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Faculty publications
nadia abuelezam
Abuelezam, N. N., El-Sayed, A. M., Galea, S., & Gordon, N. P. (2021). Health Risks and Chronic Health Conditions among Arab Americans and White Adults in Northern California. Ethnicity & Disease, 31(2), 235–242. DOI: 10.18865/ed.31.2.235
ann burgess
Burgess, A. W., & Constantine, S. M. (2021). A Killer by Design: Murderers, Mindhunters, and My Quest to Decipher the Criminal Mind. Hachette Books.
lindsey (horrell) camp
Lazard, A., Collins, M., Hedrick, A., Horrell, L., Varma, T., Valle, C. G., … Benedict, C. (2021). Initiation and Changes in Use of Social Media for Peer Support Among Young Adult Cancer Patients and Survivors. Psycho-Oncology. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1002/pon.5758
Valle, C. G., Pinto, B. M., LaRose, J. G., Diamond, M., Horrell, L., Nezami, B., … Tate, D. (2021). Promoting Physical Activity in Young Adult Cancer Survivors Using mHealth and Adaptive Tailored Feedback Strategies: Design of the Improving Physical Activity after Cancer Treatment (IMPACT) Randomized Controlled Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 103, 106293. DOI: 10.1016/ j.cct.2021.106293
Horrell, L., Hayes, S., Herbert, L., MacTurk, K., Lawhon, L., Valle, C., & Bhowmick, A. (2021). Telemedicine Use and Health-Related Concerns of Patients with Chronic Conditions During COVID-19: Survey of Members of Online Health Communities. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), e23795. DOI: 10.2196/23795
melissa capotosto
Pérez Capotosto, M., & O’Reilly-Jacob, M. K. (2021). Promoting Fertility Awareness to Improve the Appropriate Use of Infertility Treatment: Considerations for the “Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act.” Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs.
Julie dunne
Dunne, J. P., Shindul-Rothschild, J., … White, L., Lee, C. S., & Wolfe, B. E. (2021). Mindfulness in Persons with Anorexia Nervosa and the Relationships between Eating Disorder Symptomology, Anxiety and Pain. Eating Disorders, 29(5), 497–508. DOI: 10640266.2019.1688009/10.1080
andrew dwyer
Kocher, A., Ndosi, M., Denhaerynck, K., Simon, M., Dwyer, A. A., Distler, O., … Nicca, D. (2021). A Rare Disease Patient-Reported Outcome Measure: Revision and Validation of the German Version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) Using the Rasch Model. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16(1), 356. DOI: 10.1186/ s13023-021-01944-9
Dwyer, A. A., Zeng, Z., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Validating Online Approaches for Rare Disease Research Using Latent Class Mixture Modeling. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16(1), 209. DOI: 10.1186/ s13023-021-01827-z
Dwyer, A. A., Shen, H., Zeng, Z., Gregas, M., & Zhao, M. (2021). Framing Effects on Decision-Making for Diagnostic Genetic Testing: Results from a Randomized Trial. Genes, 12(6). 941. DOI: 10.3390/genes12060941
Escagedo, P. D., Deal, C. L., Dwyer, A. A., & Hauschild, M. (2021). Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, but Not Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 3, Predicts Central Precocious Puberty in Girls 6-8 Years Old: A Retrospective Study. Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 94(1-2), 44–51. DOI: 10.1159/000516361
Kocher, A., Simon, M., Dwyer, A. A., Blatter, C., Bogdanovic, J., Künzler-Heule, P., … Nicca, D. (2021). Patient and Healthcare Professional eHealth Literacy and Needs for Systemic Sclerosis Support: A Mixed Methods Study. RMD Open, 7(3). DOI: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-001783
Dwyer, A. A., & Greenspan, D. L. (2021). Endocrine Nurses Society Position Statement on Transgender and Gender Diverse Care. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 5(8), bvab105. DOI: 10.1210/ jendso/bvab105
Joyce edmonds
