5 minute read
Playing Outside: A Childish Endeavor?
way too seriously, failing to remember that life is meant to be fun.
I cannot deny that I experience some joy when the ball rolls firmly down the middle of the lane and into the center pin, but that is only because of the many times I fail and do throw the ball in the gutter. Success does not feel nearly as good without knowing failure. Sure, getting all A’s feels great, but getting an A in organic chemistry after getting a few C’s feels way better.
As I returned to campus from a restful Winter Break, I contemplated my hobbies—a reflection that emerged out of the time I spent indulging in them during break. I played cards with my mom and basketball with my friends, I dusted off my sketchbook and drew a bit, and I even bowled (there’s not a lot to do in New Jersey sometimes).
I am really bad at some of those activities. Especially bowling, where in multiple games I scored sub-50. Yes, below 50 in 10 frames.
But I don’t think that matters. Quite frankly, I don’t think it matters how well I bowled at all. We, Boston College students in particular, put so much pressure on ourselves to be good at everything that we do, including our hobbies. But if I enjoy bowling, why does it matter that I put nearly every ball in the gutter?
It doesn’t.
I apologize for using a bowling alley as a metaphor for the rest of this article, but it aligns perfectly with the point I’m trying to get across, so bear with me.
As we grow into adults, people often avoid doing things that we think we’re “bad” at because we equate happiness with productivity and performance. Sure, performance matters in school and in careers, but happiness and performance should not be so dramatically intertwined.

Essentially, people take themselves
Over Winter Break, I noticed there were two drastically different groups of people at the bowling alley I visited: adults in professional bowling leagues and children. There were no adults who were simply there to hang out and have a good time, which I found quite sad.
This brings me to my next point. Why do we label some endeavors as childish when they are the ones that bring us the most joy? When was the last time that you rode a bike purely for fun and not for exercise? My friends and I used to ride our bikes up and down the block just because it was fun. And I think we don’t do this anymore because we don’t see it as productive. We would surely still have fun if we biked around the block tomorrow, but sadly, the appeal seems to be lost.
Abandoning the activities that sparked childhood joy is particularly problematic when it comes to the great outdoors.
Much like the bowling alley, I think that there are two distinct groups of people who regularly engage with the outdoors. There are professionals who must spend time outside either for work or exercise. Wildlife wardens, construction workers, and runners come to mind. Then, there are the kids, who go outside just to play. Most other people only engage with the outdoors for mundane tasks like taking out the trash. Not a lot of adults spend time outside to enjoy or explore nature, despite the numerous benefits of doing so.
Re-integrating nature into our lives in an intentional way can be one big step in our journeys toward embracing hobbies and personal happiness. But, this time spent outdoors also has a greater purpose through its ability to inspire the environmental awareness necessary to garner high levels of public interest in the climate crisis.
If society is going to realize how desolate the world would be without nature, people first need to take the time to recognize how diverse and beautiful the world is with nature.
My most memorable childhood memories are all tied to exploring nature and playing outside. Even now, I get the same joyous feeling when I can take a pause from the stress of life and simply enjoy nature. For instance, when I go skiing, my favorite part of the trip is throwing snowballs at my friends or family on the side of the trails, not bombing down black diamonds.
Though play might look a bit different as we enter adulthood, it’s important that we let our hobbies just be hobbies and not let them be bogged down with a standard of productivity.

This is my personal manifesto and also my new years resolution. And because nature is the perfect place to re-indulge in hobbies such as coloring, walking, or doing yoga, who knows, you might find yourself becoming an avid environmentalist as well.
So, I encourage you to start by bowling a sub-50 game and not caring. I think you’ll be surprised by how much fun you’ll have, even if it’s all from laughing at yourself.
Eagle Waffles
Inspiration clearly struck for Boston College
Dining when it added a new breakfast option to the daily roster. Tired of plain pancakes, repetitive muffin flavors, and disappointing breakfast potato substitutes? Then grab your friends and head to the Rat for the waffles of your dreams! Featuring an eagle emblem in the center, these perfectly golden waffles will satisfy all your morning carb cravings. Top with butter, syrup, whipped cream, and berries, and enjoy your masterpiece. The only thing that could make our days better is offering this delicious waffle option at late night.
Spanish Tapas Restaraunts
Barcelona and Tasca, two heavily frequented Spanish tapas restaurants in Boston, are the perfect winter weekend activity for BC students. It feels as though whispers of patatas bravas, croquetas, and empanadas are floating around campus like never before. Tapas make the perfect little meal when split with a group of friends—you can choose variety, simplicity, or adventure, and they won’t break the bank. So, for those of you who have never tried tapas, get on it! And for the hard-core fans, keep at it! We at Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down would like to personally encourage you to try Barcelona’s brussels sprouts. We promise that, as suspicious as they sound, you’re in for a special treat.
The Crane
When an ominous email from ResLife late last week announced the placement of a crane in front of Maloney Hall, students weren’t quite sure what to expect. But after a week of taking the parking garage stairs to class, it is safe to say that the crane was not a welcome presence on campus. Not only was the crane an inconvenience, but it also became the eyesore of an otherwise beautiful campus horizon. Although we’re grateful to BC for keeping this place up to snuff, we all hope the infamous crane won’t need to return any time soon.
No Snow!
Two weeks in and syllabus week could not be more over. Sunday scaries, late nights on O’Neill five, and hurried skimming in the hour before class have returned with full force. Professors don’t seem to be easing us in the way they do in the fall. Freshmen are supposed to be adjusted, juniors are putting their heads down, and seniors are embarking on the final push. So, despite being laden with about 15 textbooks, 17 assignments a week, and maybe 100 other commitments, let’s take a collective deep breath. We’ve done this before and we can do it again!