Should every company have a presence in social media?
According to the research of Innnews, Facebook has today 800 million users all over the world. In Greece has more than 1.5 million active users followed by You Tube with 340.000 and Tweeter with 85.000. Everybody knows Facebook. Many small and medium size companies have already their own professional page in Facebook. But they are still cautious regarding its capability to reach more prospects, to build trust and improve their sales. There is a frequently asked question by the business owners, which we, as business consultants in matters of sales and marketing improvement, we have to answer. The question is: Does their company have to start using the social media? Many of them are very cautious and hesitant and they don’t know if this action suits with the profile of their company. Their doubt occurs because they do not clearly know why they have to be present in the social media, why their presence should be always updated, who will handle their site, how they will use these tools for better marketing results, and how much time they have to invest daily. So, let’s clear up the matter. Yes, every company must be presented in the social media. The necessity of a company to be present and continuously evolved in the social media is as strong as the necessity of an effective web site. Nevertheless, which social media one will choose depends on the target groups the company wants to reach in order to promote and sell its products or services.
If the company owner awaits fast and effective results he should assign to one of his employees the daily handling, in the same way he has a person whose exclusive job is the development and the betterment of the company’s website. Otherwise, he has to do it himself or assign the job to specialists. The development of an effective marketing strategy in the social media does not consist only of the creation of an account in Facebook, Twitter and You Tube and the description, from time to time, of the activities, the products or services the company is offering. The business owner is absolutely necessary to understand that the time which is investing in social media is quality time only if there are specific targets to be achieved. Only if he will draw a marketing strategy with specific targets and if he will apply it faithfully then and only then he will see the fruits of his labor. The basic requirement is to know exactly what he has to do and very shortly he will notice that the likes for his company’s page will be increased in the Facebook, Twitter or You Tube. The current trend is the participation of more and more companies in the social media. And each and every business owner must understand the potentiality of these tools. In Greece, the number of users is increasing significantly. Accordingly, the expenses for advertisement are increased because there is the possibility of a much more focused reach towards the target group of the company. We could say that the social media are certain gates from which people are entering–people that belongs to the target group the business owner wants–where they learn more info about the company, get more interested about it and is guided to the company’s web site. The business owner that will invest in order to learn more about social media marketing, will achieve increased numbers of visitors in the web site of his company, improved sales, more effective ways to be connected with his customers and new ways to launch his offers not only in his already existing customers but in new ones as well. According to the research of the Electronic Trading laboratory (ELTRUN) in Athens University of Economics and Business under the title “Attitude, use and trust of Greeks in social media” the Greek users can be described as
"experienced", as 50% say they use social media more than 3 years, while 68% of people visiting social networking sites (e.g. Facebook) and 60% blogs and forums. Anyone can understand the possibilities and opportunities offered by these tools. So, if you believe that there is a possibility that your customers are not yet users of social media, should you revise your point of view? May be they are not using them today. But they will use them, for sure, in near future. If you will not reach for them, your competitors will. Learn today how you can develop smart social media marketing strategies strategies in facebook, twitter and youtube.
Εταιρεία Συμβουλευτικής Καθοδήγηςης για επιχειρηματίες Business Coaching Lab Σεχοπούλου 8, Καλλιθέα, 176 73, Αθήνα Τηλ: (+30) 211 0119586 Κιν: (+30) 6945 381141 Email: Web: