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B . C . L A N D S C A P E & N U R S E R Y A S S O C I A T I O N P U B L I C A T I O N • D E C E M B E R 20 07 / J A N U A R Y 20 0 8

Pinder Takes Top Honours at President’s Banquet BC Landscape & Nursery Association

members applauded the work of Walt Pinder at the recent AGM and President’s Banquet. Project manager at Specimen Trees Wholesale Nursery, Pinder was presented with the Outstanding Service Award for his ardent behind-the-scenes volunteerism. Said Jane Stock, BCLNA Executive Director, “Walt is the type of member who is quietly and reliably there when needed. He has never been the association president or even a director, but is a shining example of the time and talent behind BCLNA’s success. He is a grassroots supporter who has provided exemplary service for many years to keep his industry strong.” Pinder’s industry colleagues know him to play an integral role at the CanWest Horticulture Show, and at the annual fundraising auction benefiting the BCLNA scholarship fund. He attends innumerable commodity meetings, helps out at social events, and was a contributor to the BC Landscape Standard. Walt’s input has been evident and appreciated for nearly 30 years, having joined the association when he owned his own landscaping company in Delta during the 1980s, and having worked for companies well-known for their industry activity, including Hutchinson Nursery Sales and Specimen Trees Wholesale Nursery Ltd. When asked where he finds the time and inclination to play such an active role in the BCLNA, Walter points to the direction 4-H took him as a member and a leader; the service club is dedicated



Said Walt Pinder, “When I read the list of past winners — Margaret Hunter, Brian Minter, Gerry Hutchinson, Frank Van Hest, and all the others —I was really and truly surprised. You know, it’s quite an honour to have been considered for this award.” The Outstanding Service Award was presented by Kathleen Pyle of Pacific Nurseryman Magazine, long-time sponsor of BCLNA’s highest honour. to promoting leadership and citizenship in young people. Walt also finds time to work in the rock and gem community as president of the BC Lapidary Society and past-president of the Maple Ridge Lapidary Club, where he’s been known to mentor budding jewelers and artists. More Award Winners, page 8

Highlights 4 BCLNA News Bulletins 8 Member Awards 10 Landscape Awards of Excellence 13 Environmental Stewardship 14 The Green Scene



18 Landscape & Retail News



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Message from the President

Accredited Landscapers Stand to Gain This month, I have a special request for all BCLNA landscape professionals who provide pest management services — please participate in the new PlantHealthBC pest management accreditation program. This program, launched with municiple partners, makes it easy for homeowners and commercial clients to identify those companies that use environmentally responsible practices. It is designed to work for the entire range of service providers, from those using natural or organic practices through to those who use regulated pesticides. It also works in municipalities with or without cosmetic bans.

Partnering municipalities will be advising their residents to purchase pest management services only from PlantHealthBC accredited companies. Over the next few years, you can expect the public to do just that — essentially rewarding those companies that use environmentally responsible practices. Smart service providers will submit their applications in early 2008 so they are accredited by spring. PlantHealthBC is being administered by the Institute for Sustainable Horticulture at Kwantlen University College. The Program Manger, Dr. Kent Mullinix (604 599-3260) and his assistant, Ms. Barbara Gorman (604 599-3163) will help with applications and other questions. You can also

email kent.mullinix@kwantlen.ca or barbara.gorman@kwantlen.ca, and go to www.planthealthbc.ca for more info. Let’s stand together as an industry and show society that we care about our environment and are willing to voluntarily do our share to return it to good health.

Fred Giesbrecht, President, B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association

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BCLNA Board Highlights

Thursday, November 1, 2007 President’s Report: Fred Giesbrecht attended a course on ground water management/environmental stewardship at Thompson River University. This issue is going to have a significant impact on our industry, with the run-off from fertilizers already a big concern. Garden Centres: CNLA’s Garden Centres Canada group is researching a number of innovative new ideas that could benefit Canadian retailers, and are working on a membership recruitment campaign, e-bulletins, and certification promotion for the retail commodity. Members will be updated as budgets are approved and research results become available. Interior: Anthony Krakau, Interior Chapter Director (The Garden Beautifier)

and John Byland (Byland’s Nursery) attended Premier Campbell’s and Agriculture Minister Pat Bell’s agriculture climate change conference in Kamloops on November 2. The premier views BC as North American leaders in this field, and wants to tighten the carbon cycle in BC. Although agriculture is a small part of the problem (4% of total emissions), it is viewed as a huge part of the solution. Minster Bell specifically mentioned the BCLNA, stating that the landscape and nursery industry has much potential, as trees can be planted to obtain carbon credits. WRNAE: Ruth Olde, 1st Vice President, Peter Levelton, Past President, and Jane Stock, Executive Director, attended the Western Regional Nursery Association Executive’s meeting in Bellingham

October 25 – 27, where they met association counterparts from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Arizona and Colorado. There was an excellent exchange of ideas. Federal and state/ provincial regulators attended for half a day to outline their current horticulture pest and disease concerns. Oregon reported that they are moving toward a best management practices/systems approach to P. ramorum. New Business: A few past presidents, under the leadership of Peter Levelton, met to discuss the feasibility of initiating a province-wide horticulture scholarship program to attract more people to our industry. BCLNA staff is researching other association programs; all BCLNA past presidents will be invited to participate in reviewing options and recommending a course of action. ■

HortWest DECEMBER 2007/JANUARY 2008 MANAGING EDITOR Renata Triveri ADVERTISING Barb Nelson Phone: (604) 574-7772 Fax: (604) 574-7773 HortWest is the Newsletter of the B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association for the horticultural trade in Western Canada. For further information, contact us at: Suite 102, 5783 – 176A Street Surrey, B.C., Canada V3S 6S6 Telephone (604) 574-7772 Fax (604) 574-7773

Help Host the World! Suppliers: show your industry pride and capitalize on a unique marketing opportunity by becoming an IGCA sponsor! •

HortWest is owned by the B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association, and is published 10 times a year. Views expressed inside do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the Association but are those of the writer concerned. Material may not be reprinted from this magazine without the consent of the publisher. All advertising and editorial material are to be received one month in advance of mail out date. HortWest is mailed under Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement N. 0288608 This magazine is printed in Canada by Globe Printers.

• •

Help a host retailer with merchandising Sponsor a special event Showcase your product in a Congress Guidebook ad

Contact Donna Budd to learn about sponsorship potential: donnabudd-igca@telus.net or (604) 467-7966. For more about the IGCA Congress, visit www.igcaCongress.com or contact Renata Triveri: rtriveri@telus.net.



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BCLNA News Bulletins

Nataros, Butterfield Retire From Board Rod Nataros of N.A.T.S. Nursery Ltd. and Reuben Butterfield of Helios Landscaping Inc. retired from their BCLNA board positions as Environment Chair and Vancouver Island Chair respectively. The directors were thanked for their service at last month’s AGM, where Nataros passed the torch to Ian van Zanten of Pan American Nursery Products Inc. Van Zanten joins the BCLNA board having worked in the family business for 11 years and completed a marketing diploma and a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurial management. The Island Chapter’s change-of-guard took place at a chapter meeting where Stephan Cranz was elected chair. Cranz

has owned and operated Landscape Solutions since the early 1990s. He has also been the lead practical skills instructor at Pacific Horticulture College for the past 14 years. Both van Zanten and Cranz look forward to working with BCLNA members on the various initiatives that guide our industry. Says Cranz, “As the Island chair, I believe I have an opportunity to increase the profile of the association, promote education and the sharing of information in our field, and influence the stature of professionalism in our industry.” Van Zanten adds, “It’s up to [members] to make sure the industry is a place we want to stay.”

FARSHA News The Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA) announced recent changes to its staff. Gagan Grewal will replace Sandeep Mangat, who has accepted a position with WorkSafeBC

2008 Board of Directors

as an Agricultural Occupational Safety Officer in the Fraser Valley. Scott Fraser will replace Richard Newton as the Fraser Valley Agricultural Health and Safety Specialist. With the increasing workload in the Fraser Valley, FARSHA found it necessary to change from a contractor to a full time position.

Free Safety Training With CSN Have you been providing your new employees with the safety orientation and training required by WorkSafeBC? Steve Mah, Safety Advisor for the Construction Safety Network (CSN) says, “when you become part of the CSN, you receive training information that supports the young worker regulation and other safety needs.” CSN’s Certificate of Recognition (COR) program is an occupational

health and safety program designed

BCLNA welcomes new and standing directors to the board for 2008. Your representatives, pictured from left to right, are:

Ian van Zanten Pan American Nursery Products Inc. Tim Loewen Pine Meadows Tree Farms Ltd. Mary Ann Van Den Berge Trice Farms Pond & Garden Centre Michelle Pain TerraLink Horticultural Products Inc.

Photo: David Schmidt, Country Life in BC

Russ Bruce Cedar Rim Nursery Ltd.

Barbra Fairclough Farmhouse Gardens Peter Levelton Past President, East Richmond Nurseries Inc. Michael Kato Kato’s Nursery Ltd. Bill Hardy Treasurer, Northwest Landscape Supply Ltd. Gurjit Sidhu Sidhu & Sons Nursery Andrew Flokstra Inline Nurseries Ltd.

Sandy Mathies 2nd Vice President, Cannor Nursery (1989) Ruth Olde 1st Vice President, Blasig Landscape Design & Construction Ltd. Rod Nataros

Reuben Butterfield

Ian van Zanten

Left to right: BCLNA Directors Rod Nataros and Reuben Butterfield are replaced by Ian van Zanten and Stephan Cranz (not pictured). Directors’ portfolios will be reassigned at an upcoming board meeting. For directors’ bios and portfolio details, visit www.bclna.com and click on “About BCLNA.”

Stephan Cranz Glendale Gardens & Woodlands/Pacific Horticulture College Fred Giesbrecht President, Loon Lake Contract Service

Not pictured: Anthony Krakau The Garden Beautifier Richard Desmarteau Fairfield Tree Nurseries Cable Baker RCB Garden Service



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to assist companies in the development and maintenance of a safety program. Training is free for the first representative from your company. Once enrolled you are eligible for WorkSafeBC rebates. To view the COR program outline and course dates for Nanaimo, Prince George and Burnaby, go to www.safetynetwork.bc.ca.

Health Plan Update Rx Shopping Could Lower Insurance Rates In an update from Schmunk Gatt Smith at last month’s AGM, Lu DiMeglio pointed out that a key way to reduce insurance rates is to shop wisely for prescriptions. Says DiMeglio, “The dispensing fee varies widely between pharmacies. Reducing that fee by being selective about where you fill your prescriptions is a good way to save your plan money.” The insurance plan endorsed by BCLNA and CNLA, including HortProtect, is the single biggest financial supporter of the associations, contributing more than $600,000 annually to CNLA’s operating budget and programs. Average Dispensing Fees By Company*



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*Please note, companies’ dispensing fees may vary slightly by location.

Access to ManuLife Plan Available Online Manulife, the carrier responsible for the BCLNA’s extended health program,

allows all members (including employees registered in the program) to access resources online at www.manulife.com: • See if claims were processed and how much was paid • Learn what expenses are covered • Determine the deductible • Access benefit maximums • View personal profiles, and • Review extended health and dental claims for up to two years. Get a Travel Card for Holiday Health Registered members of the extended health program have travel emergency insurance coverage with Manulife. All members should ensure they have a Travel Emergency Card, which guarantees immediate payment to foreign healthcare providers (reimbursement for emergency medical fees can require a lengthy application process and may take up to a year). Your travel emergency program is valid anywhere outside of BC, and members receive a card with their policies and ID cards. Always carry your travel emergency card with you when traveling, and add your personal plan and certificate number to it. Your World Access Number is 1372; your Contract Number is 901 803-CNLA. Also make note of the following 24-hour contact numbers: • In Canada & USA, call toll free: 1 800 265-9977. • Elsewhere, call collect: 1 519 741-8450 Insurance questions? Call Lu DiMeglio or Julie Ann Armour at 604 533-9813.

Fundraising Auction BCLNA’s 21st Annual Fundraising Auction will be held at United Flower Growers on Tuesday, February 26 at 3:30 p.m. See this issue’s Extras for all the details! To donate an auction item, contact Heidi Henderson at the BCLNA: hhenderson@bclna.com; 604 574-7772.


BCLNA Members

November 1, 2007 Board Meeting Final Approval The BCLNA welcomes the following new members: Selections Nursery Supply, Bruce & Lara Hunter, Surrey, Active Retail (Interim) Tentative Approval The following companies will become BCLNA members at the next board meeting unless a member provides a valid reason for not accepting the application: Aquafirst Technologies, Bernie Neufeld, Victoria, Associate Biofert Manufacturing Inc., Naim Mirza, Langley, Associate (Interim) Farm Credit Canada, Graham Bolton, Surrey, Individual Interpave Precast Systems Ltd., Bill Dick, Surrey, Active Landscaper Lakegrow Nursery Sales Ltd., Casey Van Vloten, Abbotsford, Active Grower Loon Lake Contract Service, Fred Giesbrecht, Cache Creek, Active Landscaper Mike Gates Tree Sales, Mike Gates / Richard Strom, Langley, Associate Zbeetnoff Agro-Environmental Consulting, Darrell Zbeetnoff, White Rock, Associate Rita Zamluk, Vancouver, Student



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Industry Bits

Kwantlen, Taylors Muck-In for Grieving Family

raised more than $3,000 in supplies, and completed the Port Coquitlam garden installation on a rainy October weekend. The Penners were surprised and appreciative of the results, and Kwantlen instructors were extremely proud of the positive and cooperative attitudes of their students, who worked tirelessly on a cold, wet day for a family they had never met.

Selections Nursery to Serve Surrey Special thanks to the donors who made the Penner garden a reality: Anderson Sod Farm, Amsterdam Greenhouses, Art Knapps Plantland, Douglas College Baseball Team, Kwantlen University College, Maple Leaf Storage, Nature’s Gold, Premier Pacific Seeds Ltd., R L & J Ventures Inc., and Stream Organics. When John and Christine Taylor of Taylor’s Turf Care Products heard that a church group was launching its own version of Extreme Home Makeover, the Taylors planned to pitch-in. They knew the family personally, and understood the extent of their need. Gord and Kim Penner lost their eldest child when he was murdered in 2006 at a house party. The blow was such that the family — which had just purchased their rental house with plans to renovate it — were facing great financial burden due to lost work. Originally, John and Christine planned to donate garden supplies, but after seeing the spectacular work that the trades team had contributed (roof, kitchen, windows, painting, and more), they contacted Stan Kazymerchuk at Kwantlen University College to see if his students could help. Kwantlen came through in (or rather, with) spades. The Taylors and nine students

The owners of Hunter Landscape Design Ltd. have opened a rewholesale nursery and landscape design studio as a complement to their existing business. The Hunters launched Selections Nursery at 511– 176 Street in Surrey, last month, to provide area landscapers with convenient access to their most needed supplies. The nursery encourages client visits by tagging products at their retail prices and offering a trades discount to professionals. In addition to quality plants from preferred local growers, Selections will offer landscape stone, fresh sod by order, pond equipment, landscape lighting, and caliper tree crane services.

New Location For Golden Spruce Golden Spruce Nurseries recently celebrated the grand opening of its second location. The wholesale nursery now serves Fraser Valley landscapers and developers from Whatcom Road, just south of Highway 1 in Abbotsford, in addition to its original Maple Ridge yard at 24533 Dewdney Trunk Road. The company is happy to provide the increased level of service to landscapers in the area, and will continue to offer a wide selection of quality product.

New Loewen Little One Tim and Tracy Loewen of Pine Meadows Tree Farms Ltd. announce the birth of Barak Arthur Loewen on October 20. The couple’s first child, Barak weighed 8 lbs 13 oz., and Tim says he is very strong (we cautioned him against putting his newest team member to work until Barak is a little older). Tim Loewen currently serves on the BCLNA board as Growers’ Chair.

Godin Joins BCLNA Team BCLNA welcomed Amanda Godin to the team last month, filling the vacant position of Marketing & Communications Coordinator. Godin comes to the BCLNA with a background in the hospitality industry where she worked in marketing, special events, promotions and advertising. She holds diplomas in marketing and business administration, and will be working on public shows, membership recruitment, sponsorship, CanWest tours, membership awards and special events. Godin replaces Dawn Levelton who returned to college in September.

Omissions… Congratulations to Andrea Cooney of Squamish and Brian Huttema of Surrey, who were winners of BC Lions tickets and a five-piece Garrant ergonomic landscape tool set respectively. The pair received the prizes from Rona Home & Garden, which sponsored a draw at the CanWest Hort Show last September.



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In Memoriam

John Elmer (Tony) Wallner August 9, 1925 – October 23, 2007

You passed in the season so dear to your heart. The fall dress of autumn is yours for always.

Tony was a Swift Current depression era kid, World War II veteran, businessman and husband to Iris, his loving wife of 59 years. He was Dad to Elaine and Ross (Brenda), Papa to Ami Elizabeth, Addison and Emberly, Brother to Irene Arrell, Ruth Logan ( John) and Donna, and uncle to his nieces and nephews. Plantsman and nurseryman with a spiritual reverence and love for nature, in his beloved Church of the Outdoors — whether feeding the birds or in a garden —Tony was happy. Moving to Victoria from Vancouver in 1964, Tony owned and operated Cedar Hill Nurseries and Garden Centre for many years with the support of his wife and teammate. He is remembered for his contribution in the retail garden centre business and in his generosity to the community. The life’s work and the farm he loved so much, which were so hard to relinquish as deteriorating health took its toll, still carried him. He was sustaining dreams of doing business, and best he could was talking plants, sharing his knowledge and reading garden catalogues into his last days: forever the optimist. The Wallner family wishes to express their heartfelt appreciation to the mainland nursery folks who made the journey to attend Tony’s Memorial Service in Victoria on November 3, 2007. Their attendance was a comfort to us and an honour to Tony.

Holiday Wishes

The directors and staff of the BCLNA extend their wishes to you — members, colleagues and friends — for a warm and peaceful holiday season, and a prosperous new year.

Best of the season, from our offices to yours.



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Among Peter Levelton’s accomplishments is the recruitment of new members to the board, keeping a vibrant mix of young and experienced representatives. Says Levelton (centre), “It’s extremely fulfilling to see people join the BCLNA board and committees, and watch their careers expand as a result.” The award was presented by President Fred Giesbrecht (right) and Bill Hardy of sponsor, Northwest Landscape Supply Ltd. Peter Levelton, 20-year industry veteran and immediate past-president, was recognized for his tireless work for the BC Landscape & Nursery Association with the Member of the Year Award. Levelton’s term on the BCLNA board closes next year and he is in the process

of turning management of East Richmond Nurseries Inc. over to his son Jason, but retirement seems nowhere in sight. In addition to becoming the BCLNA’s representative on the CNLA board as Environment Chair, Levelton has also accepted an appointment to the Investment Agriculture Foundation. In addition, he continues to serve on a variety of BCLNA committees including the environment, IPM, Inside BC, native plant, and sudden oak death taskforces. He will also be working with other recent past presidents to establish a scholarship program. When asked why he participates in so many industry activities, Peter comments, “My basic philosophy is that the industry has given me so much, what I give back seems miniscule.”

Young Member Lends Labour Hand Inline Nurseries’Andrew Flokstra received the Young Member of the Year Award for his obliging assistance to growers, particularly with navigating the Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program. A director since 2002, and currently


Dave Van Belle (left) presents Andrew Flokstra with the Young Member of the Year award. Dave was a recipient in 2000, and Van Belle Nursery Inc. now sponsors the prize. the board representative for the Industry Development Council and Agriculture Labour Market Development Initiative, Flokstra’s sharing of experience has been an invaluable resource for growers considering foreign labour. “With regard to the IDC,” says Hedy Dyck, BCLNA, “Andrew has bravely reviewed stacks of papers to make decisions on complex and varied submissions. He always provides a perspective that is well thought out and considerate. Andrew understands that the industry working together as a whole is better than the sum of its parts. He’s an excellent team player, yet an independent thinker who is forthright and honest in his work for the industry.”

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sPoNsOred by

11/27/07 5:56:20 AM

David Schmidt, Country Life in BC

David Schmidt, Country Life in BC

Past-President Anything But Retired

David Schmidt, Country Life in BC

BCLNA Awards Special Issue


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Gaia Founder Has SOUL David Schmidt, Country Life in BC

David Schmidt, Country Life in BC


Sponsored by Gary Hunt, Terra Link Horticulture (left), the Educator of the Year Award was presented to Heide Hermary for her pioneering work to educate professionals and the public on organic land care practices. Author and Gaia College founder, Heide Hermary, was celebrated for her extensive work toward sustainable landscaping with the Educator of the Year Award. Her program has led to countless home gardeners and professional landscapers adopting organic and natural land care practices, and her speaking engagements, classes and book, Working With Nature: Shifting Paradigms, have received rave reviews. Hermary strives to keep abreast of the latest wisdom to share with her

students, having pursued certification in arboriculture, irrigation, and other specialties to add to her Graduate Diploma and Master’s Degree of Sustainable Agriculture, her Diploma in Horticulture, and her industry experience in landscape design and construction. To maintain a connection from studentto-professional-to-homeowner, Hermary established the Society for Organic Urban Landscapers (SOUL). The society has been extremely successful in fostering and educating people in why and how to move toward organic land care, establishing guidelines and certification for such, and creating a means of exchanging information and ideas on the topic.

Humes’ Communication Career Celebrated John Humes was presented with the Communicator of the Year award in appreciation of his 31- year career at Pacific Coast Nurseryman Magazine, and his consistent coverage of BC’s horticulture industry within the broader Pacific Northwest context.

Recently retired (and thoroughly enjoying it, notes Kathleen Pyle, who assumes his role as managing editor of the publication), Humes was unable accept his award in person, but writes, “From the very first time I came to a BC convention back in the late 1970s, I always felt very much at home. The people of the BC landscape and nursery industry are a special group. I have enjoyed chronicling their accomplishments through the years. Particularly in the early years, of all the associations we covered, your AGMs were the only ones where decisions weren’t cut and dried. People discussed controversies, sometimes at the top of their lungs, and then all went out together for a drink afterward.” Continued on page 11

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BCLNA Awards Special Issue

Landscape Awards of Excellence

Blasig Landscape Design & Construction

Botany Bay Landscape Services Inc.

Pacifica Landscape Works

Para Space Landscaping Inc.

Para Space Landscaping Inc.

The Third Little Pig Contracting Ltd.

