, open my laptop, and make the same goddamn mistake every time: I go to Google, type in “music news,” and wind up on the first website linked— Now you might be thinking, “Matt, you idiot, why would you ever take your music news from MTV? It should be clear to you what their business model is from their full name: Mreality Television.” My answer to that is, of course, I don’t. I’m enticed by the promise of “Music News/Latest/Most Popular,” I click the link, I am disappointed, and I go somewhere else. The problem is, I do this every week. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just keep forgetting. Every time I use Google I revert to autopilot: “Music news, music news, oh hey that’s exactly what I’m looking for NOOOOOOO! Curse you,!” This week, however, I’m making lemonade from the lemons of my own incompetence. No, I didn’t remember. Yes, I clicked the link. But this time, that wretched website will be relevant to my column, because the subject this week is just how bad of a source is, and why other music media should strive tooth and nail never to be like it. First thing you need to know about is that, to satisfy some nefarious legal quota, 30 percent of its articles have to be about Miley Cyrus. “Miley Cyrus: 7 Things We Learned from Her Revealing RS Interview.” “Miley Cyrus Says ‘The Wanted’ Are ‘The Dirtiest Twerkers’ Ever.”

“Miley Cyrus Dances With a Dwarf, Cries on Stage.” Yes, that’s real. I’m not going to click on it. Just let me have my dream. Next, you’ll have to slog past about 12 articles on Drake’s recent shenanigans. Drake is always responding to other rappers’ critiques of him. He would rap his responses rather than deliver them in interviews, but, you see, he isn’t talented. Then you’ll strike this gold nugget: “Kanye West Adds 5 New Ye-Isms to his Resume.” Ah yes, the ever-expanding list of inanities Yeezy says to the press. Now this is music news! Apparently, in a recent interview with Zane Lowe, Kanye declared himself the “No. 1 Rock Star on the planet.” This is coming off the heels of a string of dubious self-identifications, including “I am a God,” “I am Walt Disney,” “I am Steve Jobs,” and “I am Picasso.” At this point, it might be more efficient to just draft a list of things Kanye West is not. Kanye West is not a sandwich. He is not Chester Cheeto. He is not a bottle of shampoo. He is not Billy Crystal—not yet. He is not the low, low prices of Bob’s Discount Furniture outlet. He is not a flightless bird. That about covers it. Now here’s a headline to capture the imagination: “How Did Big Time Rush Get Their Hands on Alexa Vega’s Wedding Ring?” Oho! Some intrigue! So how did they do it, the clever rogues? I imagine a Mission: Impossible scenario, Logan Henderson scaling a building with suction cups, being lowered through a vent over a sleeping security guard, then knocking him

unconscious with the butt of a silencerrevolver. But what’s this? It’s Alexa Vega of Spy Kids fame dressed in a meccha-suit, charging down the hall! She blasts a hole in the wall behind Logan’s head with an RPG: ka-blam! Can Kendall, Carlos, and Jim handle the security ninjas in time to save their friend and finish the job? Will they have to choose between rescuing their friend and retrieving the compromised CIA files stored in— ….Wait, what’s that? ...Oh. Guys, it turns out that Carlos Pena of Big Time Rush is actually marrying Alexa Vega. So he had the ring because, you know ... he bought it. He showed it to his idiot buddies, and Logan decided to put it on. Wow, Cool freaking story, bro. Tell it again. So basically, is the pits. I almost wish that I could say that sensationalism is ruining music journalism, but there is literally nothing sensational about any of these stories. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that music news has always been partly insipid articles about “Donny Osmond’s 5 Favorite Cereals” and all that. Still, I honestly believe it’s reached a new low. First Rolling Stone prints the Boston Bomber on their magazine cover, now this? Something in music media has got to give. And I have GOT to stop clicking that link.

Matt Mazzari is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at






Thursday, September 26, 2013


The Heisenberg Reaction “Chemistry is, well, technically, chemistry is the study of matter,” explains a dweeby chemistry teacher in front of a bored high school class. “But I prefer to see it as the study of change. It is growth, then decay, then transformation.” With these words, uttered by Walter White in the pilot of Breaking Bad, the show provided its thesis statement. In the five seasons that followed, audiences watched that process unfold, as its protagonist grew an international meth empire, decayed morally, and transformed from a middle-class family man into a ruthless drug lord. This week, The Scene looks at the pivotal steps in Walter White’s transformation, and predicts what might happen when the AMC drama concludes on Sunday.

Family Man

Meth Cook

Cancer Desperation

When we first meet Walter White, he seems the epitome of average middle-class life. A high-school chemistry teacher, he lives in a comfortable Albuquerque suburb and enjoys spending his free time with family: his wife Skyler and son Walt Jr., and Skyler’s sister Marie and her husband Hank. The family is about to grow bigger, too: Skyler is pregnant with the couple’s daughter Holly. Underneath this veneer of domestic contentment, however, Walter leads a much sadder existence. At work, he struggles to connect with his disinterested students, who openly mock him. Financially strapped with the demands of raising a son with cerebral palsy, Walter is forced to take an extra job at the local car wash. And all the while, he lives with an old mistake: selling off his share of Gray Matter, a chemical company he co-founded and which now rakes in millions. And then comes Walt’s 50th birthday, and with it a cancer diagnosis. Faced with mounting hospital bills, and the prospect of leaving his family burdened by debt, he makes a rash decision to cook a batch of crystal meth. Working with high-school dropout and local druggie Jesse Pinkman, Walt makes an uncommonly pure product that sells like crazy. But when two drug dealers interfere, and Walt is forced to kill them in self-defense, he vows to never make meth again. He’s done. Or is he?


Desire for Security Greed

To protect his real identity, Walt creates the pseudonym Heisenberg, and his first stop is at Tuco’s. Walt cleverly manages his way into an alliance with Tuco, but it turns sour when Tuco suspects Walt is an undercover DEA agent. Kidnapped and fearing for their lives, Walt and Jesse try to kill Tuco before Hank arrives with guns blaring to finish him off—and the two partners escape. Walt and Jesse have little luck with self-distribution, until they become the clients of scummy lawyer Saul Goodman. He savvily manages their affairs and averts a legal crisis. Meanwhile, Heisenberg develops a reputation for the purity of his blue crystal meth and establishes himself as the biggest name in the Albuquerque drug circles. But all is not well: Jesse’s new girlfriend Jane makes him turn on Walt with threats of blackmail. When Walt walks in on them passed out in a heroin-induced stupor, he witnesses Jane choke to death on her own vomit, and does nothing to help her. Meanwhile, Skyler realizes that her husband has been lying about his activities, and she kicks him out of the house.


After his first deadly encounter with the illicit drug trade, and with his brother-in-law Hank spearheading the fight against crystal meth for the Albuquerque DEA, Walter White has plenty of reasons to stay out of the meth business. But the hospital bills keep piling up, and so do the offers to help. What ultimately triggers Walt to enter the drug business again is his pride. When Gretchen Schwartz, Walt’s old flame and the wife of his old business partner at Gray Matter, offers to pay for his cancer treatments, he is livid. Incensed at the idea that he is a charity case, Walt calls up Jesse again for another cooking session, so that he can provide for his family himself. Despite their contentious personalities, Walt and Jesse begin to perfect their craft as a team. Walt handles the chemistry, and Jesse the sales. When Walt wants to expand their distribution, he asks Jesse to meet with Tuco Salamanca, a big-time cartel associate and distributor. But the volatile Tuco beats Jesse senseless and steals his meth. Walt is backed in a corner: how can he get Tuco to work with them?

Wage Slave


Toilet Revelation Bad Karma

“I won,” Walt declares with pride to Skyler after killing Fring and torching the lab. But he has to start again from scratch, building a new meth empire without Fring’s expansive distribution network, which is now under investigation by Hank and the DEA. And at home, he needs to reconcile with Skyler, who’s been helping him launder money but is now terrified to realize the full extent of her husband’s evil. Gus’s henchman Mike Ehrmantraut reluctantly helps Walt and Jesse with their new operation, setting them up with a distributor who eventually expands the business to Europe. Walt, who proclaims himself to be “in the empire business,” is on the top of his game—even if that means ordering hits on eight potential witnesses in jail, killing Mike in a fit of anger, and alienating Jesse, who quits and is replaced by the quietly sociopathic Todd. Finally, Skyler convinces Walt that enough is enough. Showing him his vast pile of money and asking how much higher it needs to get, Walt cuts his ties to the drug world for good. He decides to live out the rest of his days with his family in peace, putting his violent past behind him.

Pride Ambition Ingenuity

Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Gus Fring

Walt’s initial goal of making $737,000 for his family expands immeasurably as he enters into the employment of Gus Fring, who runs a drug empire under the guise of a popular fast food chain. As part of the deal, Walt gets a shiny new lab and makes enormous profits, but they pale in comparison to Fring’s earnings. Jesse thinks they’re being cheated, which creates a rift between him and Walt, leading Gus to pair Walt with skilled chemist Gale. There are bigger issues with the new arrangement: to appease Tuco’s death, Fring directs the cartel to target Hank, who is nearly killed in the attack. Fring’s connections also kill the kid brother of Jesse’s new girlfriend Andrea. Exploited by an intractable boss, Walt and Jesse respond with open rebellion, killing the dealers responsible for the kid’s death and assassinating Gale to protect their value as meth cooks and save their skins. A furious Fring is forced to work with them but looks for a way to turn the partners against each other and get rid of Walt. A season-long game of cat and mouse ends with Walt gaining the upper hand. He manipulates Jesse to his side by poisoning Andrea’s son and framing Fring, and then dispatches his boss with an explosion. Walt is his own boss now, but his transformation has cost him his soul.

