B . C . L a n d s c a p e & N u r s e r y A s s o c i a t i o n P u bl i c a t i o n • M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Bylands Wins National Grower of the Year Zaplatynsky Receives CNLA President’s Award Jane Stock Foundation Official
March 2011
INTERM MANAGING EDITOR Karen De Jong ADVERTISING Cheryl Lee Tel: (604) 574-7772 ext 110 Fax: (604) 574-7773 HortWest is the newsletter of the BC Landscape & Nursery Association. For further information, contact us at: Suite 102, 5783-176A Street Surrey, BC, Canada V3S 6S6 Tel: (604) 574-7772 Fax: (604) 574-7773 HortWest is owned by the BC Landscape & Nursery Association, and is published 10 times a year. Views expressed inside do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the Association, but are those of the writer concerned. Material may not be reprinted from this magazine without consent of the publisher. All advertising and editorial material are to be received one month in advance of mail out date. HortWest is mailed under Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement N. 0288608. This magazine is printed in Canada by Hemlock Printers.
BCLNA DIRECTORY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Lesley Tannen ext 106 CANWEST / MARKETING MANAGER Karen De Jong ext 112 EXHIBITOR RELATIONS / SPECIAL EVENTS Barb Nelson ext 115 Grower & Retail Issues Hedy Dyck ext 105 CLEAN PLANTS Christine Rainer ext 102 LANDSCAPE ISSUES Position Vacant HORT BASICS TRAINING Ann Marie Walsh ext 108 HORT BASICS ASSISTANT Joy Demelo ext 111 SALES MANAGER Cheryl Lee ext 110 FINANCE MANAGER Marvyn Brown ext 107 ACCOUNTING / ADMIN Heidi Henderson ext 109
B . C . L a n d s c a p e & N u r s e r y A s s o c i a t i o n P u bl i c a t i o n • M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Bylands Wins National Grower of the Year Zaplatynsky Receives CNLA President’s Award Jane Stock Foundation Official
On the cover: John Byland of Bylands Nurseries Ltd. in West Kelowna with son Mike, in background. Bylands encompasses 400 acres of land and grows in excess of 3 million plants annually.
HortWest March 2011
Message from the President
Exercise Due Diligence Be careful who you buy from this spring. The USDA has confirmed that SOD host plants originating from infected regions of Oregon, Washington and California must be inspected by government inspectors on the dock of the US buyer. Does the US have their P. ramorum problem under control? The USDA imposed a sampling and testing regime for P. ramorum since 2005 but was it enough? Add to this mix, the end of compensation from the government of Canada for losses due to SOD, and you get where the problem is. Watch who you buy from because if it comes with SOD, it can cost you thousands of dollars in lost business and destroyed plants.
Exercising due diligence by checking out your suppliers and checking incoming plants could save you thousands and help prevent the spread of this persistent and difficult-to-detect disease throughout your operation and worse, to your customers. Our industry has launched the Clean Plants program. It is not perfect but provides good verification that participating growers are doing everything they can to provide their customers with great plants that will make them money and minimize the huge headaches associated dealing with a regulated pest. Ask your suppliers if they are ‘Clean Plant’ certified and if they are not, you may want to ask how they are going to make sure what they are supplying won’t become your problem.
We are at the beginning of a recovery cycle that will take a few years to fully happen and you do not want to take three steps forward only to have to take four steps back. My suggestion is to keep your ears and eyes open, deal with the problems as they arise and make sure the low price of today doesn’t turn into the never-ending problem of the future as it is with our companions and competitors to the south of us.
Sandy Mathies, President B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association
Board Synopsis
Monday, February 21, 2011 RBC, Coast Capital and Farm Credit Canada have been sent BCLNA’s financial info and have been asked to look at its mortgage which is due for renewal in September 2011. The directors have asked that staff expedite the placement of a new phone system for the office with three quotes requested for review at the March Board meeting. The AGM
and President’s
Banquet will be held in conjunction
with the CanWest Hort Show.
A group of growers met to review potential changes and make recommendations to the CNCI to streamline the Clean Plant Program to make it easier and more practical to apply in the nursery.