Watermark Gardens

Watermark Gardens

Watermark Gardens

www.blasig.com Tel. 604 462-9144 Landscape Installation, Single Family Residential

gardening@paraspaceinc.com Tel. 604 291-2800 Landscape Installation, Single Family Residential

www.watermarkgardens.com Tel. 604 323-1448 Landscape Installation, Single Family Residential

Premier Sponsors

Tel. 604 951-0330 Landscape Installation, Interiorscaping

gardening@paraspaceinc.com Tel. 604 291-2800 Landscape Maintenance, Multi-Unit Residential

www.watermarkgardens.com Tel. 604 323-1448 Landscape Installation, Single Family Residential

Gold Sponsor

www.pacificalandscapes.com Tel. 604 538-5577 Landscape Installation, Single Family Residential

dawilkinson@telus.net Tel. 604 250-9580 Landscape Maintenance, Single Family Residential

www.watermarkgardens.com Tel. 604 323-1448 Landscape Installation, Single Family Residential

Silver Sponsors Cedar Rim Nursery Ltd. ◆ Denbow ◆ East Richmond Nurseries Inc. Echo Power Equipment (Canada) ◆ Evergro Canada Inc. ◆ Fraser Richmond Soil & Fibre Ltd. ◆ GardenWise Magazine ◆ Inline Nurseries Inc. ◆ Quality Seeds West ◆ Rona Home & Garden ◆ TerraLink Horticulture Inc.



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John Humes’ passion for the green industry has been evident throughout his career, and he has worked hard to drive awareness and interest in both the industry and its organizations.

Northwest Landscape Supplier of the Year



TerraLink Horticulture Inc. launched new lines of professionally formulated products for the independent retailer market.

Sanitize with certainty Sanitization can be very costly if not done effectively. Northwest Landscape Supply team members accepted the Supplier of the Year award from Andrew Flokstra of Inline Nurseries, sponsor of the prize. (L – R) Mike Spenser, Ian Fraser, Andrew Flokstra, Dave Nelson, Bob Tiller, Allison FraserSpenser, Bill Hardy, Gary Faulkner, and Fred Giesbrecht, BCLNA President. Northwest Landscape Supply’s longtime financial, volunteer, and social support of the industry granted the company this year’s Supplier of the Year award. In addition to sponsoring the Landscape Awards of Excellence and numerous other BCLNA events, the company eagerly hosts commodity meetings, donates materials to members’ displays for both public and trade shows, and provides training sessions for landscape installers.

TerraLink Innovator of the Year Sponsored by GardenWise Magazine, this year’s Marketing Innovation award was presented to TerraLink Horticulture for its new Country Green and Garden Pro lines.

• Iotron takes sanitization to a new level, offering Nursery Growers unparalleled results. • Iotron utilizes irradiation technology to eliminate Pathogens, fungi and molds on pots, trays, and styroblocks. • Iotron's sanitization method fully penetrates materials like an X-ray, effectively sterilizing the material.

Field trials have proven that the sanitization level of pots prior to planting can affect plant yields.

Money does grow on trees! Be confident that your pots, trays or styroblocks are the cleanest they can be from the start. A disease free environment creates disease free plants.

Benefits • Re-use old pots, trays & styroblock • Increase plant yields • Reduce maintenance on plants • Environmentally friendly process • No more need for harsh chemicals, steam or hot water

If your sanitization method leaves you uncertain, then it's definitely time to make a change. For For more more information information please please contact contact Iotron Iotron Technologies Technologies Corp. Corp. 1425 1425 Kebet Kebet Way, Way, Port Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, BC BC V3C V3C 6L3 6L3 Ph. Ph. (604)945-8838 (604)945-8838 Fax. Fax. (604)945-8827 (604)945-8827 Website Website www.Iotron.com www.Iotron.com Email: Email: rkhansen@Iotron.com rkhansen@Iotron.com



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SERVICES Landscape Contractors Wanted The Home Depot is installing residential landscapes and is looking for additional landscape professionals to design and build landscapes in Western Canada. We have great opportunities in Greater Vancouver, Abbotsford, Cranbrook, Kelowna, Kamloops, Prince George, Vernon, Victoria and West Bank. If you are interested in finding out more about joining the Home Depot landscape team, please contact:

Lindsay Davidson (604) 463-0075 lindsaysplantsource@shaw.ca


BCLNA Awards Special Issue The two product lines are designed to appeal to savvy gardeners’ senses in an environmentally aware manner. The products are labeled with highimpact graphics; packaging is recyclable, resealable, and ergonomically designed for easy handling, measuring and pouring. The lines are not available to mass marketers, which makes them a hit with independent retailers who enjoy higher margins and less competition, on a product line previously available only to professional growers. As a result, garden centres can promote the products as a notch above boxstore fare.

AGM and President’s Banquet Sponsors BCLNA extends sincere thanks to

the sponsoring companies that generously supported this year’s convention. 18598 Advent Road Pitt Meadows, BC Canada, V3Y 2G8 Toll Free 1-800-471-4448 Phone: 604-465-7122 Fax: 604-465-8100 inquiry@specimentrees.com

specimen trees



Gold Level Sponsors Brandt Tractor Ltd. Greenstar Plant Products Inc. TerraLink Horticulture Inc. Silver Level Sponsors Bylands Nurseries Ltd. Farm Credit Canada Eddi’s Wholesale Garden Supplies Ltd. Kato’s Nursery Ltd. West Creek Farms Ltd. Bronze Level Sponsors Chartwell Financial Group Listo Products Ltd. Pacific Northwest Propagators Salmon River Gardens Valley Garden Centre Schmunk Gatt Smith & Associates HUB International TOS Limited



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eve n ts

BCLNA OFFICE: 604-574-7772; 800-421-7963



and programs

ESA 2008 Shared BCLNA’s Environmental Stewardship Award, given in recognition of an outstanding achievement in maintaining or promoting a sustainable, healthy environment, was granted to two deserving nominees this year.

