Different Ways to Mix Alginate for Life Casting

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Different Ways to Mix Alginate for Life Casting Life casting is the process of creating a three dimensional copy of a human body with the help of molding and casting techniques. Several materials can be used for both the molding and casting states of the life casting process. The most common molding material used for life casting is Alginate and the most common casting material is a type of plaster called Gypsum cement. Alginate is generally sold as powder. This molding material is primarily used in dentistry and in life casting. In this article we will be discussing about mixing alginate for life casting. There are several ways for doing the same. Some are better than the others. Mixing Alginate by Hand In this method, we put the alginate and water into a bucket and then mix it with our hand. You need to keep mixing until the alginate smoothes out. This is the least efficient technique as it might result into a lumpiest mix. However, some lumps are inevitable but we should avoid it as much as possible. A lumpy mix can also be caused by hard water. Dentists used distilled water as result. If tap water is used it should first be tested. Hard water not only can create cottage cheese like mixture, but it can also prevent setting. Mixing Alginate in a Bag In this technique, we use a heavy duty 3-mil bag so as to avoid alginates from breaking while mixing. With this technique you can measure out your alginate into a plastic bag, pour the water directly into the plastic bag and mix it well by rubbing it against a table. This process is used in hand casting. Mixing with a Kitchen Whisk This technique is mainly used for face or head casting. This method is used where you are mixing less than one pound of Alginate. The use of a kitchen whisk prevents adding air to the mix. Air creates unsightly air bubbles and should be avoided. Using a wire kitchen whisk alginate to mix the alginate provides efficient and effective results. You can mix 3/4th of a pound in an extra large plastic bowl in less than a minute but if the quantity of alginate is more, then this method is not going to be an efficient method for mixing. Power Mixing This is the most efficient way of mixing larger quantities of alginate usually over 1 ½ pounds. The best way to mix alginate is to power drill with a mixing attachment such as a Jiffy mixer. A Jiffy mixture will not introduce air into the mix. Avoid the traditional paint mixers. Get the one that looks like an airplane propeller at the end of a metal shaft. This one mixes very well and also to clean afterwards. In this process, put the alginate and water into the bucket and put the mixer in. Stir slowly until the water is completely mixed into the powder. With this technique, you can mix very large quantities of alginate, up to about 5 pounds.

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