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B . C . L a n d s c a p e & N u r s e r y A s s o c i a t i o n P u bl i c a t i o n • a p r i l 2 0 1 0

New wage subsidy program Free training opportunities

HST and your business Savings for BCLNA members


Message from the President

Going down the best path I recently broke my right shoulder. Being right handed, breaking the left side would have been more convenient, but breaking limbs is never about convenience. It happened while I was explaining to someone that they should consider getting rid of their exposed aggregate because it can be slippery and dangerous. As it turns out—I was right. Some have said that I would do anything to prove a point, and that is not true—but make the point I did.

Strangely enough, this happened as the Paralympics began. I watched the opening ceremonies while waiting for my turn at the hospital. Feeling ever so slightly sorry for myself, I watched people that face unending challenges; I listened to their stories and could only marvel at their tenacity and determination against unbelievable odds. Not even a slight comparison can be made to the minor inconvenience of a broken shoulder that will hurt for a while, require some work to bring it back to normal, and soon become a distant memory. It will not permanently alter my life.

in an industry as diverse and everchanging as this one. The best course is to stay on our feet, take things in stride, and adjust to the ups and downs with our sights firmly on the future.

So I am humbled and encouraged by this reminder that things happen—almost daily—that alter our direction, especially

B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association

As with the Paralympians, patience, tenacity, flexibility, determination, common sense, and the passing of time will lead us down our best path. In spite of everything.

Ruth Olde, President,

HortWest april 2010 MANAGING EDITOR Renata Triveri ADVERTISING Cheryl Lee

Phone: (604) 574-7772 Fax: (604) 574-7773

HortWest is the newsletter of the B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association for the horticultural trade in Western Canada. For further information, contact us at: Suite 102, 5783—176A Street Surrey, B.C., Canada V3S 6S6 Telephone (604) 574-7772 Fax (604) 574-7773 HortWest is owned by the B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association, and is published 10 times a year. Views expressed inside do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the Association but are those of the writer concerned. Material may not be reprinted from this magazine without the consent of the publisher. All advertising and editorial material are to be received one month in advance of mail out date. HortWest is mailed under Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement N. 0288608 This magazine is printed in Canada by Globe Printers. On the cover: An early start to spring has growers hopeful. A tour of the Fraser Valley highlights verdant crops and bustling shipping docks. Keep the sales momentum going now through fall, and book your CanWest exhibit today. Call Cheryl Lee at (604) 574-7772

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Board Synopsis

March 15, 2010 Landscape Commodity The “Building Your Operating Budget” workshop had a big impact on its 43 participants, and was well-received by even those who have been in business for many years. Last month’s Landscape Commodity meeting packed the Trev Deeley Motorcycle Shop with 70 people. Thanks once again to EcoSoil and Denbow for their generous sponsorship of this event, and to speakers Ryan Whittle of Myers Norris Penny and Dr. Bill Herman who explained the intricacies of HST and soil, respectively. The next landscape commodity meeting will be held on June 9 at East Richmond Nurseries Inc. Contact Krista Manton to register: kmanton@bclna.com. Interior Chapter The first Interior Chapter meeting of 2010 was held last

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month with 44 people, primarily landscapers, attending. Water was the main topic of discussion, and the City of Kelowna outlined the pending irrigation and conservation bylaw to the group; notes will be released to members soon. Chapter representative Mike Byland hopes to hold another meeting in July or August.

Island Chapter A steering committee

has been formed; its first meeting was productive, with lots of ideas bounced around and plenty of enthusiasm. The committee is working on a chapter meeting schedule and will then proceed to develop a budget for fulfilling the needs of Island members. Chapter representative, Tony Bobbit, indicated that the committee is off to a promising start, and he is confident that there will

be some plans to share this month; Islanders should watch their email for news.

Education Committee After a strong start, the free training offered through the Horticulture Basics program has become slightly under-subscribed, due to an early and busy spring. All members are encouraged to make an effort to put their entry-level employees through some of the many valuable sessions now available. Better-trained workers benefit your company’s productivity, their safety, and the industry. Contact Ann Marie Walsh: awalsh@bclna.com or call (604) 574-7772.

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BCLNA News Bulletins

Receive $12k toward wages The Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council has recently adopted a new wage subsidy program called “Career Focus,” designed to assist employers in hiring new workers in a supply chain role. The program grants wage subsidies of up to $12,750; the subsidized employee must have a university degree or college diploma and be 30 years of age or younger. The funding is valid for only the first year of employment. Says Sheryl Keenen, Project Manger of Career Focus, the landscape/horticulture sector has access to the funding, “as long as the positions fall under the 26 NOC codes within that sector. Having said that, final approval for the companies, positions, and new hires rests with HRSDC. Typically applications are processed within 48 hours.” The NOC codes Keenen refers to are listed at www.supplychaincanada.org/en/career-focus; they include but are not limited to: • Senior managers of goods, production, utilities, transportation and construction • Computer and information systems managers, computer analysts, database analysts and data administrators, website developers • Facility operations and maintenance managers (warehouse managers) • Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations • Store keepers and parts clerks: e.g., parts supplier, supply clerk • Transportation route and crew schedulers, dispatchers and radio operators, shippers and receivers • Other administrative service managers: e.g., inventory control manager, support services • Purchasing and inventory clerks: e.g., inventory analyst, planner, retail buyers Please note that your company must register and be approved before you hire to take advantage of this program. Should you have any questions, contact Sheryl

Keenen 1-866-616-3468 Ext. 301 toll free, or send her an email at skeenan@ supplychaincanada.org. For more details, visit www.supplychaincanada.org.

CanWest blitz a success! In a two-day booth selection blitz, CanWest Horticulture Show exhibitors staked their territory in the exciting new space at Vancouver Convention Centre. The show, which has traditionally been held “under the sails” at VCC, relocates to the brand new east facility (under the green roof) for the 2010 season in order to save exhibitors and attendees from the woes of an upcoming renovation. The whole process was launched using an online and interactive map that allows anyone to see which booths are available, which are filled, and who will be participating; to check it out, visit www. canwesthortshow.com/exhibitor_info.htm and click on “Interactive Floor Plan”. Said CanWest Show Manager, Karen DeJong, “Exhibitors seem quite excited about the new location, layout, and this year’s theme, ‘Masterpieces’. The change of scenery has generated so many new ideas that we know the show will feel rejuvenated.” Better still, as of late last month the show was more than 70% sold out—well ahead of past years’ benchmarks. A stellar education program and pre-show Clinic Day will be announced soon, with excellent opportunities for all levels of staff and management. If you haven’t booked your booth space, don’t hesitate. Contact Cheryl Lee at (604) 574-7772 or clee@bclna.com to secure a spot.

Wholesale nursery marketing The Export Committee has a new name and a fresh perspective from chair, Sylvia Mosterman of Mosterman Plants Inc.

Whether you sell your plants across BC, Canada, the U.S. or beyond, the BCLNA’s role is to help promote awareness of our member wholesale nurseries. We need your input and direction as we embark on utilizing the latest technologies to help promote your businesses. Be part of this forward thinking committee: join us in person or by conference call, two to three times each year, during the off-season. Meetings are no longer than two hours each. Contact Sylvia Mosterman at MostPlantsInc@shaw.ca or (604) 823-4713. Or, get in touch with Marketing Manager, Karen De Jong: kdejong@bclna.com or (604) 574-7772.

Pot & poly recycling for all commodities

All members are reminded that Westcoast Plastics Recycling is once again accepting greenhouse film (will pick up!) and plastic pots or shrink wrap (you drop off) for recycling. Because of the high value of greenhouse film, the company is willing to pick up large loads. They cannot pick up plastic pots as the value is too low to pay for trucking, but Westcoast welcomes drop-offs at their Richmond location. If you plan to send large loads, please call ahead so staff can be ready to assist you. Call Peter at (604) 763-4746 or visit Westcoast Plastics Recycling at Unit #3, 2480 Shell Road in Richmond.


Training Pays

Free training for entry level staff Horticulture Basics® will be running a series of training sessions at the CanWest Hort Show specifically targeted to entry-level employees. The event will be held at the new Vancouver Convention Centre September 29 to 30 and will be a terrific opportunity for your staff to take in the tradeshow and participate in some educational classes. The training sessions will be followed by a guided tour of the tradeshow floor, aimed at introducing your entry-level employees to a broader perspective on horticulture. Nursery employees will learn the importance of their jobs in fulfilling quality landscapes or providing the end customer with a successful garden, while landscape employees will recognize the efforts that go into bringing plants to market. On Friday, October 1, an

“Industry Sampler Tour” will be offered so your new and entry-level staff can see horticulture in action! These sessions are FREE to eligible employees, and will help your team members gain appreciation for horticulture while improving productivity and quality. Horticulture Basics® is a training program designed to help businesses educate their entry level employees within the of nursery, landscape and retail sectors. Training offers your employees a step in the right direction with foundational and practical industry-specific skills necessary for improved efficiency and effectiveness on the job site. Benefits range from enhanced skill, competence and confidence of staff, thereby helping to advance your business’ level of professionalism in the horticulture industry.

Year-round educational training sessions are free to eligible employees and are posted on the BCLNA website Google Calendar at: www.BCLNA.com. A special six-week Comprehensive Training Series is also available and may be customized to fit your business’ needs. To find out more details about the program’s purpose and objectives go to www.bclna.com/ horticulturebasics.htm. If you are ready to move your team to the next level of performance, contact Ann Marie Walsh, Industry Skills Training Coordinator at (604) 574-7772 or awalsh@bclna.com to schedule your free training opportunity. Funding provided through the Canada British Columbia Labour Market Agreement

• Raw materials purchased in advance helps to ensure product consistency and availability.

