1 minute read

Interplay between Regulated Professionals

At times, Registrants of dierent regulated professions may find themselves working together, in collaboration, or alongside each other, as part of the same project, enterprise, or in some other capacity. Their practices and the activities they engage in during their provision of advice and services as professionals may relate to each other in three dierent ways:

Overlap of Practice


Is work by two or more Registrants that have the same objective and advice/services, same competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to perform the tasks but with the Registrants governed by dierent regulators. Overlaps of reserved practice are not allowed unless the specific overlaps are legislatively authorized.

Alignment of Practice

Professionals are in alignment when they provide advice or services using similar competencies and technical knowledge but with a dierent objective and are governed by dierent regulators. An example, as outlined above, is that Agrologists and engineers may share knowledge in soil physics. However, applying that knowledge by an Agrologist includes ensuring the availability for plant growth. In contrast, the engineer may use similar knowledge to assess potential soil cohesion for structural purposes.

Intersecting Practice

Occurs when professionals work in compliment to each other toward the completion of a task or a project but provide dierent advice and services, have dierent competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities), and are governed by dierent regulators.

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