Ozymandias Just when Walt has finally gotten out of the business, Hank sits on a toilet in the White’s bathroom and everything changes. Finding a copy of Leaves of Grass given to Walt by Gale, Hank finally puts together the pieces and realizes Walt is Heisenberg. Over the course of the final eight episodes, Walt has oscillated between his two personas as he tries in vain to control the fallout from Hank’s discovery. At times, Walter White dominates—like when he refuses to kill Jesse and Hank because they are “family.” But when pushed to the breaking point, Heisenberg emerges, leaving a trail of death in his wake. The Walter White of these last few episodes most closely resembles Ozymandias, the titular king in the Shelley poem that gave the season its ominous teaser and the title for the most dramatic episode in Breaking Bad history. Like Ozymandias, Walter White is a “king of kings” whose works have collapsed into a “colossal wreck.” With one episode to go, everything he worked for has been lost—“nothing beside remains,” as Shelley put it. Walt is left with nothing but a fraction of his vast earnings, his family’s contempt, and a fake New Hampshire driver’s license. The only motivating forces he has left are pride and anger—two catalysts that send him back to Albuquerque to settle old scores. But the final product in the transformation of Walter White is still unknown.

Final Product ?

Our Series Finale Predictions SEAN KEELEY, ARTS & REVIEW EDITOR I always thought that Breaking Bad would end with Walter White alive but having lost everyone he loved and everything he fought for. We’re pretty much already at that point, so I now have little doubt that he’s going to bite the bullet in the finale. The only question is who goes out with him, and I have a hunch that Walt Jr. (aka Flynn) will somehow get caught in the crossfire and die as a result of his father’s sins. As for Jesse? He’s so beloved, and has been tortured so much already, that even Vince Gilligan would be too cruel to kill him off. Walt will try to dispatch Jesse with the ricin, but Jesse will manage to get free and start a new life, leaving the audience with the slightest sliver of hope for his future.

AUSTIN TEDESCO, SPORTS EDITOR The episode begins with new Albuquerque High head football coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami pulling up to the abandoned former White household. “I tell you what,” Eric says, ”this is a shame.” Coach then recruits Jesse to take out his frustration as a star dual-threat quarterback for his squad, Huell sneaks onto the team as a left tackle, Todd is the defensive coordinator and Saul runs the offense. Coach makes sure Jesse and Todd are never on the field at the same time, and the team, of course, wins state. Oh, and Walt, Skyler, and Holly all die. Flynn is too busy still eating breakfast to notice.

CONNOR MELLAS, ASST. COPY EDITOR Walt, after killing the neo-Nazis, finally realizes that his family will never welcome him back. He calls the vacuum man again and starts another new life, where he fathers four sons named Francis, Malcolm, Dewey, and Reese. Meanwhile, Walt Jr. and Louis graduate from high school and go into business together, opening a successful chain of restaurants called Flynn & Friends’ Breakfast Emporium. Sadly, Huell starves to death waiting for Hank to come back. MAGGIE BURDGE, GRAPHICS EDITOR Jesse will win. Walt will lose. It’s the only way order can be restored to the world. Plus, who doesn’t love Jesse?

MUJTABA SYED, NATIONAL ADS MANAGER It seems rather clear that at the outset of the series finale, Walt will set out to take down Todd’s uncle and his gang. Energized by hearing Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz’ comments about his minimal contributions to Gray Matter, Walt will stockpile the weapons we have seen in one of the flash-forward scenes and make his way back to Albuquerque. Walt and Jesse will team up one final time to take out Todd and his uncle’s gang—Jesse will make sure to be the one to kill Todd. Walt will then leave to give his recovered fortune to his family, but in a dramatic plot twist, will decide to kill Skyler with the ricin he finds behind the outlet. Walter Jr. will realize how much he respects his father, and Walt will take his children back to the snowy home in the woods as he makes a full recovery from cancer.



Thursday, September 26, 2013



The Weeknd explores sinister themes in ‘Pretty’ video Barstool versus TITLE: “Pretty” ARTIST: The Weeknd DIRECTED BY: Sam Pilling WHY: The up-and-coming Toronto rapper explores bleak territory of sex and violence in this provocative new video


This Sam Pilling-directed music video for “Pretty,” the latest single off The Weeknd’s debut album Kiss Land, takes us on a dark journey of revenge. The Weeknd has returned home to Toronto (which appears so bleak I would’ve believed it was Siberia) after a year spent touring the world, and he yearns to see the love he left behind. Although The Weeknd’s lyrics for “Pretty” suggest that young Abel Tesfaye accepts that his “lady friend” has been less than faithful, his cold, dead stare in the back of his Lincoln Continental limousine presages his sinister intentions (“Well baby I won’t cry / As long as you know that when I land you’re mine”). Upon finding his aforementioned woman in the arms of another man, The Weeknd unloads a barrage of bullets on the unsuspecting lovers. The artist, who openly admits to using sex as a weapon, now makes the leap to actual guns. Beneath all the blood, nudity, and gore that will undoubtedly dominate the conversation in this video, “Pretty” exposes The Weeknd as a tortured soul who can dish it out in love but can’t take it. 


Bringing Fashion Week to the everyday What happens in Milan doesn’t need to stay in Milan

THERESE TULLY Let’s look to Milan shall we? A veritable fashion hub, just coming down from its Fashion Week high. There was much to learn while watching the Italian runways this fall, so buckle up, pull out a notebook and pen, and try to keep up. The accessories are where I would like to focus today. And where is a better place to start than at the top? Hats, hats, and more headwear. I love headwear. I think it’s cool and chic and just a little bit unexpected without being too zany. Armani accented their watercolor chiffon masterpieces with larger-than-life headwear that was angular and threatening to topple with each turn on the runway. Although this sort of extreme headwear may not be exactly practical for translation here on Boston College’s own fine campus—if only for the mere reason that you might not fit through the doorways, or may be asked to remove it when attempting to enter Alumni Stadium—these bold chapeaus did have me longing to visit Goorin Bros. Hat Shop located on the lovely Newbury to try on a wool cloche or two. Maybe a maroon one could sneak its way into Alumni after all! On that headwear note, there was an unexpected surprise on Marni’s runway. Sporty and elegance fell in love, got married, and had a baby: the bejeweled visor. Practical? No. Fabulous? Clearly. These are their own brand of whimsy, and I’m digging it. They are right up there with the many funky frames and bedazzled shades that graced runway after runway. Pumped up shades are a great accessible accessory to try this upcoming spring and summer, though I know it’s hard to think about that now as the leaves are just starting to change and the pumpkin spiced lattes are just beginning to flow. Fresh and different though not too avant-garde to wear at BC, they are a great pick to add some sass to your wardrobe this year. One of the stranger accessory trends to grace the runways, you may have noticed, was the oversized, fuzzy clutch. Reminiscent of a pillow pal of some description, these furry fashion statements are plush and roomy for anything you might need to tote around. Also, top handle bags, held rather than slung over shoulders made the rounds on multiple runways. This might be a tough sell to a college student if you are one of the college students who actually lug all of your books to class religiously.

Clutching at these top handle bags, I couldn’t help but seek out the nail art that Milan had to offer. After New York presented us with half moons, fake eyelashes glued to nails, lattices, fuzzy coated nails, and intentionally chipped sparkles, (to name just a few), I was curious to see what the Italian show would bring to the scene. I have to say, in this respect it seems that NY had Milan beat, where the nail art was hardly as flashy. If you have a few spare hours to sit and let your nails dry and the additional super human ability to perform some serious nail art on yourself, power to you. But if you are part of the masses who can barely keep a manicure un-smudged more than 30 seconds, may I suggest grabbing a friend before undergoing this crazy task? My dream accessory to steal from Milan Fashion Week was the gray peep toe boot-sandal hybrids from Salvatore Ferragamo. My own frayed Toms pale in comparison, and make me despise practical footwear. What is more likely, is that I follow Prada’s tube sock trend. Footless socks in a variety of colors warmed the legs of lanky models paired with strappy heeled sandals. Although this was an unusual combination, it was not so outlandish. Could a fashionable Boston girl rock the same while walking around Cambridge? You let me know. Also accessible were the collar pins found on bottom downs on Frankie Morello’s models. One particular sky blue button down was layered underneath a fabulous white sundress. The two starfish collar jewels really embellished an already interesting look—though I wouldn’t expect anything else from a brand that reeks of cool youth. One could easily get away with these on campus, and seem like an interesting new interpretation of the once wildly popular collar necklace. This one accessory truly left me wondering, is it a collar or a piece of jewelry, or could it possibly be both? Don’t hurt your head too hard with that one, get some cool collar pins for your button downs instead. And why wait for spring and sundresses, this fall is a perfect time to play with the spring styles to come. The added bonus is that you’ll be ahead of the curve. Although for most of us, runway looks are far out of our reach, and far from the wardrobes of our reality, sadly, inspiration can be found by checking out the awe-worthy styles as they make their debuts. Accessories are a wonderful entry point into the world of high fashion, and even the most avant-garde choice can be dialed down to fit one’s own life. Students need not be excluded from the world of high fashion.