Perfect Growing Media… Every Time Specializing in custom blended growing media for nurseries, greenhouses and rooftops ALL MIXES GO THROUGH A FINAL SCREENING PROCESS BEFORE DELIVERY. 42481 Industrial Way, Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 4H8 Ph 604-823-6688 Fax 604-823-7206 Email hjally@telus.net www.sumasgromedia.ca Sumas Gro-Media.indd 1

• Multiple computers control the dosing equipment, increasing accuracy and speed. This makes it easier to offer competitively priced products. • Non-invasive mixing equipment protects the structure and consistency of the media.

11/30/09 11:14:40 AM



How will BC’s new HST affect me? Alladin Versi, Meyers Norris Penny LLP How does BC’s new HST affect me? That has been the question on the minds of a lot of British Columbians recently. The announcement in July by the Federal and BC governments was unexpected, since there was no indication that BC was moving in that direction. In fact, during the May 2009 provincial election, the BC government had stated that we would not be moving to a Harmonized Sales Tax system. The proposed change has raised a furor among certain taxpayers and in certain industries, such as the restaurant industry, since the HST will have a more significant effect on them.

So how will the HST affect business? Let’s look at some areas that are affected by the change. Businesses will generally benefit from the change, because the HST will result in a simpler, more streamlined system of recording and remitting a single sales tax, rather than the current dual GST/PST system. Their costs will also decrease because certain purchases will no longer have a PST component, which was generally non-recoverable, and will be replaced by the provincial portion of the HST, which will generally be recoverable. If you currently charge the GST, you will

now charge the HST. If you are currently able to recover the GST, you will be able to recover the HST. However, the transitional rules will, in some cases, result in a need to be careful about how to track, and charge or recover, the HST. There are three key dates to keep in mind, for those items that are normally subject to the GST: April 30, 2010 If you sell a tangible personal property (i.e., goods), for delivery after June 30, 2010, and the payment was due between October 14, 2009 and April 30, 2010, or was paid within those dates, the HST does not have to be charged. While the purchaser is required to self-assess the HST, this is only applicable to “nonconsumers”. This term includes the following: • A purchaser who acquires these supplies for consumption, use or supply in a business that is making GST/HSTexempt supplies (such as a daycare); • A purchaser who uses simplified procedures to calculate their net tax (such as certain charities, public service bodies, and small businesses); and • Selected financial institutions will also have to self-assess the HST as applicable. For those businesses that fit the criteria, and currently are not able to recover the GST, this cost would have to be calculated and remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency on their GST return that covers the period of July 1, 2010. The latest that this amount is required to be remitted is November 1, 2010 and there will be a special form if your GST return is not due before this time period. May 1, 2010 If you sell a tangible personal property (i.e., goods), for delivery after June 30, 2010, and the payment was due between May 1, 2010 and June 30, 2010, or was paid within those dates, you will be required to charge the HST.

July 1, 2010 The HST will be fully implemented on that date, and will be charged on all applicable goods being sold.
 For the provision of services, the HST will apply on a pro-rated basis for services performed before and after July 1, 2010, unless at least 90% of the services have been provided prior to July 1, 2010, in which case the HST will not be charged, even if the invoice is issued after that date.

So what happens to the PST? Good question—you would think that it would disappear after July 1, 2010, and that is certainly the case—up to a point. However, there are some transitional issues to note. For example, what happens if you buy something before July 1, 2010, and return it after that date? Generally, there will be a refund of your PST, if you returned it by October 31, 2010.
 For businesses, final PST returns will generally be required to be filed on or before July 23, 2010. For any PST adjustments that occur on or after July 1, 2010, the business will have to file a supplemental PST return on or before the 23rd day of the following month. There will also be a period of time when businesses could be subject to audits of their PST returns (for up to six years), so the PST will still be around for a while. The BC government has a website dedicated to the HST, at www.gov.bc.ca/hst. You can also contact the Ministry of Finance at (604) 660-4524 in Vancouver, or toll-free at 1 (877) 388-4440, or e-mail your questions to CTBTaxQuestions@gov.bc.ca. Alladin Versi, CMA, FCMA, CFP is a tax specialist with Meyers Norris Penny LLP, and currently leads the firm’s tax group for the Vancouver Island region. Based out of MNP’s Nanaimo office, he specializes in strategic corporate tax planning for businesses, corporate reorganizations, purchases and sales of businesses, as well as estate planning. Reprinted from www.mnp.ca.