The District of Maple Ridge took top honours for its Community Ecosystem Restoration Initiative, a broad-scale project aimed at CO2 reduction through the creation and restoration of natural habitats. Some 300,000 native plants were installed in disturbed and riparian lands. To advance awareness, the district also developed an education outreach program for the general public and local schools. Because the project saw the restoration of numerous sites, and because its completion advances environmental awareness within the community, the Community Ecosystem Restoration Initiative stands as a shining example to other cities. Education was key to the project that received honourable mention. Cougar Canyon Elementary School, working under the guidance of the Cougar Canyon Streamkeepers, created a rain garden adjacent to the school’s parking lot. Working with numerous volunteers and students, the rain garden was installed to reduce rainwater run-off from the school parking lot, at the same time improving water quality by acting as a biofilter. Descriptive signs showcase the endeavour and describe its intent. Paulus Vrijmoed of Linnaea Nurseries Ltd. hosted the award presentation and, on behalf of sponsors Linnaea and Peel’s Nurseries Ltd., congratulated both the District of Maple Ridge and Cougar Canyon Elementary School. The pair shared the $500 prize, with the municipality donating its portion to charity, and the Streamkeepers planning to use theirs on the purchase of plants for stream-bank restoration or on the rental of a minichipper to handle windfall branches in the Cougar Creek corridor. ■

CLP Exam Day January 16 Cloverdale & Victoria, BC www.bclna.com

BCLNA Landscape Commodity Meeting February 7 Selections Nursery Surrey, BC

Viruses and Bacteria in Biocontrol Seminar January 17–18 Surrey, BC Contact: Deborah Henderson, IGH Tel. 604-599-3260

Western Canada Turfgrass Conference & Show February 24 – 27 Penticton Trade & Convention Centre Penticton, BC www.wctaturf.com

Jim Paluch Leadership Summit January 18 See this issues Extras for more info. BC Landscapers & Contractors Expo January 22 – 23 BC Place Stadium Vancouver, BC www.landscapingexpo.net BCMAL Growers’ Short Course January 29 Ramada Plaza & Conference Centre Abbotsford, BC Agri-Food Innovation Forum Understanding Supply Chain Distribution & Introduction to Value Chains Workshop January 30 – 31 Abbotsford, BC Contact: Bill Henderson, IAF Tel. 250-356-1675

BCLNA Fundraising Auction February 26 United Flower Growers Co-Op Burnaby, BC www.bclna.com

Out of Province Events 2008 Management Clinic January 30 – February 02, 2008 Louisville, KY www.managementclinic.org National Awards of Landscape Excellence February 9, 2008 St John, NB www.canadanursery.com

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On the Green Scene

Granville Goes Organic Harcourt explains, “The single most sustainable thing we do is to not use chemicals in the soil. Composting and mulching grass and leaves, plus the addition of pro-organic bacteria and enzymes that we grow on site, increases bioactivity and decomposes thatch and leaf mulch. This not only traps carbon in the soil, but also increases biodiversity and sustainability of the landscape soil ecosystem.”

Mainland Landscaping & Gardening Ltd. maintains Granville Island’s many properties, including Ron Basford Park and the Duck Pond (pictured here). The company subscribes wholly to the Organic Land Care Standards of the Society for Organic Urban Landcare (SOUL). When Mainland Landscaping & Gardening Ltd. introduced Integrated Pest Management to Granville Island in 1989, Martin Harcourt launched a decades-long pursuit of chemical-free landscapes. It wasn’t until 1993 that BC and the rest of Canada caught on to the IPM movement; by then, Mainland had become the first company in Canada to use reared insect predators in commercial landscaping, and Harcourt had given the keynote address at the country’s first IPM conference. He’d moved away from using treated lumber and toward recycling all waste from Mainland’s operations. His continuing efforts culminated this past season when the company went all-organic on Granville Island. The most heavily traveled tourist destination in Vancouver, Mainland staff were a little concerned about the outcomes, particularly with regard to turf areas that suffer trampling from 12 million visitors each season. Said Kendra Hope of their efforts, “We actually saw improvements to the grass as well: it is now softer, healthier, and the grass is out-competing the weeds. We are convinced that if we can make Granville Island a success with organics, then anyone can do this, anywhere!”

Mainland’s organic feeding consists of liquid and solid certified organic fertilizers, and the application of microorganisms (E.M., compost tea, mychorrhyzal fungi), which help plants absorb nutrients and defend themselves from pests. With a basic understanding of plant health care and soil ecosystems, pest problems are managed by prevention rather than cure. “The environment has become an operationswide consideration for Granville Island,” comments Ken Tunnicliffe, Manager of Operations, indicating that the island will soon be hosting a charrette to find ways green technologies can be used to improve building functions. Says Tunnicliffe, “We’re also working with Smithrite to develop a compost program to remove our landscape, market and restaurant wastes from the disposal chain; economically it could become a benefit too since it doesn’t really make sense to cart it away, and then bring it back as compost. Granville Island made it a point some years ago to become pesticidefree, and Mainland really took the initiative not only to partner with us in that objective, but to go a step further.

The organics program fits the island’s image of reuse and recycling, and it’s an important factor for our visitors.”

Plastic Surgery Trying to reduce the plastic bulge in your company’s trash? Don’t know where to start? Here are some ways others are lessening their environmental footprints. Cannor Nursery sorts their plastic pots and delivers them by the truckload to Silverdale Recycling Ltd. Silverdale accepts all grower pots and greenhouse poly. The recycling company will accept dirty pots but asks that loose soil is banged off, and pots sorted. Poly should be cut into strips and folded into bundles that can be managed by one or two people. Drop your items off at 23375 Fisherman Road in Maple Ridge. For more info, visit www.silverdalerecycling.com. – Gord Mathies, Cannor Nursery IKEA now charges 5¢ for every plastic

bag used at checkout, then donates the proceeds to Tree Canada. After learning about the positive response of a similar program at IKEA in both the U.K. and the U.S., IKEA Canada commissioned its own survey asking customers about plastic bag use. When over 70% of the respondents indicated that they would support an environmental alternative