Therese Tully is a senior staff columnist for The Heights. She can be reached at

JOHN WILEY In Monday’s issue of The Heights, opinions columnist Evan Goldstein published a column titled “#BeAnExample,” a piece on the microagressions of misogyny, at Boston College and at large, framed namely through football coach Addazio’s “#beadude” recruiting slogan. The article was reposted by men’s blog Barstool, under the headline “BC Bro Says Football Teamss ‘Be A Dude’ Slogan Is Sexist.” Barstool’s comment feed quickly populated with an onslaught of homophobic, anti-Semitic, violent, and otherwise unsavory remarks, written by what is purportedly an unabashedly “manly” group of men, posted almost exclusively under aliases. The site’s content is branded by the slogan “By the common man, for the common man.” And common men you are! In honor of these hardworking “common men”—preserving the mysterious order of masculinity behind the auspices of their computer screens, leveling the degenerative faction of derelicts who’ve nothing better to do than form public opinions and care about things—I would like to personally call out all the uncommon men of history, music, and film, who weren’t fortunate enough to have Barstool around to let them know their manhood simply wasn’t screwed on straight. “GREEK BRO TOO BLIND TO NOTICE NO ONE LIKES POETRY” Hey newsflash Homer: you’re blind. And you sing poetry—it’s called Darwinism. So what, you founded the Western canon of literature? Big deal. Oh, and maybe you laid down the foundation for Greek culture as we know it, but are you even in a frat? Try singing about that, gypsy. “RENAISSANCE MAN CARES ABOUT TOO MUCH” Leonardo da Vinci? More like Leonardo da ... male humanist—nothing worse than a male humanist. I hear you like math and painting and elevating the human condition through the vast scope of your talents. Dude, Mona Lisa isn’t even cute. I suppose you did draw the “Vitruvian Man,” and that’s kind of cool, because real men do draw dicks on everything—but still, you’re a threat to the medieval man everywhere. Fewer artists. Fewer architects. Fewer anatomists. Fewer mathematicians. Fewer scientists. Definitely fewer humanists. More dudes. “55 MEN CHILL OUT FOUR STRAIGHT MONTHS IN PHILADELPHIA” Founding Fathers? More like founding bros! In the Penn State House, shacked up with the homies for days (on a serious note, sorry about your football program). But seriously, chill out about the Articles of Confederation—what, do you care or something? Your writing and political works are just a little too grounded in the rich classical tradition, drawing from the ancients as well as relevant examples from the post-medieval era. I do appreciate how you published the Federalist Papers anonymously though. Hamilton, that’s a sissy. Publius, now that’s a dude.


It’s no use running away from the runway fashion. The accessories and shoes presented in Milan Fashion Week this year are sure to keep the fashionistas on their toes this season, as they look to expensive styles as inspiration for everyday fashion.




uncommon man




A Boston College Parents’ Weekend tradition, Pops on the Heights: The Barbara and Jim Cleary Scholarship Gala, is taking place in Conte Forum on Friday evening. Both the Pops Orchestra and Katherine McPhee will be performing for the fundraising event. Tickets are sold out.

Reappearing in Boston’s South End for its 13th year, the Berklee BeanTown Jazz Festival will feature live jazz, Latin, blues, and soul performances, international food vendors, and other interactive activities. The all-day, outdoor event is free, and it’s being held on the corner of Massachusetts and Columbus Avenue.



The avant-garde Fourthwall Project gallery is hosting a weeklong, new exhibit called Sightings: A Cryptozoology-themed Art Show this week. Presented by video game artists from Harmonix (Guitar Hero, Rock Band), the display blurs the line between the mythic and the scientific. Admission is free.

Kicking off this Friday, Boston Fashion Week is a grassroots civic initiative celebrating the vibrancy of local style. Over 60 events, including shows, parties, and educational programming, have been organized for the duration of the week. For a detailed schedule or for more information, see



Directed by and starring (500) Days of Summer actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Don Jon, is a romantic comedy about two people struggling to find true intimacy in a culture bent on the media. It opens in Boston theaters this Friday.


“ILLINOIS ARTIST MOVES TO HOLLYWOOD TO DRAWS PRINCESSES” Snow White and The Seven Dwarves— how about, Snow White and The Seven Male Feminists? Walt Disney, that kid must’ve been the toast of his art class, huh? Just waxing artistic on a career grounded in his imagination—how about some real-world application? Nothing screams manhood like singing princess and animal movies. Definitely should’ve started a blog, bro. “BRITISH BOY BAND THINKS ALL IT NEEDS IS LOVE” Hey dudes, don’t make me gag. You have found chicks, now go and stop making music. Problem solved. Good luck with those matching bowl cuts—it’s called Darwinism. The list goes on. Whether it’s that American folk singer who couldn’t stop his stone from rolling or the Harvard nerd who dropped out of school to show off his “Microsoft,” there are so many uncommon men who might have been brought to their good senses, had they only the voice of the common man to keep them in check. It’s a vigorous, manly job, the honest profession of our anonymous protectors to dismiss mankind of his insecurity, reaffirming humanity’s time-honored tradition of hating ideas and thoughtful people. So boo you, uncommon men of the world. You and Homer can go sing a poem together or something, and paint something with Da Vinci while you’re at it. Leave the common man alone, to live and die unquestioned and unquestioning, as unmoving in his language as he is unmovable by yours.

John Wiley is the Asst. Arts & Review Editor for The Heights. He can be reached at


Thursday, September 26, 2013


Drake on top of industry with ‘Nothing Was the Same’


BY DMITRY LARIONOV Heights Staff “I can’t see them coming down my eyes, so I gotta make this song cry,” rapped Jay Z on “Song Cry.” This was as much introspection as the hip-hop industry of 2001 would entertain—the rest was all sports cars and models. Still is, for the most part. On Nothing Was the Same, Drake asks us to not talk to him like he’s famous, like he’s a part of that wealth that gives you a hard amnesia. The album takes us back to the days of wood-grained studios, of rich, velvet sofas and hand-rolled cigarettes , Moet champagne, cream linen suits, and gold-plated microphones. Think back to the room where Marvin Gaye was holed up for a year writing about his divorce, when his wife had come back not for forgiveness but for a million of his money—a fortune he had made writing melodies for her. Drake takes us into this world on his latest release, slated to become one of the most honest, beautiful records of the year. And at a point when it’s not unusual for the hottest rappers to fall into a formula—the club song, the radio hit, the breakup track—Drake abandons structure for something more meaningful because of its inconclusiveness. Credit is due to executive producer Noah “40” Shebib for taking

Drake so far outside of his comfort zone that the artist had no choice but to begin to think of an album as an hour of space. Drake treats the release like some warehouse gallery, and gives us his honest reflections on the most human things in life—his relationship with his father (“When he put the bottle down / girl that n—ga amazing”), abandoned friendships (“And all my family that I’d be around … Start treating me like I’m him now / Like we don’t know each other, like we didn’t grow together / we’re just friends now”)—over some of the most inorganic, unnatural audio of the decade. The album never goes full Yeezus, but Shebib finds melody in something that could easily be the soundtrack to somebody building a steel tankard. Think back to “Street Lights” off of Kanye West’s 808s & Heartbreak, and how we got here will start to make sense. The second single off of the album, “Hold On, We’re Going Home” is our generation’s answer to “Sexual Healing.” It’s a fantastic cut and the ’80s feels are real but, sonically, it’s a victory lap in the middle of an album about homelessness. NWTS is heavy on soul samples, but uses them more for their historic significance than as an essential part of composition. A sample of Wu-Tang’s “C.R.E.A.M.” takes the phrase “cash rules ev-

1 Wrecking Ball Miley Cyrus 2 Roar Katy Perry 3 Royals Lorde 4 Wake Me Up Avicii 5 Blurred Lines Robin Thicke feat. T.I. and Pharrell 6 Holy Grail Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake 7 Hold On, We’re Going Home Drake feat. Majid Jordan



Drake reworks his traditional sound from the bottom up on ‘Nothing Was the Same,’ an emotional and confident record. erything around me” and flips the boast into an indictment of the industry. “Nothing was the Same” gives us a more sophisticated look at how Drake is dealing with stardom, carefully avoiding the criticism that Take Care received as an album about how much it sucks to be rich and famous. On “Too Much” (feat. Sampha), Drake looks beyond how notoriety affects him and instead focuses on those

around him: a mother that is too tired to leave the house, an uncle that has given up his dreams of becoming a musician. “Money got my whole family going backwards / no dinners, no holidays, no nothing / there’s issues at hand that we’re not discussing.” He even speaks on his Degrassi roots—a topic that he has obviously avoided in previous, safer albums. People seem to want Drake to be

the poster child for heartless “emo rap,” but Nothing Was the Same is the album on which he embraces his emotionality, confronts his past, and becomes the star that we didn’t think we ever wanted him to be. Abandoning the security of formula, Drake is able to find confidence in abstraction. Off of the album’s closer: “Only real music’s gonna last. All that other bullshit is here today and gone tomorrow.” 


