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another is an added bonus.” Traditionally, wicket baggers were available solely with either a small, standard, or extra-large fill opening, which was problematic for packers who wanted to run a wider range of both bag and product sizes on the same bagger. This bagger partners well with many of the most popular Volmpack weighers and can pack at speeds up to 60 bags per minute. Users can easily adjust the bagger when switching between different size product and bags without the need to change parts. The V-feeding belts prevent bridging of product for a clean fill, while the closure post is provided for use with automatic closures, staplers, and tape heads. If your packing facility is looking to solve the problem that comes with packing a variety of produce type and bag sizes, then the Volmpack Adjustable Dual Wicket Bagger is the solution for you. This bagger is designed exclusively for wicketed bags, which Volm offers in several different material types. To learn more about how Volm can help you with your fresh produce business, visit https:// volmcompanies.com, or email Marsha Pozza at marsha.pozza@ volmcompanies.com.
The adjustable-fill opening technology of the new Volmpack Adjustable Dual Wicket Bagger makes it much more convenient than ever before to adjust from one size bag to another on the fly.
Wisconsin Potato Assessment Collections: Two-Year Comparison
Month Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Year-to-Date
CWT 1,267,472.18 1,275,285.84 1,290,414.89 2,235,567.48 2,498,333.04 1,787,069.62 2,103,473.68 1,593,614.79 2,236,633.70 16,287,865.22
Assessment $101,400.66 $102,092.25 $103,233.20 $178,773.99 $199,895.60 $143,001.23 $168,209.03 $127,430.28 $179,000.53 $1,303,036.77
Month Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Year-to-Date
CWT 1,292,191.75 981,540.84 933,052.68 3,515,638.42 2,529,632.08 2,033,264.21 1,948,049.95 1,869,405.13 1,867,240.42 16,970,015.48
Assessment $103,342.07 $78,594.28 $74,682.23 $281,175.63 $200,944.23 $162,677.29 $157,293.40 $149,552.31 $149,347.94 $1,357,609.38