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IKEA took action. The initiative also

comes on the heels of a recent Ontario government announcement to reduce the use of plastic bags by 50% by 2012. Should IKEA Canada reduce plastic bags by 50%, the donation will be enough to plant 153,150 trees, helping to absorb 25,548 tonnes of CO 2 emissions over the trees’ average life. – Mick Lin, IKEA Coquitlam Mountain Equipment Co-Op (MEC) has introduced the 100% compostable and biodegradable BioBag ® to its retail stores. The BioBag ® is made primarily of corn starch, resins and polymers, and will disintegrate in 12 – 24 months; MEC’s website adds that the product uses less energy and produces two-thirds less greenhouse gas in the manufacturing process than traditional plastic bags. MEC donates 5¢ to an environmental cause when a customer declines a bag for his or her purchases. In 2006, these 5¢ donations amounted to $57,000 in urban sustainability grants. – Mountain Equipment Co-Op

New Garbage Bans January 1 Effective January 1, 2008, you may not deposit any of the following in your household garbage, or deposit them at transfer stations: • Paints, solvents, and flammable liquids, gasoline and pesticides • Vehicle tires • Oil, oil filters and empty containers • Yard trimmings • Blue box recyclables • Beverage containers (all except milk) • Medications/pharmaceuticals For information on items on the list, call 604 RECYCLE. For the complete list of banned items you must divert from the dump as of January 1, 2008, visit www.gvrd.com ■



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For Sale

1 acre of cedars 5 –10 ft. tall in the ground. Phone or text for details. 250 442-7388 Erica Enterprises Wholesale Nursery Ltd. Going concern facility, growing nursery stock in rural Pitt Meadows on quiet no thru road. Sale includes: 3,800 sq. ft. 3 year old residence, 19.49 acres of level land, warehouse, greenhouses, delivery truck and all machinery. Asking price $4,064,000 Cdn. Plant inventory is not included in sale and can be negotiated separately.

Erica Enterprises Ltd., 14021 Rippington Road, Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 1Z1 Phone 604 465-6732, Fax 604 465-2307, Email ericaenterprises@shaw.ca Business for Sale Paving Stone and Retaining Wall Installation Company $825,000.00 Work 7 months — get paid for 12!!! Very successful paving stone and retaining wall company available in booming Edmonton. Established in 1983, this company specializes in commercial and large residential projects and utilizes mechanical paving stone and retaining wall equipment for many installations.

Many of our commercial projects are by invitation only because of our reputation of providing excellent service and superior workmanship. Most of our residential projects come by word of mouth and the company does very little advertising. For more info, please contact Wallace Whitford at 780 428-9226 or email www.ca@hotmail.com

Help Wanted East Richmond Nurseries is looking for a full time sales assistant. We offer great working conditions with comp., wages, group benefits and friendly surroundings. We are looking for good attitude, plant knowledge and outgoing personality. Email peter@erniplants.com. Technical Sales Person, Outside Sales Westgro Sales Inc. a leading horticultural supply company located in Delta, B.C. has an immediate opening for a Horticultural Sales Representative. This position involves servicing ornamental nursery accounts in the Fraser Valley. Responsibilities include establishing and maintaining a loyal customer base by providing exceptional customer service, recognizing sales opportunities and promoting products.

Call us for all your native and ornamental plant needs

The ideal candidate must show superior communication skills and be comfortable using technology to assist them with their responsibilities. A background in horticulture or agriculture is required. Formal education or training in horticulture will be an asset. Please apply in confidence to Anne Mok by January 18, 2008.


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5 acres high visibility corner property in North Delta, BC. Suitable for a greenhouse or nursery type of business. Zoned for retail. Has house and barn onsite. Contact Gurjeet at 604 805-2975

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Safety Check

sponsored by

Ian Turnbull, Damage Prevention and Emergency Services Manager

Call to Find Out Where Gas Lines Are — Before You Dig! If you’re landscaping it’s important to know about the hazards of hitting a buried gas line. Injury, repair costs, job delays and disruption of natural gas service are best avoided. So follow the right steps and stay safe. • Call BC One Call at 1-800-474-6886 or *6886 on your cell and request underground gas line information. • Use the information to find the gas line. • Hand dig to expose the line, so you know exactly where it is.

• When you hand dig, don’t use pointed tools like picks or rebar. • After you hand dig, you can finish with mechanical equipment like bobcats or backhoes. If you hit a gas pipe, stop what you’re doing right away and call Terasen Gas at 1-800-663-9911. The same rules that apply to landscapers, apply to homeowners. In fact, homeowners cause about 20 percent of all our line hits every year. Typically, this happens when someone uproots a tree, builds a fence, or lays a new foundation. But even chaining a bike to a meter can damage gas piping. So here are a few tips to share with your customers about meter safety: • A meter should be visible and easy for maintenance and emergency

BC Training Tax Credit Island College Soon to be ITA Designate Pacific Horticulture College, located near Victoria, is under review by the Industry Training Authority to become a designated training facility of the apprenticeship program. Under this program, students will be able to complete the college’s certificate program, and then write the Level 1 and 2 challenge exam towards Journeyman status. Individuals may then apply for Levels 3 and 4 of the apprenticeship program. Currently levels 3 and 4 are only offered at Kwantlen University College in Langley, requiring Island students to complete either the Landscape or Production apprenticeship programs there.

personnel to reach. Don’t enclose it within a building or deck. • Don’t store, lean or attach anything to a meter including bicycles, barbecues, clotheslines or even a dog’s leash. • Keep snow and ice off a meter and remove overhanging icicles. Visit the Safety section on www.terasengas.com for your copy of our Excavation Safety brochure, or simply call 1-888-224-2710. The Terasen Gas name and logo are trademarks of Terasen Inc.

and anyone considering either option should email Anne with your questions: akadwell@horteducaitonbc.com.

BC apprentices and their employers are eligible for excellent incentives from the government as part of the Training Tax Credit. Apprentices can qualify for up to $6500 in tax credits, while their employers (sponsors) can receive as much as $9500. These amounts may be increased if the apprenticeship candidate qualifies for the Enhanced tax credits (enhanced credits are granted to First Nations applicants who possess valid Status cards, and to disabled candidates who are eligible for disability allowances on their regular income tax).