Edmonds, J. K., Woodbury, S. R., Lipsitz, S. R., Weiseth, A., Farrell, M. E., Shah, N. T., … Gregory, K. D. (2021). Comparing Methods of Identifying Outlying Nurses in Audits of Low-Risk Cesarean Delivery Rates. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1097/ NCQ.0000000000000588
Heelan-Fancher, L., & Edmonds, J. K. (2021). Intrapartum Nurses’ Beliefs Regarding Birth, Birth Practices, and Labor Support. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing: JOGNN. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1016/ j.jogn.2021.07.004
Edmonds, J. K., Declercq, E., & Sakala, C. (2021). Women’s Childbirth Experiences: A Content Analysis from the “Listening to Mothers in California” Survey. Birth, 48(2), 221–229. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12531
Jane flanagan
Flanagan, J. M. (2021). Book Review: A Handbook for Caring Science: Expanding the Paradigm. Rosa, W., Horton-Deutsch, S., & Watson, J. (Eds.). Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(4), 465–467. DOI: 10.1177/08943184211031596
Flanagan, J. M., Turkel, M., & Smith, M. (2021). Nursing Knowledge in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Curriculum. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(3), 268–274. DOI: 10.1177/08943184211010458
Flanagan, J. M., & Caldeira, S. (2021). Spiritual Distress in Cancer Patients Initiating Chemotherapy: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(5), 578–584. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12670
Flanagan, J. M., Post, K., Hill, R., & Winters, L. (2021). Findings from a Provider-Led, MindfulnessBased Internet-Streamed Yoga Video Addressing the Psychological Outcomes of Breast Cancer Survivors. Holistic Nursing Practice, 35(5), 281–289. DOI: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000465
Flanagan, J. M., Read, C. E., & Shindul-Rothschild, J. (2020). Factors Associated with the Rate of Sepsis after Surgery. Critical Care Nurse, 40(5), e1–e9. DOI: 10.4037/ccn2020171
susan gennaro
Gennaro, S. (2021). Text Recycling and Salami Slicing. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(5), 531–532. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12700
Hayes, C., Wood, L. J., Gaden, N. W., Gennaro, S., Gross, A. H., Hudson-Jinks, T. M., … Van Pelt, M. (2021). The Dual Epidemics of 2020: Nursing Leaders’ Reflections in the Context of Whole Person/Whole Systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 243–252. DOI: 10.1097/ NAQ.0000000000000475
Gennaro, S. (2021). The Great Unmasking of 2021. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(4), 391–392. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12688
Gennaro, S. (2021). What a Difference a Year Makes. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(2), 141–142.
katherine gregory
Filatava, E. J., Shelly, C. E., Thai, J., Pados, B. F., Rostas, S., Yamamoto, H., … Gregory, K. (2021). Elevated Intestinal Inflammation in Preterm Infants with Signs and Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Biological Research for Nursing, 23(3), 524–532. DOI: 10.1177/1099800420987888
Pados, B. F., Briceno, G., Feaster, V., & Gregory, K. (2021). Preterm Infants Born Before 32 Weeks Gestation Experience More Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux in the First 6 Months of Life
than Infants Born at Later Gestational Ages. Pediatric Medicine, 4(12). DOI: 10.21037/pm-20-100
Reale, S. C., Lumbreras-Marquez, M. I., King, C. H., Burns, S. L., Fields, K. G., … Gregory, K. E., Huybrechts, K. F., & Bateman, B. T. (2021). Patient Characteristics Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Parturients Admitted for Labour and Delivery in Massachusetts During the Spring 2020 Surge: A Prospective Cohort Study. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 35(1), 24–33. DOI: 10.1111/ppe.12743
Belfort, M. B., Qureshi, F., Litt, J., Bosquet Enlow, M., De Vivo, I., Gregory, K. E., & Tiemeier H. (2021). Telomere Length Shortening in Hospitalized Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study. PLoS One, 16(1), e0243468. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243468
