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BAIC’s Men of Color Conference Offers Career Advice

By AdiTyA RAo Heights Staff

Joseph Johnson, a former NFL player and assistant director of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Boston University’s Goldman School of Dental Medicine, highlighted the importance of perseverance and mental health in career development during the annual Men of Color Conference.

“You can’t do the thing that you do just because someone else told you to do it,” Johnson said. “Let others tell you their story of how they got here, and let that story be their story. Don’t tell other people’s stories—tell your own story and allow others to experience that story with you.”

The Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center held the 2023 Men of Color Conference in Gasson Hall on Saturday, offering a full day of networking, self-exploration, and a lineup of speeches about uplifting BC’s community of AHANA men.

Johnson began his keynote speech with the story of his non-traditional path to success, sharing that he did not get a lot of attention growing up as one of six children.

“But the education system also wasn’t really addressing me as a Black man,” Johnson said. “When you see statistical data about suspension rates and students dropping out, I was on that path, because no one asked me why I was not doing what is best for me.”

As a result, Johnson fully committed himself to athletics. Johnson said, however, that his past lack of academic engagement caused him to struggle in college, plaguing him with doubts that he eventually overcame through his desire to defy societal expectations and succeed.

“The thing I relied on most was my own self-desire,” Johnson said. “I was not going to go back to New Jersey if I failed despite all of these opportunities, because I think that’s what people expected.”

While playing for the Chicago Bears, Johnson said he had to recover for a year after tearing his Achilles tendon. When reflecting on his hopes for the future during this period, Johnson said he ultimately decided to prioritize his education over athletics.

“Once I finished my training, I told myself I needed to go back and be an athlete,” Johnson said. “Even though I didn’t want to, I had to accomplish this because I needed to show people that I can be successful.

But I also said that I had to go back to school, so I started taking classes again.”

Johnson said that he fell out of love with football soon after, leading him to finish his undergraduate degree at UNC Wilmington in exercise physiology. Aiming to support Black male students, he then went on to teach physical education to children.

“When I started examining why aren’t Black males pursuing degrees, it’s because there’s no sense of support,” Johnson said. “So I spent the rest of my career pursuing and supporting students along that path.”

Johnson concluded by encouraging students to evaluate the true motivations behind pursuing their life goals.

“Understanding your ‘why’ will always guide how you move in this world,” Johnson said. “As you’re finishing your degrees at Boston College, think about the next step, and why you are taking this next step. Think ‘Why am I here, and why am I choosing the things that I’m doing?’ and you will never fail yourself.”

Jonathan Rosenthal, the assistant director of career education at the BC Career Center, then hosted an interactive workshop with students. He shared six key tips for success and good mental health, including keeping a disciplined routine and prioritizing physical health.

“My mantra is simple: win the day,” Rosenthal said. “It’s about stacking many wins throughout the day, many successes … If I win today, I’m going to try and win tomorrow. And if I win tomorrow, I got a little winning streak.”

By karyl Clifford Editorial Assistant

When Juliet Schor first learned that the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) had named her as one of its 2022 fellows, she was shocked.

“I was pretty sure I hadn’t gotten it, and that was disappointing, but it’s not like I was expecting it,” Schor said. “So when I got the notification, it was a huge shock because such a long time had passed. So I was excited, for sure.”

Schor, a Boston College sociology professor and economist, was elected under AAAS’ social, economic, and political sciences category for her teaching and research contributions.

Andrew Jorgenson, chair of BC’s sociology department, said Schor’s AAAS nomination was well-earned.

“I started crossing my fingers like ‘Okay, hopefully this will work out,’ and it did,” Jorgenson said. “It’s very well-deserved, and I’m very happy for [her].”

After working primarily in the field of economics early in her career, Schor felt that her work and interests, specifically surrounding consumer culture, did not align with that of most economists. So, she decided to pursue a career in sociology.

“So there wasn’t a big audience, and sociology was a much better place for that,” Schor said. “I was finding that my work was being read by a lot of sociologists and anthropologists and cultural studies.”

Schor also said sociology is much more inclusive toward women compared to economics—especially when she first joined the field in the ’80s.

“In those days, I would walk into a seminar I taught at Harvard … there might be 30, 40 people there,” Schor said. “I’d be the only woman in the room. So sociology has much better gender diversity, and you don’t feel like a second-class citizen in sociology as a woman.”

Schor said she felt validated to be inducted as an AAAS fellow in its social science section given her extensive experience in both sociology and economics. Schor’s projects include a four-day week experiment, which involves company-run trials of shortened work weeks. The goal of the trials is to observe potential effects on employee relationships and carbon emissions.

Schor currently serves on the academic board of 4 Day Week Global, a non-profit that provides a platform for supporters of the fourday work week. The organization started drawing wide media attention when it began its world-wide pilot program in early 2022.

“We’ve had really great results,” Schor said. “The trials have been really successful, and lots of benefits for employees [and] com- panies doing really well with it. So that’s been exciting.”

During her time at BC, Schor also served as a member of the University Core Renewal Committee, which helped shape a renewed core curriculum that focuses more on interdisciplinary courses.

“One of the things I really valued most about my time here was that I was on the committee that helped shape the renewed core,” Schor said. “And I have been teaching a renewed course, a complex problems course, since the beginning.”

Through her contributions to the field of social science, Jorgenson said Schor successfully bridges the gap between academia and civil society.

“She’s been a wonderful example, for me and for others, [of] how you can effectively kind of reach much broader audiences with your research and really have more of a real world impact with the work that you’re doing,” Jorgenson said. “She’s a role model for others in that sense.” n

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