Swing Into Spring At BCLNA’s C Annuall G Golf lf Tournament June 22, 2010

BCLNA Members Final Approval The BCLNA welcomes the following new members as of the March 15 board meeting:

Sponsor a hole! Sponsor a meal! Contact Cheryl Lee today to showcase your company and show your appreciation to the trade: clee@bclna.com or call 604-574-7772

Iotron Technologies

Blue Meadow Landscaping Ltd. Jayson Wight & Charlotte Milne, Victoria, Active Landscaper Davey Tree Expert of Canada Ltd. Neil Wilson, Burnaby, Satellite


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Swan-e-Set Bay Resort Golf & Country Club

www.swaneset.com Golf Filler.indd 1

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Fifth Season Lawn & Garden Services Frank Shang, Vancouver, Active Landscaper Natural Landscape Solutions Catarina Van Vliet, Delta, Active Landscaper Ploegman Greenhouse and Landscape Ken & Susan Ploegman, Kelowna, Active Landscaper (Interim) Erin Bayus Victoria, Student Nadine Kristensen Surrey, Student Brian Richardson Cobble Hill, Student Dana Simpson Langley, Student Tentative Approval The following companies will become BCLNA members at the next board meeting unless a member provides a valid reason for not accepting the application: Culture Care Landscaping Ltd. Brent & Bonnie Bylsma, Kamloops, Active Landscaper Coastal Design Landscaping Ram & Ajool Adi, Coquitlam, Active Landscaper Green Design—Gardens To Live In Susan Wheeler, Surrey, Active Landscaper Hawleyscape Tree Service Ltd. Wes Hawley, Port Coquitlam, Active Landscaper MetroGrow Soil Products Inc. Mike Van Ham & Troy Cressman, New Westminster, Associate (Interim) Sandra Dee Garden Escapes Sandi Gowda, Port Coquitlam, Active Landscaper (Interim)

Sanitize with certainty Sanitization can be very costly if not done effectively. • Iotron takes sanitization to a new level, offering Nursery Growers unparalleled results. • Iotron utilizes irradiation technology to eliminate Pathogens, fungi and molds on pots, trays, and styroblocks. • Iotron's sanitization method fully penetrates materials like an X-ray, effectively sterilizing the material.

Field trials have proven that the sanitization level of pots prior to planting can affect plant yields.

Money does grow on trees! Be confident that your pots, trays or styroblocks are the cleanest they can be from the start. A disease free environment creates disease free plants.

Benefits • Re-use old pots, trays & styroblock • Increase plant yields • Reduce maintenance on plants • Environmentally friendly process • No more need for harsh chemicals, steam or hot water

If your sanitization method leaves you uncertain, then it's definitely time to make a change. For For more more information information please please contact contact Iotron Iotron Technologies Technologies Corp. Corp. 1425 1425 Kebet Kebet Way, Way, Port Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, BC BC V3C V3C 6L3 6L3 Ph. Ph. (604)945-8838 (604)945-8838 Fax. Fax. (604)945-8827 (604)945-8827 Website Website www.Iotron.com www.Iotron.com Email: Email: rkhansen@Iotron.com rkhansen@Iotron.com

BCLNA Office: 604-574-7772; 800-421-7963



Attention all arborists!

BCLNA’s Urban Forestry Symposium will be held on Friday, May 14 at Cedar Hill Golf Course in Victoria. Learn all about planting, cabling, diseases of trees, IPM, cultural practices and bylaws—and more! This is a not-to-be missed event, with special guests Dr. Tom Smiley of Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory in North Carolina and Dr. Leonard Burkhart of the Davey Institute of Tree Sciences in Ohio. To register, contact Annika Ingram: aingram@bclna.com or (604) 574-7772.

and programs

April 21 BC Skills Competition Tradex, Abbotsford www.skillscanada.bc.ca Linnaea Nursery


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Call us for all your native and ornamental plant needs

22 Planet Day of Service www.planetdayofservice.org 30-May 2 Kamloops Home & Leisure Show McArthur Island Sports Centre, Kamloops www.bchomeshows.com/ kamloops_home_show.html

May 8 Spring Festival & Plant Sale UBC Botanical Garden, Vancouver www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org www.friendsofthegarden.ca

Call for all wholesale ornamentals, native plants and ferns. a


900 Bowman Road, Abbotsford, BC V3G 1T1 P.O. Box 2157, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3X8 Phone: 604-854-6986 Fax: 604-854-6982 canamnurseries@canamnurseries.com


Tel: 604-533-8281 Fax: 604-533-8246 1-888-327-7705 email: linnaea@telus.net 3666 - 224th Street, Langley, BC V2Z 2G7 Canada

