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Soil Science Society of America
methods to precipitate the struvite from the wastewater.
Their field studies also showed that struvite’s slow release of phosphorus may benefit the environment.
2022 marked the 50-year anniversary of the Clean Water Act. This Act aims to restore and maintain the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the nation’s water resources.
Struvite could play a future role in accomplishing the objectives of the Clean Water Act. Struvite may also play an integral role in supporting the sustainability of agriculture and food production with recycled nutrient fertilizer sources. continued on pg. 26
Research about struvite and its uses will help keep people fed and protect the environment, just as the Clean Water Act envisioned.
Drs. Brye and Greenlee recently published their research in “Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment Journal,” a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the Crop Science Society of America.
Reuse Phosphorus on Farmland . . . continued from pg. 25
To learn more about this important work, visit the Soils Matter blog: https://soilsmatter.wordpress. com/2022/02/15/what-is-struviteand-how-is-it-used.
The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is a progressive, international scientific society that fosters the transfer of knowledge and practices to sustain global soils.
Based in Madison, Wisconsin, SSSA is the professional home for 6,000+ members dedicated to advancing the field of soil science. It provides information about soils in relation to crop production, environmental quality, ecosystem sustainability, bioremediation, waste management, recycling, and wise land use.
Follow SSSA on Facebook at SSSA.
Above: At left, struvite is pelletized and chemically precipitated by Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc. Recovering struvite from wastewater can benefit the environment. At right, the powdered, electrochemically precipitated struvite was created in the laboratory from synthetic wastewater. Photo courtesy of Niyi Omidire soils, and Twitter at SSSA_Soils. SSSA has soils information on www.soils. org/about-soils, for teachers at www.soils4teachers.org, and for students through 12th grade, www.soils4kids.org.


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