The UFCW booklet, The Status of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada is now available and should be looked at by all growers. Renata Triveri, Greenbridge Horticultural Advantage, has accepted a part-time contract with Garden Centre Canada (GCC); having a dedicated person for retail will be greatly beneficial. Wilfrid Laurier University is conducting a 6-month MBA project for CNLA on garden centre profitability. GCs put in sales, HR and other vital data. To get the results you have to participate. The CanWest 2011 floor plan has been updated and is available to view online at www.canwesthortshow.com. This year’s show will feature the Grower & Landscape Field Day. A sub-committee is being formed for this component of the
show. Please contact Karen De Jong if you are interested in joining – kdejong@bclna.com. In certification news, Gord Mathies, Cannor Nurseries Ltd., has been named the new CLT Nursery Representative. The CNLA winter meetings took place Feb 8 – 12 in Vancouver. Bruce Hunter is now the CNLA treasurer, Cable Baker is the CNLA Certification Chair. Thank you to the following members who have made a generous financial contribution to help BCLNA raise
education and professional development through the 2011
Education Alliance: Agrium Advanced Technologies, Cedar Ridge Tree Care, Denbow Planet Friendly Solutions, HortEducationBC, Northwest Landscape & Stone Supply, West Creek Farms.
HortWest March 2011
CNLA Winter Meetings
Industry Leaders Meet in Vancouver Vancouver hosted the 2011 Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) winter meetings held February 7 - 11. “We were very pleased to welcome industry leaders from across Canada to BC and Vancouver,” said BCLNA’s Executive Director, Lesley Tannen. Over 30 delegates from across the country convened to create action plans for the newly developed strategic plan, discuss programs such as Certification, and how to support members and advance the industry. The highlight of the week was the Eighth Annual National Awards of Landscape Excellence Banquet held Feb 9. Over 130 industry professionals, educators, garden writers, politicians, likeminded and allied organizations joined CNLA in recognizing outstanding excellence in the green industry. Guests were greeted into a tropical paradise as the ballroom was transformed into a West Coast tropical theme. The design was provided by Bruce Hunter, Hunter Landscape Design Limited; Jeff Sakari and his crew at the Greenman Landscape Services completed the install and Cable Baker, RCB Garden Service, provided behind the scenes support from start to finish. And many thanks to Kato’s Nursery for providing the plant material. The evening began with a welcome from BC Minister of Agriculture, Honourable Ben Stewart, followed by the presentation of many prestigious awards.
Here are the highlights of the evening for BCLNA members:
Growers’ Canada Presents RBC Grower of the Year Award to Bylands Nurseries Ltd.
John Zaplatynsky Honoured with CNLA President’s Award
l-r Maria, Mike (son) and John Byland, Bylands Nurseries. l-r Cary vanZanten, CNLA President, presents President’s Award to John Zaplatynsky, GardenWorks
The CNLA Board of Directors selected an industry leader to be the recipient of the fifth ever CNLA President’s Award. This award is not handed out annually. This is the highest honour that CNLA may bestow on to any worthy and eligible member. Mr. John Zaplatynsky, Chairman of the Board of GardenWorks Ltd was presented with the CNLA President’s Ring and a distinguished plaque.
Owen Vanstone, chair of Growers’ Canada (Commodity Group) presented the RBC Grower of the Year Award to John, Maria and Mike Byland. Their operation received top marks for sound economic performance, innovations in production and techniques, strong market orientation and professional company image, high environmental standards and sound human resource policy. Bylands will automatically be entered into the international AIPH award scheduled to be held in Xi’an, China in September, 2011. National Awards of Landscape Excellence Finalists Congratulations to the following BC companies who were National Awards of Landscape Excellence finalists: Krol Construction & Geoff Woods Designer, for Landscape Construction Pacifica Landscape Works Inc., for Landscape Construction Soundgarden Landscape & Design Ltd., for Landscape Maintenance
HortWest March 2011
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BCLNA News Bulletins
New Interior Rep
Sheri Reynard, Design First Landscape Services was acclaimed the new Interior Representative to the BCLNA Board at the Chapter meeting held February 1 in Kelowna. Sheri resides in Salmon Arm and is excited to take on this new role.
Auction Raises Over $32,000
meetings, joined in for dinner while taking in the excitement of the auction.
you. Staff will also bring extra copies to upcoming meetings and events.
