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Golfers Hit the Links for 2023 Spud Seed Classic
Ag Industry showed up at Bass Lake Golf Course in full force for annual fundraiser
Well, the weather outside was delightful for the 2023 Spud Seed Classic golf tournament, June 16, at Bass Lake Golf Course in Deerbrook, Wisconsin, and turnout for the fundraiser was equally fantastic.

Forty-two teams of four players each (some with three) hit the links for a day of golf, camaraderie, competition, games, drawings and delicious food and drinks.
An annual fundraiser put on by the Wisconsin Seed Potato Improvement Association (WSPIA), the Spud Seed Classic raises money toward research and research station needs, as well as promotion of the state’s certified seed potato program and industry. Garnering incredible support each year, potato and vegetable growers, associated businesses, university researchers and guests arrive in full force for the golf tournament, dinner, and awards ceremony.
Timed after planting in most areas is complete, the golf outing serves as a way for growers and industry professionals to unwind, relax, and have fun golfing with friends and industry peers.

The event was a resounding success, and thanks to the generosity of tournament sponsors, the 2023 Spud Seed Classic raised $23,600, a near identical repeat of last year.
Since 1998, the fundraiser, previously known as the Tony Gallenberg Memorial Golf Tournament, has raised well over $170,000, with proceeds invested directly back into the industry.

Generous Sponsors
The 2023 Spud Seed Classic sponsors are Ag Logistics, Inc.; AgCountry Farm Credit Services; Big Iron Equipment, Inc.; BMO Harris Bank; Bushman’s Riverside Ranch; Cropping Central LLC; Kretz Truck Brokerage LLC; Nichino America, Inc.; Northwestern
Left: Keith Wanta of Rural Mutual Insurance rolls a die at the Eagle River Seed Farm sponsored hole for a chance at a gift card good toward an Eagle River restaurant. His teammate, Derek Van Lanen (right), waits his turn.
Right: Playing for Baginski Farms, Charlie Husnick hits a ball out of the sand trap while, behind him from left to right, teammates Cory Chrudimsky, Mike Baginski and Wally Eagle relish the scene.
Mutual Wealth Management Company; Nutrien Ag SolutionsGreat Lakes; Sand County Equipment; Schroeder Bros. Farms, Inc.; Schumitsch Companies; Swiderski Equipment, Inc.; Syngenta; TriEst Ag Group; Vista Financial Services;

With awards for 1st, 2nd, 7th, and last place, taking 7th Place in the Spud Seed Classic is never a bad thing, here accomplished with a score of 61 by, from left to right, Kenton
Volm Companies; and WSPIA.
Occupied hole sponsors CoVantage Credit Union, Eagle River Seed Farm LLC, Oro Agri, Parsons of Antigo, Sunnydale Farms, Vista Financial Strategies, WIPFLI, LLP, and WSPIA doled out prizes, gift packages, beverages, and swag.

Nearly 20 additional companies made monetary and raffle prize donations to the event. See the full-page Spud Seed Classic “Thank You” ad in this issue.

Pam Jansen and the staff at Bass Lake Golf Course prepared a delicious dinner buffet followed by the WSPIA

Spud Seed Classic Awards Ceremony, during which top golfers and raffle prize winners were announced.
Kyle Mattek of J.W. Mattek & Sons took home a 65-inch LG UHD (UltraHigh Definition) TV, and Carl Phillips, there playing for I-State Truck Center, won the raffle ticket drawing for a Bubbl’r bean bags game donated by Pepsi.

More than 15 prizes were awarded for such feats as longest putt at a certain hole, shortest drive at another or closest to the cart path at a third. For being closest to the pin on the par-3 eighth Tony Gallenberg Hole, Tyler Hegewald of Bushman & Associates pocketed a cool $500.

Heartfelt appreciation is extended to Jansen and Jim Pukall of Bass
Left: Playing for Team Harriston-Mayo and Mt. Morris Insurance Company, Shane Senn hits a chip shot.

Right: Representing Team Syngenta are, from left to right, Ron Krueger, Tamas Houlihan, Dave Flakne, and Steve Diercks.
Lake Golf Course, and of course Karen Rasmussen and Julie Braun of the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association for planning and executing a fun and fruitful golf outing. Considering the great turnout and generosity of golfers and sponsors, the industry can certainly look forward to the Spud Seed Classic being back at Bass Lake Golf Course in 2024. continued on pg. 32

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Dinner Sponsor
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
Lunch Sponsors
Nichino America, Inc. Schumitsch Companies
Goldrush Sponsors
Syngenta WSPIA
Ag Logistics, Inc.
Bushman’s Riverside R anch
Kretz Truck Brokerage LLC
Volm Companies
Big Iron Equipment, Inc.
BMO Harris Bank
Cropping Central LLC
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company
Nutrien Ag Solutions-Great Lakes
Sand County Equipment
Schroeder Bros. Farms, Inc.
Swiderski Equipment, Inc.
TriEs t Ag Group
Vista Financial Strategi es
Occupied Hole Sponsors
CoVantage Credit Union
Eagle River Seeed Farm LLC
Oro Agri
Arlen’s TV & Appliances
Beaver Machine, Inc.
C ulver’s/Tony’s Family
Fairchild Equipm ent, Inc.
Gallenberg Farms, Inc.
Gow an USA A
Harriston-May o LLC
Ins ight FS
IState Truck Center
J. W. M attek & Sons, I nc.
AgSour ce Laboratories
Badger Common’Tater
Bass Lake Golf Course
Culver ’s of Antigo
Dixie Lunch
Fifth Avenue Lounge
Lakeside Market
Parsons of Antigo
Sunnydale Farms
Vista Financial Strategies
Wipfli, LLP
Basic Hole Sponsors
J ay-Mar, Inc.
K akes Farms, Ltd.
K erberRos e CPAs
M t. M orris M utual Ins urance
C o.
Nelson’s Vegetable Storage Systems
Nutrien Ag Solutions-G reat
Lak es
Quinlan’s Equipm ent, Inc.
Mid-State Truck Service
Nor th Star Lanes
Per outka’s Meats
Riesterer & Schnell, Inc.
Rur al Insur ance, Antigo Salon 731
Riesterer & Schnell, I nc.
Rob erts Irrigation C ompany
Southsid e Tire C o., I nc.
Sowinski Seed Farm
T H Ag ri-C hem icals, I nc.
T.I.P., Inc.
Vine Vest North, Inc.
Warner & Warner, Inc.
Schroeder ’s Gifts
Swartzendruber’s Supper Club
Swiderski Equipment, Antigo