1 From Here to Now to You Jack Johnson 2 Off the Beaten Path Justin Moore 3 A.M. Chris Young 4 MMG: Self Made 3 Maybach Music Group 5 True Avicii Source:

Kings of Leon’s classic sound is shaken up on ‘Mechanical Bull’ BY PHOEBE FICO For The Heights

“It doesn’t matter / Cause I’m always the same” sings Caleb Followill on the third track, appropriately titled “Don’t Matter,” off Kings of Leon’s sixth studio effort, Mechanical Bull. These lyrics seem

to be addressing the meltdown that effectively turned one of the biggest rock bands in the world and the band once lauded by critics and rock and roll peers alike as “innovators” into one of the biggest rock n’ roll cliches—the rock star with the alcohol problem. The meltdown came during the

band’s tour for its last album, 2010’s lackluster Come Around Sundown, when Caleb Followill announced to a Dallas crowd that he was “gonna go vomit … drink a beer and play three more songs.” He never returned. The band’s bassist and Followill’s youngest brother, Jared (the band is comprised of three brothers and


Kings of Leon push out the boundaries of their musical empire with ‘Mechanical Bull,’ a lively rock and roll album.

one cousin: Nathan, the oldest on drums, Caleb sings vocals and plays rhythm guitar, and cousin Matthew plays lead guitar), told the crowd: “Hate Caleb, not us.” And suddenly, it seemed that these brothers and sons of evangelical preachers, were playing out their own version of Cain and Abel. To many fans, it seemed as though the band may have been, just as other legendary brothers have, bludgeoning themselves from the inside. As Caleb told Rolling Stone magazine earlier this year, “It hurt when I heard them say that because I’ve always stood behind them.” So when the band returned from its nearly one-year break preaching a revival of the band and brandishing the phrases “best album yet” and “it sounds like our old stuff,” there would be reasons for fans to be a little skeptical. (Especially since Caleb never considered going to rehab—he simply stopped drinking for nine months to prove that he could.) After a listen through the album, one realizes, however, that they might be right. The opening track and the album’s first single, “Supersoaker” sets the tone, with a jangly and fuzzy rock guitar that would

make legendary The Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr proud and any hipster with a band and a beard jealous. The song also features drums that really do make the album sound like their old stuff (mainly, “The Bucket” off 2005’s Aha Shake Heartbreak and “California Waiting” from their 2003 debut Youth and Young Manhood). The true star of this album is Matthew Followill’s lead guitar work. On this album, he seems to have ripped posters of U2’s Edge off his bedroom wall, like a teenager, who after a period of uncertainty wanted to be himself again. He ditches the “wall of sound” guitar effect that seems tailor made for arenas and returns to the style he adopted on both of the band’s breakout albums, Only by the Night and Come Around Sundown (This very guitar sound is one of the main reasons that after hits like “Sex on Fire,” many of their longtime fans labeled them “sell-outs”). On “Rock City,” one of the album’s best tracks, he elevates it with a fast, all downstrumming, punk-like guitar–while on the next tracks, “Don’t Matter” and “Beautiful War,” he explodes with dirty, refreshingly unaffected guitar solos. Finally on “Temple,” he hangs back with a light guitar sound that

lets Caleb’s voice shine. And shine on this record it does. Caleb doesn’t overuse his stereotypical rock and roll growl or his annoyingly coarse rock scream (Robert Plant did it better). Rather, he decides to slide in and out of the notes, in the vein of a rock singer who is imitating an R&B singer, which is something that he admitted to doing when he was younger, when he was an avid fan of Boyz II Men. His vocal highlight of the album is “Temple,” which features virtually no growl, but interesting high notes. His lyrics have also improved, especially on “Rock City,” where he sings, “I was looking for a bad girl / Looking for a bad boy.” Bassist Jared and drummer Nathan, who were often considered the better musicians in the band, are solid here. Listen for Jared’s sneakily cool bass line in “Temple” and the unforgettable one in “Family Tree.” Moreover, it sounds like the band is having fun, from the little screams at the beginning of “Rock City” to the all-out howl on “Wait for Me.” On the latter song, the drums sound like applause. And that’s exactly what they deserve. 

Deer Tick latches onto darker themes, but keeps positive sound BY MAGDALENA LACHOWICZ For The Heights There is something to be said for art which comes from suffering—it is either stunted, mangled, deficient, or it takes flight, spreading magnificent wings to strike awe in others. Now, that is an admittedly lofty metaphor for an indie, country-alternative album, yet Deer Tick manages to find this beauty in the midst of personal turmoil. What comes forth from the band’s fifth album, aptly titled Negativity, is a melancholy yet poignant reflection on the darker side of life. Despite the dismal lyricism and the various misfortunes that befell the band while recording the album (including the break-up of lead singer John McCauley’s engagement), this is far from a eulogy of the olden, golden days. Instead, the album favors an upbeat feel through the use of horns, lively tempos, and a classic rock and roll swing. Despite the turmoil, Deer Tick manages to take what life has served them and produce their

most poignant work yet. Opening with “The Ring,” McCauley wastes no time in revealing his pain, his gravelly voice crooning “Don’t hold me closer / It’s all too sweet to last. / Come on! Fellow goner / The glory days have passed.” Each song henceforth is tinged with a bittersweet melancholy, the words wrapping the listener in a sorrowful nostalgia, but also with the understanding that the hard times are just as much a part of life as the good. The style of the album fits this well, with John’s slight twang mirroring the ennui of suffering while the extensive instrumentation and driving tempos bring an almost dance-able aspect to the work. Deer Tick also settles back into the country aspect of their alt-country label—the album is reminiscent of a Wilco album circa 1996—while managing to retain a gritty, rock and roll sound, melding the two styles almost seamlessly. At times, the country shines through more, especially in the song “In Our Time,” featuring Vanessa Carlton, whereas “Trash” harkens back to

the Elvis era of big guitars and even bigger horns. Only one song seems out of place—the punkish nit-grit of “Pot of Gold” seems as though it belongs on the band’s previous album Divine Providence and only serves to detract from the overall impression of the album. Worth noting is the increase in production value. It can be said that Deer Tick has finally become a cohesive unit instead of being John McCauley with Deer Tick backing him. There is a hominess here that is present from previous albums, but it is significantly more refined and matured. The instruments range from horns to string ensembles to various mallet percussion and all raunchiness is still calculated and thoughtfully placed. Long-time fans need not be worried—this new album harkens back to the older days of Deer Tick, before the rough and rowdy Divine Providence, and they just have settled into their sound, giving it clarity and direction. Deer Tick’s trademark melancholy and twang is still around, it just sounds much nicer.

Deer Tick manages to capture the anguish of life while also celebrating it. The cover art encompasses this well: the band’s bright, colorful sound being the plane leading along the turmoil the y stumble d upon. Ne ver feeling contrived or forced, the album proves itself comforting

in the midst of the depressive subject matter. Throughout his lyrics, McCauley acknowledges his faults and his woes, but he never dumps the blame on anyone else—he sees them for what they are and makes to move on from them. Hence why the album can be taken to be a celebration

as much as a lament—why the upbeat nature of the music does not seem out of place or a ploy. Negativity stands as a deeply personal statement from Deer Tick, one that has proven that even in the midst of the greatest turmoil, there is something resplendent to be found. 



‘Negativity’ takes the listener through turbulent themes, but maintains the optimistic character of Deer Tick.


Pearl Jam “Sirens” One of America’s most enduring rock bands is back with “Sirens,” featuring strong midtempo work and some of the best lyrics in modern rock—the song deals with things not lasting forever. The song fails when Vedder experiments with his higher range, which is considerably weaker than his baritone. Stick to what works, Eddie. It has for 20 years.

Mike WiLL Made-It feat. Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa & Juicy J “23” AFI has seen continual change, beginning as hardcore punks, later experimenting with electronica and pop-rock. Surprisingly, the second single from their first album in four years would seemingly combine two of their past styles—punk and alternative rock—to make a fast-paced, catchy single with a Bonnie and Clyde theme true to their dark aesthetic.

Busy twerking and tongue exposing in recent weeks, Miley Cyrus interestingly elevates the song’s chorus. “23” suffers instead from Mike WiLL Made-It’s unoriginal rhymes and general lack of flow. It is because of Cyrus that the song is one that I wouldn’t mind dancing to in a crowded, sweaty eight-man or mod. But please, girls, no twerking.


The Heights

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Thursday, September 26, 2013



ARTS Art Week Boston, presented by the Highland Street Fo u n d a t i o n , i s a week of free art exhibits and events dedicated to the different cultures, artists, and featured works throughout the city. Tomorrow marks the beginning of Art Week, which will run through Oct. 6. Each participating event will be partnered with a local business to encourage networking and, according to the Art Week Boston press page, “build awareness about the area’s creative economy.” Categories for events include: crafts, dance, visual arts, music, interactive, and theater. The week is loosely based off of Boston’s famous Restaurant Week, which takes place at the end of the summer. For more information regarding the festival, visit

EDUCATION BUSINESS FREE STUFF Emerson College student Jo dy Ste el has recently gained recognition for her artwork, displayed in an unusual place: her right thigh. In the past week, Steel’s drawings have gone viral thanks to her Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and personal website. Over 530,000 unique users have seen her work online, and Steel has received praise from news networks across the country. Most viewed thus far are her sketches of Breaking Bad characters, a show which Steel admits is an obsession. In an interview with Boston Magazine, Steel said that each drawing takes approximately one hour to complete. Her drawing hand has not only earned Steel national recognition, but also a job : part-time professor Cynthia Miller noticed Steel drawing in class, but instead of reprimanding her, Miller gave Steel the opportunity to illustrate her upcoming book series.

Th i s p a s t w e ek , Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino teamed up with MassChallenge, the largest startup accelerator in the world, to announce an expansion of the Innovation District. This expansion will begin with MassChallenge’s move eastward: the company will relocate their offices to the Innovation and Design Building in the Boston Marine Industrial Park. Along with the MassChallenge announcement, Menino stated that the innovation district has created 5,000 jobs in the past four years, 1,000 jobs in the past eight months alone. According to a press release from the mayor’s office, MassChallenge is credited with helping anchor the Innovation District, drawing numerous other companies to Industrial Park over the past three years. MassChallenge is expected to move their offices to the new Innovation and Design Building in 2014.

This weekend, it seems the entire city is celebrating the beginning of fall with free events, festivals, and special deals. Tomorrow night, the MFA is hosting “Throwback Thursday,” a night dedicated to their new and highly popular “Hippie Chic” exhibit. Since a VW van will be on site for a photo opportunity, the museum is encouraging participants to dress according to the theme. Make-your-own tie dye will also be available. While the exhibit runs through Nov. 11, “Throwback Thursday” is a one-time event. On Friday, the Museum of Science is hosting College Night. Any current student with a valid college ID will receive free access to the exhibits, as well as the Theater of Electricity, the museum’s live-feature presentation. Those in attendance will also have the opportunity to take a Duck Tour and see a live animal show.