Pathrose, S. P., Spence, K., Taylor, C., Psalia, K., Schmied, V., Dahlen, N., Gregory, K. E., Peters, K., & Foster, J. (2021). A Cross-Sectional Survey of Enteral Feeding Tube Placement and Gastric Residual Aspiration Practices: Need for an Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline. Advances in Neonatal Care, 21(5), 418–424. DOI: 10.1097/ ANC.0000000000000822
Riley, J., Cherkerzian, S., Benjamin, C., Belfort, M. B., Sen, S., Drouin, K., & Gregory, K. E. (2021). Clinical Characteristics and Breastfeeding Outcomes in Term Dyads Following In-Hospital Supplementation with Pasteurized Donor Human Milk or Formula. Breastfeeding Medicine, 16(9), 717–724. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2020.0337
elizabeth howard
Howard, E. P., Retalic, T., Rogan, J., Murphy, K., Swaminathan, S., & Altschuler, A. (2021). ArtontheBrain: Results of Pilot Project Among Long-term Care Residents. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 14(5), 235–243. DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20210825-03
Howard, E., Morris, J. N., Schachter, E., Schwarzkopf, R., Shepard, N., & Buchanan, E. R. (2021). Machine-Learning Modeling to Predict Hospital Readmission Following Discharge to Post-Acute Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(5), 1067–1077. DOI: 10.1016/ j.jamda.2020.12.017
corrine Jurgens
Sandau, K. E., Lee, C. S., Faulkner, K. M., Pozehl, B., Eckman, P., Garberich, R., … Cowger, J. A. (2021). Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (QOLVAD) Questionnaire: Initial Psychometrics of a New Instrument. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(2), 172–184. DOI: 10.1097/ JCN.0000000000000774
christopher lee
Bessette, H., Song, M., Lyons, K. S., Stoyles, S., Lee, C. S., Hansen, L., & Winters-Stone, K. (2021). Enrolling Caregivers in Obesity Interventions to Improve Obesity-Related Outcomes in Children. Western Journal of Nursing Research. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1177/ 01939459211037057
Jones, K. F., Fu, M. R., Merlin, J. S., Paice, J. A., Bernacki, R., Lee, C., & Wood, L. J. (2021). Exploring Factors Associated with Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Cancer Survivors: An Integrative Review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61(2), 395–415. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.08.015
Pavlovic, N. V., Gilotra, N. A., Lee, C. S., Ndumele, C., Mammos, D., Dennisonhimmelfarb, C., & Abshire Saylor, M. (2021). Fatigue in Persons with Heart Failure: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Synthesis Using the Biopsychosocial Model of Health. Journal of Cardiac Failure. DOI: 10.1016/ j.cardfail.2021.07.005
Davis, M. R., Lee, C. S., Corcoran, A., Gupta, N., Uchmanowicz, I., & Denfeld, Q. E. (2021). Gender Differences in the Prevalence of Frailty in Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Cardiology, 333, 133–140. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.02.062
Sandau, K. E., Lee, C. S., Faulkner, K. M., Pozehl, B., Eckman, P., Garberich, R., … Cowger, J. A. (2021). Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (QOLVAD) Questionnaire: Initial Psychometrics of a New Instrument. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(2), 172–184. DOI: 10.1097/ JCN.0000000000000774
Dunne, J. P., Shindul-Rothschild, J., … White, L., Lee, C. S., & Wolfe, B. E. (2021). Mindfulness in Persons with Anorexia Nervosa and the Relationships Between Eating Disorder Symptomology, Anxiety and Pain. Eating Disorders, 29(5), 497–508. DOI: 10640266.2019.1688009/10.1080
Pucciarelli, G., Lyons, K. S., Simeone, S., Lee, C. S., Vellone, E., & Alvaro, R. (2021). Moderator Role of Mutuality on the Association between Depression and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivor-Caregiver Dyads. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(3), 245–253. DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000728