14 Urban Forestry Symposium Cedar Hill Golf Course, Victoria www.bclna.com

June 9 BCLNA Landscape Commodity Meeting East Richmond Nurseries www.bclna.com 22 BCLNA Golf Tournament Swan E-Set Golf Course, Vancouver www.bclna.com


an Am Nurseries 1

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18-24 Perennial Plant Symposium Portland, Oregon www.perennialplant.org

in Marketplace by contacting Cheryl Lee at BCLNA 604-574-7772 or clee@bclna.com

August 11 BCLNA Landscape Commodity Meeting FarmHouse Lifestyle, Pitt Meadows www.bclna.com

September Toll Free: 1-800-498-7403 • Tel: 604-946-5641 • Email: info@crofton.ca www.crofton.ca or www.jvk.net

MktPlace Filler.indd 1

16-17 Certification Exams Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langley www.bclna.com

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29-30 CanWest Hort Show Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre www.canwesthortshow.com


classifieds Help Wanted Grower/Manager Wanted Large greenhouse operation in Pitt Meadows is looking for a hands on Grower/Manager. Knowledge of greenhouse climate controls and managing people to produce quality plants is imperative. Reply to dawn@pittmeadows.net. Production Manager Wanted Seeking the very best. The successful candidate will be motivated, energetic, and able to set and reach prduction goals. You will have a minimum 2 years technical and 3 years production experience. You must be able to produce daily, weekly, and monthly production records as well as plant movement records. You must communicate well with management and staff to ensure high moral, ethical, and professional standards at the nursery. Send resumes to: Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Fax (780) 929-8102 Email jimw@cheyennetree.ca Web www.cheyennetree.ca Horticulturist Crew Leader We are a growing company that provides high end landscape maintenance services as well as softscape design and planting in North and West Vancouver. We are looking for someone to work in a supervisory role who has the plant knowledge and experience to make on the job decisions regarding plant care. Responsibilities: Working with crew of 2-3 people, sharing plant knowledge with customers and staff, worksite safety, record keeping, lawn mowing + trimming, pruning, hedging, planting, general yard care. Requirements: • Minimum 1 year certificate or diploma in landscape horticulture or CHT designation in Softscape Installation/ Ornamental maintenance • 2 years industry experience • Good plant knowledge • Physically fit, enthusiastic, hard working • Quick learner • Able to work independently with minimal direction • Class 5 or 7 driver’s license • SIN # (or work Visa) Assets: • Experience working locally with Zone 7/8 plants. • First Aid training $20—22/hr + benefits. Contact Scott Haile: shaile@katsuralandscaping.ca www.katsuralandscaping.ca

All responses will be reviewed, however, only those in consideration will be contacted. Sales Professional / Manager Visser NA—a successful supplier to the North American horticulture industry, located in Langley—is in need of a sales professional/ manager for a NEW and exciting product line not yet offered to the industry. Greenhouse knowledge and experience preferred; sales and customer service experience plus secondary education a must.


The right person: self-motivated, works independently, creative, willing to travel, and most willing to provide superior service to our customers. You will receive: a great place to work, new office, convenient location, competitive salary, performance bonuses, benefit package, vehicle for company travel. Email info@visser-na.com FOSSIL Property Performance (Maintenance)—Team Leader Provide vision and leadership to our elite new Property Performance operations. Develop and execute an efficient, comprehensive maintenance plan to ensure superior softscape/ hardscape performance on properties up to three acres, beginning with at least three properties. Work as part of landscape construction or planting crew as required. Minimum 5 years experience in landscape maintenance; Certification an asset. Competitive market based compensation. Full benefits after 3 months of employment. Progressive company environment. FOSSIL Landscape Construction Worker —$16/HR Work hard, outside, with a great team and exceed expectations! FOSSIL Landscape Construction Team Leader—$20/hr Work with Site Leader on larger projects to organize tasks and complete components of work efficiently. On smaller projects, provide direction to team members and take components of work to completion. Work with and provide direction to 2-3 team members on various tasks and components of work. Work as part of landscape construction team as required. Be proactive and think/plan ahead. Have a sense of urgency. FOSSIL Work hard, outside, with a great team and exceed expectations! Go to www.fossilprojectservices.com for details and email info@fossilprojectservices.com to apply. Specify which job you are applying for in your email.

We Offer Full Plant Service Send us your wish list or job and we will send you a quote – phone, fax or email ...Look for our


EAST RICHMOND NURSERIES INC. 18431 Westminster Hwy., Richmond, B.C. V6V 1B1 Ph. 604 278-0976 Fax 604 244-2924 e-mail askus@erniplants.com



Growers Updates

New hort rep on BCAC board Bob Pringle of United Flower Growers (UFG) announced the appointment of Stan Vander Waal to the board of the BC Agriculture Council as the Horticulture 1 sector representative. Stan succeeds Sandy Mathies of Cannor Nursery in the position, which is filled alternately by BCLNA and UFG directors.