MUSIC The Berklee College of Music will host their annual Berklee Beantown Jazz Festival this Saturday, Sept. 28, on Columbus Ave. (between Massachusetts Ave. and Burke St. in the South End) between 12 and 6 p.m. This year’s theme, Jazz: The Next Generation, provides an opportunity for the up-and-coming artists in the music field to perform. Highlights include Meshell N d e g e o c e l l o , Wi l l C a l h o u n Trio—led by the Grammy Awardwinning alumnus and drummer of the band Living Colour—as well as Robin McKelle & the Flytones. In addition to the featured musicians, street performers, face painters, and vendors will be on site. All performances will be outdoors, open to the public, and free of charge.


Zaftigs unifies a retro atmosphere with classic deli favorites

B Y Z ACHARY C OHEN For The Heights

When you enter a restaurant and the wait staff ’s shirts have corny sayings like “Challah Back,” and “Red Lox,”—written in a way similar to that of the Boston Red Sox logo—you know you want to be at that Jewish Deli. Zaftigs Delicatessen is located on Coolidge Corner’s Harvard Ave. in Brighton, near the C-Line. Since 1996, Zaftigs’ hip and retro atmosphere, filled with abstract paintings and antique signs, has been serving superior cuisine for the local community. On any given night, you can find any number of people enjoying the same hearty sandwiches and sour-pickle arrangements. The evening started off with an assortment of bagel crisps ranging

from cinnamon raisin to sesame with cream cheese. This creative substitute to the traditional loaf of bread helped emphasize the unique personality that Zaftigs tries to give off—and it doesn’t hurt that they had a nice crunch. The appetizer combo arrived just as the bagel crisps were finished, which made for the best part of the evening. The collection of common Jewish side dishes could make one feel right at home. The potato pancakes had an outer crunch but a soft potato inside—along with the sweet applesauce, it made for an exceptional dish. The sweet noodle kugel was just like how mom makes it: a slightly crispy edge with a gooey, middle consistency heavily dusted with cinnamon and sugar that made it taste like candy. The potato blintzes, however, were nothing special—in fact, they were

rather bland. The last and probably best part was the incredible cheese blintzes. The sweet, creamy cheese filling in a perfectly heated doughy outside, accompanied by fresh fruit, was the icing on the cake for the combo. LOCATION: 355 HARVARD STREET COOLIDGE CORNER CUISINE: Jewish Deli SIGNATURE DISH: Potato Pancakes ATMOSPHERE: 8/10 AVERAGE MEAL: $10

Th e f i r s t e nt r e e o r d e r e d w a s the true, New York-style deli sand-

wich appropriately called “The New Yorker.”This colossal beast of a sandwich was piled high with corn beef and pastrami topped with the usual Swiss cheese and Russian dressing. The meat was slightly chewy and a bit too thick, but it didn’t present a major problem. It was nicely accompanied by a satisfying, traditional deli-style coleslaw. Filled with the perfect ratio of crunchy veggies, mayo, and cabbage, this slaw was made with the best quality ingredients. Overall, the dish was pleasant enough to recommend to those who are seeking out a sandwich. The whitefish salad sandwich was topped with anything and everything. The foundation of this breakfast behemoth was a well-toasted everything bagel filled with a copious amount of whitefish salad and topped with the classic tomato, lettuce, onions, and

capers. Everything was truly great, but the whitefish was a bit too salty. Cured fishes tend to encoutner this dilemma, but not to this excess. The side dish was another deli classic: potato salad. The potatoes had a good, firm texture that was surrounded by a creamy mayo sauce. The review of this dish, despite my issue with the salt, is a recommendation to lovers of fish. The experience as a whole was enjoyable. The hip, contemporar y atmosphere mixed well with the better-than-average deli food and created a good experience. Zaftigs also specializes in the breakfast gig, something that is easily seen from a simple scan of the menu. They have everything from Matzo Brie to pancakes. Being able to fully appreciate the signs and other decorations also added to the already-solid experience. 


The Heights


Bookish Bostonian

In the name of a good tradition Ryan Towey Much of my life is driven by a kind of hysteric nostalgia. At home, I was always the one that forced the family to carve a pumpkin before Halloween, always the one who made sure the family Christmas tree went up right after Thanksgiving, one of many reasons for which I was always grateful to have a fake Christmas tree, regardless of what self-proclaimed Christmas culture critics have to say. (Easter eggs, though. Never really quite got into that. To this day I am irrationally mistrustful of families that are too aggressive about dyeing their Easter eggs—does that make me a critic?) And all of these things are driven by my desire to keep tradition alive. I am not the kind of person that fears progress, but I am the kind of person that fears the loss of good things, the fear that when good things are lost they do not come back. This was the feeling I had when I walked into the South End’s 535 Albany St. this past weekend during the annual South End Open Studios, which has been an event for 27 years. The old warehouse building, which houses creative and artistic ventures, is like something out of the past. A building with a distinctly bohemian feel, the large rooms with plenty of windows serve as the studios of several artists, some of whom have been working there since the 1980s. I had trekked to the South End not to visit this building specifically. I had just been looking to cover South End Open Studios in general for a brief Heights article. I certainly found an article, but, perhaps more importantly, I found a story. I had the opportunity to chat with four female artists who make their artistic homes at 535 Albany St., right in their very studios. I learned about how they found their way there, about their lives. I found myself enjoying a chat in the bright studios of Jo Ann Rothschild, Nancy Simonds, Lisa Houck, and Jane Kamine, all of whom have active artistic careers in the city of Boston. I knew that there were other galleries to be visited during the open studios event, as the women told me that there were more popular places on Harrison Ave. and Thayer St., but I was in no rush to leave. While an eventual visit to the other locations gave me the opportunity to see excellent artwork and other interesting artists, I was left cold by the more commercial vibe present in the newer studios. All artists, of course, are striving to sell their art, but the congested, claustrophobic hallways led into far too many studios for my liking, leaving me feeling like I was in a shopping mall instead of an art studio. On Albany St., however, I felt as if I were walking into the home of generous hosts. Despite their expertise in the field, all four of the artists that I talked to were devoid of the pretentiousness often pervasive in younger artists. They felt like friends, comfortable in their own skins. Kamine, for example, showed me the view of Boston outside of her studio—an angle that I have rarely seen in photographs. I do not know if my writing this will in any way assure that places like 535 Albany St. stay alive and well in this world—it is unlikely. I know that the column of a 19-yearold student at a college newspaper will have little sway. And even if I had all of the influence of the world’s most famous art connoisseur, I know that words are often weaker than the tug of economic interests, of the natural changes that come to all societies. But I hope that these final words, even if they cannot change the way in which art studios in the South End will change, will resonate. Simonds, one of the artists to whom I spoke, described her art this way: “It’s like visual self-discovery. It goes on forever.” I hope that places like 535 Albany St., in the name of tradition, do the same.

Ryan Towey is the Asst. Metro Editor for The Heights. He can be reached at

Thursday, September 26, 2013

South End studios open their doors, share artwork Artistic tenants on Albany St. wish for greater crowds in their beloved building By Ryan Towey Asst. Metro Editor

“Every year I say it will be my last year, but I have enough of a following that I keep doing it.” This is what Nancy Simonds had to say about opening her studio at 535 Albany St. in Boston’s South End, where she has made her living as an artist since 1985. The United South End Artists have been sponsoring an annual weekend event called South End Open Studios for 27 years, including during this past Saturday and Sunday afternoon. But Simonds, a creator of large, abstract gouache paintings, said that the building in which she makes her living receives not even a fraction of the traffic it experienced earlier in her career during South End Open Studios. “We were one of the anchor buildings in the beginning years of the South End Open Studios,” Simonds said, but this has been less true each year, because of what Simonds calls “South End Studios burnout.” As more buildings throughout the

South End and Boston began dedicating themselves to the arts, Simonds said, the building on Albany Street no longer had “quite the unusual quality it used to.” “It’s over-saturation,” she said, adding that she first started noticing a decrease in traffic around five or six years ago. Lisa Houck, a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design who has been in the building for around 20 years, agreed. “The South End Open Studios has changed because Harrison Ave. and Thayer St. have become the hub,” she said. Art studios in buildings such as 450 Harrison Ave. began having openings on the first Friday of every month around 10 years ago, after GTI Properties and owner Mario Nicosia began revamping the factory buildings on Harrison Ave. in the early 2000s. “People are used to going over there,” Houck said. Houck added that she and her fellow artists are not complaining, and that the United South End Artists cannot specifically do anything to improve traffic during South End Open Studios. Still, Houck said that she and her fellow tenants would all

“like to see more traffic.” “There are probably eight or nine very established artists in this building with very active careers,” Houck said, adding that many of the artists in the building maintain personal mailing lists to keep people coming through the building to see their work. Jo Ann Rothschild, an abstract artist and another long-time tenant at 535 Albany St., admitted that she had some difficulty in acclimating herself to the retail end of being an artist, as her abilities were in producing art, and not necessarily in selling it, but she said that she has always had people to lean on. “There is a myth about artists that they do their work alone,” Rothschild said. “It’s just not true.” Rothschild noted the joy that she experiences from her friendships not only in the Albany St. building, but also with artists in buildings just around the corner on Wareham St., another place indicated by Simonds as one of the former hubs of activity during South End Open Studios. Simonds, whose studio rests airily on the fifth floor of the building, said that the Boston Center for the Arts on Tremont St. and the Piano Factory on Harrison Ave., were also two of the original hotspots in the South End, forming a type of triangle in the South End within which art enthu-

siasts would trek. Jane Kamine, an artist who has been at 535 Albany St. for 26 years, expressed a level of contentment with the state of the arts community in Boston, even though traffic in her own building has subsided. “It’s very exciting for our city,” she said, “when you realize how many open studios we have.” The building at 535 Albany St., which has been operated by the Gossels family for decades, houses more than just visual art, however. Various creative business ventures have found their way in the building, including architects, clothing designers, and even the makers of bamboo bikes. “The Boston Globe business section found this remarkable,” Houck said of a 2011 article. “You don’t see that many buildings where you have so many individuals with different creative endeavors.” Rothschild, abstract art on the studio walls behind her, agreed. “It’s a great building,” she said. “Every now and then we get some new blood and that’s great, too.” For Houck, 535 Albany St. is ultimately defined by the friendships formed within it. “That’s why we’ve all stayed,” she said. n

Ryan Towey / heights editor

Jane Kamine’s studio (left) and Nancy Simonds’s studio (right) are both located at 535 Albany Street in the South End, and partook in last weekend’s South End Open Studios.