Other auction highlights: The 50/50 draw was won by Vera Taylor, Cannor Nurseries Ltd., who took home $188. Cable Baker, RCB Garden Service, was the winner of the ‘Wheelbarrow of Booze’. The cash reverse draw was won by Chris Clarkson, Bartlett Tree Experts, who took home $290.
Green For Life! Magazine Now In
A big ‘Thank You’ goes the Special Events committee and crew including: Michael Kato, Kato’s Nursery (2007) Ltd. Lu DiMeglio, Schmunk Gatt Smith & Associates Melanie Stefiuk, HUB International Insurance Brokers Rod Nataros, N.A.T.S. Nursery Ltd. Walter Pinder, Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. Sandy Mathies, Cannor Nursery Paul Buikema, Progress Landscaping
Thanks also to Ian Paton of Ian Paton & Associates, auctioneer; John Folkerts of Linnaea Nurseries Ltd. for assisting Ian; and our numerous volunteers. Rod Nataros, N.A.T.S. Nursery Ltd. dresses to the ‘Tacky Tourist’ theme at the annual fundraising auction while checking out the latest 4-wheel must have!
This year’s annual fundraising auction took place Feb 8 at United Flower Growers in Burnaby. Many members and visitors played up to the ‘Tacky Tourist’ theme sporting their layed back looks and vacation wear. The live auction boasted top quality plants and trees from growers throughout BC while the silent auction featured hot items such as the Kobe E-Reader and HP Notebook. Over 30 delegates from the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association who were in Vancouver for their winter HortWest March 2011
Buyers Guide Now Available The 2011 Buyers Guide with its striking red hot cover was delivered to all members last month with the February issue of HortWest. Additional copies are available at the BCLNA office. Come on over any time between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm to pick up. Or call the office to have another copy mailed to
Formerly the Healthy Garden Guide, the BCLNA is proud to launch Green For Life! The editorial content promotes sustainable horticulture practices, sound gardening advice and a complete listing of BCLNA’s member garden centres. Retailers, stock up on copies of this magazine for your stores. Provide copies to your customers as a bonus gift with purchase, add it to your VIP mailout, or link it to your spring affinity program. Landscapers, welcome your clients to spring and provide them with a complimentary copy of this firstclass magazine. Or, include with every quote you provide this year. Come to the BCLNA office to pick up a case or two or three… or fax in your order (see Extras or download the order form from BCLNA.com). While the magazines are free to members, we kindly ask that you cover the shipping and handling costs.
Jane Stock Foundation Official! In January 2011, after a lengthy application process, the Jane Stock Foundation was granted status as a “Registered Charitable Organization”. The completion of this long-awaited first step allows the foundation and its board to officially accept donations, issue tax receipts, and more importantly, begin work to achieve the foundation’s goals.
We thank all who made memorial contributions to the Jane Stock Foundation (tax receipts will be issued shortly), and we gratefully accept new donations to the foundation. It was the aim and accomplishment of Jane Stock, former Executive Director of the BC Landscape & Nursery Association, to make a difference in the environmental horticulture industry. To honour her commitment and dedication to this goal, the Jane Stock Foundation seeks to make a difference:
in the lives of young people and families by providing support and resources to child focused horticultural and garden-related efforts; in the lives of young adults by providing scholarships to those embarking on careers in horticulture, through the Jane Stock Excellence in Horticulture Scholarship; in the community and the wider environment, through worthy horticulture and garden-related pursuits.
Make your pledge today! See form in ‘Extra’s’ or download from the BCLNA website.
HortWest March 2011 Harnois.indd 1
3/25/10 12:12:27 PM
Industry Bits
India is the Destination for Valleybrook’s 2011 Nursery Tour October 20 – November 3 India is an exotic and dramatic country with much history. India’s nursery industry is in its infancy, however, with the country rapidly developing, opportunities for the nursery industry are also increasing. A visit to the Himalayan foothills will allow the group to visit a
HortWest March 2011
floriculture training centre as well as experience some Himalayan flora. In addition to professional visits, key sights in Northern India such as Delhi, the Taj Mahal, Jaipur, and a jungle safari will be included. For more details contact John Schroeder at 800-824-1120 or js@valleybrook.com.
Valleybrook Gardens Ontario Staff Changes Phil and Brenda Goodfellow, longtime employees of Valleybrook Gardens Ontario have retired. Phil began as General Manager 16 years ago with Brenda following shortly thereafter as Sales Manager. Going forward, the Ontario team will be lead by Jason Rekker, Nursery Manager, Tracy McAllister, Sales Manager, Richard Tomlinson, National Brands Manager and Keith Wilson, Production and Facilities Manager.
