8 minute read
By Devin Zarda, vice president, WPGA
Hello, friends! I hope your
summer is going well, you can relax and enjoy, and that the crops are growing like they are supposed to. When I think of summer, I envision heading to the lake, grilling out and nights spent checking irrigation. But there is one event that truly makes me feel like summer—the Wisconsin State Fair! With COVID-19, last year was hard. I am sure that is not news to anyone, but as an organization, it was difficult for us. We tried to do as much as we could while keeping people safe. We had to change plans, have a back-up plan or two, and still had to make a few last-minute decisions. One of those decisions was with the State Fair. We were heartbroken when we heard that the fair would not be happening, but we understood the decision to keep everyone safe. When we were approached to participate in the drive-through version of the fair last year, it was an immediate “yes,” and then we had to figure out how to make it work after that. So, why am I reliving one of the most difficult years of many of our lives? Because this year, the Wisconsin State Fair is happening in its traditional format. Since this situation is still fluid, we will have more updates on health and safety precautions as the time approaches. What can you expect from us? • Frequent handwashing • Hand sanitizer readily available • Frequent sanitization of all areas of the booth • A great time • Amazing baked potatoes Like I mentioned above, this situation is fluid, so we may see sneeze guards, face masks, and other safety measures to protect both you and the fairgoers that we know will want our baked potatoes. We are expecting to have a busy year with people ready to get out and mingle. Since guidelines from the State of Wisconsin and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been changing recently, I cannot give you an exact layout of what we will be doing when it comes to safety protocols.
Please know that our goal is to keep all our volunteers safe and healthy. I can’t wait to see all of your photos from the Wisconsin State Fair! Until next time,

Unlike last year’s Wisconsin State Fair, which because of COVID-19 was a drive-through event (shown), the 2021 rendition will be in a traditional format, including the Wisconsin Potato Growers Auxiliary baked potato booth.
How Nematodes Help Plants and Soils

Earth’s most abundant animal is crucial to plant health and soil carbon storage
Submitted by Rachel Schutte, science communications manager, Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies, representing the Soil Science Society of America
Nematodes normally get a bad reputation. Yes, some of these miniscule creatures can cause harm in plants and animals. But little is known about the non-parasitic nematodes, which have many beneficial roles. Ashley Shaw from the University of Oregon explores this topic in her “Soils Matter” blog: It might be hard to believe, but you may never have seen the most abundant animal on Earth—soil nematodes! They represent 80 percent of animal life by number and live in nearly every habitat. They are hard-working and important organisms. Soil-dwelling nematodes, which I research, are tiny, usually between 1/20- to 1/500-inch! But there is a nematode that lives inside sperm whales that is nearly 30 feet long. Indeed, some of the best-known nematodes are parasites. There are different nematode parasites of plants and animals. That means they live in or on the plant or animal, cannot survive without them and sometimes kill their host (and then move on). But many more nematodes are free-living. In soils, nematodes live in water films that surround soil particles. Both plant root parasitic and free-living nematodes play an important role in plant health and plant feedback to soil carbon. An incredible variety of soil nematodes exist at all levels of the soil food web. At the base of the food web, some feed on plants and algae, while others graze on microbes like bacteria and fungi.
At higher levels in the food web, nematodes that are predators and omnivores eat other invertebrates, protists and even other nematodes. In some cases, “predatory” nematodes are the “good guys,” keeping populations of parasitic nematodes in check. This food web is important to plant health and soil carbon storage. For example, by feeding on bacteria and fungi, microbial grazing nematodes help return nitrogen to the soil through their waste. This makes the nitrogen available again for plant use, improving plant growth. Nematodes bring other species into the soil food web, too. Some bacteria survive the nematode gut and are
Above: A researcher from the University of Oregon, Ashley Shaw (not shown) is studying compost additions to rangelands and determining the effects on soil carbon and plant growth. Compost also changes the soil food web, including the number and diversity of nematodes.
deposited along with nematodes’ waste products. Still more hitch a ride on the outside of nematodes’ bodies. As nematodes move around in soil, they deposit bacteria in new places, spreading them around. The bacteria can contribute to and speed the process of decomposition, returning carbon to the soil for storage. But most good things have a limit. At high populations, nematodes that feed on bacteria and fungi can reduce their populations. This can lead to lower decomposition and nutrient turnover rates by bacteria and fungi, even lowering plant growth. Plant parasitic nematodes attack roots using a piercing tool in their mouth. This “stylet” punctures plant cells so it can suck out carbon-rich juices.
Some nematodes release chemicals that cause lesions or tumor-like growths on roots. They drain the plant’s strength above- and belowground. In small populations, plant parasitic nematodes can stimulate root growth, but in high numbers they destroy roots, stunt aboveground growth and cause disease. Lower plant growth (of both roots and shoots) leads to less return of organic material to soil, and eventually, low soil carbon. While the nematode species responsible for plant diseases have received a lot of attention, far less is known about the nonparasitic part of the soil nematode community, which plays a mostly beneficial role in soil. Ensuring a balance between beneficial and plant parasitic nematode groups is important for plant health and its contributions to soil carbon. Generally, plant-root parasitic nematodes harm plant growth and microbial-feeding nematodes improve it, but other nematodes are also important. For example, predatory nematodes play an important role in regulating populations of plant-parasitic and microbial-feeding nematodes. Through their feeding, they keep populations of plant parasites and microbial feeding nematodes in check, optimizing plant growth.
However, predatory nematodes are also highly sensitive to environmental changes. Their populations often decline with soil disturbances such as pesticide use, fertilization, tilling or soil compaction. Situations where soil is heavily managed often lead to low predator populations and higher populations of harmful groups. Predators are also sensitive to changes in rain and temperature, which can cause an imbalance toward harmful groups. My current research is examining how active land management practices can help boost beneficial nematode groups in soil by improving habitat. We are studying compost additions to rangelands and whether they can improve soil carbon storage and plant growth.

Above: Predatory nematodes, such as that shown here, attack and devour other nematodes. Through their feeding, predatory nematodes keep populations of plant parasites and microbial feeding nematodes in check, optimizing plant growth. Image courtesy of Ashley Shaw
continued on pg. 56
– Ashley Shaw
Compost directly provides nutrients and increases soil water retention, improving plant growth. Compost is also changing the soil food web in ways not seen in some of the other treatments in our study plots. We think that the organic matter in the compost improves habitat for predators, supporting the long and complex soil food webs with abundant predatory nematodes that help keep root parasitic nematode populations in check. The result is that plant disease and root parasitism have declined, leading to greater plant growth and root carbon inputs under compost treatments, which benefits soil carbon storage. The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is a progressive, international scientific society that fosters the transfer of knowledge and practices

After collecting soil samples, Ashley Shaw and her research group inspect nematodes by extracting them into water and examining them in a dish using a microscope. Shown is a diverse grouping of nematodes (longer, worm-like structures) along with a tardigrade and some small soil debris that made it through the extraction process. Image courtesy of Ashley Shaw
to sustain global soils. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, SSSA is the professional home for 6,000plus members dedicated to advancing the field of soil science. It provides information about soils in relation to crop production, environmental quality, ecosystem sustainability, bioremediation, waste management, recycling and wise land use. Follow SSSA on Facebook at SSSA.soils and Twitter at SSSA_Soils. SSSA provides soils information on www.soils.org/about-soils, for teachers at www.soils4teachers.org and for students through 12th grade, www.soils4kids.org.
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