Exciting New Venue! Exciting New Floor Plan!

arms.indd 1


September 29 - 30, 2010

Under the Green Roof

Vancouver Convention Centre

Reserve your booth space today. Call Cheryl Lee 604.574.7772 or email clee@bclna.com

Said Bob Pringle, “UFG and the Floriculture sector are very appreciative of the effort and commitment Sandy has devoted to BCAC as Director over the past two years. Sandy is a strong voice for the entire ornamental sector and we have had the highest confidence in his representation of our sector.” Stan Vander Waal, as President of Rainbow Greenhouses Inc., leads one of Canada’s largest and most successful greenhouse businesses. With operations in BC and Alberta, Rainbow grows and sells mainly potted flowering and tropical plants to large retailers. Stan has held the presidency of UFG and has participated in many 10/27/08 10:39:14 and AM initiatives to support the committees floriculture sector, as well as agriculture, in Chilliwack and around the province.

Stable funding plan needs support The BC Agriculture Council has, over the past thirteen years, successfully established itself as an important centralized provincial organization that represents the interests of BC’s very diverse agricultural community. Its primary purpose is to provide leadership to the agriculture sector and to establish and influence policy direction that affects farmers and ranchers from across the province. Increasingly, initiatives have also been undertaken that go beyond this policy and advocacy work, including administration

of government-funding programs through the council’s subsidiary company, the Agricultural Research and Development Corporation (ARDCorp). The Environmental Farm Plan is but one example. The BCAC is currently working with the Minister of Agriculture and Lands and Ministry staff on a mechanism to establish a more secure and stable funding base for the council through an annual license or registration fee (most likely administered through the Property Tax Assessment process) per farm unit. While establishing a stable funding mechanism has been a long-term goal of the BCAC for the past 10 years, putting such a mechanism in place has not been as pressing as it is now. This is because the Council has had the benefit of relying on a capacity grant, which has kept membership dues at a reasonable level. The capacity grant will become fully drawn down by the end of 2011. In the absence of getting a stable funding mechanism in place now, the BCAC has only two options: further increase membership dues or substantially reduce services and activities. The BCAC membership survey conducted last year clearly indicated that the BCAC should not be reducing its services and activities provided on behalf of its members. BCAC member organizations, however, are not in a position to alone support the increase in membership dues. With government having significantly reduced its agriculture budget, considerably more work has been undertaken by both the BCAC and its member organizations to ensure that the immediate needs of BC’s agriculture sector continue to be met. This includes policy work on the environment, labour, health and safety, taxation and research, and direct program delivery such as environmental farm planning; policy


proposals, such as the modernization of the Water Act, require a strong collective response from agriculture. With a stable funding mechanism in place, the BCAC could ensure that full input is received from BC’s producers, in order to develop well-coordinated positions on such far-reaching issues. The BCAC is looking for BCLNA to support the stable funding plan, and the BCLNA board of directors is requesting feedback from growers. Please watch for details from Hedy Dyck and provide your comments.

Provincial budget and the ag sector Below is a brief overview of the agriculture implications of the Provincial Budget presented last month by Minister Hansen; special thanks to Andy Dolberg, Executive Director of the BC Agriculture Council for providing this summary. The 2010 Budget reaffirms previous personal income tax and corporate income tax reductions and the implementation of the HST. All revenue from the HST and other streams is directed to Health, and there is a commitment to $2 billion in increased spending on health services by 2012/13 from 2009/10. To help pay for these increases, money will be redirected from other areas including agriculture. A total of $320 million over the next three years will be “refocused” to Health spending from five other Ministry budgets and from “efficiencies from shared services centralization”. Over half of this total will come from the Ministry of Forestry and Range, and $19 million from Agriculture and Lands. The budget reaffirms the deficits forecast in the September 2009 Budget Update,

which are $2.8B in 2009/10, $1.7B in 2010/11, $945M in 2011/12 and $145M in 2012/13, before returning to a surplus position in the following year. For MAL, the above refocusing means a $5 million reduction in 2010/11 and an incremental $2 million for each of the next 2 years after that (i.e. 5-7-7). This year’s $5 million reduction is split evenly between Crown Lands and Business Risk Management (BRM) Programs. Ministry staff are projecting that they will be able to meet all BRM program demands but acknowledge that this will require careful management. Producer payments are demand-driven and there is reportedly a very healthy balance in the Agriculture Income Stabilization Trust, which has been accrued as a result of previous high payments, primarily in 2006. Reductions in the MAL operating budget are minimal and staff positions are apparently being maintained. There are overall government directives concerning the filling of positions when individuals retire, and these will be looked on a case by case basis. The one area of increased spending that may have implications for agriculture is a new Climate Action and Clean Energy allocation of $100 million over 3 years to support investments in partnerships to support cleaner transportation choices, support for the production of bio-fuels from wood waste, including ethanol and wood pellets, and further encouragement for new forms of electricity generation, including wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, wave, and run-of-river applications. No incremental funding will be added to the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund, as there is reportedly an accumulated balance in the fund that is sufficient to support anticipated expenditures. As part of the province’s accelerated infrastructure plan, additional provincial operating funding of $58 million in 2010/11 will be available to finance further federalprovincial-municipal cost-shared community infrastructure projects.