Growing Professionalism
The horticulture industry is made up of a number of organizations; and within each organization there are numerous relationships. It is the relationship that adds to the complexity within our industry. As we progress and change (it is always changing) it is important to recognize the value of our human resources along with what we do and why we do it. Our combined efforts contribute to social change. We see it every day in our communities, stores, parks, educational and spiritual institutes and our own neighbourhoods. Horticulture makes the world a better place to live.
HR & Labour
Many of us have a deep desire to make the world around us a better place. Frances Westley in the book Getting to Maybe (Vintage Canada Edition 2007), states that with any social change we need to stop looking at the discrete elements and start trying to understand the complex relationships between them.
BCLNA Office: 604-574-7772; 800-421-7963
and programs
April 7 A Growing Affair vast fields of healthy nursery stock, or set climate controls in greenhouses, agri-food or ornamentals, opportunity, innovation and creativity awaits. There are opportunities to volunteer, participate in professional development and training both individually and collectively – the industry will thrive with new skill development and the building of longterm relationships. Grow your community, organization and self; engage in dialogue with the BC Landscape and Nursery Association as we continue to make the world around us a better place. For member information contact: Heidi Henderson at hhenderson@bclna.com for information about professional development and training contact: Ann Marie Walsh at awalsh@bclna.com
Plant Sale, Workshops and Demonstrations UBC Botanical Garden www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org
17 Arboretum and Botanical, Society of Langley Plant Sale Derek Doubleday Arboretum 212 Block - Fraser Highway, Langley 11 am - 4 pm Proceeds from the sale go toward development of the arboretum. For more information: Les Clay at 604-530-5188.
20 Collectors’ Plant Auction
UBC Botanical Garden www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/events/ auction.php; www.friendsofthegarden.ca
June 8 BCLNA Landscape Commodity Meeting
Candy Cane Nursery, Abbotsford www.bclna.com
21 Annual BCLNA Golf Tournament
As with many other industries, the average age of all people working in the horticulture sector is going up. We need new, energetic people willing to take advantage of the many aspects available in horticulture. Whether they like the design aspect, or prefer to grow
Sandpiper Golf Resort, Harrison Mills More details coming in April!
July 8 – 9 Certification Exams
(CLT, CHT, CLP, CLD) Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langley Contact Joy Demelo for details: jdemelo@bclna.com; 604.574.7772 EXT 111 Superior quality structures at competitive pricing - from single house to a full range. Cold Frame . Freestanding . Herculon Open Roof . Venlo . Benches . Heating
August 18 Landscape Awards of Excellence Entry Deadline
September 28-29 CanWest Hort Show
Tours & Equipment Field Day: Sept 30 Vancouver Convention Centre www.canwesthortshow.com HortWest March 2011
BCLNA Members
HR & Labour
The Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program for BC Agriculture During the latter part of 2011 FARSHA anticipates the launch of the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program to BC agriculture. The COR program is an incentive program that recognizes and rewards employers for implementing effective Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Return to Work (RTW) programs that demonstrate commitment to workplace health and safety. Participation in this program is voluntary. Employers who successfully participate in the program will receive rebates of up to 15% of the assessment premiums paid to WorkSafeBC in the previous year. Employers can expect a 10% rebate by successfully completing an occupational health and safety program audit. They can earn a further 5% rebate by passing an audit of their return-to-work program. Employers can participate in the COR program through FARSHA, the COR certifying partner for primary agriculture in BC. FARSHA will coordinate the maintenance and delivery of the COR program and can assist employers in obtaining certification by ensuring that the OHS and RTW programs meet or exceed the requirements of the COR audit. Participating employers are responsible for implementing a health and safety program, participating in appropriate training and completing initial and follow-up audits. Upon successful completion of the audit, employers will receive a Certificate of Recognition from FARSHA. WorkSafeBC will issue a corresponding assessment rebate.