Upon leave, Davis receives praise from Boston figures Davis, from B10 need for crowd control. Since Menino’s announcement last spring that he would not seek reelection for the office of mayor, many have speculated that Davis would be stepping down soon. A source close to Davis said “he views himself as a team with the mayor.” Davis’ announcement of resignation comes just a day before the first preliminary election for mayor. He stated that he wanted to make the announcement before the election so people did not think the outcome influenced his decision to resign. Several of the mayoral candidates have made statements thanking Davis for his service. “I’ve had the privilege of working with him closely and can attest to his integrity, his professionalism and his compassion,” said candidate Dan Conley, the current District Attorney. “Ed loved his job, he genuinely cares for the people of Boston, and he is leaving Boston and the Boston Police Department better places. I can think of no higher praise.” Similarly, candidate Rob Consalvo thanked Davis by noting that “Davis displayed uncommon valor and leadership in the aftermath of the Marathon bombings and he has served our city well.” After meeting with many congres-

sional committees last spring to discuss the sharing of information between city police and federal agents on anti-terrorism measures, Davis sparked a significant amount of discussion regarding his future career options. In recent weeks, Davis was mentioned among several other potential candidates to lead the Department of Homeland Security. While there is still not an appointee for this position, Davis insists that he will not be discussing future positions at this time. The fellowship at Harvard University will allow Davis time to think about these opportunities outside the busy atmosphere of the police department. In wishing the next mayor and police commissioner success, Davis said that “the new mayor should have a clean slate and pick the commissioner that he or she wants.” While Davis enjoyed success during his tenure, some people criticized him for not giving enough attention to the structure of the police force. Davis mostly focused his efforts on reducing gun violence and crime. Many communities in Boston have praised him for his approachability and his emphasis on community policing, a practice that involves officers building relationships within the communities they serve. Those who criticize Davis,

erin fitzpatrick / for the heights

elise amendola / ap photo

Davis announced his resignation at the BPD headquarters a day before the preliminary election. however, point to the structure of his police force, asserting that he has not done enough to increase the diversity among officers and administrators in the force. While the department’s staff is currently made up of 42 percent minorities, Davis himself acknowledged that more needed to be done to improve diversity in the department.

At the conference announcing the resignation, Davis thanked Menino for showing him the importance of connecting with the community and thanked the Boston police officers and command staff. During the conference Davis emphasized that “it had been an incredible honor serving the city of Boston,” but that now “it is time to move on.” n

Connolly, Walsh now look to November mayoral election Election, from B10 school day. Throughout his campaign, Connolly repeatedly stressed his message that better schools lead to better neighborhoods and better jobs. “We think the future starts with safe schools, but it connects to the need for safe streets, healthy neighborhoods, and good jobs—and that’s what this campaign is all about,” Connolly told after his victory speech Tuesday night. The 40-year-old Connolly, son of a former Massachusetts secretary of state and a former chief justice of the state’s district courts, has been reelected to the city council twice since first winning a citywide council seat in 2007. While Harvard-educated Connolly touts education as his signature platform issue, Walsh, 46, is seen as a representative of labor, himself a former laborer and union official. A Dorchester native, Walsh has attempted to reach out to an increasingly diverse

Boston electorate. “This is a race about who we are— about values, and about whether Boston will be a city for all its people, in every neighborhood, not just some,” Walsh said in a speech to supporters. “Tonight’s a great start, but it’s only a start, and we have a lot more work to do over the next six weeks.” Walsh was first elected as a state representative in 1997 and has served nine terms, earning a degree from Boston College in 2009 while serving in the legislature. Of note is that, no matter which man wins in November, Boston will return to a period of male, Irish-American leadership that has characterized the city for most of its history. Menino, an Italian-American, broke that tradition when he was first elected in 1993, the first non-Irish mayor since 1930. With a preliminary field that included five African-Americans, one Latino, and one woman, many had speculated whether the city might this year see a changing tide that reflected the grow-

ing diversity of the population. “This has to be regarded by many as a disappointment,” Paul Watanabe, a political scientist at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, told The New York Times. “The ‘new Boston’ is based on the fact that this has become a majority-minority city.” The Times also reported that 53 percent of Bostonians identify with a race other than nonHispanic white. Charlotte Golar Ritchie, the former city housing chief and lone woman in the race, finished third in the preliminary race with 13.8 percent of votes, and other minority candidates who emerged as legitimate contenders, including City Councilor Felix Arroyo and community activist John Barros, won 8.8 percent and 8.1 percent of votes, respectively. An additional focus of the race has been on spending from outside political groups. Connolly, in accepting the endorsement of education reform group Stand for Children, asked that the y and other groups not sp end

money on his behalf, turning down a $500,000 campaigning boost. “My remarks on that have been clear, and I stand by them,” Connolly told on whether he would alter his stance on funding from outside interests for the final election. “I don’t want outside money to decide this race. The voters ought to decide this race, and the candidates and campaigns will decide it.” Walsh, on the other hand, has not pledged to refuse interest group funds, with nearly $700,000 being spent on his behalf during the preliminary election, mostly from labor groups. Ultimately, w ith Connolly and Walsh advancing to the final election, Boston voters are faced with choosing a new direction for the city following Menino’s long tenure and lasting impact. Both represent a younger generation who are at last able to release pent-up political ambition that has grown throughout the Menino era, and each has a distinct vision for Boston’s future. n


Thursday, September 26, 2013


New England Revolution looks to draw college crowd BY ALEX FAIRCHILD For The Heights

The New England Revolution will face the Houston Dynamo on Saturday night and are hoping to attract college students from the Boston area by holding a special event. College Night at Gillette Stadium is set to take place this weekend, and the Revolution are sending buses to Cityside in Brighton and Stadium Sports Bar at Faneuil Hall. Tickets are discounted at $15 per college student. Access to the stadium is a huge part of the club’s outreach to college kids who find it difficult to attend the Revolution’s matches. With Gillette Stadium buried in southeastern Massachusetts’s interior, a trip to the stadium without a car requires a supporter from Boston College to take the subway to South Station, before hopping a relatively expensive commuter rail ride to the south shore. An

even costlier taxi ride ensues, and that is just for getting to the match. After the buses arrive, students will be offered a complimentary, college-themed pregame tailgate for those who come out. Life Is Good will also appear with their giant Jenga set and an inflatable arena with a shot radar to test the speed of your rip. Comcast SportsNet’s instant photo printer will be there as well, while the RevGirls, the team’s cheerleaders, will be picking out students representing their schools’ colors to participate in on-field halftime activities. The evening will also feature a DJ from Brown University, while FIFA 14 will be played on an Xbox console. College Night will feature a cornhole tournament sponsored by Boston Cornhole. In addition, attendees may get the opportunity to catch a glimpse of former BC Eagle Charlie Davies. Now 27, Davies has returned home, after venturing to Denmark where he

is owned by Randers FC. The Danish outfit loaned Davies to the Revolution over the summer, after he failed to score a first team goal with the club last season. It is the hope of both clubs that the forward finds rebirth in MLS as he did in 2011, when he joined DC United for a season. Davies has struggled to find consistent form since suffering life-threatening injuries in a 2009 car crash. The striker miraculously recovered to play professionally. During his stint with the Revolution, he hopes to get the young team into Major League Soccer’s playoffs. “I’m very excited to have the support from BC and I’m looking forward to it,” Davies said, who owns BC’s single-season scoring record having put away 15 in 2006. He will see the turnout from BC students, as attendees are encouraged to wear their school’s colors.

Since coming to the Revolution, Davies is yet to start, but has been going through extra paces after practice. Last Thursday, the forward stayed late to take additional shots from distance, as he looks for a place in the team’s starting 11. This Saturday’s fixture is a massive test for the Foxboro squad, who claim the Eastern Conference’s final playoff spot by a point. The Dynamo sit three points and one place above their weekend host. With only five games to separate themselves from teams like the Dynamo, the College Night match may prove decisive in the race for the playoffs. Davies wants everybody at the match come Saturday. “It’s only $15 tickets and there’ll be a huge tailgate with a DJ, food, and of course cornhole games for all those people in the Mods that love cornhole,” Davies said. “I know they’ll be excited for that.” 