BCMAL Report

Do you need an Abies permit? To prevent the spread of Balsam Woolly Adelgid, the movement of all Abies within the province is regulated. The regulation requires commercial growers to have an annual permit to grow Abies in BC. Balsam woolly adelgid is a tiny (less than 1/10 mm), aphid-like pest that feeds exclusively on true firs (Abies species). Feeding results in enlarged, gouty and gall-like growths. Several years of heavy attack can kill a tree. This is

especially true for Abies lasiocarpa, which is highly susceptible to the adelgid. The adelgid is present in the Southcoastal region of BC. There is concern it will spread to the Interior and decimate the very important and widely distributed A. lasiocarpa forests. In order to protect the A. lasiocarpa forests, the movement of Abies is regulated in BC. Trees grown in the infested region are not permitted to be shipped into non-infested regions of

BC. Trees produced in the non-infested region can move freely within the province. There are no restrictions on moving Abies domestically outside of BC. For more information, please see www. al.gov.bc.ca/cropprot/balsamwa.htm. Have you applied for your annual permit? If not, permits can be obtained from Tracy Hueppelsheuser (Tel: 604-5563031) of the BCMAL in Abbotsford.

Research Snippets Weed Control and Organic Mulches Affect Physiology and Growth of Landscape Shrubs (HortScience 44(5):1419-1424)—The effect of an 8-cm layer of mulch on the growth of 8 different landscape shrubs was studied over a 3-year period. The mulches used were hardwood bark fines, and ground recycled pallets, cypress, and red pine bark. As would be expected, mulching resulted in significantly higher soil moisture and reduced weed growth. There was no difference in plant growth between the recycled pallet, and the pine and hardwood bark mulches. However, plants mulched with ground cypress grew less relative to the other mulch treatments. The mulches did not alter soil pH, and there was no evidence the mulches tied-up soil nitrogen since the leaf nitrogen content did not vary between plants grown with the cypress, hardwood, or pine mulch. The authors suggested the general trend that landscape shrubs grew less with cypress mulch is circumstantial evidence of an allelopathic effect. Influence of Clay Addition on Physical Properties and Wettability of Peat-growing Media (HortScience 44(6):1694-1697)— The objective was to determine whether the water retention and wettability of peat could be improved by amending with clay. A sphagnum peat substrate was amended with clay powder (65% smectite and 25%

illite) at a ratio of 90:10 (by volume). The clay amendment did not change water retention for the weakly decomposed peat media, but did lower retention slightly for the highly decomposed peat. Dry peat is difficult to hydrate, and highly decomposed peat was more difficult to rewet than weakly decomposed peat. The

Petunia ‘Pretty Much Picasso™’, Proven Winners

addition of clay substantially improved the wettability of peat as long as the water content of the substrate was less than 20% for weakly decomposed peat and 35% for highly decomposed peat. A clay amendment can improve the ability and speed to rewet a peat-based substrate.

Stem Versus Foliar Uptake During Propagation of Petunia x hybrida Vegetative Cuttings (HortScience 44(7):19741977)— Apical stem cuttings were stuck into a water-resistant sheet in an aeroponic system. This system enabled the foliar and basal ends of the cuttings to be misted separately with clear water or a complete fertilizer solution. The objective was to quantify the rooting response and changes in tissue nutrient concentration to basal or foliar nutrient supply. The concentration of N, P, and K declined in the cuttings from sticking to root development even with fertilization of the foliar or basal ends. However, the fertilizer treatment always maintained tissue N, P, and K at a higher level relative to the clear water treatment, although the difference was not always significant. There was no difference in shoot dry weight, and in root number, root dry weight, and root length when the foliage was treated with fertilizer or clear water. In contrast, basal application of the fertilizer solution significantly increased root dry weight, root length, and root number relative to the clear water treatment, but had no effect on shoot dry weight. The authors concluded that nutrient uptake occurs through both the foliar and basal ends of petunia cuttings and that supplying nutrients to the base of the cutting improves root development.


Order BuyersGuides today The BuyersGuide is the BCLNA’s number-one tool for promoting members and their products to buyers throughout BC and North America. Do you need extra copies? Would any of your customers like a copy?