Over the next two years employers are required to complete annual maintenance audits, using the results to generate an action plan for continuous program improvement. Every three years the employer must successfully complete a re-certification audit. The type of audit depends on the number of workers on site. Small employers, with 19 or fewer workers may train an employee as the internal auditor to conduct the audit. Large employers with 20 or greater workers are required to use an external auditor. Maintenance audits for the large employer can be performed by a trained internal auditor. To obtain a Certificate of Recognition and earn WorkSafeBC rebates, employers will be required to: • • • • •
• •
register in the COR program be registered with WorkSafeBC implement a health and safety program have an established Occupational Health and Safety program to receive a 10% rebate have an established Return to Work program to receive a 5% rebate (FARSHA will require a working OHS program prior to accepting a RTW program) successfully complete a qualifying audit maintain good standing with WorkSafeBC
For further information about the COR program, contact your FARSHA Regional Safety Consultant or the FARSHA office at 1-877-533-1789.
Final Approval The BCLNA welcomes the following new members as of the February 21, 2011 board meeting: David Leith Garden Design, David Leith, Vancouver, Active Landscaper Ecoscape Groundworks Ltd., Ken Cox, Burnaby, Active Landscaper Forster Landscaping, Ryan Forster, Surrey, Active Landscaper (Interim) Prestige Lawn & Landscape Service Ltd., Steve & Jill Lemke, Kelowna, Active Landscaper Solid Ground Landscapes, Mike Wood, Vancouver, Active Landscaper Dawn King, City of Abbotsford, Abbotsford, Horticulturist Cynthia Colligan, Langley, Student
Tentative Approval The following companies will become BCLNA members at the next board meeting unless a member provides a valid reason for not accepting the application: Ag Resource & Consulting Ltd., Hedy Dyck, Langley, Associate Alternative Landscapes Ltd., Anthony Ruck, Oliver, Active Landscaper Crown Isle Holdings, Ron Coulson & Judy Stoutenburg, Courtenay, Horticulturist Derco Horticulture, Yvon Ferland, St. Germain-de-Grantham, Out of Province Flora Design Landscaping and Maintenance Inc., Lee Odell, Delta, Active Landscaper The Gardener Landscape Maintenance, Sean French & David Jones, Vancouver, Active Landscaper Greenscape Landscaping Ltd., Tony Patrocinio & Jason Ritchie, Penticton, Active Landscaper Okanagan Xeriscape Association, Gwen Steele, Kelowna, Associate Persona Landscaping Ltd., Greg Griffin & Dave Jones, Blind Bay, Active Landscaper United Irrigation & Landscaping Inc., Ken Andrusiak, Kelowna, Active Landscaper Watershed Land Design Ltd., Michael Dezell, Vancouver, Active Landscaper Bill Stephen, Vancouver Park Board, Vancouver, Horticulturist
HortWest March 2011
HR & Labour
Template for Retail Employee Handbook and Best Practices Available
Coming Soon! Health and Safety for Greenhouses and Nurseries
Landscape Ontario has put together an excellent template for an Employee Handbook and Best Practices Guide for retailers. This document can be downloaded and customized for your garden centre operation. It provides all the categories and bits of information that you and your employees require including:
WorkSafe BC will soon launch the Health and Safety for Greenhouses and Nurseries manual. This publication is meant for ornamental nurseries and smaller greenhouses that employ fewer than 20 workers. The manual focuses on worker training and health and safety practices.
• • • • • • •
Quick Links Employment Standards: http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb Employment Standards Act: http://www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/ bclaws_new/document/ID/ freeside/00_96113_01 WorkSafe BC: http://www.worksafebc.com
Employment Status & Records Disciplinary Action Employee Conduct Time Keeping & Payroll Work Conditions & Hours Employee Benefits Plan Health & Safety
This guide also includes a list of e-resource sites necessary to keep up to date with HR regulations. Go to http://www.landscapeontario.com/ attach/1296073994.Staff_Manual_Ver5.pdf for your free copy.