City to gain 365 miles of bike path to improve safety Cycling, from B10 businesses, parks, and schools. Because the bike lane network in each neighborhood will be shaped by community input, it is impossible to say exactly how they will look right now, and each one will likely be different. The plan calls for five types of lanes: shared lanes, shared roads, protected lanes, exclusive lanes, and off-road paths. Each type of lane accommodates various obstacles or urban factors that come into play for cyclists attempting to make their way around the city, including

motor traffic, parked vehicles and pedestrians, among others. Additionally, intersections will be equipped with safety measures to protect cyclists such as painted markings warning motorists of cyclist crossing, or traffic signal lights which give bikers priority to cross independent of all other traffic. The planning phase of the Boston Bike Network Plan is now complete—the question that now remains is how it will be implemented. The design, community review, and funding for the network called for by the

plan will all be carried out through existing projects, because it is more cost effective than launching a brand new project, and in this case, will promote complete, rather than fragmented, paths. The buildout of the program will come directly from the City of Boston as well as many other organizations and private institutions invested in the infrastructure of Boston. It is, however, not set in stone—it may be rejected and halted at any time before its completion, either by the mayor who fills Menino’s vacancy or by members of the community

that feels infringed upon by the new paths. In order to prevent such dissent, Menino and Freedman reached out to as many people and groups as they could during the development of the plan, including residents of Boston, a citizens working group, an interdepartmental committee comprised of representatives from eight city departments, and neighboring community and state agencies. Regardless of how far the plan goes, Menino hopes to raise awareness and promote a simple message: “Bostonians young and old, get out and ride.” 

Alumni enthusiasm inspires Harvard to begin campaign Harvard, from B10 foster collaborations and other initiatives. Harvard also aims to expand its presence on the world stage, which would include a project to develop a conference and research center in Shanghai, China. The campaign unofficially and quietly began two years ago, and has already raised $2.8 billion in gifts and pledges from over 90,000 donors. According to Tamara Rogers, Harvard’s vice president for alumni affairs and development, and leader of the campaign, the country’s financial problems put a slight hold on plans for the campaign. In 2009,

Harvard’s endowment lost 27.3 percent during the financial crisis and was forced to suspend its campus expansion and put the construction of a $1 billion science complex on hold. Donor and alumni enthusiasm, however, indicated that now was a good time to proceed with the plan. “Campaigns cover a period of years, so one can’t control during that entire period of years what economic circumstances might be like,” Rogers said in The Huffington Post. “One takes advantage of opportunity, enthusiasm, good planning, and that’s what we’ve done.” As of the end of the last fiscal year,

Harvard’s investment portfolio was worth roughly $30.7 billion—about the size of the annual GDP of the entire nation of Latvia—and helped the school maintain its No. 1 ranking in the list of the richest universities by financial endowment. For a university that is already the wealthiest in the country, why would people give money to Harvard and not to another cause? Harvard Provost Alan Garber emphasizes Harvard’s role in helping solve the world’s problems, “ranging from educational innovation to scientific breakthroughs that have changed the world.” One specific priority of the Harvard Campaign is the expansion of Harvard’s

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, which continues to grow after having become its own school in 2008. As not to compete with its Cambridge neighbor, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard’s engineering school is different in that its students are also involved in a liberal arts environment, something that Harvard hopes to develop further with more funding. Harvard unveiled its campaign at an event featuring Bill Gates, who spent three years at the university in the 1970s before dropping out to co-found Microsoft Corp. Gates did not say whether he intends to donate to the Harvard Campaign. 



Ceremony held in remembrance of bombing victims On Saturday, Sept. 24, the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth hosted a ceremony of remembrance for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, 2013. The ceremony took place before a Cross Country Invitational and was part of an observation of Saturday’s International Day of Peace. Students planted a tree to commemorate the three people killed and the more than 200 injured as a result of the bombings. “To all the competitors here today,” said UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Divina Grossman in her speech at the ceremony, “I ask that you run in memory of those harmed on April 15, and in celebration of our unyielding determination to keep moving forward, despite any obstacle.” This ceremony was particularly meaningful at UMass Dartmouth because the surviving

BOSTON UNIV. Boston University had its highest number of alcohol-related transports in recent history over the weekend of Sept. 13-15, with 13 students being taken to the hospital. This has sparked discussions between the university, BU students, and the BU police department. According to BUPD Detective Lieutenant Peter DiDomenica, five to six transports per weekend are average numbers for the university. Many calls are made to the police by security guards or Residence Life officials because students are often afraid to call and get themselves or their friends in trouble. Although the BU police department said in a comment to The Daily Free Press that it hopes this was just a random occurrence and was not indicative of a larger trend, it is still taking precautions. On Monday, Sept. 23, Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore discussed these issues with students in a talk on campus safety.

marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was a sophomore at the university during the time of the bombing. Dzhokhar and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev planted and detonated the devices at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon. Tamerlan was killed later that week in a shootout, and Dzhokhar was captured in Watertown on Friday, April 19, after a day-long manhunt that kept the city of Boston in a state of emergency. More than 100 athletes, students, faculty, and members of the university administration attended the ceremony of remembrance. Other places around Massachusetts were also involved in this spirit of remembrance, including the town of New Bedford, which also planted a tree of peace on the same day. These trees will celebrate the memory of those who lost their lives, and will also carry a message of peace.

NORTHEASTERN In a letter to the president of Northeastern University, the Anti-Defamation League requested an investigation into alleged anti-Semitic teaching practices taking place at the university. “We strongly urge Northeastern to investigate the allegations and report on its investigation, and to do so promptly,” said the letter to President Joseph Aoun. Jewish students at the university have complained about unfair treatment towards Jews by professors. Many of these complaints have been in regards to biased treatment against Israel in the Israel-Palestine debate. Students have complained that professors are often so anti-Israel that their statements border on anti-Semitism. Groups on campus, such as the Jewish advocacy group,Americans for Peace and Tolerance, have also accused university professors of one-sided teaching in the Israel-Palestine debate. Northeastern University has not yet commented on the issue or made a public response to the letter.


SUFFOLK Suffolk University is getting a brand-new, state-of-the-art academic building at 20 Somerset Street in Boston. Demolition of the current building at 20 Somerset Street began in June and will likely be completed by the end of the month. Then, the construction of a new building is set to begin. The new building will have as many as 1,100 classroom seats which will replace academic buildings currently located in the more residential area of Beacon Hill. This will allow Suffolk to move the center of its campus more into downtown Boston and lessen the student presence in residential areas of Boston. The new building will include environments conducive to different types of learning. Classrooms will feature new types of seating, student “pods” for group work, and will include technology such as electronic white boards and projectors. It will also include science labs, a new dining hall, and faculty offices. The building is expected to be completed by 2015.


Getting lost and letting go in the city

MAGGIE POWERS It was one of those days in July that seemed as if it could not get any hotter. I was in Boston visiting friends from BC and the air hung thick and sticky around the buildings. Still, I could not have been happier. We indulged in the most stereotypical Boston day—eating lunch at the off beat Trident Cafe and Bookstore and then wandering Newbury St., grabbing iced coffee and fro-yo as it pleased us. The day was topped off with a Red Sox game against the Yankees. Seriously, could we be more predictably Boston? The moment I stepped into Kenmore Square I felt an emotion that was new to me. Up until that moment, every time I was in the city I would wistfully think of a time when I was one of the young adults lucky enough to inhabit this wonderful place. This day in midJuly was the first time I felt a different kind of longing for the city, a longing to return to it. This switch in attitude signified to me a kind of growing up—I was no longer just visiting the city from the suburbs. This was a city that I had just lived in for a year—friends and memories left in my wake while I retreated to my ocean-side suburb for a few months. In some ways, Boston had become my more permanent home. Another less-than-pleasant realization came to me that day. My friends from school, who are used to seeing me in a work or academic environment, were probably surprised how hard it is to wander with me in the city. When they all stopped to watch street performers play a funky version of “Get Lucky,” I was asking them if we could push on after only a few minutes. After the game when we all decided to get dinner, I’m sure they thought I was insane because I could not handle their slow ambling pace up and down Newbury St. I was trying to categorize and calculate what kind of food the majority of the group wanted and where we would have the shortest wait on a Saturday night. Finally, one of my friends turned to me and said, “Mags, calm down. What rush are you in? We’ll find somewhere.” Fast-forward to early September. I had wandered into Boston with another conglomerate of BC friends to attend MixFest—a free concert at the Hatch Shell. As many of my readers know, few attendees of the concert were actually lucky enough to see the stage. Most of the crowd was funneled into side areas where we could hear the music and see only the half-moon formed by the top of the stage. Of course, the situation was not ideal. I had visions of myself dancing to “I Want It That Way” all week. When the complaints from my friends began, however, a statement came out of my mouth that was so out of character that I surprised myself: “We paid all of $2 to get here on the T. It’s a free concert. We may as well sit here and people-watch and listen to some cool live music that we wouldn’t get to otherwise.” This passing comment was not profound in nature, but I could not help but notice the contrast from my attitude just a few weeks earlier when we were wandering Newbury St. looking for dinner. In some ways, I think this links to my newly evolved attitude about the city. Before, Boston was always somewhere I would live—but only someday. I was always just a visitor. Returning to Boston after spending a few months in the suburbs made me long for my return to the city. I think my rush that July day was simply me acting as a visitor of the city—I wanted to cram as much of Boston into my day as physically possible. To truly experience Boston, or any other city for that matter, let go of the agenda. Act as if you live there. Let go of the rush to experience the entire city. Rather, lose yourself in the simple pleasures that come with the city. Watch and wonder about the eclectic girl walking in front of you or listen to a street musician’s rendition of a pop song. Just wander, and the city will rush to you.