AgriStability enrolment notice The BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands will be mailing 2010 AgriStability Enrolment Notices to producers. Participants in the 2009 program will automatically receive an Enrolment Notice if BC MAL has all the necessary information. If you have recently participated in AgriStability and information is missing, BC MAL will notify you. If you are unsure if you have recently participated, please contact us. Here are a few important program details: • Producers who have never participated in AgriStability must request a New Participant Package. The packages are available on our website at www. agf.gov.bc.ca/AgriStability or by calling Toll Free 1-877-343-2767 or emailing AgriStability@gov.bc.ca to have the package mailed to you. • Producers have until April 30, 2010 or 30 days from the issue date on their Enrolment Notice to pay the fee without penalty or opt out. If you do not opt out, you are considered enrolled. The specific deadline date is indicated on each Enrolment Notice. • A penalty of 20% will be added to the fee for producers who miss the deadline. They will have until December 31, 2010 to pay the fee. • Producers who submit their fees after the December 31, 2010 deadline will be unable to participate for 2010. • Producers who do not wish to participate in the program must advise us prior to the deadline or you will be considered enrolled for the program year. For more information about the 2010 AgriStability Enrolment Notice please visit our website at www.agf.gov.bc.ca/AgriStability. Growing Forward is a federalprovincial-territorial initiative.

Pick them up at the office or contact Terri MacDonald at tmacdonald@bclna.com or (604) 574-7772 for additional copies.

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3/30/10 2:53:49 PM


Membership Benefits

More money for members this spring HortProtect • www.hortprotect.com Discounts plus enhanced coverage on property, casualty, life, disability, health and dental insurance.

UPS Freight Services
 • Bill Murphy (604) 536-7636 Flat fee of $25.00 U.S. for all exports to the United States.

Hub/TOS • Bill Beere (604) 293-1481 Discounts plus enhanced coverage on general insurance for buildings, greenhouses, equipment, growing plants, vehicles, rented equipment, crime, and more.

Chevron • Call BCLNA (604) 574-7772 Save 2¢ per litre off posted price on any fuel type at all Canadian locations.

Schmunk, Gatt, Smith & Associates • Lu DiMeglio (604) 533-9813 Up to 75% savings for even small companies. Basic life, death and dismemberment, disability, vision / dental / health care, seasonal benefit coverage, RRSP plan and more. Royal Bank of Canada
• Mention

CNLA (877) 633-2425

Preferred group savings plan, group banking, and exclusive lending tool for your clients! Special GIC bonus rate (0.6%). 5,000 extra reward points on RBC Avion Visa cards. Chase Paymentech • Call CNLA (888) 446-3499 Visa / MasterCard transaction processing rates between 1.72% - 1.87% based on average ticket price; debit card 10¢ per transaction. Terminal rental from $25.95 per month. MBNA Canada MasterCard Credit Card • Call CNLA (888) 446-3499 Low introductory interest rate. High credit line. Members easily approved. Custom House Currency Exchange • Zack Tyler
(604) 482-6000 Send money internationally or fund a foreign account. All savings passed on to clients and exchange rates better than bank, guaranteed. Pacific Customers Brokers Ltd. • 
Mention BCLNA (604) 538-1566

 Import brokerage discounts.

ESSO / Imperial Oil Fuel 
• Call CNLA (888) 446-3499 Save 2.9¢ per litre off posted price on any fuel type at all Canadian locations. PetroCanada Fuel & Maintenance Program •
 Call CNLA (888) 446-3499 Save 2.4¢ per litre off the posted retail price, 3% off vehicle propane, 5% discount on maintenance at all Certiguard locations and 15% discount on car washes. General Motors of Canada
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• Dave Evans (604) 273-1311 
 Promotion for qualified fleet users. DeWalt Tool Packages or Home Depot gift cards on certain vehicle purchases. Mertin Chevrolet Cadillac Ltd. 
• Dutch Ketting (604) 792-1391 Large savings available to BCLNA members for all makes; leasing available. Finning / Caterpillar 
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Creative Embroidery • George Cook (604) 322-1611 www.creative-embroidery.com Full line of clothing in a wide range of sizes. Special feature prices offered throughout the year. Prices include BCNLA logo. Free delivery to most members volume discounts even on small orders. John Deere • Visit your local dealer

 Save 0.5% on John Deere Credit’s published finance/lease rate and up to 25% off maintenance equipment. LandscapeSafety.com
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international calls from 7¢ per minute. Save up to 50% on cellular long distance with Primus Wireless. Teleconferencing from 16¢ per minute. NEBS Business Forms Ltd • Mention CNLA (800) 461-7572 www.nebs.ca 10% discount on all NEBS products

including specific landscape business forms and cheques. 10% off new orders; 5% off repeats.

Corporate Express Office Supplies • Call CNLA (888) 446-3499 Save up to 75% on Strictly Business catalogue items, 40% on office and computer products,
20% on stock furniture. No extra charge next day delivery on orders over $50. BCLNA Event & Ad Discounts •

Cheryl Lee (604) 574-7772 clee@bclna.com Special member pricing on all BCLNA event registrations, CanWest booths, advertising opportunities and more!

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