BC Landscape.indd 1
11/24/10 12:16:25 PM
Uniquely developed to protect the green industry I've been on the HortProtect program for years. SG&S are very accommodating. The fellow I deal with there is LuAdvertiser DiMeglio. Inc. Call him. He's great! Laurie Anderson - Anderson Garden Services1/3h EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS OF THE HORTPROTECT PROGRAM: n n n n n n n
High quality and good value program structure tailored to meet your needs. Tools to assist you reduce risk exposures and minimize overall costs. Education through training and risk awareness. Group of “One” flexibility. Employee Assistance Program. Group RRSP and Critical Illness. The only risk management program officially endorsed by the CNLA. Insurance Programs brokered by: For All Your Insurance Needs
Group Health & Dental Benefits: 604-533-9813
For more information, visit www.hortprotect.com
HortWest March 2011
HR & Labour
Making a Better SAWP Experience At the recent BCLNA Growers Meeting, several speakers provided information to assist growers to provide a better working experience for their Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) workers and to update the industry on new developments. Estela Garcia León, Vice Consul for the Mexican Consulate told the audience that, in 2010 for the first time, both SAWP employers and employees participated in an online exit survey to provide feedback on the work experience from their perspective. The vast majority of SAWP workers indicated that their work experience in Canada was a positive one. This online survey will continue through the next few years as an excellent way to summarize the experience of the SAWP workers and work on any issues that have been shown to be a problem. Recommendations for employers were also provided including posting printed information for workers to understand your operation and your expectation about labour behavior and outlining a clear chain of command to avoid contradictory instruction from the producers and members of the family or supervisors. Addressing workers in a respectful tone of voice, and recognizing their good work is also highly appreciated in the Mexican culture. Estela also noted that for many workers, this is the first
time they have been away from home for a lengthy period of time, so diversions such as Spanish TV stations, outings and recreation help workers integrate into the work experience more easily. Arturo Hernandez, from Mi Tierra Travel provided an extensive comparison between low-cost internet fares as compared to standard fares, including the differences in flexibility, refunds, name changes and service. Growers were provided with an in-depth cost analysis of the services provided by Mi Tierra for workers as they land in Vancouver, including meals, transportation and orientation. SAWP workers from Mexico travel using arrangements made through Mi Tierra, working in partnership with the Government of Mexico and the employer. Nursery growers understand that the difference in culture and language requires work on their part. Providing good accommodation, regular pay and a good working environment is key to keeping workers happy and comfortable. WorkSafeBC has informed the BCLNA that they will be inspecting SAWP work sites, including accommodations if necessary, to ensure that health and safety regulations are met. Of concern is the provision of adequate showers, washing
and laundry facilities to ensure that clean clothes and hot showers are provided after a long work day.
Get your Green for Life! Magazines today Chock-full of valuable garden information and tips for hiring landscape professionals! New this year: centrefold map for shopping BCLNA member garden retailers. Pick up a case at BCLNA today or call to have yours shipped: (604) 574-7772 ext 103. Shipping charges may apply. Brought to you by the BCLNA
• Raw materials purchased in advance helps to ensure product consistency and availability.
Perfect Growing Media… Every Time Specializing in custom blended growing media for nurseries, greenhouses and rooftops ALL MIXES GO THROUGH A FINAL SCREENING PROCESS BEFORE DELIVERY. 42481 Industrial Way, Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 4H8 Ph 604-823-6688 Fax 604-823-7206 Email hjally@telus.net www.sumasgromedia.ca
• Multiple computers control the dosing equipment, increasing accuracy and speed. This makes it easier to offer competitively priced products. • Non-invasive mixing equipment protects the structure and consistency of the media.
HortWest March 2011 Sumas Gro-Media.indd 1
11/30/09 11:14:40 AM
BCMAL Report
Research Snippets Dave Woodske, Industry Specialist, BCMAL Relative Effectiveness of Repellents for Preventing Deer Damage to Japanese Yews (HortTechnology 20(4):730-734) The study measured the efficacy of 6 commercial deer repellents and 2 experimental materials (extracts of Japanese pachysandra). The products were tested at 10 landscape sites in New York where white-tailed deer were present. The repellents were applied indoors to balled Japanese yew trees to the drip point. The trees were held indoors for 24 hours to allow the sprays to dry before being transplanted to the test sites on February 8th. Two weeks after treatment, deer feeding had reduced the surface area of the trees by 8-9% for the control, pachysandra extracts, Repellex®, and Tree Guard® treatments. In contrast, surface area was reduced 0-1% for the 4 putrescent egg solid products (e.g. Big Game Repellent® (BGR) Mix, BGR® Spray, Deer–Off®, and Deer Stopper II®).