Arborists Plan to Join HortEd

Should the horticulture apprenticeship be granted Red Seal status—an initiative under consideration by the CNLA—even more dollars will be returned to apprentice and sponsor pockets.

Horticulture in the Classroom

Anne Kadwell of HEBC is in contact with

officials from the Ministry of Small Business and Revenue who will explain and answer questions about claiming these tax credits. Sponsors, apprentices,

HortEducationBC is in the process of developing an Arborist Apprenticeship program for British Columbia, which would bring that specialty under the Industry Training Authority’s umbrella. Preliminary plans are in place, but await approval from the ITA in order to move forward with curriculum and program development.

HortEducationBC has been, and continues to be, involved in the development of a horticulture curriculum and resources package for secondary school teachers. This will provide them with the tools to teach Level 1 of the horticulture apprenticeship program. ■



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Grower Update

Landscape & Retail News

Record CHT’s P. ramorum busy fall season, rainy skies and Sampling Complete The dwindling daylight couldn’t keep 34 BCLNA has concluded its P. ramorum

sampling and testing for the year, and continues to work with affected nurseries when they have a confirmed positive from the CFIA. If CFIA advises you that you have a positive find on site, please contact BCLNA immediately for the Crisis Management Manual; the publication was developed to help you go through the steps required to resume normal operation. Landscapers and retailers are strongly encouraged to mitigate the potential of P. ramorum infection by following a series of best management processes. To access BCLNA’s Best Management Practices documents, go to www.bclna.com and click on “Current Issues” then select “P. ramorum” from the menu at the top of the page. Landscape members should also look for the “Letters to Homeowners” document; these letter detail the P. ramorum disease and mitigation process, and are a helpful tool in client relations when a positive is found in a landscaped yard. Questions? Contact Hedy Dyck at hdyck@bclna.com.

EFP Extension The Environmental Farm Plan program has been extended until September 2008 while transitioning to a new structure. Growers interested in receiving funding toward ecological remediation or lessening their environmental footprint should contact Bruce McTavish (bmct@intergate.ca) or Darrell Zbeetnoff (zbeetnoff@telus.net).

candidates and 40 volunteers from participating in the October certification test. “We’ve got some really skillful, well prepared young people working through the program,” noted Cable Baker, Certification Chair. “The great part is that as soon as they pass, they are coming right back to donate their time as judges. This helps keep the test energized in BC.” We have the pleasure of congratulating a record-breaking 12 individuals for successfully completing their certification designations this fall.

Kevin O’Higgins CHT, Southcoast Horticultural Services Dominique Massott CHT, Massott Landscaping Ltd. Jeff Sakari CHT, The Green Man Rob Welsh CHT, Capilano College

Certified Landscape Designer (CLD)

Judges Kelly Arnott CHT, Contour Landscaping Ltd. Alanda Bellucci CHT, GardenWorks Mandeville PJ Burns CHT, Kwantlen University College Kevin Carlson CHT, Para Space Landscaping Inc. Betty Cunnin CHT, Kwantlen University College Kevin Dang CHT, Think Green Landscaping Ltd. Bill Dunn CHT, Dunn’s Landscaping Kane Freigang CHT, Kane’s Lawn Care Tim Giesbrecht CHT, TFG Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. David Guenther CHT, Contemporary Landscapes Inc. John Hanson CHT, Hansons Landscaping and Nursery Jerry Looi CHT, GardenWorks Lougheed Doug Luckow CHT, Meridian Landscaping Russell Lyons CHT, Blasig Landscape Design & Construction Aaron Magee CHT, Contour Landscaping Ltd. Sandra Marriott CHT, Sunshine Coast Nursery Guy Martin City of Langley Colin Priddle CHT, Watermark Gardens Brian Ramor CHT, Think Green Landscaping Ltd. James Reimer TFG Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. Lance Sharon CHT, CLP, Upper Levels Landscape Management Ltd. Dana Sleigh CHT, Dana’s Gardening Gail Szostek District of Maple Ridge Matt Vandenberg CHT, Vandenberg’s Landscape Design Roberto Vazquez CHT, North By Northwest Ventures Susan Ware CHT, GardenWorks Lougheed

Sincere thanks...

And, of course, many thanks to the generous industry partners!

BC CHT Chair

Premier Sponsor:

CHT – Retail

Andre Vaudan GardenWorks Mandeville Shelley Murley Kwantlen University College

CHT – Maintenance

Christine Croton Para Space Landscaping Inc. Denis Gour Blasig Landscape Design & Construction Jennifer Portsmouth Para Space Landscaping Inc. Seleena Champagne City of Abbotsford Trevor Houchen Bartlett Tree Experts

CHT – Installation

Chris Haslock Blasig Landscape Design & Construction Ira Leimanis Watermark Gardens Jamie Lamont GSU Landscaping Jerry Ingram GSU Landscaping Koreen Matheson Mystic Woods Landscape Design

Cable Baker CHT, RCB Garden Service



BC Retail Chair & Site Safety Captain Paul Buikema CHT, Progress Landscaping Past National Chair, BC CLP Chair Bruce Hunter CHT, CLD, CLP, Hunter Landscape Design Ltd.

Silver Sponsor WorkSafeBC

Site Coordinators Shelley Murley CHT, Kwantlen University College Janice Webster CHT, Kwantlen University College Dave Ryan Kwantlen University College Steve Brodeur Kwantlen University College

Facility Sponsor Kwantlen University College

Judges Technical Advisors Gunther Blasig CHT, Blasig Landscape Design & Construction Conway Lum CHT, GardenWorks Mandeville TM

Equipment & Materials Sponsors Cedar Rim Nursery Ltd. Fraser Valley Equipment GardenWork TM

Other Donors Corix Water Products Inc. Western Turf Farms Ltd.



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