Maggie Powers is an editor for The Heights. She can be reached at metro@




Thursday, September 26, 2013


Davis resigns as BPD Chief Commissioner


Chill of an early fall

At 57, Davis resigns from career marked by lower crime rates B Y S HANNON I NGLESBY Heights Staff

TRICIA TIEDT As I woke up an hour before my alarm on Tuesday morning, I could feel the lump in my throat. Once I registered the sunshine streaming through my closed curtains, I knew it was here. The chill of an early fall. And, with the cold snaps of the past week or so, the chill of an early fall comes with the inevitable slight cold currently being passed among the student body. But I digress. There’s a funny thing about fall: when it rolls around, it seems to be all we can talk about. Can it really be true that this many people in New England consider autumn their favorite time of year? Aren’t there some of you mourning the long, hot summer, or looking forward to the snow? Let’s be real. Maybe it really is just about the pumpkin spice lattes. Have you heard? Apparently, if you say the phrase “pumpkin spice latte” three times fast, a white girl in yoga pants will appear to tell you everything she loves about fall. While I haven’t tried it myself, I have no doubt this is true—and considering the makeup of our campus, would be hesitant to try it anywhere in Chestnut Hill for fear of a stampede. As a native Southerner, I cannot speak for why New Englanders feel this passionate about one particular season. But, I can tell you why, like the apparent majority of those on campus, I love fall. Ironically, it happens to be a reason that not a single other BC student shares with me. How can this be, you ask? Well, because no one else knows about it—yet. That Day. That Day is a family holiday that the Tiedts have celebrated every year since I can first remember going to the pumpkin patch. You see, for Texans, any semblance of a chill resembling any sort of fall season is a welcome relief. In other words, summertime lasts until about late October. Therefore, “the true beginning of fall,” as my mother defines it, must be celebrated. There are specific weather criteria for That Day: temperature ranges, cloud to sun ratio, wind factors, etc. But, more than anything, you can just feel it. On Tuesday, I felt it. Formally, only my mother could declare a certain day to be That Day. Fall is her favorite season, That Day is her favorite day of the year. In essence, it is her holiday. When I was little, friends and family members would actually call her asking whether or not today was That Day. When the day arrived, she would announce it to all those same friends and family, cook a big fall dinner, and have presents waiting on the counter when we all got home. Yes, there are That Day presents. Yes, it is awesome. While That Day has no specific date on the calendar, it used to be just one day a year, because all the people I loved were in the same place. Now, the people who used to celebrate That Day together are strewn across the country. My parents, who are currently in New Hampshire, say That Day was sometime last week. My best friend from high school told me on Monday that That Day would hit Fayetteville, Ark. at some point in the next week or two. But for me, here at Boston College, That Day was Tuesday. So as I strolled about campus in my favorite oversized sweater and leggings, the classic BC girl uniform of fall, I celebrated That Day on my own. Although this is my third That Day away from home, it was the first time I declared the day on my own. It was easily one of my best days on campus thus far. You can take away the boots, scarves, suspense of the coming holidays, leaves turning, even those pumpkin spice lattes. For me, fall means family. That Day is something all our own—no matter when the chill of an early fall can be felt in the air.

Tricia Tiedt is the Metro Editor for The Heights. She can be reached at


Both candidates held victory rallies as the votes poured in from the polls Tuesday night.

Connolly and Walsh take top spots in mayoral race B Y J ULIE O RENSTEIN Heights Editor In the race to succeed outgoing five-term Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, the seemingly wide-open field has narrowed to just two candidates following Tuesday’s preliminary election, from which City Councilor John Connolly, BC Law ’01, and state Representative Martin Walsh, BC ‘09, emerged victorious. With 100 percent of voting precincts reporting, Walsh received the most votes, garnering 18.5 percent of the electorate, and Connolly followed closely behind with 17.2 percent of

votes. The city reported that approximately 30 percent of Boston’s 368,000 registered voters turned out to cast their vote in the preliminary election. Both men had attracted attention among voters throughout the preliminary race, with Connolly drawing particular notice for declaring his candidacy in February before Menino announced that he would not seek re-election. A former teacher, Connolly, has promised transformation in Boston’s public schools should he win in November’s final election, proposing measures such as lengthening the

See Election, B8

After seven years of service, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis announced his resignation Monday morning. After a career distinguished by falling crime rates and a successful response to the B oston Marathon bombings, Davis, 57, feels that it’s time to move on. While he analyzes his next career goal, he’s planning to pursue a fellowship at Harvard University with the Institute of Politics. Amid speculation that Davis will seek a higher-profile job, Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino and several new mayoral candidates have profusely thanked Davis for his service to the City of Boston. Menino appointed Davis to police commissioner in 2006 after serving as Lowell’s superintendent of police. During his tenure he saw a 30 percent decline in violent crime in Boston. His most notable moments, however, came during the Boston Marathon bombings last April. Davis garnered national attention for his calm and efficient response to the bombings that killed three people and injured over 260. Davis, backed by Menino and Governor Deval Patrick, ordered a citywide lockdown while BPD searched tirelessly

for the suspects. His demeanor during multiple press conferences spurred nation-wide praise and led him to be awarded with honorary degrees from Northeastern and Suffolk University. While speaking at the University of Massachusetts Lowell commencement ceremony, Davis reflected on his experience during the Boston Marathon bombings: “I learned to think the unthinkable. I learned that the most horrific of circumstances can produce the most inspirational and heroic of actions, not just by one single person, but by hundreds of them.” Menino thanked Davis for his “tremendous service over the past seven years,” reminding the city of Boston how Davis had served with “with integrity, a steady hand, and compassion.” Menino and Davis collaborated heavily to reduce crime in Boston during Davis’ time with the department. Their partnership was seen most clearly during their joint response to events at the Marathon. “During some of our city’s most trying days, Commissioner Davis worked relentlessly to protect the safety of all our citizens,” Menino said in a statement released Monday. The mayor also mentioned that he would be working to make the transition in the police department as smooth as possible until the new mayor appoints a commissioner. Davis will step down in the next 30 to 60 days, depending on the success of the Red Sox in the playoffs and the

See Davis, B8

Harvard launches $6.5 billion fundraising campaign BY LAUREN TOTINO Heights Staff Last Saturday, Harvard University launched a $6.5 billion fundraising campaign, making it the biggest fundraiser ever in higher education. If Harvard is successful in reaching its target amount, the campaign will surpass Stanford University’s five-year $6.2 billion campaign that ended last year, as well as the campaigns by Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania, which completed multiyear fundraising campaigns that procured $3.9 billion and $3.5 billion, respectively. Harvard hopes to reach its fundraising goal by 2018. Harvard’s last significant capital campaign ended in 1999, and raised $2.6 billion. The funds will go toward Harvard’s mission to “support the structures and modes of academic inquiry,” said Harvard President Drew Faust before an

audience of university officials, alumni, and donors. Some of Harvard’s main goals include expanding the university’s Allston campus, increasing financial aid, pioneering new approaches to teaching and learning, funding neuroscience and stem-cell research, and renovating undergraduate housing. Faust also explained that the Harvard Campaign comes at a time when higher education is facing many challenges, and the increasingly complex and pressing needs of the world. She justifies that the fundraising will foster and support building blocks for the future that are “essential to our enduring strength.” The university will allocate 45 percent of the money raised to supporting teaching and research, 25 percent to financial aid and student services, 20 percent to capital improvements, and 10 percent to

See Harvard, B9


Harvard Univ. President Drew Faust introduced the new campaign on campus last week.

Boston Bike Network Plan to bring bike paths to city BY MAGGIE MARETZ Heights Staff When Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino launched the New Balance Hubway two years ago, he declared, “The car is no longer king in Boston.” Initially, the New Balance Hubway provided the city with 600 bikes distributed around 60 stations. Since then, 400 bikes have been added to the network, and the culture of biking in Boston has grown, with the number of people choosing cycling as their method of transportation—to work or elsewhere—increasing by double-digit figures annually. Menino and Nicole Freedman, director of bicycle programs in Boston, believe that Boston stands to benefit from the growth of bicycle use: it will improve the health of the citizens, reduce congestion in the streets, and play a role in the sustainability goals laid out by the Climate Action Plan of 2011, which sets a 2020 target of a 10 percent increase in commutes by bicycle. To meet the desire for increased bicycle usage, Menino proposed the Boston Bike Network Plan on Saturday, which was developed over the past three years and will provide 356 miles of bike paths in Boston over the next three decades, with the introduction of the first 75 in the next five years. While these initial paths will not serve the entire city of Boston, Menino and Freedman hope that they will help


people gain a vision for what the bike network will look and feel like upon completion. The network of bike paths is founded on two basic principles: it must provide direct connectivity to places such as work, and it must provide safe and comfortable bike paths for both new and existing cyclists. The safety of the citizens is always a major concern, and unfortunately, cycling can be quite dangerous unless proper protection from traffic is offered. This past weekend, two Massachusetts cyclists, Pamela Wells and Elise Bouchard, were killed in New Hampshire in a crash with a motorist while participating in a the 40th annual Granite State Wheelmen Tri-State Seacoast Century event. The two cyclists were riding along the two-lane Underwood Bridge in Hampton, N.H., which offers no partition to separate bikers from traffic. In the network designed for Boston, all bike paths on major roadways and bridges will provide maximum separation between cyclists and traffic, with a raised curb as a partition so that cars cannot drift into the bike lane. The designers of the plan hope this will ensure that there are no more tragic cases like that of Wells

Collegiate Round-up

and Bouchard. All paths of the system will be divided into two categories: primary and secondary routes. The primary routes will connect major destinations, utilizing existing major roadways and bridges to form bike paths between neighborhood centers, transit hubs, and major employment centers. Secondary routes, however, will snake through neighborhoods into more remote locations, such as local

See Cycling, B9

Highlights from other prestigious universities and colleges in the greater Boston area.........................................................................................B9


Restaurant Review: Zaftig’s Jewish Delicatessan....................................B7 South End Studios Open Showcase for Local Artwork.......................................B8

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