Life Casting With Alginate Life Casting is a “molding” and “casting” procedure. process of creating a mold from the human body.
Life casting refers to the
Originally a material known as moulage was used to make the mould and it stuck to virtually nothing. The problem with this special material was that it needed to be applied hot to the human skin. A range of alginate compounds was subsequently developed to overcome this problem. The most common molding material used is something called Alginate. Alginate is sold as a powder. When you mix it with water, it forms a thick liquid. These alginate compounds achieve the same result but at a safe body temperature. The most popular parts of the human body to have life castings made are feet, hands and full torsos. It is quite practical and safe to make molds of baby’s hands and feet due to the quick setting nature of the material and type of non-toxic alginate used. Alginate is easy to use, non-toxic and OK for body and face casts. It reproduces extremely fine detail and has high strength as soon as it sets so you can de-mould fairly quickly. Even though alginate releases very easily from skin, some people choose to apply petroleum jelly to their skin for that added reassurance of an easy release. However, such a procedure prevents the alginate from adequately adhering to the model and should be avoided. We offer two families of alginates. Our silica-free food grade alginates provide the healthiest and greenest mold making material you can purchase anywhere. They actually yield 50% more mixed impression material per pound than competing formulas making them extremely economical. The material initially sets a bit softer than the traditional formulas, but a two-three minute wait after gelling will provide the strength you expect. The second formula is the more traditional formula which uses the more common clay filler for extra firmness. It has a quicker snap set and more immediate gel strength. Alginate comes in a variety of setting times. It is used extensively in the movies and TV to create castings of actors for creating facial appliance, makeup, masks and even fake heads and body parts that match the actors almost perfectly. It captures every detail in the skin, including pores, wrinkles and even finger prints. It comes in a powder form and is simply mixed with water and it is not reusable. It’s rigid enough to make a mold of a hand or foot in one piece but flexible enough to get your hand out without breaking the mould. And the other great advantage is that it only takes a few minutes to make a mold of a hand or foot. Environ Molds has been manufacturing and distributing superior quality art supplies throughout the world.