Moons, P., & Lee, C. S. (2021). One Year of Methods Corner: The Way Forward to Innovate Research in Cardiovascular Care. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(3), 181–182. DOI: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvab021
Iovino, P., Lyons, K. S., De Maria, M., Vellone, E., Ausili, D., Lee, C. S., … Matarese, M. (2021). Patient and Caregiver Contributions to Self-Care in Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Multilevel Modelling Analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 116, 103574. DOI: 10.1016/ j.ijnurstu.2020.103574
Bonds, K., Song, M., Whitlatch, C. J., Lyons, K. S., Kaye, J. A., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Patterns of Dyadic Appraisal of Decision-Making Involvement of African American Persons Living with Dementia. The Gerontologist, 61(3), 383–391. DOI: 10.1093/ geront/gnaa086
Pados, B. F., Hill, R. R., Yamasaki, J. T., Litt, J. S., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Prevalence of Problematic Feeding in Young Children Born Prematurely: A Meta-Analysis. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 110. DOI: 10.1186/s12887-021-02574-7
Faulkner, K. M., MacDonald, K., Abraham, I., Alhossan, A., & Lee, C. S. (2021). “Real-World” Effectiveness of Omalizumab in Adults with Severe Allergic Asthma: A Meta-Analysis. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 17(1), 73–83. DOI: 10.1080/1744666X.2020.1856658
Jaarsma, T., Strömberg, A., Dunbar, S. B., Fitzsimons, D., Lee, C., Middleton, S., … Riegel, B. (2021). Self-Care Research: How to Grow the Evidence Base? (reprint). International Journal of Nursing Studies, 116, 103903. DOI: 10.1016 /j.ijnurstu.2021.103903
Riegel, B., Dunbar, S. B., Fitzsimons, D., Freedland, K. E., Lee, C. S., Middleton, S., … Jaarsma, T. (2021). Self-Care Research: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? International Journal of Nursing Studies, 116, 103402. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103402
Winters-Stone, K. M., Lyons, K. S., Dieckmann, N. F., Lee, C. S., Mitri, Z., & Beer, T. M. (2021). Study Protocol for the Exercising Together© Trial: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Partnered Exercise for Couples Coping with Cancer. Trials, 22(1), 579. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05548-3
Hansen, L., Chang, M. F., Hiatt, S., Dieckmann, N. F., Lyons, K. S., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Symptom Frequency and Distress Underestimated in Decompensated Cirrhosis. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s10620-021-07216-7
Lyons, K. S., Johnson, S. H., & Lee, C. S. (2021). The Role of Symptom Appraisal, Concealment and Social Support in Optimizing Dyadic Mental Health in Heart Failure. Aging and Mental Health, 25(4), 734–741. DOI: 10.1080/ 13607863.2020.1711866
Dwyer, A. A. A., Zeng, Z., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Validating Online Approaches for Rare Disease
Research Using Latent Class Mixture Modeling. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16(1), 209. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-021-01827-z
karen lyons
Bessette, H., Song, M., Lyons, K. S., Stoyles, S., Lee, C. S., Hansen, L., & Winters-Stone, K. (2021). Enrolling Caregivers in Obesity Interventions to Improve Obesity-Related Outcomes in Children. Western Journal of Nursing Research. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1177/01939459211037057
Song, M., Hayman, L. L., Lyons, K. S., Dieckmann, N. F., & Musil, C. M. (2021). Assessing Cardiometabolic Health Risk Among U.S. Children Living in Grandparent-Headed Households. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, 331–339. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.09.003
Vitale, C., & Lyons, K. S. (2021). The State of Nurse Anesthetist Practice and Policy: An Integrative Review. AANA, 89(5), 403–413.
