Why splurge on a louis vuitton handbag when there’s fashion bag!

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Why splurge on a Louis Vuitton Handbag when there’s Fashion Bag! The glamorous allure and fascination of luxury designer bags like Louis Vuitton handbags, Hermes purses, Gucci totes and Chanel wallets is like a heady seductress. It entices women at almost every age and class. After all, who doesn’t dream of owning classy Louis Vuitton handbag or carrying a chic Hermes Birkin bag?

Now you need look no further than Fashion Bag, the leading online outlet for designer wholesale handbags at discounted prices. It stocks imitations of all the latest styles of luxury fashion accessories straight from the runways of the fashion capitals of the world. Name it and its here – from Tissot and Gucci to Hermes, Chanel and Louis Vuitton!

But it’s just the brand, look and feel that is designer, never the price tag. Because the material is directly from the original equipment manufacturers and goods are sold directly to customers without intermediary channels and distributors, Fashion Bag offers top quality wholesale handbags to customers at unbelievably low prices. Besides this, there are special offers for popular Louis Vuitton handbags and more products.

The party doesn’t end there either. This year Fashion Bag is celebrating the fourth anniversary of its online outlet in style. It says a big thank-you to both old and new customers by offering free shipping for any product till 1st September, 2013. A special gift will be sent with free if one time ordering exceeds US $250.

Simple registering on the website by giving your name, address and contact details entitles members to striking benefits like free shipping service on all orders and a surprise special gift if any order exceeds US $200. Successful recommendations to friends earn you an instant 5% commission of the order’s value. Positive reviews by first-time customers entitle them to 3% cash back on their order! Returning customers, who order more than US $350 at one time, enjoy a further 5% discount in addition to a special gift.

For those wanting to know more about classic luxe goods like how to choose Louis Vuitton handbags, how to care, clean, maintain and store designer handbags, watches, sunglasses or jewelry, the ‘News’ tab of the website is the place to go. Some classic styles about Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton handbags and their interesting history also are introduced apart from useful tips on how to prevent the precious possessions from getting split, aged or discolored by dust, wind, sun or rain.

So, that Louis Vuitton Artsy purse and Gucci Aviator sunglasses are calling your name….What’s holding you back?

Visit Louis vuitton handbags to Get the low down on the wonderful guide to select a Gucci outlet. For more detail, you may also want to learn where is the best place to buy http://www.fashionbagsales.com/

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