Biocontainers are often composed of an organic material (e.g. wood fibre, peat) that is held together with a binding agent. The use of biocontainers is one
way to reduce the amount of waste plastic generated by the ornamental sector. This study compared the properties of commercial biocontainers and
Six weeks after treatment, surface area was reduced by 11-12% for the putrescent egg solid products, 21% for Repellex®, and 30-45% for the remaining four treatments. By 8 weeks, all treatments had at least a 30% reduction in surface area and little more than “inedible branches and twigs” remained. The authors concluded that the putrescent egg solid products provided the most consistent and longest (up to 6 weeks) protection against deer browse. The other products failed after 4 weeks and were considered unreliable. Physical Properties of Biocontainers for Greenhouse Crops Production (HortTechnology 20(3):549-555)
HortWest March 2011 Iotron Technologies.indd 1
1/25/11 1:45:05 PM
BCMAL Report
Research Snippets cont. traditional plastic pots. All of the pots had adequate strength when wet to be packaged, shipped and handled, with the exception of Fertil® (wood fibre), peat, and Cowpot™ (composted dairy manure) containers.
The amount of water required to produce a marketable crop of potted geraniums varied significantly for the biocontainers and plastic pots. Geraniums grown in the biocontainers required 60-100% more water versus plastic pots, with the exception of the rice hull and OP47
(bioplastic) pots. The rice hull and OP47 pots used a similar amount of water to plastic pots. The increase in water use was due to the evaporation of water through the walls of the biocontainers. The growth of algae, fungi and weeds on the walls of biocontainers can be a problem.
classifieds Call us for all your native and ornamental plant needs
For Sale Call for all wholesale ornamentals, native plants and ferns. a
LINNAEA NURSERIES LTD. Tel: 604-533-8281 Fax: 604-533-8246 1-888-327-7705 email: linnaea@telus.net
900 Bowman Road, Abbotsford, BC V3G 1T1 P.O. Box 2157, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3X8 Phone: 604-854-6986 Fax: 604-854-6982 canamnurseries@canamnurseries.com
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HortWest March 2011 Crofton2011MarketPlaceAd.indd 1
2/7/11 7:47:56 AM
South Okanagan Opportunity Thriving Nursery and Garden Supply Centre offers a diversified business model based on value added products. Almost 2 acres of trees, shrubs, berry patch, greenhouses, & home. $995,000 MLS. BETH GARRISH Royal LePage South Country, Oliver 1-888-498-6222 www.MoveToWineCountry.com
Help Wanted Gintec Shade Technologies Inc. is a supplier of crop protection fabrics. We are looking for a self-motivated commissioned salesperson who possibly wants to supplement their existing business/ sales position. Experience in the agriculture/greenhouse industry is required. Your ability to travel and supplying your own transportation is a must. Please submit your resume to gintec@gintec-shade.com.
2/1/10 12:01:09 PM
Advertise in our Marketplace! Contact Cheryl Lee at clee@bclna.com or 604.574.7772 ext. 110
BCMAL Report
Research Snippets cont. In this study, the Fertil® (26% coverage) and peat (47% coverage) pots were more susceptible to algal and fungal growth. In contrast, algal and fungal growth only covered 2-4% of the Cowpot™, paper, and rice straw pots. There was no visible growth on the coconut fibre, rice hull, OP47, and plastic pots. The study also evaluated the rate of pot decomposition following planting in the field. Eight weeks after planting, the Cowpot™ had the highest and the coconut fibre pots had the lowest levels of decomposition. The peat, rice straw, and Fertil® pots had intermediate levels of decomposition.
The physical properties do vary between different biocontainers and growers need to “select biocontainers with physical properties that best match their needs.”
We Offer Full Plant Service Send us your wish list or job and we will send you a quote – phone, fax or email ...Look for our
EAST RICHMOND NURSERIES INC. 18431 Westminster Hwy., Richmond, B.C. V6V 1B1 Ph. 604 278-0976 Fax 604 244-2924 e-mail askus@erniplants.com
www.erniplants.com HortWest March 2011
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digging deePer. So much for a level playing field. The new D-Series provides class-leading features like a 50% quieter, pressurized cab with improved 360º visibility. Operators will enjoy a virtually unrestricted view, not to mention the added comfort that comes with an extra six inches of headroom and a more comfortable air ride seat. Other innovations include a new, easier-starting engine and increased hydraulic cooling system. With superior comfort and increased productivity, the new D-Series levels the competition. That’s powerful value delivered.
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