Lyons, K. S., Zajack, A., Greer, M., Chaimoy, H., Dieckmann, N. F., & Carter, J. H. (2021). Benefits of a Self-Management Program for the Couple Living with Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40(8), 881–889. DOI: 10.1177/0733464820918136
Hanan, D., & Lyons, K. S. (2021). Hospice Use Among Individuals with Severe Persistent Mental Illness. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 27(3), 213–221. DOI: 10.1177/ 1078390320910482
Pucciarelli, G., Lyons, K. S., Simeone, S., Lee, C. S., Vellone, E., & Alvaro, R. (2021). Moderator Role of Mutuality on the Association between Depression and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivor-Caregiver Dyads. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(3), 245–253. DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000728
Winters-Stone, K. M., Lyons, K. S., Dieckmann, N. F., Lee, C. S., Mitri, Z., & Beer, T. M. (2021). Study Protocol for the Exercising Together© Trial: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Partnered Exercise for Couples Coping with Cancer. Trials, 22(1), 579. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05548-3
Hansen, L., Chang, M. F., Hiatt, S., Dieckmann, N. F., Lyons, K. S., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Symptom Frequency and Distress Underestimated in Decompensated Cirrhosis. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s10620-021-07216-7
Arring, N. M., Millstine, D., Barton, D. L., Lyons, K. S., Girardo, M., Hutson, A., & Nail, L. M. (2021). Trends in Integrative Medicine and Health Consults: Differences between Cancer Survivors and Patients without Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(6), 3103–3112. DOI: 10.1007/s00520020-05815-0
Bonds, K., Epps, F., Lyons, K. S., Song, M., & Driessnack, M. (2021). Using Poetry as Data to Explore Daily and Formal Care Decision Making within African American Dementia Dyads. Geriatric Nursing, 42, 919–925. DOI: 10.1016/ j.gerinurse.2021.05.001
Bonds, K., Whitlatch, C. J., Song, M., & Lyons, K. S. (2021). Factors Influencing Quality of Life in African-American Dementia Dyads. Aging & Mental Health, 25(4), 703–710. DOI: 10.1080/ 13607863.2020.1711865
Lyons, K. S., Johnson, S. H., & Lee, C. S. (2021). The Role of Symptom Appraisal, Concealment and Social Support in Optimizing Dyadic Mental Health in Heart Failure. Aging and Mental Health, 25(4), 734–741. DOI: 13607863.2020.1711866
Kalim, S., Lyons, K. S., & Nigwekar, S. U. (2021). Opioids in Hemodialysis Patients. Seminars in Nephrology, 41(1), 24–32. DOI: 10.1016/ j.semnephrol.2021.02.003
Iovino, P., Lyons, K. S., De Maria, M., Vellone, E., Ausili, D., Lee, C. S., … Matarese, M. (2021). Patient and Caregiver Contributions to Self-Care in Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Multilevel Modelling Analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 116, 103574. DOI: 10.1016/j. ijnurstu.2020.103574
Bonds, K., Song, M., Whitlatch, C. J., Lyons, K. S., Kaye, J. A., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Patterns of Dyadic Appraisal of Decision-Making Involvement of African American Persons Living with Dementia. The Gerontologist, 61(3), 383–391. DOI: 10.1093/ geront/gnaa086
monica o’reilly-Jacob
Pérez Capotosto, M., & O’Reilly-Jacob, M. K. (2021). Promoting Fertility Awareness to Improve the Appropriate Use of Infertility Treatment: Considerations for the “Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act.” Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs.
O’Reilly-Jacob, M. K., Perloff, J., Berkowitz, S., & Bock, L. (2021). Nurse Practitioner-Owned Practices and Value-Based Payment. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000635
britt pados
Pados, B. F., Repsha, C., & Hill, R. R. (2021). The Gastrointestinal and Gastroesophageal Reflux (GIGER) Scale for Infants and Toddlers. Global Pediatric Health. DOI: 10.1177/2333794X211033130
Pados, B. F., & Feaster, V. (2021). Effect of Formula Type and Preparation on International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Thickness Level and Milk Flow Rates from Bottle Teats. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(1), 260–265. DOI: 10.1044/2020_AJSLP-20-00272
Pados, B. F., & Mellon, M. (2021). Effect of Thickening on Flow Rates through Bottle Nipples. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 50(1), 78–87. DOI: 10.1016/j.jogn.2020.09.153 Filatava, E. J., Shelly, C. E., Thai, J., Pados, B. F., Rostas, S., Yamamoto, H., … Gregory, K. (2021). Elevated Intestinal Inflammation in Preterm Infants with Signs and Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Biological Research for Nursing, 23(3), 524–532. DOI: 10.1177/ 1099800420987888
Pados, B. F. (2021). Milk Flow Rates from Bottle Nipples: What We Know and Why It Matters. Nursing for Women’s Health, 25(3), 229–235. DOI: 10.1016/j.nwh.2021.03.006
Pados, B. F., Briceno, G., Feaster, V., & Gregory, K. (2021). Preterm Infants Born Before 32 Weeks Gestation Experience More Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux in the First 6 Months of Life than Infants Born at Later Gestational Ages. Pediatric Medicine, 4(12). DOI: 10.21037/pm-20-100
Pados, B. F., Hill, R. R., Yamasaki, J. T., Litt, J. S., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Prevalence of Problematic Feeding in Young Children Born Prematurely: A Meta-Analysis. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 110. DOI: 10.1186/s12887-021-02574-7
christine repsha
Pados, B. F., Repsha, C., & Hill, R. R. (2021). The Gastrointestinal and Gastroesophageal Reflux (GIGER) Scale for Infants and Toddlers. Global Pediatric Health. DOI: 10.1177/2333794X211033130
melissa uveges
Schwartz, T. S., Christensen, K. D., Uveges, M., Waisbren, S. E., McGuire, A. L., Pereira, S., … Holm, I. A. (2021). Effects of Participation in a U.S. Trial of Newborn Genomic Sequencing on Parents at Risk for Depression. Journal of Genetic Counseling. DOI: 10.1002/jgc4.1475
Judith vessey
Vessey, J. A., Chen, A., & Kim, M. (2021). A Seat at the Table: Nursing Presence on Massachusetts Hospital Boards. Massachusetts Report on Nursing, 19(1), 5.
laura white
Dunne, J. P., Shindul-Rothschild, J., … White, L., Lee, C. S., & Wolfe, B. E. (2021). Mindfulness in Persons with Anorexia Nervosa and the Relationships between Eating Disorder Symptomology, Anxiety and Pain. Eating Disorders, 29(5), 497–508. DOI: 10640266.2019.1688009/10.1080
lisa wood
Jones, K. F., Fu, M. R., Merlin, J. S., Paice, J. A., Bernacki, R., Lee, C., & Wood, L. J. (2021). Exploring Factors Associated with Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Cancer Survivors: An Integrative Review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61(2), 395–415. DOI: 10.1016/j. jpainsymman.2020.08.015
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A unique Commencement for an extraordinary class
Some 100 Connell School students from the Connell School’s Class of 2020 returned to BC in October to celebrate their achievements more than a year after their graduation. Heena Nissaraly ’20, M.S. ’23, was CSON’s representative at the main Commencement ceremony. In his talk, Commencement speaker Steve Pemberton acknowledged that Nissaraly had invited a beloved former patient to the ceremony in lieu of her parents, who were unable to travel from their home in Madagascar. “Family is not just what you are born into,” he said, “it’s also who you find along the way.” View video at bc.edu/commencement.
Heena Nissaraly ’20, M.S. ’23 (right), with former patient Mary Moran at the October Commencement
Photo courtesy of Maura Cutting